2003d Obsidian Exchange Spheres of Post

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Geoffrey E. Braswell

Obsidian, a volcanic glass used for manufacturing in northwestern Costa Rica, a linear distance of more
chipped-stone tools, was the most widely circulated non- than 2,J00 km. The inclusion of Gran Nicoya in this
perishable good in Mesoamerica. Three factors make it survey is justified because many of the SapoaJOmetepe-
particularly suitable for studying the exchange networks period inhabitants of that culture area came from Meso-
of the Postclassic world. First, because it was principally america, made and produced ceramics traded to central
a utilitarian rather than a prestige item, it is found in a Mexico, and used obsidian obtained from sources as dis-
wide variety of contexts at both elite and humble sites. tant as northern Hidalgo.
Second, the number of volcanic sources from which arti- Although the focus of this volume is the Postclassic
fact-quality obsidian can be extracted is limited; most period, for two reasons I have opted to begin with the
obsidian used in Mesoamerica came from 29 sources EpiclassicfTerminal Classic. First, the decline of Teoti-
in west and central Mexico, and I2 sources in Central huacan and polities in the Maya lowlands triggered im-
America (figure 20.I). Third, because of their unique ge- portant changes in the structure and organization of
ological histories, each source is chemically distinct, and prehistoric exchange. The obsidian exchange spheres
many can be distinguished according to optical criteria or that coalesced in the EpiclassicfTerminal Classic period
density measurements. It is possible, therefore, to ascer- continued throughout the Postclassic period. Second, re-
tain the geological origin of an artifact and to reconstruct cent research in the northern Maya lowlands has forced
the exchange routes along which obsidian from differenf a reevaluation of traditional chronology. Just as Tula is
sources was traded. the quintessential Early Postclassic city of central Mex-
The principal goal of this chapter is to present all ico, Chichen Itza has long been considered the archetype
published and many unpublished source assignments for of Early Postclassic Maya civilization. Nonetheless, it has
obsidian artifacts recovered from Mesoamerican sites become clear that Chichen Itza was founded around A.D.
dating to the EpiclassicfTerminal Classic, Early Postclas- 800 and was abandoned about A.D. I050 (e.g., Braswell
sic, and Late Postclassic periods. I The data are organized I998a; Cobos I998; Ringle et al. I998; Schele and
according to broad spatial patterns that I term "obsidian Mathews I998).2 In other words, the occupation of
exchange spheres." Sites within a given sphere received Chichen Itza spans the two centuries of the Terminal
obsidian from the same source or suite of sources. Obsid- Classic period. Since relations between Chichen Itza and
ian exchange spheres are not intended to mirror political, contemporary cities such as Xochicalco, El Tajln, and
ethnic, or linguistic boundaries, although their borders Tula are relevant to the development of the Postclassic
occasionally coincide. Most are much larger than any Mesoamerican world, it is appropriate to include the
single Mesoamerican polity, so their existence implies EpiclassicfTerminal Classic in this discussion.
international trade.
In order to examine this international trade, I extend EPICLASSIC/TERMINAL CLASSIC OBSIDIAN EXCHANGE
the field of inquiry beyond the borders of Mesoamerica SPHERES (A.D. 650/800-1000/1 050)
proper (chapter 3). Thus, source-assignment data are
provided for sites stretching from the Loma San Gabriel The period beginning about A.D. 650 in central Mexico
region of southern Durango to Chorotegan communities and a century or so later in southeastern Mesoamerica


Figure 20.1 Principal obsidian sources of Mesoamerica

saw the disintegration of both interregional and long- Grande, Durango), Ceboruco-Ixtlan del Rio (Nayarit),
distance Classic-period exchange networks. Although the and the La Joya-Teuchitlan-La Primavera source area
extent and nature of the role played by Teotihuacan in (sometimes called the Tequila and La Primavera source
the extraction, production, and exchange of obsidian are areas) ofJalisco (figure 20.1). Many more sources, whose
a matter of debate (e.g., Clark 1986; Santley 1983, 1989; geographic locations are not yet known, have been iden-
Spence 1984), the demographic decline of that city repre- tified through chemical assay. Darling (1998) has iden-
sented the loss of the single largest source of demand for tified nine chemical groups (called Unknown-A through
obsidian in northwestern Mesoamerica. Similarly, the -I), and Trombold et al. (1993) may have identified a
collapse of Maya polities during the ninth and early tenth tenth (called Group Z). Furthermore, many artifacts have
centuries minimally entailed a drastic revision in the na- chemical compositions that appear unique; that is, at
ture and scale of exchange between the southern high- present they cannot be attributed to either a known geo-
lands and lowlands. logical source or an identified chemical group. An assay
The disintegration of important regional states and of 25 artifacts from La Quemada, for example, revealed
the emergence of new power centers during the Classic three known sources (Nochistlan, La Lobera, and
to Postclassic transition required the formation of new Huitzila), two unidentified chemical groups, and nine
exchange networks. I have identified I I regional and in- unique pieces that could not be grouped statistically with
terregional obsidian exchange spheres that characterize each other or other artifacts (Trombold et al.I993). Dar-
Mesoamerica during this transition (table 20.1 and figure ling (1998: table 5.3), in an analysis of five more artifacts
20.2).FIG. 20.2 NEAR HERE from La Quemada, has additionally identified obsidian
from Pachuca, Hidalgo, and Zinaparo, Michoacan.
NORTHWEST MEXICAN SPHERE Therefore, these 30 artifacts may have come from as
Although geographically and politically peripheral to many as 16 distinct sources.
Mesoamerica, northwest Mexico was the mythical home Our understanding of the chronology of sites in north-
of several central Mexican groups, an important source west Mexico, such as La Quemada and Alta Vista, is
of a wide variety of semiprecious stones and minerals, changing. It once was thought that these two sites dated
and possibly the place of origin of the patio-gallery, the to the Early Postclassic period (e.g., Armillas 1969), but
tzompantli, the chacmool, Coyotlatelco ceramics, and it now seems more likely that they span the Classic and
the cult of Tezcatlipoca (Weaver 1993:187). For this rea- Epiclassic periods (e.g., Kelley 1990; Nelson 1990;
son, economic connections with regions to the southeast Trombold 1990). Other sites and regions in northwest
are of particular interest. Mexico, such as Las Ventanas in the Juchipila Valley,
Northwest Mexico is home to a great number of ob- have long occupations beginning in the Formative and
sidian sources, and this is reflected in the obsidian pro- lasting until the Colonial period. Sites in the Bolanos
curement patterns of sites in the region. Source areas that Valley often are assigned to only two broad temporal
have been identified on the ground include Huitzila-La periods: before A.D. 700 and after A.D. 700.
Lobera (located along the Jalisco and Zacatecas borders), Given the wide variety of sources, poor chronologies,
Nochistlan (Zacatecas), Cerro Navajas (also called Llano and the preponderance of artifacts that cannot be
Table 20.1
Obsidian procurement patterns for Epiclassic (A.D. 650-1000) northwestern Mesoamerica, Terminal Classic (A.D. 800-1050) southeastern Mesoamerica,
and Late Bagaces period (A.D. 600-950) Gran Nicoya

Atzca potzalco 3 604 30 11 .I 60 .I .I Garda Chavez
et al. 1990
Cantona 58 100
Cerro d. 1. Minas 4 21 14 19 24 33 10 Elam et al. 1992
Cerro Portezuelo s 2 100 Sidrys 1977b
Cholula 6 89 15 8 18 3 2 54 Hester et al.
Cuajilote 6 33 67
EI Pital 6 3 67 33
EI Tajin 6 7 14 86 Jack et a1. 1972
Jalieza 50 4 2 24 2 2 4 62 Elam 1993
Lambityeco 3 33 67 Elam 1993
Lower R. Verde? 16 6 13 6 13 44 19 Joyce et a1. 1995
Matacapan 2504 10 Santley et a1.
Mixtequilla Zone 8 4379 .I .I 9 .I 25 .I 66 Heller & Stark
Monte Alban 6 17 83 Elam 1993
Southern Isthmus 9 48 .I .I 50+ .I Zeitlin 1982
Tula 10 '"i5.:
Corral dO >90 Healan 1993 ;:!
Terminal Corral -30 -70 Healan 1993 セ@

Mixed 33 4 6 9 73 Hester et al. '"l:>;:s--

1973 セ@
セ@ ;:s--

Table 20.1 continued C'l '

Obsidian procurement patterns for Epidassic (A.D. 650-1000) northwestern Mesoamerica, Terminal Classic (A.D. 800-1050) southeastern Mesoamerica, 0
and Late Bagaces period (A.D. 600-950) Gran Nicoya ::<l


Urichu l l 33 6 24 6 64 Pollard (this

Xochicalco 116 4 3 1 85 5 2 Hirth 1989

Acapetahua 12 83 1 5 30 60 4 Clark et al. 1989
Aventura 19 100 Neivens et al.
Becan 49 4 71 10 Nelson et al.
Central Peten Lakes 20 65 20 5 10 Rice et al. 1985
Chicanna 37 3 3 73 22 Rovner 1989
Chichen Itza 413 25 50 25 Nelson et al.
2 13 100 Moholy-Nagy
and Ladd 1992
2745 1 21 8 4 32 1 7 10 12 4 Braswell 1998c
Coba 4 100 Nelson et al.
307 1 <1 <1 96 1 2
Colha 3 100 Dreiss 1988
199 14 48 51 1 Dreiss et al. 1993
Copan 1S 551 4 <1 1 94 <1 Aoyama 1999
518 11 2 3 83 <1 Braswell and
Manahan 2001
Cozumel 6 33 17 17 33 Nelson et al.
Table 20.1 continued
Obsidian procurement patterns for Epiclassic (A.D. 650-1000) northwestern Mesoamerica, Terminal Classic (A.D. 800-1050) southeastern Mesoamerica,
and Late Bagaces period (A.D. 600-950) Gran Nicoya


Dzibilchaltun 22 91 5 5 Nelson 1997

Ek Balam 16 198 2 1 97 Braswell 1998c
Huanacastal 12 120 3 27 23 48 Clark et al. 1989
Isla Cerritos 1? 38 37 3 45 11 5 Cobos 1998
Izapa 12 41 5 32 54 10 Clark et al. 1989
Kaminaljuyu 73 97 3
Labna 123 2 6 6 3 80 3 1
Lag. Cayo Francesa 12 17 50 33 McKillop 1995b
Las Lomas 12 327 <1 26 3 70 1 <1 Clark et al. 1989
Las Morenas 12 105 8 14 3 14 4 36 19 2 Clark et al. 1989
Mango Creek 3 100 McKinnon
et a1.1989
Nohmul 20 20 80 Hammond et al.
Oxkintok 18 362 1 44 1 19 <1 <1 8 20 4 2
Patchchacan 6 83 17 Neivens et al.
Placencia 7 100 McKinnon
et a1.1989
Quelepa 383 <1 99 <1 Braswell et al.
1994 \J"-
Rancho Alegre 12 35 17 74 3 Clark et al. 1989 セ

Rio Arriba 12 72 6 3 40 6 44 1 Clark et al. 1989 trI

San Gervasio 12 33 67 セ@

San Juan 19 79 14 2 74 8 2 Guderjan セ@

et a1.1989 セ@
V> '"

Table 20.1 continued 0 .

