Engineering Standard: Please Discard Any Previous Issue of This Standard
Engineering Standard: Please Discard Any Previous Issue of This Standard
Engineering Standard: Please Discard Any Previous Issue of This Standard
EI - 002
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 002
PAGE No. : 3
DATE : 13.10.05
A. This Standard shall govern the design and details of foundations and elevated concrete structures, and
outline procedures for installation and materials of construction.
B. The Designer shall provide foundations for all structures, yard pipe supports, vessels, equipment and
The latest revisions or editions of the following documents are referred to in this standard.
2. Engineering Standard EI-003, Design Loadings for Equipment, Structures, Buildings and
A. Code Requirements
1. All foundations shall be in accordance with the latest edition of ACI 318 "Building Code
Requirements for Structural Concrete", except as otherwise indicated. Reinforcement shall
conform to ACI 315 "Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement."
B. Design Basis
1. The reinforced concrete design shall be based on the latest edition of ACI 318, ultimate state
design method. Due consideration shall be given to Chapter 21 on “Special Provisions for
Seismic Design”., except as noted in paragraph III.B.2.
3. considered. These structures are referred to in table 5.5 of standard EI-004 as “Towers on
reinforced concrete structures”, with an R value of 2,5.
4. The required strength to resist loading combinations shall be in accordance with Chapter 9:
“Strength and Serviceability Requirements” of the above said Code.
5. The design strength for the design of foundations and structures, supporting process equipment
during the hydrostatic testing of equipment , under the static test load, may be increased 20 %.
Earthquake loading need not be considered under this loading combination.”
6. The anchor bolts conforming to ASTM A 36 shall be designed for 1,500 Kg/cm2 basic stress in
tension, and 1000 Kg/cm2 stress for shear, both with threads excluded from shear plane. Stresses
on anchor bolts shall be evaluated on the tensile stress area of the bolt, without any increase for
wind or earthquake loads. Corrosion allowance of 1/8" on the bolt diameter is required. No live
load shall be included when designing anchor bolts or checking for overturning.
C. Combined Footings
Combined footings shall be so designed that the resultant of all normal long term operating loads placed
thereon coincide with the center of gravity of the footing.
1. It is allowed to assume that the soil underlying the foundations does not have inertia but
only elastic properties.
2. Massive foundations may be considered to lack elastic properties but frame or slab
foundations shall be assumed to have both inertial and elastic properties.
1. Light equipment and pipe supports with a concentrated load less than 1000 kg, or a
distributed load under 250 kg/m2, may be supported directly on the deck.
2. In-line pumps with motor drives not exceeding 75HP may be supported directly by
suction and discharge piping, with distance between pump flange and pipe support
centerline not to exceed 1 1/2 times the pipe diameter.
Pedestal type supports are required for pumps with motor drives of 75HP to 100HP,
those with turbine drives and in all cases where there is a gear between drive and
pump. The pump vendor shall supply a base flange for bolting to the pedestal.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 002
PAGE No. : 5
DATE : 13.10.05
F. Vibration
1. The design of soil bearing foundations supporting vibrating equipment shall consider all
unbalanced forces and moments so as to avoid resonance. The magnitude of the unbalanced
force shall be determined by the equipment supplier. The design shall provide a minimum
foundation to equipment weight ratio of:
2. Interaction between foundations close to each other under dynamic loads, shall be prevented or
reduced to negligible terms.
3. In those cases of foundations for rotary equipment, reciprocating engines or machines producing
impact loads, a limit for the permissible values of vibration amplitudes has to be established by
the Designer according to proved theory and information from manufacturer.
4. Permissible values refers to translational (both directions), vertical and rotational (either plane:
rocking, tilting and torsion) displacements.
7. Machinery shall operate at least in smooth range of vibration according to severity chart, that is
it must operate between 0.25 and 0.5 mm/sec. The Root Mean Square, or RMS of velocities
corresponding to different frequencies of foundation will agree with the Mechanical Design
Criteria and its Requirements.
8. In obtaining the RMS of velocities, it must use the actual coupled frequencies of machinery.
9. Through symmetric design of foundations the Designer must try to prevent torsion and
uncoupled displacements from rotation.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 002
PAGE No. : 6
DATE : 13.10.05
G. Foundation Loads
1. Foundations shall be designed to carry all loads from equipment or the structure. Required
loading on foundations shall be obtained from Engineering Standards EI-003 “Design Loading
for Equipment, Structures, Buildings and Foundations” and EI-004 : “Wind, Earthquake and
Snow Loading”.
2. Then it is not allowed to calculate the foundations with reactions obtained from a less stringent
seismic spectrum different from that used for the correspondent structure.
H. Stability
Soil bearing foundations shall be designed to conform to the following minimum factor of safety (F.S.)
requirements under the most critical loading conditions:
1. Stability against overturning, defined as the ratio of righting moment to overturning moment:
a. For square or rectangular footings about the longer side, the factor of safety shall be a
minimum of 1.5 for erection, and 1.8 for operation and test.
b. For octagonal or round footings, about side of octagon, the factor of safety shall be a
minimum of 1.7 for erection, and 2.1 for operation and test.
