Nabard 20-8-2008

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7 abS~ ANK FOR E AND RURAL LB “arta pf site aefior Pore da National # Vy excchccen EG “mmhor ay at tar A wafha a eee” AGRICULTUF DEVELOPMENT ara see data orate io peguoes OF COMMITTED SERVICE TO RURAL PROSPERITY 14-61, STG. net he AeiTaTe, a. 1869 ere nha Pradesh Regional Office Bexrare - 500 020 1-161, pC X Roads, Musheerabad, P.B.No.1863 Fa Ry py. nabiydasancharet ny 27612046 Wearttan grec aie gar fram ce wm /tet 8810 STD AT IR Department for Co-operative Revival and Reforms Sea trax 2796 oe 7 Js le ata 7 DCRR/ C-36(15) / 2008-09 25 F NB.APRO.(HYD)/ 20 August 2008 The|President Fr han frteny i a Zz Dear Sir, a ‘J y of . vfs Be a All Ceps waccon Implementation of Revival package for the CCS Structure in Andhra Pradesh - intment of Directors/CEOs of CCBs/SCB 0, Fit & Proper Criteria for oy ‘As you are aware, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has enacted the AP Cooperative Societies’ (Amendment) Act, 2007 as required under the revival package for the Cooperative Credit Structure. One of the amended provisions in the Act requires that appointment of CEO of the SCB/CCB by the respective Boards shall be on the basis of fit and proper criteria prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India. In this connection, we advise that Reserve Bank of India has on 18 June 2008 revised the Fit & Proper Criteria for the Directors and CEOs of the State Cooperative Bank and Central Cooperative Banks. A copy of the revised criteria is enclosed for your information. ( Appendix I) 2. In this connection, we also enclose the procedure to be followed to help the SCB/CCB to tackle possible situations arising out of implementation of the criteria prescribed by RBI. ( Appendix IT) 3, Further, we advise that SLIC has at its meeting held on O7August 2008 has approved the Constitution of Selection Committee as under, which will, upon requests made by the concerned Boards, conduct screening/interview for selection of CEO from the eligible candidates. Committee for selection of CEOs of CCBs President of CCB ‘Managing Director/CEO of APCOB Chief GeneralManager/Officer-in-Charge of NABARD Professional Director of the respective CCB Board F \ackup SharedRevival Pckage\IR NotnsguidlinesFi & prope cieia revised Scanned with CamScanner Committee for selection of CEOS of APCos to President of APCOB : fe Principal Secretary, Finance Dept. Principal Secretary, Agriculture & Cooperation Dept. Chief GeneralManager/Officer-in-Charge of NABARD Professional Director on the Board of APcog 4. Accordingly, you are requested to -take necessary steps as per the RBI / NABARD guidelines. Kindly arrange to submit the profile of the existing Board members of your DCCB vis-a-vis the criteria fixed as per pro forma enclosed in ‘Appendix IIT. Kindly treat this es Most Urgent and accord ‘top priority’ Yours faithfully, sy (SRAluru) Chief General Manager Encl* 5 sheets Endt. No. NB. APRO/447~ /DCRR/ C-36(15)/2008-09 of date, se forwarded for information & necessary action to : The Commissioner for Cooperation & RCS, Office of RCS, Govt. Of Andhra Pradesh, Gruhakalpa Building, (Opp.Gandhi Bhavan), Nampall, Hyderabad - 500 001 (li) The Managing Director, APCOB, Troop Bazaar, Hyderabad, (ili) The Chief General Manager, NABARD , DCRR, Head Office, Mumbai with reference to his TOM No. NB.DCRR/371/E-1/2008-09 dated 06 ‘August 2008 (il) The Asst. General Manager, (District Development), NABARD, All districts, Ww “al t (R.S.Jagdale) DeputyGeneral Manager Encl: 5 sheets PaBackupiShaed\evivalPachageHIR Norms guidelines & pop sitria revised Scanned with CamScanner : Appendix T gs Fit and Proper Criteria prescribed by gne Reserve Banke for Directors and CE, EQs of wi State Cooperative Banks and Central ty of erative Banks (as revised on 18June 2908) Position Citas Director | : (Elected 1. The provisions of the bye-lays of the bank, in question, and | Members) the concemed State Cooperative Societies’ Act shall be \ ative adhered to by the Election Autho,ity in the matter. 2. A declaration as in Annex | ghall be obtained from each elected director. A special Boarg.level committee shall be set up by the elected Board to satisfy itself about the information provided by the directors in the declaration. oo Professional | 1. There shall be at least three girectors on the Board with a Director minimum of five years’ work experience in any of the following fields : Accountancy (Qualified Chartered / Cost Accountant) ji, Agriculture (Agricultural Graduate/Post- graduate/Agricultural Engineer) ii, Banking (At senior management level, being @ graduate) iv. Finance / Economies / Commerce / Business Administration ( CFA / Post-graduate in Economies! Commerce/ Finance / Management / MBA) v. Law (Law Graduate/Post-graduate) 2. In case elected members do not possess prescribed qualifications/experience as above, the Board shall co-opt requisite number of professionals with such prescribed qualifications/experience as directors to ensure that there are at least three directors with the prescribed Scanned with CamScanner 4 qualifi full voting rights, 3. Any pe'S°n who has had a business relations| bank, in a22Stion, during the last 3 preceding years will not Pe eligible. 