Multimodality Issues in Conversation Analysis of Greek TV Interviews

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Multimodality Issues in Conversation Analysis of Greek

TV Interviews

Maria Koutsombogera1,2 and Harris Papageorgiou1

Institute for Language & Speech Processing, Artemidos 6&Epidavrou, 15125 Athens, Greece
University of Athens, Department of Linguistics, University Campus, 15784 Athens, Greece

Abstract. This paper presents a study on multimodal conversation analysis of

Greek TV interviews. Specifically, we examine the type of facial, hand and
body gestures and their respective communicative functions in terms of
feedback and turn management. Taking into account previous work on the
analysis of non-verbal interaction, we describe the tools and the coding scheme
employed, we discuss the distribution of the features of interest and we
investigate the effect of the situational and conversational interview setting on
the interactional behavior of the participants. Finally, we conclude with
comments on future work and exploitation of the resulting resource.

Keywords: non-verbal/multimodal expressions, feedback, turn management,

conversation analysis, interview corpus.

1 Introduction

Relations between distinct modalities in natural interaction have been thoroughly

studied [1,2,3] in order to deeper understand research questions related to multimodal
communication areas such as emotional behavior [4], human-avatar interaction [5,6]
etc. In this paper we present a cross-disciplinary research on the communicative role
of multimodal expressions in TV face-to-face interviews occurring in various settings.
In general, TV discussions present a mixture of characteristics oscillating between
institutional discourse, semi-institutional discourse and casual conversation [7,8]. This
media content spans a variety of discourse types such as information exchange,
entertainment and casual talk. The setting in which the interview takes place, as well
as the social and discursive roles of the speakers are features that formulate the
discourse structure and further influence the interactants’ conversational behavior in
all its expressive dimensions (speech, hand and facial gestures etc.).
Our motivation is to identify and interpret gestural features that critically
contribute to the conversational interaction. Specifically, we describe their
interrelations as well as their distribution across different types of TV discussions in
an attempt to find evidence about their potential systematic role. In this context, we
take a first step towards the description and annotation of a multimodal corpus of
Greek TV interviews, available for further development and exploitation.

2 Corpus Description

The corpus comprises 66 minutes of interviews extracted from 3 different Greek TV

shows. Their structure consists of question-answer sequences performed by an
interviewer (the host) to an interviewee (the guest). Apart from the commonly shared
features, each interview is uniquely outlined by its setting, its topic, the roles and
personalities of its speakers, their interests and their commitments.
The first interview (I1) takes place in a TV studio between the host and a politician
and provides information concerning current political issues. It can be regarded as an
institutionalized interaction, as it appears to be more standardized in role distribution
and turn management predictability.
The second interview (I2) is a pre-filmed informal discussion in a classroom,
where the guest (an entertainer) gives an account of social and personal issues and is
subsequently confronted with the host’s reactions and suggestions. Due to the
spontaneous and intimate character of the interaction as well as a relatively lower
degree of predictability, the interview is oriented towards casual conversation.
The third one (I3) is a discussion of intellectual bias between the host and a writer
taking place in an office. It displays a semi-institutional character, because it is not
strictly information-focused; it also promotes the personal and emotional involvement
of both speakers, allowing spontaneous and unpredictable behavior to be expressed.

3 Coding Scheme

Multimodality is annotated by discriminating between the description of the form of

non-verbal expressions and their respective communicative functions. The descriptive
level comprises features related to hand gestures, facial expressions and body posture
for each speaker involved, as well as their semiotic type.

Table 1. Descriptive and functional attributes.

Descriptive attributes Functional attributes

Facial Hand Body Semiotic Feedback Turn Multimodal
display gesture posture type management relations
Gaze Handedness Torso Deictic Give Turn gain Repetition
Eyes Trajectory Non-deictic Elicit Turn end Addition
Eyebrows Iconic Substitution
Mouth Symbolic Contradiction
Lips Neutral
At the functional level there are features encompassing the annotation of
multimodal feedback and turn management, as well as multimodal relations between
speech and a respective non-verbal expression [9]. The labeling of the elements of
interest was based on the MUMIN coding scheme [10].

