BCA245 - Web Technology Laboratory

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Savitribai Phule Pune University





Web Technology Laboratory



College Name:_________________________________________

Roll No. ___________________ Division ___________________

Academic Year ____________

From the Chairman’s Desk

It gives me a great pleasure to present this workbook prepared by the Board of studies in
Computer Applications.

The workbook has been prepared with the objectives of bringing uniformity in implementation
of lab assignments across all affiliated colleges, act as a ready reference for both fast and slow
learners and facilitate continuous assessment using clearly defined rubrics.

The workbook provides, for each of the assignments, the aims, pre-requisites, related
theoretical concepts with suitable examples wherever necessary, guidelines for the faculty/lab
administrator, instructions for the students to perform assignments and a set of exercises
divided into three sets.

I am thankful to the Chairman of this course and the entire team of editors. I am also thankful
to the reviewers and members of BOS, Mr. Rahul Patil and Mr. Arun Gangarde. I thank all
members of BOS and everyone who have contributed directly or indirectly for the preparation
of the workbook.

Constructive criticism is welcome and to be communicated to the Chairman of the Course and
overall coordinator Mr. Rahul Patil. Affiliated colleges are requested to collect feedbacks from
the students for the further improvements.

I am thankful to Hon. Vice Chancellor of Savitribai Phule Pune University Prof. Dr. Nitin
Karmalkar and the Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology Prof. Dr. M G Chaskar for their
support and guidance.

Prof. Dr. S S Sane

Chairman, BOS in Computer Applications

SPPU, Pune


Sr. No. Assignment Name Teacher Name College Name

1. PHP Programming Dr. Pallawi Bulakh PES Modern College
2. Use of Functions Prof. Abhishek Awate VP Arts, Science &
Commerce College, Baramati
3. Use of Arrays Prof. Umesh Ahire VP Arts, Science &
Commerce College, Baramati
4. Use of Inheritance Dr. Dipali Meher PES Modern College
and interfaces Ganeshkhind
5. Accessing Prof. Rasika MES Abasaheb Garware
Databases Deshmukh College
6 USE of XML and Dr. Dipali Meher PES Modern College
AJAX Prof. Umesh Ahire Ganeshkhind
VP Arts, Science &
Commerce College, Baramati

Compiled By:

Dr. Dipali Meher( Chairman, Web technology Laboratory)

PES Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune 16

Reviewed By:

1. Prof. Arun Gangarde

New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar

2. Prof. Rahul Patil

KTHM College, Nashik.
BOS, BCA (Science)


About the workbook:

This workbook is intended to be used by S.Y.B.C.A. (Science) students for theBCA245 –

Web Technology Laboratory Assignments in Semester–IV.This workbook is designed by
considering all the practical concepts topics mentioned insyllabus.

1. The objectives of this workbook are:

1) Defining the scope of the course.
2) To bring the uniformity in the practical conduction and implementation in all
collegesaffiliated to SPPU.
3) To have continuous assessment of the course and students.
4) Providing ready reference for the students during practical implementation.
5) Provide more options to students so that they can have good practice before
facing theexamination.
6) Catering to the demand of slow and fast learners and accordingly providing the
practice assignments to them.

2. How to use this workbook:

The workbook is divided into 6 assignments. Each assignment has three SETs. It
ismandatory for students to complete SET A, SET B and SET C in given slot.

Instructions to the students

Please read the following instructions carefully and follow them.

Students are expected to carry this book every time when they come to the labfor
computer science practical.

1. Students should prepare themselves beforehand for the Assignment by readingthe

relevant material.
2. Instructor will specify which problems to solve in the lab during the allotted
slotand student should complete them and get verified by the instructor.
Howeverstudent should spend additional hours in Lab and at home to cover as
manyproblems as possible given in this work book.
3. Students will be assessed for each exercise on a scale from 0 to 5.

Not done 0

Incomplete 1

Late Complete 2

Needs improvement 3

Complete 4

Well Done 5

Guidelines for Instructors

1. Explain the assignment and related concepts in around ten minutes using
whiteboard ifrequired or by demonstrating the software.
2. You should evaluate each assignment carried out by a student on a scale of 5 as
specifiedabove by ticking appropriate box.
3. The value should also be entered on assignment completion page of the

Guidelines for Lab Administrator

You have to ensure appropriate hardware and software is available to each student
in the Lab.
The operating system and software requirements on server side and also client
side are as given below:

1) Server and Client Side - (Operating System )Linux (Ubuntu/Red Hat/Fedora) –

any distribution, IIS server
2) Database server – PostgreSQL 7.0 onwards.

Table of Contents

Assignment No. 1 PHP Programming Page Number 8

Assignment No. 2 Functions Page Number 13

Assignment No. 3 Arrays Page Number 19

Assignment No. 4 Inheritance and Interfaces Page Number 23

Assignment No. 5 Accessing Databases (PostgreSQL) Page Number 31

Assignment No. 6 XML and AJAX Page Number 36

Assignment Completion Sheet

Subject: BCA-245-Web Technology Laboratory

Sr. No. Assignment Name Marks (Out of Teacher’s Sign


1 PHP Programming

2 Use of Functions

3 Use of Arrays

4 Use of Inheritance and Interfaces

5 Accessing Databases (PostgreSQL)

6 Use of XML and AJAX

Total Out of 30

Total Out of 15


This is to certify that


has successfully completed BCA-245- Web technology

Laboratorycourse in the year _______________ and

his/her seat number is ___________. He/She has scored

mark ______ out of 15.

Instructor H.O.D./Coordinator

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Assignment Number 1: PHP Programming

Aim: To study simple programmes in PHP using flow control statements.


