Uamerica 23 136540
Uamerica 23 136540
Uamerica 23 136540
Handling Editor: Panos Seferlis The requirement for ethylene glycol (EG) continues to surge owing to the booming demand for indispensable
platform materials. Unfortunately, there is limited insight into engineering modeling, process enhancement, and
Keywords: process optimization to achieve carbon neutrality in ethylene glycol production. Herein, four biomass-to-
Biomass to ethylene glycol ethylene glycol (BtEG) processes that integrate renewable energy for hydrogen production and CO2 utilization
Carbon neutral
are proposed to find the best strategy for the carbon-neutral and cost-effective development of the ethylene
Renewable energy
glycol industry. Rigorous steady-state modeling and simulation of the proposed BtEG processes with various
CO2 utilization
Techno-economic analysis gasification agents are conducted to investigate the effect of different gasification agents on the performance of
the BtEG processes. The technoeconomic and environmental performance of the proposed processes is assessed
and compared with the conventional process. Results show that the proposed BtEG processes can significantly
boost the system performance of the conventional process. The carbon utilization efficiency, exergy efficiency,
and internal rate of return of four proposed BtEG processes are improved by 38.96%–43.2%, 0.98%–7.13%, and
1.94%–11.28%, respectively. The environmental performance of the proposed BtEG processes is greatly superior
to that of the conventional process since the life cycle GHG emissions of the proposed processes are negative,
which are lower than − 1.47 t/t. Therefore, this study provides a sustainable and cost-efficient improvement
direction for the carbon-intensive ethylene glycol industries.
* Corresponding author. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, PR China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Yang).
Received 30 November 2022; Received in revised form 9 January 2023; Accepted 19 February 2023
Available online 20 February 2023
0959-6526/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
potential of coal, oil and biomass-based ethylene glycol processes is tax. Do and Kim (2020) developed a renewable hydrogen assisted light
7.29 t-CO2-eq/t-EG, 4.52 t-CO2-eq/t-EG, and 3.84 t-CO2-eq/t-EG, respec hydrocarbon production process and found that the proposed process
tively (Xu et al., 2021). Therefore, although the life cycle CO2 emissions can achieve negative CO2 emission with high technoeconomic perfor
of the BtEG process are lower than the other two processes, such a high mance. Zhou et al. (2022) proposed a novel coproduction process of
greenhouse emission undoubtedly contradicts the carbon-neutral ammonia and fertilizer generation by integrating with the chemical
development goal advocated by the world. looping hydrogen technology. The results reveal that the proposed
Process integration and design optimization is an effective tool to process saves total production cost by 12.1% and reduces CO2 emissions
alleviate the serious carbon emission problem of conventional ethylene by 1.39 t/t. Moreover, Wang et al. (2022) proposed a coal to methanol
glycol production routes (Manan et al., 2017). For example, Katebah process integrated with green hydrogen. The results show that the direct
et al. (2022) carried out a process-level understanding of the CO2 emission of the proposed process is reduced from 1.9 t/t to 0.04 t/t.
techno-economic advantages of process integration for CO2 reduction. However, few studies investigate the integration of renewable resources
Chen et al. (2020) and Yang et al. (2021a) proposed that the ethylene for ethylene glycol production. In addition, gasification agents signifi
glycol production process can be coupled with the production process of cantly affect syngas compositions and system performance. Previous
other chemicals, such as methanol and polymethoxy dimethyl ethers. works have reported O2 (Liu et al., 2018), steam (Siwal et al., 2020), and
This method can indeed decrease CO2 emission and improve system CO2 (Butterman and Castaldi, 2009). However, few studies consider the
performance. However, increasing the hydrogen-to-carbon ratio of impacts of gasification agents on the biomass to ethylene glycol process.
syngas requires sacrificing a large amount of valuable CO gases, which Herein, this work is mainly devoted to finding the optimal green
are converted into CO2. It then reuses CO2, which does not realize ethylene glycol production process from renewable resources with high
endogenous carbon emission reduction (Hao et al., 2021). Integrating exergy efficiency, economic benefits, and environmental performance,
hydrogen-rich resources can avoid the water gas shift unit to realize as shown in Fig. 1. Biomass is selected for ethylene glycol production by
low-carbon emissions and energy savings of the traditional fossil integrating with biomass gasification technology because biomass is
fuel-based ethylene glycol processes (Sajjadi et al., 2021). For example, renewable, easily available and carbon neutral. Renewable electricity
Xiang et al. (2015) carried out a comparative work of coke oven gas and from wind and solar energy is applied to produce hydrogen by electro
natural gas-assisted coal to olefins processes with the conventional one lyzing water technology to solve the element attribute of hydrogen
and found that these two assisted processes can greatly reduce carbon deficiency in biomass syngas. The discharged CO2 from the biomass
emissions and improve energy efficiency. In addition, previous works gasification is captured and reused to produce the target product (i.e.,
indicate that coke oven gas (2021a) and shale gas assisted (Yang et al., ethylene glycol) and co-produce dimethyl carbonate simultaneously.
2021c) coal to ethylene glycol processes have lower carbon emission and This study addresses four critical gaps in current knowledge: (1) four
more satisfactory techno-economic performance. biomass to ethylene glycol (BtEG) processes integrated with different
However, the feasibility of these processes depends heavily on gasification agents, green hydrogen production and CO2 utilization
whether there is an associated shale gas mine or coking plant in the area technologies are designed and modeled; (2) the key operational pa
where the ethylene glycol plant is located. Nevertheless, the resource rameters of these processes are explored and optimized along with the
situation where most glycol plants are located differs from this situation. validated models; (3) the effect of different gasification agents on the
Besides, so far, most of the proposed ethylene glycol production pro biomass gasification unit is investigated and compared to select the most
cesses are focused on improving the coal-based ethylene glycol process suitable gasification agent; and (4) the technical, economic, and envi
and the increasement of hydrogen to carbon ratio by coke oven gas, ronmental performance of four novel processes are compared with those
natural gas, or shale gas. of the conventional process to manifest their advantages and disad
On the other hand, coal-based chemical processes integrated with vantages. The results of this study can provide the theoretical basis for
green hydrogen can significantly reduce CO2 emissions with high tech the industrialization of green ethylene glycol production from renew
noeconomic performance. For example, Chirone et al. (2022) believed able resources.
