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Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 1 of 9

Summary of Fields Tables

The following options affect the length of an SMDR record and the fields recorded:
Extended Digit Length (see the Extended Digit Length Record Fields table)
ANI/DNIS/ISDN/CLASS Number Delivery Reporting (see the Standard SMDR Record Fields table and the Extended
Digit Length Record Fields table)
Standardized Network OLI (see the Standard SMDR Record Fields table and the Extended Digit Length Record Fields
Extended Reporting Level 1
Extended Reporting Level 1 and Level 2

The following SMDR options affect the format of certain SMDR record fields:
Extended Time to Answer (see the Extended Time To Answer SMDR Record Fields table)
Network Format (see the Standard SMDR Record Fields table and the Extended Digit Length Record Fields table)

Standard SMDR Record Fields

The table below provides an overview of the basic SMDR fields when Extended Digit Length and Extended Time to Answer
are NOT enabled.

The standard SMDR record has 90 characters:


When "ANI/DNIS/ISDN/CLASS Number Delivery Reporting" is enabled in the SMDR Options Assignment form, the SMDR
record is extended to 112 characters.

When "Standardized Network OLI" is enabled in the SMDR Options Assignment form, the SMDR record is extended to 131

Name Columns Symbol Format Definition Notes

Long Call 1 z (blank) less than 5 mn
(call length)
- from 5:00 to 9:59 mn
% from 10:00 to 29:59 mn
+ 30 mn or more

Date 2-6 mm/dd mm month (01-12)

dd day (01-31)
Spacer 7 _ (blank) space

Start Time 8-13 hh:mmp hh hour (00-12 or 00-23)

mm minutes (00-59)

p 12-hour clock: blank (A.M.) or P

24-hour clock: blank
Spacer 14 _ (blank) space
Duration of 15-22 hh:mm:ss hh hour (00-99) Maximum recorded time is
Call minutes (00-59) 99:59:59.
ss seconds (00-59)
Spacer 23 _ (blank) space

Calling Party 24-27 pppp cccc extension number (0-9999) Extension number can also
contain * and #. 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 2 of 9

ATTm or ATmm attendant console number (0-9

or 10-99)
Tnnn CO trunk number (000-999)

Xnnn non-CO trunk number (000-999)

Spacer 28 _ (blank) space

Attendant 29 f * attendant involved Attendant answered or initiated

the call, then transferred it to
(blank) attendant not involved
an extension.
Time to 30-32 ttt ttt time to answer in seconds (000 Applies to incoming calls only.
Answer to 999)
*** call unanswered

Spacer 33 _ (blank) space

Digits Dialed 34-59 xx..xxyyyyy x...x: Node ID + extension 26 digits maximum (20 is Meter
on the Trunk number (14 digits maximum) Pulses enabled).
yyyyy: actual digits dialed
34-54 If number of digits dialed
T: network call
exceeds space, remaining digits
are not shown.
Meter Pulses 55-59 mmmmm mmmmm number of reversals received Optional. If not enabled, digits
from outgoing trunk (00000 to are used for Digits Dialed on
64000) the Trunk field.
Call 60 h A answer supervision (outgoing)
B called party busy (incoming)
E caller error (incoming)
T Toll-denied (outgoing), TAFAS-
answered (incoming) or pickup-
answered (incoming)
I internal call

Speed 61 s S system or personal speed call For forwarded internal calls,

Call/Call Third Party field is blank.
F external call forwarded using
Forward Flag
External Call Forward or internal
call forwarded using Call Forward
Called Party 62-65 qqqq cccc extension number (0-9999) Extension numbers can also
contain # and *.
Tnnn CO trunk number (000-999)
IP trunks are identified by
Xnnn non-CO trunk number (000-999) X999.
ATTm or ATmm attendant (0-9 or 10-99)
Transfer/ 66 k T supervised transfer
X unsupervised transfer
C 3-way call or conference call
U path unavailable (ACD 2000)
I interflow (ACD 2000)
Spacer 67 _ (blank) space
Third Party 68-71 rrrr cccc extension number (0-9999) Can also contain # and *.
Spacer 72 _ (blank) space
Account 73-84 aa...aa aa...aa account code number (2-12 Optional.
Code/Tag digits, 00-99...99) or Note: Some third-party SMDR
Call Tag Call Identifier (2 to 12 digits, log readers can only handle
Identifier a = 0-9, a-z, # or *) numeric characters in this field.
Route 85 s r pre-optimization trunk Applies to MSDN/DPNSS only.
R post-optimization trunk
(blank) no route optimization
System 86-88 iii iii System ID or Node ID (001-999, When both System and Node
Identifier 000 if system and node ID not ID are programmed, field
programmed) displays System ID. 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 3 of 9

