8сынып English plus 3- тоқсан
8сынып English plus 3- тоқсан
8сынып English plus 3- тоқсан
Term 3
Unit 5 "Reading for pleasure"
Date: Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 5
"Reading School
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number Number absent:
Theme of Movie technology.
the lesson:
8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and
(s) that
this lesson curricular topics
is 8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range
contributi of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
ng to
All learners will be able to:
identify the meaning of the text about the history of cinema.
use suffixes -er and -or.
Lesson Most learners will be able to:
objectives discuss and give opinions about the use of technology in the movies.
Some learners will be able to:
express ideas about the history of cinema building extended
Planne Marks
d Teacher’s activities Resources
The lesson greeting. Formative
The teacher sets the lesson Students assessmen Internet
objectives, letting students respond to t is held
know what to anticipate from greeting through
the lesson. observatio
Free talk. Ss answer the n/monitori
What do you know about questions ng.
the history of cinema?
ng the
lesson When did people make
the first films?
Have seen any very old
What were the films
like? (silent, in black and
Term 3
Unit 5 "Reading School:
for pleasure"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number absent:
Theme of the
Could, can, will be able to
8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about
that this a range of general topics, and some curricular topics
lesson is 8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions:
contributing obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions,
to prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
recognize the present perfect with still, yet, just and already.
Lesson Most learners will be able to:
objectives apply the present perfect with still, yet, just and already.
Some learners will be able to:
use the present perfect with still, yet, just and already fluently.
Planne Marks
d Teacher’s activities Resources
The lesson greeting. Formative
The teacher sets the lesson Students assessment Internet
objectives, letting students know respond to is held
what to anticipate from the greeting through
lesson. observation/
Ss answer
Beginni Warm up. Free talk. the
ng the 1) Can we create realistic questions
lesson special effects now? (Yes, we Emoticon
2) Can we feel the same
emotions as the characters on
the screen now? (No, we can't).
Term 3
Unit 5 "Reading for pleasure"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 5
"Reading for
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number absent:
Theme of the
Second conditional
objectives(s 8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
) that this 8.UE17 use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and wish [that]
lesson is clauses [present reference]; use a growing variety of relative clauses
contributin including why clauses on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
g to
All learners will be able to:
recognize and understand the form and use of the second
Most learners will be able to:
apply the second conditional to talk about imaginary situations.
Some learners will be able to:
produce extended sentences using the second conditional.
Planne Marks
d Pupil’s
Teacher’s activities Resources
timing activities
Beginn The lesson greeting. Formative
ing the The teacher sets the lesson Students assessment is Internet
lesson objectives, letting students respond to held through
know what to anticipate from greeting observation/
the lesson. monitoring.
Warm up. Ss answer the
Ex.1 p.61. Recognition questions
exercise. Emoticon
1) did
2) had
3) would
4) 'd
5) wouldn't
2. past simple
3. would, wouldn't
Ex.2 p.61. Opening the Students
brackets. think Formative Video and
Answers: critically, assessment is images
1) 'd enjoy; liked exploring, held through
2) had; wouldn't believe developing, observation/
3) wouldn't watch; hated evaluating monitoring.
4) would be; changed and making
5) wouldn't be; didn't go choices about
6) bought; 'd come their own and Comments
Ex.3 p.61. Asking and others’ ideas https://
answering questions. onlinemektep.org/
Answers: schedule/
Main 1) What would you do if you
A student: Bilimland
Activiti became invisible?
es 2) If you travel back in time uses
and meet Abai Qunanbaiuly, imagination
what would you ask him? to express
3) If you had a special power, thoughts,
what would it be? ideas,
4) If you were a superhero, experiences
would you tell your friends? and feelings.
make up Handouts with
5) Would you love a person if task
you discovered he or she was sentences
a vampire? with the
Ex.4 p.61. Speaking in a form second
of interview. conditional.
Extra task. Writing practice.
Giving the hometask. WB
Self-assessment. Feedback on the work
Ending How well do I understand?
4 - I can do this and explain it
to someone else.
3 - I understand and can do
this by myself.
