Machine Lab Combine

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Department of Electrical Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

Electrical Machine Laboratory-I (EE2702)

1. To conduct load test on a separately excited dc generator and obtain its

internal and external characteristics.

2. Study of Speed control of a dc series motor.

3. Retardation test on dc shunt motor.

4. Swinburne’s test on a dc shunt machine.

5. Measurement of armature and field winding resistances of a dc machine.

6. Determination of efficiency and percentage regulation of two identical

transformers by back to back test at different load and power factor.

7. Load test on dc shunt motor.

8. Three phase transformer winding connections.

9. To study the scott-connection of transformers.

Professor in charge Head of the Department

Electrical Machine lab. Electrical Engineering Department

AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT: - Speed control of a DC series motor by flux

control method and variable resistance in series with motor.


SL.NO. Name of item Specification TYPE Quantity (in nos.)

1 Ammeter 0-10A MC 3
2 Ammeter 0-500mA MC 1
3 Voltmeter 0-300V MC 2
4 Rheostat 300 Ω, 2A 1
5 Rheostat 100 Ω,5A 1
6 Tachometer 0-10000 rpm 1


Circuit diagram for Field Divertors

Circuit diagram for Armature Divertors

Circuit diagram for variable Resistance in series with armature circuit

Theory: - If V is the applied voltage across the motor terminals, Eb is the back
emf developed, then V = Eb+ IaRa, where Ia and Ra the current and resistance in
the armature circuit respectively.

But, Eb = =K

Hence, V =K + IaRa

N= Kᶦ

This shows that:-

i. An increase in the IaRa drop will decrease the value of speed if V remains

ii. Speed varies inversely as the field flux and hence varies inversely as the
exciting current, if below saturation.

(a) Field Diverter- The series winding are shunted by a variable resistance
known as field diverter. Any desired amount of current can be passed
through the divertor by adjusting its resistance. Hence the flux can be
decreased and consequently, the speed of the motor increased.
(b) Armature Divertor- A divertor across the armature can be used for giving
speeds lower than the normal speed. For a given constant load torque.
(c) Variable resistance in series with Motor- By increasing the resistance in
series with the armature the voltage applied across the armature terminals
can be decreased. With reduced voltage across the armature, the speed is

Procedure: -

Case-a: - Speed control by field divertor method

i. Connect as shown. Make Rfd maximum at the time of starting the

motor (which is run on load) with the motor starter.
ii. The motor is on load. Note the terminal voltage. Now decrease Rfd in
step, at each step note the value of Id,If and the speed in rpm.

Case-b: - Speed control by Armature divertor method

i. Connect as shown. Make Rad maximum at the time of starting the

motor (which is run on load) with the motor starter.
ii. The motor is on load. Note the terminal voltage. Now decrease Rad in
step, at each step note the value of Id, Ia and the speed in rpm.

Case-c: - Speed control by variable resistance in series with motor

i. Connect as shown. Make Rs minimum at the time of starting the motor

(which is run on load) with the motor starter.
ii. The motor is on load. Note the terminal voltage. Now increase Rs in
step, at each step note the value of I, voltage across armature (Va) and
the speed in rpm.


Case-a: - Speed control by field divertor method

S.NO Speed Id If

Case-b: - Speed control by Armature divertor method

S.NO Speed Id Ia

Case-c: - Speed control by variable resistance in series with motor

S.NO Speed I Va


Case a: - plot a graph between speed along y-axis and total current (I) along x-

Case b: - plot a graph between speed along y-axis and total current (I) along x-
Case c: - plot a graph between speed along y-axis and voltage across armature
(Va) along x-axis


1. Compare the three methods and discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of each method.
2. Discuss the graph you obtained.
Retardation Test on DC Shunt Motor

Aim of the experiment: - To separate the mechanical and iron losses of the
given dc shunt machine.

