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CDF600-0100 PROFIBUS-DP Field Bus Module: Module For Connecting A SICK Bar Code Scanner CLV6xx To The PROFIBUS-DP

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Field bus module

Module for connecting a SICK bar code scanner

Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Software Versions
Device/Software/Tool Function Version
Configuration of CDF600 via connected SICK identification sensor supporting the proxy function
Integration of CDF600/identification sensor in the field bus master program via GSD file
CDF600-0100 field bus mod- Firmware From V 1.0
ule for PROFIBUS
CLV6xx bar code scanner Firmware From V 2.50
SOPAS-ET device description Device-specific SICK software module for SOPAS-ET From V 2.50
for CLV6xx bar code scanner configuration software
SOPAS-ET SICK configuration software running under Win- From V 2.50
GSD file for CLV6xx Setting up file for PROFIBUS master From V 2.61
bar code scanner
Remote configuration of the CLV6xx bar code scanner by the field bus master program
CDF600-0100 field bus mod- Firmware From V 1.13
ule for PROFIBUS
CLV6xx bar code scanner Firmware From V 3.30
SOPAS-ET device description Device-specific SICK software module for SOPAS-ET From V 3.30
for CLV6xx bar code scanner configuration software
GSD file for CLV6xx Setting up file for PROFIBUS master From V 2.61
bar code scanner

Possible radio interference when used in homes!
The CDF600-0100 field bus module meets the requirements for Class A (industrial
environment) as defined by the generic specification 'Emissions'. It may cause radio
interference in homes. In this case, the party suffering the interference can demand that
the operator takes appropriate radio interference suppression measures.
 Use the CDF600-0100 field bus module only in industrial environments.

Copyright  2008 - 2011
SICK AG Waldkirch
Auto Ident, Reute Plant
Nimburger Strasse 11
79276 Reute

Windows 2000TM, XPTM, VistaTM, Windows 7TM are registered trademarks or trademarks of
the Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.
Adobe Reader is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Download via Internet: http://get.adobe.com/reader/

Latest manual version

For the latest version of this manual (PDF), see www.sick.com.

2 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Contents

Table of contents
1 Notes on this document ............................................................................................... 9
1.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Target group ............................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Depth of information.................................................................................................. 9
1.4 Used symbols ...........................................................................................................10
2 Safety information ......................................................................................................11
2.1 Authorized users ......................................................................................................11
2.2 Intended use.............................................................................................................11
2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures ..........................................13
2.4 Quick stop and quick restart ...................................................................................14
2.5 Environmental information......................................................................................15
3 Quick-Start....................................................................................................................17
4 Product description .....................................................................................................21
4.1 Design of the field bus module ...............................................................................21
4.2 Included in delivery ..................................................................................................23
4.3 System requirements...............................................................................................23
4.4 Product features and functions (overview) ............................................................24
4.5 Control elements and indicators.............................................................................25
4.6 Field bus module methods of operation ................................................................28
4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS ................................................................................35
4.8 CDF600 mode with/without handshake and digital I/Os in Control Word In
and Control Word Out ..............................................................................................35
4.9 CMF400 module with/without handshake and digital I/Os in the header ..........45
4.10 BMV-compatible mode with handshake, but without digitial I/O .........................46
4.11 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................................46
5 Installation....................................................................................................................47
5.1 Overview of installation sequence ..........................................................................47
5.2 Installation preparations .........................................................................................47
5.3 Installation location..................................................................................................47
5.4 Installation of the field bus module ........................................................................47
6 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................49
6.1 Overview of installation sequence ..........................................................................49
6.2 Electrical installation preparations .........................................................................49
6.3 Electrical connections and cables ..........................................................................53
6.4 Performing electrical installation ............................................................................57
6.5 Pin assignment and wire color assignment of the assembled cables .................64
7 Startup and Configuration..........................................................................................67
7.1 Overview of the startup procedure .........................................................................67
7.2 Configuring the field bus module ............................................................................67
7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner...........................................................................67
7.4 Memory concept for parameter set of the bar code scanner ...............................80
7.5 Default settings (delivery status) ............................................................................81
7.6 Switching off the field bus module and the bar code scanner .............................81
8 Maintenance ................................................................................................................83
8.1 Maintenance during operation................................................................................83
8.2 Cleaning the field bus module ................................................................................83
8.3 Replacing a field bus module..................................................................................83
9 Troubleshooting ...........................................................................................................85
9.1 Overview of errors and malfunctions which could occur.......................................85
9.2 Monitoring errors and malfunctions .......................................................................85
9.3 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................85
9.4 SICK Support ............................................................................................................86
10 Technical Data .............................................................................................................87
10.1 Data sheet CDF600-0100 field bus module..........................................................87
10.2 CDF600-0100 Dimensional drawing ......................................................................89
10.3 EC Declaration of Conformity ..................................................................................90

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 3
Contents Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

11 Appendix....................................................................................................................... 91
11.1 Appendix overview ................................................................................................... 91
11.2 Flowcharts for the host program ............................................................................ 92
11.3 Ordering information for field bus module and accessories ................................ 95
11.4 Supplementary documentation .............................................................................. 97
11.5 Description of data transfer procedure in the BMV-compatible mode
(BMV10/BMH10)..................................................................................................... 98

4 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Figures and Tables

CDF Connection Device Fieldbus
CLV Code-Leser V-Prinzip (Code reader V principle)
GSD General Station Description
I Input
LED Light Emitting Diode
LPS Limited Power Source (limiting power supply source accord. to UL60950-1, Chapter 2.5)
LSB Least Significant Byte
MSB Most Significant Byte
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
O Output
PLC Progammable Logic Controller
PNO PROFIBUS-Nutzerorganisation (PROFIBUS User Organsisation)
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory.
PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-Dezentrale Peripherie (PROFIBUS Decentralized Peripherals)
SOPAS-ET SICK Open Portal for Application and Systems Engineering Tool
(PC software for Windows for configuring the field bus module)

Table 1-1: Target group ........................................................................................................9
Table 2-1: Required qualification for starting up the field bus module......................... 11
Table 4-1: Field bus module delivery ............................................................................... 23
Table 4-2: Variants of the CDF600-0100 field bus module ........................................... 23
Table 4-3: Overview of the field bus module’s product features and functions ........... 24
Table 4-4: Importance of the 16-stage rotary coding switch S 1 ("Mode").................... 25
Table 4-5: Importance of the 10-stage rotary coding switches S 2 and S 3
("Address")........................................................................................................ 26
Table 4-6: Meaning of the six LEDs on the field bus module......................................... 27
Table 4-7: Communication modi of the field bus module and assigned
functions (overview) ........................................................................................ 31
Table 4-8: Overview: Address layout regarded from the field bus master .................... 36
Table 4-9: "Binary Inputs" bytes assignment in the CDF600 mode............................... 42
Table 4-10: "Binary Outputs" bytes assignment in the CDF600 mode ............................ 42
Table 4-11: "Control Word In" module assignment in the CDF600 mode ....................... 43
Table 4-12: "Control Word Out" module assignment in the CDF600 mode .................... 44
Table 4-13: "Binary Inputs" byte assignment in the CMF400 mode ................................ 45
Table 4-14: "Binary Outputs" byte assignment in the CMF400 mode ............................. 46
Table 6-1: Prefabricated cables for the field bus module for ambient
temperatures range 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to 104 °F) ............................ 53
Table 6-2: Function of the connections ........................................................................... 54
Table 6-3: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "IN 2" (A-coded)................ 55
Table 6-4: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "IN 1" (A-coded)................ 55
Table 6-5: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "OUT 1/2" (A-coded) ........ 55
Table 6-6: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "BUS OUT" (B-coded) ....... 55
Table 6-7: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device plug "BUS IN" (B-coded)............... 56
Table 6-8: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device plug "POWER" (A-coded).............. 56
Table 6-9: Pin assignment of the 4-pin M8 device socket "AUX" (RS 232) ................... 56
Table 6-10: Pin assignment of the 15-pin D-Sub-HD socket "DEVICE" ............................ 56
Table 6-11: Power consumption of the bar code scanner of the product range
CLV6xx .............................................................................................................. 58

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 5
Figures and Tables Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Table 6-12: PROFIBUS: Data transfer rate as a function of the cable length of a
bus segment .....................................................................................................60
Table 6-13: Ratings for the IN 1 and IN 2 switching inputs ..............................................61
Table 6-14: Ratings for the OUT 1 and OUT 2 switching outputs .....................................62
Table 6-15: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded, straight) and
wire colors at the open end .............................................................................64
Table 6-16: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded, 90° angular)
and wire colors at the open end......................................................................64
Table 6-17: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 plug (A-coded, straight) and wire
colors at the open end .....................................................................................64
Table 6-18: Pin assignment of the 4-pin M8 plug and the 9-pin D-Sub plug...................65
Table 7-1: CDF600 mode: Binary operation of the function bits D15 ...D12
with the index ...................................................................................................71
Table 7-2: CMF400 mode: Binary operation of the function bit Output Bit 0
and Output Bit 1 with the index ......................................................................75
Table 7-3: Default setting of the field bus module ..........................................................81
Table 7-4: Default setting of the CLV6xx bar code scanner regarding the
integration to the PROFIBUS ...........................................................................81
Table 9-1: Troubleshooting table (bar code scanner connected to field bus
module) .............................................................................................................85
Table 10-1: Technical specifications of the CDF600-0100 ..............................................87
Table 11-1: CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP ......................................95
Table 11-2: In stock accessories: protection cover for rotary coded switches of the
CDF600-0100 field bus module .....................................................................95
Table 11-3: In stock accessories: Cables and connectors for ambient temperatures
range 0 °C to +40 °C (+32°F to 104 °F)......................................................96
Table 11-4: Supplementary documentation for installation the CDF600-0100
field bus module...............................................................................................97
Table 11-5: Overview of the 1st control byte IN in the BMV-compatible mode ............ 100
Table 11-6: Overview of the 2nd control byte IN in the BMV-compatible mode ........... 101
Table 11-7: Overview of the 1st control byte OUT in the BMV-compatible mode ......... 101
Table 11-8: Overview of the 2nd control byte OUT in the BMV-compatible mode........ 102

Fig. 3-1: Block diagram: Connecting the CDF600-0100 field bus module ..................17
Fig. 4-1: View of the CDF600-0100 field bus module; connections here shown
without yellow protection caps and plugs........................................................22
Fig. 4-2: Rotary coding switch for mode and address on the field bus module ..........25
Fig. 4-3: Position of the LEDs on the field bus module .................................................27
Fig. 4-4: Incorporation into the PROFIBUS: CLV6xx Bar Code Scanner or RS 232
device .................................................................................................................28
Fig. 4-5: Function of the Aux interface of the proxy-capable CLV6xx bar code
scanner ..............................................................................................................29
Fig. 4-6: Structure of data telegrams in the CDF600 mode..........................................32
Fig. 4-7: Structure of data telegrams in the CMF400 mode.........................................33
Fig. 4-8: Structure of data telegrams in the BMV-compatible mode ............................34
Fig. 5-1: Drill holes for installing the field bus module and the optional
protection cover (rotary coded switches).........................................................48
Fig. 6-1: Currents in the cable shields due to differences in ground potential ...........50
Fig. 6-2: Use of electro-optical signal converters...........................................................51
Fig. 6-3: Insulated assembly of the field bus module and the peripheral
devices (sample)................................................................................................52
Fig. 6-4: Block diagram: Connecting the CDF600-0100 field bus module ..................53
Fig. 6-5: Position of the connections on the field bus module .....................................54
Fig. 6-6: Protection caps and plugs of the connections ................................................57
Fig. 6-7: Wiring the power supply voltage for the field bus module combined

6 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Figures and Tables

with a bar code scanner CLV63x to 65x with heating in the control
cabinet ............................................................................................................... 59
Fig. 6-8: Example wiring of the switching input IN 1 at the 5-pin M12 socket
(A-coded)............................................................................................................ 61
Fig. 6-9: Example wiring of the switching output OUT 1 at the 5-pin M12 socket
(A-coded)............................................................................................................ 62
register tab ........................................................................................................ 68
CONTROL register tab ........................................................................................... 69
TEACH-IN register tab ........................................................................................... 69
Fig. 7-4: SOPAS-ET: OPTIONS group on the FOCUS CONTROL register tab............................ 70
register tab ........................................................................................................ 70
Fig. 7-6: SOPAS-ET: EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group on the DIGITAL OUTPUTS register tab........... 71
register tab, with CMF400 mode ..................................................................... 72
register tab, with CMF400 mode and USAGE OUTPUT BIT 0 for object
triggering............................................................................................................ 73
CONTROL register tab ........................................................................................... 73
register tab, with CMF400 mode and USAGE OUTPUT BIT 0 for focus point
switching............................................................................................................ 74
Fig. 7-11: SOPAS-ET: OPTIONS group on the FOCUS CONTROL register tab............................ 74
register tab ........................................................................................................ 75
register tab, mit USAGE INPUT BIT 0 for outputting GOOD READ ............................. 76
register tab, BMV-compatible mode ................................................................ 77
Fig. 7-15: SOPAS-ET: Example: OUTPUT FORMAT # 1 on the OUTPUT FORMAT register tab ..... 77
Fig. 7-16: Assignment of the switching inputs and outputs of the field bus
module in the bar code scanner ...................................................................... 78
register tab ........................................................................................................ 78
Fig. 7-18: SOPAS-ET: EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group on the DIGITAL OUTPUTS register tab........... 79
Fig. 7-19: Configuration with SOPAS-ET and storage of the parameter set in the
bar code scanner and field bus module.......................................................... 80
Fig. 10-1: Dimensions of the CDF600-0100 ................................................................... 89
Fig. 10-2: EC Declaration of Conformity for the CDF600-0100 field bus module
(page 1, scaled down version) ......................................................................... 90
Fig. 11-1: Flowchart for the host: Receiving data (host from bar code scanner,
with blocking) in the CDF600/CMF400 mode................................................ 92
Fig. 11-2: Flowchart for the host: Receiving data (host from bar code scanner,
without blocking) in the CDF600 /CMF400 mode ......................................... 93
Fig. 11-3: Flowchart for the host: Sending data (host to bar code scanner,
without blocking) in the CDF600/CMF400 mode .......................................... 94
Fig. 11-4: Overview: Connections of the CDF600-0100 and cables with M12/
M8 plug-in connections .................................................................................... 95
Fig. 11-5: Structure of the individual messages in the BMV-compatible mode ............ 98
Fig. 11-6: Structure of the messages in case of message block formation in
the BMV-compatible mode............................................................................... 99

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 7
Figures and Tables Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP


8 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Notes on this document Chapter 1


1 Notes on this document

1.1 Purpose
This document provides instructions for technical staff on the installation and operation of
the field bus module CDF600-0100 for PROFIBUS-DP. The field bus module is used to con-
nect a SICK bar code scanner from the CLV6xx product family to the PROFIBUS-DP.
This document contains the following information:
 Installation
 Electrical installation
 Startup and configuration (parameterization)
 Maintenance
 Troubleshooting
 Replacing the field bus module
A step-by-step approach is taken for all tasks.

Important From now on the devices are simply referred in this document as:
 CDF600-0100 field bus module for PROFIBUS-DP  field bus module
 CLV6xx bar code scanner  bar code scanner
 PROFIBUS network/data transfer procedure using the PROFIBUS-DP protocols 

1.2 Target group

The target group of this document is persons assigned the following tasks:

Tasks Target group

Installation, electrical installation, Qualified staff, e.g. service technicians and factory electri-
maintenance, replacing the device cians
Startup and configuration Qualified staff, e.g. technicians or engineers
Operation of the field bus master Qualified staff, e.g. technicians or engineers
(e.g. PLC)

Table 1-1: Target group

1.3 Depth of information

This document contains all information for installation, electrical installation and starting up
the CDF600-0100 field bus module at the installation location. It describes the incorpora-
tion into PROFIBUS of a SICK identification sensor that supports the field bus module in its
function as a proxy.
The future incorporation of an identification sensor that does not support this function of
the field bus module is being prepared. The field bus module when operates in a special
mode as RS 232/PROFIBUS gateway.
Configuration of the field bus module for the application-specific situation is carried out us-
ing rotary coded switches (operating mode and bus address), the configuration of the
SOPAS-ET suitable SICK identification sensor is carried out using the SOPAS-ET configura-
tion software on a WindowsTM PC. The SOPAS-ET configuration software contains an online
help system to facilitate configuration.

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 9
Chapter 1 Notes on this document Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Important Further information about the design of the CDF600-0100 field bus module as well as the
bar code technology is available from SICK AG, Auto Ident division.
On the Internet at www.sick.com.

1.4 Used symbols

To gain easier access, some information in this documentation is emphasized as follows:

Indicates a potential risk of damage or impair on the functionality of the field bus module or
the connected device.

Warning notice!
A warning notice indicates real or potential danger. This should protect you against acci-
The safety symbol next to the warning notice indicates why there is a risk of accident. e.g.
due to electricity. The warning levels (CAUTION, WARNING, DANGER) indicate the serious-
ness of the risk.
 Carefully read and follow the warning notices.

Reference Italic script denotes a reference to further information.

Important This important note informs you about specific features.

Explanation An explanation provides background knowledge of technical nature.

Recommendation A recommendation helps you to carry out tasks correctly.

TIP A tip explains setting options in the SOPAS-ET configuration software.

COMMUNICATION This type of script denotes a term in the user interface in the SOPAS-ET configuration soft-

This symbol denotes a section in which the operation steps with the SOPAS-ET configuration
software are described.

This symbol indicates supplementary technical documentation.

 There is a procedure which needs to be carried out. This symbol indicates operational in-
structions which only contain one operational step or operational steps in warning notices
which do not have to be followed in any particular order.
Operational instructions comprising several steps in a particular order are denoted using
consecutive numbers.

10 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Safety information Chapter 2


2 Safety information
This chapter deals with your safety and operator safety in the operational area.
 Read this chapter carefully before using the field bus module.

2.1 Authorized users

For correct and safe functioning, the field bus module must be installed, operated and
maintained by sufficiently qualified staff.

Risk of damage!
Repairs to the field bus module should only be carried out by qualified and authorized
SICK AG service staff.

 The operating instructions should be made available to the end user.