 Knowledge of C/CPP programming language

Guidelines for Teachers/Instructors:

 Demonstration of variable declaration and loop syntax

Instructions for Students:

 Students must read theory and syntax for solving programmes before his/her
practical slot.
 Solve SET A, B or C assigned by instructor in allocated slots only.


PHP is server-side scripting language which is used to create dynamic web page. The
long form of PHP is “Hypertext Preprocessor”. Which is recursive. A script is a set of
programming instructions that is interpreted at runtime. A scripting language that
interprets scripts at runtime. The purpose of the scripts is usually to enhance the
performance or perform routine tasks for an application. PHP is a server side scripts that
is interpreted in the server.





Creating (Declaring) PHP Variables

In PHP, a variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable:


$txt = "Hello world!";
$x = 5;
$y = 10.5;

After the execution of the statements above, the variable $txt will hold the value Hello
world!, the variable $x will hold the value 5, and the variable $y will hold the value 10.5.

A variable can have a short name (like x and y) or a more descriptive name (age,
carname, total_volume).

Rules for PHP variables:

 A variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
 A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
 A variable name cannot start with a number
 A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z,
0-9, and _)
 Variable names are case-sensitive ($age and $AGE are two different variables)

Output Variables

The PHP echo statement is often used to output data to the screen.

The following example will show how to output text and a variable:


$txt = "W3Schools.com";
echo "I love $txt!";

Flow Control Statements

The control statements are used to control the flow of execution of the program. This
execution order depends on the supplied data values and the conditional logic. There are
two conditional statement if..else and switch.
if ..else statement:
{//code block of if branch to be executed.
{//code block of elseif branch to be executed
{//code block of else branch to be executed.
Switch statement:

case value 1: //code block 1;

case value 2: //code block 2;
case value 3: //code block 3;
default: //default code block;
Loops are used to execute same block of statements specific number of times. There are 4
types of loops in PHP.
1) While loop:while loop will execute block of code until certain condition is meet.
while( expression)
{// code block to be executed
{ echo($i<=10)
echo $i.” “;
Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2) do..while:This loop works same as while loop , except that the expression is
evaluated at the end of each iteration.
do {
//code block to be executed

{ echo($i<=10)
echo $i.” “;
} while($i=10);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3) for: The for loop is used when you know in advance how many times the script
should run.


for (init counter; test counter; increment counter) {

code to be executed for each iteration;


 init counter: Initialize the loop counter value

 test counter: Evaluated for each loop iteration. If it evaluates to TRUE, the loop
continues. If it evaluates to FALSE, the loop ends.
 increment counter: Increases the loop counter value


The example below displays the numbers from 0 to 10

for ($x = 0; $x <= 10; $x++) {
echo "The number is: $x <br>";

4) foreach Loop: The foreach loop - Loops through a block of code for each
element in an array.


foreach ($array as $value) {
code to be executed;

For every loop iteration, the value of the current array element is assigned to $value and
the array pointer is moved by one, until it reaches the last array element.


$colors = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow");

foreach ($colors as $value) {

echo "$value <br>";


SET A (Number of Slots:1)

1. Write a PHP script to get the PHP version and configuration information
2. Write a PHP script to display student information on web page.
3. Write a PHP script to script to display time table of your class( use HTML table
tags in echo).

SET B (Number of Slots:1)

1. Write a PHP script to declare three variables and print maximum among them.
2. Write a PHP script to check number 153 is Armstrong or not.
3. Write a PHP script to check whether accepted number is prime or not.

SET C (Number of Slots:1)

1. Write a PHP script to print following floyd’s triangle.

7 8 9 10
2. Write a PHP script to display source code of a webpage.
3. Write a PHP script to test whether a number is greater than 30, 20 or 10 using
ternary operator.

Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [] 2: Late Complete []
3: Needs Improvement [] 4: Complete [] 5: WellDone []

Signature of Instructor Date:

Assignment Number 2: Functions

Aim:To study user defined and library functions and their implementation in


 Knowledge of flow control statements, variable declaration

 Concept of string,HTML Tags

Instructions for Teachers/Instructors:

 Demonstration of user defined and library functions with their syntax using
simple programmes

Instructions for Students:

 Students must read theory and syntax for solving programmes before his/her
practical slot.
 Solve SET A, B or C assigned by instructor in allocated slots only.


PHP is web scripting language implies that PHP is used to write web scripts,
not the stand-alone applications. That is programs are executed through a web
browser. PHP scripts run only after an event occurs.

<html> Output:
<head> Hello, world!
<title>Look Out
<?php echo 'Hello,
world!' ?>

User-defined functions
A function is a block of statements that can be used repeatedly in a
program. A function will not execute immediately when a page loads.
A function will be executed by a call to the function. A function may
be defined using syntax such as the following:
[return return_value;]
Any valid PHP code may appear inside a function, even other

functions and class definitions. The variables you use inside a
function are, by default, not visible outside that function.
<?ph Output :
p Hello
msg("Hello"); // calling a
function function msg($a) //
defining a function
echo $a;


Default parameters
You can give default values to more than one argument, but once you
start assigning default values, you have to give them to all arguments
that follow as well.
<?php Output:
function display($greeting, Hello
{ Good Day
echo $greeting;

echo $message;

Variable parameters
You can set up functions that can take a variable number of
arguments. Variable number of arguments can be handled with
these functions:
func_num_args( ) :
Returns the number of
arguments passed
func_get_arg() :
Returns a single
func_get_args( ) :
Returns all arguments
in anarray

<?ph Output:
p echo―Passing3arg.toxconcat<br>‖;
Passing 3
arg. to
function xconcat() Result is
…How are
{ you
$ans= ―‖;
$arg = func_get_args( );
for ($i=0; $i<func_num_args( );
$i++ )
> $ans.= $arg[$i].‖―;
Missing parameters
When using default arguments, any defaults should be on the right side
echo $ans;
of any non default arguments, otherwise, things will not work as
<?p Output :
hp function makecoffee ($type
a cup of
{ Nescafe.
return "Making a cup Making
of$type<br>"; a cup of
? .
> echo makecoffee ();
echo makecoffee
Variable functions
a variable the name of a function, and then treat that variable as though it
is the name of a function.