Spacer 89 _ (blank) space

With ANI/DNIS/ISDN/CLASS Number Delivery Reporting enabled:

Spacer 91 _ (blank) space
ANI 92-101 aa...aa aa...aa ANI number (1-10 characters, 0-
Spacer 102 _ (blank) space
DNIS 103-112 dd...dd dd...dd DNIS number (1-10 characters,
With Standardized Network OLI enabled:
Spacer 113 _ (blank) space
Call 114-121 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane
Identifier A, even letters for plane B)
sss system identifier (000-999)
cccc call number (0000-9999)
Call 122 s s call sequence identifier (A-Z) Does not rollover.
Spacer 123 _ (blank) space
Associated 124-131 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane
Call A, even letters for plane B)
sss system identifier (000-999)
cccc call number (0000-9999)

Extended Digit Length SMDR Record Fields

The table below provides an overview of SMDR fields when "Extended Digit Length" is enabled in the SMDR Options
Assignment form.

The Extended Digit Length SMDR record has 101 characters:


When "ANI/DNIS/ISDN/CLASS Number Delivery Reporting" is enabled in the SMDR Options Assignment form, the SMDR
record is extended to 120 characters:

When "Standardized Network OLI" is enabled in the SMDR Options Assignment form, the SMDR record is extended to 139

Name Columns Symbol Format Definition Notes

Long Call 1 z (blank) less than 5 mn
(call length)
- from 5:00 to 9:59 mn 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 4 of 9

% from 10:00 to 29:59 mn

+ 30 mn or more

Date 2-6 mm/dd mm month (01-12)

dd day (01-31)
Spacer 7 _ (blank) space

Start Time 8-13 hh:mmp hh hour (00-12 or 00-23)

mm minutes (00-59)

p 12-hour clock: blank (A.M.) or P

24-hour clock: blank
Spacer 14 _ (blank) space
Duration of 15-24 hhhh:mm:ss hhhh hour (0000-9999) Maximum recorded time is
Call minutes (00-59) 9999:59:59.
ss seconds (00-59)
Spacer 25 _ (blank) space

Calling Party 26-32 ppppppp ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Extension number can also
contain * and #.
ATTmm attendant console number (00-
Tnnnn CO trunk number (0-9999)

Xnnnn non-CO trunk number (0-9999)

Spacer 33 _ (blank) space

Attendant 34 f * attendant involved Attendant answered or initiated

the call, then transferred it to
(blank) attendant not involved
an extension.
Time to 35-37 ttt ttt time to answer in seconds (0000 Applies to incoming calls only.
Answer to 9999)
*** call unanswered

Spacer 38 _ (blank) space

Digits Dialed 39-64 xx..xxyyyyy x...x: Node ID + extension 26 digits maximum (20 is Meter
on the Trunk number (14 digits maximum) Pulses enabled).
yyyyy: actual digits dialed
39-59 If number of digits dialed
T: network call
exceeds space, remaining digits
are not shown.
Meter Pulses 60-64 mmmmm mmmmm number of reversals received Optional. If not enabled, digits
from outgoing trunk (00000 to are used for Digits Dialed on
64000) the Trunk field.
Call 65 h A answer supervision (outgoing)
B called party busy (incoming)
E caller error (incoming)
T Toll-denied (outgoing), TAFAS-
answered (incoming) or pickup-
answered (incoming)
I internal call

Speed 66 s S system or personal speed call For forwarded internal calls,

Call/Call Third Party field is blank.
F external call forwarded using
Forward Flag
External Call Forward or internal
call forwarded using Call Forward
Called Party 67-73 qqqqqqq ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Extension numbers can also
contain # and *.
Tnnnn CO trunk number (0000-9999)
IP trunks are identified by
Xnnnn non-CO trunk number (0000- X9999.
ATTmm attendant (00-99) 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 5 of 9