 The end user should be briefed an urged to read the operating instructions by the tech-
The following qualifications are required for different activities:

Tasks Qualification
Installation, maintenance – Practical technical training
– Knowledge of current health and safety regulations at the work-
Electrical installation, – Practical electrical training
replacing the device – Knowledge of current electrical safety regulations
– Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each operation-
al area
Startup and configuration – Basic knowledge of the WindowsTM operating system
– Basic knowledge of data transfer
Operation of the device in – Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each operation-
each operational area al area
– Knowledge of the software and hardware environment in each oper-
ational area

Table 2-1: Required qualification for starting up the field bus module

2.2 Intended use

The CDF600-0100 field bus module is used for data-related incorporation of an SICK iden-
tification sensor (stand-alone) into PROFIBUS as defined in EN 50170.
The intended use of the field bus module results from the following description of the func-
 The field bus module and the identification sensor present one data unit in the network.
Each identification sensor needs its own field bus module in the PROFIBUS.
 Connection of the field bus module and the peripheral in line with industrial require-
ments (IP 65).
 The identification sensor must be capable of supporting the field bus module in its func-
tion as a proxy. Sensors that can be incorporated in this way are, at present, the follow-
ing bar code scanners from the CLV6xx product family:

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 11
Chapter 2 Safety information Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

– CLV62x (fixed focus)

– CLV63x (fixed focus)
– CLV64x (dynamic focus)
– CLV65x (auto focus)
 The combination of a field bus module and a bar code scanner CLV63x to 65x with
heating can be operated in deep-frozen areas down to –35 °C (–31 °F). To do so, a
CDF600-0100 field bus module from the date of manufacture 11-18 (year-week) with
the mark on the nameplate is required. For further operating conditions see also
Chapter 4.1, Page 21 and Chapter 6.4.2, Page 59.
 The field bus module operates in the bus as a slave and can be operated by any PROFI-
BUS master that conforms to the relevant standards (e.g. PLC).
 The communication between the bar code scanner and field bus module is via a RS-
232 data interface (serial AUX interface).
Direct access to the bar code scanner via the field bus module for configuration/diag-
nosis with the PC is also possible.
 The bar code scanner receives external reading pulse signals via the field bus or locally
via one or both switching inputs IN 1 and IN 2 of the field bus module.
Selectable events appearing in the reading process (e.g. Good Read) are signalized by
the bar code scanner to the field bus master via the field bus and/or locally to an optical
indicator via the switching outputs OUT 1 and OUT 2 of the field bus module.
 A subnetwork with further bar code scanners using the CAN bus can be connected to
the CAN interface of the bar code scanner. This interface is transparently available on
the POWER connection of the field bus module. The bar code scanner connected to the
field bus module then operates additionally in the subnetwork e.g. as a master und
sends the allocated and evaluated reading results of the slaves to the field bus master.
 Configuration of the field bus module for the application-specific situation and diagno-
sis are carried out using the SOPAS-ET configuration software on a WindowsTM PC.
The functionality of the field bus module is configured in the connected identification
sensor. When the combination starts after power-on, the identification sensor enables
the field bus module.
Important Claims under the warranty rendered void!
Any warranty claims against SICK AG shall be deemed invalid in the case changes to the
field bus module, such as opening the housing, this includes modifications during installa-
tion and electrical installation or changes to the SICK software.
 Only operate the field bus module in ambient air temperature limit in indoor areas (see
Chapter 10 Technical Data, Page 87).

12 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Safety information Chapter 2


2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures

 Read the general safety precautions thoroughly and observe them during all field bus
module activities. Also observe the warning notices above the operational instructions
of each chapter.

2.3.1 Radio interferences

Possible radio interference when used in homes!
The CDF600-0100 field bus module meets the requirements for Class A (industrial
environment) as defined by the generic specification 'Emissions'. It may cause radio
interference in homes. In this case, the party suffering the interference can demand that
the operator takes appropriate radio interference suppression measures.
 Use the CDF600-0100 field bus module only in industrial environments.

2.3.2 Electrical installation work

 Electrical installation should only be carried out by qualified staff.
 Connect or disconnect current linkages only under de-energized conditions.
 Wire cross sections and their correct fuse protection at the beginning of the cable have
to be selected and implemented according to valid engineering standards.
 Observe the current safety regulations when working on electrical systems.

2.3.3 UL Certification
The field bus module is UL60950-1-certified when marked on the nameplate and a LPS
power supply or a Class 2 power supply is used.

2.3.4 Damaging potential equalization currents due to different ground potentials

For electrical safety, the CDF600-0100 field bus module has been designed and checked
according to standards EN 60950-1 (2006-04) and EN 60950-1/A11 (2009-03).
The field bus module is connected to the bar code scanner and the peripheral devices (pow-
er supply unit, reading pulse sensor(s), PLC/host, etc.) using shielded cables. The shield of
the cables each lies on the metal housing of the field bus module.
If the peripheral devices have metal housing like the bar code scanner and the field bus
module and if the cable shield also lies on their housing, it is assumed that all devices in-
volved in installation have the same ground potential.
This is achieved for instance by full filling the following conditions:
 Mounting the devices on conductive metal surfaces
 Correctly grounding the devices/metal surfaces in the system
 A low-impedance and estable current carrying equipotential bonding between areas
with different ground potentials, if necessary.
If these conditions are not met, e.g. on devices in a widely distributed system over several
buildings, potential equalization currents may, due to different ground potentials, flow along
the cable shields between the devices and may cause danger.

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 13
Chapter 2 Safety information Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Risk of injury/risk of damage via electrical current!
Potential equalization currents between the field bus module and other grounded periph-
eral devices can have the following effects:
 Dangerous voltages on the metal housing, e.g of the field bus module
 Incorrect function or irreparable damage to the devices
 Damage/irreparable damage of the cable shield due to heating and cable fires
 Where local conditions are unfavorable and thus do not meet conditions for a safe
earthing method (same ground potential at all grounding points), take measures ac-
cording to Chapter 6.2.3 Conditions for safe operation of the field bus module in an
installation, Page 50.

2.3.5 Configuration

Loss of configuration data in the connected bar code scanner!
 While configuring the bar code scanner via the connection on the field bus module, do
not switch off the supply voltage, otherwise all already configured but not yet perma-
nently saved parameters in the bar code scanner will be lost.

2.3.6 Application on low operating ambient temperatures

Risk of damage!
From manufacturing date 11-18 (year-week) on the field bus module can be also operated
on ambient temperatures down to –35 °C (–31 °F) in deep-frozen areas while being in rest
 Carry out all electrical workings and configuration settings (rotary coded switches) on
the module only at temperatures from 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to +104 °F) outside of
the deep-frozen area.

2.4 Quick stop and quick restart

The field bus module with the connected bar code scanner can be switched on or off using
the user’s main switch.

2.4.1 Switching off the field bus module

 Switch off the power supply voltage to the field bus module
– or –
Remove the power supply cable (POWER) from the field bus module.
When the field bus module is switched off, the following data is lost in the connected bar
code scanner:
 Application-specific parameter set that was only be saved temporarily in the device
 The last reading result

14 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Safety information Chapter 2


 Daily operating hours counter

2.4.2 Switching the field bus module back on

 Switch the power supply voltage to the field bus module back on
– or –
Reconnect the power supply cable (POWER) to the field bus module.
The bar code scanner starts up using the most recent permanently saved configuration.
The daily operating hours counter is reset.
The settings for operating the field bus module are read back in and initialized again
from the rotary switch settings of the field bus module.

2.5 Environmental information

The field bus module has been constructed with minimum environment pollution in mind.

2.5.1 Energy requirement

The field bus module consumes max. 7 W at DC 18 to 30 V (bar code scanner not connect-
ed, digital switching inputs and outputs not connected).

2.5.2 Dispose of the device after decommissioning

SICK AG will not currently accept the return of any devices which can no longer be operated
or repaired.
 Inoperable or irreparable devices must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly
manner and in accordance with valid country-specific waste disposal guidelines.
The design of the field bus module allows for its separation as recyclable secondary raw ma-
terials and hazardous waste (electronic scrap).

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Chapter 2 Safety information Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP


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Operating Instructions Quick-Start Chapter 3


3 Quick-Start
Since the communication mode of the field bus module is configured in the proxy-capable
identification sensor, here the CLV6xx bar code scanner, the module can be put into oper-
ation quickly and easily in the Proxy function. The bar code scanner must have a firmware
version of V 2.5 or higher (this can be seen via the configuration software SOPAS-ET).

Setting up the electrical installation

 Connect the field bus module for establishing the desired application with the aid of the
assembled cables (optional accessories, not included in delivery) as shown in Fig. 3-1.
For further information, see Chapter 6 Electrical installation, Page 49.

e.g. CLV63x bar code scanner alternatively: connection of bar code scanner (Ethernet version) for configuration/diagnosis
(Ethernet version) Ethernet (cable e.g. no. 6034414, 2 m (6.56 ft), 4-pin M12 plug/8-pin RJ-45 plug)
Cable e.g. no. 2041834, 2 m (6.56 ft) Cable e.g. no. 6025906, 2 m (6.56 ft)
(12-pin M12 socket/15-pin D-Sub-HD plug) (5-pin M12 socket/open end)
DC 18 to 30 V
Data (Aux, RS-232) Power supply voltage
Power supply voltage CAN

– or – Cable e.g. no. 6021195,
e.g. CLV62x bar code scanner 2 m (6.56 ft)
(standard version) (4-pin M8 plug/9-pin
D-Sub socket)
cable as above
AUX (RS-232)
Data (RS-232)
Power supply voltage SOPAS-ET:
OUT 1/2
IN 1

IN 2

Cable no. 6025931, 2 m (6.56 ft) diagnosis of

(5-pin M12 plug/socket) proxy-capable
Sensor sensors
e.g. triggering teach-in match code

Cable no. 6025931, 2 m (6.56 ft)

Trigger (5-pin M12 plug/socket)
sensor Trigger IN (reading pulse)
Cable e.g. no. 6026133, 2 m (6.56 ft)
PLC (5-pin M12 plug/open end)
2 x OUT (event indication)

Cable e.g. no. 6021355 (size by meter, open ends) Cable e.g. no. 6021355 (size by meter, open ends)
5-pin M12 plug (no. 6021354) 5-pin M12 socket (no. 6021353)

Fig. 3-1: Block diagram: Connecting the CDF600-0100 field bus module

For detailed representation of the cables and technical data see Chapter 11.3.3 Optional
accessories: Cables and connectors, Page 95.
For application in deep-frozen areas down to –35 °C (–31 °F) see also Section “Application
at low ambient temperatures“, Page 21.
 Do not switch on the supply voltage yet.

Configuring the field bus module

1. Select the required operating mode and the bus address on the field bus module with
the rotary coding switches for the bar code scanner.
For further information, see Chapter 4.5.1 Control elements, Page 25.

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Chapter 3 Quick-Start Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Default setting of the field bus module: "Mode" switch: 0 (operation with device that
supports proxy function), "Address/Mode" switch: Address 03.
Important A change to the operating mode / bus address with the rotary coding switches is not
accepted until after a restart of the field bus module and the bar code scanner
(switching on the supply voltage).
2. Switch the supply voltage to the field bus module back on.
Following initialization and the commencement of communication with the bar code
scanner, after booting the field bus module indicates its readiness for operation via the
continuous illumination of the green POWER LED. The green STA LED above the PROFI-
BUS IN connection lights up to signal the exchange of data with a recognized field bus

Configuring the bar code scanner

 The following two options to configure the bar code scanner (selection of the commu-
nication mode for the exchange of data with the field bus master, use of the digital I/O
and the other parameters for reading) are available:
– Configuration via software SOPAS-ET
– Configuration via field bus master
a) Configuration via software SOPAS-ET
Run the configuration via the serial Aux interface (RS-232) of the bar code scanner (AUX
connection on the field bus module) with the PC and the configuration software SOPAS-
ET (included on the supplied DVD "Manuals & Software Auto Ident").
Alternatively for the Ethernet version of bar code scanner: Run the configuration via the
Ethernet interface.
Communication modi – To use the bar code scanner at a new read point for the first time and so that all ad-
vantages for the PROFIBUS incorporation can be fully utilized, select the CDF600
mode in the bar code scanner. The field bus module operates as a proxy, utilizing
the digital I/O via the Control Word In and Control Word Out modules.
Default setting: CDF600 Mode with handshake.
– To use the bar code scanner at a read point where a SICK bar code scanner was pre-
viously incorporated into the PROFIBUS via the field bus module CMF400,
select the CFM400 mode in the bar code scanner. The field bus module operates
gateway utilizing the digital I/O via the data header (binary inputs and binary out-
– To use the bar code scanner at a read point where a SICK bar code scanner was pre-
viously incorporated into the PROFIBUS via the bus connection module BMV10 / bus
module BMH10, select the BMV-compatible mode.
The field bus module operates gateway without the possibility of using digital I/O.
For further information, see Chapter 7 Startup and Configuration, Page 67 and
Chapter 4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS, Page 35.
Important If the communication mode is changed, it is not accepted in the field bus module until
after a restart of the field bus module together with the bar code scanner (switching on
the supply voltage).
b) Configuration via field bus master
Perform configuration of the bar code scanner via the field bus master with the aid of
the sensor-specific GSD file (see supplied DVD "Manuals & Software Auto Ident") and
the parameterization modules contained therein (for basic configuration of the bar
code scanner).

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Operating Instructions Quick-Start Chapter 3


The procedure will be described in a future edition of these operating instructions.

Configuring data exchange in the field bus

1. In the field bus master, register the field bus module as a new device (slave).
To do this, transfer the SICK sensor-specific GSD file (name: SICK0B95.gsd) for the bar
code scanner CLV6xx to the device master database.
2. In the field bus master for exchanging data with the field bus module, appropriately de-
fine the desired lengths of the field bus input and output data in accordance with the
communication mode selected in the bar code scanner.
For further information, see Chapter 4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS, Page 35.
Important Configuration modules from various communication modes may not be intermixed
3. Perform a test of the installation under operating conditions.

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Chapter 3 Quick-Start Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP


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4 Product description
This chapter describes the design, the features and the functions of the field bus module.
 For installation, electrical installation and startup assistance of the field bus module as
well as for the configuration of the connected bar code scanner using the SOPAS-ET
configuration software, please read this chapter prior to carrying out any of the tasks.

4.1 Design of the field bus module

The CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP consists of an electronic unit in an
industrial-type housing (IP 65). In addition to its function as a PROFIBUS interface, the field
bus module provides two local digital switching inputs and two local digital switching
outputs, the functions of which can be configured in the connected bar code scanner.

Electrical connections
The electrical connections of the field bus and of the periphery (switching inputs and
outputs, supply voltage) on the field bus module are routed via M12 circular connectors,
and the bar code scanner is connected to the field bus module via a 15-pin D-Sub-HD plug
connector. The PROFIBUS interface is electrically isolated from the supply voltage of the
field bus module. Direct access to the serial Aux interface (RS-232) of the bar code scanner
is via a M8 socket. All connections except for the serial Aux interface (only for temporary
use) are lockable via interlocks or fastening screws and are therefore vibration-resistant.

Parameter cloning
Like the parameter memory module CMC600, the field bus module CDF600-0100
also provides an external parameter memory. For the permanent storage of the set param-
eter values in the bar code scanner, the field bus module stores an additional copy of this
parameter set in its parameter memory. In the event of a problem, this simplifies replace-
ment of the bar code scanner because the new device of the same type automatically loads
the parameter set from the parameter memory of the field bus module, which means that
no manual configuration is required.
The supplied installation accessories facilitate securing of the field bus module onto ITEM
profiles. A cover (optional accessory) defends the rotary coded switches from manipulation.

Application at low ambient temperatures

The field bus module can also be operated at ambient temperatures down to –35 °C
(–31 °F) e.g. in deep-frozen areas while being in rest status. For this feature, the device is
marked with the symbol on the nameplate.
The following conditions have to be fulfilled:
 Manufacturing date from 11-18 (year-week) on according to nameplate
 Operation at temperatures down to –35 °C only in rest status (without any mounting,
electrical installation or configuration works). The cables have to be fixed.86
 Using pre-configured SICK standard cables to connect the module
 All electrical workings and configuration settings (rotary coded switches) on the module
have only to be carried out at temperatures from 0 °C to + 40 °C (+32 °F to +104 °F)
 IP 65: the black rubber cover of the "AUX" connection has to be closed, the cables have
to be secured on the module, unused electrical connections must have protection

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Chapter 4 Product description Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

4.1.1 Device view

Rubber cover of AUX

connection closed

1 2 3 4 5 4

bp bo bn bm bl 9 8 7

1 2 x domes for mounting the 4 POWER connection
CDF600 using M5 screws (5-pin M12 plug, A-coded)
Rubber cover of AUX
2 2 x elongated holes, unpainted, 9 PROFIBUS IN connection connection opened
for mounting the CDF600 using M5 (5-pin M12 plug, B-coded)
screws, alternatively to 1 bl PROFIBUS OUT connection
3 7 x LEDs for status indication (5-pin M12 socket, B-coded)
(OUT1/2 with 2 LEDs) bm OUT 1/2 connection
(5-pin M12 socket, A-coded)
4 2 x threads M2.5 for mounting the
optional cover (no. 2052296) over the bn IN 1 connection
rotary coded switches (5-pin M12 socket, A-coded)
5 3 x rotary coded switches bo IN 2 connection
(operation mode/bus address) (5-pin M12 socket, A-coded)

6 AUX connection (4-pin M8 socket) bp DEVICE connection

(15-pin D-Sub-HD socket)
7 Rubber cover for Aux interface

Fig. 4-1: View of the CDF600-0100 field bus module; connections here shown without yellow protection caps and plugs

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4.2 Included in delivery

Delivery of the field bus module includes the following components:

Piece (s) Components Comment

1 CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFI- With yellow protection caps and plugs for
BUS-DP M12 round plug-in connections
1 Mounting set (part no. 2033250) For mounting the field bus module on
ITEM profiles
1 Notes on device with electrical connection Included in the device packaging of the
diagrams as primary information field bus module
1 DVD "Manuals & Software Auto Ident"

Table 4-1: Field bus module delivery

An overview of in-stock cables and connectors is available in Chapter 11.3 Ordering infor-
mation for field bus module and accessories, Page 95.

4.2.1 Contents of the DVD (part no. 2039442)

 SOPAS-ET: Configuration software for WindowsTM PCs with integrated online help sys-
tem (java)
 GSD file for CDF600-0100: to register the field bus module with the field bus master
 CDF600-0100 for PROFIBUS-DP Operating Instructions: PDF version in German or En-
 Further publications of other SICK devices
Important The current versions of publications and programs on the DVD can also be downloaded at
Download address for PDF visualization software in the Internet:

4.2.2 Scope of mounting set (part no. 2033250)

 2 x cylinder head screw M5 x 30 mm (1.18 in), with hexagon socket
 2 x slot nuts M5

4.2.3 Device versions

The field bus module is available in the following versions:

Part no. Type Description

1041251 CDF600-0100 Field bus module for PROFIBUS-DP. For connecting a proxy-capable
identifications sensor like the CLV6xx bar code scanner.
IP 65, power supply voltage DC 18 to 30 V,
Ambient operation temperature –35 C to +40 C (–31 F to +104 F)

Table 4-2: Variants of the CDF600-0100 field bus module

Important Further variants on request.

4.3 System requirements

General system requirements are derived from the field bus module’s technical data sheet
(see Chapter 10 Technical Data, Page 87).
The requirements and conditions for Installation, Electrical installation and Startup and
Configuration are summarized in the respective chapters.