that the green H2 from an alkaline electrolyzer is cheaper than that from
natural gas under the current natural gas, electricity prices, and carbon
Fig. 1. Overview of the differences between the conventional and proposed BtEG processes.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 2. Schematic block diagram of (a) conventional and (b) proposed BtEG processes.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
integrate two additional units: renewable electricity for hydrogen pro method is selected as the global physical method because most of the
duction (REH) and carbon dioxide utilization (CDU) unit. Thanks to substances contained in the BtEG process are non-polar or weakly polar
Cases 2–5 integrating electrolyzed water to produce hydrogen with the substances. Since the substances processed by the EGS unit have more
aid of renewable electricity, the syngas from the biomass gasification polar substances, the physical property method of this unit is defined as
(BG) unit will no longer need to undergo a water-gas shift. As a result, a the NRTL method.
large amount of CO can be retained to synthesize ethylene glycol instead
of being wasted as CO2. Because biomass-based syngas contains a certain 2.1.1. Biomass gasification unit
amount of CO2, SO2 and other acid gases, it is firstly sent to the acid gas The simplified mechanism and modeling of the biomass gasification
removal (AGR) unit to remove these impurities. The purified syngas unit are shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b). The biomass gasification process
enters the H2 and CO separation (HCS) unit to generate high-purity generally consists of drying, pyrolysis, gasification and combustion
hydrogen and CO streams, which are used to produce ethylene glycol stages (Xiang et al., 2020). Biomass is firstly got into the drying stage
in the ethylene glycol synthesis (EGS) unit. The flow information of the (modeled by an RStoic model and a Sep model) to remove moisture and
material and energy streams of the conventional and proposed BtEG dry biomass under 150 ◦ C. As the temperature rises, the dried biomass
processes is required to be identify by establishing their whole process goes into the pyrolysis stage, where the decomposition speed increases,
modeling and simulation before determining their technical, economic resulting in a large number of decomposition products, such as coke, tar,
and environmental performance. The schematic flowsheet of Cases 2–5 CO2, CO, methane, etc. This stage is assumed to be modeled by an RYield
is shown in Fig. 3. model (275 ◦ C) and an RStoic model (about 500 ◦ C). The separated coke
To shorten the length of the paper, the whole schematic flowsheet of is fed into the gasification and combustion stage, which is modeled by an
the conventional BtEG process (Case 1) is present in Fig. S2, and the RGibbs model and a Sep model. The gaseous streams of the three stages
description of the modeling and simulation of the acid gas removal, H2 are mixed as the crude syngas of the biomass gasification process. The
and CO separation, and ethylene glycol synthesis units are detailed basic properties of the selected biomass are indicated in Table S2. In
explained in Appendix A.1-A.3 in the Supporting Information. Besides, addition, the chemical reaction and the key kinetic parameters for the
the key operational parameters of Cases 1–5 processes are summarized modeling and simulation of the biomass gasification unit are shown in
in Table S1 Appendix B in the Supporting Information. The RK-SOAVE Tables S3 and S4 in the Supporting Information.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 4. Simplified gasification mechanism (a) and modeling (b) of biomass gasification unit.
2.1.2. Renewable electricity for hydrogen production unit voltage is composed of open circuit voltage (Vocv), activation
Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water is a green and envi overpotential (Vact), diffusion overpotential (Vdiff), and ohmic
ronmentally friendly hydrogen production, which produces hydrogen overpotential (Vohm), which can be expressed as shown in Eq. (2):
by providing energy to water through electric energy and destroying the
Eele = Icell Acell Ncell V (1)
hydrogen-oxygen bonds of water molecules (Zhang et al., 2021a). There
are three typical hydrogen production technology by electrolysis of
Vcell = Vocv + Vact + Vdiff + Vohm (2)
water: alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), proton exchange membrane
electrolysis (PEM), and solid oxide electrolysis (SOEC), as shown in The open circuit voltage, which is also called reversible potential, is
Table S5. It shows that the alkaline water electrolysis hydrogen pro determined by the Nernst equation as follows (Falcão and Pinto, 2020):
duction technology has many disadvantages, such as strongly corrosive, ( )
RT αH2 α0.5
low energy conversion efficiency, low current density, and complex Vocv = V0 + ln
zF αH2 O
product gas dealkalization. PEM technology overcomes the drawbacks
of alkaline water electrolysis technology, and separates the produced
where R and F are the gas and Faraday constant, T refers the electrolysis
hydrogen and oxygen gases without additional separation procedures.
temperature, z is the number of moles of electrons involved in the
As a result, it has the promising merits of high electrolysis efficiency, no
electrolysis reaction, αi is the activity of substance i, V0 is the open cir
pollution, high current density, small size, and can change the load
cuit voltage at standard temperature and pressure, which is estimated as
quickly. In addition, PEM technology can well match the features of the
(Toghyani et al.):
photovoltaic and wind power technology. For example, it can match the
( )
randomness and fluctuation of these power generation. Due to the solid αH2 α0.5
V0 = 1.23 − 0.0085(T − 298) + 4.38 × 10− 5 T ln
oxide electrolytic cell has not been commercialized, PEM technology is α H2 O
used to produce hydrogen in this work. Its simplified mechanism and
modeling procedures are shown in Fig. 5 (a) and (b). The electrolytic activation overpotential is due to the loss during the
electrochemical activation process, which is affected by many factors,
(1) Electrochemical model: The electricity consumption of the PEM such as temperature, catalyst performance, and electrode morphology.
electrolyzer can be expressed by the relationship between cell The Butler-Volmer equation describes the basic electrochemical rela
voltage (Vcell) and current (Icell) as shown in Eq. (1). The cell tionship between current and activation overpotential in the electro
chemical dynamic process:
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 5. Electrochemical model (a) and flowsheet-based model of the REH unit.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
where Rpl, Rel and Rmem are bipolar plate, electrode, and membrane where Keq is the reaction equilibrium constant, r is reaction rate, and xi is
resistances. the conversion ratio of ith substance, respectively.