Obsidian procurement patterns for Epiclassic (A.D. 650-1000) northwestern Mesoamerica, Terminal Classic (A.D. 800-1050) southeastern Mesoamerica, 0
and Late Bagaces period (A.D. 600-950) Gran Nicoya セ@

Santa Rita Corozal 3 100 Neivens et al.
Seibal 22 5 50 14 32 Nelson et al.
Tenampua 20 2 100 Braswell et al.
Tikal 5 20 40 40 Moholy-Nagy
and Nelson 1990
Tikal-Yaxha transect21 2 100 Ford et al. 1997
Tipu22 45 56 29 16 Baxter 1984
Topoxte 12 75 17 8 Braswell 2000b
Uxmal 10 10 90 Nelson et al.
442 <1 5 <1 2 13 <1 5 48 24 1
Wild Cane Caye 23 29 41 52 7 McKillop 1996
Xelha 24 4 25 75
Xkipche 25 108 1 2 3 1 2 1 88 4
Xunantunich 26 290 <1 81 14 4 J. Braswell 1998
Yaxha 5 40 60
Yaxuna 33 6 6 39 6 42 Braswell 1998c
Zacualpa 27 5 100

Ayala 28 3 33 67 Salgado 1996
338 <1 12 88 Braswell 1997
Table 20.1 continued
Obsidian procurement patterns for Epiclassic (A.D. 650--1000) northwestern Mesoamerica, Terminal Classic (A.D. 800--1050) southeastern Mesoamerica,
and Late Bagaces period (A.D. 600--950) Gran Nicoya


Cacaulf 129 11 9 91 Braswell 1997

Giiiligiiisca 30 46 15 85 Braswell 1997
La Cruz 8 100
Playas Verdes 28 34 3 6 91
Note: Values shown under each source are expressed as percents; .I indicates present but no quantitative data available; if no reference is cited, data first appear here.
1 ALT=Altotonga, Veracruz; GDV=Guadalupe Victoria, Puebla; OTU=Otumba, Mexico; PAC=Pachuca, Hidalgo; PAR=Pared6n, Hidalgo; PDO=Pico de Orizaba, Veracruz; UCA=Ucareo-
Zinapecuaro-Cruz Negra, Michoacan; ZAC=Zacualtipan, Hidalgo; ZAR=Zaragoza, Puebla.
2 CHY=EI Chayal, Guatemala; IXT=Ixtepeque, Guatemala; SMJ=San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala.
Nine "gray" pieces analyzed by NAA, values shown for OTU and UCA are extrapolated from those results.
4 Oaxaca, Mixteca Baja region, Nuifie phase (A.D. 300-800).
5 Three additional pieces (two UCA, one OTU) are either Epiclassic or Early Postclassic in date.
Chronological placement insecure, perhaps Classic.
7 Coastal Oaxaca, Yuta Tiyoo Phase (A.D. 550-900).
8 Sources with .I identified chemically in zone. All appear in trace quantities except GDV, which drops considerably after the Preclassic period.
9 Other Mexican sources not specified.
10 Corral Phase = A. D. 700-800; Terminal Corral Phase = A.D. 800-900/950. Mixed Epiclassic and Early Postclassic samples chosen to represent full visual variation (i.e., not a random collection) .
11 Michoacan, Lupe-La Joya Phase (A.D. 600-900). Other Mexican is Zinaparo-Varal-Preito, Michoacan, source complex.
12 Chiapas, dated to A.D. 600-1000. Other Central American source (if present) is Tajumulco, Guatemala.
13 Material of uncertain temporal assignment from Sacred Cenote.
14 Late to Terminal Classic period.
15 Ejar-phase contexts (A.D. 950-1050), includes significant quantities of recycled earlier material as well as pieces from fill. Other Central American source is La Esperanza, Honduras.
16 Samples come from Late and Terminal Classic contexts.
17 Material dates to ChacpellJotuta and Early Jotuta phase (A.D. 750-1050).
18 Other Mexican source consists of pieces that should be assigned to either Ucareo or Zaragoza.
19 Includes small quantities from other periods; unknown source most closely matches Tequila-La Primavera complex, Jalisco. Resourced by McKillop (1995) .
20 Other Central American source is La Esperanza, Honduras.
21 Late to Terminal Classic contexts.
22 Some of source unknown material probably is from SMJ.
23 Late to Terminal Classic contexts; other Central American source is "Puente Chetunal," Guatemala. '"i5..:
セ N@
24 Chemuyil phase (A.D. 600-900/1000). Other Mexican source is Ucareo or Zaragoza. ;:!
25 Includes some earlier material. Other Mexican source is Huitzila, Zacatecas.
26 Includes Late Classic material.
27 Pokom phase. I:>

28 Granada, Nicaragua. Other Central American source is Giiinope, Honduras. セ@

29 Madriz, Nicaragua. Other Central American source is Giiinope, Honduras.
30 Carazo, Nicaragua. Other Central American source is Giiinope, Honduras. セ@



Figure 20.2 Obsidian exchange spheres of the Epiclassic (A.D. 650-1000) and Terminal Clas-
sic (A.D. 800-1050) periods

assigned yet to any known volcanic formation, I have not Lobera source area and Unknown-Co Most of the obsid-
listed any sites in the northwest Mexican sphere in table ian used to make flakes in this region came either from
20.1. Instead, I discuss procurement data here in an ab- Huitzila-La Lobera or Unknown-B, -C, or -I. One pris-
breviated form. The interested reader is referred to Dar- matic blade from the Chapalanga Valley of Zacatecas
ling 1998 and Trombold et al. 1993, from which all the came from the La Joya-Teuchitlan-La Primavera source
relevant data have been gleaned. area, but a second could not be assigned to any group
Darling (1998) suggests that two distinct obsidian (Darling 1998: table C.3). In contrast, most of the flakes
procurement systems were used in the northwest Mexi- and flake cores in the Chapalanga Valley came from Un-
can sphere. First, most material was procured at local known-D, -H, or -J. As mentioned above, a single blade
sources and used for ad hoc flake production and biface fragment from La Quemada came from the Pachuca
manufacture. Second, prismatic blades were imported in source. Flakes and chunks from La Quemada and else-
finished form from the Teuchitlan region of Jalisco, as where in the Malpaso Valley of Zacatecas that were ana-
well as from other areas in the Mesoamerican core. Sites lyzed by Darling (1998: table C.S) came from the
where prismatic blades have been recovered tend to be Nochistlan, Zinaparo-Varal-Prieto, and Huitzila-La
large regional centers where ceremonial architecture, pre- Lobera source areas, as well as from Unknown-C and
sumably inspired by Mesoamerica, also has been found. Unknown-E. Finally, three prismatic blades found at sites
In this respect, the northwest Mexican sphere resembles in the Chalchihuites region of Durango came from the
the lower Central American sphere (see below), located Pachuca and La Joya-Teuchitlan-La Primavera source
at the opposite extreme of the Mesoamerican world. Pris- areas, as well as from an unidentified source. In contrast,
matic blade importation began in the eighth century and most of the ad hoc flakes and cores were attributed to the
apparently continued until the Spanish conquest. Cerro de Navajas source area of Unknown-B, -D, and -F
Darling (1998) analyzed 167 artifacts from sites in (Darling 1998: table C.6). Thus, of the 16 blades from
northwest Mexico; only 16 are prismatic blade frag- sites in the northwest Mexican sphere analyzed by Dar-
ments. Eight prismatic blades recovered from sites in the ling, 10 came from sources in the Teuchitlan region of
Tlaltenango Valley region of Zacatecas were attributed Jalisco, and 2 from Pachuca, Hidalgo: both regions are
to the La Joya-Teuchitlan-La Primavera source area. generally considered part of Mesoamerica. One more
Thus, the inhabitants of the Tlaltenango Valley imported comes from the Huitzila-La Lobera source area, just
their prismatic blades from the Teuchitlan region of north of the Teuchitlan core. As Darling argues, this pat-
Jalisco. In contrast, most of the non-blade obsidian came tern strongly suggests that prismatic blades found in the
from the closer Huitzila-La Lobera source area and Un- northwest Mexican sphere were manufactured in the
known-A, which probably is part of the Huitzila system Teuchitlan region or elsewhere in Mesoamerica and were
(Darling 1998:329, table C.l). Two more prismatic not made locally.
blades analyzed by Darling (1998: table C.2) were re- Obsidian from only two source areas in the northwest
covered from sites in the Bolanos Valley of Jalisco and Mexican obsidian sphere-La Joya-Teuchitlan-La Pri"
Zacatecas. These were attributed to the Huitzila-La mavera and Huitzila-La Lobera-has been found else-
Obsidian Exchange Spheres 139

where. A recent study documents the use of La Joya- (Cobean 1991), including the Late Postclassic center of
Teuchitlan-La Primavera obsidian in the Rio Marques Tamohi (table 20.3). Since Zacualtipan is the only source
reglon of Michoacan (Esparza Lopez 1999). Two more that appears to be represented in the Huastec region, and
artifacts have been found very far afield at Maya sites only small quantities ever were traded beyond this zone,
dating to the Terminal Classic period. The first, from the I tentatively propose that a Huastec obsidian sphere ex-
minor Puuc center of Xkipche, has been assigned to the isted in the Epiclassic and Postclassic periods.
Huitzila-2 subsource (table C6.1). The second, from San Trace amounts of Zacualtipan obsidian have been
Juan, Ambergris Caye, most closely resembles material noted at Azcapotzalco (Garda Chavez et al. 1990),
from La Joya-Teuchitlan-La Primavera, but was not as- Urichu (Pollard, this volume), and Xochicalco (Hirth
signed unambiguously to that source complex. The pres- 1989), and in the Mixtequilla (Heller and Stark 1998)
ence of these exotic artifacts in the Maya region suggests and Maya regions (e.g., Braswell 1998c; Nelson et al.
contact, however indirect, with the Teuchitlan region. 1983). In fact, a small prismatic blade reused as a bipolar
Connections between the Teuchitlan region and central core was found at the Ayala site in Pacific Nicaragua,
Mexico have been demonstrated for the Classic period more than 1,600 km from the Zacualtipan source
(e.g., Weigand 1985, 1990). During the period A.D. 700- (Braswell 1997).
900, however, the prosperity of the region declined, so it
is not surprising that obsidian from these sources has not CENTRAL MEXICAN SPHERE
been found at Postclassic sites outside of west Mexico. Epiclassic obsidian procurement patterns in central
Mexico reflect a strong dependence on the Ucareo,
TARASCAN ZONE Michoacan, source. Important regional centers such as
Source provenance data for Epiclassic obsidian artifacts Tula (Healan 1993), Xochicalco (Hirth 1989), and Az-
in the Tarascan obsidian exchange sphere are limited to capotzalco (Garda Chavez et al. 1990) received most of
just one site, Urichu, located near the western shore of their obsidian in the form of cores imported from
Lake Patzcuaro (chapter 29). Most obsidian at Urichu is Ucareo. In fact, obsidian from this source was one of the
found in the form of utilized flakes from the Zinaparo- most widely and intensely traded commodities of Epi-
Varal-Prieto source complex located northwest of classic Mesoamerica.
the Zacapu Basin. Smaller quantities of obsidian, in- Much smaller quantities of obsidian from Pachuca
cluding prismatic blades, are sourced to the Ucareo- and Otumba also were distributed in Epiclassic central
Zinapecuaro-Cruz Negra (henceforth, Ucareo) source Mexico. Material from the second source, though, was
complex, as well as to Pachuca and Zacualtipan, not widely traded beyond the Basin of Mexico and was
Hidalgo. Although the Epiclassic sample is small, it is subject to a remarkably steep drop-off. Azcapotzalco, the
notable that no obsidian from sources in Queretaro or nearest important site for which there are published data,
Guanajuato are present in the collection. Economic ties received just 30 percent of its obsidian from Otumba
with distant trade partners to the east were more impor- during the Epiclassic period (Garda Chavez et al. 1990).
tant than connections to closer sites north of the Taras- The fact that only a small quantity of Pachuca obsid-
can region. ian reached Tula during the Epiclassic period suggests
Ceramics from the Ucareo source area that date to the that this important source was not yet controlled by the
Epiclassic period show no close similarities to pottery Toltecs (Healan 1993). In fact, given the rather limited
from either the Tarascan region or Tula. It is likely, then, distribution of Pachuca obsidian in central Mexico dur-
that extraction and production at this source were locally ing the Epiclassic period, it seems unlikely that any major
controlled (Hernandez and Healan 1999). Thus, al- polity controlled its extraction or distribution.
though a significant quantity of obsidian reached the
Patzcuaro region from Ucareo, the source was outside the PERIPHERAL GULF COAST SPHERE
boundaries of Tarascan economic and political control Epiclassic sites along the Gulf coast and on the Isthmus
during the Epiclassic period. of Tehuantepec received most of their obsidian from the
Zaragoza, Puebla, source. This appears to have been the
HUASTEC SPHERE only extensively exploited Mexican source under the di-
No data have been published on obsidian procurement rect control of an important Epiclassic polity. Classic and
patterns in the Huastec region. Nonetheless, several re- Epiclassic Cantona, perhaps the most densely populated
searchers have observed that Huastec pottery can be city in ancient Mesoamerica, is only 8 km south of Zara-
found at Zacualtipan, the northernmost source in Hi- goza (Garda Cook and Merino Carrion 1998; Ferriz
dalgo (Cobean 1991; Dan M. Healan, personal commu- 19 8 5).
nication, 1999). Furthermore, Zacualtipan obsidian, In addition to Cantona, which received nearly all of its
with its characteristic dark black color and low surface obsidian from the Zaragoza source, Epiclassic samples
luster, has been identified visually at several Huastec sites from Cholula (Hester et al. 1972), EI Tajfn (Jack et al.