The above factors of safety provide for a minimum area of footing under compression
of 50% for erection, and 80% for operation and test.
2. Stability against uplift shall have a factor of safety of 1.5. The factor of safety shall be
calculated as the minimum downward column load plus weight of foundation divided by the
total uplift force. The effect of buoyancy shall be considered when the ground water level is
expected to be above the bottom of the foundation.
3. The factor of safety against sliding, for retaining walls and similar structures, shall be 1.5
I. Bottom of Foundations
The bottom of soil bearing foundations shall normally be located a minimum of the following depths,
below high point of finished paving, except for paving, curbs, stair and ladder pads.
J. Top of Concrete
1. In paved areas, the elevation of foundations and floors shall be above the low point of paving by
the following minimum amounts:
2. In unpaved areas, the floor height of unenclosed buildings shall be 150 mm above adjacent
K. Anchor Bolts.
1. The anchor bolt to be used for design shall be according to Enap Refinerías Engineering
Standard EI-005, Anchor Bolts.
2. The anchor bolts of vertical vessels are not permitted to resist shear. Shear keys shall be
provided for this loading. The Designer shall provide removable type anchor bolts for this type
of equipment.
3.1 For tall equipment such as vertical vessels, towers, heaters, chimneys and stack bases :
3.1.1 Design shall be with removable type anchor bolts, type PC according to Enap
Refinerías Engineering Standard EI-005, Anchor Bolts.
3.1.2 The base shall be designed with a base ring and a top ring with a free space in between
them of 300 mm as a minimum. Vertical stiffners shall be designed in between both
3.1.3 Shear keys shall be designed for conveying the seismic horizontal forces. The design
shall be according to Enap Refinerías drawing: CN-11381-g Rev 1, enclosed in
Appendix A.
3.2.1 It shall be designed with removable type of anchor bolts: type PC according to Enap
Refinerías Engineering Standard EI-005, Anchor Bolts.
3.2.2 Under the fixed and sliding supports of the exchangers, a sliding plate, anchored to the
foundation pedestal, shall be provided. Both plates shall have shear keys on bottom and
welded longitudinal guides. Fixed support plate shall have welded transversal guides
which will act as stops. The design shall be according to Enap Refinerías drawing
4191-J-43-18 Rev. 1, enclosed in Appendix A.
3.3.2 The shear key design shall be according to the equipment manufacturer’s design. When
this recommendation will not be available it shall be according to the Designer
It may be designed with non removable type of anchor bolts: type PA according to Enap
Refinerías Engineering Standard EI-005, “Anchor Bolts”.
1. The design shall be based on the latest edition of ACI 318. Due consideration shall be given to
Chapter 21: “Special Provisions for Seismic Design”, with emphasis in paragraphs 21.6, 21.8
and 21.13.
2. The manufacture and erection of precast concrete structures shall be based in practices approved
by the Precast/Prestessed Concrete Institute (PCI).
A. Portland Cement
Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150. Type I shall be used unless otherwise specified. Cement
shall be siderurgical with contents of tricalcium aluminate not exceeding 10%.
B. Concrete Aggregates
C. Water
Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis,
organic materials, or other deleterious substances.
D. Admixtures
1. All exterior concrete shall have an air content of 3%. All interior slabs, subject to abrasion,
shall have a maximum air content of 3%.
E. Concrete
1. The concrete shall have an ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 300 Kg/cm2 minimum
measured on cubic concrete specimens, unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
2. Unreinforced mass concrete and paving shall have an ultimate compressive strength at 28 days
of 220 Kg/cm2 minimum measured on cubic concrete specimens, unless otherwise shown on the
3. Lean concrete for seal coats and filling purposes, where mass rather than strength is the
principal requirement, shall have a minimum ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 100
Kg/cm2, measured on cubic concrete specimens, unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
F. Reinforcing Steel
1. Reinforcing bars shall be new deformed billet steel per Chilean standard INN NCh 204 quality
A63-42H, equivalent to ASTM A615 grade 60. Welding of reinforcing bars shall not be
accepted, except if approved in writing by the Site Engineer. If authorized, it must meet the
requirements of American Welding Society Standard AWS D12.1. This is because A63-42H
steel is not of guaranteed welding quality.
2. Welded wire fabric shall conform to INN NCh 218, equivalent to ASTM A 185.
3. Other details shall be in accordance with ACI 315 and the appropriate provisions of ACI 318.
4. Reinforcing steel sizes shall be in millimeters (mm.). Only 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 28, 32, and
36 mm. shall be used. All reinforcing bars shall be deformed steel. Nominal sizes are referred to
the diameter of the reinforcing bar.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 002
PAGE No. : 10
DATE : 13.10.05
G. Anchor Bolts
A. Those portions of the site designated "paved" on the plot plan shall be paved with concrete properly
reinforced with welded wire fabric.
B. In Appendix B are included the details of steel welded wire fabric for pavement reinforcement as
produced by the Chilean manufacturer ACMA. The usual welded steel fabric on Enap Refinerías’s
pavement is C131.