The detailed physical properties and operating parameters for the
REH unit simulation are presented in Table S6 in the Supporting
Information. 2.2. Efficiency analysis method
(2) Flowsheet-based model: Fresh water is mixed with recycled Element utilization efficiency is able to effectively distinguish the
water and then enters the purification unit (Sep model), where resource conversion and utilization efficiency of the traditional and
only 50% of the flow can be used for the subsequent electrolysis proposed processes because these processes involve material conver
process (Rivera-Tinoco et al., 2016). Purified water is fed into the sion. Due to the purpose of the proposed processes is aimed to use carbon
stacks. An RStoic model is used for the simulation of the elec to reduce carbon emissions effectively. Therefore, the carbon utilization
trochemical reaction. The following splitters (FSplit models), efficiency (εC) is used in this study. It is the ratio between the output and
mixers (Mixer models) and separators (Sep models) of the stack input carbon of the system as formulated as follows (Yang et al., 2021d):
are used to simulate gas permeability and water-drag through the C
Foutput C
membrane, as well as unreacted water evacuation under the εC = × 100% = C × 100% (15)
conditions of adiabatic without pressure loss. (Rivera-Tinoco Finput Fbiomass + Fmethanol + FEO
et al., 2016). The Flash2, Heater, and Sep models are used to
simulate the hydrogen purification, drying and pressurization where Finput and Foutput are the mole flowrate of input and output carbon;
processes. The oxygen-water mixture stream is fed into the flash Fbiomass , Fmethanol , FEG , FEO and FDMC denote the mole flowrate of biomass,
tanks and heater to separate oxygen and water. The obtained methanol, EG, EO and DMC, respectively.
hydrogen stream will be used to synthesize ethylene glycol in the Because the carbon utilization efficiency fails to reflect the efficiency
following unit. The oxygen stream is divided into two parts: one is of the system’s energy conversion intuitively, the exergy analysis
fed into the biomass gasifier as a gasification agent; the rest is sent method is a such method that can not only determine the magnitude of
to the methyl nitrite synthesis reactor for methyl nitrite energy loss, but also distinguish the difference in energy quality. Hence,
production. this method is adopted to analyze the thermodynamic performance of
different BtEG processes.
2.1.3. CO2 utilization unit The exergy of a stream (Ex) mainly involves the physical exergy
The direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) from CO2 and (Exph) and chemical exergy (Exch) as follows (Wu et al., 2021):
methanol is adopted as the CO2 utilization technology in this work.
Ex = Exph + Exch (16)
Firstly, it is a green synthetic route due to the nontoxicity of starting
materials and synthetic process, as shown in Eq. (10) (Zhang et al., ∑
Exph = ni ((hi − h0 ) − T0 (si − s0 )) (17)
2021b). Secondly, DMC plays a significant role in the chemical industry i
because it is widely used as a fuel additive, green organic synthesis in
( )
termediate, and solvent. Thirdly, introducing ethylene oxide (EO) as the ∑ni ch,o ∑ni (ni )
dehydrating agent of this technology is able to byproduce the target Exch = n ex + RT ln (18)
n i n n
products in the same amount as DMC as shown in Eqs. (11) and (12). i i
CO2 conversion reaction: CO2 + 2 CH3OH → DMC + H2O (10) where h and s are the molar enthalpy and entropy, exch,o
i is the standard
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 6. Mechanism (a), conceptual design (b) and simulation model (c) of the CDU unit.
where Exinput and Exoutput are the input and output exergy; Exraw , Exsteam where EI and Q stand for the equipment investment and processing scale
and Exelectricity represent the input exergy of raw material, steam and of the estimated project, EIref and Qref refer to the equipment investment
and processing scale of the successfully operated plant, and n is the
electricity, respectively; ExEG and ExDMC are the product exergy of EG
scaling exponent, respectively.
and DMC.
The TPC of the conventional and proposed BtEG processes are the
sum of manufacturing cost (CM) and general expense (CGE) as shown in
2.3. Economic analysis methodology Eq. (22) (Yang et al., 2021b). The manufacturing cost includes raw
material, utility, operating and maintenance, depreciation and plant
The estimation of total capital investment (TCI) and total production overhead costs as shown in Eq. (23) (Das et al., 2021). The CGE mainly
cost (TPC) is an important reference basis for analyzing the economic includes management, financial and sales expenses as shown in Eq. (24).
prospect of the proposed process. Although the processing scale of the
TPC = CM + CGE (22)
same unit is different, the total capital investment of the same unit can
be estimated by the Equipment Capacity Index method. This method is a CM = CR + CU + CW + COM + CD (23)
common method to estimate the investment of a new project based on
the processing scale of the new project as well as the processing scale CGE = CME + CFE + CSE (24)
and total capital investment of the successfully operated plant as shown
in Eqs. (20) and (21) (Shi et al., 2021). The benchmark case for the where CR and CU are the cost of raw material and utilities; CW denotes
calculation of equipment investments is summarized in Table S7. When the wage, including additional fees such as wages, allowances and bo
the equipment cost is determined, the rest costs of TCI are estimated in nuses for production personnel; COM is other operating and maintenance
terms of their ratio factor (RF) as shown in Table S8 in the Supporting
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
cost; and CD is the depreciation cost, which is estimated by the These gas emissions come from two sources: one is the direct GHG
assumption of the salvage value and plant lifetime are 5% and 20 years. emissions from the production process, and the other is the indirect GHG
To further analyze the profitability of the proposed processes, the net emissions from the use of energy and raw materials (Xu et al., 2021). The
present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) are adopted in this direct GHG emissions can be analyzed in terms of the modeling and
work as shown in Eqs. 25 and 26 (Lee et al., 2021). In this work, the simulation results, and the indirect GHG can be calculated by Eq. (27)
plant lifetime and discount rate (i0) are assumed to be 20 years and 10%. (Qiu et al., 2010). When the CO2, N2O, and CH4 in each stage are
The construction period of the project is two years, and the cost of the determined, the total GHG emissions of the conventional and proposed
first year accounts for 80% of the total investment cost (Yang et al., BtEG processes can be calculated by Eq. (28) (Davidson et al., 2021).
2022). ∑∑
GHGk = ECi,j ×GHGFi,j,k (27)
NCFt i k
NPV = t (25)
t=0 (1 + i0 ) ∑ ∑ ∑
GHG = 298 × N2 O + 25 × CH4 + CO2 (28)
i i i
NPV = =0 (26)
t=0 (1 + IRR)t Where ECi,j denotes the consumption of energy j in the ith stage; and
GHGFi,j,k refers to the factor of kth pollutant emission (k ∈ {CO2, N2O,
where NCFt denotes the annual undiscounted net cash flow in year t. and CH4 }) in ith stage because of the consumption of energy j, which
can be found in the previous work of Xu et al. (2021).