Apparatus Required: -

S.NO Name of item Specification Type Quantity

1 Voltmeter 0-300 V MC 1
2 Ammeter 0-10 A MC 1
3 Ammeter 0-500 mA MC 1
4 Tachometer 0-10000 rpm - 1
Theory: -

Let the rated speed of the machine is N rpm. Let the machine be brought up to a
speed of (N+ ) rpm as a motor where N is conveniently chosen small value.
If the armature supply is now suddenly removed, the speed of the motor will
fall. Let the time taken for the speed to reach (N- ) rpm is ΔT Sec.
Average rate of fall of speed = rad/sec2. This is assumed as the rate of fall
of speed when speed is N rpm. The retarding torque at N rpm is J
joules/radians, where, J is the moment of inertia of the rotor in kg – m2. The
corresponding retarding power is NJ watts. This obviously equals
the losses in the machine at the rated speed.

In the experiment, the rate of fall of speed is observed under three different
conditions. In every case, the armature is run upto the speed (N+ ) rpm as a
motor on no load.
I condition: Supplies to both armature and field are simultaneously removed
such that the armature and field current are zero. The only losses which retard
the motor are mechanical losses.
II condition: Supply to the armature is removed while the field supply is
retained. Here in addition to the mechanical losses, iron losses are also present
and retard the motor.
III condition: Field supply is retained, armature supply is removed and the
armature is connected to a load resistance. In this case the machine functions as
a generator. Mechanical losses, Iron losses and the power converted to heat in
circulating current through the armature and load resistances, all contribute in
retarding the motor, and speed falls down most rapidly.
The power converted to heat in the armature and the load resistance in the III
condition is calculated. Hence, the iron losses, mechanical losses and moment
of inertia of the rotor can be calculated from the above conditions.

Determination of Mechanical losses, Iron losses, and Moment of inertia:

When the motor is running at the rated speed with normal excitation, let the
mechanical and iron losses be Wm and Wi watts respectively and moment of
inertia of the rotor is J kg – m2.
Let , and be the rates of fall of speed in rpm/sec under the I, II
and III conditions respectively. Let the average copper losses due to generator
action in the third condition of the test be WCu.

(3) – (1) gives us an expression for WCu, in which all the terms (including WCu)
except J are known. So, J can be calculated. We can get Wm and Wi from (1)
and (2).

To find WCu from the experimental observations:

At the instant, the armature is disconnected from the supply and thrown to the

Let the voltage across the load = VL1 volts

Current through the load = IL1 amps.

When the speed reaches (N - ) rpm, let these values be VL2 and IL2
respectively. Average load voltage and load current during the period of
retardation are
Where, Ra is the armature resistance, which has to be separately measured.

Circuit diagram for measurement of armature resistance: -

Circuit diagram for retardation test: -

Procedure: -

1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.

2. Keep the switches SW1 and SW2 in ON position and keep switch SW3 in
OFF position.
3. Gradually raise the motor speed up to 3100 rpm above the rated speed.
4. Switch OFF SW1 and press stop watch simultaneously. Note down the
time taken until the motor speed falls to 2900 rpm below the rated speed.
5. Stop the motor.
6. Switch ON SW1 and SW2 switches and keep SW3 in OFF position.
7. Start the motor again and raise the speed up to 3100 rpm above the rated
8. Switch OFF SW2 switch and press stop watch simultaneously. Note down
the time taken till the motor speed falls to 2900 rpm below the rated
9. Stop the motor.
10. Switch ON SW1 and SW2 switches and keep SW3 in OFF position.
11. Start the motor again and raise the speed up to 3100 rpm above the rated
12. Note down Va and Ia readings.
13. Switch OFF SW2 switch and switch ON SW3 switch and press stop
watch simultaneously. Note down the time taken till the motor speed falls
to 2900 rpm below the rated speed.
14. Note down Va and Ia readings at both the speeds.
15. Stop the motor.

