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475th Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 2, 2023

(Transcription, Proofing done)
(Auto transcription by Elias)


K- Hello good morning, good day to you as usual. Wherever and whenever you listen to this series of
Knowledge Seekers on the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. As we are sharing knowledge, we gain
more knowledge and more confidence to understand the process of Creation, and how we are created, and
how we survive, and how we choose to survive. And how our Soul decides the position of life on Earth in the
shape of the body of the man, on another position in the shape of god knows, a fly, and aliens the man
cannot even imagine exists, or as a speck of dust, or atom of water. (:14).

Going through the teaching of past few weeks, as we start speaking about Cosmic Rays (CR), we have
opened new doors in the knowledge of man. And in that process, in the past two or three weeks, especially
bringing into play the carbon 14 (C14), a lot of you are wondering, baffled, want to know, try different things,
and in a way, trying to connect the dots to see where the shape of the body of the man, as the essence of
physicality (P) and the Soul comes, and how it is, and the way it is.

Last week, we spoke about the C14 and how this little chap plays a vital role in the life of the man. And in that
process, what it can and it does, and how it works. Today, I will unravel to you to secret of the life, conversion
of the energy of the cosmos, into an energy of man, into the structure of the man. And how man unknowingly,
makes connection with this, and taps into the Universal energy without knowing. And our scientists, our
human being scientists never understood this.

Unraveling the connection between the C14 and C12 and what we talked about, the structure of the
calcium in the body of the man with the eye, (:16). is the cornerstone of life of the man on this planet. Man
would not exist, animals would not exist, minerals would not exist, if mankind does not understand the
seeding center of every life. On Earth due to its gravitational magnetic (GM) ?? fault (field), the seeding site
is calcium.
Without it, there is no structure even the animal, which has no skeleton, even a plant which has nothing
to grow, but as a smallest leave, a smallest green dot you see on the ground.

Last week, I explained in a very simple way, how C14 comes in from cosmos as a fields, and then in the
body of the Man converts it into C12, and then it leaves the body of the Man in different shapes or forms,
and energies again as C14. This C14 entry and exit are not the same, they are of the different strengths,
different information of energies, which they lost some of it here (on entry), but they gained something else
from the body of the Man conversion of the blood system (when exiting).
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So what your blood did, bringing the blood circulation around, delivers what it doesn't
need and calcium (means- C)14 leaves, carries it out with, a "piggy back" job. (:18). But
the biggest point, which the world of science of the man have not understood up today.
For the first time, I open this door, even why you drink water, why your life is connected to
water. Water is not something to drink as a thirst. Water is the connection conversion of
C14 to C12 for energy difference, for life of the man.

You have H2O, 16 needs to lose 2 energy atomic structure to become 14. Behaving like a
carbon, that allows the Universal energy to be absorbed by the man's body. Water is not
just a thirst, water is the essence of the conversion of the fields of the Universe (U) to the
body of the man. That's what your body contains it. But it cannot do it. It converts it. It's
there to do. It's there for it to convert it, because of the vacuum condition of the body of the
Man, allows that conversion. But how do you plant it? How do you deliver it? The secret
sits in that calcium. Calcium has a spectrum from around about 30 - 32 energetic wise, to
round about 60, and above.

You have in a simple language, C12 and C14. (:20). Three times carbon 12 is 36. Three
times carbon 14 is 42. Conversion of calcium (Ca) in the body of the Man, comes from
this, absorption of the C14 energy to C12, comes from this. But man has missed the
biggest secrets in his life in understanding.

Go back on the teachings. Many times in the medical teachings, many times we referred
to there is not a single cell in the body of the Man, which does not contain calcium. Why?
Now we understand. The way your body, your brain took direct hit from the Cosmic Ray
14, absorbed and released whatever it didn't need every Soul of the man Cosmic rays
directly from conversion of the calcium in the seed. The seed calcium in every cell of the
man is its soul, is its structure of the absorption of it. Without it the cell does not exist,
because it could not receive the C14 conversion, so it dies. So it dissolves. It releases

This is how the cells of the body of the Man every 28 days in one place and every 10
years, or 4 years changes in other parts of the body of the man. If the world of science
understands this, if the science of the man understands the conversion point from the
Cosmic Rays into what we call energy connection, (:22). then man understands he has
found the key to everlasting life.