Transfer/ 74 k T supervised transfer

X unsupervised transfer
C 3-way call or conference call
U path unavailable (ACD 2000)
I interflow (ACD 2000)
Spacer 75 _ (blank) space
Third Party 76-82 rrrrrrr ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Can also contain # and *.
Spacer 83 _ (blank) space
Account 84-95 aa...aa aa...aa account code number (2-12 Optional.
Code digits, 00-99...99) or Note: Some third-party SMDR
Tag Call Identifier (2 to 12 digits, log readers can only handle
a = 0-9, a-z, # or *) numeric characters in this field.
Route 96 s r pre-optimization trunk Applies to MSDN/DPNSS only.
R post-optimization trunk
(blank) no route optimization
System 97-99 iii iii System ID or Node ID (001-999, When both System and Node
Identifier 000 if system and node ID not ID are programmed, field
programmed) displays System ID.
Spacers 100 _ (blank) space

With ANI/DNIS/ISDN/CLASS Number Delivery Reporting enabled:

Spacer 102 _ (blank) space
ANI 103-112 aa...aa aa...aa ANI number (1-10 characters, 0-
Spacer 113 _ (blank) space
DNIS 114-120 dd...dd dd...dd DNIS number (1-7 characters, 0- Only 7 rightmost characters are
9999999) recorded.
With Standardized Network OLI enabled:
Spacer 121 _ (blank) space
Call 122-129 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane
Identifier A, even letters for plane B)
sss system identifier (000-999)
cccc call number (0000-9999)
Call 130 s s call sequence identifier (A-Z) Does not rollover.
Spacer 131 _ (blank) space
Associated 132-139 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane
Call A, even letters for plane B)
sss system identifier (000-999)
cccc call number (0000-9999)

Extended Time to Answer SMDR Record Fields

When the "Extended Time to Answer" field is enabled in the SMDR Options Assignment form, the Time to Answer field is
increased by one digit, and the spacer between the Calling Party and Attendant fields disappears.

The tables below show the changes to the SMDR fields when Extended Time to Answer is enabled. The changes are shown
in bold. The same changes apply when ANI/DNIS/ISDN/CLASS Number Delivery Reporting and/or Standardized Network
OLI are enabled. 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 6 of 9

Standard SMDR Record fields with Extended Time to Answer Enabled

The Standard SMDR record with Extended Time to Answer enabled has 90 characters:

Name Columns Symbol Format Definition Notes

Calling Party 24-27 pppp cccc extension number (0-9999) Extension number can also
contain * and #.
ATTm or ATmm attendant console number (0-9
or 10-99)
Tnnn CO trunk number (000-999)

Xnnn non-CO trunk number (000-999)

Attendant 28 f * attendant involved Attendant answered or initiated

the call, then transferred it to
(blank) attendant not involved
an extension.
Time to 29-32 tttt tttt time to answer in seconds (0000 Applies to incoming calls only.
Answer to 9999)
**** call unanswered

Spacer 33 _ (blank) space

Extended Digit Length SMDR Record fields with Extended Time to Answer Enabled

The Extended Time to Answer SMDR with Extended Digit Length enabled record has 101 characters:

Name Columns Symbol Format Definition Notes

Calling Party 26-32 ppppppp ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Extension number can also
contain * and #.
ATTmm attendant console number (00-
Tnnnn CO trunk number (0-9999)

Xnnnn non-CO trunk number (0-9999)

Attendant 33 f * attendant involved Attendant answered or initiated

the call, then transferred it to
(blank) attendant not involved
an extension.
Time to 34-37 tttt tttt time to answer in seconds (0000 Applies to incoming calls only.
Answer to 9999)
**** call unanswered

Spacer 38 _ (blank) space

Extended Reporting Level 1 SMDR Record Fields

If "SMDR Extended Reporting Level 1" is enabled in the SMDR Options Assignment form, the ANI and DNIS field sizes are
increased, and two new fields are added: LDN Called (after the Called Party field) and Suite Identifier (after the DNIS field).
The changes are shown in the tables below (only the affected fields are shown).

The table below shows the changes to the SMDR fields when Extended Time to Answer is enabled. The changes are shown
in bold.

Note: When Extended Reporting Level 1 is enabled, Extended Digit Length, Extended Time to Answer and
Standardized Network OLI must also be enabled.