For Armature winding resistance

Current(I) Voltage(V) R=
Sl.No RAvg(Ω)
(in Amp) (in volts) (in ohm)

For Retardation test

Rated Speed N = 3000 rpm

Initial speed selected = 3100 rpm

Final speed selected = 2900 rpm

N =




Field current in all the cases =

In case III, at the instant the armature is disconnected from the supply,
Load voltage =
Load current =
At the instant when speed reaches 2900 rpm,
Load voltage =
Load current =
Armature resistance Ra =
Swinburne’s Test
Aim of the experiment: To pre-determine the efficiency of a D.C shunt
machine considering it as a motor by performing Swinburne’s test on it.
Apparatus Required:

S.NO Name of item Specification Type Quantity

1 Voltmeter 0-300V MC 2
2 Ammeter 0-10 A MC 1
3 Ammeter 0-500mA MC 1
4 Tachometer 0-10000rpm - 1

Testing of D.C. machines can be divided into three methods: (a) direct, (b)
regenerative, and (c) indirect. Swinburne’s Test is an indirect method of testing
a D.C. machine. In this method, the constant losses of the D.C. machine are
calculated at no-load. Hence, its efficiency either as a motor or as a generator
can be pre-determined. In this method, the power requirement is very small.
Hence, this method can be used to pre-determine the efficiency of higher
capacity D.C. machines as a motor and as a generator.
(1) Efficiency at actual load is not accurately known.
(2) Temperature rise on load is not known.
(3) Sparking at commutator on load is not known.
Power input at No-load = Constant losses + Armature copper losses
Power input at No-load = Constant losses
Power input = Va Ia + Vf If
Losses in a D.C. Machine:
The losses in a D.C. machine can be divided as 1) Constant losses, 2) Variable
losses, which changes with the load.
Constant losses:
Mechanical Losses: Friction and Windage losses are called mechanical losses.
They depend upon the speed. A D.C. shunt machine is basically a constant
speed machine both as a generator and as a motor. Thus, the mechanical losses
are constant.
Iron Losses: For a D.C. shunt machine, the field current hence the flux. Hence,
hysteresis and eddy current losses (which are also called as iron losses) remain
Field Copper Losses: Under normal operating conditions of a D.C. shunt
machine, the field current remains constant. Thus, power received by the field
circuit (which is consumed as field copper losses) is constant.
Constant losses in a D.C. shunt machine = Mechanical losses + Iron Losses + Field
copper losses
Variable Losses:
The power lost in the armature circuit of s D.C. machine increases with the
increase in load.
Thus, the armature copper losses are called as variable losses.
Efficiency of a D.C. machine:
% Efficiency = (Output Power/ Input Power) x100
As a generator Input power, Pin = (Pout) + (constant losses) + (armature copper
losses at a given load Ia2Ra
Pout = VLIL
where, Ia = IL + If  self-excited generator (Vf.If is not encountered for Pin)
Ia = IL separately excited generator
Note: While calculating the armature copper losses on load condition, the hot
resistance of the armature = 1.2Ra (normal temperature) is considered.

Circuit Diagram for Swinburne’s test: -

Circuit Diagram For Measurement of Field Resistance

Circuit Diagram For Measurement of Armature Resistance


1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Run the machine as a motor at no-load.
3. Adjust the voltage applied to the armature to get rated voltage.
4. Adjust the field auto transformer till the motor attains the rated speed.
5. Measure the field voltage and current.
6. Measure the field resistance and armature resistance.
Observations for measurement of field winding resistance

Time Current(I) Voltage(V) R=

Sl. No. RAvg(Ω)
interval(min) In Amp In volts (in ohm)

Observations for measurement of Armature resistance

Current(I) Voltage(V) R=
Sl.No RAvg(Ω)
(in Amp) (in volts) (in ohm)
Observations for Swinburne’s test:
At no-load (separately excited D.C. motor):
Speed =
Armature voltage =
Field voltage =
Armature current =
Field current =
Armature resistance =
Field resistance =

As a Motor:

S.NO Load Power Copper Total Power Efficiency

Current( Input Loss Loss Output

As a Generator:

S.NO Load Power Copper Total Power Efficiency

Current( Input Loss Loss Output

Armature copper loss = Ia2Ra
Field copper loss = If2Rf
Armature input = VaIa
Mechanical loss + iron loss = armature input – armature copper loss
Total constant loss = Mechanical loss + iron loss + field copper loss
Efficiency as a motor:
Input to the motor = input to the armature (VaIa) + input to the field (VfIf)
Total loss = constant loss + armature copper loss
Output = input – total losses
Efficiency, m=output/input
Efficiency as a generator:
Output= VaIa
Total loss= constant losses + armature copper losses
Input = output + total losses
Efficiency, g = output/input
Draw the graph between Efficiency and IL of the machine as a motor and as a
generator on the same graph sheet.

Model Graph:
Measurement of Armature and Field Winding Resistances
Aim of the Experiment - To measure the field and armature resistance of a DC
machine by ammeter and voltmeter method and to study the variations of these

(a) With time

(b) With current



Sl.No. Item Range or Rating No. required

1 Ammeter 0-5A,MC 1
2 Ammeter 0-300mA,MC 1
3 Voltmeter 0-300V,MC 1
4 Voltmeter 0-15V,MC 1
5 Rheostat 300Ω,1.7A 1
6 Lamp load,3kw 1
7 Stop watch 1
8 DC Motor 1.1kw,220V,6.5A 1

(i) Circuit Diagram for Measurement of Field Resistance

(ii) Circuit Diagram For Measurement of Armature Resistance


Field Winding-The field winding is connected in shunt with the armature winding.
It has larger number of turns with small cross-section and they are usually used to
excite the field poles, hence are also called as exciting winding. As the field circuit
resistance is increased, the excitation increases to a point, after this the dc machine
fails to exite which is called as the critical resistance for that machine. Generally
this winding is made up of copper.

Armature winding- It consists of large no. of insulated coils each having one or
more turns. These are made up of copper and usually form wound. These placed in
slots and approximately connected in series and parallel depending upon the type
of winding required i.e lap winding or wave winding. The resistance of both the
winding can be calculated with the use of ohm’s law i.e, R= . As the resistance of
winding are responsible for the speed control of the dc shunt motor i.e, increase in
armature resistance increase the speed and increase in field resistance is also
responsible to operate. The shunt motor above/below the rated speed.


(1) Make connections as given in (1) of circuit diagram. Keep the rheostat in the
maximum resistance position and switch the supply. Adjust rheostat so that a
certain current flows. Take the readings of ammeter and voltmeter at one
minute interval. Continue for 15 mins.
(2) Change the current of the circuit by adjusting the rheostat. Take the readings
of ammeter and voltmeter after allowing current to flow for sufficient value.
Repeat for several value of currents till maximum current consistent with
rheostat reading flows.
(3) Repeat step 1 and 2 for armature circuit.

Table-1 (For field winding resistance)

Time Current(I) Voltage(V) R=

Sl. No. RAvg(Ω)
interval(min) In Amp In volts (in ohm)

Table-2 (for armature winding resistance)

Current(I) Voltage(V) R=
Sl.No RAvg(Ω)
(in Amp) (in volts) (in ohm)


Q1) What is the difference between armature winding and field winding ʔ

Q2) What is the effect of field winding ʔ

Q3) Why the field winding resistance is high as compared to the armature winding
resistance ʔ

Aim of the experiment: - Determination of efficiency and percentage regulation

of two identical transformers by back to back test at different load and power

Apparatus: -

SL.NO. Name of item Specification Quantity (in nos.)