2.4. Environmental assessment methodology
3. Results and discussion
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to evaluate the environmental
3.1. Optimization of key operational parameters
impact based on the boundary of “cradle to gate” in this work. The
detailed system boundary of the study consists of raw material acqui
The feed ratio among input O2, CO2, steam and biomass of the four
sition, transportation and production stages as shown in Fig. 7. The data
proposed processes is investigated and optimized to have a better system
of the biomass acquisition and transportation stages mainly select from
performance in terms of the established models in section 2.1. In addi
research papers on similar topics (Shafie et al., 2014; Singh & Basa k,
tion, the reaction pressure of the side reactor as well as the feed stage of
2019), and the data of the ethylene glycol production stage is calculated
CO2, methanol, and recycle streams of the reaction distillation column of
on the basis of the simulation results. This study selects one ton of
the proposed BtEG processes are investigated to utilize the CO2 gener
ethylene glycol product as the functional unit. Because four proposed
ated by the conventional BtEG process efficiently.
BtEG processes are aimed to optimize the material-energy utilization
structure of the conventional process to achieve green and carbon
3.1.1. Effect of CO2/biomass and O2/biomass ratios on the syngas
neutrality of the ethylene glycol production, this work is focused on the
Properly increasing the feed ratio of CO2 can effectively reduce CO2
evaluation of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the conventional
emissions, but it will undoubtedly have a greater impact on the syngas
and proposed BtEG processes to manifest the CO2 reduction ability of the
produced by biomass gasification units (Habibollahzade et al., 2021).
process (Yan et al., 2021). According to the production characteristics of
The effect of the CO2/biomass and O2/biomass on the syngas is indicated
the BtEG process, GHG emissions mainly consider CO2, N2O, and CH4.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 8. Effect of CO2/biomass and O2/biomass ratios on the total amount and ratio of H2 and CO.
Fig. 8(a) and (b). Increasing the ratio of CO2/biomass has less impact on 3.1.2. Effect of steam/biomass and O2/biomass ratios on the syngas
the total amount of CO and H2 in the syngas, but has a significant impact Unlike the CO2 agent, using steam as a gasification agent can effec
on the H2/CO ratio of the syngas. It means that increasing CO2/biomass tively increase hydrogen production in the syngas as shown in Fig. 9(a)
ratio can increase the production of CO but decrease that of H2. It is and (b). Due to the molar ratio of the consumed CO and produced H2 of
mainly because that increasing the amount of CO2 promotes the reaction the water gas shift reaction to 1:1, the total amount of H2 and CO is
of carbon and CO2 to produce CO, but inhibits the WGS reaction. Hence, almost unchanged if the O2/biomass ratio does not change as shown in
the syngas will have a lower H2/CO ratio. The O2/biomass ratio greatly Fig. 9(a). When the steam/biomass ratio adds from zero to 0.5 t/t, the
impacts on the total amount of CO and H2 as well as the H2/CO ratio. H2/CO ratio is increased from 0.7 to higher than 1.1. It is mainly because
The total amount of CO and H2 are increased quickly when the that a high steam/biomass ratio can promote water gas shift and
O2/biomass ratio increases from 0.1 t/t to 0.2 t/t. But it is then methane reforming reactions, resulting in a significant increase in the
decreased when the O2/biomass ratio is higher than 0.2 t/t. This is output H2 as shown in Fig. 9(b). Moreover, the O2/biomass ratio has a
mainly due to properly increasing the oxygen content can provide more more significant effect on the total amount and ratio of H2 and CO
heat to promote the gasification reaction, but excessive oxygen will compared with that of steam/biomass ratio. In particular, the total
rapidly increase the combustion reaction of CO and H2. Thus, the amount of H2 and CO is firstly increased and then decreased when the
optimal O2/biomass ratio is 0.2 t/t to increase the yield of effective O2/biomass ratio is increased from 0.1 t/t to 0.3 t/t. When the O2/
components in the syngas. In addition, to consume as much CO2 as biomass ratio is high to 0.2 t/t, the biomass gasification unit has the
possible and have a not too low H2/CO ratio, the CO2/biomass ratio of highest amount of H2 and CO. Thus, the O2/biomass ratio and the
the proposed Cases 3 and 5 is suggested to be 0.2 t/t. steam/biomass ratio of the proposed Case 4 and Case 5 are
Fig. 9. Effect of steam/biomass and O2/biomass ratios on the total amount and ratio of H2 and CO.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
recommended to be 0.2 t/t and 0.2 t/t. Fig. 12. When the feed stage of the recycle stream is set in the upper sixth
stage, the methanol conversion ratio is gradually raised from 93.0% to
3.1.3. Effect of CO2/biomass and steam/biomass ratios on the syngas 99.3%, thanks to the reuse of the unconverted reactants. That ratio,
When the O2/biomass ratio is 0.2 t/t, the effect of CO2/biomass and however, is slightly decreased if the stage of the recycle stream is set
steam/biomass ratios on the syngas is indicated in Fig. 10 (a) and (b). below the sixth stage. It is mainly because that a small amount of the
When the CO2/biomass and steam/biomass ratios are changed from zero unreacted substances will reach the side withdrawal stage. Therefore,
to 0.5 t/t, the change ratio of the total amount of H2 and CO is less than the recycle stage of the RD column is set to 6.
2.5% as shown in Fig. 10(a). However, the H2/CO ratio of the syngas is Due to the methanol conversion ratio of the column is decreased
changed from 0.86 to 1.41 when the steam/biomass ratio increases from when the stage of the methanol stream is at the lower stage. Hence, the
zero to 0.5 t/t, and it is changed to 0.60 when the CO2/biomass ratio is first stage is selected as the feed stage of the methanol stream. Moreover,
higher to 0.5 t/t. Hence, to consume as much CO2 as possible and have a the feed stage of the CO2 stream has less impact on the conversion ratio
not too low H2/CO ratio, the O2/biomass, CO2/biomass and steam/ of methanol compared with other feed streams. It has only an obvious
biomass ratios of Case 5 are all suggested to be 0.2 t/t in this study. downward trend when the feed stage of the CO2 stream is changed from
5 to 6. Thus, the feed stage of the CO2 stream is selected to be 5.