ENG. STD. No. : EI - 002
PAGE No. : 11
DATE : 13.10.05
Las mallas soldadas de stock se caracterizan por tener medidas y pesos conocidos y por estar
disponibles para entrega inmediata. Son fabricadas de acero AT56-50H de alta resistencia.
Las mallas soldadas ACMA® cumplen con las siguientes Normas Chilenas del INN:
NCh 1173 Of. 77, que establece los requisitos que debe cumplir el alambre de acero de alta
resistencia para su utilización en hormigón armado.
NCh 219 Of. 77, que establece las condiciones de uso de la malla soldada fabricada con
alambre de acero de alta resistencia para su utilización en hormigón armado.
Uniones soldadas
La soldadura por fusión eléctrica, es decir, sin aporte de material, permite lograr uniones más
sólidas y terminaciones de alta calidad.
Sello de Marca
Todas nuestras mallas soldadas para refuerzo de hormigón tienen el sello "ACMA" grabado en las
barras. Búsquelo como aval de nuestra calidad.
Reducción de peso
Gracias a su alta resistencia, el acero AT56-50H permite reducir las secciones, disminuyendo el 11/11/2003
Costo competitivo
Las ventajas anteriores otorgan un costo competitivo a las mallas soldadas ACMA®.
Toda obra amerita un cálculo estructural y dependiendo de ese cálculo las mallas soldadas ACMA® se
pueden utilizar en la armadura y refuerzo de:
Radieres Losas
Pavimentos Sobrelosas
Pisos Túneles y ductos
Muros Estructurales Piscinas
Paneles Estructurales Estanques 11/11/2003
EB: “Economía de Borde”. Este concepto se refiere a 2 (en el caso de mallas R) ó 4 (en el caso de mallas C) barras longitudinales
de menor diámetro que se ubican en cada borde de la malla para evitar duplicar la sección del acero al hacer el traslapo.
Tipo "C": Abertura cuadrada
Tipo "R": Abertura rectangular
Medidas: 2,60 x 5,00 m.
Tipo de Malla Distancia Barras Diámetro Barras Sección de Acero Peso Malla
Longit. mm Transv. mm Longit mm Transv. mm Longit. cm2/m Transv. cm2/m Kg
C92 150 150 4,20/4,00 4,2 0,92 0,92 18,77
R92 150 250 4,20/4,00 4,2 0,92 0,56 15,28
Nota: Cifras aproximadas.
Ver Diagrama 11/11/2003
Las mallas soldadas estándar se caracterizan por tener medidas y pesos conocidos, pero su venta es a
pedido. Son fabricadas de acero AT56-50H de alta resistencia.
Las mallas soldadas ACMA® cumplen con las siguientes Normas Chilenas del INN:
NCh 1173 Of. 77, que establece los requisitos que debe cumplir el alambre de acero de alta
resistencia para su utilización en hormigón armado.
NCh 219 Of. 77, que establece las condiciones de uso de la malla soldada fabricada con
alambre de acero de alta resistencia para su utilización en hormigón armado.
Uniones soldadas
La soldadura por fusión eléctrica, es decir, sin aporte de material, permite lograr uniones más
sólidas y terminaciones de alta calidad.
Sello de Marca
Todas nuestras mallas soldadas para refuerzo de hormigón tienen el sello "ACMA" grabado en las
barras. Búsquelo como aval de nuestra calidad.
Reducción de peso
Gracias a su alta resistencia, el acero AT56-50H permite reducir las secciones, disminuyendo el 11/11/2003
Costo competitivo
Las ventajas anteriores otorgan un costo competitivo a las mallas soldadas ACMA®.
Toda obra amerita un cálculo estructural y dependiendo de ese cálculo las mallas soldadas ACMA® se
pueden utilizar en la armadura y refuerzo de:
Radieres Losas
Pavimentos Sobrelosas
Pisos Túneles y ductos
Muros Estructurales Piscinas
Paneles Estructurales Estanques 11/11/2003
EB: “Economía de Borde”. Este concepto se refiere a 2 (en el caso de mallas R) ó 4 (en el caso de mallas C) barras longitudinales
de menor diámetro que se ubican en cada borde de la malla para evitar duplicar la sección del acero al hacer el traslapo.
Tipo "C": Abertura cuadrada
Medidas: 2,60 x 5,00 m.
Tipo de Malla Distancia Barras Diámetro Barras Sección de Acero Peso Malla
Longit. mm Transv. mm Longit mm Transv. mm Longit. cm2/m Transv. cm2/m Kg
C131 150 150 5,00/4,00 5,00 1,31 1,31 24,88
C158 150 150 5,50/4,00 5,50 1,58 1,58 29,36
C188 150 150 6,00/4,20 6,00 1,88 1,88 34,51
C221 150 150 6,50/4,60 6,50 2,21 2,21 40,51
C257 150 150 7,00/5,00 7,00 2,57 2,57 47,18
C378 150 150 8,50/6,00 8,50 3,78 3,78 69,32
Nota: Cifras aproximadas. 11/11/2003
Ver Diagrama 11/11/2003
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