Faculty: IITM Group of Institutions
Faculty: IITM Group of Institutions
Faculty: IITM Group of Institutions
Day of Venuc
Events Name Faculty Coordinators
. No. Event
Talkatora Stadium
DJ Day 3
(6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
3 7
List of Faculty Coordinators (Off-Stage Events Category)
Departments IITM Faculty IINTM Faculty ISPTM Faculty
D29 Campus D27-28 Carmpus D21&D51 Campuses
Sponsorship Dr Vikas Bharara Mr.Sanjay Shukla r Anmol Parvarnda
Dr. Jyoti Bhambani (Oftline) Dr .Preksha (Offline) Dr. Kamini Rai (Oifline)
Marketing Decoration 9811949779 Ms. Trishali (Online) Ms.Pja Sharmz
Mr Gautam Kumar (Online) Ms. Kanika D (Decoration and Online)
9910191027 Photography) s . Aashimz (Teoratiun &
Ms. Leena Gupta (Decoration Protograph)
Dr. Latika Malhotra Ms.Sushma Mr Anurag Patel
Registration( including Ms. Ruchika Dr. Priyanka indoria M:Pajiv Geur
online registration)
9013088888 Mr. Dhruv MrSanjeev Shukla
4 Ms. Shalini Girdhar Dr. Nitya Khurana Ms. Shikha Katyal
Stage Committee/
9350419966 Ms. Sakshi s.Richa Dixit
Inaugural Mr. Prevendra Kumar(1ITM
Ms Kavita Srivastava Mr. Akshay r . Anurag Patel
9971921382 Mr. Arun Utam Patel r . Vishakha Vem2
Team(Website/ Mr. Gautam Kumar Ms. Kanika Bhalla
Registration Support)
Ms Suman Singh
6 Certification Ms.Priti Sharma(!T) .1s Vishakha Vema
Invitation Committee
Dr Gopal Singh Latwal Ms. Shivani
g 47
Event In-charge to arrange the
Arrangement of Judges
Judges for the event
& Coordination with
Internal & External
Dr. Sunitha Ravi Ms.Sejal Dr Kamini Rai
10 Hospitality (Day 1, 2& 931090422
Dr. Harmeet Malhotra Ms. Shilpa Arora
Fiesta Report Drafting
9810998122 Dr. Priyanka Murria
Ms. Saguna Khajuria
Ms. Sunakshi Chadha
12 Press Release
Mr. Sanjay Shukla Mr. Anurag Patel
| Dr. Ganesh K Wadhwani. Mr. Nemi Rishi
Mr. Rahul
| Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma Mr. Anmol Panvanda
Dr. Vikas Bharara Mr. Arun
13 Mr. Mingma Ms. Pooja Sharma
Dr. Gopal S. Latwal
Security Mr. Sanjeev Shukla
Dr. Rohit Kumar Yadav Mr. Akshay
Mr. Syed Arshad Ali
Dr. Pankaj Varshney Dr. Renu Sharma
Dr. Mohita Mr. Rampal
Dr. Amit Kumar Ms. Richa Dixit
Dr. Ramandeep Kaur Dr. Neeti Chopra
Mr. Rajiv Gaur
Mr. Raghav Jain Dr. Nitya
Dr. Priyanka Murria
Ms. Shweta Arneja
Iist of Duties and Responsibilities for Ofr-Event Faculty Coordinators
1. Sponsorship:
a. Drafting of
Sponsorship Letter
b. Designing the Presentation for
c. Publishing the
Catalogue for Sponsors
d. Managing Electricity, Fire and Water requirements for Day 1,2& 3 for
Arrangement for Sponsors (Title Sponsor & Co-Sponsors- all 3 Days)
f. Managing Cash and Kind Sponsorships
2. Marketing:
a. Offine
i. Designing the Posters
ii. Distributing posters in higher education institutes covering entire
Delhi NCR region
b. Online
Drafting Marketing Calendar for promotion of Fiesta
ii. Promotion of Fiesta pictures & videos on social media platforms
C. Creative & Decoration- Decorating the entire campus on the Day 1 of the
3. Registration Committee:
a.Taking care of the Registrations (online & ofline) and coordinating with Event
Coordinators and other committees
4. Stage Committee:
a. Invite Letter and Card for Colleges and Institutions and dignitaries
b. Invite Letter and Card for IPU
c. E-Invitations for the same (a. and b.)
d. E-Invitations for the Visiting Faculty and CGuests
e. Licensing (Obtaining NOCs from police, fire and other departments).
8. Anchoring Committee:
Events for Day 1
a. Preparing Student Anchors for the Auditorium
9. Coordination with Internal & External Judges:
a. Drafting of Invitations
b. Preparing the Letter of Appreciation and Mementos
10. Hospitality:
a. Providing refreshment coupons to Student Coordinators, Faculty and
Staff members
b. Arrangements for refreshments for External Judges, Guests,
People and Production House team
11. Report Drafting and Collection Committee:
Mr. Ashish Kumar ayyar Ms. Annu Aggarwal Dr. Anjana Singh
Head Coordinator-IITM Head Coordinator-IINTM Head Coordinator-IPITM
(D-29 Campus) (D-27-28 Campus) (D-51 &D-21 Campuses)
Prof. (Dr.) Rachita-Rana Prof. (Dr.) Monika Kulshreshtha Mr. RK Singh
Director-IITM Director-IINTM Director-IPITM