4, The ©0-Pted director will undertake that he/she will not take up @"Y Professional work (statutory audit, concurrent audit, legal Ttainership or empanelment as a lawyer, etc.) in any bank other than State Cooperative Banks / Central Cooperative Banks / Urban Cooperative Banks during his/her term as director of the bank and in the same bank till two years after demitting Office of the director of that bank. 5. Further, @ declaration as in Annex | shall be obtained from a co-opted director at the time of his/her appointment. The Board-level committee, as mentioned above, shall undertake a process of due diligence in respect of each co-opted director relying on information given in the declaration hip with the Scanned with CamScanner bre _——_ — —————— | & Clsof Executive 4. The person may preferably not be above 55 years of age Officer (CEO) at the time of appointment, 2, The person to be appointed as CEO shall have minimum ‘educational qualification in any of the following fields : i. A Graduate with CAliBy pBF/ Diploma in Cooperative Business Management or equivalent qualification ji, Accountancy (Chartereq/ Cost Accountant) iii, Agriculture (Agricultural Graduate! Post-graduate) iv. Finance! Economics) Business Administration (CFA! Post-graduate in Economics/ MBA) v. Law (Law Graduate/ Post-graduate) vi. Engineering (B.E. or equivalent) 3, The person shall have at least eight years’ work experience at the middle/ senior level in the banking sector. 4, The Board of the bank, in question, / Selection Committee should also undertake a process of due diligence in respect of the person, relying on information to be obtained from him/her as in Annex |, before appointment. Scanned with CamScanner Annex | Details Personal details of the candidaig Full name Date of Birth afole/» Educational Qualifications Relevant Background and Experi [ - ‘Peri including details of currentiprevioug occupation L e f Permanent Address E-mail address/Telephone number 9 Present address h Permanent Account number under the | Income Tax Act and name and address of Income Tax Circle Record of _ relevant professional achievements Relevant knowledge and experience ‘Any other information relevant for the purpose Relevant relationships List of relatives if any who are connected with the bank List of entities if any in which helshe is considered as interested Fund and non-fund facilities, if any, presently availed by him/her and/or by entities listed in 'b' above from bank Cases, if any, where the candidate or entities listed in b' above are in default or have been in default in the last five years in respect of credit facilities obtained from the bank or any other bank ml Proceedings, if any, against the candidate If the candidate is a member of a professional association/body, details of disciplinary action, if any, pending or commenced or resulting in conviction in the past against him/her or whether he/she has been banned from entry into any profession/occupation at any time. Details of prosecution, if any, pending or comfnenced or resulting in conviction in the past against the candidate and/or against any of the entities listed in II(b) for_violation_of economic _laws_and Scanned with CamScanner ese posse, any, r Farin aced or resulting in v = Details com! ast AVE years against ic or in the eof any of the entities aH delegon Subject to any Fesie) above the instance of ettamett or agency? ope at any time been Te Pias the ot gylttaton of found —_gUlllY aagislative ions/e9" customs/excise! exchange/other if so give irements ee taforelan authorities: information axpranationlinform [Any er ofan for judging [|__| an proper_——— Undertaking ation is to the best of my knowledge and belief | confirm that the above inform: : true and complete. | undertake to keep the bank fully informed, as soon as possible, of all events, which take place subsequent to my appointment, which vration provided above, are relevant to the infor revenue particulars. Signature Place: Date: Scanned with CamScanner Profile of Board members of SCB/DCCB “te DCCB: . Date of Constitution of the existing Board & its tenure Total number of members of the Board as per Bye-law: Total number of vacancies on the Board Profile: ——ryneiher _ | nominated, paras | We ihe SLNo. [Name ofthe ] Age — | Qualification ‘dent, _| clected/nomt jsation Bead Gresidents ated sepresented ee President, and the brief Director) terms of deputation vtachunSharedRevival PackacesIR Norms videliesFit& eroer eters revited Scanned with CamScanner Pe

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