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Chapter 4 Product description Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

4.4 Product features and functions (overview)

Feature Characteristics
Powerful field bus module  Automatic recognition of the data transfer rate on the PROFIBUS
 Data transfer rate up to 12 MBit/s
 Address range adjustable from 0 to 125
 Integrated digital I/O controllable via PROFIBUS
 Can be used for common product range CLV6xx bar code scanner
User safety and conveniences  Robust, compact metal housing (max. IP 65), CE mark
 Certified by the PROFIBUS users' organization (PNO)
 UL60950-1-certified when a LPS power supply or a Class 2 power supply is used.
Valid with corresponding product marking on the nameplate.
 Flexible mounting (horizontal / vertical), mounting on ITEM profiles is supported
 Simple connection of light barriers, direct supply via field bus module
 Automatic self-test on system startup
 Internal parameter memory for saving the configuration data of the bar code scanner
(function same as with an external parameter memory module CMC600)
 Future proof due to firmware update (flash PROM) via data interface
 Future-orientated configuration software SOPAS-ET
 Operation at ambient temperatures down to –35 °C (–31 °F) from manufacturing date
11-18 (year-week) on
 Broad input voltage range
 Low current consumption
 Maintenance-free
Convenient configuration  3 rotary coding switches (operating mode / address)
 Configuration of the bar code scanner via configuration software SOPAS-ET or via field
bus master with parameterization modules (basic configuration)
 Status and fault display via 7 LEDs (OUT1/2 with 2 LEDs)
Communication modi Proxy for a supporting identification sensor:
 CDF600 mode, with byte handshake, with digital I/O (16 Bit In, 16 Bit Out)
 CDF600 mode, without byte handshake, with digital I/O (16 Bit In, 16 Bit Out)
for test operation
Compatibility with earlier SICK field bus modules:
 CMF400 mode, with byte handshake, with digital I/O (2 Bit In, 2 Bit Out)
 CMF400 mode, without byte handshake, with digital I/O (2 Bit In, 2 Bit Out)
for test operation
 BMV-compatible mode, without digital I/O
Data processing  Transparent user data transfer between bar code scanner and field bus master
Data communication  PROFIBUS interface conforming to EN 50170 (Issue V2)
 Aux interface to the bar code scanner: Fixed data output format, data format, transfer
rate (RS-232, 57,6 kbd, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity)
Electrical interfaces  2 PROFIBUS interfaces conforming to EN 50170 (Issue V2), electrically isolated from
the power supply voltage
 2 digital switching inputs, opto-decoupled
 2 digital switching outputs, PNP, electrically not isolated from the power supply voltage
 Aux interface: RS 232 of the bar code scanner
 CAN interface of the bar code scanner
 Supply voltage (DC 18 to 30 V)
Connection technology (design)  Field bus IN and OUT, switching inputs and outputs, power supply/CAN:
M12 circular connectors (standard / Fix-CON / SPEED-CON in one version)
 Bar code scanner: 15-pin D-Sub-HD socket
 Aux interface (bar code scanner) M8 socket
 Connection assignment / LED function shown on underside of device
Table 4-3: Overview of the field bus module’s product features and functions

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4.5 Control elements and indicators

4.5.1 Control elements

The field bus module is configured via three rotary coding switches, and the connected bar
code scanner is configured on an application-specific basis with the configuration software
SOPAS-ET via the serial Aux interface (RS-232).
Alternatively, a basic configuration can also be performed via PROFIBUS for the bar code
scanner with the aid of parameterization modules set up in the field bus master.
The supply voltage is applied to the field bus module with a main switch on the user side. In
the event of a fault, commissioning and diagnosis are carried out for the connected bar
code scanner via the configuration software SOPAS-ET. The field bus module and the bar
code scanner normally operate fully automatically.
Function of the rotary coding switch (configuration switch)

S 1:Switch 1 ("Mode" and

S1 S2 S3 "Address" (100s digit)
S 2: Switch 2 ("Address",
10s digit)
S 3: Switch 3 ("Address",
1s digit)

Fig. 4-2: Rotary coding switch for mode and address on the field bus module

The rotary coding switches are used for selecting the operating mode and the bus address.
The possible address range is 0 ... 125. The position of the switches is read in by the field
bus module after the supply voltage is switched on.
Important A change in the switch positions during operation has no effect. The field bus module only
takes on the new values after the next switch-on.

Rotary coded switch S 1 ("Mode"):

This rotary coding switch has hexadecimal coding and sets the field bus module to the con-
nected device type. This switch also serves as a third address selection switch (100s digit)
for extending the address range beyond 100.

Position Function Address range

0 Operation of the field bus module with device that supports a proxy 00 ... 99
function, here: Bar code scanner CLV6xx (basic setting of the 100 ... 125
communication mode: CDF600 Mode with handshake)
2 Operation of the field bus module with the device that does not support 00 ... 99
a proxy function (only communication mode "CMF400 with handshake", 100 ... 125
the field bus module works as a gateway for RS-232 devices).
4 ... E Reserved. Field bus module assumes the Fault status (POWER LED –
F Test mode. No communication on the PROFIBUS. –
The Aux interface of the field bus module is transparently switched.
*) In these modes, the address range 126 ... 199 is not defined.
The field bus module assumes the Fault state ("POWER" LED flashing) when an address from this range is select

Table 4-4: Importance of the 16-stage rotary coding switch S 1 ("Mode")

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Chapter 4 Product description Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Rotary coded switches S 2 and S 3 ("Address"):

These two rotary coding switches have decimal coding and set the PROFIBUS address of the
field bus module (slave). The rotary coding switch S 1 must be used additionally as required
for setting an address beyond 100. The selected address must be unambiguous and may
occur only once in the entire PROFIBUS network.

Rotary coded switch S 2: Address (10s digit) Rotary coded switch S 3: Address (1s digit)
Position Value Position Value
0 0 0 0
1 10 1 1
2 20 2 2
3 30 3 3
4 40 4 4
5 50 5 5
6 60 6 6
7 70 7 7
8 80 8 8
9 90 9 9

Table 4-5: Importance of the 10-stage rotary coding switches S 2 and S 3 ("Address")

After a restart, the connected bar code scanner transfers the selected address to the regis-
ter tab PROFIBUS/DEVICENET for displaying under SLAVE ADDRESS.
Example address settings:
1. The bus address 67 should be configured for the bar code scanner 6xx:
Rotary switch S 1 (100s digit): Position 0
Rotary switch S 2 (10s digit): Position 6
Rotary switch S 3 (1s digit): Position 7
2. The bus address 102 should be configured for the bar code scanner 6xx:
Rotary switch S 1 (100s digit): Position 1
Rotary switch S 2 (10s digit): Position 0
Rotary switch S 3 (1s digit): Position 2
As-delivered state of the rotary coding switches:
Address 3 (and CDF600 mode with handshake) for devices that support the proxy function
of the field bus module
Rotary coded switch 1: Position 0
Rotary coded switch 2: Position 0
Rotary coded switch 3: Position 3

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4.5.2 LEDs on the field bus module’s housing

On the housing of the field bus module, there are 6 optical indicators with 7 LEDs that show
the general operating state, the data exchange with the field bus master and the status of
the switch inputs and outputs. They also signal fault states as necessary.


Fig. 4-3: Position of the LEDs on the field bus module

The LEDs indicate the following:

LED/connect. Function Colour State Meaning

IN2 Ext IN 2 Yellow ON External input 2 energized*)
OFF External input 2 not energized*)
IN1 Ext IN 1 Yellow ON External input 1 energized*)
OFF External input 1 not energized*)
OUT1 Ext OUT 1 Yellow ON External output 1 (PNP) conductive*)
OFF External output 1 (PNP) non-conductive*)
OUT2 Ext OUT 2 Green ON External output 2 (PNP) conductive*)
OFF External output 2 (PNP) non-conductive*)
OFF No fault
PROFIBUS IN STA Green ON Data exchange with field bus master
OFF No token (PROFIBUS not active)
POWER Device Green ON Field bus module ready, communication established with bar code scanner
Ready OFF Field bus module without supply voltage
flashes Sequence
cycl. once Field bus module booting (device start)
twice Bar code scanner not recognized
3 times PROFIBUS parameterization error (param. via GSD file in bus master)
4 times PROFIBUS configuration error (useful data bus width incorrect)
5 times PROFIBUS group error
10 times Position of rotary coding switch S 1 (mode) was changed during
11 times Position of rotary coding switch S 2 and / or S 3 (address) was
changed during operation, or invalid address (> 125)
16 times Test mode. No communication on the PROFIBUS.
The Aux interface of the bar code scanner is transparently switched.
*) irrespective of the logic assigned via SOPAS-ET

Table 4-6: Meaning of the six LEDs on the field bus module

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Chapter 4 Product description Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

4.6 Field bus module methods of operation

4.6.1 Function principle

The field bus module CDF600-0100 represents a PROFIBUS interface that, depending on
the identification sensor connected and the communication mode selected, operates as a
proxy or as a gateway, with / without the transfer possibility of digital I/O.
To function as a proxy, the field bus module requires a connected sensor that supports the
proxy function in the communication mode "CDF600 mode". SICK sensors that do not offer
this support can instead communicate with the CMF400 mode of the field bus module via
the PROFIBUS. The field bus module then works as a RS-232 gateway with the possibility of
digital I/O transfer.

CLV6xx bar code scanner Diagnosis RS 232,
57.6 kbd
RS 232, 57.6 kbd
(Aux interface) STX ... ETX

Field bus module Field bus module

Reading (Slave) (slave)

CDF600 mode CMF400 mode

IN 2

with handshake with handshake

(proxy) (gateway)


GSD file for

bar code scanner
Field bus master
GSD file for
hand-held scanner

Fig. 4-4: Incorporation into the PROFIBUS: CLV6xx Bar Code Scanner or RS 232 device

The various communication modes that can be selected in the bar code scanner CLV6xx
also allow the bar code scanner to be installed in an environment in which the field bus
module CMF400 or the bus connection module BMV10-0111 / bus module BMH10-0111
were previously used. In BMV-compatible mode, the field bus module also operates as a RS-
232 gateway, but no digital I/O transfer is possible.
After switching on the supply voltage for the field bus module and the connected bar code
scanner, the bar code scanner informs the field bus module of the communication mode
with which data transfer should take place in the PROFIBUS. In the basic setting of the bar
code scanner and of the field bus module, this is the CDF600-mode for allowing speedy
putting into operation of the field bus module as a proxy.
The communication between the bar code scanner and the field bus module takes place via
a RS-232 data interface (serial Aux interface).
In addition to its function as a PROFIBUS interface, the field bus module provides two local
digital switching inputs and two local digital switching outputs (Fig. 4-5, Page 29), the
functions of which can be configured in the connected bar code scanner. Depending on the
communication mode selected, the switching states of these inputs and outputs can also
be transferred to the PROFIBUS.

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CLV6xx bar codes scanner CDF600 field bus module

„Ext. input 1“ DEVICE IN 1 („Ext. input 1“)

„Ext. input 1“ HOST IN 2 („Ext. input 1“)

„Ext. output 1“ AUX OUT 1 („Ext. output 1“)
„Ext. output 2“ IN1)
OUT 2 („Ext. output 2“)

no function 1) IN = input Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 2) Out = output Result 1 and Result 2

Fig. 4-5: Function of the Aux interface of the proxy-capable CLV6xx bar code scanner

In the PROFIBUS, the field bus module operates as a slave and realizes a transparent user
data transfer between the connected identification sensor and a field bus master that
conforms to the relevant standards (controller, e.g. PLC). This involves rapid, cyclical data
exchange with the field bus master so that a time-critical use is also possible. The data
telegrams are transferred in both directions with the parameterized useful data lengths.
The bar code scanner transfers to the field bus master reading results and, if applicable,
the states of switching inputs and outputs. The field bus master transfers to the bar code
scanner commands, the states of switching inputs and outputs and, if applicable,
parameterization data.
For extended applications the CAN interface of the bar code scanner is transparently
available at the POWER connection of the field bus module.

4.6.2 Communication modi

The field bus module provides 5 different communication modes for the data exchange
between the bar code scanner and the field bus master:
 CDF600 mode, with byte handshake, with digital I/O (16 Bit In, 16 Bit Out).
This mode is the basic setting of the field bus module and is used for data exchange in
normal operation for new bar code scanner CLV6xx installations, so that full use can be
made of the advantages of the bar code scanner CLV6xx. The field bus module
operates as a proxy. The mode is similar to the existing CMF400 mode (see below).
In the two control bytes Binary Inputs and Binary Outputs in the header of the data
telegram for the input and output data of the field bus however, no digital I/O (switching
states or triggers) are transferred.
The transfer of switching states and of triggers (commands) takes place via bit states
in the additional 2-byte modules Control Word In and Control Word Out, that can be
optionally positioned at the start or end of the data telegram.
In the module Control Word In, the field bus module always transfers to the field bus
– The states of its digital switching inputs and outputs to which functions can be as-
signed in the connected bar code scanner (Ext. Input 1 (IN 1), and Ext. Input 2 (IN
2), Ext. Output 1 (OUT 1) and Ext. Output 2 (OUT 2)).

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– The states of the digital switching inputs and outputs of the bar code scanner itself
(input Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 and also output Result 1 and Result 2) that are electri-
cally inaccessible when the bar code scanner is connected to the field bus module.
– Reading result states and the operational readiness of the bar code scanner.
See also Table 4-11, Page 43.
In the module Control Word Out, the field bus master can, depending on the program-
ming, transfer bit states to the bar code scanner that can be used to trigger functions
in the bar code scanner and for setting switching outputs in the bar code scanner and
in the field bus module. This requires the functions for activation by the field bus to be
parameterized accordingly in the bar code scanner.
See also Table 4-12, Page 44.
 CDF600 mode, without byte handshake, with digital I/O (16 Bit In, 16 Bit Out).
This mode operates without byte handshake and is used for test purposes in the data
transfer. The time monitoring (timeout) of the handshake is deactivated.
 CMF400 mode, with byte handshake and digital I/O (2 Bit In, 2 Bit Out).
This mode is compatible with the data communication of the field bus module CMF400-
1x01, which principally realizes the incorporation of bar code scanners of the CLV4xx
product range into the PROFIBUS. In normal operation, the mode is used for exchanging
data of the bar code scanner CLV6xx when used in existing systems.
In the two control bytes Binary Inputs and Binary Outputs in the header of the data
telegram for the input and output data of the field bus, there are in each case two bits
for transferring digital I/O.
In the control byte Binary Inputs, the field bus module can transfer the following states
to the field bus master, depending on the parameterization in the bar code scanner:
– The states of its digital switching inputs and outputs to which functions can be as-
signed in the connected bar code scanner (ext. input 1 (IN 1), and ext. input 2 (IN 2),
ext. output 1 (OUT 1) and ext. output 2 (OUT 2)).
– The states of the digital switching inputs and outputs of the bar code scanner itself
(input Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 and also output Result 1 and Result 2) that are
electrically inaccessible when the bar code scanner is connected to the field bus
– Reading result states and the operational readiness of the bar code scanner.
If an identification sensor is connected to the field bus module that does not support
the proxy function of the field bus module and therefore communicates with the aid of
the CMF400 mode, the field bus module transfers the switching states of its two digital
switching inputs IN 1 and IN 2.
See also Table 4-13, Page 45.
In the control byte Binary Outputs, the field bus master can, depending on the
programming, transfer bit states to the bar code scanner that can be used to trigger
functions in the bar code scanner. This requires the functions for activation by the field
bus to be parameterized accordingly in the bar code scanner.
If an identification sensor is connected to the field bus module that does not support
the proxy function of the field bus module and therefore communicates with the aid of
the CMF400 mode, the field bus module sets the switching states of its two digital
switching outputs OUT 1 and OUT 2.
See also Table 4-14, Page 46.

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 CMF400 mode, without byte handshake, with digital I/O (2 Bit In, 2 Bit Out)
This mode operates without byte handshake and is used for test purposes in the data
transfer. The time monitoring (timeout) of the handshake is deactivated.

 BMV mode, without digital I/O

This mode is compatible with the data communication of the earlier SICK bus connec-
tion module BMV10 / bus module BMH10. No switching states are transferred. The dig-
ital switching inputs and outputs of the field bus module can be used independently of
this for the bar code scanner (assignment Ext. Input 1 (IN 1), and Ext. Input 2 (IN 2), Ext.
Output 1 (OUT 1) and Ext. Output 2 (OUT 2)).
Table 4-7 shows a brief overview of the various communication modes, Fig. 4-6, Page 32 to
Fig. 4-8, Page 34 clarify in graphic form the differences in the structure of the data tele-
grams of the individual communication modes.
For a detailed description of the various communication modes and their properties, see
Chapter 4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS, Page 35.

4.6.3 Overview of communication modi and assigned functions

Function Communication mode

CDF600 mode CMF400 mode
with without with without compatible
handshake handshake handshake handshake mode
Data transfer
– with telegram counter Receive Count/Receive Count Back  
– with handshake
– Fragmentation, max. 4,000 bytes
– with telegram counter Receive Count  
– without handshake
– max. length Nin/Nout minus 5
– with toggle-bit process (BMV/BMH10-compatible) 
– with digital I/O to / from the field bus master (2 Bit In, 2 Bit Out)  
– with digital I/O to / from the field bus master (16 Bit In, 16 Bit  
Table 4-7: Communication modi of the field bus module and assigned functions (overview)

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4.6.4 Structure of data telegrams in the communication modi

Fig. 4-6: Structure of data telegrams in the CDF600 mode

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Fig. 4-7: Structure of data telegrams in the CMF400 mode

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Fig. 4-8: Structure of data telegrams in the BMV-compatible mode

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4.7 Communication via PROFIBUS

The field bus module enables data to be exchanged bidirectionally between the connected
bar code scanner and a field bus master via the PROFIBUS.
The field bus must ensure that the input and output data is transmitted to and from the bus
cyclically and consistently when using the CDF600-0100 field bus module. The lengths of
the input and output data from the field bus for the communication of the field bus master
with the field bus module can be defined separately from each other. The permissible value
range in each case is 8 to 240 bytes. With PROFIBUS, the data lengths are defined in the
field bus master (PLC) and confirmed by the PROFIBUS salve using the Check Config tele-
gram issued by the PROFIBUS master.
The PROFIBUS field bus module is a modular slave. To achieve the required lengths of the
input and output data, the modules defined in the GSD file may have to be combined ap-
propriately. The field bus module ensures data consistency across all modules. When word
modules are used, you must take into account potential problems arising with the INTEL/
Motorola format (LSB/MSB or MSB/LSB) for the field bus master! The field bus module it-
self does not carry out swapping when word modules are used. This means that the input
data from the field bus module to the bus always appears on the bus as described in the
following chapters, and the output data from the bus to the field bus module must be sent
by the field bus master in this same format!

4.8 CDF600 mode with/without handshake and digital I/Os in

Control Word In and Control Word Out
Important Differences between the two CDF600 modes:
 The mode with handshake is used for data exchange in normal operation.
If a telegram is not acknowledged by the field bus master after a timeout of 10 s, the
field bus module resets the received input data (ReceiveCount, ReceiveData). The field
bus module identifies this handshake error by setting the PlcError-Bit in Binary Inputs.
 The mode without handshake is used for test purposes in data transfer.
Here, the following deviations from normal operation apply:
– No time monitoring for the byte handshake
– No fragmentation (the required data string length is limited by the set useful data
The CDF600 mode requires consistent data transfer of the header and data for the string
transfer. Additionally, in CDF600 modus, it is possible to configure modules with digital
switching input and output functions.
The communication procedure between the field bus module and the field bus master is de-
fined with 5 control bytes in the header. The transmission method is described below. This
transmission method can be easily handled in the field bus master (PLC).
Two structures comprising a header and the actual user data are created for the cyclical in-
put and output data of the field bus. In the header, a handshake uses counters to control
transmission of the user data.

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Table 4-8 shows the address layout regarded from the field bus master.