2 - I need more practice.
1 - I don't understand this yet.
Term 3
Unit 5
"Reading for
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number absent:
Theme of the Speaking: Expressing preferences and
lesson: recommending.
8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve
Learning problems creatively and cooperatively in groups
objective 8.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with
s(s) that
little or no support in extended talk on a wide
lesson is range of general and curricular topics
contribut 8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary
ing to and syntax to talk about a range of general
topics, and some curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
Understand a dialogue in which people
express preferences and recommend.
Recognize key phrases for expressing
Lesson preferences and recommending.
s Most learners will be able to:
Recommend films to a friend.
Some learners will be able to:
Create and act out their own dialogues on
the topic.
Plan Marks
ned Teacher’s activities Pupil’s Resourc
timi activities es
The lesson greeting. Format
The teacher sets the Students ive Internet
lesson objectives, respond assess
letting students to ment is
greeting Presentati
know what to held
Begi anticipate from the throug
Ss answer h
nnin lesson.
Who has seen a the observ
questions ation/m
the good film recently?
less Would you onitori
on recommend this ng.
Do you think ...
would enjoy this
Ex.1 p.62. Picture Students
description. think Format Video and
Answers: critically, ive images
Tom and Caitlin are exploring, assess
Mai in the library. They developin ment is
n are choosing a film. g, held
Acti Ex.2 p.62. Gist evaluatin throug
vitie listening. g and h
s Answers: making observ
Tom chooses a choices ation/m
comedy.. about onitori https://
Ex.3 p.62. their own ng. onlinemekte
Classifying phrases. and p.org/
“Who said what?” others’ schedule/
questions. Role-play. ideas
Answers: Comm Bilimland
Respond to Student: ents
recommendations: I brains
don't fancy that. I'm torms
not a big fan of ... ideas
Tom: What about while
this one?, I don't speaking
fancy that. I'm not a in a
group. Handouts
big fan of ...
with task
Caitlin: I'd only identif
recommend that if ..., ies the
if they had (Avatar), author’s
I'd recommend that. point of
You might like ..., view and
Try this one. circles
Ex.4 p.62. the
Answering multiple- correct
choice questions. answer.
Answers: uses
1) a appropri
2) a ate
3) b subject-
Ex.5 p.62. Table specific
completion. Asking vocabula
and answering ry while
questions. speaking.
Ex.6 p.62. Creative
exercise. Speaking in
a form of a dialogue.
Giving the hometask. SB ex.6 p.62.
Endi Peer-assessment.
Feedback on the work Feedback on the
less Rubric
Term 3
Unit 5
"Reading for
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Theme of the
Writing: A review of a book.
Learning 8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range
objectives( of perspectives on the world
s) that this 8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
lesson is range of general topics, and some curricular topics
contributi 8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on
ng to a range of general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
Understand the general writing structure of a book review.
Use key phrases to express facts and opinions for a review of a book
Lesson or film.
objectives Most learners will be able to:
Write a book review using writing guide.
Some learners will be able to:
Write a book review without support.
Planne Marks
d Teacher’s activities Resources
The lesson greeting. Formative
The teacher sets the lesson Students assessmen Internet
objectives, letting students respond to t is held
know what to anticipate from greeting through
the lesson. observatio
Beginni Warm up. Free talk. Ss answer the n/monitori
ng the questions
How do you decide ng.
which films you want to see or
which books you want to read?
What can you read to
find information about a book
or film?
Ex.1 p.63. Reading for general Students think
understanding. Comprehension critically, Formative Video and
questions. exploring, assessmen images
Answers: developing, t is held
1) Paragraph 1 evaluating and through
2) Paragraph 3, 4 making choices observatio
3) Paragraph 2 describes the about their own n/monitori
setting. and others’ ng.
4) Paragraph 3 mentions the ideas
5) People who enjoy historical Student: https://
Main fiction, drama and realism gives onlinemektep.org
Activiti would enjoy this book. evaluation to /schedule/
es Ex.2 p.63. Classifying phrases. the problem.
uses Bilimland
Phrases which introduce an appropriate
opinion: I'd like to subject-specific
recommend ..., I particularly vocabulary
enjoyed ..., All in all, I (really while speaking.
enjoyed) ..., I'd'/ wouldn't writes an
change it. appropriate
Phrases which introduce a information. Handouts
fact: I have recently read..., with task
The main characters are ...,
The setting is ...