Don't forget the body of the man, is Mr. COHN, lives by communication between carbon
14 and carbon 12. By the link to the Universe and the body of the Man. Now you
understand what I keep on telling you, 80% of your energy comes from the Universe, not
by the food you eat. Every cell in your body is not waiting for the energy to come from the
food 20%, for dimension (D) of physicality have, to confirm yes. The rest of it through the
seed of the calcium, receiving the Cosmic rays and in a conversion of H2O to C14
conversion to 12, to release its energy to exist, man exists on this planet.
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I take the calcium from the seed of your cell, you don't exist. This is why so many of you
die with chemotherapy. Because the chemotherapy is very simple, your bone has holes,
which goes into and becomes bone marrow. Chemotherapy increases the size of the
lymph, and blocks the hole. So, there is no calcium to be picked up to deliver to start
another cycle. Then, in what strength of which calcium, you release from which hole into
the bone marrow, dictates the term of your life. A cell for a heart, a cell for brain, a cell for
anything else. (:24).

Now, man understand that the Cosmic rays and the C14 coming on the back of the
hydrogen (H), into the center body calcium of the man releases a carbon 12 energy.
Energy absorbed by the calcium released to the cell of the man, and man needs the other
connection to deliver instantaneously. You have H2O again delivering C14. If the Cosmic
rays are blocked by the system.

This is why it feels so fresh when you drink a glass of water. And this is why, the reason
you die when you have no water. You have no point of conversion. You cannot deliver the
energy needed in a C14 structure to the calcium for it to be able to feed the star of it, to
feed to convert energy into the cell for it to survive.

This is the essence of the secret of the life on this planet. And this process repeats itself
across the Universe. It's literally like you're a farmer. You grow the carrots, you grow the
potatoes. Maybe you have a cow, maybe you have a pig, you get the milk and the meat.
But you need other things to cook. You go to the supermarket, you go to the market, you
buy other things. The guy sells onion, and other things, and other things to bring in. That
H2O is that onion, because the body has got everything in the house from itself, (:26). from
the planet Earth.

And if man understand this, and provides that H within the structure of the oxygen (O), as
an absorbent, not as an energy releaser, then the secret of life for men across the Universe
is guaranteed.

This is why we ran a week of feeding you. Those of you who joined us last Sunday, two
weeks, or 10 days ago, this week you've been eating on the "table of the Creator." But
you haven't understood that. You came oh, as Azar writes, "I smelled a kebab, and I
smelled this, and I smelled that," but I didn't get the energy. Because you came for the
odor, you didn't come for the essence of the Creation. Many of you still eating. You haven't
understood how to handle the table of the Creation.

Next week, as I said, again, from Monday to Friday, we open the "table of the Creator" to
dine with him. But this time you bring your food, and then you see what you gain. You came
to take, and you walked with nothing. You're still starving, and you still eat. You come and
bring the sincerity, the combination of the fields of the Creation, you'll receive the food of
life from the Creator.

You came to steal, we're going to eat, what I am going to feel. You didn't come to feed,
what I'm going to give. And I set the trap for you. In the system, we put everything
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possible, (:28). from rice to meat, to fruits, flowers, that you feel romantic, a red rose
leaf. But you all came to take. Even the water you drink is there to give. If you
understand the structure of life on this planet. If you understand the process of the
absorption of the energies of the cosmos, then you understand you can create anything,
because on absorption and conversion some of these become potassium. Some of
these become phosphor and sulfur, and everything else.

The essence of the conversion and Creation in interaction with a fields of the body of the
man, feeding itself with C14 in the essence of the water, becomes in interaction with that
field rays of the interaction, the elements which the man needs as a plasma to survive.