Address Input Output

0 Binary Inputs Binary Outputs
1 ReceiveCount (counter) ReceiveCountBack (counter)
2 TransmitCountBack (counter) TransmitCount (counter)
3 ReceiveLenght Lowbyte TransmitLength Lowbyte
4 ReceiveLenght Highbyte TransmitLength Highbyte
5 ReceiveData, Byte 1 TransmitData, Byte 1
6 ReceiveData, Byte 2 TransmitData, Byte 2
... ... ...
... ReceiveData, Byte ... TransmitData, Byte ...
BLUE: Receive telegrams (e.g. reading data from bar code scanner via the field bus module to the field bus
RED: Transmit telegrams (e.g. commands from field bus master to the bar code scanner via the field bus

Table 4-8: Overview: Address layout regarded from the field bus master

Input data format of the field bus master

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 16 bits Nin = 3 to 235 bytes of user data
INTEL format:
Input data format of the field bus master (send telegram of the field bus module)

Output data format of the field bus master

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 16 bits Nout = 3 to 235 bytes of user data
INTEL format:
Output data format of the field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

The fields in the tables above are relevant for the rest of this section and will be described
in more detail in the next chapter:
 The functions of the Binary Inputs byte and the Binary Outputs byte are described in
Chapter 4.8.3, Page 42.
 The ReceiveCountBack and ReceiveCount counters control user data transmission
from the field bus module to the field bus master, whereby the field bus module is the
active node (client) that must activate user data transmission by incrementing Receive-
Count by 1. Both counters must have the same status beforehand. The field bus master
is the passive node (server).
 ReceiveLength specifies the data length currently remaining to be transmitted from the
field bus module to the field bus master (reading result of the bar code scanner).
Attention: For compatibility reasons, ReceiveLength is in INTEL format!
 The TransmitCount and TransmitCountBack counters control user data transmission
from the field bus master (e.g. commands from the PLC) to the field bus module, where-
by the field bus master is the active node (client) that must activate user data transmis-
sion by incrementing TransmitCount by 1. Both counters must have the same status
beforehand. The field bus module is the passive node (server).

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 TransmitLength specifies the data length currently remaining to be transmitted from

the field bus master to the field bus module.
Attention: For compatibility reasons TransmitLength is in INTEL format!
 In TransmitData, the field bus master enters the user data (left justified) to be transmit-
ted to the field bus module.
The length of this field is NOut = parameterized output data length minus 5.
 In ReceiveData, the field bus module enters the user data (left justified) to be transmit-
ted to the field bus master.
The length of this field is NIn = parameterized input data length minus 5

4.8.1 Direction of data transfer: Field bus module  Field bus master
Important The following section describes the procedure for the data transfer direction "field bus mod-
ule  field bus master“. The procedure for the data transfer direction "field bus master 
field bus module“ is in similar way.

Transmitting incoming telegrams

Incoming telegrams at the field bus master are telegrams (e.g. reading results) that the bar
code scanner formats as set in its configuration and then forwards to the field bus master
via the field bus module.
A distinction is drawn here between two different types of telegram:
 Telegrams that can be transmitted within a single incoming field bus telegram (user
data fits in the ReceiveData element).
 Telegrams that have to be divided into successive blocks due to their length (user data
does not fit in the ReceiveData element).

During reset or power-up, that is, before the first incoming telegram is transmitted, the field
bus module sets the ReceiveCount, TransmitCountBack, and ReceiveLength to zero. Ac-
cordingly, the field bus master must set its ReceiveCountBack, TransmitCount, and Trans-
mitLength to zero.
See also next section “Resynchronisation“.

If the field bus module registers a field bus error (interruption in communication, incorrect
counter statuses), it terminates data transmission in the affected data direction(s). The field
bus module then requests the field bus master to resynchronize transmission. To do so, the
field bus module sets the corresponding counters (ReceiveCount and/or TransmitCount-
Back) to zero. The field bus master then has to set its corresponding counters (Receive-
CountBack and/or TransmitCount) to zero too. The initialization status (see “Initialization“)
is now restored and the active node (client) can repeat or start data transmission.

Counter overflow
When incremented to 255, the ReceiveCount counter is assigned the value "1" (0  1 
2  to  254  255  1  2  to). The value "0" only appears during initialization or
if an error occurs (see “Resynchronisation“).

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Transmitting unblocked individual telegrams

As soon as an incoming telegram that is to be transmitted to the field bus master is avail-
able, the field bus module checks whether the previous data transmission has been com-
pleted (ReceiveCountBack is identical to ReceiveCount). The incoming telegram is then
entered in the ReceiveData field (left justified). The bytes in the ReceiveData field that are
not required are set to zero. The length of the incoming telegram is then entered in the Re-
ceiveLength field. Finally, the ReceiveCount counter is incremented as described in
“Counter overflow“.
The field bus master is always activated when the ReceiveCount field is incremented, that
is, when the value is different to the ReceiveCountBack counter value. The field bus master
monitors whether ReceiveLength is less than or equal to NIn (parameterized incoming data
length minus 5) and then copies the ReceiveLength bytes in the ReceiveData field to a dif-
ferent buffer.
The field bus master then sets its ReceiveCountBack counter to the current ReceiveCount
value. This signals to the field bus module that the field bus master is ready to transmit data
If the field bus master requires some time to evaluate and process the field bus module da-
ta, it can delay acknowledging the ReceiveCountBack counter max. 10 s if the byte hand-
shake is enabled.

Transmitting blocked telegrams

If the length (NIn) of the ReceiveData field is not sufficient for transmitting an incoming
telegram, the incoming telegram is divided into several blocks. These blocks are transmit-
ted in succession. The same fields are used as for the individual telegram.
With the first block, the first part of the incoming telegram is entered in ReceiveData. The
entire length of the incoming telegram is entered in ReceiveLength. The field bus master
responds once ReceiveCount has been incremented. It recognizes from the telegram length
(ReceiveLength) entered, which is greater than the ReceiveData field, that a blocked data
transmission is running here. It transmits the entire ReceiveData field to a buffer and then
sets ReceiveCountBack to the current value at ReceiveCount.
The field bus module now recognizes that the field bus master has processed the first part
of the incoming telegram. The next part of the incoming telegram is then entered in the
ReceiveData field. ReceiveLength is assigned a value reduced by the length of the
ReceiveData = NIn field. Finally, ReceiveCount is incremented again.
The reincremented ReceiveCount value reactivates the field bus master, which checks
ReceiveLength again. If this value is now less than or equal to NIn, the remaining telegram
is copied to the buffer and telegram transmission is complete. If the value is greater than
NIn, the entire telegram is copied to the buffer and the field bus master waits for the next
In both cases field bus master must set the value in ReceiveCountBack to the current value
in ReceiveCount.
An example on the following pages clarifies the described transfer sequence.

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Example 1: The field bus master receives data from the field bus module
The incoming telegram (user data) from the field bus module is "123456789".
The input and output data length of the field bus is in each case 10 bytes, which means that
NIn and NOut both comprise 5 bytes.
The counters are equalized, that is, the previous data transmissions are complete in both
The data bytes are specified in the order in which they appear on the field bus. The length
of the incoming telegram (9 bytes), for example, is specified in the ReceiveLength field as
09h 00h (INTEL format: LSB/MSB).

1. Initial situation: No new data

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
Input data of the field bus master (send telegram from the field bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
Output data of the field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

ReceiveCount is still 00h, as no data has been received.

2. Incoming telegram, first block (block not yet processed by field bus master)

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
00h 01h 00h 09h 00h 1 2 3 4 5
Input data to the field bus master (send telegram from the field bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
Output data from the field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

ReceiveCount is now 01h and and thereby indicates data receipt.

3. Incoming telegram, first block (block processed by field bus master)

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
00h 01h 00h 09h 00h 1 2 3 4 5
Input data to the field bus master (send telegram from the field bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
00h 01h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
Output data from the field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

ReceiveCount was copied by the field bus master to ReceiveCountBack in order to confirm
data receipt. This allows the field bus module to deliver subsequent blocks.

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4. Incoming telegram, second and final block (block not yet processed by field bus master)

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
00h 02h 00h 04h 00h 6 7 8 9 00h
Input data to the field bus master (send telegram from the field bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
00h 01h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
Output data from the field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

The field bus module provides the second block and displays this by incrementing the
ReceiveCount by 1.

5. Incoming telegram, second and final block (block processed by field bus master)

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
00h 02h 00h 04h 00h 6 7 8 9 00h
Input data to the field bus master (send telegram from the field bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
00h 02h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h
Output data of from field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

ReceiveCount was copied by the field bus master to ReceiveCountBack in order to confirm
data receipt.

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Example 2: Field bus master transmits data to the field bus module
This data direction is only required if the field bus master is supposed to send commands
via the field bus module to the bar code scanner.
The field bus master sends the SOPAS-ET command sRI0 (4 byte: 73h 52h 49h 30h) to the
field bus module. This command prompts a connected SOPAS-ET-capable device to output
its name and firmware version. This response is treated as an independent data reception
instance. Since the response is larger, it is not shown here in this example.

6. Outgoing telegram "sRI0" to the field bus module

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
00h 02h 00h 04h 00h 6 7 8 9 00h
Input data to the field bus master (send telegram from the field bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
00h 02h 01h 04h 00h s R I 0 00h
Output data of from field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

The field bus master has incremented TransmitCount by 01h and has thereby initiated the
sending of the command sRI0.
At the start of a sending operation, the field bus master must always check whether the
status of TransmitCount is identical to the status of TransmitCountBack. If so,
TransmitCount can be incremented. A 00h must be skipped, since it means an initialization.

7. Outgoing telegram "sRI0" to the field bus module (telegram processed by the field
bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit ReceiveLength ReceiveData

Inputs Count CountBack
00h 02h 01h 04h 00h 6 7 8 9 00h
Input data to the field bus master (send telegram from the field bus module)

Binary Receive Transmit Transmit TransmitData

Outputs CountBack Count Length
00h 02h 01h 04h 00h s R I 0 00h
Output data of from field bus master (receive telegram of the field bus module)

The field bus module has incremented TransmitCountBack by 01h in order to show that the
command has been processed and that it is ready for further send commands.
Both data transfers have now been completed. All counters are equalized again.
If a bar code scanner CLV6xx is connected to the field bus module, it responds with its name
and the firmware version. This represents a receive telegram for the field bus module that
is dealt with in the same way as in Example 1.

4.8.2 Direction of data transfer: Field bus master  Field bus module
The procedure for the data transfer direction "Field bus master  Field bus module" is in
similar way as described in Chapter 4.8.1 Direction of data transfer: Field bus module 
Field bus master, Page 37.

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4.8.3 The Binary Inputs and Binary Outputs Bytes

The first input byte (Binary Inputs, Table 4-9) in the header contains status bits and a
Heartbeat bit.
The first output byte (Binary Outputs, Table 4-10) in the header is reserved.
It has to be set to zero.

Binary Inputs is assigned as follows:

Bit Name Meaning

D7 – Reserved
D6 BufferOverrun All the output buffers in the field bus module are full. The field bus mod-
ule does not accept any transmitted data when this error is present.
The field bus master can repeat data transfer later stage and then, if
necessary, report an error to the user.
D5 – Reserved
D4 – Reserved
D3 PlcError The field bus module has detected a handling error in the field bus mas-
ter (PLC). The field bus module does not accept any transmitted data
when this error is present and requests resynchronization with the field
bus master. The PLC program must be corrected in line with the error.
D2 Heartbeat The field bus module makes this heartbeat bit available to the field bus
master. The heartbeat bit toggles between 0 and 1 at 1-second inter-
D1 – Reserved
D0 – Reserved
Table 4-9: "Binary Inputs" bytes assignment in the CDF600 mode

Important The field bus module sets status bits (error bits) D7 to D3 when it acknowledges data trans-
mission from the field bus master with TransmitCountBack, that is TransmitCount and
TransmitCountBack are the same again. Status bits D7 to D3 are reset by the field bus mod-
ule when the field bus master activates the next data transmission with TransmitCount. The
field bus master, therefore, must always evaluate the status bits before transmitting the
next batch of data to the field bus module.
The output buffer in the field bus module does not allow the status bits (D7, D5, and D4) to
be assigned to a specific data transmission procedure initiated by the field bus master!

Binary Outputs is assigned as follows:

Bit Name Meaning

D7 – Reserved
D6 – Reserved
D5 – Reserved
D4 – Reserved
D3 – Reserved
D2 – Reserved
D1 – Reserved
D0 – Reserved
Table 4-10: "Binary Outputs" bytes assignment in the CDF600 mode

Important Compared to the CMF400 mode, the bits D1 and D0 of the Binary Inputs and the Binary
Outputs are not used in the CDF600 mode.

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4.8.4 The Control Word In and Control Word Out modules

Important The modules Control Word In and Control Word Out for the digital function bits may only be
configured in CDF600 mode.

Control Word In (Input to the field bus master, output module of the field bus module)
This module consists of 2 bytes. The value represented by Control Word In is transmitted as
a 16-bit value in the Motorola format (PROFIBUS standard).

Control Word In (Ctrl Bits in) is assigned as follows:

Bit Assignment Name Comment

D0 Fixed Device Ready State of the CLV6xx bar code scanner
D1 Fixed System Ready Not implemented for the CLV6xx bar code scanner
D2 Fixed Good Read State of the reading result
D3 Fixed No Read State of the reading result
D4 Fixed External output 1 OUT 1 output level of the field bus module
D5 Fixed External output 2 OUT 2 output level of the field bus module
D6 Fixed Result 1 Result 1 output level of the bar code scanner
D7 Fixed Result 2 Result 2 output level of the bar code scanner
D8 Fixed External input 1 IN 1 input level of the field bus module
D9 Fixed External input 2 IN 2 input level of the field bus module
D10 Fixed Sensor 1 Sensor 1 input level of the bar code scanner
D11 Fixed Sensor 2 Sensor 2 input level of the bar code scanner
D12 Definable Defined by the con-
D13 Definable figuration of the bar
code scanner
D14 Definable
D15 Definable
Table 4-11: "Control Word In" module assignment in the CDF600 mode

Important The functions with a grey background are planned for future firmware versions of the field
bus module.
The bit functions of the output module are always active. The levels cannot be changed.

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Control Word Out (input to the field bus module, output module of the field bus master)
The module contains control bits from the field bus master to the field bus module. The de-
fined function bits can be parameterized in the bar code scanner as input functions (see
Chapter 7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner, Page 67).

Control Word Out (Ctrl Bits out) is assigned as follows:

Bit Assignment Name Comment

D0 Fixed Trigger Object trigger for the CLV6xx bar code scanner
D1 Fixed Sensor idle
D2 Fixed Teach-in 1 Control of Teach-In 1
D3 Fixed Teach-in 2 Control of Teach-In 2
D4 Fixed External output 1 Output on OUT 1 of the field bus module
D5 Fixed External output 2 Output on OUT 2 of the field bus module
D6 Fixed Result 1 Output on Result 1 of the bar code scanner
D7 Fixed Result 2 Output on Result 2 of the bar code scanner
D8 Fixed PLC_Out_08
D9 Fixed PLC_Out_08
D10 Fixed PLC_Out_08
D11 Fixed PLC_Out_08
D12 Definable Distance_Config_0
D13 Definable Distance_Config_1
D14 Definable Distance_Config_2
D15 Definable Distance_Config_3
Table 4-12: "Control Word Out" module assignment in the CDF600 mode

Important The functions with a grey background are planned for future firmware versions of the field
bus module.

44 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Product description Chapter 4


4.9 CMF400 module with/without handshake and digital I/Os

in the header
Important Differences between the two CMF400 modes:
 The mode with handshake is used for data exchange in normal operation.
If a telegram is not acknowledged by the field bus master after a timeout of 10 s, the
field bus module resets the received input data (ReceiveCount, ReceiveData). The field
bus module identifies this handshake error by setting the PlcError-Bit in Binary Inputs.
 The mode without handshake is used for test purposes in data transfer.
Here, the following deviations from normal operation apply:
– No time monitoring for byte handshake
– No fragmentation (the required data string length is limited by the set useful data
The CMF400 mode is the predecessor of the CDF600 mode. It does not permit
configuration of the modules Control Word In and Control Word Out of the CDF600 mode.
Instead, two data bits are available instead in Binary Inputs (Table 4-13) and Binary Outputs
(Table 4-14, Page 46).The function of these bits is configured in the connected identifica-
tion sensor. When the field bus module is operated with an identification sensor that does
not support the proxy function of the field bus module (CDF600 mode), this transmits the
status of the two switching inputs and outputs of the field module.

Binary Inputs is assigned as follows:

Bit Name Meaning

D7 – Reserved
D6 BufferOverrun All the output buffers in the field bus module are full. The field bus mod-
ule does not accept any transmitted data when this error is present.
The field bus master can repeat data transfer later stage and then, if
necessary, report an error to the user.
D5 – Reserved
D4 – Reserved
D3 PlcError The field bus module has detected a handling error in the field bus mas-
ter (PLC). The field bus module does not accept any transmitted data
when this error is present and requests resynchronization with the field
bus master. The PLC program must be corrected in line with the error.
D2 Heartbeat The field bus module makes this heartbeat bit available to the field bus
master. The heartbeat bit toggles between 0 and 1 at 1-second intervals.
D1 DigInput 1 When using a CLV6xx bar code scanner:
Output bit of the bar code scanner.
The function of the bit can be configured in the bar code scanner
(see Chapter 7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner, Page 67).
When using an identification sensor which does not support the proxy
IN 2 input level of the field bus module
D0 DigInput 0 When using a CLV6xx bar code scanner:
Output bit of the bar code scanner.
The function of the bit can be configured in the bar code scanner
(see Chapter 7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner, Page 67).
When using an identification sensor which does not support the proxy
IN 1 input level of the field bus module
Table 4-13: "Binary Inputs" byte assignment in the CMF400 mode

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CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Binary Outputs is assigned as follows:

Bit Name Meaning

D7 – Reserved
D6 – Reserved
D5 – Reserved
D4 – Reserved
D3 – Reserved
D2 – Reserved
D1 DigOutput 1 If using a CLV6xx bar code scanner:
Input bit of the bar code scanner.
The function of the bit can be configured in the bar code scanner
(see Chapter 7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner, Page 67).
If using an identification sensor which does not support the proxy func-
OUT 2 output level of the field bus module
D0 DigOutput 0 If using a CLV6xx bar code scanner:
Input bit of the bar code scanner.
The function of the bit can be configured in the bar code scanner
(see Chapter 7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner, Page 67).
If using an identification sensor which does not support the proxy func-
OUT 1 output level of the field bus module
Table 4-14: "Binary Outputs" byte assignment in the CMF400 mode

Important Compared to the CDF600 mode, the bits D1 and D0 of the Binary Inputs and the Binary Out-
puts are used in the CMF400 mode.

4.10 BMV-compatible mode with handshake, but without digi-

tial I/O
In this mode, communication of the field bus module is compatible with the earlier bus
connection module BMV10 / bus module BMH10. The new data is signalled by toggle bits.
Consistent data transfer is not necessary, since the process itself ensures the data
The CDF600 mode (Standard mode) is recommended for new installations.
The BMV-compatible mode is described in Chapter 11.5, Page 98.

4.11 Diagnosis
The field bus module supports the PROFIBUS standard diagnosis (6 bytes). A user-specific
diagnosis is not triggered. In CDF600 mode (Standard mode), the status byte allows the
field bus master to recognize fault states and to react to them.
The POWER LED also signals errors in the configuration of bus modules via flashing.
See Chapter 4.5.2 LEDs on the field bus module’s housing, Page 27.

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Operating Instructions Installation Chapter 5


5 Installation

5.1 Overview of installation sequence

This chapter describes the installation sequences for the field bus module.
The typical installation sequences are listed below:
 Selecting the installation location for the field bus module
 Installing the field bus module
 Optionally: Mounting the cover (optional accessory) for the rotary coded switches to de-
fend from manipulation after configuration
Important Claims under the warranty rendered void!
Do not open the field bus module’s housing. If the device is opened, the SICK AG warranty
shall not apply.

