Case Study - Rural Marketing Communcation
Case Study - Rural Marketing Communcation
Case Study - Rural Marketing Communcation
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Special Supplement
c o n t e n t s
i n s i d e
Rural Markets 5
Why look at Big Cities,
when rural is full of
opportunities - Marketing case study-1 12
in Rural India VISCOMM bags RMAI
Gold for JCB India’s
‘Sunehra Kal’
Rural Markets 7
The new rural
consumer in a digital
case study-2 14
Goodknight Fast card
campaign during
Pandharpur Yatra
win’s Gold at RMAI’s Flame
Amul- The taste of India 11 awards
The rural story of
India’s most successful
case study-3 16
Mahindra Finance bags
Gold in TVC category for
“Bharat Ko Pehchante
Hain Hum”
Vinay Dominic
Rural Markets
However, now that ‘Urban India’ consumers and stores. With the use
is more or less conquered it is time of technology in taking the consumer
to tap into ‘ The emerging India’ but insights, brands are now able to
rural India will be nothing short of an harness the consumer data at a scale,
enigma. On one side, marketers are which was previously unimaginable.
lured by large untested markets and Marketers now have the power to
on the other hand there is more than identify the ‘Rural Super Consumer’
10 per cent of the world’s population who looks forward to products and
which is struggling to have access services that can satisfy his desire for
In the given to basic amenities like power, a more city-like lifestyle.
set of markets water and basic sanitation facilities. Prioritising the Markets:
one needs to And both of these issues are quite Marketers need to identify and
accurately inter-connected. So what puzzles a select the markets that can be
identify the marketer is how to cater to such a approached faster, at an optimal
consumer wide heterogeneous market, which cost and more successfully in terms
segments that speaks over 50 different languages of consumer’s purchasing power, to
can drive brand and is culturally so diverse. garner a greater share of growth
sales, loyalty To begin with, brands need to have in the rural area. In broad strokes
and advocacy. an efficient sales and distribution prioritising the markets also includes
model. This is the most critical factor precision segmentation. This means
to achieve profitable and sustainable that in the given set of markets
growth in rural markets. Further, one needs to accurately identify the
albeit companies are focusing heavily consumer segments that can drive
on rural customer acquisition and brand sales, loyalty and advocacy.
reach, the efforts to retain a customer For example : Godrej Consumer
have become more important as Products - GCPL’s recently launched
competitors are also improving their OneRural programme underlines the
market penetration. company’s rural growth strategy,
Marketers need to give individual focusing on the top 20,000 villages
attention to each section in the ‘Rural out of the 60,000, which it currently
India’: The truth about these untapped serves.
markets is that rural potential is As 25% of GCPL’s overall revenue
distributed asymmetrically. Some of is being contributed from the rural
the regions possess higher potential markets.
than the combined aggregate. Just Today marketers are more
to give a rough idea, about 72% of than equipped to deploy efficient
rural FMCG sales happen in just 10 marketing strategies to woo the rural
states. This means that marketers consumer, who is more than self
should find their consumer and build sufficient and is willing to pay for a
an ecosystem around him. quality ‘urban experience’. How the
Marry Big Data with Technology: interaction between these two plays
With the advent of Big Data, out could decide quite a few of the
marketers have managed to coming decades biggest winners and
identify and profile millions of rural losers in Indian markets. n
Rural Markets
and friends who are moving to interest in “trading up” and buying
The top five cities. Moreover, improved road into new categories. Yes, they are
connectivity between rural and still value-conscious. But they also
items popular
urban areas has exposed country demand a broader assortment of
with rural buyers
dwellers to hitherto unfamiliar products and features, and they have
are Republic
aspects of material consumption— an eye for quality. An Accenture
of India notes,
such as service quality as well as study in progress suggests that rural
mobile phone
product diversity and quality. Take consumers have a strong preference
cases, modems,
these realities into account, and for branded products. Their needs
the profile of the so-called typical are no longer simple, and they want
headsets and rural Indian consumer looks quite consumption experiences that are
computer different from the traditional picture. convenient and tailored to their
tablets. Today’s rural Indians have high specific circumstances. To get these
expectations, as evidenced by their experiences, they are interacting
with multiple touchpoints and
channels as they make and execute
The Changing Realities of Rural India Building Trust along Rural Consumer Purchase Journey
Accenture survey of 2800 rural consumers across 8 states and 10 Focus Group Discussions provides unique insights into how purchase
To gain wallet decisions.
share in India’s ruralThey areneedalso
market, executives to meet the new im
rural consumers are changing—in terms of their attitudes, preferences and buying behavior. Businesses that capitalize on this journey. We call such milestones “trustpoints” instead of “touchpoints,” as they
opportunity now could gain a significant competitive advantage over those who wait until the market matures further. morecan buildopen trust with theto experimenting,
customer—or destroy it.
mobile phone cases, modems,
Brand Savvy Outside
Empowered Bluetooth the loopheadsetsCustomer and computer
Traditionalists are the Steady Climbers aspire for a Young Enthusiasts, rural Village Elites are the progressive
including The use the of digital Web and social
conservative rural consumers
that rely on conventional
more comfortable lifestyle.
