Pedu 202
Pedu 202
Pedu 202
1. Gifted education
2. Special education program
3. Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and
Mathematics (STEAM) programs
4. Literacy programs
5. Foreign language programs.
With globalization, higher education institutions are
reinventing themselves into dynamic:
1. Centre’s of knowledge production
2. Centre’s of creativity and innovations
3. Economic hubs
4. Cultural hubs
5. Centers of human development
Educators place more emphasis on the following
educational strands:
1. Climate change
2. Gender and development
3. Peace education and development
4. Education for sustainable development
5. Equity and social justice
Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and
reputation with high moral values as well as technical and
professional competence in the practice of their noble profession,
and they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical
and moral principles, standards, and values.
Article l: Scope and Limitations
Section 1. All educational institution shall offer quality education for
all teachers.
Section 2. This section covers the Public and Private from pre-school
to secondary level. It also covers the supervisory and administrative,
anything that has licensed.
Article ll. The Teacher and the State
Section 1. Teachers should be the one to elevate national morality,
promote national pride, and cultivate love of country.
Section 2. Teachers shall carry out the declared policies of the state.
Section 3. Every teacher shall be physically, morally, and mentally fit.
• Section 4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full
commitment to duty.
Section 5. A teacher shall not engage in any political promotion,
religious, and any partisan interest.
Section 6. Every teacher shall vote.
Section 7. A teacher shall not use his position to any other person to
follow political Course.
• Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom.
Article IlI: The Teacher and the Community
Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and development of
the youth.
Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to
participate in community.
Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition.
Section 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community, and
shall study local customs and traditions.
• Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in
the community informed about the school worked.
Section 6. Every teacher shall welcome the opportunity to provide
such leadership when needed.
Section 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and
pleasant personal and official relations with other professionals.
Section 8. A teacher possess freedom to attend church and
worships as appropriate.
Article IV. A Teacher and the Profession
●Section 1. A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life
for which it is the highest obligation to live with dignity at all times
whether in school, in the home, or elsewhere.
●Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the
primary principle of personal behaviour in all relationships with
others and all situations.
●Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified
personality, which could serve as a model worthy of emulation by
learners, peers, and all others.
●Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as
guide of his own destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.
●Article III, Section 10, states that CPD is mandatory in the renewal
of license of all registered and licensed professionals under the
regulation of the PRC. Under Sec.11, the law further states that all
duly validated and recognized CPD credit units earned by a
professional shall be accumulated and transferred in accordance with
the Pathways and Equivalencies of the Philippines Qualifications
Framework (PQF).
Teacher’s Reflection
There are legal bases for the teaching profession. Every teacher or
those who wish to become teachers should study these laws carefully.
●Article XIV of the 1981 Philippine Constitution - discusses the
educational goals and purposes of the Philippines. It describes the
commitment of the states for the education of the Filipino people.
●Republic Act 7836, “Philippine Teachers Professionalism Act of
194,” and Republic Act 9293, “ Act Amending Certain Sections of
R.A. 7836” - discuss pertinent provisions recognizing teaching as a
profession in the country
●Republic Act 10533, “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013” -
discuss the K-12 education system.
●Republic Act 4670, “Magna Carta for Public School Teachers” -
identifies important expectations for teachers who will serve in the
public school system.
●Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines -
outlines the different behaviours that a professional Filipino teacher
should possess.
●Continuing Professional Development for Teachers- discusses the
need for teachers to undergo continuing professional development
activities that will help them grow professionally.