<?php Output:
$varfun='fun1'; Function one
$varfun( ); Function two
$varfun='fun2'; Function three
$varfun( );

Anonymous functions
The function that does not possess any names are called anonymous functions.
Such functions are created using
create_function( ) built-in function. Anonymous functions are also called as
lambda functions.

<?p Output
hp : 30
'$c = $a + $b;
return $c;'); echo

A string of characters is probably the most commonly used data
type when developing scripts, and PHP provides a large library of
string functions to help transform, manipulate, and otherwise manage

Function Description Syntax Example

The strtolower( fun $str="India is great";
Strtolower() returns ) stringin ction string strtolower ( $str=strtolower(
letter. lowe string $string ) $str); echo $str;
rcase ?>
india is great
Strtoupper() The strtoupper( fun <?php
returns ) stringin ction $str="India is great";
letter. uppe string strtoupper ( $str=strtoupper(
rcase string $string ) $str); echo $str;
ucfirst() The ucfirst() function <?php
returns string converting $str="india is great";
first character into string ucfirst (string $str=ucfirst($str
uppercase. It doesn't $str ) ); echo $str;
change the case of other ?>
characters. india is great
ucwords() The ucwords() function <?php
returns string converting $str="India is great ";
first character of each string ucwords ( $str=ucwords(
word into uppercase. string $str ) $str); echo
India Is Great
strrev() The strrev() function <?php
returns reversed string. string strrev (string $str="INDIA";
$string ) $srev=strrev($
str); echo

strlen() The strlen() function <?php
returns length of the int strlen (string $str="INDIA";
string. $string ) $l=strlen(
echo $l;

strpos() Find the position of the <?php
first occurrence of a Strpos(string, $str="INDIA";
string inside another search) $p=strpos($str,
string (case- sensitive). If ‖I‖); echo$p;
no match is found, it will ?
return FALSE. >

strrpos() Find the position of the <?php
last occurrence of a Strrpos(string, $str="INDIA";
string inside another serach) $p=strrpos($str
string (case- sensitive), if ,‖I‖); echo$p;
no match is found, it will ?
return FALSE. >

str_replace() Replace all occurrences Str_replace(search, <?php
of the search string with replace,string) echo str_replace("world",
the replacement string "Dolly", "Hello world!"); //
(case- sensitive) outputs Hello Dolly!
strcmp( ) If both strings are equal, Strcmp (String1, If(strcmp(―India‖,‖india‖)== 0)
strcmp ( ) return 0 String2) Echo ―Both string are
equal‖; Else
Echo―Both string
strstr( ) Find the first occurrence Strstr(sourceString,
of a string inside another subString)
substr( ) Returns the substring from Substr(string, start,
string that begins at start length)
and is of length
characters long.


SET A (Number of Slots:1)

1. Write a PHP script to accept the number from user and Write a php function to
calculate the factorial of a number (a non-negative integer). The function accepts
the number as an argument.

2. Design a HTML form to accept a string. Write a php function to reverse a string.
3. Design a HTML form to accept a string. Write a PHP function that checks
whether a passed string is a palindrome or not?

SET B (Number of Slots:1)

1. Design a HTML page to accept a number and write a PHP script to display that
number in words e.g. 123 - one two three
2. Design a HTML form to accept a string. Write a PHP script for the following. a)
Write a function to count the total number of Vowels from the script. b) Show the
occurrences of each Vowel from the script.
3. Write a PHP script for the following: a) Design a form to accept two numbers
from the users. b) Give option to choose an arithmetic operation (use Radio
Button). c) Display the result on next form. d) Use concept of default parameter.

SET C (Number of Slots:1)

1. Design a HTML form to accept email address from the user. Write a PHP
function using regular expressions check for the validity of entered email-id. The
@ symbol should not appear more than once. The dot (.) can appear at the most
once before @ and at the most twice or at least once after @ symbol. The
substring before @ should not begin with a digit or underscore or dot or @ or any
other special character. (Use explode and ereg function.)

2. Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form to accept the details of 5
different items, such as item code, item name, units sold, rate. Display the bill in
the tabular format. Use only 4 text boxes. (Hint : Use of explode function.)
3. Write a PHP script for the following: Design a form to accept two strings.
Compare the two strings using both methods (= = operator & strcmp function).
Append second string to the first string. Accept the position from the user; from
where the characters from the first string are reversed. (Use radio buttons)

Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [] 2: Late Complete []
3: Needs Improvement [] 4: Complete [] 5: WellDone []
Signature of Instructor: Date:

Assignment Number 3:Arrays

Aim: To study use of arrays


 Knowledge of flow control statements, variable declaration, string

 Knowledge of functions

Instructions for Teachers/Instructors:

 Demonstration of one dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays with their

functions and syntax using simple programmes

Instructions for Students:

 Students must read theory and syntax for solving programmes before his/her
practical slot.
 Solve SET A, B or C assigned by instructor in allocated slots only.


Arrays : An array is a collection of data values. Array is organized as an ordered

collection of (key,value) pairs.