They want to enhance their
consumers aged 18-28, make
extensive use of digital
rural consumers, boasting high
education and awareness levels.
media. These>50% behaviors reflect the
channels to make their purchase
decisions. Necessity drives most
social standing among their
peers, and strive to do so by
technology and buy branded
products to enhance their
They desire the best in product
quality, features and aesthetics. disruptive forces of the
of the respondents expresseddigital
willingness era
of their purchase decisions and buying branded products social image. They powerfully to use digital channels
they typically purchase the and offerings. influence the decisions of
cheapest offerings available. other consumers segments.
in religious
dorsements have an influence on their final
rchase decisions.
ceremonies online rather
and 49 percent plan to increase their spend
on healthcare.
than undertaking a pilgrimage.
erizing rural consumer behaviorthe change
7 5
To capture market potential Customer
embodied in rural India, companies
the loop
must understand the disruption
that’s reshaping thisDiscerning vast market
and reconfigure their strategies.
Simply put, ever-higher Value customer
expectations are fueling demand
for superior customer service and
experiences. Companies that fail to 6. Experience
• Differentiate through service;
7. Advocacy
• Nurture advocates to leverage
5. Purchase
• Enhance in-store experience
meet this demand risk losing their initiate contact with customer
• Deliver on the brand promise
positive word of mouth
• Seek customer
• Support online channel through
offline intervention
customers to rivals who can step up. to win loyalty feedback proactively • Offer improved financial access
and payment flexibility
spread through word of mouth.
buyers. They do little to enhance
Understanding rural the customer experience or the
consumers’ needs quality of after-sales service for Ever-higher
This need for a new perspective these consumers, on the assumption customer
on the rural Indian consumer that people don’t expect it and that expectations are
underscores the widening gap providing high-quality service would fueling demand
between what organizations provide be a logistics nightmare. Given the for superior
to such customers and what the infrastructure challenges still facing customer service
customers actually want. Many some rural areas, combined with and experiences
companies are continuing to push a dearth of market research on
in rural India.
low-cost, cheaply made products rural consumers’ changing buying
with limited features in their bid to behaviors, perhaps it’s not surprising
attract supposedly price-conscious that companies are clinging to
Goodknight Fast
card campaign during
On ground
Godrej Consumer Products
Ltd. is the largest home-
grown, home and personal
care company in India, con-
stantly innovating to delight
the consumers with more
exciting, superior quality prod-
ucts at affordable prices. The
marketing campaign was for a
revolutionary mosquito repel-
lant Goodknight Fast Card
“Fattack se furr”.Godrej was
looking for a Rural activation
targeting Mahrashtra as it was
P1 Market for their Goodknight
Fast Card brand.
To introduce and
thoroughly educate rural con-
sumers of Maharashtra about
Goodknight’s innovative cost-
effective mosquito repellant and were wlecomed through prime resting spots for the pil-
– Fast Card. In rural India, the Public Announcement Systems grims.
penetration of household insec- accompanied with the informa-
ticides is quite low as current tive Fast Card jingles at Bus Over 80 volunteers served
products are either expensive Stands across Maharashtra. water to the devotees round
or require electricity. the clock during the festivities.
Temporary hoardings and
Execution: boards with information like Live footage of the deity was
The campaign was executed- important locations and direc- aired on 8X6 Outdoor LED TV
during the “Pandharpur Aashadi tions, with Goodknight Fast installed adjacent to the Queue.
Eakadasi”, the biggest Yatra of Card branding were erected
Maharashtra organised during at strategic points around the Mutt is a huge hall that can
July, the most favorable breed- Town of Pandharpur. accommodate around 1000-
ing season for mosquitoes. 2000 devotees. Promoters were
Pandharpur witnesses around 5 lakh booklets containing engaged in demonstrations and
15-20 lakh devotees mostly Bhajans and information about sampling of the product during
from rural Maharashtra, allow- the city like directions and bus the evening hours for 7 days.
ing us to reach a high number schedules with Goodknight
of target customers. Fast Card branding, were dis- All the hoardings, boards, book-
tributed to everyone in the city. lets, volunteer caps and t-shirts,
From over 30 bus sta- water-cups and LED TVs were
tions across Maharshtra Bhajan mandaps with branded with Goodknight Fast
State, Devotees travelling to Goodknight Fast Card brand- Card and its tag line ‘Phatak
Pandharpur were given infor- ing were set up near the temple se Furr’ in the native language
mation about the bus schedules and river area, which were the Marathi. n
• Successful launch of Goodknight Fast Card, reaching out to over 30% of people of Maharashtra
(across all districts) particularly people from small towns and rural markets.
• Excellent awareness and brand building .
• A visible growth in sales of Goodknight Fast Card across Maharashtra was recorded.
The Audio Ad reached over 60,000 devotees every day and was broadcasted at around 30
district level Bus stations for 20 days, achieving the overall reach of 3.6 Cr people. Around 5
lakh booklets were distributed during the 7 days long celebration. Direction boards, information
boards and hoarding were erected at strategic location of the city to help devotees as well as
make them aware of the revolutionary mosquito repellant Goodknight Fast Card ‘Fattack se
Furr’. Over 1,44,400 sample packs across Pandharpur were distributed. The brand was able to
reach out over 12-15 lacs people.through this campaign
Hain Hum”
Mahindra Finance takes home the Gold for the Best TVC Campaign of the
Year 2015 at the RMAI Flame Awards 2015.
case study-3
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