3.1.4. Effect of pressure on the conversion of side reactor and RD process The EO stream is employed as the dehydrant. Selecting a reasonable
Due to the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from CO2 and methanol is feed stage will significantly increase the conversion ratio of methanol. It
a chemical reaction involving gas, the performance of the side reactor can be seen that the feed stage of the EO stream changes from 3 to 4, and
and reaction distillation process will be greatly influenced by the reac the methanol conversion ratio rises from 99.0% to 99.6% because EO
tion pressure as shown in Fig. 11 (a) and (b). If the reactants are fed reacts with the produced water can promote the CO2 to DMC reaction.
according to the stoichiometric coefficient, the temperature is increased However, when the feed stage of the EO stream varies from 4 to 10, the
from 110 ◦ C to 131 ◦ C when the pressure increases from 0.75 MPa to methanol conversion ratio greatly drops from 99.6% to 85.2%. Thus, the
1.50 MPa. As a result, the equilibrium conversion of the side reactor is feed stage of the EO stream is suggested to be 4.
decreased from 12.21% to 10.01%. It is mainly because that the
dimethyl carbonate synthesis reaction is an exothermic reaction.
Increasing temperature chemical equilibrium proceeds in the opposite 3.2. Comparison of different gasification agents on the BG unit
direction according to the principle of chemical equilibrium. The low
equilibrium conversion has a negative impact on the reaction distillation The difference in gasification agent has the most direct impact on the
process; however, appropriately increasing pressure has a positive biomass gasification unit in comparison with other units. As aforemen
impact on the separation efficiency of the distillation process. Hence, tioned, Cases 1 and 2 use oxygen as the gasification agent, Case 3 uses O2
determining pressure requires weighing its impact on the reaction and and CO2, Case 4 uses O2 and steam, and Case 5 uses a mixed gasification
reactive distillation process. As Fig. 11(b) shows, when the pressure is agent of O2, CO2 and steam. The effect of the gasification agents on the
increased from 0.75 MPa to 1.0 MPa, the methanol conversion and mole performance of the biomass gasification unit of these processes is shown
fraction of DMC in the bottom of the column are greatly decreased, but in Fig. 13. Compared with a process that uses only oxygen as the gasi
they are significantly increased if the pressure is higher than 1.0 MPa. It fication agent (Cases 1 and 2), Cases 3–5 using a mixed gasification
is because that the effect of the pressure on distillation will become agent will have higher syngas production, especially Case 5. This is
stronger and stronger and weaken its impact on the reaction simulta mainly caused by the synergistic effect between different gasification
neously along with the increase of the pressure. agents. Specifically, Case 3 has the highest yield of CO due to the CO2
being reacted with carbon and converted to CO; Case 4 has the highest
3.1.5. Effect of feed stage on the methanol conversion ratio of the CDU unit yield of H2 because of the water gas shift and methane steam reforming
The feed stage of the recycle, methanol, CO2 and EO streams of the reactions. Therefore, O2 mixing a certain amount of CO2 and steam is
column greatly affects the methanol conversion ratio as shown in beneficial to produce more syngas, save raw materials and improve
resource utilization efficiency.
Fig. 10. Effect of CO2/biomass and steam/biomass ratios on the total amount and ratio of H2 and CO.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 11. Effect of pressure on the reaction and reaction distillation process.
3.3. Technical performance assessment But the generated CO2 cannot be consumed in this process. Cases 2–5
integrate renewable electricity for the H2 production unit to make up for
To compare the system performance of the conventional process the insufficient hydrogen, so the water gas shift unit is no longer
(Case1) and the four novel processes (Cases 2–5), their production scales required. In addition, the O2 mixing of a certain amount of CO2 and
are the same to 4 × 105 t/y (i.e., 50 t/h), which refers to a practical 4 × steam can increases the production of syngas, and integrating CO2 uti
105 t/y ethylene glycol project invested by National Energy Group Yulin lization unit can reuse the emitted CO2 and improve the carbon utili
Chemical Co., Ltd., located in Yulin, Shaanxi Province, China. The key zation efficiency of the conventional process. In this regard, the CO2
simulation results of Cases 1–5 are calculated and shown in Table 1. It utilization unit of Cases 2–5 reuses 148 kmol/h, 102 kmol/h, 260 kmol/
should be noted that the detailed simulation results of the conventional h, and 176 kmol/h, respectively. As a result, these reused CO2 are
and proposed BtEG processes, which involve material and energy bal reacted with the methanol and ethylene oxide to produce 142 kmol/h,
ance as well as molar fraction of the main streams, can be found in 101 kmol/h, 259 kmol/h, and 175 kmol/h EG in Cases 2–5, respectively.
Tables S9 and S10 in the Supporting Information. Moreover, the by-product (DMC) of the CO2 utilization unit of Cases 2–5
contains 425 kmol/h, 304 kmol/h, 776 kmol/h, and 525 kmol/h,
3.3.1. Comparison of carbon utilization efficiency respectively.
The carbon flow of Cases 1–5 is determined with the aid of the The distributions of the total input and output carbon of Cases 1–5
established models in section 2.1, as shown in Figs. S5(a)–(e). The input are determined according to their carbon flow results as shown in
carbon of the biomass gasification unit of Cases 2–5 is reduced from Fig. 14. In addition to Case 1, the input carbon of Cases 2–5 contains
4104 kmol/h to 2035 kmol/h, 1987 kmol/h, 1856 kmol/h, and 1998 biomass, ethylene oxide and methanol for the reuse of CO2. Thanks to
kmol/h, respectively. It is because that lots of CO in Case 1 is converted the green hydrogen and CO2 utilization technologies, the total input
to CO2 to increase the amount of hydrogen in the water gas shift unit. carbon of Cases 2–5 is decreased by 36.54%, 41.89%, 29.44%, and
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Table 1 methanol and ethylene oxide for CO2 reuse. The exergy input for this
Key simulation results of Cases 1-5. part of Cases 2–5 is about 107.75 MW, 76.90 MW, 196.68 MW, and
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 132.92 MW, respectively. In addition, Case 2–5 require more electricity
for the green hydrogen production in the REH unit by 140.54 MW,
Input biomass (t/h) 105.24 52.17 50.72 47.58 51.23
Consumed CO2 (kmol/ 0.00 141.79 101.20 258.82 174.92 200.82 MW, 108.89 MW, and 148.59 MW, respectively. Thus, the total
h) exergy input of Cases 2–5 is increased from 522.51 MW to 558.15 MW,
H2 from BG unit (kmol/ 3465.00 1467.02 1024.54 1225.19 1223.88 579.42 MW, 610.83 MW, and 599.46 MW, respectively. But Cases 2–5
h) integrating with the CDU unit can by-produce DMC, 48.39 MW, 34.53
H2 from REH unit 0.00 1388.77 2005.65 1127.76 1489.56
MW, 88.32 MW, and 59.69 MW, respectively. Thus, the exergy effi
Total input H2 (kmol/ 3465.00 2855.79 3030.19 2352.95 2713.45 ciency of Cases 2–5 is increased from 50.75% to 56.18%, 51.73%,
h) 57.88%, and 54.20%, respectively, as shown in Fig. 15(a). As Fig. 15(b)–
Input O2 of BG unit (t/ 21.05 10.43 10.14 9.52 10.25 (e) shows, the exergy destruction of the EGS unit of Cases 2–5 is the
largest, followed by the BG and REH units. The main reason is that the
Input steam of BG unit 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.52 10.25
(t/h) flowsheet of the EGS unit is the most complicated, including DMO
Input methanol of CDU 0.00 286.41 204.42 522.82 353.33 synthesis and separation as well as EG synthesis and refinery sections.
