Procedure For __[SocNosGus-asr-ia
This procedure outlines the process ai
made by the company,
é ‘|The procedure is applicable to all purchases like raw materials, consumables,
machines and equipments, tooling and fixtures, gages and Instruments, stores &
Pe. packing materials, calibration services, and other items that affect product
‘a OGM Purchase is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.
opted by Garima Castings for all purchases
1. All purchases are essentially to be made from approved vendors. (List of
Approved Vendors).
2. Existing vendors have been selected on the basis of their past performance in
terms of quality, timely delivery and cost competitiveness. (Vendor Ratings).
3. New vendors may be introduced based on customer approval, approved
vendor recommendation, site visit assessment, market reputation or single
source (Vendor Approval Form).
4. In case of non availability of materials at the approved vendors, material may
be sourced from a new vendor and based on his performance, may be
added to the approved list.
S. In emergency situations, purchases can be made from any one offering
earliest delivery.
6. In case of raw materials, machineries, equipments, instruments etc. and
where technical specification and cost is a factor, discretion of purchase lie
with the Top Management.
7. Indents, Schedules and purchase orders can be Placed in writing or orally.
8. In case of customer approved vendor, purchases will continue until the
approval is withdrawn by the customer.
9. Purchase Orders must clearly stipulate item, specifications (where
applicable), quantity, price and delivery time frame.
10.Records of vendor ratings should be maintained.
11.In case of acceptance of material under deviation, communication to the
vendor should be made verbally/written/CAPA may be asked for,
12.Where an approved vendor's ratings fail, the vendor may be subject to re-
evaluation or removed from the approved Vendor list.
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Representative Chief Exécutive Officer (pein
Prepared By) (Reviewed By) pproved by)