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Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Lesson 9.2 
Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 5 

Glycolysis 5 
Energy-Investment Phase 6 
Energy-Harvesting Phase 8 
The Products of Glycolysis 9 

Key Points 12 

Check Your Understanding 13 

Challenge Yourself 14 

Bibliography 14 

Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Lesson 9.2 
Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis 


Do  you  have  a  sweet  tooth?  Is  eating  sweets  a  part  of  your  daily  routine?  Sweets  are  often 
referred  to  as  the  comfort  food  of  many.  Whenever  we  feel  frustrated,  anxious,  tired,  or 
even  bored,  one  of  the  first  things  that  we  do  is  to  consume  sweets.  Sweets,  such  as 
chocolate  bars  and  candies,  can  sometimes  calm  and  satisfy  us.  Whenever  we  talk  about 
sweets,  the  first  thing  that  might  come  into  our  minds  is  sugar.  Although overconsumption 
of  sugar  may  cause  diseases,  such  as  diabetes,  its  importance  to  the  many  biological 
reactions that take place in our bodies should not be neglected. 
9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  1 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Sugar,  which  is  found  in  most  of  our  food,  is  the primary source of energy of our cells. With 
our  constant  need  for  an  energy  source,  moderate  consumption  of  sweets  will  still  be 
beneficial  to  us.  Previously,  you  have  learned  that  cells  generate  the  energy  that  they need 
during  cellular  respiration,  which  starts  with  the  breakdown  of  sugar.  But  how  do  cells 
maximize  the  energy  that  can  be  liberated  from  these  sugar  molecules?  What  are  the 
processes that take place before energy is completely generated? 

Learning Objectives  DepEd Competencies 

In this lesson, you should be able to do the  ● Distinguish major features of 
glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron 
transport system, and 
● Explain the process of glycolysis.  chemiosmosis 
(STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-j-6). 
● Differentiate between the 
● Describe reactions that 
energy-investment and  produce and consume ATP 
energy-harvesting phases.  (STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-j-9). 
● Compute the number of ATPs 
● Compute for the products of 
needed or gained in respiration 
glycolysis.  (STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-j-11). 

  Warm Up       
  Knowledge Investment Game    20 minutes 
Most  of  you  love  rewards,  right?  But  before  receiving  rewards,  you  must  do  something  in 
favor  of  the  person  who  will  give  it.  In  this  game,  you  will  be  given  fifteen  questions,  and 
each  has  corresponding  points.  This  game  will  cover the concepts discussed in the previous 
lesson—cellular respiration. 

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  2 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

● set of game questions for each group 
● 1 black or blue ballpen  

1. Divide the class into groups of eight. 
2. Each  group  will  be  given  three  minutes  to  answer  the  questions  provided.  You  can 
freely choose which of the questions you will prioritize, given the time limit. 
3. Each question has a corresponding number of points if answered correctly. 
4. Write your answers in Table 9.2.1. 
5. After the allotted time, each group should show their answers to their teacher. 
6. The teacher will compute the number of points that each group has gained. 
7. The group with the most number of points will be declared as the winner. 
8. Afterward, answer the guide questions that follow.  
Table 9.2.1. Questions and their corresponding number of points 

Questions  Point(s)  Answers 

1. Where does the Krebs cycle happen?  1   

2. How many ATP molecules are produced after   

cellular respiration? 

3. Which type of cellular respiration does not   

involve oxygen? 

4. What is the first stage of cellular respiration?  2   

5. What are the electron carriers in cellular   


6. Where does the electron transport chain   


9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  3 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

7. What is the main reactant of cellular   


8. What is the overall reaction of cellular   


9. How does oxidation differ from reduction?  2   

10. What is the chemical formula of glucose?  2   

11. What happens after glycolysis?  1   

12. What is the main organelle for cellular   


13. What is the main product of fermentation?  2   

14. In what part(s) of cellular respiration do   

oxidation and reduction happen? Explain. 

15. Which produces more energy: anaerobic or  5   

aerobic respiration? Explain. 


Guide Questions 
1. What is the main purpose of cellular respiration? 
2. What are the challenges that you encountered in the activity? 
3. What is your “investment” to gain points? 
4. How can you relate the activity to the overall process of cellular respiration? 

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  4 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

  Learn about It! 

In  the  previous  learning  unit,  it  was  discussed  that  the  first  stage  of  cellular  respiration  is 
glycolysis.  This  stage  involves  the  breakdown  of  the  six-carbon sugar glucose (C6H12O6) and 
the  production  of  pyruvate  and ATP molecules (as shown in Fig. 9.2.1). Glycolysis happens 
in  the  cell  cytoplasm.  During  this  stage,  the  oxidation  of  glucose  results  in  the  release  of 
electrons.  Thereafter,  these  electrons  are  picked  up  by  NAD+  (nicotinamide  adenine 
dinucleotide), which is then reduced to NADH. 