unit (kmol/h) Irreversibility of the reaction and separation of DMO and EG makes the
Input EO of CDU unit 0.00 141.79 101.20 258.82 174.92 EGS unit have large exergy destruction. Since the BG unit reacts at high
EG from EGS unit (t/h) 50.00 41.21 43.73 33.95 39.16
temperatures, it increases the exergy destruction of the process. As the
EG from CDU unit (t/h) 0.00 8.79 6.27 16.05 10.84 PEM water electrolysis hydrogen production technology still has high
By-produced DMC (t/ 0.00 12.90 9.21 23.55 15.92 power consumption, the REH unit also has relatively large exergy
h) destruction. Therefore, to improve the technical performance of the
proposed BtEG processes, it priorities improving the exergy efficiency of
EGS, BG, and REH units.
34.19%, respectively. The ratio of carbon introduced by biomass to the
In summary, from the perspective of carbon utilization efficiency and
total carbon input of Case 2–5 is dropped from 100% to 78.12%,
exergy efficiency, Case 4 has the best technical performance, followed
82.94%, 64.07% and 73.97%, respectively. By integrating efficient CO2
by other proposed processes and the conventional process (Case 1).
reuse technology, Cases 2–5 can produce as much EG as Case 1, and can
also produce more by-products of 141.79 kmol/h, 101.20 kmol/h,
258.82 kmol/h, and 174.92 kmol/h DMC, respectively. The by-product
DMC of Cases 2–5 can increase carbon output by an additional 20.87%,
15.84%, 32.50%, and 24.55%, respectively. As a result, the carbon
utilization efficiency of Cases 2–5 is increased from 39.30% to 78.26%,
Table 2
80.36%, 82.50%, and 79.14%, respectively. Therefore, Case 4 has the
Comparison of the exergy input and output of the proposed BtEG processes.
highest resource utilization efficiency, followed by Case 3 and Case 5.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5
3.3.2. Comparison of exergy efficiency Biomass 462.32 239.11 232.47 218.08 234.80
When clarifying the material conversion of the conventional and Methanol 56.98 40.67 104.01 70.29
Ethylene oxide 50.77 36.23 92.67 62.63
proposed processes, an exergy analysis of Cases 1–5 is conducted and
Electricity 38.95 179.49 239.77 147.84 187.54
indicated in Table 2. The total exergy input of biomass of Cases 2–5 is Steam 21.24 31.80 30.28 48.23 44.20
significantly decreased by 48.28%, 49.72%, 52.83%, and 49.21%, Total input 522.51 558.15 579.42 610.83 599.46
respectively. The main reason is that the carbon utilization efficiency of Ethylene glycol 265.20 265.20 265.20 265.20 265.20
Dimethyl carbonate 48.39 34.53 88.32 59.69
Cases 2–5 is much higher than that of Case 1, which greatly reduces the
Total output 265.20 313.58 299.73 353.52 324.89
consumption of raw biomass. However, Case 2–5 require additional
Fig. 14. Distributions of the total input and output carbon of different BtEG processes.
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 15. Exergy efficiency (a) and distributions of the exergy destruction (b–e) of the proposed BtEG processes.
3.4. Economic performance assessment More specifically, the total costs of the reactor, column and heat
exchanger account for the largest proportion of the equipment cost of
3.4.1. Comparison of total capital investment the conventional and proposed BtEG processes as indicated in Fig. 16(c)
The TCI and its distributions of the conventional and proposed BtEG and (e). Their proportions are in the range of 35%–36%, 28%–29%, and
processes are estimated based on the economic models established in 15%–17%, respectively. Different from the conventional BtEG process,
section 2.3 as shown in Fig. 16. The TCI of Case 4 is the lowest, 588.33 M Cases 2–5 have no equipment cost for ASU and WGS units, but add the
$, followed by Case 2, 607.98 M$, and Case 5, 612.50 M$ as shown in equipment cost of REH and CDU units. Thus, with the avoidance or
Fig. 16 (a). That of the conventional BtEG process (Case 1) is the highest, significant reduction of investment cost in complex units, Cases 2–5,
747.70 M$. The proposed processes (Cases 2–5) have relatively low total despite the addition of two new units, still have a lower total investment
capital investment because that (1) the processing scale of the BG unit of cost than the conventional process, especially Case 4.
these processes is lower than the conventional process by 48.28%,
49.72%, 52.83%, and 49.21%, respectively; (2) the WGS and ASU units 3.4.2. Comparison of total production cost
of Cases 2–5 are removed for their insufficient hydrogen is provided by The raw material and utility costs are the two most important com
the REH unit; (3) the investment cost of the AGR and HCS unit is greatly ponents of the total production cost of a chemical process. These two
decreased because their input streams are obviously decreased; and (4) costs of Cases 1–5 are calculated in terms of the unit price and annual
the investment cost of the EGS unit is significantly decreased for part of consumption of their raw material and utility as shown in Table 3.
the EG product is produced by the CDU unit with CO2 reuse. Moreover, the rest costs of the total production cost of conventional and
According to the breakdown cost analysis results (shown in Fig. 16 proposed BtEG processes is calculated according to the assumption in
(b) and (d)), the investment cost of the EGS unit accounts for the largest Table S11. As Fig. 17 shows, Case 4 has the highest total production cost,
proportion of the TCI of both the conventional and proposed BtEG 379.19 M$/y, followed by Case 5, 340.57 M$/y, and Case 3, 309.48 M
processes, which is in range of 53%–58%; followed by the AGR unit, $/y. The conventional process has the lowest total production cost. The
15%–19%, and the BG unit, 11–14%. However, there is an obvious main reasons are that Cases 2–5 need to consume a certain amount of
difference in the distribution of the equipment costs of the three units. ethylene oxide and methanol, which are more expensive than the unit
For example, the reactor, column and heat exchanger of the EGS unit price of biomass. In addition, to avoid the waste of CO gas in the WGS
accounts for the largest proportion of its total equipment cost, ac unit, Cases 2-5 added a REH unit that consumes a lot of electricity to
counting for 45%, 25% and 15%, respectively. But that of the AGR unit generate green hydrogen, resulting in their utility costs being 3.40, 4.45,
is column, flash and heat exchanger, accounting for 53%, 30% and 15%, 2.94 and 3.61 times of Case 1. Because the flowsheet of Cases 2–5 is
respectively. simpler than that of Case 1, the other costs of Cases 2–5, including wages
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
Fig. 16. Total capital investment (a) and its distributions of the conventional (b and c) the proposed (d and e) BtEG processes.