In PHP,the array() function is used to create an array.

In PHP there are three kinds of arrays :

Indexed array / Numeric array : An array with a numeric index starting with 0.

For example,
Initializing an indexed array,
$cars[0]= “Volvo”;
$cars[1]= “BMW”;
$cars[2]= “Toyota”;

Associative array : An array which have strings as keys which are used to access the

For example,
Initializing an Associative array,
$age[ ‘Peter’ ]=”35”;
$age[ ‘Ben’ ]=”37”;
$age[ ‘Joe’ ]=”43”;

Multidimensional array : Arrays containing one or more arrays.
For example,
array(“Land Rover”,17,15)

Functions used with array :

Name Use Example
array() This construct is used to initialize
array. $cities=array( ‘Capital of Nation‘=>’Delhi’,
’Capital of state’=>’Mumbai’, ’My
list() This function is used to $cities=array( ‘Capital of Nation‘=>’Delhi’,
copy ’Capital
values from array to the of state’=>’Mumbai’, ’My city’=>’Nashik’);
variables. List($cn,$cs,$c)=$cities;
Output :
array_splice() This function is used to $student=array(11,12,13,14,15,16);
remove or insert $new_student=array_splice($student,2,3);
elements in /* starting from index(2) and length =3
Array $new_student1=array_splice($student,2);
/* here length is not mentioned */
Output :
$new_student = (13,14,15)
$new_student1= (13,14,15,16)
array_key_exists() This function is used to $cities=array( ‘Capital of Nation‘=>’Delhi’,
check if an element ’Capital
exist in the array. of state’=>’Mumbai’, ’My city’=>’Nashik’);
If (array_key_exists(‘Capital of State’,$cities))
echo “key found!\n”;
Output :
extract() This function extract($student);
automatically By this, the variables are created like this :
creates local variables $roll = 11;
from the array. $name=’A’;
foreach() This is the most For indexed array :
common way to loop $students=array(‘A’,’B’,’C’,’D’);
over elements foreach($students as $value)
of an array. {

PHP executes the body echo “Student $value \n”;
of the loop once for }
each Output
element of $students, Student A
with Student B
$value set to the Student C
current element. Student D
For associative array :
$students=array(‘Name’=>‘a’,’Roll_No’ =>
foreach($students as $key=>$value)
echo “Student’s $key is : $value \n”;
Student’s Name is : A
Student’s Roll_No is : 100
Student’s Class is : SYBCA
array_push() These functions are array_push(a);
array_pop() used to treat an array array_pop(a);
like a stack .
array_shift() These functions are array_shift();
array_unshift() used to treat an array array_unshift();
like a queue.


SET A (Number of Slots:1)

1. Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on an

associative array:
a) Display the elements of an array along with the keys.
b) Display the size of an array

2. Write a menu driven program the following operation on an associative array

a) Reverse the order of each element’s key-value pair. [Hint: array_flip()]
b) Traverse the element in an array in random order. [Hint: shuffle()]

3. Declare array. Reverse the order of elements, making the first element last and
last element first and similarly rearranging other array elements.[Hint :

SET B (Number of Slots:1)

1. Declare a Multidimensional Array. Display specific element from a

Multidimensional array. Also delete given element from the Multidimensional
array.(After each operation display array content.

2. Write a menu driven program to perform the following stack related operations.

a) Insert an element in stack.
b) Delete an element from stack.[Hint: array_push(), array_pop()]
3. Write a menu driven program to perform the following queue related operations
a) Insert an element in queue
b) Delete an element from queue
c) Display the contents of queue

SET C (Number of Slots:1)

1. Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on associative

a) Merge the given arrays.
b) Find the intersection of two arrays.
c) Find the union of two arrays.
d) Find set difference of two arrays.

2. Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on associative

a) Sort the array by values (changing the keys) in ascending, descending
b) Also sort the array by values without changing the keys.
c) Filter the odd elements from an array.
3. Sort the different arrays at a glance using single function.

Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [] 2: Late Complete []
3: Needs Improvement [] 4: Complete [] 5: WellDone []

Signature of Instructor: Date:

Assignment Number 4: Inheritance and Interfaces

Aim: To study object oriented concepts with their use in programming language.


 Knowledge of flow control statements, variable declaration,string

 Knowledge of arrays, functions

Instructions for Teachers/Instructors:

 Demonstration of object oriented concepts and their use in programmes

Instructions for Students:

 Students must read theory and syntax for solving programmes before his/her
practical slot.
 Solve SET A, B or C assigned by instructor in allocated slots only.


Function Description Example

class classname Creates a class Class student { [var $propery [=
[extends baseclass] value];…] [function functionname
(arguments) { //code } …. ] }
$instance = new Create an object <?php
classname(); $instance1=new myclass()
//This can be done with variable
$instance2=new $newname();
class classname { Add a Method <?php
function class myclass
methodname() { {
Statements; } } function mymethod()
print “hello,myclass”}}
To invoke the method on the object
$instance1, we need to invoke the
operator “->”to access the newly
created function mymethod.
class myclass
$instance1=new myclass();
public Adding Property Public Public :
$publicMemeber = <?php

“Public member”; class maths
public $num;
public function multi()
return $this->num*2;
$math=new maths;
echo $math->multi();
Output : 4
protected Protected Private Protected:
$protectedmember = <?php
“Protected Member”; class maths
Private {
$privatemember= protected $num;
“Private Member public function setnum($num)
public function multi()
return $this->num*2;}}
class add extends maths
public function addtwo()
$new_num=$this->num + 2;
return ($new_num);
$math=new add;
echo $math->addtwo();
Output : 16
class extendedClass Inheritance It is the <?php
extends classname ability of PHP to extend class myclass
classes that inherit the {
characteristics of the //property declaration
parent class. It is not public $var=’a default value’;
possible to extend //method declaration
multiple classes ; a public function desplayVar()
class can only inherit {
from one base class. echo $this->var;
class extendedClass extends myclass