The Extended Report Level 1 SMDR record has 168 characters:

aaaaaaaaaaaasiii___aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_dddddddddd_sssssss_psssccccs_pssscccc 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 7 of 9


Name Columns Symbol Format Definition Notes

Called Party 67-73 qqqqqqq ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Extension numbers can also
contain # and *.
Tnnnn CO trunk number (0000-9999)
IP trunks are identified by
Xnnnn non-CO trunk number (0000- X9999.
ATTmm attendant (00-99)
Spacer 74 _ (blank) space
LDN Called 75-81 lllllll lllllll extension number of
attendant-answered call
Transfer/ 82 k T supervised transfer
X unsupervised transfer
C 3-way call or conference call
U path unavailable (ACD 2000)
I interflow (ACD 2000)
Spacer 83 _ (blank) space
Third Party 84-90 rrrrrrr ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Can also contain # and *.
Spacer 91 _ (blank) space
Account 92-103 aa...aa aa...aa account code number (2-12 Optional.
Code digits, 00-99...99) or Note: Some third-party SMDR
Tag Call Identifier (2 to 12 digits, log readers can only handle
a = 0-9, a-z, # or *) numeric characters in this field.
Route 104 s r pre-optimization trunk Applies to MSDN/DPNSS only.
R post-optimization trunk
(blank) no route optimization
System 105-107 iii iii System ID or Node ID (001-999, When both System and Node
Identifier 000 if system and node ID not ID are programmed, field
programmed) displays System ID.
Spacer 108 _ (blank) space
Autovon Call 109 a a Autovon call priority level
Priority Level
Spacer 110 _ (blank) space
ANI 111-130 aa...aa aa...aa ANI number (1-20 characters, 0-
Spacer 131 _ (blank) space
DNIS 132-141 dd...dd dd...dd DNIS number (1-10 characters,
Spacer 142 _ (blank) space
Suite 143-149 sssssss sssssss suite identifier
Spacer 150 _ (blank) space
Call 151-158 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane
Identifier A, even letters for plane B)
sss system identifier (000-999)
cccc call number (0000-9999)
Spacer 159 _ (blank) space
Call 160 s s call sequence identifier (A-Z) Does not rollover.
Spacer 161 _ (blank) space
Associated 161-169 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 8 of 9

Call A, even letters for plane B)

sss system identifier (000-999)
cccc call number (0000-9999)

Extended Reporting Level 1 and Level 2 SMDR Record Fields

If SMDR Extended Reporting Level 1 and Level 2 are enabled in the SMDR Options Assignment form, the Start Time field
records the call start time to the second (hour:minute:second).

Name Columns Symbol Format Definition Notes

Called Party 70-76 qqqqqqq ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Extension numbers can also
contain # and *.
Tnnnn CO trunk number (0000-9999)
IP trunks are identified by
Xnnnn non-CO trunk number (0000- X9999.
ATTmm attendant (00-99)
Spacer 77 _ (blank) space
LDN Called 78-84 lllllll lllllll extension number of
attendant-answered call
Transfer/ 85 k T supervised transfer
X unsupervised transfer
C 3-way call or conference call
U path unavailable (ACD 2000)
I interflow (ACD 2000)
Spacer 86 _ (blank) space
Third Party 87-93 rrrrrrr ccccccc extension number (0-9999999) Can also contain # and *.
Spacer 94 _ (blank) space
Account 95-106 aa...aa aa...aa account code number (2-12 Optional.
Code digits, 00-99...99) or Note: Some third-party SMDR
Tag Call Identifier (2 to 12 digits, log readers can only handle
a = 0-9, a-z, # or *) numeric characters in this field.
Route 107 s r pre-optimization trunk Applies to MSDN/DPNSS only.
R post-optimization trunk
(blank) no route optimization
System 108-110 iii iii System ID or Node ID (001-999, When both System and Node
Identifier 000 if system and node ID not ID are programmed, field
programmed) displays System ID.
Spacer 111 _ (blank) space
Autovon Call 112 a a Autovon call priority level
Priority Level
Spacer 113 _ (blank) space
ANI 114-133 aa...aa aa...aa ANI number (1-20 characters, 0-
Spacer 134 _ (blank) space
DNIS 135-144 dd...dd dd...dd DNIS number (1-10 characters,
Spacer 145 _ (blank) space
Suite 146-152 sssssss sssssss suite identifier
Spacer 153 _ (blank) space
Call 154-161 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane
Identifier A, even letters for plane B) 1/17/2009
Summary of Fields Table (Redesign) Page 9 of 9

sss system identifier (000-999)

cccc call number (0000-9999)
Spacer 162 _ (blank) space
Call 163 s s call sequence identifier (A-Z) Does not rollover.
Spacer 164 _ (blank) space
Associated 165-172 pssscccc p plane (A-Z, odd letters for plane
Call A, even letters for plane B)
sss system identifier (000-999)
cccc call number (0000-9999)

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SMDR Extended Reporting
SMDR Examples 1/17/2009

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