Table 3
Consumptions and costs of the raw materials and utilities of Cases 1-5.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5
Item Unit price e Consumption Cost Consumption Cost Consumption Cost Consumption Cost Consumption Cost
Biomass a 115 $/t 841.92 100.19 417.36 49.67 405.76 48.29 380.64 45.30 409.84 48.77
Methanol a 461.5$/t 2.50 1.15 73.32 33.84 52.33 24.15 133.84 61.77 90.45 41.74
EO a 1384.6 $/t 0.00 0.00 49.91 69.11 35.62 49.32 91.11 126.14 61.57 85.25
Others 0.0031 0.0026 0.0027 0.0021
Total raw materials cost 101.35 152.61 121.76 233.21 175.77
Electricity b 0.1/0.062 $/kWh 311.60 31.16 1435.90 89.03 1918.17 118.93 1182.68 73.33 1500.31 93.02
Steam c 5.6 $/GJ 611.71 3.43 915.95 5.13 872.15 4.88 1389.09 7.78 1272.84 7.13
Water a 0.58 $/t 4950.49 2.87 2654.06 1.54 2674.68 1.55 2400.56 1.39 2624.36 1.52
Total utilities cost d 37.46 95.69 125.36 82.50 101.67
Note: a: the unit of consumption is 104 t/y; b: the unit of consumption is MWh/y; c: the unit of consumption is GJ/y; d: the unit of cost is M$/y, and e: the average price
in the recent three years.
and benefits, depreciation, and maintenance, are lower than those of Therefore, integrating renewable electricity for hydrogen production
Case 1. Although the TPC of Cases 2–5 is increased, they can by-produce and CO2 utilization technologies can significantly improve the economic
more DMC and have higher income, which can improve the economic performance of the conventional BtEG process.
benefit of Case 1, as discussed in the following section. The NPV of Cases 1–5 is calculated by Eq. (25) since the total capital
investment, production cost, and income of the BtEG processes are
3.4.3. Comparison of NPV and IRR determined. Results indicate that the NPV of Case 4 is the highest,
The total income of Cases 1–5 is firstly calculated in terms of the 1101.01 M$, which is 2.49, 1.43, 2.14, and 1.40 times higher than that
production and unit price of ethylene glycol and dimethyl carbonate as of Cases 1–3 and Case 5, respectively. Similar to the NPV’s results, the
shown in Table 4. The total income of Cases 2–5 is increased from 400 M IRR of Cases 1–5 presents the same sort. The IRR of Case 4 is the highest,
$/y to 550.86 M$/y, 507.67 M$/y, 675.39 M$/y, and 596.11 M$/y, 28.84%, followed by Case 5, 23.86% and Case 2, 23.63%. Case 1 is the
respectively. It is mainly because that Cases 2–5 can produce the same worst, with 17.56%. The main reasons are that Cases 2–5 can get the
amount of ethylene glycol product as Case 1, and produce lots of same amount of ethylene glycol income as Case 1, but also a large
dimethyl carbonate by-product simultaneously. The unit price of amount of DMC income from the CO2 reuse. In fact, the DMC income of
dimethyl carbonate is higher than that of ethylene glycol, considering Cases 2–5 is about 1.38, 1.27, 1.69 and 1.47 times greater than the total
the average market price in the recent three years. Therefore, the total income of Case 1. Thereby, the total income and profit of Cases 2–5
income of the proposed BtEG processes (Cases 2–5) are greatly increased processes are much higher than those of Case 1. Moreover, the total
from 400 M$/y to 550.86 M$/y, 507.67 M$/y, 675.39 M$/y, and capital investment of Cases 2–5 is greatly reduced compared with the
586.11 M$/y, respectively. Case 4 has the highest net profit, 222.15 M conventional BtEG process. Therefore, these results highlight that the
$/y, followed by Case 5, 184.16 M$/y, and Case 2, 181.44 M$/y. integration of renewable energy for hydrogen production and CO2
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
are determined (shown in Table 5), their total GHG emissions are
calculated by Eq. (26). The detailed information on the GHG emissions
of raw material and utilities is indicated in Table S12 in Appendix B. The
negative value of the acquisition stage is because the amount of the
produced CO2 is less than that of the absorbed during the growth stage of
the biomass. In fact, the GHG emissions of the acquisition stage of Cases
1–5 is − 3.55 t/t, − 1.76 t/t, − 1.71 t/t, − 1.61 t/t, and − 1.73 t/t,
respectively. More CO2 absorbed in Case 1 is because that its input
biomass is much greater than Cases 2–5. Qiu et al. (2010) and Xu et al.