1972), the Mixtequilla region (Heller and Stark 1998), EI sites in the Puuc region during the eighth century was in-
Pita I, and Cuajilote are dominated by obsidian from sufficiently organized to bring significant quantities of
Zaragoza. It is likely that the majority of Epiclassic Ma- prepared cores north of the Peten. Fall-off in the concen-
tacapan obsidian also will prove to be attributable to tration of Classic-period obsidian in the central Maya
Zaragoza. lowlands is rather abrupt. Although more than a million
Smaller quantities of obsidian from three additional obsidian artifacts were excavated by the Tikal project
sources within the boundary of this exchange sphere also (Moholy-Nagy 1997), only 515 were recovered during
were exploited in the Epiclassic period, although much three years of extensive excavations at Calakmul, just
less extensively. These sources are Altotonga, Guadalupe 100 km north of Tikal (Braswell et al. n.d.). In fact, jade
Victoria, and Pico de Orizaba. is more common at Calakmul than obsidian (Braswell et
Figure 20.2 depicts the boundary between the periph- al. 1998).
eral Gulf coast and central Mexican spheres as passing
west of the Valley of Oaxaca and reaching the Pacific INTERNATIONAL SPHERE
coast west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Although we Beginning about A.D. 800, obsidian began entering the
have relatively few data from central and coastal Oax- northern lowlands via important ports on the west and
aca, sites in the western half of the state, including the north coasts of Yucatan. The first exotic obsidian to
Mixteca Baja and lower Rio Verde regions, received most reach the northern lowlands in quantity probably came
of their obsidian from Ucareo and the other sources ex- from Zaragoza. Obsidian from that source constitutes 17
ploited by the central Mexican exchange sphere (Elam percent of the Late Classic sample from Comalcalco,
1993; Elam et al. 1992; Joyce et al. 1995). In contrast, a site in the northwest periphery of the Maya region
sites in the Valley of Oaxaca and on the southern isthmus (Lewenstein and Glascock 1997). Importantly, no mate-
participated in the peripheral Gulf coast exchange sphere. rial from Ucareo is present in the collection. Late Classic
As distance from the sources increased, however, the Comalcalco, then, participated in the lowland Maya
boundary between the two spheres became more ten- obsidian exchange sphere but also obtained significant
uous. quantities of obsidian through the peripheral Gulf coast
exchange network.
LOWLAND MAYA SPHERE An important Terminal Classic port of entry for Mexi-
During the Late Classic period, the vast majority of ob- can obsidian was Isla Cerritos, associated with Chichen
sidian entering the central and northern Maya lowlands Itza (Andrews et al. 1989). Terminal Classic collections
came from a single source: EI Chayal, Guatemala. This from both Isla Cerritos and Chichen Itza are dominated
pattern became attenuated during the Terminal Classic by obsidian from distant sources in Mexico, particularly
period, particularly in the northern lowlands and along Ucareo and Pachuca, the principal sources exploited by
the Caribbean littoral. sites in the central Mexican exchange sphere. But the
The declining importance of the EI Chayal source may sources found in both collections are quite varied: pre-
be attributed to two events. First, Kaminaljuy6, the pared cores were imported from Zacualtipan in the
largest Late Classic site in the central Maya highlands, Huastec sphere, Zaragoza and Pico de Orizaba in the
was abandoned sometime in the ninth century. It is often peripheral Gulf coast sphere, and Pared6n, a source of
assumed that elites residing at the site oversaw the ex- high-quality obsidian that was not widely exploited in
traction, production, and export of prismatic blade cores Epiclassic highland Mexico. In addition to the seven
from EI Chayal (e.g., Michels 1979), although I know of Mexican sources, exhausted cores from all three major
no evidence from the quarry region that supports this Guatemalan sources have been found at Chichen Itza.
conclusion. Second, the political collapse and abandon- Because of the wide variety of sources represented in
ment of the Peten during the ninth and early tenth cen- collections from Chichen Itza and related sites, they
turies disrupted the overland trade networks that carried collectively form what I call the international exchange
EI Chayal obsidian into the lowlands. The decline of the sphere.
lowland Maya obsidian exchange sphere may have been Mexican obsidian also is found in the Puuc zone at
more rapid than suggested by data in table 20.1. Many of sites with significant ninth-to-eleventh-century occupa-
the obsidian artifacts found in Terminal Classic contexts tions; that is, sites with substantial mosaic-style Puuc
at sites such as Topoxte and Calakmul appear to have architecture. These include Uxmal, Oxkintok, Labna,
been reused or scavenged from cores discarded in earlier and Kabah. There is a general decline in quantity of ex-
periods (Braswell20oob; Braswell et al. n.d.). otic obsidian as the distance from the west coast in-
Obsidian was an uncommon good at Late Classic sites creases and site size decreases. Although it is possible that
in the northern Maya lowlands. The overland trade net- Mexican obsidian was received in trade from Chichen
work that supplied obsidian to Coba, Dzibilchalt6n, and Itza, some probably entered the Puuc region through a
Obsidian Exchange Spheres 141

port on the coast. Punta Canbalam, a site now under wa- six of seven sites dating to this period. Thus, it seems that
ter, is one candidate. Green obsidian from the Pachuca small quantities of obsidian were entering the western
source is found commonly on the beach near the site edge of the zone from both the peripheral Gulf coast and
(Dahlin et al. I998). central Mexican exchange spheres.
Obsidian from Ucareo and Pachuca is present at many
Terminal Classic Maya sites. Blue-black obsidian from SOUTHEAST MAYA SPHERE
Ucareo and green Pachuca blades with ground platforms During the Classic period, Maya, Lenca, and other
are two of the clearest diagnostics of ninth- to eleventh- peoples in southeastern Guatemala, much of western
century occupations at sites throughout the Maya area. Honduras, and all of EI Salvador, relied almost exclu-
For example, more than I3 percent of the obsidian arti- sively on Ixtepeque obsidian. This high-quality source
facts recovered from Ejar-phase contexts at Copan come provided most of the raw material for making chipped-
from these sources (Braswell and Manahan 200I; see stone artifacts in this zone; at sites such as Copan, Tazu-
also Aoyama I999). Still, outside of the international ob- mal, and EI Ceren, chert artifacts are less common than
sidian exchange sphere, the proportion of Mexican mate- obsidian blades from Ixtepeque.
rial in obsidian collections is generally quite low and Reliance on Ixtepeque obsidian is notable in parts of
decreases as the distance from the Gulf coast and western Honduras and eastern EI Salvador because La
Caribbean shoreline increases. Esperanza, Honduras, is the closest source to sites in these
Within the northern Maya lowlands, there are sharp regions (figure 20.I). Furthermore, although La Esper-
territorial divisions between sites that received significant anza material lacks the shiny luster and translucence of
quantities of obsidian from Mexican sources and those Ixtepeque obsidian, material from the Honduran source
that did not. Chichen Itza and Uxmal apparently partici- is well suited for prismatic blade and biface manufacture.
pated in the same international obsidian trade network, Differences in the quality of raw material do not explain
but sites like Coba and Ek Balam did not.3 the sharply delimited boundaries of the southeast Maya
and central Honduran exchange spheres. The ceramic
SOUTHWEST MAYA SPHERE complexes of Quelepa and Tenampua also are quite dis-
Sites in the Maya highlands and Pacific lowlands west of similar, supporting the hypothesis that little trade took
Kaminaljuyli participated in an obsidian exchange sphere place between eastern EI Salvador and central Honduras.
that began to form as early as the Archaic period (Clark During the Terminal Classic period, the southeast
et al. I989). Although the proportions of the three Maya obsidian exchange sphere began to expand, partic-
sources (San MartIn Jilotepeque, Tajumulco, and EI ularly along the Caribbean coast. Ixtepeque was the prin-
Chayal) that provided most of the obsidian consumed in cipal source of obsidian used at Terminal Classic Wild
this sphere shifted over time, suggesting that several dis- Cane Caye in southern Belize (McKillop I996), Colha
tinct distribution mechanisms operated on the local level and Nohmul in northern Belize (Dreiss et al. I993; Ham-
(e.g., Clark and Salcedo Romero I989; Clark et al. I989), mond et al. I984), and San Gervasio on Cozumel Island.
regional procurement strategies were relatively stable un- Significant quantities of Ixtepeque obsidian traveled in-
til the Late Postclassic. land from these coastal ports following major courses
During the Early Classic period, most of the obsidian such as the Moho, Belize, Mopan, and New rivers, pene-
consumed in this zone came from the San Martin Jilote- trating as far as Xunantunich (J. Braswell I998), Tipu
peque source. In the Late and Terminal Classic (A.D. 600- (Baxter I984), Topoxte (Braswell20oob), and Tikal
IOOO), greater quantities of EI Chayal obsidian were (Ford et al. I997; Moholy-Nagy and Nelson I990).
traded in the sphere, particularly in Chiapas. It seems
likely that material from this source entered the western CENTRAL HONDURAN SPHERE
half of the obsidian exchange sphere via a trade route Classic, Terminal Classic, and Postclassic sites in central
along the Pacific coast. I have observed significant quan- and northern Honduras received nearly all their obsidian
tities of both San MartIn Jilotepeque and EI Chayal ob- from the La Esperanza source, with smaller quantities
sidian at coastal centers such as EI Balil, but have found coming from Ixtepeque and two low-quality Honduran
much less EI Chayal obsidian at contemporary sites in the sources: Giiinope and San Luis. In central Honduras,
Kaqchikel and K'iche' highlands. where Lenca and other peoples built mound architecture
Although no Mexican obsidian is known from Late and ball courts, and produced Ulua polychrome ceram-
and Terminal Classic sites in the eastern half of the south- ics, obsidian from La Esperanza was used primarily for
west Maya exchange sphere, a few pieces have been iden- the prismatic blade industry. There is little evidence for
tified at sites in Xoconochco. In particular, Clark et al. blade production in northeast Honduras, where inhabi-
(I989) have noted the presence of artifacts from the Pico tants seem to have produced casual flake tools and to
de Orizaba, Zaragoza, Pachuca, and Ucareo sources at have used imported blades.

