pw3 Sol
pw3 Sol
pw3 Sol
Exercise 1
Consider the following system:
S(s) =
(s + 2)(s + 5)
1. Sketch the poles of this system.
Solution: The poles are located in s = −2 and s = −5. It has no zeros,
thus the behavior will be the behavior of a pure second-order system.
With Matlab, we define the system with:
S = zpk([], [-2 -5], 1);
Solution: The root-locus is by definition the location of the poles of the
closed-loop as the gain parameter k of the regulator R varies. In Matlab
we can just compute the root-locus based with the command:
[R, K] = rlocus(S);
There are two different root-loci, namely for all k ≥ 0 and for k < 0. The
latter leads to a slower system that eventually becomes unstable, so we’ll
focus on the case k ≥ 0. This root locus 2.
To sketch this root locus (RL) with the hand, follow the rules as given in
the lectures:
The real-axis segment is located to the left of an odd number of
poles/zeros when counted from the right (for k ≥ 0).
The OL system has two poles, thus the RL has two branches
The OL system has no zeros, thus both branches end on infinity
(asymptotes). The formula says that these asymptotes are located
at θ = π and θ = −π.
When the branches meet on the real segment, they gain an imaginary
component and move symmetrically to infinity in direction θ.
3. Given these constraints:
We want a system as fast as possible.
We can’t tolerate any overshoot.
How would we choose the gain k? Verify in MATLAB1 how much this gain
would be. Where do the poles lie? How about any zeroes?
1 To compute the root-locus in Matlab, use the command rlocus
Solution: The fastest system without overshoot is the critically damped
system, when both branches meet on the real axis. The corresponding k
is 2.25 and the closed-loop system thus has a double pole in p = 3.5 and
no zeroes:
kS 2.25
SCL = =
1 + kS (s + 3.5)2
In Matlab we can compute this with the feedback command:
k = 2.25;
sys_cl = feedback(k*S, 1)
4. Based on what you’ve found in the previous question, what is the static
error of the system in closed loop?
Solution: The static error (t → ∞) can be computed with the theorem
of Tauber applied to the closed-loop system SCL , with which we compute
the final value of the step response of this system:
lim y(t) = lim SCL (s) = = 0.1837
t→∞ s→0 3.52
The static error is thus
5. This static error is too large for our purposes. Ideally, we would like a
static error of zero. Propose the simplest controller that can achieve this
in our case and sketch by hand the root locus of this new system RS(s).
Solution: An integral controller RP (s) = 1s leads to an infinite static
gain, and thus to a zero static error. The root locus of R(s)S(s) is shown
in figure 3 and can be constructed by the same rules as above. Since we
now have 3 poles (and still no zeros), the orientation of the asymptotes is
different: they go to θ = π3 , θ = π and θ = −π 3 . Hence, the system can
become unstable when we increase k too much, which was not the case
R = tf([1], [1 0])
figure; rlocus(R*S);
Figure 3: Root locus of an integral controller RP (s) = s
6. With MATLAB, find the value of the k that satisfies both conditions from
above, and verify that the static gain is indeed zero2 .
Solution: Once again, we place the poles of the closed loop system in
the critically damped position, thus where the branches meet on the real
axis. The corresponding k is 4.06 and the step response is given in 4. This
system has indeed a zero static error.
Figure 4: Step response of CL with integral controller RP (s) = s
2 To compute a system in closed-loop: either express the full equation e.g. RS
or use
the command feedback
This system has 3 poles: one fast pole in s ≈ −5.2 and two confounded
slow poles in s ≈ −0.87.
7. The system we have now is too slow. How can we make it faster? Start
from the initial system and use a PID controller.