Ex.3 p.63. Paraphrasing.
1) I particularly enjoyed the
characters and the theme. (§ 3)
2) I'd like to recommend this
book to people who like history,
drama and realism. (§ 2)
6) lovely long red dress
Ex.4 p.63. Writing guide.
Term 3
Unit 5
"Reading for
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Theme of the
My country: Reading for pleasure. Word-building nouns.
8.R4 read a growing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on
Learning familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics
objectives( 8.UE1 use some abstract nouns and complex noun phrases on a range of
s) that this familiar general and curricular topics
lesson is 8.UE3 use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as
contributi participles and some comparative structures including not as…as, much …
ng to than to indicate degree on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Ex.2 p.64. Detailed reading. Re- Students think
ordering of events according to critically, Formativ Video and
their occurrence in the text. exploring, e images
Answers: developing, assessme
1) Bayburi's wife gave birth to a evaluating and nt is held
boy, Alpamys. making through
2) Bayburi invited Baysari to a choices about observati
big feast. their own and on/monit
3) Baysari and Bayburi played a others’ ideas oring. https://
game of kokpar. onlinemektep.org/
4) Baysari went to live in the Student: schedule/
Kalmyk country. reads the
text. Bilimland
Main Ex.3 p.64. Table completion. ts
Activiti Answers: illustrates
es recently, gladly, well, unfairly, basic rules for
far, fearlessly, fast, finally, abstract nouns
clearly. and completes
The adverbs well, far and fast the task.
are irregular (they don't end in - chooses the
ly). right form of Handouts with
Ex.4 p.64. Blank-filling. adjectives. task
Answers: applies the
1) more rule for
2) -est comparative
degree adverbs
and their usage
Term 3
Unit 5 "Reading for pleasure"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Learning objectives(s)
8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
that this lesson is
8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
contributing to
All learners will be able to:
Revise taught material.
Analyze the film poster to find out information.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson objectives
Demonstrate learned grammar and vocabulary with sure.
Some learners will be able to:
Use taught vocabulary and grammar with accuracy.
Produce a film poster.
Planned Pupil’s Marks Resource
Teacher’s activities
timings activities s
The lesson greeting. Formative
The teacher sets the lesson objectives, Students assessment Internet
letting students know what to anticipate respond to
from the lesson.
is held
Warm up.
greeting through
Beginning Presentatio
Then to create a positive learning observation
the lesson Ss answer the n
environment the teachers asks students /monitoring
to start the lesson giving each other questions .
compliments about appearance, job
performance, talent, etc. and also
practice accepting compliments.
Ex.1 p.66. Matching task. Students think
Answers: critically, Formative Video and
1) comedy assessment images
2) fantasy
3) horror developing, is held
4) adventure evaluating and through
5) science fiction making observation
6) musical choices about /monitoring
Ex.2 p.66. Blank-filling. .
their own and
1) novelist others’ ideas
2) best-seller
3) character
4) setting
5) beginning
6) themes https://
7) ending onlinemektep
8) reader .org/
Ex.3 p.66. Sentence completion task. schedule/
Main Answers:
Activities 1) can't Bilimland
2) couldn't
3) can
4) wouldn't be able to Student:
5) could makes
6) will be able to evaluation of
Ex.4 p.66. Opening the brackets.
Answers: classmates’
1) wouldn't go, had answers.
2) was/were, would make uses Handouts
3) had, would choose imagination to with task
4) wouldn't like, had express
5) met, wouldn't know
Ex.5 p.66. Putting questions.
Answers: ideas,
1) Would you go to see a film if it had experiences
bad reviews? If a film had bad and feelings.
reviews, would you go to see it?
2) If you were a film director, would
you make war films? Would you make
war films if you were a film director?
3) If the director had more money,
would he choose better actors? Would
the director choose better actors if he
had more money?