Now you understand how simple the process of the Creation in the U is, if we understand
the true essence of it. And our doctors, and our nutritionists have got no clue. The lady
writes to me, we're opening a Gans company in Shanghai, China. Open a hundred, it
means haven't understood with release of one knowledge in the next few weeks to the
Chinese government, will feed the nation without a single food on the table. 1.4 billion is
nothing multiplied by 1.4 billion order of magnitude. (:30).

When you understand the secret of Creation, you give enough fields that it creates a
warmth, and heat, and you can swim in the depth of the ices of the oceans of the
Universe, you'll still survive.

Now you understand where the technology is going, where the new system built works
on that conversion. Now, if the world scientists understand this, none of you should have
cancer within one second. If the world scientists understand how this creates, in interaction
with only cells of the brain of the Man, there shall be no depression, no MS, no Alzheimer's,
and nothing else. Because each interaction with the structure of the calcium and the
Cosmic ray, which comes to the brain of the man, to the head of the man, will convert to
the fields of the emotion, which the ?? creator fields, as the man does.

Now you understand, why we start teaching you about Cosmic Rays, why you start
teaching about the knowledge of the C14. Now, you understand we don't exist even in the
physicality of the Man, if you do not understand how carbon 14 as the energy of the plasma,
in piggybacking the hydrogen of the Universe delivers its energies, gives the reference
point, to every point of Creation, for the life to exist in that point, time position.
"I make man in the image of Myself," (:32). even the Creator has a seed of Creation for

Now, if you understood this, if you understand what has been said in past 20 minutes,
you'd throw all the chemistry books, all the medical books into the rivers of the lack of
knowledge of the man for past centuries. It will take man thousands of years to unravel
this secret. Even so simple, I have put in on the board. Now you understand why when
you die, your skeleton remains, stays behind.

The stability of C48, and the stability of the Ca48 dictates the life. Not all your bones
stays behind, part of the bone calcium, which is in 36 and 60 will disappear. Why
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calcium runs to isotopes of around 60? Go to the chemistry books and read it. Because 60
- 65, then it can deliver it directly energy to iron, to zinc, to copper, which is the essence of
life of the creation of the man.

Now you understand why you have calcium within every cell body of the man, be it the
muscle, be it the brain, be it the blood. .. Ca40 in conjunction with C14 is the distributor
of, converter of energy of the Universe in the body of the man, (:34). within its own small
Universe. God is Creator of all, and man converter of some, even converts some of the
rays of the Creator within it, to survive as the life of the man in itself. I am the Creator of my
own, as I have created to be the Creator of.

Now, man understands this. When you see another being in the Universe, you look at it,
what section, what combination of the C14 in the plasma condition, not atomic with
neutrons and electrons in it, but as an energy pack, this creature converts. And it cannot
hold on, it gives something out. It cannot take something from the energy it doesn't need
without killing it? Then man understands the emotion. Then man sees different lights,
emitting from the body. "Oh, I need the red one and a pink one, because this goes with
the Ca in my body conversion, into what I need to convert to survive."

Now you understand you do not need to kill. Now you understand what's all this teaching
is coming from, and where it's going to. I didn’t come here to teach you about MaGravs,
you're so naive. I didn't come here to teach you about Gans’s. But it was the only way we
could show the power of the Creation, the essence of Creation. And how you can tap into
it. (:36). "Fountain of the youth" is a dream of the man, which has no ?? to understand the
structure of life, as it’s always young, and it always shall live.

Now you’ve got to understand. Now, as I always say, you have no choice. Get your
scientists to understand this process, you change the direction of the life of the man on
this planet. Throw away all your medical books, and your chemistry books, and your
physics books. Because it's nothing but nonsense. You still cannot cure a simple cancer,
you still cannot heal a simple cut. You have to wait for the destiny of the time of the body,
if it receives enough. The knowledge of the man is even less, than the knowledge of a
creature, which can create its own tail.

Now you are proud, you're the king of the Creation. You're the king of the stupidity of
not understanding the knowledge of the Creator. That's all. And that's on the individual's,
because when we come arrogant to it, we lose the sight, and this is what has kept the man
from the sight. Understanding the conversion, the process of the conversion of the fields
of the Universe, which comes from the Creator into the body of the man. (:38).