//redefine the parent method
function displayVar()
echo “Extending Class”;
$extend =new extendedClass();
Output :
Extending class
a default value
Overriding When we give a <?php
function in the child class Hello
class the same name as {function getMessage()
a function in the parent { return ‘Hello World !’;}
class, this concept is }
called function class Goodbye extends Hello
overriding. Any method {function getMessage(){
or class that is declared return ‘Goodbye World!’;}}
as final can not be $hello=&new Hello();
overridden or inherited Echo $hello->getMessage().’<br/>’;
by another class $goodbye = &new Goodbye();
Echo $goodbye->getMessage().
Hello World!
Goodbye World!
void _construct Constructor is a <?php
([mixed $args [, function which is called class Student
$....]]) right after a new object {
is created. var $name;
var $address;
var $phone;
//This is constructor
function student()
function printstudentinfo()
echo this->name . ”\n”;
echo this->address . ”\n”;
echo this->phone . “\n”;

$stud =new student();
void _destruct (void) Destructor is a function <?php
which is called right class Student
after you release an {
object. var $name;
var $address;
var $phone;
//This is constructor
function _construct()
function _destruct()
echo “Student Object
function printstudentinfo()
Echo this->name . ”\n”;
echo this->address . ”\n”;
echo this->phone . “\n”;
$stud =new student();
class_exist() Introspection We can $class = class_exists(classname);
use this function to
determine whether a
get_declared_classes() class exists.
This function returns $classes = get_declared_classes();
array of defined classes
and checks if the class
get_class_methods() name is in returned $methods =
array. get_class_methods(classname);

We can use this

get_class_vars() function to get the $properties=get_class_vars(classnam
methods and properties e);
of class
get_parent_class() This function returns
only properties that $superclass = get_parent_class (
have default values. classname );

This function is used to
find the class’s parent
s_object() Is_object function is $obj= is_obj(var);
used to make sure that
it is object.
get_class() get_class() function is $classname= get_class(object);
used to get the class to
which an object
belongs and to get class
method_exists() This function is used to $method_exists=method_exists(object
check if method on an ,method);
object exists .
get_object_vars() This function returns an
array of properties set $array=get_object_vars(object);
in an object
serialize() Serialization Serializing $encode=serialize(something)
an object means
converting it to a byte
stream representation
that can be stored in a
file. returns a string
containing a byte-
stream representation of
the value that can be
stored anywhere
unserialize() Takes a single $something = unserialize (encode);
serialized variable and
converts it back to PHP
Interfaces An interface is declared Example of an interface
similar to a class but class duck
only include function { function quack()
prototypes (without {
implementation) and echo “quack,quack,qk, qk…”;
constants. When a class }
uses an interface the }
class must define all the Interface birds
methods / function of {
the interface otherwise function breath();
the PHP engine will function eat();
give you an error. The }
interface’s function Class duck implements birds
/methods cannot have { function quack()
the details filled in. that {
is left to the class that echo “quack,quack,qk, qk…”;
uses the interface. }
function breath()

echo “duck is breathing”;
function eat()
echo “ duck is eating”;
Encapsulation Encapsulation is an <?php
ability to hide details of class A
implementation. {
function check()
if(isset ($this))
echo “$this is defined (“;
echo get_class($this);
echo “)\n”;
echo “this is not defined”;
class B
function bcheck()
$a=new A();
$b=new B();
$this is defined(a)
$this is not defined
$this is defined(b)
$this is not defined


SET A (Number of Slots:2)

1) Write a PHP program to define Interface shape which has two method as area()
and volume (). Define a constant PI. Create a class Cylinder implement this
interface and calculate area and Volume.
2) a) Write a PHP script to create a Class shape and its subclass triangle, square and
display area of the selected shape.( use the concept of Inheritance)
Display menu (use radio button)
a) Triangle
b) Square
c) Rectangle
d) Circle
3) Write class declarations and member function definitions for Teacher (code,
name, qualification). Derive teach_account(account_no,joining_date) from
Teacher and teach_sal(basic_pay, earnings, deduction) fromteach_account.Write
a menu driven program
a) To build a master table
b) To sort all entries
c) To search an entry
d) Display salary of all teachers.
4) Write PHP script to demonstrate the concept of introspection for examining

SET B (Number of Slots:2)

1) Create a class account(accno,cust_name). Derive two classes from accountas

saving_acc(balance, min_amount) and current_acc(balance, min_amount).
a) Display a menu
b) Saving Account
c) Current Account
For each of this display a menu with the following options.
1. Create account
2. Deposit
3. Withdrawal
2)Define a class Employee having private members – id, name, department, salary.
Defineparameterized constructors. Create a subclass called “Manager” with
private memberbonus.Create 6 objects of the Manager class and display the details
of the manager having themaximum total salary (salary + bonus).

SET C (Number of Slots: 2)

1) Define an interface for queue operation. Implement this interface in a class.

2) Create an interface for the classes that handle properties, having methods to
setProperty() andgetProperty() methods. Create another interface HOME having
setHasApartment($bool) andgetHasSociety() methods which is boolean. Create
class Bunglow with two properties set and getand hasGarden property and
implement the two interfaces.

Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [] 2: Late Complete []

3: Needs Improvement [] 4: Complete [] 5: WellDone []

Signature of Instructor: Date:

Assignment Number 5 : Accessing Databases (PostgreSQL)

Aim: To study creation of database and its use in php programming.


