IGJ - 17 - 03 - 249-258 Ramasamy Gopal Ranjan Modifications To The IS Method For Lateral Capacity of Pile

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Indian Geotechnical Journal, 17 (3), 1987

Modification to Indian Standard Code Procedure on

Lateral Capacity of Piles
G. Ramasamy*
Gopal Ranjan**
N.K. Jain***

The lateral capacity of piles is estimated based on limiting deflection at

the pile head and the moment capacity of the pile. A number of
methods are available for the estimation of pile head deflection and the
maximum moment of taterally loaded piles. These methods can broadly
be grouped into three categories, viz. {1) the methods based on modulus of
subgrade reaction approach (Reese and Matlock 1956, Metlock Reese (1960)
Davisson 1960, Broms, 1964 (a) and 1964 (b) Valsangkar 1969, Ramasamy,
(1974), (2) the methods based on elastic theory (Spillers and Stoll 1964, Poulos
1971, Banerjee and Davis, I 978) and (3) the methods based on the principle
of equivalent cantilever (Davisson and Robinson 1965, Nair et al. 1969,
Zavriew 1976, Oteo, 1981). Of methods, the method proposed by Matlock
and Reese ( 1960) is very popular and the nondirnensional coefficients for
deflection and moment obtained by them are widely reported in text books
and used in computations. The Equivalent Cantilever Method proposed
by Davisson and Robinson (1965) enables the pile to be treated conveni-
ently as a cantilever and, therefore widely used in design. IS 291 I (Part I)
- 1979 also suggests the use of the Equivalent Cantilever Method and
proposed a chart for the computation of equivalent cantilever lengths of
full y embedded piles. An investigation into the accuracy of the procedure
suggested by IS 2911 (Part 1)--1979 is carried out and the shortcomings
of the procedure a re brought out.

There is a need for a simple approach for the analysis of partially

embedded piles also, as their use is increasing, particularly in offshore
Therefore, based on the results of a rigorous analysis of partially
embedded piles reported elsewhere, ( Ramasamy et al. 1982, Jain
1983) a modification to the IS Procedure on lateral capacity of both fully
and partially embedded piles is suggested. The method is simple, accurate

• Reader i
•• Professor5 Dept of Civil Engg., University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
• •• Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg., Madhav Institute of Technology and
Science, Gwalior, India.
(The revised paper was received in June, 1987 and is open for discussion till the end
of S ep/ember, 1987)

and applicable to long piles embedded in cohesive or cobesionless soils

and subjected to lateral loads.

Equivalent Cantilever Method

The method is based on the concept that the pile can be considered to
have fixed at some depth below ground level (Fig. I) and analysed by
conventional methods of structural analysis. The values of depth of fixity,
Li have been suggested by Tomlinson (1977) as 1.5m for compact granular
soils or stiff clay (below the zone of soil shrinkage in the latter case) and
3 m for a soft clay or silt. Davisson and Robinson (1965) suggest the
following values of LJ.

Lf = l.4 R for stiff clays (f.e. K is constant with depth)

= 1.8 T for sands and normally loaded clay (i.e. K is linearly
increasing with depth, K = m x)

a Fiud h~ad

Point of virtual
I ix ity
FIGURE 1 Piles Subjected to Lateral Loads Considered as Simple Cantilevers.

K = modulus of subgrade reaction in kg/cm~
x = depth below ground level
11h = co nstant of horizontal subgrade reaction in kg/cm3
R and Tare relative stiffness factors defined as,

... ( I )

... (2)

where E = Young's modulus of the pile material

I = Moment of inertia of the pile material
The IS 29 11 (Part 1)- 1979 recommends a chart for the determination
of the depth of fixi ty as shown in Fig. 2 for fully embedded piles.

Knowi ng the depth of fixity, L1and the lateral load Q, the pile bead
' deflection, Yo and maximum moment in the pile, Mi (Fixed end moment)
can be determined using the following expressions :
y _ Q (L,+L 1) 3
- 3 EI for free head pile ... (3)

Q (L1+ L1)3
-· for fixed head pile ... (4)
12 El

Mp= Q(L1+ L1) for free head piles ... (5)

= Q(Lr + L 1 )/ 2 for fixed head piles ... (6)