You made all these chemicals, pharmaceuticals, "pharm suited" for stupidity, not for
curing the man. Even in the systems we are developing for you is for our people, and you
to understand, and gain trust to move to the next step. But we make it available at the
strength of the Soul of the Man (STM).
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Now, you understand how in a very simple way, in a very childish way, I have brought
you to understand the process of the Creation, the process of the conversion of the
Creation into the physicality of the man. Mitra, blesses her name, brought this
knowledge, but man ignored. If you combine the right way the Ca with the Cosmic rays,
you get the "love of Creator." The emotion of love comes from this process. Comes from
this conversion. And the waters of this planet has the right combination to nourish what
you call, the love of man. (:40).

Now even you understand why the Creator fell in love with Mitra, and Mitra with Earth.
And through the love from each other, and let the release of the knowledge of the
Creation. Otherwise, not only man, but the Universe would have lived in the dimension
of ignorance. Understand this process in true essence of the creation and conversion of
the Universal fields, then you have access to Unicose. Be ignorant of it, you die of
cancer, and everything else on this planet.

The smallest fields in the Universe will disassemble the plasma of the body of the man.
Now you understand how much knowledge is still to give you, but I still humble enough
to walk amongst you as a man, with all the pitfalls of existence.

Understanding of the Totality of the Creation is the job of the man. It’s the job of the
STM, as the body of the man is fragile. You move out of the gravitational magnetic field
of this planet, you cannot even absorb, you have not been taught how to absorb the
dimension of the fields of the Universe. (:42). We starve you from oxygen, even while you
are in the pool of it, as water, you die. Even though it carries oxygen, which you need.
Because your cells, your emotion, your fields in the brain of the man has not learned
about the Cosmic rays within the water itself to use it, as an absorber of energy and
survive within the water.

You do not need ?? new, you need to understand the emotion of conversion in the brain
of the man, then you survive in any position in the Universe. Depths of the oceans, to the
highest mountains, coldest places in the Universe. Because you learn through your Soul,
and the STP within you, how to convert the energies. When you depart from the position
of the STM and you carry that STP energy within you in the Universe. Now, this becomes
your calcium to feed within the structure of the plasma of the STM. Where in the dimension
of physicality, you are outside in dimension and the Soul was ?? inside itself. Feeding you
from inside in every cell of the calcium connection and dimension.

Now you can see how this "skin of the sheep" turns inside out. And both has a purpose.
Now mankind has no choice, but come to the point of what we call, (:44). peace. Peace
within itself, and then peace with the rest of the Creation and the Creator.

In so many ways, if the world of science of man understands the teaching of today, man
has opened a new gate to the world of understanding and life in the Universe. Maybe,
maybe one day, if man matures enough, I'll explain the life in the Universe and in the
Unicose. Because the process in the Unicose on the gravitational magnetic fields of the
Creation and life, is connected directly to the Soul of the Creator.
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At the moment as a man the fields you receive, is regurgitated and chewed by so many
before me, before it became the body of the man's ??. Your body is not second hand, and
third hand fields of the Creator, it’s chewed up to the infinity of the billions. Physicality of
the man is nothing but leftovers, of the leftovers of many generations of Creation. And still
you’re so arrogant.

Understanding the Creation, (:46). transportation of the energy fields. The load on the
energy fields is the secret of survival in every dimension of the Creation. Be it on the
planet, Solar System, and Galaxy, Universe, or in the Unicose. Then, you have access to
the Soul of the Creator, if you can create yourself through your own structure, the Creation
of life.

In a simple language, step by step I have unraveled this to the scientists of the Keshe
Foundation. And they are in the process of the development of the creation and
conversion, from the Soul of the Creator, to the STM, to the dimension of physicality of
the man.

Today, we have hundreds of thousands of people starving, cold, with a small earthquake
in a part of Turkey, Syria and the rest. If their leaders accept the knowledge of the man
we'll feed the totality within a wish. But man has to come to peace, not the border that
one side starves, and the other border is with supplies. What's the difference between the
blood on the imaginary line of the man? You're immature, we'll let you die with it. (:48).