 Knowledge of flow control statements, variable declaration ,string ,arrays,

 Knowledge of object oriented concepts in programming languages
 Knowledge of creation of database using PostgreSQL

Instructions for Teachers/Instructors:

 Demonstration of creation of database in 3NF and simple programme to use it.

Instructions for Students:

 Students must read theory and syntax for solving programmes before his/her
practical slot.
 Solve SET A, B or C assigned by instructor in allocated slots only.
 Create appropriate database for the question asked. i.e. Create the relations
accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly and the relations are in
normalized form (3NF).
 Get database checked from the instructor before you start writing PHP script.
 Insert sufficient number of records into the database. Make sure result set of any
query will be non-empty.


Following example shows various functions that used for PostgreSQL database
manipulation while writing PHP scripts. With these functions, scripts written by us will
access the database for different purposes such as inserting new data, removing data, and
fetching data from database. Or even updating the same.

$dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=demo user=sybca1 password=sybca1")
or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error());
$query = 'SELECT * FROM employee';
$result = pg_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error());
echo "<table>\n";
while ($temp = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo "\t<tr>\n";
foreach ($temp as $col_value) {
echo "\t\t<td>$col_value</td>\n";
echo "\t</tr>\n";
} Reference: - https://www.php.net/manual/
echo "</table>\n";

Function name Description

pg_connect () pg_connect (string $connection_string [, int $connect_type]):
Purpose: opens a connection to a PostgreSQL database specified by
the connection_string
pg_close () pg_close ([ resource $connection]): bool
Purpose: closes the non-persistent connection to a PostgreSQL database
associated with the given connection resource.
pg_prepare () pg_prepare ([ resource $connection], string $stmtname, string
$query): resource
Purpose: Submits a request to create a prepared statement with the
given parameters, and waits for completion
pg_execute () pg_execute ([ resource $connection], string $stmtname, array
$params): resource
Purpose: Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given
parameters, and waits for the result
pg_query () pg_query ([ resource $connection], string $query): resource
Purpose: pg_query () executes the query on the specified database
connection. pg_query_params () should be preferred in most cases.
If an error occurs, and FALSE is returned, details of the error can be
retrieved using the pg_last_error () function if the connection is

pg_fetch_assoc () pg_fetch_assoc (resource $result [, int $row]): array
Purpose: returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched
row (records).
pg_fetch_row () pg_fetch_row (resource $result [, int $row]): array
Purpose: fetches one row of data from the result associated with the
specified result resource.

Apart from these there are various other functions also supported/provided.

 pg_field_is_null() — Test if a field is SQL NULL

 pg_field_name() — Returns the name of a field
 pg_port()— Return the port number associated with the connection
 pg_version() — Returns an array with client, protocol and server version (when


SET A (Number of Slots:1)

1. Property (pno, description, area)

a. Owner (oname, address, phone)
b. An owner can have one or more properties, but a property belongs to
exactly one owner.
c. Accept owner name from the user. Write a PHP script which will display
all properties which are own by that owner.

2. Sales_order (sonumber, s_order_date)

a. Client (clientno, name, address)
b. A client can give one or more sales_orders, but a sales_order belongs to
exactly one client.
c. Accept sales order date from the user. Write a PHP script which will
display all orders which are placed before that date.
3. Emp (eno, ename, edesignation, esalary)
Dept (dno, dname, dlocation)
There exists a one-to-many relationship between Emp and Dept.
Accept department name from the user. Write a PHP script which will display
count of the employees working in that department.

SET B (Number of Slots:1)

1. Project (pno, pname, pduration, pbudget)

a. You have already created relation Emp in SET A-3. There exists a many-
to-many relationship between Emp and Project, with descriptive attribute

b. Accept project name from the user. Write a PHP script which will display
all employees working on that project along with number of hours they
worked on it.

2. Refer database created in SET A- 3.

a. Accept department name form the user. Write a PHP script which will
display maximum salary, minimum salary, and sum of salary for a given
department. Format of the result shown should be like –

Department name: ………

Maximum Salary Minimum Salary Sum of the Salary

3. Doctor (doc_no, doc_name, experience, city, area)

Hospital (hosp_no, hosp_name, hosp_city)
Doctor and Hospital are related with many-many relationship with descriptive
attribute type_of_appointment. (It can be either visiting or working)
Write a PHP script which accepts experience value from the user and update city
to Mumbai for all doctors whose experience is less than entered value.

SET C (Number of Slots:2)

An insurance agent sells policies to clients. Each policy is of a particular type like vehicle
insurance, life insurance, accident insurance etc, and there can be many policies of a
particular type. Each policy will have many monthly premiums, and each premium is
associated to only one policy. Assume appropriate attributes for agents, policy,
premiums, policy-types.
The following constraints have to be defined on the relations.
a. The policy types can be only accident, life, vehicle.
b. The agents can be only from Pune, Mumbai, Chennai.
c. The policy amount should be greater than 20000.
d. The policy-sale-date should be greater than the policy-intro-date.

Using database created for the above case-study, solve the following.
*Use appropriate error message if input entered by the user is incorrect. *
Write a PHP Script for –
1. Accept minimum years of experience from the user. Display agent details such as
name, city he belongs to and experience in tabular format who are having at-least
that much experience.
2. Accept agent name from the user. Display all policy holders those who have
bought policies from that agent.
3. Accept details of new agent and add that record into database.


1. Accept policy type from the user using radio button. Display all policy holders
along with details such as name, birthdate in the tabular format who have bought
policies of that type.
2. Accept policy amount from the user. Display count of policies with at-least that
3. Accept details of policy number and remove that record from the database.