6) would
Giving the hometask. SB. p.67.
Two stars and a wish. Feedback on the work
You did a really good job on ...
the lesson
I really like how you ...
Maybe you could ...
Term 3
Unit 6 "The natural world"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 6 "The natural world"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 6 "The School:
natural world"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number absent:
Theme of the
Past passive: affirmative and negative.
objectives(s) 8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
that this 8.UE9 use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present
lesson is and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported
contributing speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
recognize how to change sentences from active to passive.
Lesson Most learners will be able to:
objectives understand forming affirmative and negative passive sentences.
Some learners will be able to:
use past passive: affirmative and negative fluently.
Planne Marks
d Pupil’s
Teacher’s activities Resources
timing activities
Beginn The lesson greeting. Formative
ing the The teacher sets the lesson Students assessment Internet
objectives, letting students know respond to is held
what to anticipate from the lesson. greeting through
Warm up. observation Presentation
Ex.1 p.71. Recognition exercise. Ss answer /monitoring
lesson the
Answers: .
Rules questions
1) subject 2) agent 3) active
4) by Emoticon
Ex.2 p.71. Opening the brackets. Students
Answers: think Formative Video and
1) was found critically, assessment image
2) were discovered exploring, is held
3) was built developing, through https://
4) were domesticated evaluating observation onlinemektep.or
Main 5) weren't painted /monitoring g/schedule/
and making
Activiti 6) were decorated choices .
es Bilimland
Ex.3 p.71. Putting the words into about their
context (writing sentences). own and
Extra task. Writing practice. others’ Comments
Student: with task
Term 3
Unit 6 "The natural world"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 6 "The
Date: ___. Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number present: Number absent:
Theme of
Present and Past passive: affirmative, negative and questions.
the lesson:
8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
(s) that
this lesson range of general topics, and some curricular topics
is 8.UE9 use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and
contributi past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on
ng to a range of familiar general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
recognize the form of present and past passive questions.
Most learners will be able to:
Lesson apply asking and answering quiz questions using the present and past
objectives passive.
Some learners will be able to:
use present and past passive: affirmative, negative and questions
d Pupil’s Marks Resource
Teacher’s activities
timing activities s
The lesson greeting. Formative
The teacher sets the lesson Students assessment Internet
objectives, letting students know respond to is held
Beginn what to anticipate from the greeting through
ing the lesson. Presentati
lesson Warm up. Ss answer the on
Ex.1 p.73. Recognition exercise. questions
Ex.2 p.73. Opening the brackets. Students think
Answers: critically, Formativ Video and
1) was named exploring, e image
2) was shown developing, assessme
3) was criticized evaluating and nt is held https://
4) are called making choices through onlinemektep.or
observati g/schedule/
Ex.3 p.73. Asking and answering about their own
questions. and others’ on/monit
oring. Bilimland
Answers: ideas
Main 1) What was the building used as
Activit in the past? Student:
ies 2) Where are bigger works of art selects useful
exhibited? information and Handouts
3) How much are visitors plans the with task
charged to go into the gallery? answer;
Ex.4 p.73. Putting the words into uses
context (writing questions). appropriate
while speaking;
writes a short
paragraph using
Term 3
Unit 6 "The natural School:
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number absent:
Term 3
Unit 6 "The natural world"
Date: ___. ___.2019 Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 6 "The natural world"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Giving the hometask. WB
Self-assessment. Feedback on the work
Ending the Students express their attitude
lesson to the lesson and give self-
assessment using the method:
“Six thinking hats”:
Short term plan 69
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel and School:
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number absent:
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel and transport"
Date: __ Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel and School:
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
1) past 2) pronouns 3) say
Ex.2 p.83. Sentence completion task. Students
Answers: think Formative Video and
1) told critically, assessmen image
2) said exploring, t is held
3) told developin through https://
4) said g, observatio onlinemektep.
n/monitori org/schedule/
5) said evaluating
and ng.