If you understand, every knowledge is a gift. It’s the one who receives the gift, how he
uses it. It’s a knife which cuts on both sides. I used to have a friend in our organization.
And I've said that many times before, he refused to buy a knife to be sold in our stores. I
said to him, "Nat" why? One day somebody bought a knife in one of our shops and went
and killed someone. I don't want to be involved in it. I said, what about the knife the mother
buys and feeds that child to survive. It's you who has to understand, which way, which
side of the knife cuts, to what purpose. As long as the man kills, he shall not receive it.
The life, the emotion of the man should be knife of the love, that it cuts and it gives. The
mother the way she cuts the fruit with love and care, that the child receive the best part of
the fruit, has to be the essence of the creation of the man.

If you understand the totality of the conversion, then every radiation which man has not,
and cannot even imagine today, will be open to mankind. You don't carry love in your
hand. You release it as a field, as a radiation of love. (:50). Then mankind has to
understand even in his skull, if you open the skull. If the scientist of the man go deep into
and expand his skull, you will find different structures of the calcium, which each one
connected to absorb certain field strengths, and radiate certain fields inside.

When you hold the skull of the man in your hand, you carry the biggest converter of the
energies of the Universe, but man has never understood it. When you die some of these,
because there is no use, disappears. The only structure which leaves behind for man is
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Ca40, maybe Ca41. In some cases, you carry Ca46. That Ca46 should have given man
the knowledge of the Cosmic rays, but he never understood.

When you carry Ca46 in the bone structure of the man, you have C14 and C12. You
came in with 42 and 48. Reduction to absorption to release energy. Man has not even
understood. "Oh, his bones is left behind. There was a man here." (:52). Look into the
structure of that bone, and you'll understand the history of the Creation in the Universe.
But at the level of the field of this planet.

Man scientists has been too busy cheating each other and the others, as they never
understood. Understanding the process of the Creation. Understanding the limitation of
the knowledge has created a mayhem for the man, has created many prophets, magicians.
Be it from Moses to a chemist, the biologist and the professors. Yesterday I was talking
to one of the leading ambassadors in the world, very powerful man. He said, Mehran, we
have a problem with the president. I said, what's the problem? He said, you know, this
technology, which we are discussing regarding this and that. He said, we brought top three
scientists, professors from the university. And they all three rejected it. We sat down with
them and say, why? What is the reason you're rejecting this? Nothing to do with the Keshe
Foundation technology, it’s another field. They said, if we accept this, we have to throw our
books into the rivers. How am I going to be a professor? I said, tell the president who is the
thief of the nation.

Chinese government leadership president Xi, knows this, that the reason the country
cannot move forward, and he still has to steal from the others, (:54). is the scientists of
his own, who blocking the knowledge to be transferred to the scientists, the new
generation. We saw China put those who did all the briberies into the hanging section.
They hung 50 - 60,000 , those who took the bribe in past five or ten years. Through this it
to stop the bribery. Soon we'll see the Chinese government will put these scientists, the
lead scientists into prisons. For stealing, allowing the nation to go forward with the

It's not that China doesn't have scientists. China has the best scientists. But these thieves
in the name of professors, and the lead scientists stop it, because then their papers worth
nothing, because they're 40 years old. It’s the same with the rest of the man structure of
life. It is not that you don't understand. It’s that those who call themselves professors, and
the priests, and hte prophets, they're all thieves in their own shape or form, for them to have
a value to their meager brain of themselves.

What's on the table. What we taught today, what we taught you last week, and in the past
weeks, in how even your Soul receives energies in that conversion, should put, should
create a new seed of understanding in all your Souls and physicality's.

At the moment, the human race is not controlled by the banks, (:56). it's controlled by
ignorance of the scientist, professors and the university professors who have no
knowledge except cheating to get to that point. Half of their thesis's is stolen from other
scientists. We are in the same situation in the world of politics. Who and how they have
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attached religions to every parliament, and senate, and everything else, that they have a
say, that they can control the cheating of the church, the mosque and the rest into it.
Thieves of scientists, and thieves of the STM working together. How can man progress?