1 Ammeter 0-2A,MI 1
2 Ammeter 0-10A,MI 1
3 Voltmeter 0-250V,MI 1
4 Voltmeter 30/60,MI 1
5 Voltmeter 0-600V 1
6 Wattmeter 2.5A,300V 1
7 Wattmeter 10A,150V 1

Circuit Diagram: -
P A1 P
C 300V
230V V1 250V

C 230V C 230V
C 230V C 230V

1  Variac W2 600V
M V2
L A2 30/60V
C 10/20A


1. Performance of transformer: Whenever we talk about the performance of

transformer we mean the behavior of transformer under operating condition.
Under behavior of transformer we observe efficiency, regulation, various
losses (namely iron & copper losses and their separation) and temperature
rise due to transformer losses.
2. Heat run test to find out temperature rise: In heat run test a transformer is
loaded to full load current under such condition full load “transformer
losses” take place and temperature rise of transformer due to these losses
will be maximum. Heat run test is performed for many no. of hours to see
that this maximum rise in temperature of transformer of transformer is with
in safe prescribed limit.
3. Why back to back test : If for heat run test a transformer is fully loaded for
many no. of hours, considerable amount of power will be wasted in the load
, particularly in case of large units. The usual method of testing, applicable
to any size of single phase transformer is to connect two identical
transformers in opposition, i.e. back to back (as secondaries of both
transformer are connected in opposition) In this way both transformers may
be subjected to full load or over load conditions as to core loss and copper
loss, while at the same time the power drawn from the supply is only equal
to total losses in the two transformers.

ATN: Two identical transformers are operated with back to back connection in
order to determine their efficiency and regulation at different load and power

1. Connect both primaries across the supply with a common wattmeter,

voltmeter & ammeter W1, V1, A1 respectively.
2. Connect secondary windings in opposition. To ensure that secondaries are in
opposition. A voltmeter V3 is put across M & N. Supply is given to primary
windings. Now V3 will read zero, if both windings are in opposition. If they
are not in opposition V3 will read sum of the both secondary voltages
(double of output voltage of one transformer). Under such condition change
the secondary connections.
3. After connecting both secondaries in opposition, supply is given to
secondary side by an auto transformer. A wattmeter, a voltmeter and an
ammeter are connected as shown.

Procedure & Report:

1. Keeping auto transformer output voltage as zero, full supply voltage is given
to primary windings, W1,V1 and A1 will read no load power loss, voltage and
current regularly.
2. Now a very small voltage is injected to secondary side by auto transformer,
the auto transformer output voltage is so adjusted that desired current (full
load, % load or over load) circulates in secondary ckt. This adjusted current
will be reflected on primary side also, but as secondary’s are in opposition,
reflected current in primary side will circulate in both the windings only
without affecting reading of ammeter A1 & wattmeter W1. Thus wattmeter
W1 will always read no load loss. Copper loss which takes place due to
circulating full load or over load or % load currents in both the transformers
will be supplied by auto transformer and W2 will record it.
3. Take reading of all instruments, adjusting auto transformer output from zero
to a value which does not cause more than 125% of rated current.
4. Tabulate the results as follows :

Observation of back to back test to determine efficiency & regulation:

Computed result
Sl.No. V1 I1 W1 V2 I2 W2
Efficiency Regulation

5. From the above reading find out R0, X0, R, X of transformer & calculate
efficiency and regulation at different load at 0.8 and power factors. Draw
equivalent circuit and vector diagrams at full load and 0.8 p.f.
6. Draw load current vs. efficiency, Regulation, copper loss and iron loss on
same graph paper. Observe that maximum efficiency point to point of
intersection of copper loss and iron loss curves, are at the same load current.

Question and Discussion:

1. Why do you require two identical transformers for this experiment?

2. In which way will this test give better result as compared to finding
efficiency from S.C & O.C discuss?
3. Why does W1 & A1 read constant, while secondary and primary winding
currents are changed by adjusting auto transformer output voltage?
4. Discuss if W2 reads copper of both winding of both the transformer or of
only secondary windings of both transformers.

Aim of the Experiment: - To perform load test on DC shunt motor & plot the
performance characteristics curve.