Li = Length of the pile above ground level in the case of partially

embedded piles
Evaluation of the I.S. Procedure
A rigorous analysis of partially embedded piles subjected to axial load,
lateral load and moment was carried out based on the modulus of subgrade
reaction approach and reported elsewhere (Ramasamy et al. 1982, Jain,
1983). Based on the results of the above investigation, the procedure
recommended in IS 29ll (Part 1)-1979 for the analysis of laterally loaded
piles was examined. The investigation revealed the following limitations
of the IS Procedure :
1. The depth of fixity depends on the relative stiffness factor, R or T
of the pile soil system in addition to the pile head condition and
the type of soil. In the case of partially embedded piles, it also
depends on the length of the pile above groud level. The IS
procedure covers only fully embedded piles and does not express
the depth of fixity as a function of relative stiffn:ss factor.
2. The depth of fixity is obtained by equating the p: lc head deflection
to that of an equivalent cantilever, the loading remaining the same.
This does not ensure the fixed end moment of t:1c cantilever equal
to the maximum moment in the pile.
3. The depth of fixity for fixed headed pile has presumably been
obtained by equating the deflection of the fixed headed pile to that
of a free headed cantilever. This means that the pile head
deflection and the fixed end moment (i.e. the maximum moment
in the pile) should be obtained using Eqs. (3) and (5) respectively
instead of Eqs. (4) and (6) which are applicable for fixed headed
system. These details have not been stated in the code and left to
be presumed by the user.
The above discrepancies in the procedure lead to considerable over
estimation of maximum moment in the pile and under estimation of pile

head deflection. To illustrate this point, pile h ead deflection and maxi- ~
mum moment of a 30 cm diameter reinforced concrete long flexible pile
are worked out using (i) IS procedure and (ii) Matlock and Reese (1960)
procedure for the following cases :
1. Pile in sand
(a) Free head pile
(b) Fixed head pile

2. Pile in stiff clay

(a) Free head pile
(b) Fixed head pile
The data used in the computation are :
Pile reinforcement = 4 bars of 16 mm dia. placed with a clear cover of
E of concrete 2.1 x I 05 kg/cm2
nh of sand 0.5 kg/cm 3
K of clay - 50 kg/cm'
Lateral load, Q 1000 kg.
The pile is assumed to be long and fully embedded, For solution
according to IS procedure, the depth of fixity is ol:-tained using the charts
given in Fig. 2 and the deflection and maximum moment are obtained
using Eqs. (3) and (5) respectively both for free and fixed head piles. (As
stated earlier. the IS procedure does not specify the equation to be used in
deflection and moment computations. However, the IS procedure
presumably suggests the use of Eq. 0 ) for deflection computation and Eq.
(5) for moment computation irrespective of pile head end condition. The
use of Eqs. (4) and (6) for fixed head pile results in much larger error than

F ixed head
2or---.--+-~r---r--~ 10
S a nd
10 -u 5

L t= De pth of
"' 2
lr • Oepth ot fix ity
d : Diameter of the pile
1 L,.__ _,__ _..J..._ __,
2 d , Diameter of the pil e 50
5 10 20
o"'.:"2_ _.,___
1-'=" _ _,___ ___._ _J
k ( kgjc m2J
·0 5 ., ·2 ·5
n1,[k9Jc m3 ) (- b) Fo r pi lo s in cl ay

(a) For pil e s i n sa nd

FIGURE 2 D epth of Fixity Charts Recommended by I.S. 2911.

~ when Eqs. (3) and (5) are used). The nondimensional coefficients and their
numerical values used for the solution according to Matlock and Reese
( 1960) procedure are given in Table I.

Noodimensional Coefficients for the Computation of Pile Head Deflection and Maximum
Moment-Matlock red Reese (1960) Procedure

Values of Nondimensional Coefficients

Soil type Deflection coefficient at Maximum moment Remark

pile head, A y coefficient, Am

Free head I Fixed head Free head \Fixed head
- -
Cohesive Soil 1.430 0,724 0,457 - 0.674 The pile head deflec-
(K-Constant Ay QR'
tion, Y 0 =
with depth) Maximum moment

Cohesionless 2.435 0.925 0.772 - 0,93 Ay QT3

Yo =
(K-Linearly M = AMQT
with depth)

The result of the above numerical example as obtained using the JS

Code procedure and the Matlock and Reese (1960) procedure are presented
in Table 2. The 'Equivalent Cantilever' procedure is a simple substitute
to the Matlock and Reese (1960) procedure for obtaining pile head deflec-
tion and is expected to give the same deflection values as those of Matlock
and Reese procedure. Therefore, a comparison of the results of the two
methods are made. The difference in the results between the two methods
brings out the error that bas crept in due to wrong adaptation of the
•Equivalent Cantilever' approach.
The results shown in Table 2 clearly suggest that the IS Code Procedure
( 1979) shall result in significant under estimation of deflection and many-
fold over estimation of maximum moment.