Table 20.2 0-
Obsidian procurement patterns for Early Postclassic (A.D. 1000/1050-1250/1300) Mesoamerica and SapoalOmetepe-period (A.D. 950-1550) Gran Nicoya 0
Cerro Portezuelo 3 4 75 25 Sidrys 1977b t"'

]alieza 20 10 10 10 70 Elam 1993

Mixtequilla Z one4 1859 t/ 2 t/ 87 t/ 11 Heller & Stark
Rancho Doloress 4 100 Winter 1989
Southern Isthmus 6 -7 -30 -52 t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ Zeitlin 1982
Teopanzolco 7 107 6 93 1 2 Smith et al. 1984
Tepozteco 7 85 21 58 21 Smith et al. 1984
Tetla 7 45 11 82 5 2 Smith et al. 1984
Tula -85 t/ -15 H ealan 1993
Urichu 8 24 8 8 4 79 Pollard (this
Xaracuaro 8 10 40 60 Pollard (this
Xochicalco 7 237 49 51 Smith et al. 1984
Yautepec 9 984 3 93 2 <1 2 Smith et al. 1996

Central Peten Lakes 26 19 58 15 8 Rice et al. 1985
Chuisac 10 1214 9 1 90 Braswell 1996
Cihuatan 20 35 60 5 Fowler et al. 1987
Colha 10 100 Hester and Shafer
False Caye 3 67 33 McKinnon et al.
Frenchman's Caye 2 50 50 McKinnon et al.
Isla Cerritos l l 18 39 7 7 14 34 Cobos 1998
Table 20.2 continued
Obsidian procurement patterns for Early Postclassic (A.D. 1000/1050-1250/1300) Mesoamerica and SapoalOmetepe-period (A.D. 950-1550) Gran Nicoya

Izapa 12 147 1 3 4 1 27 1 50 13 Clark et al. 1989
Las Morenas 12 4 25 75 Clark et al. 1989
Las Vegas 13 52 2 23 73 2 Braswell et al.
Moho Caye, T oledo 1 100 H ammond 1976
Pulltrowser Swamp14 3 67 33 Dreiss 1988
Rio Claro 13 3 100 H ealy et al. 1996
San Gervasio 31 3 3 90 3
Sula Valley 13 1 100 Pope 1987
Wild Cane Caye 1S 75 1 8 84 1 6 McKillop 1996
Xelha 17 100
Z acualpa 4 100

Ayala 16 127 1 24 76 Braswell 1997
Bahia de Salinas 17 1 100 Sheets et al. 1990
Caldera 18 9 11 44 44
La Pachona 19 2 50 50
Los Jocotes 18 1 100
Nindiri 18 9 33 67 Sheets et al. 1990
Rio Sap6a 2O 1 100 Sheets et al. 1990
San Cristobal21 3 33 67 Healy et al. 1996 "-
Santa Isabel "A,,22 2 100 Healy et al. 1996 £; "

Tepetate 16 35 3 66 31 tT:1
Vidor23 2 50 50 Sheets et al. 1990 セ@

Values shown under each source are expressed as percents; II' indicates present but no quantitative data available; if no reference is cited, data first appear here. セ@
t OTU=Otumba, Mexico; PAC=Pachuca, Hidalgo; PAR=Pared6n, Hidalgo; PDO=Pico de Orizaba, Veracruz; UCA=Ucareo-Zinapecuaro-Cruz Negra, Michoacan; ZAC=Zacualtipan, Hidalgo; セ@
ZAR=Zaragoza, Puebla. ::s-
2 CHY =El Chayal, Guatemala; IXT=Ixtepeque, Guatemala; SMJ=San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala. セ@


Until quite recently, little was known about obsidian
trade and production in lower Central America (Sheets et
al. I 990)' The Late Bagaces period (A.D. 600-850/950) is
of particular interest. In Late Bagaces times and in the
'"uセ@ following SapoaJOmetepe period, at least three waves
Z of immigrants from Mesoamerica arrived in Pacific
c: Nicaragua. The first group to arrive, the Chorotega, orig-
inally came from the region around Cholula, settled for a
U"I time in Xoconochco, and moved into Pacific Nicaragua
about A.D. 800 (Healy I980). The Nicarao, a Nahua
U"I group that also resided for a time in Xoconochco, arrived
d in the Rivas region around A.D. 1200. Finally, the Sub-
.:t tiaba, originally from the Tlapanec region of Guerrero,
.;: also came to Pacific Nicaragua at the end of the Meso-
CII -'-
<t. american Early Postclassic period (Fowler I9 89:33-3 5).
oL s
Q. The Late Bagaces-period inhabitants of Pacific Nic-
... CII
CII ...::I'"CIS aragua produced neither prismatic blades nor bifaces.
E "1:l
0 !::
Like inhabitants of Caribbean Honduras and other parts
<a0 ::r:
Q. .; of lower Central America, they made crude ad hoc flake
'" N
!:: and chopper tools out of chert, chalcedony, and obsidian.
c: ...CIS
OJ Most obsidian artifacts dating to this period are casual
'"-;:'"u セ@
and bipolar flakes or cores from the Giiinope, Honduras,
source. Obsidian from Giiinope was imported as small
CIS nodules and pebbles and worked locally. Drop-off in the
'p I: <t. quantity and size of Late Bagaces-period obsidian arti-
c: S :!.. facts is monotonic, suggesting that nodules were ex-
u ,..,
-;;; changed in a down-the-line network.
-;;; セ@
Small quantities of prismatic blades made of Gua-
CII N .£> ::I
J 0 <..:l temalan obsidian also were traded through this loosely
セ@ U"I
organized exchange network. The majority of these are
made of Ixtepeque obsidian and are morphologically
similar to prismatic blades found at Quelepa, Honduras
d (Braswell I997). Since Delirio Red-on-white ceramics
-;;; produced at Quelepa have been found at several sites in
Nicaragua, it seems likely that the blades entered lower
U ...'"on Central America from this community in the southeast-
セ@ ern periphery of Mesoamerica. As noted, a single pris-
matic blade from the Zacualtipan source has been found
W '"
L. at a site in Pacific Nicaragua. The lack of prismatic blade
technology and the presence of blades imported from
Mesoamerica is an important parallel with the northwest
セ@ Mexican sphere.

U (A.D_ 100011 050-125011 300)
During the two and a half centuries of the Early Postclas-
-;;; sic period (A.D. IOoolr050-12501r300), regional and in-
0 terregional obsidian procurement strategies transformed
as new centers of political power emerged in Meso-
america. In the northwest, significant changes in the
sources exploited by exchange spheres occurred (table
20.2), although the borders of these spheres shifted very
little (figure 20.3). In southeastern Mesoamerica, changes
Obsidian Exchange Spheres 145


;-4' )
セNL@ /1
j. G,
⦅ イQ\セ@ L\?
\, Lowland Maya

Figure 20.3 Obsidian exchange spheres of the Early Postclassic period (A.D. 1000/1050-

in the location of principal trade routes seem to have Ten pieces dating to the Late Urichu phase also were
played a larger role. Few changes can be seen in several sourced. Two of these, one from each site, are assigned to
exchange spheres. For this reason, only regions exhibit- the Ucareo portion of the greater Ucareo-Zinapecuaro-
ing new Early Postclassic patterns are discussed. Cruz Negra source complex. If there was a barrier to
trade across the Tarascan-central Mexican frontier dur-
TARASCAN SPHERE ing the tenth or eleventh centuries, it disappeared in the
Obsidian procurement data for the Early Postclassic second half of the Early Postclassic period.
period come from only two sites in the Tarascan region:
Urichu and Xaracuaro. As in the Epiclassic period, CENTRAL MEXICAN SPHERE
material from the Zinaparo-Varal-Prieto source complex Two regional capitals emerged in central Mexico during
comprises most of the sample, with lesser amounts com- the Early Postclassic period: Tula and Cholula. 4 The
ing from Pachuca and the Ucareo source area. economic and political growth of these cities had im-
Pollard (chapter 29) divides the centuries I have as- portant ramifications for the sources of obsidian that
signed to the Early Postclassic into two ceramic phases: circulated in both the central Mexican and peripheral
Early Urichu (A.D. 90o-IOOO/IIOO) and Late Urichu Gulf coast exchange spheres. At the beginning of the
(A.D. IOOOirIOO-I300). The Early Urichu sample, corre- Early Postclassic, extraction and production at the
sponding to the Epiclassic-Early Postclassic transition, Pachuca source increased dramatically. The vast major-
contains no artifacts from Ucareo, the only portion of the ity of obsidian consumed at Tollan-phase Tula came
Ucareo-Zinapecuaro-Cruz Negra source complex where from this source (Healan I993). Diehl (I98I:290) and
high-quality obsidian is found. This phase is contempo- Spence and Parsons (I972:29) have proposed that the
rary with the Terminal Corral and Early Tollan phases Pachuca source came under the direct political control
at Tula, when Ucareo obsidian constituted 60-80 percent of Tula at this time. Although this remains a possibility,
of the material consumed at the site (Healan I 99 3:454; it may be that the growing demand for obsidian at
Ringle et al. I998:222). It may be that the lack of Ucareo Tula precipitated an increase in production at the
obsidian in the Tarascan region during the tenth and source. Recent surveys around the mines themselves
eleventh centuries was somehow related to heavy ex- demonstrate a Toltec presence at Pachuca, but the vast
ploitation by the central Mexican exchange sphere. Al- majority of recovered ceramics date to the Late Post-
though this hypothesis is quite plausible, only 14 artifacts classic period (Cruz Antillon I994; Pastrana I990,
dating to the Early Urichu phase were assayed. Thus, the I99 8).
lack of Ucareo material in the sample may be a reflection Early Postclassic occupants of sites in Morelos (in-
of its small size. Furthermore, some obsidian from the cluding Teopanzalco, Tepozteco, Tetla, and Yautepec)
central Mexican exchange system did enter the Tarascan also received most of their obsidian from the Pachuca
region during the Early Urichu phase. Two obsidian source (Smith et al. I984; Smith et al. I996). The sole ex-
blades in the analyzed sample come from the Pachuca ception is Xochicalco, where more than half of the Early
source, located east of Tula. Postclassic sample comes from Ucareo. But given the

