PSM-COM 1 Management Review
PSM-COM 1 Management Review
PSM-COM 1 Management Review
Signature Signed
Purpose of this procedure is to describe the activities required to carry out the periodic reviews ashore/
onboard of the PSM’s Safety Management System in conformity with the ISM Code and MLC 2006.
Safety Management System of both PSM Office and Vessels.
SMS Review: means review, examination of SMS in order to find out irrational matters or defects of
SMS to improve.
MLC 2006: Maritime Labor Convention 2006.
Safety Management System: SMS (Abbreviation in Vietnamese: HTQLAT)
Internal Audit Procedure
The General Director shall preside over the SMS Review Meeting. He is responsible to supervise the
implementation of the Action Plan which has been developed in the SMS Review Meeting.
DPA is responsible to prepare the programmed and contents of SMS Review Meeting.
The Master is responsible to implement the procedure onboard the vessel.
6.1 General
PSM shall accept and review feedbacks and innovatory ideas from Vessels about condition of SMS
onboard. Innovatory ideas may be the changes of procedure, resource requisitions or proper measures
which required carrying out by PSM.
PSM always desires to substantiate SMS to perform effectively and be updated regularly. The
conformity of SMS with ISM Code shall be periodically audited and reviewed.
6.2. Review
SMS Management Review Committee must decide active direction and general principles. SMS
Management Review Committee must make actions plans that must be done. Individuals/units have to
responsible to carry out these actions and fix deadline to complete above actions plan. This plan must
be monitored and updated to The Board of General Director by DPA periodically.
The review of SMS onboard the vessel shall at least base on these documents:
6.3. Membership
The participants of SMS Review Meeting consist of, but not limit:
The Director – Chairman;
Vice Directors;
Safety & Quality Manager;
Administration & Personnel Manager;
Technical Manager ;
Commercial & Logistics manager
The Director may assign any participant to take note the Minutes of the Meeting.
Participants who take part the Review Meeting onboard vessels consist of:
Master (Head of Safety Committee).
Chief Engineer.
Chief Officer.
Second Engineer.
Master may assign any participant to take note the Minutes of the Meeting. document retain
PSM’s SMS must be reviewed is not over 12 months. ISO management review meeting may
combine with SMS review meeting if condition permitting.
In special cases which relate to serious situations happened of safety and pollution, the special SMS
Review Meeting shall be conducted. Main foundations for special SMS Review Meeting are:
Major Non-conformities.
Major Non-conformities which have been found out during the external audit
Before off going Master leaves his duty to his successor, he shall review SMS. In case of the period of
working on board over 06 months, the review shall be performed at least once each six months by
Master. The off going Master is responsible to hand over the out standing matters of SMS to
oncoming Master to continue making improvement. After SMS Review Meeting onboard Vessel,
Master shall send 01 copy of Management review report onboard to DPA.
Management review report on board (ADN-25)
Department manager review PSMM-COM-05
SMS review report