You have the knowledge, you have to decipher. Not me, and nobody else. You decipher
it according to your intelligence, you decipher it according to what you want from that
intelligence. And you create the new dimension of science. Science of understanding the
sense into the interaction of the fields of the Universe, and nothing else. Science means
making sense, and nothing else. But it has to make sense according to the world of the
Creation, not to the cheat of the scientists of the past and the present, protecting a piece of

When my degree came from Queen Mary College, it came in a toilet roll. I refused to go
to graduation. I opened it, I saw it was set a certificate of degree. I took it, and I stuck it
under the toilet roll in the bathroom. My mom came and said, what is this hanging there. I
said, that's my degree. (:58). She said, are you stupid? I said, mom has no value, it’s a
man's value. That's all it worth. If I don't carry the intelligence and knowledge. It's just a
piece of paper, and it's worth nothing more than the toilet paper. If the man does not carry
the knowledge within it. And the knowledge to give the correct way, and to accept the
dimension, the process of ?? in the same way.

I understood what’s on this board 60 years ago. I created the first reactors 25 years ago,
20 years ago, on the same basis. And it works. But I have to do things for man not call
me a magician. Understand the process. Understand the process of the Creation,
understand the process the Creator is transferring is now His energy to you to understand
the process. Then you can use this to every advantage of the mankind.

Take from it, become gravitational (G). Give to it, and become magnetical (M). Isn't it
the way I taught you how to make your MaGravs? (1:00). The knowledge is the same. It
should not make a difference. The degree came in a toilet roll and it went where it fitted,
under a toilet roll, cardboard box rolled exactly like a center tube of a toilet roll. And I gave
it to my mom and said, mom, it came in the toilet roll, you see, that's where it should be.
She sat and cried. She said, you've wasted your life. I said, no mom, I gained my life.

Understand the process of conversion, understand the process of transportation,

understand the process of transmutation. You transport physical matter, you transmute
plasma energy. Then you understand where and how, what do you want to create. How
many years it took you to find out about the magic liquid in the Coca Cola bottle. It was
caustic. And you created Nano material, you created everything else. You created a
diamond structure on the same ??. And the stupid scientist, (1:02). or what I call ignorant,
arrogant, pedophiles .. people of the University of Brussels, they called it, he uses the
uses radiation, he is a terrorist.

There's no, nothing in creating the most advanced fields of the radiation anywhere in the
world. But to the stupid Belgians scientists it was a terrorist organization. They terrorized
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the Keshe technology for years due to their ignorance. Nuclear weapons, if you
understand this, are worthless. It’s like you're throwing a match in the river. It's just like a
sparkle. If I release this knowledge in the dimension of the nuclear plasma energy of the
Cosmic rays, there'll be no Earth left, let alone worrying about the nuclear bomb. In fact,
as I said to the Americans on a table of discussion in Seoul in 2008, I use your own nuclear
warheads to make food out of it. Not to kill with it. Because you have already purified it to
the level that I can use it. (1:04). There is no calcium in it, there is no zinc in it, you give me
a pure, pure high level plasma. I know how to convert it, I know how to control it. With one
nuclear warheads I can feed the whole of the galaxy, forget about the Earth.

If you understand how to release that. Up to today you never understood why you drink
water. What's the reason the minute you touch the water on your lips, the thirst goes. It’s
a rapid conversion in the vacuum of the body of the man to open up the hydrogen in
releasing the energy of the oxygen to become equal to the Cosmic rays, that it reaches
every single cell of the body of the man. Drink more.