Apparatus Required: -

SL.NO Name Type Range Number

1 Voltmeter Moving coil 0-300V 1

2 Ammeter Moving coil 0-10A 1
3 Ammeter Moving coil 0-1A 1
4 Electromagnetic Brake 1
5 Rheostat 300Ω/2A 1
6 Tachometer 1


The shunt motor is the one in which field windings are in parallel with armature.
The current Ia is opposite to back emf E,


V = E + IaRa


Ra = Total machine resistance

V = Applied voltage

The expression for torque is

T = KɸIa

This Expression reveals that if the flux ɸ is constant as in a shunt motor, the torque
would increase linearly with armature current Ia, however larger be the Ia the net
flux decreases due to the demagnetizing effect of armature reaction.
Wm =

T = G.b

where, G= Measuring weight=20N

b= Arm length


1. Connections are made as shown.

2. The motor is started at no load.
3. Reading of current, voltage, speed and load on the brake are taken while
increasing the load in steps.
4. The motor is then brought to no load condition and field rheostat to
minimum position, the DPST switch is opened.

B.H.P =

ɳele =

ɳ mech =


Sl. Voltag IL (A) Speed b VIL H.P Torque B.H. ɳele ɳmec
No. e (N) (arm (N-M) P h
(V) Ia If (rpm) length) G.b


1. O/P Power =

Where N = Speed in rpm

T = Torque
2. Te = G.b

3. Where G= Measuring weight=20N

b= Arm length
4. I/P Power = VIL watt

Where IL = Ia + If

5. Efficiency(ɳ) = =


1. What are the methods of finding efficiency of DC motor?

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method?
Three Phase Transformer Winding Connections
Aim of the experiment: - Three phase transformer winding connections

(a) A three phase output with secondary in delta.

(b) A three phase output with secondary’s in star.
(c) A six phase out put.

Apparatus: -

Quantity (in
SL.No. Name of item Specification
1 Voltmeter 0-300/600V,MI 1

Theory: -

1. Connection of 3 windings of 3 phase transformer.

A three phase transformer is simply a combination of single phase transformers

in one unit. All the three transformer carry currents which are 120˚ out of phase
to each other.

When all the three 1 phase transformer are put in one unit, central limb becomes
useless, as it carries sum of three fluxes which are equal in magnitude but 120˚
apart to each other. As such the sum is zero and central limb is removed. Finally
we have the shape of a 3 phase transformer as shown above, having 3 limbs,
each having a primary and secondary. All the three primary and or secondary
can be so connected that they may form a (a) star-delta or (b) star-star or (c)
delta-star or (d) delta-delta system.
In the experiment 3 single phase transformer are taken and their primaries and
secondary’s are connected in star-star and star-delta ways.

Note: - In the laboratory connect all primaries in star, as supply voltage is 400
V line to line and each transformer winding is rated for 230 volts. Thus with
primaries connected in star, voltage across each phase (primary) will be 400/√
=230 volts (which is the rating of transformer and transformer will be safe).

Procedure: For run (a)

1. Connect primary to supply in star, as shown in circuit diagram.

2. Make a V connection of two secondaries on the secondary side and measure

the voltage across it. If it read same as the phase voltage connects the third
phase also so as to close V connection in delta. Measure voltage across points
where delta is open if it reads zero then close the delta. If it reads double the
phase voltage reverse the connection of iiird secondary. Thus we connect the 3
phase output secondary in delta.

For run (b).

1. Connect primaries in star. On the secondary side connect the phases in star.
Measure voltage between two line terminals. If it is √ times phase voltage then
connection for those two phases is correct (if not reverse connection of one
phase). After this measure the voltage across third terminals and line terminal of
any previous phase. If it reads √ times phase voltage then connection for third
phase is correct.

If not reverse the connections for third phase. The above measurements are
drawn to ensure that all neutrals of 3 winding are connected only, to form star
neutral point.