4 Annotation Process

The annotators’ tasks involved the gradual annotation of the material in line with the
coding scheme. Initially, the audio signal was extracted from the relevant video,
orthographically transcribed and further enriched with information about pauses, non-
speech sounds, etc. using Transcriber1. The output was imported to ELAN2, the tool
that was used for the entire video annotation, and it was ensured that the speech
transcript was kept synchronized with the video.
The coders identified facial, hand and body gestures of interest marking their start
and end points and assigned the respective tags according to their surface
characteristics (e.g. smile, single hand up etc.) and their semiotic type at distinct
annotation tracks. Next, they labeled the implied communicative functions based on
the interconnection between the gestures and the corresponding utterance.
Finally, the data were revised in order to correct possible errors and to assess the
consistency of the annotations throughout the corpus.

5 Annotation Output

The study of the annotated corpus reveals the multiple functions of non-verbal (NV)
communication. Its significance lies in that it provides information and sheds light on
the interplay between verbal and non-verbal signals. Speakers communicate
numerous messages by the way they make use of NV expressions, which may repeat,
complement, accent, substitute or contradict the verbal message. Moreover, NV
means of communication outline the conversational profile of the speakers as they are
a powerful means for self expression.
In order to interpret the NV behavior in an interview setting we have to clarify the
subtle dynamics of the situations the speakers find themselves in; the content of the
communication is framed by the perception of its context (environmental conditions
where the interview takes place, identity/role of the participants, and their behaviors
during interaction).
NV cues may also explicitly regulate the interaction, as they convey information
about when speakers should take or give the turn. In that sense, they give signs of the
effective function of the conversation and the degree of success of the interaction.
Finally, through NV communication the speakers project their attitudes and feelings
towards either their own statements (e.g. confidence about what they say) or to their
interlocutor’s statements.

In the interviews examined, we attested 1670 NV expressions. The speakers
frequently employ simple or more complex multimodal expressions using their facial
characteristics (gaze, eyebrows, nods etc.), hand gestures (single or both hands,
fingers, shoulders etc.) and upper part of the body (leaning forward and backward) in
order to reinforce their speech and express their emotions towards the uttered
messages. However, the types and functions of the expressions may vary, as they
depend on the role that the speakers assume, the constraints imposed by the host and
the discursive nature of the show from which the interview is taken.

Table 2. Number of non-verbal expressions attested in each interview and distribution between
host and guest.

Interview Non-verbal expressions Host Guest

I1 613 40.5% 59.5%
I2 665 22.5% 77.5%
I3 392 35.4% 64.6%

5.1 Descriptive Features

A closer look on the data shows that there are repeated patterns that are independent
of the message content. For example, there are standard gestures in opening and
closing utterances as well as in the hosts’ prefatory statements (the gaze direction and
hand orientation are towards the interlocutor). This sort of standardized multimodal
behavior is aligned to the succession of turns across time and may lead to the
formulation of possible conversational multimodal scenarios.
For example, a common behavior by the interviewees in our data was that, when
asked a question, they take some time to contemplate on their answer, remember or
find an appropriate word. In this time span, they usually have an unfocused gaze (eyes
fixed up/down, sometimes head turn away from the interviewer). When they finally
take the turn, they gaze towards the host and move the hands or torso in order to
denote that they are ready to answer. If they are willing to hold the turn they reinforce
their speech with repeated hand gestures or eyebrows raising, while they are using
mostly the eyes to elicit an acknowledgement or ensure that the host keeps up.
Finally, they complete their turn either by gazing down, or by staring at the host. This
kind of scenario describes a regular flow that is subject to modification in case of
interruptions, overlapping talk, or strong objections and reactions that declare the
speakers’ emotional involvement.
Moreover, the turn extent of each interview has an effect in the production of NV
expressions. In case of I1 the shifts are largely monitored, so the guest has to express
his views in a restricted time interval, he cannot deviate from the agenda or be
spontaneous, instead he is more reserved in his expressivity and makes a closed set of
simple, accompanying gestures. Conversely, in I2 and I3 where the shifts and topics
are more negotiated, the guests are entitled to elaborate on their views; they feel less
restricted and thus more prone to produce a variety of facial and gestural expressions.
Semiotic types of NV expressions seem to be independent of the setting; they are
however related to the content and the discursive features of the interview. For
example, in I1 the politician builds his argumentation based on concrete facts and
supports it mainly by non-deictic expressions. At the same time, in more casual
discussions such as I2 and I3 a large part of the guests’ talk involves narration, a
discourse type that is complemented with iconic multimodal expressions. Deictic and
symbolic types are quite equally distributed in the three interviews (cf. Table 3).

5.2 Communicative Functions

The correlations between the distinct modalities are captured through the multimodal
relations and the annotation of the NV expressions with regards to feedback exchange
and the coordination of turns as well.