Fig. 9.2.1. During glycolysis, each glucose molecule is broken down into two pyruvate 
molecules. The redox reactions also yield ATP molecules in the process.  
The  process  of  glycolysis can be divided into two main events—the energy-investment and 
energy-harvesting  phases.  The  energy-investment  stage  starts  with  the  breakdown  of 
glucose  and  utilizes  ATP  molecules  to  drive  the  process;  hence,  the  term  investment  is 
used.  By  contrast,  the  energy-harvesting  stage  produces  ATP  molecules.  Glycolysis 
happens  in  both  aerobic  and  anaerobic  conditions, and its main product, the pyruvate, can 
either  undergo  the  Krebs  cycle or fermentation. Thus, the primary reactant and product of 
glycolysis are glucose and pyruvate, respectively. 

How is glucose broken down to produce energy 

  during glycolysis? 

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  5 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Energy-Investment Phase 
The  energy-investment  phase  starts with one glucose molecule with an investment of ATP 
molecules.  During  this  phase,  the  glucose  molecule  is  added  with  phosphate  from  an ATP, 
which  results  in  the  formation  of  glucose-6-phosphate  (as  shown  in  Fig.  9.2.2).  One 
phosphate  group  is  used  in  this  process;  thus,  ATP  becomes  ADP  (adenosine diphosphate). 
The  addition  of  a  phosphate  molecule  to  glucose is called phosphorylation. This process is 
catalyzed  by  an  enzyme  called  hexokinase.  The  second  step  in  glycolysis  involves  an 
enzyme  called  phosphoglucose  isomerase.  Glucose-6-phosphate  (as  shown  in  Fig.  9.2.2), 
in  a  reaction  catalyzed  by  this  isomerase,  becomes  fructose-6-phosphate. 
Glucose-6-phosphate  and  fructose-6-phosphate  are  isomers—molecules  with  the  same 
chemical formula but differ in structure.  

Fig. 9.2.2. The initial steps in glycolysis involve the phosphorylation of glucose to 
glucose-6-phosphate and the isomerization of glucose-6-phosphate to 
The  third  step  of  glycolysis  involves  the  phosphorylation  of fructose-6-phosphate by adding 
one  phosphate  group  from  an  ATP  molecule.  This  process  is  catalyzed  by an enzyme called 
phosphofructokinase.  This  phosphorylation  results  in  the  formation  of 
fructose-1,6-bisphosphate.  Then,  the  fourth  step  in  glycolysis  involves  cleaving  of 
fructose-1,6-bisphosphate  into  isomers  DHAP  (dihydroxyacetone  phosphate)  and  G3P 

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  6 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

(glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate).  This  process  is  catalyzed  by  an  enzyme  called  aldolase. 
The third and fourth steps of glycolysis are shown in Fig. 9.2.3. 

Fig. 9.2.3. The third step of glycolysis involves the phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate 
into fructose-1,6-bisphosphate. Then, the fructose-1,6-bisphosphate splits into two 
molecules DHAP and G3P, which are considered as isomers. 
The  fifth  step  of  glycolysis,  which  is  also  the  last  step  in  the  energy-investment  phase, 
involves  the  transformation  of  DHAP  into  G3P  (also  shown  in  Fig.  9.2.3).  This  process  is 
catalyzed  by  triosephosphate  isomerase—an enzyme that causes a molecule to transform 
into  its  isomer.  DHAP  needs  to  transform  into  G3P  so  that  it can move to the second phase 
of  glycolysis—the  energy-harvesting  phase.  The  energy-investment  phase  of  glycolysis 
utilizes  a  total  of  2  ATP  molecules  for  every  glucose  molecule.  The  phosphate  molecules 
from  ATP  are  transferred  to  glucose  and  fructose-6-phosphate.  Phosphorylation  of  these 
molecules needs to happen to prevent them from leaving the cell. 

Why does the energy-investment phase utilize ATP? 


9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  7 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Energy-Harvesting Phase 
During  the  energy-harvesting  phase,  ATP  molecules  and  NADH  are  formed.  There  are  two 
G3P  molecules  that will enter the energy-harvest phase. The sixth step in glycolysis involves 
the  oxidation  and  phosphorylation  of  these  G3P  molecules.  This  process  is  catalyzed  by 
an  enzyme  called  glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate  dehydrogenase.  During  the  oxidation  of 
G3P,  hydrogen  atoms  are  released  and  picked  up  by  NAD+  (nicotinamide  adenine 
dinucleotide)  to  form  NADH.  During  the phosphorylation, a free inorganic phosphate from 
the cell cytosol is combined to G3P to form the 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG).  