For run (c)

1. After completing run (b) open the star point. Mark terminals according to
scheme given in connection diagram. Connect the 50% tapping points so as to
get a double star connection. Measure voltage between line to neutral, between
adjacent points and between diameterical opposite points.


a. Star-delta connection


b. Star-star connection


c. Six phase connection

SL.N Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn V1. V2. V3. V4. V5. V6. V1. V2. V3.
o -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 2 3 4 5 6 1 4 5 6

Report: In the case of six phase connections what is the relation between
voltage between adjacent points and voltage between diametrically opposite

Discussion: Discuss the experimental result, in the light of theoretical

knowledge you have.


1. While making delta connections, why do you close the delta only when
voltage across open delta points is zero.

2. How do you get 6 phase from 3 phase supply. What is the angle between
early phase?

3.What is going to be angle between each phase of a (a) 10 phase supply (b) 12
phase supply and (c) 2 phase supply. (d) 1 phase supply.

Draw the phasor diagrams showing all these.

Scott Connection of Transformers
Aim of the experiment: - In experiment a two phase supply is to be obtained
from three phase supply making scott connections of two single phase
transformers, this two phase supply is to be loaded and current distribution in
primary side is to be studied.

Apparatus Required: -

Sl.No. Name of item Specification Type Quantity

1 Voltmeter 0-300V MI 3
2 Ammeter 0-10A MI 5
3 3 phase auto transformer 440V,15A 1

Theory: -

1. Why scott connection: - In some cases mainly for electrical furnaces it is

desirable to work with two phase supply, but at the present time bulk supplies
are invariably three phase and it is therefore necessary to convert from three to
two phase. This is achieved by making scott connections of two single phase
transformers, one having tapping at 50% and other at 86.6%.

2. Scott connections: - Following are the two transformers having tappings at

50% and 86.6% in the primary side.

Now these transformers are Scott connected as shown below.

With these connections it is possible to convert three phase supply to two phase
and vice versa.

Procedure: -

(a) Connect two single phase transformers as shown above. Make V ab=Vcd,
measure primary voltage and secondary voltage Vab, Vcd and Vad (with c & b
connected) tabulate the observations as follows.

Observations for run a

SL.NO. VRY VYB VBR Vcd Vab Vad Vad(calculated)

Calculate Vad by making vector sum of Vab & Vcd

Vad = Vab + Vcd

Vad = (V2ab + V2cd )1/2

As Vab & Vcd are 90o out of phase angle.

(b) Now connect a unity power factor load to terminals ‘cd’ only, terminals ‘ab’
being kept open. Take ammeter readings.

(c) Connect a unity power factor load to terminals ‘ab’ only. Terminals ‘cd’
being kept open. Take ammeter readings.

(d) Connect equal unity power factor load to both ‘ab’ &‘cd’, now take ammeter
Observations for run b, c & d

I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
Run b
Run c
Run d

Draw vector diagrams for each run


1. Why 86.6 tap of teaser & 50% tap of main transformer are used & how do we
get 2 phase supply from 3 phase by Scott connection?

2. Where is Scott connection used in practice?

3. If we apply the same single phase supply to both ab and cd what will be the
nature of voltage available at terminals 1, 2, 3. Illustrate your answer by
corresponding vector diagram (magnitude of voltage may be arbitrary)

Discussion & Precautions: - Discuss the reason if you find any discrepancy in
computed and test result.

Note: - Auto transformer is connected to get 230 V supply from 400 V available
supply, as primary winding main transformer is rated for 230 V only. Draw all
phasor diagrams on L.H.S

Vector diagram of 3 phase supply & 2 phase out put voltage

Reduced (by auto transformer) voltage across primary secondary 3 phase supply
to both transformer winding of both trans-side voltage (2 phase out put).
(a) Voltage across teaser transformer is 220cos 30. This voltage is across 86.6%
turns of primary. Hence secondary voltage of teaser transformer will be
220cos30 x 1/0.86 = 220V

(b) Voltage across primary winding of main transformer is 220V. Hence

secondary voltage of transformer will be 220V as turn ratio is unity.

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