Made Simple - CPD
Made Simple - CPD
Made Simple - CPD
© 2018
What is CPD?
In your educational and professional life, you may come across the term
CPD. But what does it stand for, and what does it mean for you?
The acronym usually stands for:
A CPD plan is a plan you make regarding your future skills and knowledge
A CPD record is a record of the CPD you have already undertaken as part of
your professional role.
CPD planning
When you create a CPD plan, it is important that you think about how to
make it relevant to you in your professional role. A few factors to bear in mind
• Your job description:
o What skills and knowledge are relevant to your role?
o What actions do you need to undertake in your role which can
be developed further through CPD?
o Are there areas which are constantly changing – e.g.
technology – that you need training on?
• Your age and seniority:
o Are – or will you be – responsible for mentoring, chairing
meetings, making decisions, etc., within your department?
o Are you in a managerial or leadership role?
o What else do you need or want to know in relation to your role?
• Your career aspirations:
o What skills and knowledge do you need to achieve your career
o What else do you need to know that will improve your
productivity in your role?
Other things to think about might include:
• Things you want to improve on a personal level
• The level of detail you require
• What your organisation/business can do for you, and what resources
they can afford you
• How much spare time and money you have
• The feasibility of CPD activities – i.e. are your planned activities
realistically achievable?
Enhanced Ltd. © 2018
Conference on
improving the presence
of the museum and
heritage sector in the
12th-13th August,
Develop people Understanding of basic People management
management skills people management workshop
skills 22nd February, Leeds
Personal research
Your CPD plan does not have to look exactly like this. However, this does
illustrate the kind of thing you should be looking to include in your own CPD
Depending on your place of work, there are different ways that your CPD
plan will be laid out. Remember, though, that the content is the most
important aspect.
Enhanced Ltd. © 2018
CPD record
Your organisation may already have a record of your CPD that you can
easily print out when needed. Other organisations require you to keep a
record for yourself.
Remember: CPD that is relevant to your job role and the business you work for
will usually be practice-supported. However, CPD that is not directly relevant
to the business may have to be done in your own time.
Again, please remember that your CPD record does not have to look exactly
like this. Your record will likely be much longer and more detailed. As with
your CPD plan, the content of your CPD record is the most important aspect.