strong Epiclassic occupation of the site, this may be a re- SOUTHWEST MAYA SPHERE
sult of stratigraphic mixing. Alternatively, Postclassic in- Few Early Postclassic sites in the southwest Maya ex-
habitants of Xochicalco may have scavenged obsidian change sphere have received significant investigation, de-
blades from Epiclassic contexts. spite the fact that Tohil Plumbate, one of the most widely
traded ceramic wares in Mesoamerica, originated in the
PERIPHERAL GULF COAST SPHERE western half of this zone.
A similar shift of the principal exploited source occurred In the Xoconochco region, sites like Izapa and Las
in the peripheral Gulf coast exchange sphere during the Morenas continued to receive most of their obsidian
Early Postclassic period. In this case, the shift was away from San Martin Jilotepeque, EI Chayal, and Tajumulco.
from Zaragoza, the primary source of the Epiclassic, to a At Izapa, significant quantities of obsidian from Ucareo,
reliance on the Pico de Orizaba source. This change was Pachuca, and Otumba also are represented in the collec-
due in part to the decline of the city of Cantona. A sec- tion. This suggests economic relations with sites in the
ond cause may have been the development of new mining central Mexican, but not the peripheral Gulf coast, ex-
technologies. During earlier periods, only the superficial change sphere. Perhaps, then, most Plumbate entered
layers of the obsidian flows at Pico de Orizaba were northwestern Mesoamerica before A.D. 1200 through
exploited. These layers yield small, irregular slabs of Pacific and overland, rather than Gulf coast, trade
raw material that are not well suited for the prismatic routes.
blade industry (Daneels and Pastrana 1988:108). In the
Postclassic period, however, shaft-mining techniques SOUTHEAST MAYA SPHERE
introduced from central Mexico allowed access to high- The most notable change in obsidian procurement strate-
quality obsidian (Anick Daneels, personal communica- gies in the Maya region during the Early Postclassic
tion, 1996). period was the expansion of the southeast Maya ex-
A third cause for the shift to Pico de Orizaba obsidian change sphere. Sotuta-Hocaba contexts at Chich en Itza,
may have been the rise of Cholula, the south pole of dating to about A.D. 1050, contain the greatest propor-
Early Postclassic central Mexico. Pico de Orizaba and tions of Ixtepeque obsidian found at the site. At Isla Cer-
Zaragoza, the two sources of high-quality obsidian clos- ritos, however, no Ixtepeque obsidian has been found in
est to Cholula, are about 110 km away. When produc- Early Postclassic contexts, but the sample size (N = 18) is
tion at Zaragoza declined as a result of the abandonment small. Still, it seems likely that this site continued to par-
of Cantona, increasing demand at Cholula probably ticipate in the international exchange sphere after its in-
served to intensify production at Pico de Orizaba. Unfor- land capital was abandoned. Other coastal sites such as
tunately, no Postclassic obsidian artifacts from Cholula Xelha, San Gervasio, Wild Cane Caye (McKillop 1996),
have been attributed to geological sources, so this re- and Moho Caye (Hammond 1976) received most of their
mains a conjecture. obsidian from Ixtepeque. What little data we have for in-
Who was mining obsidian at Pico de Orizaba? The land sites in the Maya lowlands also support an Early
source does not seem to have been under the direct con- Postclassic expansion of the southeast Maya exchange
trol of any large site during the Early Postclassic period. sphere (e.g., Braswell 2000b; Rice et al. 1985).
Daneels (1997:249) hypothesizes that the Cotaxtla re- Who extracted obsidian from Volcan de Ixtepeque
gion, immediately east of Pico de Orizaba, was settled in during the Postclassic? The nearest important Classic and
the Early Postclassic by Nahua immigrants from Tlax- Postclassic polities were centered at Copan, Chalchuapa,
cala. Postclassic ceramics from the Cotaxtla zone include and Cihuatan, respectively 72,81, and 75 km from the
characteristic Mixteca-Puebla wares, as well as other source. Copan was abandoned shortly after A.D. 820 and
types known from the altiplano (Daneels 1997:244- was briefly and lightly reoccupied about A.D. 950. Inhab-
245). The presence of these ceramics near Pico de Oriz- itants of that site could not have supervised production at
aba supports the hypothesis that Postclassic exploitation Ixtepeque during the Early Postclassic period, particu-
of the source can be linked to Cholula. larly after about A.D. I050/r 100, when Copan was again
Data from the Mixtequilla region provide some of the abandoned. Both Tazumal (in the Chalchuapa zone) and
strongest evidence for a shift to Pico de Orizaba obsidian Cihuatan were extensively occupied during the Postclas-
before the end of the Early Postclassic period (Heller and sic period, but no Pipil ceramics have been found near
Stark 1998). Here, in contexts dating to A.D. 1200-1350 the source. Thus, extraction and production at Ixtepeque
(and perhaps earlier), fully 87 percent of all obsidian arti- were likely managed by local inhabitants of the south-
facts are assigned to the Pico de Orizaba source. Data eastern Guatemalan highlands.
from the Valley of Oaxaca (Elam 1993; Winter 1989)
and the southern isthmus (Zeitlin 1982) also demon- LOWER CENTRAL AMERICAN SPHERE
strate continued participation in the peripheral Gulf The last six centuries of prehistoric Nicaragua are di-
coast exchange sphere. vided into two periods: Sapoa and Ometepe. In practice,
Table 20.3
Obsidian procurement patterns for Late Postclassic (A.D. 1250/1300-1520) Mesoamerica
Acambaro 3 8 75 25 Pollard &Voge11994
Apatzingan4 17 41 6 53 Hester et al. 1973
Cerro Portezuelo 3 33 67 Sidrys 1977b
Coatlan Viejo 98 Mason 1980
Copuju 5 5 20 80 Pollard (this volume)
El Ciruelo A6 2613 97 <1 2 Smith et al. 1984
Milpillas 7 39 10 79 10 Darras 1998
Mixtequilla Zone 8 409 t/ 33 t/ 45 t/ 22 Heller & Stark 1998
Olintepec9 65 68 32 Smith et al. 1984
Otumba 1O
Batch 1 97 3 Glascock et al. 1999
Batch 2 10 90 Glascock et al. 1999
Batch 3 39 61 Glascock et al. 1999
Batch 4 99 1 Glascock et al. 1999
Batch 5 25 75 Glascock et al. 1999
Batch 6 67 33 Glascock et al. 1999
Batch 7 16 75 2 4 1 4 Glascock et al. 1999
Pareo 6 10 50 50 Pollard (this volume)
Quiahuitzlanl l 56 2 21 71 2 4 Jack et al. 1972
Southern Isthmus 12 - 10 45 45 Zeitlin 1982 0
Tamazulapan 13 -50 Byland 1980 1:t
Tamohi 14 5 100 ;:!
Taximaroa3 7 14 86 Pollard &Voge11994 セ@

Teotihuacan 15 3672 19 81 Spence 1985




Table 20.3 continued 0 ..

Obsidian procurement patterns for Late Postclassic (A.D. 1250/1300-1520) Mesoamerica 0


Tepea pulco 16
Batch 1 35 63 2 Glascock et al. 1999 t"'

Batch 2 <1 94 5 1 Glascock et al. 1999

Batch 3 56 44 Glascock et al. 1999
Batch 4 <1 90 9 1 Glascock et al. 1999
Tuzantla 3 14 100 Pollard &Vogel1994
Tzintzuntzan 17 3 67 33 Hester et al. 1973
381 5 <1 82 1 6 6 Pollard (this volume)
Urichu s 48 8 44 40 4 4 Pollard (this volume)
Uruapan 18 77 6 3 42 29 21 Esparza Lopez 1999
Villa Morelos 19 100 1 1 96 2 Hester et al. 1973
Xaracuaro s 19 16 79 5 Pollard (this volume)
Xochicalco 6 292 4 82 11 4 Smith et al. 1984
Yautepec 20 4596 1 93 3 1 1 <1 1 <1 Smith et al. 1996
Zempoala 39 22 44 33 Jack et al. 1972
Zirizicuaro 3 6 83 17 Pollard &Voge11994
Zitacuaro 3 2 100 Pollard &Vogel1994

Acapetahua 21 176 18 27 1 1 13 2 30 7 1 Clark et al. 1989
Aldea Chimuch 22 12 50 50
ALO:018 22 2 100
ALO:050 22 2 50 50
Cary Caye, Toledo 1 100 McKinnon et al. 1989
Caserio El Hato 22 4 25 25 50
Casa Roja 22 3 33 67
Caye Coco 1466 <1 30 68 1 Mazeau2000
Cerritos Tecpan 23 5 100
Table 20.3 continued
Obsidian procurement patterns for Late Postclassic (A.D. 125011 300-1520) Mesoamerica

Cerros 3 33 67 Nelson 1985
Chan Chen 7 29 71 Neivens et al. 1983
Chitaqtzaq22 1140 51 2 46 1
Chiche 24 2 100
Chutixtiox24 4 100
Corozal Beach 7 100 Neivens et al. 1983
El Aguacate 21 155 39 18 9 27 4 3 Clark et al. 1989
El Rincon 3 23 12 100 Braswell 1996
Finca Argelia 22 3 100
Finca El Pilar22 52 69 31
Finca Magnolia 23 27 100 Braswell 1996
Funk Caye, Toledo 1 100 McKinnon et al. 1989
Iximche 23 16 19 75 6
La Cuchilla 23 1 100 Braswell 1996
Laguna de On 25 658 27 67 3 3 Mazeau2000
La Palma 21 121 32 12 32 17 5 1 Clark et al. 1989
Las Brujas26 140 29 26 1 21 6 17 Maguire 2001
Las Carretas 123 61 100 Braswell 1996
Las Gradas 21 17 24 47 6 12 12 Maguire 2001
Las Morenas 21 297 10 40 <1 <1 13 10 24 1 Clark et al. 1989
Las Piedritas21 224 26 46 9 8 11 Maguire 2001 0
La Union 2 23 34 100 Braswell 1996 '"i5..:
Mayapan27 1241 <1 <1 <1 <1 11 98 <1 <1 ;:s
Media Cuesta 28 72 8 46 3 43 セ@
"Mixco" Viejo23 62 39 61
Ocelocalco21 28 57 29 4 11 Clark et al. 1989
セ@ c;"
Patchchacan 9 55 33 11 Neivens et al. 1983 ::s-
C)' .
Table 20.3 continued
Obsidian procurement patterns for Late Postclassic (A.D. 1250/1300-1520) Mesoamerica o
Pericon 2 23 3 100 Braswell 1996 セ@tTl
Pueblo Viejo23 167 3 97 Braswell 1996 t"'

Pblo. Viejo Tecpan 13 38 62
Q'umarkaj24 4 50 50
San Gervasio 37 3 97
Santa Rita Corozal 11 18 9 27 45 Neivens et al. 1983
Sarteneja 39 8 92 Neivens et al. 1983
Talpetate 423 4 100 Braswell 1996
Tipu 29 171 1 11 79 5 4 Baxter 1984
Topoxte 47 38 45 17 Braswe1l2000b
Xelha 29 10 90
Xesuj 123 3 100 Braswell 1996
Xesuj 223 4 100 Braswell 1996
Xesuj 323 3 100 Braswell 1996
Xoconochco Bajo21 39 5 21 15 5 36 18 Maguire 2001
Viejo21 47 36 6 19 4 23 11 Maguire 2001
Maguire 2001
Note: Values shown under each source are expressed as percents; t/ indicates present but no quantitative data available; if no reference is cited, data first appear here.
1 OTU=Otumba, Mexico; PAC=Pachuca, Hidalgo; PAR=Pared6n, Hidalgo; PDO=Pico de Orizaba, Veracruz; TUL=Tulancingo, Hidalgo; UCA=Ucareo-Zinapecuaro-Cruz Negra, Michoacan;
ZAC=Zacualtipan, Hidalgo; ZAR=Zaragoza, Puebla; ZNP=Zinaparo-Varal-Prieto, Michoacan.
2 CHY =El Chayal, Guatemala; IXT =Ixtepeque, Guatemala; SMJ=San Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala.
3 Frontier sites of the Tarascan empire; see chapter 11 for details.
4 Michoacan. Pieces originally assigned to Guadalupe Victoria are probably from ZNP.
Michoacan; other Mexican source (if indicated) is Penjamo, Guanajuato.
Morelos; results of assayed "gray" obsidian extrapolated for entire collection.
7 Zacapu Basin, Michoacan. Other Mexican source is Penjamo, Guanajuato. Sample analyzed by NAA. Additionally, 2,709 artifacts were visually sorted into black (87%, assumed to be from
Zinaparo-Varal-Prieto) and green obsidian (13%, assumed to be Pachuca). Given the easy confusion between PAC and Penjamo obsidian and UCA and ZNP material, it is likely that the black and
green visual categories include some UCA and penjamo.
8 Sources with t/ identified chemically in zone. All appear in trace quantities except Guadelupe Victoria, which drops considerably after the Preclassic period.
9 Morelos, only two (of 44) gray artifacts sourced; context mixed with Epiclassic lithics.
Table 20.3 continued
Obsidian procurement patterns for Late Postclassic (A.D. 1250/1300-1520) Mesoamerica
10 Batch 1 (25 assayed "gray" artifacts) comes from a core-blade workshop; Batch 2 (22 "gray" artifacts) is from excavations in an elite residence; Batch 3 (25 "gray" samples) is from the surface of a
rural site near Otumba; Batch 4 (25 "gray" artifacts) from a biface workshop; Batch 5 (25 "gray") is from surface contexts around three houses; Batch 6 (20 "gray") is from the surface of a single
house; and Batch 7 (50 "gray" artifacts is from a lapidary workshop. In all cases, assay results extrapolated for entire collection. Other Mexican source is Tepalzingo, Hidalgo; unknown source is
probably located near Pachuca.
11 Other Mexican source is Altotonga, Veracruz.
12 Oaxaca.
13 Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca. From area identified as prismatic blade workshop.
14 San Luis Potosi, also known as Tamuin.
15 From Aztec-period workshops; bifaces, some of which are Classic in date, are excluded. All "gray" obsidian assumed to be from OTU.
16 Batches 1 and 3 consist of random samples from prismatic blade workshop; 29 "gray" artifacts from Batch 1, and 25 from Batch 3 were assayed, and results extrapolated for the entire collections.
Batches 2 and 4 consists of all "gray" obsidian from several surface collections; 29 gray artifacts from Batch 2, and 25 from Batch 4 were assayed, and results extrapolated for entire collection. Other
Mexican sources are Malpais, Hidalgo (Batch 2 and .4 % of Batch 4) and El Paraiso, Queretaro (.4% of Batch 4). .
17 Pieces assigned to PAC are high-quality green obsidian that appear to have been incorrectly assigned to the Jalisco sources; pieces assigned to ZAR originally sourced only to "Puebla."
18 Upper Rio Marques region, Michoacan. Other Mexican sources include Tequila-La Primavera, Jalisco (27%) and Penjamo, Guanajuato (1 %). Only flakes were sourced, skewing data away from
Ucareo, the primary source used for blades. Sourced artifacts are of uncertain chronological placement.
19 Michoacan; site is probably Postclassic in date; two samples originally assigned to Altotonga, Veracruz, and ZAR probably come from ZNP.
20 Atlan-Santiago phases (A.D. 1300 to Early Colonial period); results of assay of "gray" artifacts extrapolated to entire collection. Other Mexican sources are El Paraiso (.8%) and Fuentezuelas
(.4%), Queretaro.
21 Chiapas; other Central American source is Tajumulco, Guatemala.
22 Sacatepequez, Guatemala; other Guatemalan source is San Bartolome Milpas Altas.
23 Chimaltenango, Guatemala; other Guatemalan source is San Bartolome Milpas Altas.
24 Quiche, Guatemala.
25 Belize; probably contains some earlier materials.
26 Chiapas; other Central American source is Guatemalan, but particular source unclear.
27 All pieces from Str. 163.
28 Santa Rosa, Guatemala; other Guatemalan source is Media Cuesta (Laguna de Ayarza), probable Xinca site.
29 Unknown source may be SM].



152 ·

Figure 20.4 Obsidian exchange spheres of the Late Postclassic period (A.D. I2501I30o-1520)

it has proven difficult to distinguish two distinct and se- TARASCAN SPHERE
quential occupations corresponding to these periods. At The Late Postclassic period saw a major territorial ex-
least some of the proposed differences in the Sapoa and pansion of the Tarascan empire. Ceramics dating to this
Ometepe ceramic complexes reflect regional variation period from the Ucareo region are related to types from
rather than temporal distinctions. For this reason, both the Tarascan heartland (Hernandez and Healan 1999). It
periods are discussed together. seems likely, then, that this source complex came under
During Sapoa/Ometepe times, the proportion of Ixte- direct territorial control of the Tarascan empire during
peque material in obsidian assemblages grew to more the final centuries of Mesoamerican prehistory. The Pen-
than double that of the earlier Late Bagaces period. This jamo, Guanajuato, source also was incorporated into the
is related to a more than tenfold increase in the quantity Tarascan empire during the Late Postclassic period.
of blades. Prismatic blade manufacture, although un- Obsidian procurement data for the center of the
common in Pacific Nicaragua, is demonstrated for two Tarascan region come from five sites, including the impe-
sites in the departments of Masaya and Rivas. Thus, rial capital of Tzintzuntzan. Although each site received
while all Bagaces blades were imported as finished arti- most of its obsidian from the Ucareo or Zinaparo source
facts, at least some Sapoa/Ometepe blades were locally complexes, the relative quantities of material from each
produced) Moreover, the spatial pattern of obsidian in source differ among and within sites.
the department of Granada reveals a significant change In particular, fully 76 percent of the obsidian at Tz-
in distribution. During the Bagaces period, obsidian arti- intzuntzan came from the Ucareo source (and another
facts were used at only the highest-ranked sites in the 6 percent from the Zinapecuaro portion of the system).
settlement hierarchy. In contrast, obsidian flakes and Residents of two locations at Urichu also received most
blades in Sapoa/Ometepe times were used by consumers of their obsidian from Ucareo, but those living in a third
at more modest villages and hamlets (Salgado Gonzalez section of the site did not. Inhabitants of Xaracuaro,
199 6 ). Copujo, and Pareo had only limited access to obsidian
from Ucareo. 6 In general, the quantity of Ucareo obsid-
LATE POSTCLASSIC OBSIDIAN EXCHANGE SPHERES ian in each collection is inversely proportional to the
(A.D. 1250/1300-1520) amount of material from the Varal portion of the Zina-
paro source complex. Possible explanations for this pat-
The Late Postclassic was a period of remarkable integra- tern are discussed below.
tion. Although many Early Postclassic obsidian procure- Collections from peripheral regions of the empire also
ment and exchange spheres continued to operate, partic- have been studied (e.g., Darras 1998; Esparza Lopez
ularly near the sources, there were fewer barriers to trade 1999; Hester et al. 1973). Pollard (chapter 29) summa-
in many regions (table 20.3 and figure 20.4). In particu- rizes data from the Zacapu Basin (Darras 1998) and
lar, the division between the peripheral Gulf coast, cen- from a survey along the upper Rio Marques, near Uru-
tral Mexican, and southwest Maya exchange spheres apan, Michoacan (Esparza Lopez 1999). In both regions,
became less tangible. obsidian from the Zinaparo source complex is predomi-
Obsidian Exchange Spheres 153

nant, although a surprising amount of material from Pen- lections provide an important glimpse into procurement
jamo, Guanajuato, was identified in the Zacapu Basin. In and production strategies at the sub-site level of analysis.
the Rio Marques region, 27 percent of the analyzed ob- The implications of these data are discussed below in an-
sidian came from the La Joya-Teuchitlan-La Primavera other section.
source area in Jalisco. It seems as though consumers from Most central Mexican collections, not surprisingly,
the Rio Marques region supplemented obsidian procured are dominated by prismatic blades from the Pachuca,
from sources within the empire with material from out- Hidalgo, source. As mentioned, evidence for intensive
side of the Tarascan zone. Thus, the northwestern politi- shaft mining at this source dates to the Aztec period
cal frontier of the empire was not a sharp economic (Cruz Antill6n I994; Pastrana I990, I998), and there
boundary (chapter I3). Collections from Villa Morelos is little doubt that extraction and core preparation of
and Apatzingan, located southeast and southwest of the obsidian were orchestrated by inhabitants of Pachuca,
Patzcuaro Basin, were assayed more than 25 years ago an administered center within the Acolhua state.
by Hester et al. (I973). These collections are not well After Pachuca, Otumba is the second most common
dated, but probably should be assigned to the Postclassic source for obsidian at sites in the Late Postclassic central
period. Nearly all obsidian from Villa Morelos comes Mexican exchange sphere. Obsidian from the Pared6n
from the Ucareo complex. Most material from Apatzin- source also was exploited, but its distribution largely was
gan was assigned originally to the Guadalupe Victoria, limited to the Tepeapulco region. Trace amounts from
Puebla, source, but these assignments are implausible. other sources within the northeast corner of the exchange
X-ray fluorescence data for strontium, zirconium, and sphere also are found, as are a few artifacts made of ob-
rubidium concentrations do not allow Zinaparo-Varal- sidian from El Paraiso and Fuentezuelas, Queretaro-
Prieto obsidian to be distinguished from material from two peripheral sources that were beyond the frontier of
several sources in Puebla (Michael Glascock, personal the Aztec empire. Finally, a few artifacts from Xochicalco
communication, I999). Since the Zinaparo complex is have been sourced to Ucareo (Smith et al. I984), but I
much closer to Apatzingan than to Guadalupe Victoria, suspect that these pieces either come from temporally
I assume that the assignments reported by Hester et al. mixed contexts or represent scavenged blades produced
(I973: table I) are inaccurate. A similar inaccuracy in earlier periods.
seems to exist in the identification of "Puebla" source Within the Aztec empire, evidence for the importation
obsidian at Tzintzuntzan (see table 29.4). Table 20.3 of obsidian from sources in the peripheral Gulf coast
corrects the apparent errors in these data. sphere is limited to two prismatic blades from Zaragoza
Data also are available for five Late Postclassic sites found at Yautepec. In fact, more obsidian from this
(Acambaro, Taximaroa, Tuzantla, Zirizicuaro, and Zi- source has been found at Tzintzuntzan and Villa Morelos
tacuaro) located near the Tarascan-Aztec frontier. Nearly in the Tarascan empire. The Aztecs, then, did not import
90 percent of the artifacts from these sites are attributed obsidian from their eastern rivals.
to the Ucareo source complex (Pollard and Vogel I994). Beyond the Aztec political frontier, however, the
This proportion is even greater than that found at the boundary between the central Mexican and peripheral
capital of Tzintzuntzan. The abundance of Ucareo obsid- Gulf coast obsidian exchange spheres is less evident. In
ian and lack of Zinaparo-complex material may be re- the southern Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 45 percent of the
lated to distance; these sites are closer to Ucareo than to Late Postclassic obsidian came from Pico de Orizaba,
the latter source area. and 55 percent came from sources within the central
Mexican sphere (Zeitlin I982). At Tamazulapan, in the
CENTRAL MEXICAN SPHERE Mixteca Alta, about half the obsidian found in a pris-
Late Postclassic source attribution data are available for matic blade workshop came from Pachuca (Byland
eight cities and smaller centers in central Mexico. These I980). Given the relative proportions of Pachuca and
are El Ciruelo A, Olintepec, Xochicalco (Smith et al. Otumba obsidian in the central Mexican heartland, it is
I984), Otumba, Tepeapulco (Glascock et al. I999), probable that most of the gray obsidian at Tamazulapan
Yautepec (Smith et al. I996), Coatlan Viejo (Mason comes from other sources, some in the peripheral Gulf
I980), and Teotihuacan (Spence I985). For the last coast sphere.
two sites, only the relative proportions of Pachuca and
"gray" (i.e., not green) obsidian are reported. In the case PERIPHERAL GULF COAST SPHERE
of Teotihuacan, we probably are safe in assuming that The principal source for obsidian traded within the
nearly all gray obsidian comes from the Otumba source. peripheral Gulf coast exchange sphere during the Late
Material from Otumba and Tepeapulco has been ana- Postclassic period was Pico de Orizaba, but significant
lyzed in batches corresponding to a variety of residential quantities of obsidian from Zaragoza and some
and workshop contexts (Glascock et al. I999). These col- Altotonga material also were exchanged. There are

indications that the Totonacs eventually carne to con- Maguire, personal communication, 2001). It seems likely
sume most of the obsidian extracted from the Zaragoza that the increase in the use of Pachuca obsidian was due
source. Although relatively small quantities of Zaragoza to the Aztec arrival in Xoconochco at the end of the fif-
obsidian are found in Late Postclassic contexts in the teenth century. The Aztec incursion, which has been
Mixtequilla zone (Heller and Stark 1998), most of difficult to detect in the ceramics of Xoconochco, may be
the obsidian artifacts from Quiahuiztlan corne from discernable through analysis of obsidian exchange pat-
Zaragoza, as do a third of those in the assayed collection terns.
from Cempoalla (Jack et al. 197 2). Mexican obsidian is extremely rare in the Late Post-
Despite the prevalence of obsidian from Pico de Oriz- classic central highlands of Guatemala, and Pachuca is
aba and Zaragoza in Late Postclassic collections from the only source that has been noted. With the exception
sites along the Gulf coast, significant amounts of green of Saq Ulew (Woodbury and Trik 1953:229-231), the
obsidian from Pachuca entered the exchange sphere. westernmost excavated Postclassic center, I know of no
Thus, the boundary between the central Mexican and the exotic obsidian at any major highland site.
peripheral Gulf coast spheres was more permeable than Obsidian procurement patterns at Media Cuesta, a
in earlier periods. In the Mixtequilla region, for example, small site in the eastern highlands of Guatemala, are
a third of all Late Postclassic obsidian artifacts are attrib- worth discussing for three reasons. First, the site is on the
uted to Pachuca. Although the data are limited, it ap- boundary between the southeast and southwest Maya
pears that the relative amount of Pachuca obsidian exchange spheres, a fact reflected in the presence of ob-
circulating in the peripheral Gulf coast sphere was great- sidian from all three major Guatemalan sources in its
est at the southern extremes of the exchange zone. Late Postclassic assemblage (table 20.3) . Second, the site
is only a few hundred meters from a small obsidian
SOUTHWEST MAYA SPHERE source known as Laguna de Ayarza or Media Cuesta
During the Late Postclassic period, the southwest Maya (Braswell and Glascock 1998: figure 5). Despite the prox-
obsidian procurement sphere contracted, and the bound- imity of the outcrops, more than half of the obsidian
ary between it and the two Mexican spheres to the west used at the site was imported from more-distant sources.
became diffuse. At the 10 Late Postclassic sites in Xocon- Media Cuesta obsidian is of sufficient quality for biface
ochco for which we have data, 26-72 percent of the ob- and casual flake production, but is not well suited for
sidian artifacts corne from Mexican sources, predomi- making blades. Third, two interesting polychrome paint-
nantly Pico de Orizaba and Pachuca (Clark et al. 1989). ings in the Postclassic international style are found above
The proportions of these two sources at each site differ. the lake I km west of the site. Finally, there is good rea-
At Acapetahua, Las Morenas, Las Gradas, Las Piedritas, son to think that Media Cuesta was a Xinca, rather than
and Xoconochco Bajo, there is more obsidian from Pico Maya, site. Several indigenous place names in the region
de Orizaba. But at El Aguacate, Las Brujas, La Palma, are derived from Xinca, and the few remaining Xinca
Ocelocalco, and Xoconochco Viejo, Pachuca is the most speakers live in the same department. Thus, the stability
common source. of the boundary between the southwest and southeast
Obsidian from four Guatemalan sources-El Chayal, Maya exchange spheres in this part of Guatemala might
San Martin Jilotepeque, Ixtepeque, and Tajumulco- have been related to the presence of remnant Xinca pop-
also are found at these 10 sites. An interesting pattern ulations.
emerges when we compare the quantities of obsidian
from these sources to the Mexican obsidian present in the SOUTHEAST MAYA SPHERE
same collections. In general, sites that received most of Source provenance data are available for 14 Late Post-
their obsidian from Pachuca also acquired the bulk of classic sites in the southeast Maya exchange sphere. In all
their Guatemalan material from El Chayal and Ixte- but two collections (from Funk Caye and Pachchacan,
peque. In contrast, sites with greater amounts of Pico de Belize), the predominant source is Ixtepeque. Because
Orizaba obsidian tended to get most of their Guatemalan these two sites are represented by a total of 10 artifacts,
material from San Martin Jilotepeque.7 Thus, at least they do not seem to constitute significant exceptions.
two distinct local procurement networks operated within Despite the paucity of data on Late Postclassic pro-
Xoconochco during the Late Postclassic period. I suspect curement patterns in the Maya lowlands, several facts
that these two networks are temporally distinct, repre- are worthy of note. First, with the possible exception of
senting an early facet of the Late Postclassic (with more Tikal, the density of obsidian artifacts at Mayapan is
Pico de Orizaba and San Martin Jilotepeque obsidian) greater than that of any other lowland Maya site. The
and a late facet of the Late Postclassic (with greater 1,241 artifacts for which source assignments are pre-
quantities of Pachuca, El Chayal, and Ixtepeque obsid- sented in table 20.3 corne from only one building: a low
ian). Recent excavations and the careful analysis of range structure near the Castillo. Recent excavations in
stratigraphy lend credence to this hypothesis (Susan several buildings throughout Mayapan suggest that
Obsidian Exchange Spheres 155

Structure 163 is not anomalous (Peraza Lope et al. ("Mixco" Viejo) were positioned equidistant from the
1996). The quantity of obsidian at Mayapan and its gen- source (Braswell 1996).
eral paucity elsewhere in the Late Postclassic Maya low- The peripheral or interstitial locations of obsidian
lands suggest that circum-peninsular trade was tightly sources, the directional pattern of distribution, and the
regulated by this polity. lack of clear controlling central places all suggest that ob-
Second, obsidian from EI Chayal, San Martin Jilote- sidian extraction and circulation were governed more by
peque, and several Mexican sources also reached the demand than by central planning. Rather than interpret-
Maya lowlands during the Late Postclassic period. Most ing these patterns as indicating colonialist exploitation
Mexican obsidian can be sourced either to Pico de Oriz- of hinterland resources, it may be that local populations
aba or the Pachuca source, but trace quantities from residing near obsidian quarries manipulated their eco-
Pared on, Ucareo, and perhaps Zaragoza also have been nomic relations with more-powerful and populace re-
noted. As in the Epiclassic period, obsidian from both the gions to maintain political autonomy. One such strategy
central Mexican and peripheral Gulf coast exchange is tribute (when viewed from the perspective of the cen-
spheres entered the Maya lowlands. ter) or gift giving (when viewed from the position of the
Third, in the southern lowlands, the quantity of ob- periphery). If centers received enough obsidian from re-
sidian seems to be greatest at sites near the coast or on gions beyond their political control, it may not have been
major rivers. Again, this supports a model of circum- worth the military effort to incorporate small frontier
peninsular, rather than overland, trade routes. communities with access to important resources.


There is strong evidence that extraction and production
Many aspects of the procurement data presented here are levels increased at most obsidian sources during the Post-
relevant to the emergence of transnational economies in classic period. At the Choatalum quarry of the San
ancient Mesoamerica. In this final section, I discuss sev- Martin Jilotepeque, Guatemala, source, topsoil was
eral issues germane to Postclassic economies that these stripped away to afford easy access to obsidian-bearing
data elucidate. deposits (Braswell 1996:239-242). During the last 500
years before the conquest, approximately 3000 m 3 of
LOCATION OF SOURCES lithic debitage-weighing nearly 3,000,000 kg-accumu-
ON ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL FRONTIERS lated on the quarry floor (Braswell 1996:648). In central
Figures 20.2 to 20.4 suggest that most sources were pe- Mexico, evidence for increased production levels is t;ven
ripheral, rather than central, to the exchange spheres in greater. New technologies, such as shaft and pit mining,
which artifacts ascribed to those sources circulated. In were introduced during the Postclassic period (e.g.,
particular, the directed rather than radial pattern of dis- Charlton 1969a; Co bean 1991; Cruz Antillon and Pas-
tribution is striking. That is to say, instead of exhibiting a trana 1994; Holmes 1900; Pastrana 1990, 1998; Stocker
pattern of concentric decrement as distance from source and Cobean 1984). Although it can be quite difficult to
increases, obsidian from a particular source is often ab- date quarry and mine features, most of the ceramic
sent from sites to one side of that source. materials recovered from the major source areas of
With the exceptions of Cantona and Zaragoza, and Pachuca and Otumba date to the Aztec period (e.g.,
perhaps Tula and Pachuca, there are few indications that Lopez Aguilar and Nieto Calleja 1989; Lopez Aguilar
source areas were directly controlled by major polities et al. 1989). Thus, it seems likely that extraction levels
during the Epiclassic and Early Postclassic periods. Epi- at those sources reached their peak during the Late Post-
classic ceramics from the Ucareo source complex are classic.
local and show no particular affinities with pottery from Recent research at the Ucareo, Michoacan, source has
Tula or sites in the Patzcuaro Basin. Early Postclassic sites demonstrated the practice of large-scale "trench quarry-
near Pico de Orizaba are small, and there is no nearby ing," but the chronology of such quarries is not yet clear
central place. In the Maya region, there is no evidence (Healan 1997:90-92). Nonetheless, occupation of the
suggesting that Copan, Chalchuapa, or Cihuatan con- Ucareo Valley was insubstantial until the end of the Late
trolled Ixtepeque, despite the fact that this was the source Classic period, so it is likely that trench quarries date to
of the most widely distributed obsidian in Postclassic the Epiclassic or Postclassic periods (Healan 1997:93-
southeastern Mesoamerica. Nor is there compelling evi- 98). There also is evidence for increased production at
dence that Kaminaljuyu ever exerted direct control over the Zinaparo, Michoacan, source area during the Late
the EI Chayal source. Few important centers were located Postclassic (Darras 1998).
around the San Martin Jilotepeque source during the Archaeological reports typically do not contain
Classic and Early Postclassic periods, and during the Late enough information to calculate consumption levels
Postclassic both Iximche' and Saqik'ajol Nimakaqapek of obsidian artifacts. The problem is compounded by