5.2 Installation preparations

The general requirements should observe for installation:
 Stable installation bracket with a flat resting surface and suitable sizes for the field bus
module (support, not included).
The included installation set part no. 2033250 supports mounting the field bus module
supports on an ITEM profile.
 Shock absorbant and vibration free attachment

The following tools and resources are required for installation:

 Installation set part no. 2033250 with 2 cylinder head screws M5 x30 mm (hexagon
socket) and 2 slot nuts M5 (included in the delivery of the field bus module)
 Tools

5.3 Installation location

Since the bar code scanner communicates with the field bus module via its serial Aux inter-
face (RS-232, 57.6 kBd), the maximum cable length between the two devices should not
exceed 3 m (9.84 ft). Attention must be paid to this when using extension cables with the
standard version or the cable length of the bar code scanner's Ethernet version, various
stages of which can be selected.
Bar code scanner 63x to 65x with heating: see also Chapter 6.4.2, Page 59.

5.4 Installation of the field bus module

The field bus module can be mounted either with the aid of the two domes on the sides or
using the two slots in the housing body (Fig. 5-1, Page 48).

Mounting the cover part no. 2052296 (optional accessory)

The cover is made of clear plastic with a scratch proof surface. Mounted above the 3 rotary
coded switches, the cover defends from manipulation of the switches when the configura-
tion has been done.

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Chapter 5 Installation Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

mm inch
5.3 0.21
5.5 0.22
9 0.35
10.25 0.40
10.5 0.41
12 0.47
20.9 0.82
22.3 0.88
24 0.95
27 1.06
30 1.18
33.75 1.33
43.7 1.72
183.5 7.23
213 8.39
All measures of length in mm
225 8.87

Fig. 5-1: Drill holes for installing the field bus module and the optional protection cover (rotary coded switches)

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Operating Instructions Electrical installation Chapter 6


6 Electrical installation

6.1 Overview of installation sequence

Important Electrical installation must be performed by qualified staff.
The following list provides an overview of a typical installation sequence:
 Connecting the bar code scanner to the field bus module
 Wire up the switching inputs and outputs as necessary
 Connect PROFIBUS bus lines with the field bus module
 Connecting the field bus module to supply voltage
 Connect the shielding earth of the field bus module to the user's system earth via the
bare (unpainted) surfaces of the slot holes.
 Connecting a PC to the bar code scanner for start-up and configuration
Optionally (extended application):
 Connecting further bar code scanners (subnetwork) via CAN bus to the POWER connec-
tion of the field bus module
Once electrical installation has been completed, the field bus module and the bar code
scanner are started up and configured (see Chapter 7, Page 67).

6.2 Electrical installation preparations

Possible radio interference when used in homes!
The CDF600-0100 field bus module meets the requirements for Class A (industrial environ-
ment) as defined by the generic specification 'Emissions'. It may cause radio interference in
homes. In this case, the party suffering the interference can demand that the operator takes
appropriate radio interference suppression measures.
 Use the CDF600-0100 field bus module only in industrial environments.

The following general requirements should be observed for the electrical installation:

6.2.1 Supply voltage

Supply voltage (functional extra-low voltage) in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41.
The voltage depends on the connected bar code scanner without/with heating.
See Table 6-11, Page 58.
Important The field bus module is UL60950-1-certified when marked on the nameplate and a LPS
power supply or a Class 2 power supply is used.

6.2.2 Cables

Application on temperatures 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to +104 °F)

 Power supply cable, e.g. part no. 6025906 (2 m (6.56 ft)) or 6025908 (10 m (32.8 ft)).
If a bar code scanner with heating is connected to the field bus module, the cable
length may not exceed 2 m (6.56 ft). The cable is not included in delivery (see Table 6-1,
Page 53)
 For the Ethernet version of the bar code scanner: connection cable part no. 2042916
(0.9 m (2.95 ft)), part no. 2041834 (2 m (6.56 ft)) or part no. 2042914 (3 m (9.84 ft)),

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Chapter 6 Electrical installation Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

not included in the delivery.

See also the Product Information of the CLV6xx bar code scanners.

Application on temperatures –35 to +40 °C (–31 °F to +104 °F)

Cables on request.
Important The cable length between bar code scanner and field bus module must not exceeded 3 m
(9.84 ft) (serial Aux interface: RS 232, 57.6 kbd).
The following resources are required for electrical installation:
 Tool
 If necessary: digital measurement device (current/voltage measurement)

6.2.3 Conditions for safe operation of the field bus module in an installation
The field bus module is connected to the peripheral devices like bar code scanner, reading
pulse sensors, PLC/Host, power supply etc. by using shielded cables (Fig. 6-1). The shield
of the cables each lies on the metal housing of the field bus module.
The device can be grounded using the unpainted elongated holes or the shield of e.g. the
power supply cable.
If the peripheral devices also have metal housing and if the cable shield also lies on their
housing, it is assumed that all devices involved in installation have the same ground poten-
This is achieved for instance by full filling the following conditions:
 Mounting the devices on conductive metal surfaces
 Correctly grounding the devices/metal surfaces in the system
 A low-impedance and stable current carrying equipotential bonding between areas with
different ground potentials, if necessary.
If these conditions are not met, e.g. on devices in a widely distributed system over several
buildings, potential equalization currents may, due to different ground potentials, flow along
the cable shields between the devices.

Bar code Trigger Power

e.g. PLC CDF600
scanner sensor supply

closed current loop with

equalizing currents via
cable shield.

grounding point 1 U grounding point 2

= metal housing
ground potential difference = shielded electrical cable

Fig. 6-1: Currents in the cable shields due to differences in ground potential

To Fig. 6-1: Due to insufficient ground potential equalization, voltage differences arise be-
tween the grounding points 1 and 2. The current loop closes via the shielded cables and

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Operating Instructions Electrical installation Chapter 6


Risk of injury/risk of damage via electrical current!
Potential equalization currents between the field bus module and the peripheral devices
can have the following effects:
 Dangerous voltages on the metal housing, e.g. of the field bus module
 Incorrect function or irreparable damage to the devices
 Damage/irreparable damage of the cable shield due to heating and cable fires
 Where local conditions are unfavorable and thus do not meet conditions for a safe
earthing method (same ground potential at all grounding points), take measures from
the following explanations.

Remedial measures
The most common solution to prevent potential equalization currents on cable shields is to
ensure low-impedance and stable current carrying equipotential bonding. If this is not pos-
sible the following two solution approaches serve as a suggestion.
Important It is not advisable to open up the cable shields. As doing this means that the EMC limit val-
ues can no longer be complied with and that the safe operation of the device data interfaces
can no longer be guaranteed.

a) Measures for widely distributed system installations

On widely distributed system installations with correspondingly large potential differences,
we recommend setting up local islands and connecting them using commercially available
electro-optical signal converters. This measure achieves a high degree of resistance to elec-
tromagnetic interference while at the same time complying withall the requirements of
EN 60950-1.
Fig. 6-2 shows the function of this measure.

Electro- Electro-
Bar code Trigger
PLC optical optical CDF600
scanner sensor
converter converter

U = metal housing
grounding point 1 grounding point 2 = shielded electrical cable
ground potential difference = fiber optic cable

Fig. 6-2: Use of electro-optical signal converters

To Fig. 6-2: The ground loop is opened by using the electro-optical signal converters be-
tween the islands. Within the local islands, a stable equipotential bonding prevents equal-
izing currents from occurring at the cable shields.

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Chapter 6 Electrical installation Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

b) Measures for small system installations

For smaller installations with small potential differences, the insulated installation of the
field bus module and the peripheral devices can be a sufficient solution.
Fig. 6-3 shows the function of this measure.

Bar code Trigger

e.g. PLC CDF600
scanner sensor

electrically insulated

grounding point 1 U grounding point 2

= metal housing
ground potential difference = shielded electrical cable

Fig. 6-3: Insulated assembly of the field bus module and the peripheral devices (sample)

To Fig. 6-3: Ground loops are, even in the event of large differences in the ground potential,
effectively prevented. Meaning that equalizing currents cannot occur anymore via the cable
shield and the metal housing.
Important The power supply of the field bus module and the connected peripheral devices must also
guarantee the required level of insulation.
Under certain circumstances, a tangible potential can develop between the insulated metal
housings and the local ground potential.

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Operating Instructions Electrical installation Chapter 6


6.3 Electrical connections and cables

e.g. CLV63x bar code scanner alternatively: connection of bar code scanner (Ethernet version) for configuration/diagnosis
(Ethernet version) Ethernet (cable e.g. no. 6034414, 2 m (6.56 ft), 4-pin M12 plug/8-pin RJ-45 plug)
Cable e.g. no. 2041834, 2 m (6.56 ft) Cable e.g. no. 6025906, 2 m (6.56 ft)
(12-pin M12 socket/15-pin D-Sub-HD plug) (5-pin M12 socket/open end)
DC 18 to 30 V
Data (Aux, RS-232) Power supply voltage
Power supply voltage CAN

– or – Cable e.g. no. 6021195,
e.g. CLV62x bar code scanner 2 m (6.56 ft)
(standard version) (4-pin M8 plug/9-pin
D-Sub socket)
cable as above
AUX (RS-232)
Data (RS-232)
Power supply voltage SOPAS-ET:

OUT 1/2

IN 1
IN 2
Cable no. 6025931, 2 m (6.56 ft) diagnosis of
(5-pin M12 plug/socket) proxy-capable
Sensor sensors
e.g. triggering teach-in match code

Cable no. 6025931, 2 m (6.56 ft)

Trigger (5-pin M12 plug/socket)
sensor Trigger IN (reading pulse)
Cable e.g. no. 6026133, 2 m (6.56 ft)
PLC (5-pin M12 plug/open end)
2 x OUT (event indication)

Cable e.g. no. 6021355 (size by meter, open ends) Cable e.g. no. 6021355 (size by meter, open ends)
5-pin M12 plug (no. 6021354) 5-pin M12 socket (no. 6021353)

Fig. 6-4: Block diagram: Connecting the CDF600-0100 field bus module

6.3.1 Assembled cables

Ambient temperatures range 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to 104 °F)

Connection Part no. Length Description

Field bus module to 6025906 2 m (6.56 ft) Power supply cable, with 5-pin M12 socket (straight, A-coded, with secure
power supply fastening) and open end.
6025908 10 m (32.8 ft) As part no. 6025906, but longer. Not usable when a CLV6xx bar code scan-
ner with heating is connected to the field bus module.
6025909 2 m (6.56 ft) Power supply cable, with 5-pin M12 socket (90°-angular, A-coded, with
secure fastening) and open end.
6025911 10 m (32.8 ft) As part no. 6025909, but longer
Reading pulse sensors 6025931 2 m (6.56 ft) Connection cable for digital switching inputs, with 5-pin M12 plug (straight,
(e.g. photo-electric A-coded, with secure fastening) and 5-pin M12 socket (straight, A-coded,
switches) to field bus with secure fastening).
Field bus module to 6026133 2 m (6.56 ft) Connection cable for digital switching outputs, with 5-pin M12 plug
PLC or optical indica- (straight, A-coded, with secure fastening) and open end.
tors 6026135 10 m (32.8 ft) As part no. 6025933, but longer
CAN bus to field bus 6027048 Size by meter UNITRONIC BUS cable for CAN, 2 x 2 x 0,5 mm2
module (extended
Table 6-1: Prefabricated cables for the field bus module for ambient temperatures range 0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to 104 °F)

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Chapter 6 Electrical installation Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

For technical data of the cables see Table 11-3, Page 96

PROFIBUS: for plugs/sockets, termination resistor and bus cable (size by meter) see
Table 11-3, Page 96.

Ambient temperatures range –35 °C to +40 °C (–31 °F to +104 °F)

Cables on request.

6.3.2 Electrical connections at the field bus module

The field bus module connections consist of six M12 circular connectors, one M8 circular
connector and a D-Sub-HD plug connector.

Fig. 6-5: Position of the connections on the field bus module

The following interfaces are routed via the connections:

Connection Design Number of Description SOPAS-ET function for bar code

pins scanner CLV6xx
DEVICE D-Sub-HD 15, plug Bar code scanner:
- serial Aux interface (RS 232)
- supply voltage
IN 2 M12, A-coded 5, socket digtal switching input*) External input 2
IN 1 M12, A-coded 5, socket digtal switching input*) External input 1
OUT 1/2 M12, A-coded 5, socket two digital digtal switching outputs *) External output 1
External output 2
PROFIBUS OUT M12, B-coded 5, plug PROFIBUS output or termination
PROFIBUS IN M12, B-coded 5, plug PROFIBUS input
POWER M12, A-coded 5, plug Input supply voltage DC 18 to 30 V
CAN bus for subnetwork on the bar code CAN bus
AUX M8 4, socket serial Aux interface (RS 232) to the
bar code scanner
*)Function and logic configurable in the connected bar code scanner

Table 6-2: Function of the connections

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Operating Instructions Electrical installation Chapter 6


6.3.3 Pin assignment of the connections

Important The pin assignment of the connections is also shown on the rating plate that extends over
the housing base as far as the long side surface of the field buy module.
If the field bus module is screwed flat onto an underlying surface (panel, wall etc.) by using
the slots, the pin assignment on the rating plate is no longer accessible.

"IN 2" connection (switching input 2 = external input 2 of bar code scanner)

Pin Signal Function

1 V out Power supply OUT
2 n.c. –
3 GND Ground
M12 - A / female 4 Ext IN 2 External input 2
5 n.c. –

Table 6-3: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "IN 2" (A-coded)

"IN 1" connection (switching input 1 = external input 1 of bar code scanner)

Pin Signal Function

1 V out Power supply OUT
2 n.c. –
3 GND Ground
M12 - A / female 4 Ext IN 1 External input 1
5 n.c. –

Table 6-4: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "IN 1" (A-coded)

"OUT 1/2" connection (switching output 1 / 2 = external output 1 /2 of bar code scanner)

Pin Signal Function

1 n.c. –
2 Ext OUT 2 External output 2
3 GND Ground
M12 - A / female 4 Ext OUT 1 External output 1
5 n.c. –

Table 6-5: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "OUT 1/2" (A-coded)

"PROFIBUS OUT" connection

Pin Signal Function

1 VP Power supply (ISO +5 V)
2 A– Receive/transmit data N
3 DGND Data reference potential (ISO GND)
M12 - B / female
4 B+ Receive/transmit data P
5 n.c. –

Table 6-6: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device socket "BUS OUT" (B-coded)

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Chapter 6 Electrical installation Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

"PROFIBUS IN" connection

Pin Signal Function

1 VP Power supply (ISO +5 V)
2 A– Receive/transmit data N
3 DGND Data reference potential (ISO GND)
M12 - B / male
4 B+ Receive/transmit data P
5 n.c. –

Table 6-7: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device plug "BUS IN" (B-coded)

"POWER" connection (power supply)

Pin Signal Function

1 VS in Power supply IN
2 CAN L CAN bus*)
3 0 VS in 0V
M12 - A / male
4 CAN H CAN bus*)
5 n.c. –
*) for CLV6xx bar code scanner

Table 6-8: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 device plug "POWER" (A-coded)

"AUX" connection (serial Aux interface)

Pin Signal Function

1 n.c. –
2 RxD Receiver (field bus module)
M 8 / female 3 GND Data reference potential
4 TxD Transmitter (field bus module)

Table 6-9: Pin assignment of the 4-pin M8 device socket "AUX" (RS 232)

"DEVICE" connection

Pin Signal Function

1 VS out Supply voltage OUT
2 TxD (Aux) Transmitter
3 RxD (Aux) Receiver
4 n.c. –
5 GND Data ground reference potential
6 to 9 n.c. –
10 CAN H CAN bus
11 CAN L CAN bus
12 to 14 n.c. –
15 SensGND Ground

Table 6-10: Pin assignment of the 15-pin D-Sub-HD socket "DEVICE"

56 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Electrical installation Chapter 6


6.4 Performing electrical installation

Important Claims under the warranty rendered void!
Do not open the field bus module’s housing. If the device is opened, the SICK AG warranty
shall not apply.
Important In order to ensure a secure fit of the connected plugs / sockets on the field bus module, the
secure fastenings of the M12 circular connectors used must be tightened and the D-Sub-
HD connector secured using screws.
 Connect or release current linkages only under de-energized conditions.
 Wire cross sections and their correct fuse protection have to be selected and imple-
mented according to valid engineering standards.
 Lay all cables so that there is no possibility of people tripping over them and so that they
are protected against damage.
 Do not switch on the supply voltage for the field bus module until after the connecting
work has been completed and the wiring has been carefully inspected.

Risk of damage due to reduced protection!
When delivered, the electrical connections of the field bus module have yellow protection
caps and plugs (Fig. 6-6).
In order to attain Protection Class IP 65 during operation, the following requirements must
be fulfilled:
 Unused electrical connections must have protection caps / plugs.
 The black rubber cover of the "AUX" connection has to be closed and lie flush against
the device.
 The seal on the D-Sub-HD socket ("DEVICE" connection) must be present.
The same applies to the EMC requirements (ESD) according to CE.

It is not required to close the 2 threads for the optional cover of the 3 rotary coded switches
if the cover is not used
Important The enclosure rating IP 65 is not tested by UL.

Fig. 6-6: Protection caps and plugs of the connections

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Chapter 6 Electrical installation Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

6.4.1 Connecting supply voltage to the field bus module

Voltage supply requirement

Important The field bus module is UL60950-1-certified when marked on the nameplate and a LPS
power supply or a Class 2 power supply is used.
For operation, the field bus module requires on the user side a supply voltage (functional
extra-low voltage in accordance with the standard IEC 60364-4-41. The supply voltage is
also present at the connected bar code scanner at the same time.
Depending on the connected bar code scanner the following supply voltage is required:
 DC 18 to 30 V for CLV6xx bar code scanner without heating
 DC 24 V ± 10 % for CLV6xx bar code scanner with heating
The functional extra-low voltage can be generated by a power supply unit using a safety
Important The output circuit of the power supply unit must be safely electrically isolated from the in-
put circuit. This is usually achieved with a safety transformer in accordance with IEC 742
(VDE0 0551).
The field bus module on its own consumes max. 7 W (no bar code scanner connected,
switching outputs on the field bus module not connected). The additional power consump-
tion of the connected bar code scanner depends on its type:

Bar code scanner Scanning method Power consumption

Bar code scanner without heating
CLV62x Line/raster Max. 4.5 W
CLV63x Line/raster Typical 5 W at DC 24 V 10 %
Line with oscillating mirror Typical 6 W at DC 24 V 10 %
CLV640 Line/Raster Typical 5 W at DC 24 V 10 %
Line with oscillating mirror Typical 6.5 W at DC 24 V 10 %
Bar code scanner with heating
CLV63x to 65x Line/Raster Max. 40 W (2.4 A) at DC 24 V 10 %
Line with oscillating mirror
Table 6-11: Power consumption of the bar code scanner of the product range CLV6xx

Important In order to ensure short circuit / overload protection of the incoming supply cable, the
strand cross sections used must be selected and fused accordingly at the beginning of the
cable. Attention must be paid here to the valid standards.
Assembled cables of various lengths and with a straight or angled connection socket and
an open end are available for connecting the supply voltage. For the strand pin/color assign-
ment, see Table 6-15, Page 64 and Table 6-16, Page 64.