1. Display city names which has maximum number of agents.

2. Accept policy number from the user. Display all details of premiums paid so far,
for that policy. Output should be in tabular format and it should contain policy
holder name.
3. Display the latest policy introduced.

Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [] 2: Late Complete []

3: Needs Improvement [] 4: Complete [] 5: WellDone []

Signature of Instructor: Date:

Assignment Number 6 : XML and AJAX

Aim: To study use of XML and AJAX in programming languages .


 Knowledge of flow control statements, variable declaration,string ,arrays,

 Knowledge of object oriented concepts in programming languages
 Knowledge of creation of database using PostgreSQL

Instructions for Teachers/Instructors:

 Demonstration of XML and AJAX concepts with their syntax using simple

Instructions for Students:

 Students must read theory and syntax for solving programmes before his/her
practical slot.
 Solve SET A, B or C assigned by instructor in allocated slots only.


XML is a data format for standardized structured document exchange.

XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language. It is a text-based markup language
derived from Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). XML was designed to
store and transport data. XML was designed to be both human- and machine-readable.
XML is a markup language much like HTML. XML was designed to describe data. XML
tags are not predefined. You must define your own tags.XML is self describing. XML
document are well – formed and valid. A well - formed XML document follows the basic
XML syntax rules.A valid document also follows the rules imposed by a DTD or an
A simple document is shown in the following example –
<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<name>Tanmay Patil</name>
<phone>(011) 123-4567</phone>
The following image depicts the parts of XML document.
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<name> Arachana Kale</name>
<company> Infosys</company>

Document Prolog Section :
Document Prolog comes at the top of the document, before the root element. This section
contains −
XML declaration
Document type declaration
Document Elements Section:
Document Elements are the building blocks of XML. These divide the document into a
hierarchy of sections, each serving a specific purpose.
XML declaration :
It contains details that prepare an XML processor to parse the XML document. It is
optional, but when used, it must appear in the first line of the XML document.
<?xml version="version_number" encoding="encoding_declaration"
standalone="standalone_status" ?>
An XML declaration should abide with the following rules:
 The XML declaration is case sensitive and must begin with "<?xml>" where
"xml" is written in lower-case. If the XML declaration is included, it must contain
version number attribute.
 The Parameter names and values are case-sensitive.The names are always in
lower case.
 The order of placing the parameters is important. The correct order is:version,
encoding and standalone. Either single or double quotes may be used.
 The XML declaration has no closing tag i.e. </?xml>

Example of XML declaration :

• <?xml >
• <?xml version="1.0">
• <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
• <?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' standalone='no' ?>

DTD :Document Type Declaration :

• The XML Document Type Declaration, commonly known as DTD, is a way to
describe XML language precisely.
• DTDs check vocabulary and validity of the structure of XML documents
against grammatical rules of appropriate XML language.
• An XML DTD can be either specified inside the document, or it can be kept in a
separate document and then liked separately.
• Basic syntax of a DTD is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE element DTD identifier
XML Tags :
XML tags are case sensitive. The tag <Letter> is different from the tag <letter>.
Opening and closing tags must be written with the same case.

For example,
<Message>This is incorrect</message>
<message>This is correct</message>

XML Elements :
• An XML file is structured by several XML-elements, also called XML-nodes or XML-
XML-elements' names are enclosed by triangular brackets <> .
• Each XML-element needs to be closed either with start or with end elements as shown
• An XML document can have only one root element
• An XML-element can contain multiple XML-elements as its children, but the children
elements must not overlap.
• In XML, all elements must be properly nested within each other.
XML attributes:
• An XML-element can have one or more attributes.
• Attribute names in XML (unlike HTML) are case sensitive. That is, HREF andhref are
considered two different XML attributes.
• Same attribute cannot have two values in a syntax
So XML follows tree structure

<?xml version = “1.0” ?>

<title>Programming PHP</title>
<title>Beginners PHP</title>
SimpleXML :
• SimpleXML is an extension that allows us to easily manipulate and get XML data.
• The SimpleXML extension is the tool of choice for parsing an XML document.
• SimpleXML turns an XML document into a data structure you can iterate through like a
collection of arrays and objects.
• The SimpleXML extension includes interoperability with the DOM for writing XML
files and
built-in XPath support.
• SimpleXML is easier to code than the DOM, as its name implies.
SimpleXMLElement class represents an element in an XML document.

• To create root element of xml document, first create object of SimpleXMLElement
class and
initialize with root element.
• For example :
• $bk=new SimpleXMLElement(“<bookstore/>”);

Methods or functions of simpleXMLElement class

Function description syntax Example

addChild() The addChild() addChild(name,val $book = $bk-
function adds a ue); >addchild(“book”);
child element to
addAttribute adds an attribute addAttribute(name, $book-
() to value); >addAttribute(“Category” ,
the SimpleXML “Technical”);
getName() Returns the getName(); $bk->getName();
name of
the XML tag
referenced by
asXML() Returns a asXML([filename]) echo $bk->asXML();
wellformed ;
XML string
(XML version
from a
children() children() children() foreach ($book->children() as
Returns the $child)
children of a {
specified node echo "Child node: " . $child .
as an "<br>";
array }
attributes(); Returns the attributes(); foreach ($book->attributes () as
attributes/values $k=>$v)
of {
an element echo $k : $v . "<br>";
count(); The count() count(); $cnt=$book->count();
function counts

children of a
specified node.
simplexml_l Converts an simplexml_load_file $xml=simplexml_load_file("no
oad XML (file) te.xml"
_file() file into a );
ment object
simplexml_l The simplexml_load <?php
oad simplexml_load _string() $note=<<<XML
_string() _str <note>
ing() function <to>Tove</to>
converts a </note>
wellformed XML;
XML string $xml=simplexml_load_string($
into a note);
nt object.