Now mankind has to move to the next level of understanding the knowledge of Creation.
Next week and the week after, I unravel to you the knowledge that you could not even
imagine exists. The way we’ve done last week and this week. You understand this,
because you came through with me with Nano coating, with the Gans’s making, with the
MaGravs, and the rest of it. You housewives, pensioners, boys in a college, street
cleaners, have more knowledge than the professors in MIT, (1:06). in space and in

You’ve got to understand the process of Creation in the true way, and be your own
teacher. But observe the others what they have learned. And don't become arrogant in
what you understand. Become humble to share. Then you progress. Then you move into
the next step to understand more. Then you understand why life means, life in every point
in the Universe, irrespective of time, place and position.

There is no time when the life hasn't started. We celebrate the birth of children from the
moment the day they take the first breath from the air of this planet, and we call it, the
birthday. We don't celebrate the day when they came to conceive, to become the Soul
within the womb of the mother. There they showed the essence of their creation. Again,
man dimension of physicality.

Then you understand, why children of Mitra are celebrated from the point of inception.
(1:08). Not from the point of taking the first air. Then you celebrate the point of that
creation. What happens if your child is born on another planet in interaction with another
Soul from another dimension, and doesn't take air and stays as a Soul? It does not exist
does, does not have a birthday, does not have a time of conception. Then you know how
children of Mitra will be created.

There is no need for an egg and sperm. Ask yourself a single question, if you understand
the theology. Adam made Eve from his rib. Did he have an egg or a sperm? Or was it the
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love of the essence of the field of the Creation? And man still looks into a different
dimension. This is how you create the children of the Universe in the Universe. Fields
from the field of the essence of the Creation of the Earth, and the fields from another
essence of Creation, another position in the Universe. They become lovers, they give to
each other to enjoy, the other one enjoying, and from it they create the Soul of a new
Life. The children of the Universe. Sorry, the one from planet “Dudu” does not carry any
eggs or sperm. They don't have it in their creation. (1:10).

So man cannot create a new life in the other dimensions of the Universe, because he
carries a sperm or an egg? How feeble the understanding of the man is, in respect to the
Creation of the love of the Creator, Did God sent a sperm or an egg to Earth for the life to
start? Now you understand how wrong the mentality of the Creation has been within the,
and among the human race.

In Arabic we have a beautiful word for it, to the stupidity of the man in the lack of
understanding, we call it "??." Because I cannot understand it, it’s something that is to do
with something which is wrong.

If you understand the knowledge, which we have given you today, from the love of the
Creator, man will find the secret of life in every dimension of the Universe. It will take
centuries, thousands of years for man scientists to understand what you today ?? felt with
the knowledge you were given within your Souls, without the dimension of physicality.
Today, you receive all your PhDs, and professorships, graduation if you understood, from
the Soul of the Universe, not from the stupidity of the universities of MIT and god knows the
rest. (1:12). One day I'll explain to you what MIT means. Man ignorance. You have to look
and understand the process of the Creation, and which part of this process is for you to
enjoy life, to contribute through it, to create the next process?

We go on a break. We'll come back we'll try to solve the riddles of the Creation by the
Creator. Rick if you can take us to a break.

<< BREAK >> 475 KSW March 2, 2023 (1:18).

K- No, carry on.

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Q: … Good morning Mr. Keshe. Good morning everyone. Mr. Keshe the fish in the
ocean. They have apparatus, they take the oxygen and they release the hydrogen. But
we don't have it. But when the fish does it, do they use the emotion or just that apparatus?

K- ..
the we
the apparatus, is in our body to convert energies. But .. that's

Q: Okay, so for example, I was in the ocean this week, I cannot swim. So I was testing
for example, I go flat on my back, and I'm breathing and then I'm not moving, but the
ocean moves me. So I said to myself, I can be in an ocean, I don't need to swim, the water
takes me here and there. Then I did another test. I held my breath, because I can hold it for
a long time. I went deep and I started to move. Then it was a point that I have to breath, so
I drank a lot of water, so I came up. Then I can use my emotion to, not to drink like a fish?
How can I do it?

K- You know in the brain of the man, (1:20). and the STP of man, there is a point of
interaction. If you reach that point, you can use the physicality to do.