(2021) believed that the road transportation distance is 100 km when
carrying out a life cycle assessment on a biomass-based chemical pro
cess. Therefore, the transportation method and distance of the BtEG
process are assumed as road and 100 km. Nevertheless, results indicate
the proportion of the GHG emissions caused by the transportation stage
of Cases 1–5 can be ignored, which is less than 0.04 t/t. As for the
production stage, due to the proposed Cases 2–5 integrated with the REH
and CDU unit can use renewable energy for hydrogen production and
reuse emitted CO2 for DMC and EG production, the GHG emissions of
this stage of Cases 2–5 are significantly decreased from 4.03 t/t to 0.15
Fig. 17. Distribution of total production cost of Cases 1–5. t/t, 0.18 t/t, 0.12 t/t, and 0.14 t/t, respectively. As a result, the total life
cycle GHG emissions of Cases 1–5 are 0.51 t/t, − 1.60 t/t, − 1.52 t/t,
− 1.47 t/t, and − 1.57 t/t, respectively. Therefore, from the perspective
Table 4 of the whole life cycle, the four proposed new processes can indeed
Total income, profit, and internal rate of return of Cases 1-5. achieve carbon reduction in comparison with the conventional process.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5
4. Conclusions
EG production (t/ 4 × 105 4 × 105 4 × 105 4 × 105 4 × 105
EG income (M$/y) 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 Four BtEG processes that integrate renewable energy for hydrogen
production and CO2 utilization are proposed to find the best strategy for
DMC production 0 1.03 × 0.74 × 1.88 × 1.27 × the carbon-neutral and cost-effective development of the ethylene glycol
(t/y) 105 105 105 105
DMC income (M 0 150.86 107.67 275.39 186.11
industry. The effect of different gasification agents on the performance
$/y) a of the BtEG processes is investigated and optimized with the aid of
Total income (M 400.00 550.86 507.67 675.39 586.11 whole-process modeling and simulation. The techno-economic-
$/y) environment performance of these proposed processes is evaluated
Total profit (M$/y) 205.95 241.92 198.20 296.20 245.55
and compared with the conventional process. The main conclusions
Net profit (M$/y) 154.46 181.44 148.65 222.15 184.16
Net present value 440.51 769.40 513.44 1101.01 787.94 obtained are as follows.
Internal rate of 17.56% 23.63% 19.50% 28.84% 23.86% (a) The gasification agent has a great influence on the biomass
return (%) gasification process. O2 mixed with a certain amount of CO2 as a
The unit price of EG and DMC is 1000 $/t and 1461.54 $/t referring to their gasification agent is helpful to increase the production of CO in
average market price in the recent three years. the syngas, while mixing with steam is beneficial to increase the
production of H2 in the syngas. Therefore, the BtEG process with
utilization technologies is an economically favorable method to achieve O2 and CO2 gasification agents (Case 3) has the highest yield of
ethylene glycol carbon neutral production, especially in Case 4. CO, and the BtEG process with O2 and steam gasification agents
(Case 4) has the highest yield of hydrogen.
(b) The proposed BTEG processes integrated with the CO2 utilization
3.5. Environmental performance assessment
unit can significantly improve the element utilization efficiency
and exergy efficiency of the traditional process. For example, the
When the amounts of CO2, CH4, and N2O in each stage of Cases 1–5
Table 5
Life cycle GHG emissions of Cases 1-5.
Item Unit Acquisition Transportation Production Total GHG
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
carbon utilization efficiency of Cases 2–5 is increased from Engineering methods should be employed to investigate and optimize
39.30% to 78.26%, 80.36%, 82.50%, and 79.14%, respectively. their global heat exchanger network and water network, analyze the
Moreover, their exergy efficiency is increased from 50.75% to adaptability of raw biomass, investment risks and competitiveness with
56.18%, 51.73%, 57.88%, and 54.20%, respectively. the unpredictable market fluctuations.
(c) The proposed BTEG processes integrated with renewable elec
tricity for hydrogen production can greatly reduce the total CRediT authorship contribution statement
capital investment. Integrating the CO2 utilization unit can by-
produce a large number of DMC products and greatly increase Qingchun Yang: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Writing –
the total income of the conventional process. As a result, the in review & editing. Yingjie Fan: Methodology, Investigation, Writing –
ternal rate of return of Cases 2–5 is increased from 17.56% to original draft. Jianlong Zhou: Software, Investigation, Resources,
23.63%, 19.50%, 28.84%, and 23.86%, respectively. Thus, Case 4 Formal analysis. Lei Zhao: Methodology, Investigation, Data curation.
has the best economic performance, followed by Case 5 and Case
(d) Since the carbon emissions in the biomass acquisition stage are Declaration of competing interest
negative and the CO2 in the production stage is reused by the CO2
utilization unit, the total life cycle GHG emissions of Cases 2–5 The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
are reduced from 0.51 t/t to − 1.60 t/t, − 1.52 t/t, − 1.47 t/t, and interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
− 1.57 t/t, respectively. Therefore, from the perspective of the the work reported in this paper.
whole life cycle, the four proposed new processes can indeed
achieve carbon reduction in comparison with the conventional Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
In summary, the BtEG process with O2 and steam gasification agents
(Case 4) has the best comprehensive performance in the four proposed Acknowledgements
and conventional processes. It provides a promising development di
rection for the ethylene glycol industry to achieve the carbon neutrali The authors are grateful for financial support from the National
zation target, and indicates the conventional chemical processes Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 22108052), the Fundamental
integrated with renewable energy to hydrogen and CO2 to high-value- Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. JZ2021HGTB0117),
added chemicals technologies have a promising application prospect. and the open fund of Intelligent Interconnected Systems Laboratory of
However, for future industrial implementation, more Process System Anhui Province (No. PA2021AKSK0110).
a anode
αi activity of substance i
c cathode
CO2 ,m oxygen concentrations
CH2 ,m hydrogen concentrations
CD the depreciation cost
CM manufacturing cost
CGE general expense
COM other operating and maintenance cost
CR the cost of raw material
CU the cost of utilities
i standard chemical exergy of ith species
Ex exergy
F mole flowrate
h molar enthalpy
Icell cell current
j current density
Keq reaction equilibrium constant
Q processing scale
r reaction rate
s molar entropy
V0 open circuit voltage at standard temperature and pressure
Vact activation overpotential
Vcell cell voltage
Vocv open circuit voltage
Vohm ohmic overpotential
Vpk,pyr pyrolysis product set
Q. Yang et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 396 (2023) 136540
AGR acid gas removal
ASU air separation unit
AWE alkaline water electrolysis
BG biomass gasification
BtEG biomass to ethylene glycol
CDU carbon dioxide utilization
DMC diethyl carbonate
DMO diethyl oxalate
DMOS dimethyl oxalate synthesis
EG ethylene glycol
EGR ethylene glycol refining
EGS ethylene glycol synthesis
EI equipment investment
EO ethylene oxide
GHG greenhouse gas
HCS H2 and CO separation
IRR internal rate of return
MG methyl glycolate
MN methyl nitrite
NPV net present value
PEM proton exchange membrane electrolysis
REH renewable electricity for hydrogen production
RD reaction distillation
RF ratio factor
SOEC solid oxide electrolysis
TCI total capital investment
TPC total production cost
WGS water gas shift
ch physical
ph physical
tot total
Greek Letters
φ exergy efficiency
εC carbon utilization efficiency
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