Multimodal Relations. The annotation of the multimodal relations gives evidence of

the contribution of NV expressions to the speakers’ message. There is a relatively
high percentage of NV expressions that complement the message by providing
additional information that is not overtly expressed by speech only (addition) or by
replacing unsaid words (substitution). The majority of substitution labels is related to
acknowledgements and is represented mostly by facial displays that usually
correspond to head nods or smiles. The repetition type comes next, and it is used to
denote that no extra information is provided. Few relations were characterized as
neutral, where the annotators believed that the NV expression has no significant
contribution to the message. Finally, the contradiction relation is rarely used, namely
in cases of irony. It is important to report that the contradiction type was found mainly
in I1, possibly as a feature of argumentative speech, while it is rarely used in less
institutionalized interviews such as I2 and I3.

Feedback. Multimodal feedback in terms of perception and acceptance3 of the uttered

message is usually expressed through gaze and nods rather than hand gestures. NV
expressions of feedback-giving evolve in the course of time, as the speaker denotes
that he has perceived the message, he is interested or willing to contribute and, as the
turn is elaborated, he shows signs of certainty about the content of his talk, possibly
by forming an opinion.
The topic of discussion and the role that the participants assume is related to the
expression of their emotional and attitudinal feedback towards the message. Emotions
and attitudes (e/a) such as joy and satisfaction are non-verbally expressed more
overtly in I2 and I3 where the speakers feel more spontaneous. On the contrary, non-
verbal declaration of e/a such as disappointment, anger etc. is manifested in I1 in the
context of a strictly framed political discussion. E/a of surprise, certainty/uncertainty
and interest are attributed to NV expressions of all participants and they seem to be
independent of the interview type; they are rather related to the speaker’s attitude
towards a specific message content.

3 The annotation values for Feedback pertain to 3 groups: perception, acceptance and
Turn Management. I1 is more host-controlled and therefore shows certain
predictability in turn management, whereas I2 and I3 are more participant-shaped and
present a relatively lower degree of predictability and weaker talk control.
Gestures and expressions that are evoked in turn management are different in type
and frequency when they take place in a normal flow rather than overlapping talk.
During overlapping speech there is a high density of annotated multimodal
expressions; apart from prosodic features (e.g. higher intonation) the speakers engage
all their expressive potentials (gestures, facial displays) to maintain their turn. In our
annotated data, overlapping speech is usually triggered by a pause, a hold or a repair,
which are often accompanied by an unfocused gaze or a head side turn. A common
scenario is that the guest wants to hold the turn but sometimes he hesitates to answer
or takes his time to focus, think or remember what to say. The host then takes
advantage and he takes the turn. In most of the cases, the speaker who manages to
gain the turn is the one who is most expressive.
Moreover, In I1 we rarely see expressions related to the unbiased completion of the
turn and its subsequent yielding to the interlocutor. In most of the times, the speakers
take the turn without explicitly being asked to do so by their interlocutors.

Table 3. Distribution of semiotic and communicative features over interview types.

Attributes Values I1 I2 I3
Semiotic Deictic 5.2% 6.9% 7.4%
types Non Deictic 88.1% 73.1% 75.9%
Iconic 4.6% 15.9% 13.8%
Symbolic 2.1% 4.1% 2.9%
Multimodal Repetition 15.6% 17.8% 6.8%
relations Addition 51.7% 54.6% 71.4%
Contradiction 1.7% 0.4% 0.3%
Substitution 19.8% 19.9% 20.2%
Neutral 11.2% 7.3% 1.3%
Turn Turn Take 44.8% 12.1% 16.4%
management Turn Yield 1.9% 8.2% 9.2%
Turn Accept 2.7% 8.8% 7.4%
Turn Hold 42.1% 45.2% 40.3%
Turn Elicit 5.4% 15.3% 14.2%
Turn Complete 3.1% 10.4% 12.5%

6 Further work and exploitation

In order to provide more accurate and systematic descriptions of the multimodal

features contributing to this kind of interaction we are planning to enrich the corpus
with more interviews. The communicative function and role of speech features
(disfluencies, prosody elements like pitch, loudness) should also be further explored.
Furthermore, we plan to exploit this multimodal corpus in our multimedia
processing framework which allows the fusion of different metadata [11] in
accordance with the typology and semantic characteristics of the original audiovisual
material. In this respect, conversation analysis metadata can be further exploited in
order to accommodate multimedia retrieval & summarization applications [12].
This kind of study may also provide descriptive cues for building believable
interactive embodied agents for a variety of applications or friendly interfaces.


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