The  seventh  step  of  glycolysis  involves  the  release  of  the  phosphate  molecule  from  BPG, 
which  now  becomes  3-phosphoglycerate  (3-PGA).  This  process  is  catalyzed by the enzyme 
phosphoglycerokinase.  The  phosphate  released  from  BPG  will  be  picked  up  by  ADP 
(adenosine  diphosphate)  to  form  ATP.  In  this  process,  one  ATP  molecule  is  produced  for 
every 3-PGA. The sixth and seventh steps of glycolysis are shown in Fig. 9.2.4. 

Fig. 9.2.4. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is oxidized and combined with a phosphate group. 
This results in the formation of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (1,3-BPG). The BPG releases its 
phosphate and then becomes 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA). Note that these processes must 
be accounted for twice for every glucose molecule. 
9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  8 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

In  the  eighth  step  of  glycolysis,  the  3-PGA  becomes  2-phosphoglycerate  (as  shown  in  Fig. 
9.2.5)  through  an  enzyme  called  phosphoglyceromutase.  This  enzyme  transfers  a 
phosphate  group  from  the  third  carbon  of  3-PGA  to  its  second  carbon,  which  results  in the 
2-phosphoglycerate  (2-PGA).  The  numbers  before  or  between  the  names  of  the  molecules 
involved  in  glycolysis  represent  the  location  of  phosphate  in  their  structure.  In  the  ninth 
step,  2-PGA  becomes  phosphoenolpyruvate  (PEP),  which  is  accomplished  by  the  removal 
of  water  from  2-PGA  through  an  enzyme  called  enolase.  Lastly,  PEP  releases  its phosphate 
molecules  and  are  picked  up  by  ADP  to  form  ATP.  This  process  is  catalyzed  by  pyruvate 
kinase  and  results  in  the  formation  of  pyruvate  and  ATP  molecules.  The  ninth  and  last 
step of glycolysis is shown in Fig 9.2.5. 

Fig 9.2.5 The 3-PGA becomes 2-PGA through phosphoglyceromutase. The water molecule 
from 2-PGA is removed by enolase, which results in the formation of phosphoenolpyruvate. 
The phosphate molecule from phosphoenolpyruvate is removed by pyruvate kinase, which 
results in the formation of pyruvate. 

How much energy is produced during glycolysis? 

The Products of Glycolysis 
The  energy-investment  and  the  energy-harvesting  phases of the glycolysis can be likened to 
a  financial  investment  where  an  initial  amount  will  let  you  earn  more  than  what  you 
invested.  In  the  energy-investment  phase,  two  molecules  of  ATP  are  utilized,  while  in  the 
energy-harvesting  phase,  one  phosphate  group  from  the  BPG  is  removed  and transferred 

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  9 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

to  ADP  to  form  ATP.  Furthermore,  PEP  releases  its  phosphate  and  is  transferred  to  ADP  to 
form  ATP.  A  total  of  2  ATP  molecules  are  produced  from  one  molecule of G3P. Aside from 
ATP,  NADH  is  also  produced.  When  G3P  is  oxidized  to  form  BPG,  a  hydrogen  atom  is 
released  from  it  and  is  picked  up  by  NAD+  to  form  NADH.  Since  there  are  two molecules of 
G3P  involved  in  the  energy-harvest  phase,  the  number  of  ATP  and  NADH  produced  should 
be  doubled.  Therefore,  there  are  4  ATP  and  2  NADH  molecules  produced  during  the 
energy-harvesting  phase of glycolysis (as shown in Table 9.2.2). However, it should be noted 
that  there  are  two  molecules  of  ATP  used  during  the  energy-investment  phase,  which 
should  be  deducted  from  the  total  number  of  ATP  produced.  Hence,  a  net  total  of  2  ATP 
molecules are produced during the whole process of glycolysis.   
Table 9.2.2. The total number of molecular products in glycolysis 

Number of 
Number of 
Products  molecules  Net  
molecules used 

ATP  2  4  2 

NADH  —  2  2 

Aside  from  ATP  and  NADH,  the  pyruvate  or  pyruvic  acid  is  also  considered  as  one  of  the 
major  products  of  glycolysis.  This  molecule  is  essential  to  the  whole  process  of  cellular 
respiration  because  it  will  help  initiate  the  Krebs  cycle.  However,  before  entering  the  Krebs 
cycle,  pyruvate  undergoes  oxidation  to  form  an  acetyl  group  during  the  transition 
reaction.  The  electrons  released  during  the  oxidation  of pyruvate are picked up by NAD+ to 
form  NADH.    Then,  the  acetyl  group  reacts with coenzyme A forming acetyl-CoA (as shown 
in  Fig  9.2.6).  It  is  the  acetyl-CoA  that  enters  the  Krebs  cycle  and  reacts  with  oxaloacetate 
(reactant of the Krebs cycle).  