Connecting the supply voltage

1. Ensure that the supply voltage on the user side has been switched off.
2. On the POWER connection of the field bus module, remove the protective cap and place
on and secure the 5-pin M12 line socket (A-coded).
3. If the signals CAN L (pin 2, white wire) and CAN H (pin 4, black wire) are not used,
please insulate the open ends.
Important The supply voltage remains switched off for further installation work!

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Operating Instructions Electrical installation Chapter 6


6.4.2 Connecting the bar code scanner to the field bus module
The communication between the field bus module and the bar code scanner runs via the
serial Aux interface (RS-232) between the field bus module and the bar code scanner. All
states of the local switching inputs and outputs of the field bus module are also transferred
via this data interface.
 Place the 15-pin D-Sub-HD connector of the bar code scanner cable onto the
corresponding socket of the DEVICE connection on the field bus module and lock it in
place with the aid of the two screws.

Connecting the bar codes scanner with heating to the field bus module
The incoming power supply cable (DC 24 V ± 10 %) for the heating of the bar code scanner
must be protected by a fuse of 3 to 4 A in the control cabinet. For each field bus module
combined with a bar code scanner a separate fuse is required.


CLV-Switch Power supply

(DC 24 V) GND DC 24 V

Cable 1
F (3 A)
Cable 2


Cable 1

Bar codes canner

CLV63x to 65x
DC 24 V (red)
CLV-Switch (brown)
GND (black)

Cable 2

0 Vin (blue)

VSin (brown)

Cable 3 (part no. 6025906 or 6025909, each 2 m (6.56 ft)

Fig. 6-7: Wiring the power supply voltage for the field bus module combined with a bar code
scanner CLV63x to 65x with heating in the control cabinet

The power supply voltage of the field bus module is routed via the temperature-dependent
switch of the heating. First only the heating is fed with electricity. After the time of the warm-
up phase (approx. 40 min at –35 °C (–31 °F) and 24 V DC power supply), the switch releas-
es the supply voltage for the field bus module. The module now supplies the electronics of
the bar code scanner.

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Cable lengths
 The power supply cable (cable 3) from the CLV-Switch/power supply unit (GND) to the
field bus module may not exceed 2 m (6.56 ft). The limitation of length ensures that the
required supply voltage for the heating is available on the bar code scanner.
 The power supply cable (cable 2) from the power supply unit to the heating of the bar
code scanner is 2 m (6.56 ft) and may not be extended.

6.4.3 Connecting the field bus module to PROFIBUS

The two connections PROFIBUS IN and PROFIBUS OUT on the field bus module conform to
EN 50 170 (potential-free RS-485 interface) and their structures are identical.
 Remove the protective caps from the connections and connect and secure in place the
incoming cable with a 5-pin M12 socket (B-coded) and the outgoing cable with a 5-pin
M12 plug (B-coded) of the PROFIBUS network.
 If the field bus module is at the end of the network, instead of the outgoing cable con-
nect the terminating resistor part no. 6021156 at the PROFIBUS OUT connection.

Conditions for PROFIBUS

A maximum of 32 devices can be connected to each other in a PROFIBUS bus segment. A
maximum of 126 devices can be connected when several bus segments are connected via
a repeater. The maximum length of a bus segment depends on the data transmission rate
used (Table 6-12).
Recommendation Only use cables suitable for Profibus (preferably type A).

Cable length of segment Data transfer rate

Max. 100 m (328 ft) 12 Mbit/s (without repeater)
Max. 200 m (656.2 ft) 1.5 Mbit/s
Max. 400 m (1,312 ft) 500 kbit/s
Max. 1,000 m (3,280.8 ft) 187.5 kbit/s
Max. 1,200 m (3,936.7 ft) 93.75 kbit/s
Table 6-12: PROFIBUS: Data transfer rate as a function of the cable length of a bus segment

The cable lengths are maximum values recommended by the PNO. In new installations, the
cable lengths for each bus segment should be less than the maximum values specified
above. A repeater can be used to separate two bus segments from each other, which
enables the permitted lengths to be increased easily.
Important Use resistors to terminate the backbone of the network at both ends.
Drop lines do not require a bus terminator.

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6.4.4 Wiring switching inputs at the field bus module

The digital switching inputs IN 1 and IN 2 of the field bus module can be used to e.g. connect
a reading pulse sensor (e.g. light barrier) that triggers the reading process of the bar code
scanner. A sensor with a PNP output is best suited for this.
Depending on the type of bar code scanner connected and its parameterization, the inputs
also serve as
 Reading pulse generator for reading pulse end
 Trigger for the focus position switching (CLV640)
 Trigger for teaching in a match code (Teach-in)
 Triggering of the oscillating mirror (CLV63x and CLV640)
The function assignment and the applied logic of the switching input is configured in the bar
code scanner in SOPAS-ET as EXT. INPUT 1 and EXT. INPUT 2.
For connecting the switching inputs, the assembled cable part no. 6025931 (2 m (6.56 ft)
with a 5-pin M12 plug and a 5-pin M12-socket is available in each case. It is used to directly
connect e.g. corresponding SICK sensors (e.g. light barriers).
Fig. 6-8 shows as an example the wiring of the input IN 1 Table 6-13 contains the ratings for
the input IN 1 and the input IN 2.

Fig. 6-8: Example wiring of the switching input IN 1 at the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded)

 On the connection IN 1 or IN 2 of the field bus module, remove the protective plug,
place the 5-pin M12 cable plug (A-coded) into position and lock it in place. Connect the
opposite side of the cable to the corresponding plug of the sensor (e.g. light barrier).

Switching Power fed to the input starts the assigned function in the bar code scanner.
behaviour (Default setting: level: active high; debouncing: 10 ms)
Features – Opto-decoupled, reverse polarity protected
– Can be wired with the PNP output of a sensor
– GND of IN 1 connection connected to GND of IN 2 connection
Electrical values Low: |Vin| 2 V; |Iin|  0.3 mA
High: 6 V|Vin|32 V; 0.7 mA  |Iin|  5 mA
LED IN 2, LED IN 1 Low: off
(yellow) High: on
Table 6-13: Ratings for the IN 1 and IN 2 switching inputs

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6.4.5 Wiring switching outputs at the field bus module

The two digital switching outputs OUT 1 and OUT 2 are jointly available at the OUT 1/2 con-
nection of the field bus module. They can each be assigned various functions independently
of each other. If the assigned result occurs in the reading process, the corresponding
switching output at the end of the reading pulse is live for the selected impulse duration
(exception: static signalling of Device Ready).
The function assignment and the applied logic of the switching outputs is configured in the
bar code scanner in SOPAS-ET as EXT. OUTPUT 1 and EXT. OUTPUT 2 configured.
Important The "Result" LED of the bar code scanner is not connected to any switching output.
The assembled cable is available for the common wiring of the switching outputs
part no. 6025931 with a 5-pin M12 plug and a 5-pin M12 socket.
Fig. 6-9 shows as an example the wiring of the output OUT 1, Table 6-14 contains the
ratings for the output OUT 1 and the output OUT 2.

Fig. 6-9: Example wiring of the switching output OUT 1 at the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded)

Switching PNP switching against the supply voltage VS, high-side switch
Features – Short-circuit proof + temperature-protected
– Galvanically not separated from VS
Electrical values 0  Vout  VS
Guaranteed:VS – 1.5 V) Vout VS at Iout  100 mA
LED OUT 1/2 Low: off
OUT 1: green High: on
OUT 2: yellow
Table 6-14: Ratings for the OUT 1 and OUT 2 switching outputs

Important Capacitance loads at the switching output affect the switching behaviour. Threshold is a
max. capacitance of 100 nF. Exceeding this value can lead to unwanted pulsing behaviour
of the output.
1. Connect switching output depending on application.
To do this, on the connection OUT 1/2 of the field bus module, remove the protective
plug, place the 5-pin M12 cable plug (A-coded) into position and lock it in place.
2. Wire the switching output with a load resistance to test the switching functions using a
high-resistance digital voltmeter.
Indication of incorrect voltages/switching statuses is avoided this way.

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6.4.6 Connecting the PC to the field bus module

For configuration / diagnosis of the bar code scanner with the configuration software
SOPAS-ET the PC is connected to the serial Aux interface (RS-232) of the bar code scanner
via the AUX connection of the field bus module. The cable length between the field bus mod-
ule and the PC should not exceed 3 m (9.84 ft).
Alternatively for the Ethernet version of bar code scanner: Connect the bar code scanner
with the Ethernet cable e.g. part no. 6034414 to the Ethernet to which the PC is also con-
1. Switch off the PC and supply voltage for the field bus module (bar code scanner).
2. Connect the PC to the field bus module.
To do this, open the rubber cover of the AUX connection on the field bus module and
connect the RS-232 data line (zero modem line) part no. 6021195 to the 4-pin M8
socket. On the other side of the cable, connect the 9-pin D-Sub socket to the PC at the
COM port.
3. Switch on the PC and supply voltage for the field bus module (bar code scanner).
See also Chapter 7 Startup and Configuration, Page 67.

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6.5 Pin assignment and wire color assignment of the

assembled cables
6.5.1 Cable part no. 6025906/6025908 (supply voltage)

M12 - A / female

Pin Signal Function Wire color

1 VS in Supply voltage IN brown
2 CAN L CAN bus white
3 0 VS in 0V blue
4 CAN H CAN bus black
5 n.c. – grey

Table 6-15: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded, straight) and wire colors at the open

6.5.2 Cable part no. 6025909/6025911 (supply voltage)

M12 - A / female

Pin Signal Function Wire color

1 VS in Supply voltage IN brown
2 CAN L CAN bus white
3 0 VS in 0V blue
4 CAN H CAN bus black
5 n.c. – grey

Table 6-16: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 socket (A-coded, 90° angular) and wire colors at the
open end

6.5.3 Cable part no. 6026133/6026135 (switching outputs)

M12 - B / male

Pin Signal Function Wire color

1 n.c. – brown
2 Ext OUT 2 External output 2 white
3 GND Ground blue
4 Ext OUT 1 External output 1 black
5 n.c. – green/yellow

Table 6-17: Pin assignment of the 5-pin M12 plug (A-coded, straight) and wire colors at the open

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6.5.4 Cable part no. 6021195/2027649 (RS-232: CDF600 to PC)

5 1
2 4

1 3
9 6

Pin Signal Wire color Signal Pin

4 TxD black RxD 2
2 RxD white TxD 3
3 GND blue GND 5
1 – brown –

Table 6-18: Pin assignment of the 4-pin M8 plug and the 9-pin D-Sub plug

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7 Startup and Configuration

Start-up and configuration of the field bus module and of the connected bar code scanner
are performed with rotary coding switches on the field bus module and with the
configuration software SOPAS-ET in the bar code scanner. The field bus module and the bar
code scanner normally operate fully automatically and require no manual operation.

7.1 Overview of the startup procedure

1. Set the operating mode and the bus address on the field bus module.
2. Install the configuration software SOPAS-ET on the PC.
3. Connect the PC with the configuration software SOPAS-ET to the field bus module.
4. Switch on the supply voltage for the field bus module and the PC.
5. Adjust the functions of the bar code scanner to the application with respect to
PROFIBUS incorporation (communication mode, digital I/O) and the reading situation.
6. Perform a test of the system consisting of the bar code scanner / field bus module /
field bus master to ensure that they function correctly in operation.

7.2 Configuring the field bus module

Prerequisite The supply voltage for the field bus is switched off.
A change to the operating mode / bus address is not accepted until after a restart of the
field bus module and the bar code scanner (switching on the supply voltage).
1. Set the operating mode at the "Mode" rotary coding switch for the bar code scanner:
Position 0 (address range 0 ... 99) or position 1 (address range 1 ... 125)
2. Set the 10s digit and the 1s digit of the bus address at the two "Address" rotary coding
Important A unique bus address must be selected, i.e. it may occur only once in the PROFIBUS
3. Switch the supply voltage to the field bus module back on.
Following initialization and the commencement of communication with the bar code
scanner, after booting the field bus module indicates its readiness for operation via the
continuous illumination of the green POWER LED.

7.3 Configuring the bar code scanner

7.3.1 Establish communication with the bar code scanner
1. Install and start the configuration software SOPAS-ET as per the operating instructions
for the bar code scanner, Chapter 7.2 Configuration software SOPAS-ET.
2. If you have not yet done so, connect the PC (COM port) as follows:
– Standard version of the bar code scanner:
Connect the PC to the RS-232 data line part no. 6021931 at the AUX connection of
the field bus module.
– Ethernet version of bar code scanner:
Alternatively, connect the bar code scanner with the Ethernet cable e.g. part no.
6034414 to the Ethernet to which the PC is also connected.
3. Initiate communication with the bar code scanner as per the operating instructions of
the bar code scanner, Chapter 7.3 Establish communication with the bar code scanner
(Configuring serial connection respectively Configuring the Ethernet connection).

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4. SOPAS-ET loads the current parameter set from the bar code scanner and displays the
parameter values in the register cards.

7.3.2 Log onto the bar code scanner in order to configure the device
1. Log onto the device in order to change the parameter values in the bar code scanner.
To do this, select the command LOGIN DEVICE in the menu bar under TOOLS.
2. In the dialog window under USER LEVEL in the list box select the entry AUTHORIZED CLIENT.
If the parameter set is password-protected, enter the password "client" in PASSWORD.
3. Click on OK to confirm the dialog window.
The previously greyed out parameters on the register tabs are now accessible.
4. After setting the parameters, finally save the parameter set in the bar code scanner

7.3.3 Configure Communication mode and use of the digital I/O

Important If the communication mode is changed, it is not accepted in the field bus module until after
a restart of the field bus module and of the bar code scanner (switching on the supply
The various communication modes, their properties and their respective purpose are de-
scribed in Chapter 4.6.2 Communication modi, Page 29.
1. In the device tree of the bar code scanner, double click on PROFIBUS/DEVICENET.
The register card PROFIBUS/DEVICENET opens.
2. To select the communication mode and the associated configuration of further
parameters, proceed as described in the following sections.

a) CDF600 mode with handshake

Important The CDF600 mode without handshake is used only for test purposes for data transfer in the

Fig. 7-1: SOPAS-ET: PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group on the PROFIBUS/DEVICENET register tab

already preset as the COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL in the basis setting.
2. Under PROTOCOL/OUTPUT FORMAT in the list box, select either OUTPUT FORMAT 1 or OUTPUT
3. Parameterize the content of the selected output format on the register card OUTPUT FOR-
MAT (entry OUTPUT FORMAT in the device tree).
See Chapter 7.3.4 Set up output format, Page 77.

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Use in the digital I/O

In CDF600 mode, up to 16 function bits are available in each case in the Control Word Out
(Table 4-12, Page 44) and Control Word In (Table 4-11, Page 43) modules from / to the
field bus master. The data directions "Out"/"In" refer here to the field bus master (Out = field
bus master transmitting, In = field bus master receiving).

Object trigger (Control Word Out: function bit D0)

1. In the device tree of the bar code scanner, double click on OBJECT TRIGGER CONTROL.
The register card OBJECT TRIGGER CONTROL opens.
2. In the START/STOP OBJECT TRIGGER group for START, select the option
FIELD BUS INPUT in the list box.


Teach-In match code 1 or 2 (Control Word Out: function bit D2 or D3)

1. In the device tree of the bar code scanner, double click on MATCH CODE TEACH-IN.
The register card MATCH CODE TEACH-IN opens.
2. In the MATCHCODE TEACH-IN 1 (STANDARD) group, select the FIELD BUS INPUT option in the


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3. Proceed in the same way for the Teach-In Match Code 2.

Focus position switching (CLV640 only), Control Word Out: Function bits D15 ... D12
1. In the device tree of the bar code scanner, double click on FOCUS CONTROL.
The register card FOCUS CONTROL opens.
2. In the OPTIONS group, select the DYNAMIC FOCUS option in the list box FOCUS CONTROL MODE.

Fig. 7-4: SOPAS-ET: OPTIONS group on the FOCUS CONTROL register tab

3. Click on the MORE... button.

The register card DYNAMIC PARAMETER SWITCHING opens.
4. In the GENERAL SETTINGS group, select the FIELD BUS option in the list box DYN. CON. MODE.


5. To control the focus position switching, the index 0 ... 7 is formed in the ASSIGNMENTS
TABLE group by combining the binary values of the three function bits D14 ... D12
(Table 7-1, Page 71). The bit D15 is not used and must be set to 0.
6. In the individual list boxes, a focus position defined in accordance with Fig. 7-4 can in
turn be assigned to every index.

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Bit D15 Bit D14 Bit D13 Bit D12 Index

0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 1 3
0 1 0 0 4
0 1 0 1 5
0 1 1 0 6
0 1 1 1 7

Table 7-1: CDF600 mode: Binary operation of the function bits D15 ...D12 with the index

Status assignment of the external outputs (Ext. output 1 and 2), Control Word Out:
Function bit D4 or D5
1. In the device tree of the bar code scanner, double click on DIGITAL OUTPUTS.
The register card DIGITAL OUTPUTS opens.
2. In the EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group, select the FIELD BUS INPUT option in the list box OUTPUT 1

Fig. 7-6: SOPAS-ET: EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group on the DIGITAL OUTPUTS register tab

3. Proceed in the same way with Output 2 in the EXTERNAL OUTPUT 2 group.

Important Control Word In (to the field bus master)

The bit functions D0 ... D15 of the output module for the CDF600 are permanently assigned
and always active (Table 4-11, Page 43). The levels cannot be changed.

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b) CMF400 mode with handshake

Important The CMF400 mode without handshake is used only for test purposes for data transfer in

Fig. 7-7: SOPAS-ET: PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group on the PROFIBUS/DEVICENET register tab,
with CMF400 mode

1. In the PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group, select the CMF400 MODE WITH HANDSHAKE option
in the list box under COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL.
2. Under PROTOCOL/OUTPUT FORMAT in the list box, select either OUTPUT FORMAT 1 or OUTPUT
3. Parameterize the selected output format on the register card OUTPUT FORMAT (entry OUT-
PUT FORMAT in the device tree).
See Chapter 7.3.4 Set up output format, Page 77.

Use in the digital I/O

In CMF400 mode, 2 function bits are available in the bytes Binary Outputs (Table 4-14,
Page 46) and Binary Inputs (Table 4-13, Page 45) from / to the field bus master. Their
functions for triggering or status output can be optionally assigned in the bar code scanner
as described below.
Here, the data directions "Output"/"Input" refer to the field bus master.
(Output = field bus master transmitting, Input = field bus master receiving).

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Object trigger (Binary Outputs: Output Bit 0 or Bit 1)

1. Under USAGE OUTPUT BIT 0, select the OBJECT TRIGGER option in the list box.
2. Alternatively, the object trigger can also be selected under USAGE OUTPUT BIT 1.

Fig. 7-8: SOPAS-ET: PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group on the PROFIBUS/DEVICENET register tab,
with CMF400 mode and USAGE OUTPUT BIT 0 for object triggering

3. Change to the register card OBJECT TRIGGER CONTROL.

4. In the START/STOP OBJECT TRIGGER group for START, select the option FIELD BUS INPUT in the
list box.


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Focus position switching (CLV640 only), Binary Outputs: Output Bit 0 or Bit 1)
By using both Output Bits O and 1, it is alternatively possible to switch between a maximum
of 4 focus positions (distance configurations) (Table 7-2, Page 75). If only one bit is used, it
is possible to switch between 2 focus positions.
Proceed as follows to set up 4-stage switching:
0 or DISTANCE CONFIGURATION BIT 1 option in the list box in each case.