Solution: The slower response can be seen in figure 3 where the left-most
pole necessarily is located to the right of the slowest pole of the open-
loop system. This is a consequence of placing a pole in s = 0 and the
construction rules of the root locus. The most obvious way to make the
system faster is to place a pole in s = −2, which cancels the slowest pole
of S. We do this by including a zero of R(s) in the same spot. R(s) also
contains a pole in s = 0 to obtain a zero static error:
(s + 2)
RP I (s) =
. By choosing k, we obtain a PI controller: kRP I (s) = k + 2k
s with kP = k
and kI = 2k. When we choose k = 6.25, we get critically damped system
(see the root locus of R(s)S(s) ). In Matlab, we do this with:
ps = pole(S)
R = zpk([ps(1)], [0], 1)
figure; rlocus(R*S)
sys_cl = feedback(k*R*S, 1);
Figure 5: Root locus of a PI controller RP I (s) = s
When we compare the step response of this system in figure 6 with the one
of the I controller in figure 4, we notice that this system is faster (measured
by both rise time or settling time since we don’t have overshoot) by a factor
of about 3. This system has strictly speaking three poles:
(a) One in s = −2, which is cancelled by the zero of R(s). However,
mind that this pole will be present if we consider other input-output
relations, e.g. when we investigate the impact of a disturbance η on
the command u - see PW 2 on feedback.
(b) Two confounded poles in s = −2.5.
The poles of this critically damped system are about three times as fast
as the the I-controller (recall: poles in s ≈ −0.87), hence the threefold
decrease in rise time.
Figure 6: Step response of CL with PI controller RP I (s) = s
Question: Can the closed-loop be made even faster? If so, what is the
true limit on the system speed?
Exercise 2
Consider the following system (with TS = 0.5s):
S(z) =
(z − 2.7)(z − 0.4)
1. Sketch the poles and zeros of S(z). What about the stability of the open-
loop system?
Solution: Poles are located in z = 2.7 and z = 0.4, with a single zero in
z = −1 - see figure 7. This is necessary if we want that the second sample
u(n = 1) of a step response is not zero. The first pole has a modulus
larger than one and thus is the open-loop system unstable. The first role
of feedback will be to render the closed-loop system stable.
2. Sketch the root locus of S(z) with the hand. Then verify with Matlab.
Solution: Since the OL system has two poles and a single zero, the root
locus will have an asymptote on θ = π for k ≥ 0. The complete trace of
the root locus is shown in figure 8. All this can be computed in Matlab
Ts = 0.5;
S = zpk([-1], [2.7, 0.4], 1, Ts);
figure; pzmap(S);
figure; rlocus(S);
Figure 8: Root locus of S(z)
known. Thus if we try to cancel unstable poles by putting a zero
on top of them, we may be a bit off and the closed-loop system will
remain unstable.
2. Even if everything went perfectly, the pole will not be canceled for
other input-output relations, like for disturbances η on the command
u. Thus the system will remain unstable for these input-output re-
Attempt 2
We propose (again naively!) to cancel the stable pole in z = 0.4 with
R2 (z) = k(z − 0.4). The root locus of R2 (z)S(z) now becomes:
R = zpk([0.4],[],1, Ts)
figure; rlocus(R*S)
sys_cl = feedback(k*R*S, 1);
figure; step(sys_cl);
Figure 10: Step response of SCL (z)
U (z)
However, we cannot implement this controller, since with R(z) = E(z) =
k(z − 0.4) corresponds the following recurrence equation:
thus we need to have knowledge of a future error (n + 1). The reason is
that our controller is not proper (degree of numerator > degree denom-
inator). Matlab will give an error when trying to simulate the behavior
of just R2 (z) (e.g. when computing the step response of R2 (z) or even
U (z)
W (z) ).
Attempt 3
We can make R2 (z) proper by delaying it by 1 time step: R3 (z) =
z −1 R2 (z) = k(1 − 0.4z −1 ). The recurrence relation is then
The controller still has a zero in z = 0.4 but now also has a pole in z = 0.
The root locus becomes:
Figure 11: Root locus of R3 (z)S(z)
This system can be stabilized since part of the two branches are simul-
taneously located within the unit circle, but the range of valid k’s is not
that large.
By choosing k = 0.88, we obtain this step response:
to monitor the behavior of U (z), we find the step response in figure 13 (in
Notice that we exceed the constraint |u(n)| ≤ 20, thus we should again
iterate over the different steps. However, by choosing the k above slightly
larger (e.g. k = 0.9), we are able to respect the input constraint (see figure
13 in red).
U (z)
Figure 13: Step response of W (z) for different k