Ex.3 p.83. Transformation exercise. making
Answers: choices
1) Assel told us that she was writing a about their Comments
book about the travels of the own and
Moroccan explorer Ibn Battuta. others’ Handouts
2) Ilyas and Maxim said that they ideas with task
es always read online reviews before
they booked a holiday. Student:
Ex.4 p.83. Speaking in a form of useful
interview. Summarizing. informati
on and
Extra task. Writing practice. plans the
Answers: answer;
2) 'We will book the train tickets choo
online,' they said. ses the
3) 'I don't want to go on a backpacking
holiday", Mukhtar told me.
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel and transport"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel School:
and transport"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ Number absent:
Theme of the
Reported questions, commands and requests.
objectives(s) 8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
that this 8.UE11 use some reported speech forms for statements, questions and
lesson is commands: say, ask, tell including reported requests on a range of familiar
contributing general and curricular topics
All learners will be able to:
identify the difference between reported questions, commands and
Lesson Most learners will be able to:
objectives identify the appropriate verbs and phrases to report questions,
commands and requests.
Some learners will be able to:
apply reported questions, commands and requests fluently.
Planne Pupil’s
d Teacher’s activities Marks Resources
The lesson greeting. Formative
The teacher sets the lesson Students assessment Internet
objectives, letting students respond to is held
know what to anticipate from greeting through
the lesson. observation/
Beginni Warm up. Brainstorming. Ss answer the monitoring.
ng the Look at the photo p.85 and say questions
lesson where it is and what it is (It's
the Astana Museum of the Emoticon
Would you like to visit the
museum and what would you
do there?
Ex.1 p.85. Recognition Students think
exercise. Table completion. critically, Formative Video and
Answers: exploring, assessment image
Reported questions: developing, is held
The reporter asked Samat evaluating and through https://
whether the red car was his. making observation/ onlinemektep.or
monitoring. g/schedule/
She asked him what the main choices about
differences between electric their own and
and petrol cars were. others’ ideas
She asked him if he had been Comments
in a driverless car. Student:
Reported commands and selects
requests: useful Handouts
Main She asked him to show her information with task
Activiti how to drive the car. (request) and plans the
es Samat told the reporter not to answer;
press that button. (command) chooses
He told her to turn left after the correct
the traffic lights. (command) answers.
Term 3
Unit 7
"Travel and
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Grade 8 __ er Number absent:
Theme of
Speaking: Apologizing and explaining.
the lesson:
g 8.L1 understand with little or no support the main
objectiv points in extended talk on a wide range of general
es(s) and curricular topics
that this 8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary
lesson is and syntax to talk about a range of general topics,
contribu and some curricular topics
ting to
All learners will be able to:
Understand a dialogue in which people
express preferences and recommend.
Recognize key phrases for expressing
Lesson preferences and recommending.
es Most learners will be able to:
Recommend films to a friend.
Some learners will be able to:
Create and act out their own dialogues on
the topic.
nne Marks
Teacher’s Pupil’s Resource
d activities activities s
The lesson Formativ
greeting. Students e Internet
The teacher sets respond to assessme
the lesson greeting nt is held
objectives, through
Ss answer observati on
letting students
know what to the on/monit
anticipate from questions oring.
the lesson.
Warm up. Free
talk. Emoticon
Beg What is the
inni difference
ng between the
the words 'apology'
less (noun) and
on 'apologize'
Think of
last time you
Who did
you apologize
What did
you apologize
Ex.1 p.86. Students
Picture think Formativ Video and
description. critically, e image
Mai Answers: exploring, assessme
n Jane is not developin nt is held https://
looking at Mark g, through onlinemekte
Acti p.org/
vitie and her facial evaluating observati
on/monit schedule/
s expression and
suggests she is making oring.
not happy. Mark choices
is looking about
sympathetic or their own Commen
apologetic with and ts
his hand on others’ Handouts
Jane's arm. ideas with task
Ex.4 p.86.
Matching task.
A 1, 3
B 7, 8
C 2, 4, 6
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel and transport"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Ss answer the
Giving the hometask. SB p.91
Ending the
Short term plan 76
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel and transport"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name:
Term 3
Unit 7 "Travel and transport"
Date: ___ Teacher’s name: