Light Povert Nad Reinforcement

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Lesson Plan (Unit3: Light, Reflection and Refraction)

Name of Teacher Saima Usman Subject General Science / Environmental Education

Topic Unit3: Light, Reflection and Refraction Date 21 Mar, 2022

Class Class 5 Duration 80 (Min)

Reinforce the concept of light, reflection and refraction.

Attainment targets
Describe what light poverty is, and how scientists are working to develop solar-powered lighting solutions.

solve the given question on light, reflection and refraction.

Learning Outcomes
(Knowledge, Skills, and research the energy-saving lighting solutions scientists are developing to reduce light poverty.

Content And Teacher Student Activity Time Learning Materials and Resources Formative
Activity (min) assessment (Day
to day

How are you explaining and What are the students doing to help   What resources will you use that will support the teaching and How do you plan to
demonstrating the topic? them understand the topic? learning activities? assess learning as it
(The teaching strategies/ is happening?
methodology selected)

20 verbal discussion nd
Introduction: I`ll ask students to Whole class discussion and written task. written feedback.
discuss T.bk pg# 103 in pairs and
write the answers in the copy. 1/3
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Later, the answers will be
discussed and I`ll help to make

Written Task: I`ll ask students to Written task written feedback
complete the questions related to
light, reflection and refraction on
the copy.

Whole class Discussion: I`ll make Whole class discussion and as H.W verbal discussion.
students understand the concept students will make a project.
of light poverty. I`ll explain
students to do to do some
research on Light poverty and
come up with the conclusion to kids/
reduce the factor of light povert in
developing countries by
introducing the use of solar

Students will be provided links to

make a project.

The project can be a short video

clip/flyer or making solar  project.

Wrap up: I`ll ask students to read Whole class discussion and as H.W verbal discussion.
T.bk pg#102, students will make a project.

Whole class discussion:

I`ll discuss important points to

make the concept clear.

How did you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation:

Strengths Areas for improvement

carried forward due to spring holidays. i.e. March 21, 2022 to March 25, 2022. 2/3
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Identify a way forward to improve this lesson 3/3

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