Fig. 7-10: SOPAS-ET: PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group on the PROFIBUS/DEVICENET register tab,
with CMF400 mode and USAGE OUTPUT BIT 0 for focus point switching

2. Change to the register card FOCUS CONTROL.

3. In the OPTIONS group, select the DYNAMIC FOCUS option in the list box FOCUS CONTROL MODE.
4. Enter the 4 desired focus positions in the table.

Fig. 7-11: SOPAS-ET: OPTIONS group on the FOCUS CONTROL register tab

5. Click on the MORE... button.

The register card DYNAMIC PARAMETER SWITCHING opens.
6. In the GENERAL SETTINGS group, select the FIELD BUS option in the list box DYN. CON. MODE.

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7. For controlling the focus position switching, the index 0 ... 3 is formed in the
ASSIGNMENTS TABLE group by combining the binary values of the two function bits Bit 0
and Bit 1:

Output Bit 1 Output Bit 0 Index

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1 3

Table 7-2: CMF400 mode: Binary operation of the function bit Output Bit 0 and Output Bit 1 with
the index

8. In the individual list boxes, a focus position defined in accordance with Fig. 7-12 can in
turn be assigned to every index.

Status output to the field bus master

The two function bits Input Bit 0 and Input Bit 1 each serve to output a status. The status of
a switching input and output, of the reading result or readiness for operation can be
selected for transfer to the field bus master.
 Under USAGE INPUT BIT 0 and / or USAGE INPUT BIT 1, select the desired option in each
case in the list field.

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Fig. 7-13: SOPAS-ET: PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group on the PROFIBUS/DEVICENET register tab, mit
USAGE INPUT BIT 0 for outputting GOOD READ

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c) BMV-compatible mode
Important The BMV-compatible mode allows no use of digital I/O.

Fig. 7-14: SOPAS-ET: PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group on the PROFIBUS/DEVICENET register tab,
BMV-compatible mode

1. In the PROFIBUS PROXY CDF600 group, select the OPERATING MODE BMV10 option in the
2. Under PROTOCOL/OUTPUT FORMAT in the list box, select either OUTPUT FORMAT 1 or OUTPUT
3. Parameterize the content of the selected output format on the register card OUTPUT FOR-
MAT (entry OUTPUT FORMAT in the device tree).
See the following chapter.

7.3.4 Set up output format

Fig. 7-15: SOPAS-ET: Example: OUTPUT FORMAT # 1 on the OUTPUT FORMAT register tab

Framing with STX and ETX is not necessary for outputting the format to the field bus module.
Explanations for setting up the output format can be found in the Online Help of SOPAS-ET
(Button F1).

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7.3.5 Configuring switching inputs and outputs of the field bus module in the bar code
Irrespective of the data transfer on the field bus, the local switching inputs and outputs of
the field bus module can be assigned to the bar code scanner in order to realize functions
(triggering and status output) that are themselves not available due to the lack of electrical
access to the switching inputs and outputs of the bar code scanner.

CLV6xx bar code scanner


External input 1 = input IN 1

External input 2 = input IN 2
External output 1 = output OUT 1
External output 2 = output OUT 2

OUT 1/2
IN 1
IN 2
pulse IN 2
DC 18 to 30 V
sensor Trigger IN (reading pulse)

IN 1

e.g. trigger teach-in matchcode

Optical indicator
e.g. Good Read
e.g. No Read

Fig. 7-16: Assignment of the switching inputs and outputs of the field bus module in the bar code

Example: Object trigger at Input IN 2

1. Change to the register card OBJECT TRIGGER CONTROL.
the list box.
2. Define other properties on the DIGITAL INPUTS register card.


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Example: Status output at Output OUT 1

1. Change to the register card DIGITAL OUTPUTS.
2. In the EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group, select the GOOD READ option in the list box OUTPUT 1.

Fig. 7-18: SOPAS-ET: EXTERNAL OUTPUT 1 group on the DIGITAL OUTPUTS register tab

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7.4 Memory concept for parameter set of the bar code scanner
The bar code scanner also automatically saves its application-specific parameter set for
permanent storage with the configuration software SOPAS-ET in the permanent parameter
memory of the field bus module CDF600 (in the same way as for using an external
parameter memory module CMC600). If there is also an optional Micro SD memory card in
the bar code scanner (CLV63x/640) with deactivated write protection, the bar code scanner
also copies its parameter set permanently to the memory card.

Fig. 7-19: Configuration with SOPAS-ET and storage of the parameter set in the bar code scanner and field bus module

Every time the field bus module is restarted (supply voltage switched on), the connected bar
code scanner proceeds as follows with respect to the parameter set:
1. First, the bar code scanner loads the parameter set from its internal flash memory to
its working memory (RAM).
2. It then loads the parameter set from the flash memory of its memory card (if present)
to its RAM and in so doing overwrites overlapping parameters in the RAM.
3. Finally, it loads the parameter set from the flash memory of the field bus module to its
RAM and in so doing again overwrites overlapping parameters in the RAM.
This procedure ensures that all parameters in the individual parameter sets are acquired
and that their valued are loaded if the parameter sets are not congruent (corresponding),
i.e. contain more or fewer parameters.
By saving the application-specific parameter set in the field bus module, a defective bar
code scanner can be replaced with a device of the same type without configuration data be-
ing lost (see also Chapter 8.3.2 Replacing the field bus module, Page 84).

80 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Startup and Configuration Chapter 7


7.5 Default settings (delivery status)

Parameter Value
Operating mode ("Mode" switch: position 0) Operation with SOPAS-ET-capable
Bus address ("Mode/Address" switch: position 0, 0 and 3) 3

Table 7-3: Default setting of the field bus module

Parameter Value
PROFIBUS/DEVICENET: Communication mode CDF600 mode with handshake
PROFIBUS/DEVICENET: Protocol/output format no output
Table 7-4: Default setting of the CLV6xx bar code scanner regarding the integration to the

7.6 Switching off the field bus module and the bar code
1. If the parameter set in the bar code scanner in SOPAS-ET has been changed and saved
only temporarily, permanently save the parameter set in the bar code scanner with the
2. Save and close current project on the PC using a significant file name.
3. SOPAS-ET end with the menu command PROJECTS > EXIT.
4. Switch the supply voltage to the field bus module off.
5. The last set of parameters permanently saved in the bar code scanner remains valid.
Explicitly, no data is to be saved in the field bus module. When data is permanently
saved in the bar code scanner, the field bus module automatically saves a copy of the
bar code scanner's configuration data in its permanent parameter memory. The bar
code scanner uses this as the basis for its initialization the next time it is switched on.

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 81
Chapter 7 Startup and Configuration Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP


82 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Maintenance Chapter 8


8 Maintenance

8.1 Maintenance during operation

The field bus module functions maintenance free.
Important Claims under the warranty rendered void!
Do not open the field bus module’s housing. If the device is opened, the SICK AG warranty
shall not apply.
Flashing of the POWER LED is the method by which the field bus module indicates device
and function errors. It also communicates the errors to the field bus master (see Chapter 9
Troubleshooting, Page 85).

8.2 Cleaning the field bus module

Recommendation In order to keep the LEDs legible, the housing of the module should be cleaned regularly if
subjected to a lot of dirt in rough operating environments (dust, abrasion, moisture etc.).

8.2.1 Cleaning the housing

Risk of damage to the field bus module!
The field bus module provides IP 65 enclosure rating (not used connections protected with
cover cups) and is only protected against the ingress of liquids in that respect.
 Do not immerse the device in liquids.

Damage to the rating plate!
The film of the adhesive rating plate is polyester with printed-on lettering.
Extended high-pressure rubbing on the rating plate, e.g. with a cloth impregnated with
solvent, can dissolve the print.
 Use a non-fluffy cloth or a brush to remove dust from the housing.
 If necessary, moisten the cloth with a mild cleaning agent without added powder, e.g.
a plastics cleaner.
 Do not use any aggressive chemicals (e.g. acetone).
 Avoid cleaning motions on the type plate which could cause scratches or abrasion.

8.3 Replacing a field bus module

A incorrect of damaged field bus module have to be removed and replaced with either a new
or repaired field bus module.

Risk of damage to the field bus module!
Repairs to the field bus module should only be carried out by qualified and authorized
SICK AG service staff.

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 83
Chapter 8 Maintenance Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

8.3.1 Removing the field bus module

1. Switch the supply voltage to the field bus module off.
2. Note the switching positions of the three rotary coded switches.
3. Disconnect all connection cables on the field bus module.
4. Remove the field bus module from the mounting underground.

8.3.2 Replacing the field bus module

1. Install the new or repaired field bus module.
2. Reconnect connection cables to the field bus module and lock them.
3. Set the three rotary coded switches as noted.
4. Switch the supply voltage to the field bus module back on.
The field bus module initializes itself and establishes communication with the
connected bar code scanner.
5. The bar code scanner checks whether the field bus module contains a parameter set
valid for it (parameter set originates from the same type of device).
6. The next steps depend on the memory content of the field bus module:
– If the field bus module does not contain a parameter set, the bar code scanner
sends its parameter set to the field bus module, where it is permanently stored.
The content of the permanent parameter memory in the bar code scanner and the
content of the permanent parameter memory in the field bus module now
correspond. The bar code scanner now loads the parameter set from the field bus
module and again saves it in its permanent parameter memory.

Loss of configuration data in the connected bar code scanner!
If the field bus module already contains a parameter set that is valid for the bar code scan-
ner type, the existing parameter set in the bar code scanner is automatically permanently
overwritten. If the new valid parameter set does not then correspond with the existing pa-
rameter set, the existing parameter set must be transferred again from the PC to the bar
code scanner with the configuration software SOPAS-ET. If the existing parameter set of the
bar code scanner is not saved on the PC as a configuration file (project), a manual reconfig-
uration of the bar code scanner is required.

– If the field bus module contains a valid parameter set, the bar code scanner loads
this parameter set to its working memory (RAM) as the working basis and also saves
it in its permanent parameter memory. The exact procedure is described in
Chapter 7.4 Memory concept for parameter set of the bar code scanner, Page 80.
– If the parameter set is not valid for the bar code scanner (parameter set originates
from another type of device), the bar code scanner does not accept this parameter
set but instead starts with the parameter set from its permanent parameter memo-
ry. A synchronization of the parameter set in the field bus module with the one in the
bar code scanner must then be performed by another permanent saving operation
in the bar code scanner.
See also Chapter 7 Startup and Configuration, Page 67.

84 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Troubleshooting Chapter 9


9 Troubleshooting

9.1 Overview of errors and malfunctions which could occur

9.1.1 Electrical installation error

 Connection of the field bus module connected incorrectly (locking of connectors insuf-
 Digital switching inputs and outputs of the field bus module wired incorrectly

9.1.2 Configuration error

 Field bus module: Operating mode (rotary coding switch S 1) selected that does not
match the connected device.
 Field bus module: wrong bus address selected
 Field bus master: Invalid configuration modules for the set communication mode from
GSD file accepted or mixed up
 Bar code scanner: Output format not assigned for output to the field bus module

9.1.3 Malfunctions during operation

 Device error (hardware/software)

9.2 Monitoring errors and malfunctions

The field bus module supports the PROFIBUS standard diagnosis (6 bytes). An application-
specific diagnosis is not triggered. In CDF600 mode, the status byte allows the field bus
master to recognize fault states and to react to them.
The POWER LED also signals errors by flashing. See Chapter 4.5.2 LEDs on the field bus
module’s housing, Page 27.

9.3 Troubleshooting

Malfunction Possible cause Check Remedy/measures

1. After connection of the bar 1.1 Field bus module without 1.1 Check the supply voltage. 1.1 Connect the supply volt-
code scanner to the field supply voltage Check the polarity. Does age correctly to the
bus module: the POWER LED light up POWER connection
The "Device ready" LED on the field bus module?
does not light up (bar code 1.2 Bar code scanner without 1.2 Check whether the con- 1.2 Pull the plug, reconnect
scanner not ready to oper- supply voltage nection DEVICE is firm. the plug and lock it
ate) When using the Ethernet
version of bar code scan-
ner: Check the cable con-
nection on the scanner.
2. Signals of the connected 2.1 Sensors connected incor- 2.1 Check the wiring of the 2.1 Connect the sensors in
sensors on the field bus rectly sensors at the switching accordance with the con-
module (reading pulse, inputs nection diagram of the
read distance changeover) field bus module
remain without effect 2.2 Bar code scanner not 2.2 Check the assigned func- 2.2 Parameterize the external
parameterized correctly tions for the external inputs correctly in the bar
inputs 1 und 2 in the bar code scanner using
code scanner SOPAS-ET
Table 9-1: Troubleshooting table (bar code scanner connected to field bus module)

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Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Malfunction Possible cause Check Remedy/measures

3. The switching outputs of 3.1 Switching outputs wired 3.1 Check the wiring of the 3.1 Connect the outputs in
the field bus module do incorrectly outputs accordance with the con-
not switch although func- nection diagram of the
tions have been assigned field bus module
3.2 Functions not parameter- 3.2 Check the assigned func- 3.2 Parameterize the external
ized correctly in the bar tions for the external out- switching outputs correctly
code scanner or the puts 1 und 2 in the bar in the bar code scanner
assigned events do not code scanner using SOPAS-ET
appear in the reading pro-
4. Data transmission on the 4.1 Bus cable connected 4.1 Does the STA LED above 4.1 If not, reconnect the cable
PROFIBUS does not func- incorrectly the PROFIBUS IN connec-
tion tion on the field bus mod-
ule light?
4.2 No terminating resistor 4.2 Check the termination at 4.2 Connect the terminating
installed at the field bus both ends of the electrical resistor at the PROFIBUS
module if the module is segment OUT connection and re-
located at the end of an start the field bus module
electrical segment
4.3 Address of the field bus 4.3 Check the address of the 4.3 Use the rotary coded
module incorrect field bus module switches to set the
address of the field bus
module correctly
4.4 Incorrect GSD file installed 4.4 Check the settings in the 4.4 Install the correct GSD file.
in the field bus master field bus master If necessary, install a new
GSD file from SICK.
5. The data does not arrive 5.1 Address assigned incor- 5.1 Check the address assign- 5.1 Reconfigure the address
at the right output of the rectly in the field bus mas- ment in the field bus mas- assignment in the
field bus master ter ter field bus master
6. The record in the field bus 6.1 No data acknowledge- 6.1 Check the function block 6.1 Implement the evaluation
master is not updated ment from the application in the field bus master and operation of the con-
program trol bytes
Table 9-1: Troubleshooting table (bar code scanner connected to field bus module) (contd.)

9.4 SICK Support

If an error cannot be eliminated using the above measures, it is possible that the field bus
module is defective. The field bus module cannot be repaired by the user, meaning that it
is not possible to re-establish functions after a failure. However, the field bus module can
be rapidly replaced by the user. See Chapter 8.3 Replacing a field bus module, Page 83.
If an error occurs which cannot be eliminated, please contact SICK Service:
 International: Competent SICK branch office or SICK subsidiary
– For telephone numbers and e-mail addresses please see the back page of these op-
erating instructions
– For the postal address please visit www.sick.com.
 Only return devices after consultation with the SICK Service.

Risk of damage to the field bus module!
Repairs to the field bus module should only be carried out by qualified and authorized
SICK AG service staff.

86 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Technical Data Chapter 10


10 Technical Data

10.1 Data sheet CDF600-0100 field bus module

Type CDF600-0100 for PROFIBUS-DP

Function PROFIBUS-DP Proxy
Supported identification sensors CLV6xx bar code scanner, from firmware version V 2.5
PROFIBUS data interface RS 485 according to EN 50170 (Issue V2), electrically isolated from the power supply
Station type Slave
Number of receive buffers Max. 5 for data from the bar code scanner to the field bus master
Number of transmit buffers Max. 5 for data from the field bus master to the bar code scanner
Data transfer rate 9.6 kbit/s to 12 Mbit/s (automatic detection), from firmware version V 1.10
Telegram length 8 to 240 Byte, with blocking max. 4,000 Bytes
Digital switching inputs1) 2 x, opto-decoupled, Vin = max. 32 V, reverse polarity protected, can be wired with PNP out-
put of a sensor (e.g. photo-electric switch)
Digital switching outputs1) 2 x, PNP, Iout = max. 100 mA, short-circuit proof, temperature-protected, electrically not iso-
lated from the power supply
AUX data interface Serial auxiliary interface (RS 232), for data communication with the bar code scanner
Data transfer rate 57.6 kbd
Data format 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
CAN data interface Connection of the bar code scanner via the field bus module as participant to the CAN bus.
10 kbit/s to 1 Mbit/s, CANopen protocol, CAN-SENSOR-Network
Optical indicators 7 x LED for status indication (OUT1/2 with 2 LEDs)
Configuration field bus module  3 rotary codes switches: 1 x mode/address: hex coded, 2 x address: decimal coded
 With SOPAS-ET configuration software via connected bar code scanner: communication
mode and functions of the switching inputs/outputs
 When logging onto the PROFIBUS master with modules in the GSD file
Parameter memory (Cloning) For saving the parameters of the connected bar code scanner
Electrical connections 1 x 15-pin D-Sub-HD plug with seal (DEVICE)
3 x 5-pin M12 socket, A-coded (IN 1, IN 2, OUT 1/2)
1 x 5-pin M12 socket, B-coded (PROFIBUS OUT)
1 x 5-pin M12 plug, B-coded (PROFIBUS IN)
1 x 5-pin M12 plug, A-coded (POWER)
1 x 4-pin M8 socket and rubber cover (AUX)
Supply voltage IN  DC 18 to 30 V, SELV respectively PELV according to IEC 60364-4-41 (2005), reverse polar-
ity protected.
 DC 24 V 10 % when a bar code scanner CLV63x to 65x with heating is connected.
Power supply cable max. 2 m (6.56 ft), see also Chapter 6.4.2, Page 59
The field bus module is UL60950-1-certified2) when a LPS power supply or a Class 2 power
supply is used.
Supply voltage OUT As supply voltage IN, max. 1,0 A
Power consumption Max. 7 W (bar code scanner not connected, digital switching inputs/outputs not connected)
Current consumption Max. 1,0 A2)
Housing DIe-cast aluminium
Conformity CE, UL3)
1) Function definition in the connected sensor (bar code scanner).
2) Depends on the connected scanner type of the CLV6xx family
3) Valid with corresponding product marking on the nameplate.