Reading XML document

$bk = simplexml_load_file(“book.xml”);
echo htmlspecialchars($bk->asXML());
• With SimpleXML, all the elements in XML document are represented as tree of
SimpleXMLElement objects. Any given element’s children are available as properties of
elements SimpleXMLElement object.
• For example ,We can access element name as properties $book->title , $book-
>publisher etc.
Consider an application that reads “Book.xml” file into simple XML object. Display
attributes and
//book .xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<book category="Technical">
<title> LET US C </title>
<author> YASHWANT KANETKAR </author>
<year> 1980 </year>
<book category="Cooking">
<title> COOKING EVERYDAY </title>
<author> TARALA DALAL </author>
<year> 2000 </year>
<book category="YOGA">
<title> LIGHT ON YOGA </title>
<author> B.K.IYENGAR </author>
<year> 1990 </year>

// book.php
$xml = simplexml_load_file("book.xml");
echo $xml->getName() . "<br />";
foreach($xml->children() as $child)
echo $child->getName() . "<br>";
foreach($child->attributes() as $k=>$v)
echo $k . "=". $v . "<br>";
foreach($child->children() as $i=>$j)
echo $i .":". $j."<br>";


SET A (Number of Slots:2)

1. Write a script to create XML file named “Teacher.xml”.

<Computer Science>
<Teacher Name>…</Teacher Name>
<Subject Taught>…</Subject Taught>
</Computer Science>
Store the details of 5 teachers who are having qualification as NET
2. Display the above XML file in tabular format.

SET B (Number of Slots: 1)

1. Create a XML file which gives details of students admitted for different courses
in Your College.
Course names can be

A) Arts
B) Science
C) Commerce
D) Management
Elements in each course are in following format.
<Intake Capacity>…</Intake Capacity>
Save the file with “Course.xml”
2. Write PHP script to generate an XML code in the following format
<?xml version=1.0”?>
<ABC College>
<Computer Application Department>
<Course> BCA(Science) </Course>
<Student Strength > 80</Student Strength>
<Number of Teachers>12</Number of Teachers>
</ABC College>
</Computer Application Department>

SET C (Number of Slots: 1)

1. Write a PHP script to following xml file.

<player> abe</player>
Store data for 5 players and display data of players who have scored more than
100 runs.
2. Write a PHP script to accept following XML file
<subject code>BCA 245</subject code>
<subject name> Web Technology Laboratory </subject name>
Store data of 5 subjects as display subject code of Wen Technology Laboratory.
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [] 2: Late Complete []

3: Needs Improvement [] 4: Complete [] 5: WellDone []

Signature of Instructor: Date:

Ajax : Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

AJAX is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages. AJAX allows web
pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server
behind the scenes.This menas that it is possible to update parts of a web page,without
reloading the whole page.
 Update a web page without reloading the page
 Request data from a server-after the page has loaded
 Receive data from a server-after the page has loaded
 Send data to a server-in the background

Examples of applications using AJAX : Google Maps,Gmail,Youtube and Facebook tabs


The keystone of AJAX is the XMLHttpRequest object.

All modern browsers (IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera) have a built in
XMLHttpRequest object.

Syntax for creating an XMLHttpRequest object :

ob = new XMLHttpRequest();

XMLHttpRequest object Methods:

Method Description
new XMLHttpRequest() Creates a new XMLHttpRequest object
abort() Cancels the current request
getAllResponseHeaders() Returns header information
getResponseHeader() Returns specific header information
open(method,url,async,user,psw) Specifies the request
method : the request type GET or POST
url : the file location
async : true(asynchronous) or false(synchronous)
user : optional username
psw : optional password
send() Sends the request to the server, Used for GET
send(string) Sends the request to the server, Used for POST
setRequestHeader() Adds a label/value pair to the header to be sent

XMLHttpRequest object Properties:

Property Description
onreadystatechange Defines a function to be called when the readyState
property changes.
readyState Holds the status of the XMLHttpRequest.
0 : request not initialized
1 : server connection established
2 : request received
3 : processing request
4 : request finished and response is ready
responseText Returns the response data as a string
responseXML Returns the response data as XML data
Status Returns the status-number of a request
200 : OK
403 : forbidden
404 : Not Found
statusText Returns the status-text(e.g. “OK” or ”Not Found”)


SET A (Number of Slots: 1)

1. Write AJAX program to read a text file and print the contents of the file when the
user clicks on the Print button.

2. Write a AJAX program to search Student name according to the character typed
and display list using array

SET B (Number of Slots: 1)

1. Write a AJAX program to fetch information from XML file.

The XML file looks like this : “cd_catalog.xml” [ Enter at least 10 records
inXML file]

3. Write a AJAX program to read contact. dat file and print the contain of a file in a
tabular form when the user clicks on print button.
contact.dat file contain srno, name, residence_number, mobile_number, context/
[ Enter at least 3 record in contact.dat file]

SETC (Number of Slots: 1)

1. Write a AJAX program to print Teacher information from postgreSQL table

Teacher. Teacher (Tno, Name, Subject, Research area)

2. Write AJAX program to print movie by selecting an actor’s name. create table
Movie and Actor with 1:M cardinality as follows:
Movie ( mno, mname, release_year)
Actor( ano, aname)

Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [] 2: Late Complete []

3: Needs Improvement [] 4: Complete [] 5: WellDone []

Signature of Instructor: Date:


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