Indirect Water Heater Up To 10,000 MBH
Indirect Water Heater Up To 10,000 MBH
Indirect Water Heater Up To 10,000 MBH
Easy to Install
» Intelligent, integrated controls that are simple to operate
» Compact footprint
» Eliminates requirement for hot-water storage tanks
Ease of Maintenance
» Brazed-plate design eliminates gaskets and other spare parts
» Groove lock connections standard for easy installation and removal of
heat exchanger
Efficient Operation
» Combine with high efficiency condensing heating boilers
» Ideal to utilize with ClearFire-CE boilers with dual returns
» Instantaneous response to process or DHW demands
Standard Features
» Anti-scaling circulator
» Pressure relief valve
» T & P valve
» 3-way modulating valve
» Manual isolation valves
» Full color touchscreen controller
with PID set point control
Heating Support for
Hot Water Heating Loads
The HXO is a packaged water heater solution
that provides optimal energy control between a
hydronic boiler loop and a (domestic hot water)
DHW or process water. Heat is extracted from
the boiler loop through a very compact and
efficient heat exchanger and is transferred to the
cold domestic water supply. Each HXO model
has been designed for an application with
specific flow and temperature ranges on the
process and boiler side.
Industry-Leading Control
Effective, Intelligent Control Strategy
The HXO controller is equipped with a 4.3” color touch-
screen display with built-in I/O, networking and data-
logging capability. The controller continually monitors the
outlet temperature of the process water or DHW side while
sensing a signal to the modulating valve-actuator on the
boiler side to regulate the amount of heat transfer through
the heat exchanger. IntelliFLO enabled control maintains
DHW water outlet temperature within +/- 2° F of set point
during abrupt load changes.
Dimensions and Ratings
Dimensions S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
Depth [in] 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 52.5 58.25 52.5 52.5 52.5 58.25 58.25 58.25
Connections 1.5” FNPT 1.5” FNPT 2” FNPT 2” FNPT 2” FNPT 2” FNPT 1.5” FNPT 1.5”FNPT 2” FNPT 2” FNPT 2” FNPT 2” FNPT
Dry Weight [lbs.] 329.7 338.7 347.5 359.4 368.5 377.5 348.6 382.8 400.0 434.4 468.5 502.7
Operating Weight [lbs.] 356.4 378.8 411.1 429.5 451.9 477.7 375.3 439.5 470.1 534.6 595.4 659.6
HeatExchangerSurfaceArea[ft2] 22.4 33.6 44.8 56.0 67.2 78.5 23.2 46.4 58.0 81.2 104.4 127.6
Cleaver-Brooks delivers the most
efficient and compact hydronic and
water heating solutions available.
Packaged solutions are engineered
to your application.
Enabling IntelliFLO proactively adjusts the actuator upon sensing rapid DHW or
process load changes to prevent temperature spikes.
ProtoNode Gateway
Protocol Translator
The Cleaver-Brooks multi-protocol communications gateway supports
integration with a variety of BMS languages, including BACnet, Metasys,
Modbus, and LonWorks. The ProtoNode Gateway comes with pre-configured
mapping for all Cleaver-Brooks control platforms.
Circulating Pumps
Boiler side or process/DHW pumps available upon request.
The Power of Total Integration is how Cleaver-Brooks
delivers the world’s broadest range of integrated, sustainable
boiler plant solutions. In addition to our products, this
includes our global representative and service network,
training resources, and trusted expertise that add significant
value to your Cleaver-Brooks investment.
Product designs, specifications and/or data in this document are provided for informational purposes only and are not warranties of any kind. Printed in the USA
Product designs and/or specifications may be changed at any time without notice. The only warranties that apply to sales of products and ©2021 Cleaver-Brooks
services are Cleaver-Brooks standard written warranties, which will be furnished upon request. CB-8608
Cleaver-Brooks and other trademarks and service marks used herein are the property of The Cleaver-Brooks Company, Inc. 10/2021
© 2021 The Cleaver-Brooks Company, Inc. All rights reserved.