Table 10-1: Technical specifications of the CDF600-0100

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 87
Chapter 10 Technical Data Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Type CDF600-0100 for PROFIBUS-DP

Electrical safety According to EN 60950-1 (2006-04) and EN 60950-1/A11 (2009-03)4)
Enclosure rating III, according to EN 61140 (2002-03)
Protection class IP 655)6), according to EN 60529 (1991-10); A1 (2002-02)
EMV tested Emission (industry): according to EN 61000-6-4 (2007-01),
immunity (industry): according to EN 61000-6-2 (2005-08)
Vibration /shock test According to EN 60068-2-6 (2008-02)/ to EN 60068-2-27 (2009-05)
Weight Approx. 590 g (20.8 oz.)
Dimensions (L x W x H) 225 mm x 76.5 mm x 47 mm (8.87 in x 3.01 in x 1.85), without any used connections
(see also Fig. 10-1, Page 89)
Mounting 2 x domes and 2 x elongated holes (5.5 mm x 30 mm (0.22 in x 1.18 in)), each with counter-
bore for pan head screw M5
Ambient operation/storage tempera- –35 C7) to +40 C/–35 C to +70 C (–31 F7) to +104 F/–31 F to +158 F)
Max. rel. humidity 90%, non condensing
Color Light blue (according to RAL 5012)
4) See also Chapter 6.2.3 Conditions for safe operation of the field bus module in an installation, Page 50
5) Condition: 15-pol. D-Sub-HD connector of the sensor (bar code scanner) connected (rubber seal in place), unused M12 circular connectors with screwed-in plugs or
protective caps and rubber lip for Aux interface fitted flush against the housing.
6) The enclosure rating IP 65 is not tested by UL.
7) Ambient temperatures 0 °C to –35 °C (+32 °F to –31 °F) under the following conditions:
–Manufacturing date from 11-18 (year-week) according to nameplate, marked by the symbol
–Operation only in rest status (without any mounting, electrical installation or configuration works on the module). The cables have to be fixed.
–Using of pre-configured SICK standard cables to connect the module
–All electrical workings as well as configuration settings on the module (rotary coded switches) have only to be carried out at ambient temperatures from 0 °C to +40 °C
(+32°F to +104 °F).
–IP 65: the black rubber cover of the "AUX" connection has to be closed, the cables have to be secured on the module, unused electrical connections must have protection

Table 10-1: Technical specifications of the CDF600-0100 (contd.)

88 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Technical Data Chapter 10


10.2 CDF600-0100 Dimensional drawing

mm inch
5.3 0.21
5.5 0.22
9 0.35
10.25 0.40
10.5 0.41
11.75 0.46
12 0.47
13 0.51
20 0.79
20.9 0.82
22.3 0.88
23.8 0.94
24 0.95
25.7 1.01
27 1.06
30 1.18
33.75 1.33
36.3 1.43
40.5 1.60
43.7 1.72
44.5 1.75
47.1 1.86
76.4 3.01
183.5 7.23
202.5 7.98
213 8.39
225 8.87

All measures of length in mm

Fig. 10-1: Dimensions of the CDF600-0100

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Chapter 10 Technical Data Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

10.3 EC Declaration of Conformity

Fig. 10-2 shows a scaled down version of the EC Declaration of Conformity (page 1) for the
CDF600-0100 field bus module.
 If required, download the complete EC Declaration of Conformity (with list of device ver-
sions and the standards met) as PDF from the CDF600-0100 product page on the SICK
website www.sick.com.

Fig. 10-2: EC Declaration of Conformity for the CDF600-0100 field bus module (page 1, scaled down version)

90 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Appendix Chapter 11


11 Appendix

11.1 Appendix overview

The appendix contains the following additional information:
 Flowcharts for host program
 Ordering information
 Supplementary documentation (overview)
 Description of data transfer procedure in the BMV-compatible mode (BMV10/BMH10)

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 91
Chapter 11 Appendix Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

11.2 Flowcharts for the host program

11.2.1 Receiving data (host receives from bar code scanner, with blocking) in the
CDF600/CMF400 mode

Receive with Blocking


REC Count B

Read telegram

telegram length
> InBlock – 5

No blocking / last Blocking

Read data block and store Read data block and store
data data (more block will

Stored data is valid

Copy: REC_Count =>

REC Count Back

If needed:
End Reset by REC_Count_Back =0

Fig. 11-1: Flowchart for the host: Receiving data (host from bar code scanner, with blocking) in the CDF600/CMF400 mode

92 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Appendix Chapter 11


11.2.2 Receiving data (host receives from bar code scanner, without blocking) in the
CDF600/CMF400 mode

Receive without Blocking


N REC_Count_Back

- Read telegram length

(telegram length ” InBlock – 5)
If telegram length > InBlock –5
„Blocking“ must be used
- Read data
- Store data in separat memory

Stored data
is valid

Copy: REC_Count => REC_Count Back

(Byte Handshake)

If needed:
Reset by REC_Count_Back =0


Fig. 11-2: Flowchart for the host: Receiving data (host from bar code scanner, without blocking) in the CDF600 /CMF400 mode

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 93
Chapter 11 Appendix Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

11.2.3 Sending data (host sends to bar code scanner, without blocking) in the CDF600/
CMF400 mode

Send without Blocking

- Init:
Load Send_Count withSend_Cont_Back
or with 0 for reset
- Max. telegram lenght = OutBlock-5
N Send_Count

Wait until previous Sending of previous
sending is done telegram: ok

- Write telegram length

- Write data (without STX,ETX)

Send_Count => Send_Count + 1

(Sending is done when Send_Count = Send


Fig. 11-3: Flowchart for the host: Sending data (host to bar code scanner, without blocking) in the CDF600/CMF400 mode

94 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Appendix Chapter 11


11.3 Ordering information for field bus module and accessories

11.3.1 CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Part no. Description

1041251 CDF600-0100, IP 65, power supply voltage IN DC 18 to 30 V, power supply voltage OUT DC 18 to 30 V (max. 1 A).
Ambient operation temperature –35 C to +40 C (–31 F to +104 F), date of manufacture from 11-18 (year-week)
With installed yellow protection caps and plugs for M12 round plug-in connections.
Including installation set for ITEM profiles (2 x cylinder head screws M5 x 30 mm with hexagon socket, 2 x slot nuts M5)

Table 11-1: CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

11.3.2 Optional accessories: protection cover for field bus module

Part no. Description

2052296 Cover for all 3 rotary coded switches, plastic, surface scratch proof, to be fixed with 2 screws (incl.), Torx M2.5

Table 11-2: In stock accessories: protection cover for rotary coded switches of the CDF600-0100 field bus module

11.3.3 Optional accessories: Cables and connectors

No. 6021355, size by meter


No. 6021156 5-pin

Termination socket, No. 6025909 (2 m (6.56 ft))
resistor M12 A-coded No. 6025911 (10 m (32.8 ft)) DC 24 V
(if required) No. 6021353
5-pin plug, M12
B-coded 5-pin
CLV63x socket,
12-pin No. 6021354
CLV64x B-coded
M12, 5-pin M12 5-pin No. 6025906 (2 m(6.56 ft))
CLV65x socket, No. 6025908 (10 m (32.8 ft))
A-codes plug,
B-coded A-coded

diagnosis of the
proxy capable
No. 2042916, 0.9 m (2.95 ft) sensors
No. 2041834, 2 m (6.56 ft) M8
CLV62x No. 2042914, 3 m (9.84 ft)
No. 2042915, 5 m (16.4 ft)
plug No. 6021195 (2 m(6.56 ft))
CDF600-0100 No. 2027649 (10 m (32.8 ft))

M12 No. 6025931 M12 M12

Trigger (2 m(6.56 ft))
5-pin 5-pin 5-pin No. 6026133 (2 m (6.56 ft))
socket, plug, plug No. 6026135 (10 m (32.8 ft)) e.g. indicator lamp
A-coded A-coded A-coded
Products may differ from illustration

Fig. 11-4: Overview: Connections of the CDF600-0100 and cables with M12/M8 plug-in connections

8012214/UN07/2011-03-22 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 95
Chapter 11 Appendix Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

Ambient temperatures range 0°C to +40 °C (+32°F to 104 °F)

Part no. Description Wires Length Connection

Supply voltage, switching inputs/outputs, connection to PC
6025906 Power supply cable, with 5-pin M12 socket (straight, A- 5 x 0.34 mm2 2m Field bus module and bar
coded, with secure fastening) and open end. (22 AWG) (6.56 ft) code scanner to power sup-
For pin and wire color assignment see Table 6-15, Page 64 ply. Bar code scanner also
6025908 As part no. 6025906, but longer 10 m transparently to CAN bus
(32.8 ft) via field bus module
6025909 As part no. 6025906, but 5-pin M12 socket 90°-angular. 2m
For pin and wire color assignment see Table 6-16, Page 64 (6.56 ft)
6025911 As part no. 6025909, but longer 10 m
(32.8 ft)
6025931 Connection cable for digital switching inputs and outputs, 5 2m Reading pulse sensors (e.g.
with 5-pin M12 plug/5-pin M12 socket (straight, A-coded, (6.56 ft) photo-electric switches) and
with secure fastening). optical indicator to field bus
6026133 Connection cable for digital switching outputs, with 5-pin 5 x 0.34 mm2 2m Field bus module to e.g.
M12 plug (straight, A-coded, with secure fastening) and (22 AWG) (6.56 ft) optical indicator
open end. For pin and wire color assignment see Table 6-17,
Page 64
6026135 As part no. 6026133, but longer 10 m
(32.8 ft)
6021195 RS 232 data cable, shielded, with 4-pin M8 plug and 9-pin 3 2m Field bus module to PC
D-Sub socket. (6.56 ft)
For configuring the field bus module using SOPAS-ET.
For pin assignment see Table 6-18, Page 65
2027649 As part no. 6021195, but longer 10 m
(32.8 ft)
Connection to PROFIBUS
6021353 5-pin M12 socket (straight, B-coded, with secure fastening) – – Field bus module to
6021354 5-pin M12 plug (straight, B-coded, with secure fastening) for – Field bus module to
6021156 Terminating resistor for PROFIBUS, 5-pin M12 plug (straight, – – Termination at the end of
B-coded, with secure fastening) the PROFIBUS
6021355 PROFIBUS cable, size by meter 2 x 0.25 mm2 – From/to PROFIBUS partici-
(24 AWG) pant
Connection to CAN bus
6027048 UNITRONIC BUS cable for CAN bus 2x2x Size by Bar code scanner transpar-
0.5 mm2 meter ently to the CAN bus via
(20 AWG) field bus module
Table 11-3: In stock accessories: Cables and connectors for ambient temperatures range 0 °C to +40 °C (+32°F to 104 °F)

Ambient temperatures range –35°C to +40 °C (–31 °F to +104 °F)

Cables on request.

96 © SICK AG · Germany · All rights reserved · Subject to change without notice 8012214/UN07/2011-03-22
Operating Instructions Appendix Chapter 11


11.4 Supplementary documentation

Part no. Title Language Contents

8011965 CLV62x Bar code Scanner English Description of installation, start-up and configuration of the
Operating Instructions CLV62x bar code scanner
8011970 CLV63x Bar code scanner English Description of installation, start-up and configuration of the
Operating Instructions CLV63x bar code scanner
8011975 CLV64x Bar code scanner English Description of installation, start-up and configuration of the
Operating Instructions CLV64x bar code scanner
8011980 CLV65x Bar code scanner English Description of installation, start-up and configuration of the
Operating Instructions CLV65x bar code scanner
8013558 Technical Information about bar code scan- English Supplement of the corresponding operating instructions with
ner CLV63x to 65x with heating information about mounting and connecting the bar code
scanner CLV63x to 65x with heating

Table 11-4: Supplementary documentation for installation the CDF600-0100 field bus module

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Chapter 11 Appendix Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

11.5 Description of data transfer procedure in the BMV-

compatible mode (BMV10/BMH10)

11.5.1 Data transmission between the field bus module and the PROFIBUS master
In this mode, the CDF600-0100 field bus module transmits the data from the bar code
scanner in the form of data messages to the PROFIBUS master like the BMV10 bus connec-
tion module/BMH10 bus module. The data messages have fixed message lengths for the
input and output data. The message length is specified in bytes. If the PROFIBUS master
specifies the value for the message length, the field bus module uses this value after a
check. Values between 4 and 244 bytes are valid. The first byte in the configuration string
must contain the value of the minimum configuration (4 bytes IN/4 bytes OUT). The field
bus module takes over the configuration specified by the PROFIBUS master during the start-
up phase.
The course of the communication between the field bus module and the higher-level com-
puter (host/PLC) is specified by means of control bytes.

Individual messages
The bar code scanner read data contain the read result and possibly additional parameters.
If these data strings and the control bytes fit into a data message, they are transmitted as
an individual message from the field bus module to the PROFIBUS master. If the data
strings are shorter than the message length, the remaining positions are filled with zeroes
(00 hex).
The length of the data message to be set as an individual message is calculated as follows:
LENGTHin= 3 + Number of bar code scanner read data
LENGTHout= 3 + Number of host output data
"LENGTHin" stands for the data message length for received data and "LENGTHout" for the
data message length for send data in the host. The minimum number of control bytes per
direction is 3. The number of the data from the bar code scanner or of the data from the
host is set without string framing (STX/ETX).
Fig. 11-5 shows the structure of individual messages.

#1#: 1st control byte

#2#: 2nd control byte
cnt: Number of data characters which can be evaluated with length byte
00h: Fillers after the data characters
Fig. 11-5: Structure of the individual messages in the BMV-compatible mode

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Message block formation

If the data string from the bar code scanner is longer than the set message length, the field
bus module transfers these strings in blocks to the PROFIBUS master ("message block for-
mation"). In order to control the data transmission a check byte (BCC) is added in the last
message block after the user data. The check byte (initial value 00 hex) is calculated as an
XOR of all user data characters including the counting byte. In case of errors in the BCC the
receiver can request the data string once more from the transmitter. Fig. 11-6 shows the
structure of the data messages in case of message block formation.

#1#: 1st control byte

#2#: 2nd control byte
cnt: Number of data characters which can be evaluated with length byte and BCC
00h: Fillers after the data characters
BCC: Block check character

Fig. 11-6: Structure of the messages in case of message block formation in the BMV-compatible mode

Control bytes
There are two control bytes each in the input and output messages. This means that ac-
knowledgement is ensured by a reverse channel for a transmission. There is one control
byte each at the beginning and end of each data message. Table 11-5 to Table 11-8 provide
an overview of the control bytes.
 The control byte at the beginning of the data message contains information for control-
ling the data transmission. There are three control bits for each data direction (FB, LB,
TG). IO bits are reserved for extensions, the HB bit can be used by the application pro-
gram on the master end.
 The control byte at the end of the data message is used to check the data consistency
when data is transferred from the PROFIBUS master to the higher-level computer,
whereby only the two TG bits are used. The remaining bits are reserved for extensions.
Bits in the first control byte control the transmission in both directions. Thus, for example,
the field bus module signals the host a new individual message with the bits 1, 2 and 3. The
host also acknowledges the receipt of the data with the bits 1, 2 and 3 in its output mes-
sage. The data transmission from the host to the field bus module is similarly controlled by
the bits 4, 5 and 6 by both sides.
The field bus module or the host enters the toggle bits in the first control byte at the same
bit position in the second control byte. Received data is only evaluated if the toggle bits of
the two control bytes are identical. This consistency check ensures that the data message

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Chapter 11 Appendix Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

at the PROFIBUS master has been received by the higher-order computer from the first bit
to the last one.
A logical high level indicates the function of the control bits.
When data is received the field bus module initiates the transmission with the RC_xx bits.
Transmission of the data from the host to the bar code scanner is triggered with the TR_xx
bits. A change in the toggle bits (TR_TG/RC_TG) initiates the higher-level computer. When
sending and receiving the field bus module reacts to the level change in these control bits.
The host has accepted the data when the field bus module recognizes a change in the
RC_TG bit.

1st control byte IN 1 "Host in"

Control bit Position Function

HB 7 Heartbeat (as a test function)
The field bus module enters the echo of the HB bit (OUT 1, Position 7)
TR_FB 6 Transmit_First_Block
Signals to the host that the data have to be repeated when there is an
error in the program block formation. The host may ignore the request
and send the next data string
TR_LB 5 Transmit_Last_Block
Is not influenced by the field bus module
TR_TG 4 Transmit_Toggle
The field bus module returns the TR_TG value received from the host as
an echo
RC_FB 3 Receive_First_Block
The field bus module marks the bus message as the first output block
of the read result
RC_LB 2 Receive_Last_Block
The field bus module marks the bus message as the last output block
of the read result
RC_TG 1 Receive_Toggle
Permanently returns the RC_TG value received by the host as an echo
(RC_TG bit in the host receive message). New data messages are only
transmitted if the RC_TG bit received by the field bus master is not
equal to the RC_TG bit last sent.
I01) 0 Reserved (static LOW)
1) Planned as inputs (I0 to I6) in the bus message of the field bus module and as outputs (O0 to O6) in the bus telegram of the

Table 11-5: Overview of the 1st control byte IN in the BMV-compatible mode

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2nd control byte IN 2 "Host in"

Control bit Position Function

I11) 7 Reserved (static LOW)

I21) 6 Reserved (static LOW)

I31) 5 Reserved (static LOW)

TR_TG 4 Transmit_Toggle
The TR_TG bit of the 1st control byte is entered here
I41) 3 Reserved (static LOW)

I51) 2 Reserved (static LOW)

RC_TG 1 Receive_Toggle
The RC_TG bit of the 1st control byte is entered here
I61) 0 Reserved (static LOW)
1) Planned as inputs (I0 to I6) in the bus message of the field bus module and as outputs (O0 to O6) in the bus telegram of the

Table 11-6: Overview of the 2nd control byte IN in the BMV-compatible mode

1st Control byte OUT 1 "Host out"

Control bit
name Position Function
HB 7 Heartbeat (as a test function)
Can be set/reset,
The field bus module outputs the bit as an echo of IN 1, Position 7
TR_FB 6 Transmit_First_Block
Marks a bus message as the first output block of a data string to the
bar code scanner
TR_LB 5 Transmit_Last_Block
Host marks the bus message as the last output block
TR_TG 4 Transmit_Toggle
Host changes the bit over at a bus message with new data or new con-
trol information and enters a copy of the bit contents into the 2nd con-
trol byte
RC_FB 3 Receive_First_Block
Signals to the field bus module that the data have to be repeated when
there is an error. The field bus module repeats the complete data string
with the next bus message
RC_LB 2 Receive_Last_Block
Host entries do not influence the field bus module
RC_TG 1 Receive_Toggle
The host acknowledges the data receipt by changing RC_TG and enters
a copy of the bit contents in the 2nd control byte
O01) 0 Reserved (static LOW)
1) Planned as inputs (I0 to I6) in the bus message of the field bus module and as outputs (O0 to O6) in the bus telegram of the

Table 11-7: Overview of the 1st control byte OUT in the BMV-compatible mode

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Chapter 11 Appendix Operating Instructions

CDF600-0100 Field Bus Module for PROFIBUS-DP

2nd Control byte OUT 2 "Host out"

Control bit Position Function

O11) 7 Reserved (static LOW)

O21) 6 Reserved (static LOW)

O31) 5 Reserved (static LOW)

TR_TG 4 Transmit_Toggle
The TR_TG bit of the 1st control byte is entered here
O41) 3 Reserved (static LOW)

O51) 2 Reserved (static LOW)

RC_TG 1 Receive_Toggle
The RC_TG bit of the 1st control byte is entered here
O61) 0 Reserved (static LOW)
1) Planned as inputs (I0 to I6) in the bus message of the field bus module and as outputs (O0 to O6) in the bus telegram of the

Table 11-8: Overview of the 2nd control byte OUT in the BMV-compatible mode

Control bits at message block formation

When message block formation is used, the sender sets the FB bit without the correspond-
ing LB bit in order to indicate message block formation. The subsequent messages are not
marked with FB or LB bits. The sender sets an LB bit at the last message.
After the data has been transmitted, the receiver can request repetition by setting an FB bit
when acknowledging the data message. Otherwise transmission on the PROFIBUS is com-
pleted. The data source leaves the LB bit and the data last sent standing. New data is an-
nounced again with an FB bit.
The host initiates the data transmission to the field bus module by entering the user data in
the data messaging, setting the TR_FB bit and changing over the TR_TG bit. In the case of
an individual message it also sets the TR_LB bit.

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