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  10 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Fig 9.2.6. Pyruvate is oxidized during the transition reaction to form the acetyl-CoA. 

To  memorize  the  correct  order  of  enzymes  used  during  glycolysis, 
you may use the mnemonics below: 
The  highlighted  letter(s)  is/are  the  beginning  letters  of the enzymes 
used in glycolysis.  
H- hexokinase 
P- phosphoglucoisomerase 
PHO- phosphofructokinase 
A- aldolase 
TRI- triosephosphate isomerase 
G- glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 
P- phosphoglycerate kinase 
P- phosphoglycerate mutase 
E- enolase 
P- pyruvate kinase 


9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  11 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Key Points 
● Glycolysis  is  the  process  of  breaking  down  glucose  molecules  to generate energy 
and  electron  carriers,  which  will  be  further  utilized  in  the  electron transport chain 
in the mitochondria.  
● Glycolysis can be divided into two phases: 
○ The energy-investment phase involves the use of ATP molecules. 
○ The energy-harvesting phase involves the production of ATP and NADH. 
● The net products of glycolysis are 2 ATP, 2 NADH, and two pyruvate molecules. 
● Pyruvate  undergoes  oxidation  and  becomes  acetyl-CoA, which enters the Krebs 

The process of glycolysis involves various chemical reactions such as reduction, oxidation, 
isomerization, cleavage, and phosphorylation.  

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  12 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

  Check Your Understanding 


A. Identify the term described in each of the following items. 

1. This is the number of ATP molecules used in the energy-investment phase.  

2. This molecule is produced at the end of glycolysis.  
3. This electron carrier is reduced in glycolysis.  
4. This part of the cell serves as the site of glycolysis.  
5. This enzyme transforms DHAP to G3P.  
6. This  is  the  total  number  of ATP molecules produced in the energy-harvest phase of 
7. This molecule is removed from 2-PGA to form phosphoenolpyruvate. 
8. This is the number of NADH molecules produced in glycolysis.  
9. This molecule is produced from the oxidation of pyruvate.  
10. It is the molecule formed when glucose is added with one phosphate molecule. 
B. Compare  and  contrast  the  energy-investment  and  energy-harvest 
phases of glycolysis by using the Venn diagram below. 


9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  13 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

C. Arrange the events in the energy-harvest phase of glycolysis by using 

letters from A to E, with A being the first. 
1. The 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate loses one of its phosphate groups.  
2. Phosphoenolpyruvate is formed when 2-phosphoglycerate loses its water.  
3. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is combined with one phosphate group.  
4. Phosphoenolpyruvate loses its phosphate group to form pyruvate.  
5. The  phosphate  group  of  3-phosphoglycerate  is  transferred  to  its  second  carbon 

  Challenge Yourself 

Answer the following questions. Thereafter, provide a brief explanation.  

1. How does glycolysis work with the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain? 
2. How  would  you  compare  the  energy-investment and energy-harvest phase by using 
a real-life scenario? 
3. Red  blood  cells  do  not  have  mitochondria;  thus,  they  cannot  undergo  the  Krebs 
cycle  and  the  electron  transport  chain.  Therefore,  the  only  source  of  their energy is 
glycolysis. What may happen to these cells when glycolysis is disrupted? 
4. What may happen if pyruvate kinase is not present during glycolysis? 
5. Our  brain  is  the  most  energy-demanding  organ,  which  uses  half  of  the  available 
sugar  in  the  body.  If  a person experiences hypoglycemia—a condition characterized 
by low blood sugar—how will it affect brain function? 

Campbell, Neil A. Biology. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. 2008. 
Ching, Johnny A., Ching, Charmaine E. Biology. Quezon City, Philippines: St. Bernadette 
Publishing House Corporation. 2012. 

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  14 
Unit 9: Cellular Respiration 

Mader, Sylvia S., Michael Windelspecht, and Sylvia S. Mader. Introductory Biology. United 
States: McGraw-Hill Create. 2014. 
Miller, Kenneth R., and Joseph S. Levine. Prentice-Hall Biology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: 
Pearson Prentice Hall. 2006. 
Sabile, Mary Jane G., General Biology 1. Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House, 
Inc. 2018. 

9.2 Aerobic Respiration: Glycolysis  15 

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