different recovery techniques. For example, some archae- Obsidian may have served as a precious commodity in
ologists working in the Maya region do not sift exca- two contexts. First, in regions of Mesoamerica where ac-
vated soils for small artifacts, so fragments of obsidian cess to material or skilled artisans was unusually low, im-
blades and flakes often are under-represented in collec- ported obsidian could have been manipulated as a scarce
tions. Still, there is some evidence that the intensity of ob- quantity. The Pacific coast of Oaxaca and Guerrero, the
sidian exchange and consumption increased during the Maya lowlands, and lower Central America all are re-
Postclassic period. Carlos Peraza Lope has directed three gions where scarcity might have caused obsidian to be-
field seasons of consolidation-oriented excavations at come a preciosity. It is only in this third region, however,
Mayapan. Barbara Escamilla Ojeda, a student working that there is clear evidence for differential access to mate-
on the project, currently is analyzing some 14,000 obsid- rial during the periods that concern us.
ian artifacts recovered from the site. This quantity, al- Salgado Gonzalez (1996) describes the Late Bagaces
though small for a site in central Mexico or highland settlement hierarchy of Granada, Nicaragua, as consist-
Guatemala, is much more than the total number of ob- ing of only two levels: nucleated and dispersed villages.
sidian artifacts that have been reported for all other sites The distribution of obsidian and imported ceramics (such
in the northern lowlands. Most of this material comes as Delirio Red-on-white, Ulua polychromes, and Gallo
from Ixtepeque, the most distant obsidian source in the Polychrome: Jaguar variety) was limited to nucleated vil-
Maya region. Ixtepeque obsidian also became important lages, which Salgado Gonzalez argues were the centers of
in the K'iche'an highlands of Guatemala during the Post- incipient complex polities. She suggests that the emerging
classic period, suggesting the formation of new trade ties elite of Granada monopolized the exchange of items re-
with the southeast Maya sphere. Finally, the presence of ceived through long-distance trade, which helped stimu-
Mexican-source obsidian in significant quantities at Post- late political elaboration.
classic sites in Xoconochco, where little exotic material In regions where access to obsidian was more com-
was present during earlier periods, is further evidence for mon, material from a distant source may have become a
an increase in ャッョァM、ゥセ。」・@ obsidian exchange. precious good because of its rarity and distinctive charac-
Population levels increased dramatically in many re- teristics. Obsidian from the Pachuca source, for example,
gions of Mesoamerica during the Late Postclassic period. could have been a preciosity in the Maya region because
Thus, one source of the increase in demand for obsidian of its green color. During the Terminal Classic period,
was greater population. Another source seems to have however, there is little reason to suspect that access to
been the proliferation and increased wealth of affluent Pachuca obsidian was limited to elites. Studies conducted
production zones far from core areas. Residents of Xo- in the southern Maya lowlands have not revealed a
conochco, for example, may have imported more exotic strong correlation between access to Pachuca obsidian
obsidian during the Postclassic period because they were and status (Stiver et al. 1994; Kindon and Connell 1999).
exporting more cacao. Similarly, inhabitants of the Recent research has revealed significant quantities of
Balsas-Tepalcatepec drainage (including the upper Rio both Pachuca and Ucareo obsidian throughout all Ejar-
Marques sites discussed by Pollard in chapter 29) may phase contexts at Copan. There is no evidence that the
have been able to import more Zinaparo obsidian be- elite living in the epicenter of Chichen Itza had greater
cause they were mining for metal ores. Thus, as the de- access to exotic Mexican obsidian than did people living
mand for goods from affluent production zones increased in more-humble and peripheral residential groups. Dur-
in the core, wealth and the demand for core goods in- ing the time periods in question, within- and between-site
creased in affluent production zones. In some cases, inter- analyses in the Maya region do not suggest that access
locking central-place systems developed, and to exotic obsidian from distant sources varied with eco-
commodities from different affluent production zones nomic status. One possibility, then, is that exotic obsid-
were exchanged without direct administration by the ian was not a prestige item. If access to all obsidian was
core. related only to need, and not restricted by controlling
elites, then this pattern also is consistent with Hirth's
ELITE CONTROL VERSUS MARKET EXCHANGE (1998) model of marketplace exchange. Elsewhere (Bras-
Were intrasite and intraregional variations in procure- well 2000a), I have argued that data from the northern
ment strategies the result of elite control or market ex- lowlands are consistent with the emergence of partially
change? At the beginning of this chapter, I stated that and fully commercialized market economies during the
obsidian was a primarily utilitarian rather than prestige Terminal Classic period.
good. Given the central role ascribed to preciosities in Some evidence for differential access to exotic materi-
many discussions of the application of world-systems als, and hence for redistributive and uncommercialized
theory to preindustrial economies, it is important to economies, can be seen in the Tarascan region, where
examine the social value of obsidian in ancient Meso- most imported green obsidian is found in elite burials.
amenca. Furthermore, the proportion of exotic obsidian in a col-
Obsidian Exchange Spheres 157

lection, the number of remote sources represented, and Otumba source (table 20.3: Batches I and 4). But collec-
the distance to those exotic sources all are greater for tions from three residential zones display distinct pro-
Tzintzuntzan than for the other Late Postclassic sites in curement strategies. Nearly all the obsidian consumed at
the Patzcuaro Basin. Residents of the imperial capital an elite household comes from the Pachuca source (table
therefore had more access to obsidian brought to the 20.3: Batch 2), a pattern similar to most sites in the Aztec
region by long-distance traders than did the occupants empire. In contrast, a collection from three rural house-
of the outlying centers. This may be due in part to the holds reveals a somewhat greater reliance on Otumba
higher status of the residents of Tzintzuntzan and the obsidian (table 20.3: Batch 3), and a sample from a single
limited redistribution of obsidian by elites. But it also house is dominated by obsidian from the Otumba source
may reflect the role of the capital as a node of long- (table 20.3: Batch 6).
distance exchange, and the inefficiency of the local mar- According to Hirth's (1998) models, this pattern is
ket system. Most likely, the procurement strategies of the most consistent with elite control and redistribution,
Tarascan core were complex, consisting of both market with Pachuca as the more-valuable obsidian. It does not
exchange and the privileged provisioning of high-status suggest direct procurement from local workshops, be-
individuals residing in the capital (chapter 29). cause almost all obsidian from both the prismatic blade
The distribution of Ucareo obsidian within the Late and biface workshop comes from the Otumba source.
Postclassic Patzcuaro Basin seems to suggest elite control Thus, either the sampled workshops are anomalous, or
of the exchange of material from that source. The pattern distribution and consumption patterns are more complex
is complicated by the fact that most prismatic blades con- than can be explained by Hirth's three models.
sumed in the Tarascan empire were made of Ucareo ob- Most sites in the Aztec empire exhibit the same basic
sidian, but material from the Zinaparo source area was procurement strategy: 90-98 percent of all obsidian
used commonly to make ad hoc flake tools. Thus it is not comes from Pachuca. This remarkably consistent pattern
clear if the Tarascan dynasty controlled the exchange of suggests the existence of a very large regional market sys-
Ucareo obsidian or access to prismatic blade technology. tem. It is likely that the source was controlled directly by
Ucareo is more distant than the Zinaparo source com- the administered center of Pachuca, and indirectly by the
plex, a factor that would have been incorporated into its Acolhua state, so we may assume that the proposed re-
cost in the marketplace. Why trade for costly imported gional exchange system was heavily influenced by the
obsidian when cheaper material suitable for the domi- economic concerns of Texcoco. Residents of the two
nant lithic industries is plentiful? sampled regions of Tepeapulco received almost all their
Recent data from Late Postclassic Tepeapulco (Glas- obsidian from Pachuca, even though local workshops
cock et al. 1999) appear to suggest the practice of mar- procured much of their raw material from Pared6n.
ketplace exchange. Two collections from a variety of Thus, the hypothesized regional market system was suffi-
rural sites near Tepeapulco suggest an even distribution ciently pervasive_to overwhelm local production systems
of obsidian from different sources, with Pachuca supply- at Tepeapulco: a case of Winn Dixie versus the local
ing 94 percent and 90 percent of the material in each roadside produce cart.
sample (table 20.3: Batches 2 and 4). Collections from At Otumba, it seems that elites participated fully in
two prismatic blade workshops exhibit procurement pat- the regional market system. In contrast, the occupants of
terns different from those of rural residential contexts, rural households and non-elite portions of the city-state
and also are distinct from each other (table 20.3: Batches received the bulk of their obsidian tools from local pro-
I and 3). One workshop received 63 percent of its mate- ducers exploiting the Otumba source. Hence, the local
rial from the Pared6n source, and the other acquired 56 economy of Otumba was not as dominated by the re-
percent of its obsidian from Pachuca. Thus, although the gional market system as was that of Tepeapulco. The
prismatic blade workshops each had different procure- fact that local producers at both of these smaller city-
ment patterns, perhaps representing distinct dyadic rela- states exploited distinct sources suggests that their two
tions with individuals who had access to the quarries, economies were not well articulated, at least as far as ob-
marketplace exchange appears to have homogenized the sidian exchange is concerned (Glascock et al. 1999). In
acquisition patterns of prismatic blade consumers. But contrast, the distribution of Aztec-period ceramics is
why do households in Tepeapulco have radically differ- much more homogeneous, implying that the exchange
ent consumption patterns than the two sampled work- of pottery was more strongly governed by the regional
shops? market system than was the obsidian trade.
The most complex local procurement pattern has been Local variation in EpiclassicfTerminal Classic and
observed at sites around the city-state of Otumba (Glas- Postclassic obsidian procurement patterns can be inter-
cock et al. 1999). Prismatic blade and biface workshops preted in a number of different ways. In Late Bagaces
in that area exhibit similar procurement strategies: nearly (analogous to the Terminal Classic) period Nicaragua,
all obsidian consumed in two workshops comes from the obsidian was a prestige good limited to and manipulated

by local elites. This may be an example, therefore, of america, to Uxmal and Chichen Itza in the northern
macro regional interaction stimulating local economic Maya lowlands. An important aspect of their argument
and political development. The Late Postclassic Tarascan is that the cult of QuetzalcoatllKukulkan dates to the
case suggests a mixed system: Ucareo obsidian or core- Epiclassic, rather than Early Postclassic period. The es-
blade technology was the domain of the elite, but mate- tablishment of these pilgrimage centers corresponds to
rial from the Zinaparo source complex circulated in a the period of economic integration reflected in the inter-
regional market system. At Epiclassic Xochicalco, ac- national obsidian exchange sphere. Since sites from both
cording to Hirth (1998), obsidian consumption patterns the central Mexican and peripheral Gulf coast exchange
indicate the existence of a single market. Finally, the Late spheres were major centers in this pilgrimage network, it
Postclassic city-states of the Aztec empire appear to have is not surprising that the Mexican sources represented at
participated in both local market systems and a powerful sites in the international exchange sphere reflect connec-
regional market. tions with both regions of northwestern Mesoamerica.
The second period of economic integration corre-
IDEOLOGY AND INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION sponds with the Late Postclassic and the expansion of
The Postclassic Mesoamerican world not only was artic- the Postclassic international style and the Late Postclassic
ulated by economic interdependence, but also was inte- international symbol set. These were brought into south-
grated by shared ideological principles (chapter 22). The eastern Mesoamerica and lower Central America along
two, in fact, are rarely separable. Regional cults or world established Pacific and Gulf coast trade routes. The Pa-
religions that mandate pilgrimages may stimulate the cific expansion can be linked to movements of Meso-
growth of enormous international exchange networks; it american peoples, particularly the Pipil, Nicarao, and
is no accident that the hajj and global trade routes coin- ultimately, the Aztecs. The appearance of round struc-
cide. I close this chapter by observing that the two peri- tures, twin pyramids, tzompantlis (skull racks), and the
ods of greatest pan-Mesoamerican economic integration, cult of Xipe Totec in Central America are tied to this mi-
as reflected in obsidian exchange spheres, ウ・セ@ to coin- gration.
cide with the spread of world religions in Mesoamerica. Although there is very little evidence for the trade of
The first period of economic integration that can be Mexican obsidian in the Guatemalan highlands during
discerned from obsidian procurement data was the Epi- the Late Postclassic period, ceramics and murals of the
classicfTerminal Classic. At that time, Maya sites partici- Postclassic international style, elite cremation, and nu-
pating in the international exchange sphere received merous architectural features from northwestern Meso-
much of their obsidian from a wide variety of sources in america appear at sites like Iximche' and Q'umarkaj. The
highland Mexico. Ringle et al. (1998) have linked the Nahuaization of K'iche'an culture, it appears, is related
broad distribution of the material traits collectively re- to the expansion of economic ties with both the Gulf
ferred to as "Toltec" to the expansion of a cult centered coast and central Mexico (chapter 36). Ethnohistorians
on QuetzalcoatllKukulkan. They propose that sites ex- and archaeologists alike have struggled to discover the
hibiting these characteristics formed a network of pil- source and origin of these traits. Obsidian procurement
grimage shrines spreading from Xochicalco, Teotenango, data suggest that they are related, in part, to Late Post-
Cholula, Tula, and EI Tajin in northwestern Meso- classic economic integration along the Pacific coast.

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