Suggested Procedure

A rigorous analysis based on the modulus of subgrade reaction

approach was carried out for fully and partially embedded piles subjected
to a generalished loading (axial load, lateral load and moment). Piles in
. cohesive and cohesionless soils and free and fixed pile head conditions

Comparison of the Results Obtained Using Matlock and Reese (1960)
and IS Procedures (1979)
Percentage error+over
Soil type and Pile head Maximum moment estimation-under esti-
end conditions deflection, cm x 105 kg/cm mation

Matlock IS 2911- Matlock

and Reese, (1979)
IS 2911-
and Reese, (1979) tion
lo dofloc- Io max.
(1960) (1960) values values

I. Cohesive
(a) Free head 0.236 0.154 0.555 1.710 - 34.8 208 .0
(b) Fixed
head 0.118 0.076 0.81_7 1.350 -39.2 65.0

2. Cohesionless
(a) Free head 0.358 0.286 0.895 2.100 - 20.1 134.5
(b) Fixed
head 0.136 0.104 1.085 1.500 - 23.6 38.4

were considered. The differential equations governing the pile deflection

were converted into nondimensional form using the nondimensional co-
efficients defined by Matlock and Reese ( l 960). T he solutions a re obtained
in non-dimensional fo rm . The details of the investigation and the results
are presented elsewhere (Jain, 1983). · Based on these results, a simple
procedure is suggested for the determination of lateral deflection a t the
pile head and the maximum moment of a fully or partially embedded pile
subjected to lateral load
(a) Determination of pile head deflection
The pile is considered to be long (i.e. the embedded length of the pile
>4R or 5 T ) and treated as an equivalent cantilever fixed at some depth
below the ground level. The procedure of obtaining the pile head deflec-
tion may b: outlined in the following steps.
(i} Estimate the value of the modulus of subgrade reaction, Kor the
constant of h orizontal subgrade reaction, n ;, of the soil from Tables
3 and 4 The values given in Table 3 and 4 are those recommended
in IS 29 11 (Part I)-1979.
(ii) Knowing the pile properties (i.e. E and / of pile), compute the
relative stiffness factor R or T of the pile using Eqs. (!) or (2) as
the case may be.
(iii) Knowing the nondimensional free standing length, L 1/R or L 1/T
(L 1 free standing length or the pile, i.e. the length above ground
level) of the pile, obtain the nondimensional depth of fixity,
L1/ R or L1/T (Lr- depth of fixity), using the chart shown in F ig. 3.


Values of K for Preloaded C lays

Unconfined compressive Range of values of K Probable values of K

(kg/cm•) (kg/cm2) (kg/cm2)

0.2 to 0.4 7 to42 7.73

1 to 2 32 to 65 48.79
2 to 4 65 to 130 97.73

> 4 195.46


Values of n1,

Soil Type n,. in kg/cm•

Dry Submerged

Loose sand 0.260 0 .146

Medium sand 0.775 0.526

Dense sand 2.076 1.245

Very loose sand under repeated loading 0.041

• as per IS 2911 (Part I)-1979.

Free hrod pile

Fixed head pde

--- - -- - - - - - - - - 1 For p,,.,, ,n sand and

,_ - - -- - - - - -- - J normaly loaded clays



For pil es
prel oaded cloys

0 2 t. 6 8 10
Unsupported length, L1/ R or L1/ l

FIGURE 3 Recommended Depth of Fixity


Use the appropriate curve depending on the type of soils and the
pile head condition.
(iv) Determine the pile head deflection using Eq. (3) for free head pile
and using Eq. (4) for fixed head pile.

(b) Determination of Maximum Moment

(i) Obtain the fixed end moment of the pile using Eq. (5) for free head
pile and Eq. (6) for fixed bead pile.
(ii) The fixed end moment of the equivalent cantilever is larger than

1· 0

.: For p i l12s in
2 pr12 I oad12d clays
!! For piles in

.§ s.ond and nor-
mally loadad

0 2 I.. 6 8 10 12
Unsupported length , L1/R or L1/ T

(Q l For free haod pilts

1-2r-----r- - - - ~ - - - - r - - --r-------.
For pile s in i;:reloaded
..... For piles i n sands and
1·0 normally loaded c loys

0 0,5 , .Q , .s 2.0 2S
UnsupportQd length , LJ/R or l1 /T
I b) For fixed head piles

FIGURE 4 Reduction Factor, 'm' for the Computation of Maximum Moment in Pile

the actual maximum of the pile. Therefore, the actual maximum

moment is obtained by multiplying the fixed end moment by a
multiplying factor 'm' obtained from Fig. 4. Use the appropriate
curves of Fig. 4, depending on the type of soil and pile head
condition to obtain 'm'.
The pile head deflection and the maximum moment obtained using the
above procedure arc practically the same as those obtained using the
rigorous analysis based on the modulus of subgrade reaction approach.
(Jain, 1983). The procedure is recommended for adoption by the I.S.

J. The IS procedure as outlined in IS 2911 (Part I) for the determina-
tion of pile head deflection and maximum moment of a laterally
loaded pile is examined. The procedure is found to 11ignificantly
underestimate deflection and overestimate maximum moment of
the pile.
2. Based on the results of a rigorous analysis, a simple and accurate
procedure of obtaining pile head deflection and maximum moment
of a fully or partially embedded pile subjected to lateral load is
recommended. The procedure can be used for piles in cohesive
or eohessionless soils with free or fixed head conditions. The
procedure may be adopted by IS and the Code of Practice, IS 2911
(Part I) may be modified incorporating th(? procedure.

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