You know, you go to all these what I call, cults. You traveled around the world going to
these cults Azar. (Different so called, spiritual gurus). Some of them cannot eat for 20
days, some of them don’t eat for so many years, some of them can do ?? this. They have
found that secret with their body. Most probably they cannot teach it to somebody else,
because they don't even understand it.

But in the depths of the ocean, you can switch. Because that water absorbs all the fields
of the Universe. And you're in it, and you starve with it. You have to learn how to switch.

Q: When you say you switch, it means I switch and become like a fish? Or I switch to…?

K- You switch to (receive) 100% Cosmic rays. The fields which are around you.

One of the reasons that the oceans of the planet, even the sweet water you drink contains
salt, is because of its what we call, alkaline, its gravity creates to absorb things in it. The
salt in the depths of the oceans is not just to be salt, to be there. It’s the process that it can
absorbs fields of the Cosmos, (1:22). that the citizens of the oceans can receive Cosmic
Rays in the depth of the ocean for their Soul.

You call it, alkaline, you call it, acidic. I was explaining this to one of our scientists
yesterday. Change it to gravitational, change it to M, change it to a giver, change it to a
receiver. At any point in the Universe, there has to be a point of receiving at a given field
strength. And it has to be a point of giving at a given field strength. Energies are not
created or brought about out of nowhere. It’s not a "magic fountain" and you stand at one
end, and water just keeps on coming, and it has no resources.
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I made some time ago, a little tool that it was dripping water. But it had no resources. In
the village of Tiham, I've said this before, where we used to live across the hill from us,
right across there is a hill. And in this hill, people come from all over Belgium to take
water. And it's very strange. We live on this side and this is it. We lived here, and here
there is a church. And there's a little spring. People come from all over with bottles, with
crates to take water from this spring. And they say the water from this spring is good for
the eye. It brings healing.

When I heard this I said, people don't understand. (1:24). It’s not that the water which
comes out of this spring is good for the eye. It passes somewhere in this mountain, in this
hill, the point that it has a magnetic gravitational field strength, which matches with some of
the human's liquid in the eye. You don't need to drink it. If you wash your face you will have
the same. Now we understand the science of it.

So, in the depths of the ocean, if you can tap, understand where the energy source equals
the strength of your cell of the body, doesn't matter if you're in Atlantic or Pacific, they are
all connected to each other. You receive that energy, you don't need to breathe. We have
to understand the true essence of knowledge and science.

This is what I said many times, you went to the ocean, and you got nearly drowned, you
took a lot of water. What happened if I throw you out of the Space lab in the space?
You'll die the same way as you could have died, being what you call it, drown in the
ocean in the middle of what is. Now you understand the energy source of your life,
through Cosmic rays level. But in the dimension of physicality.

Man will die, if they throw you in the space, you're dead. What is the biggest fear of the
astronauts and all the ones that go to the Station when they go outside to fit? What
happen if the cable breaks? I go out without the cable because I know how to ?? tap, I
live free life. (1:26). It needs education, it needs understanding.

At the Intro (video) of today's session, what did I say, what does it say? Very, very easy.
You should be able to live anywhere in the Universe. If you can tap into the Universal
Fields. On Earth you use Ca, now you understand why you have Ca. What is happening
on Planet Zeus? When your Soul leaves your physicality, what the Intro says, the STP
will give this energy to it, before departure. So, it seeds the worm of the physicality, where
and when the Soul at a given point will come to exist. And then they reverse the jacket.
You have to understand the point of conversion. Then you'll survive anywhere in the

And then, in another process, if you understood this, you go to the dimension of the
physicality, and you use your Soul to create the first structure of ?? life. This is what the
Creator did. Giving life to, call it, "Eve." He took from inner himself in the dimension of the
smaller package, (1:28). and allowed it to let it go. And then with it. He found He received
from the Universal Community where he lives with it. Our Creator as we call it, is not the
Creator of final. It cannot exist, if there was an environment for it to exist in.
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When I said, I write the book number eight about the fields of the Universe, the magnetic
field of the Universe. It’s that book about how our own Creator was created out of it.
Then you understand, it’s how you play with the position, how you play with the
strengths, how you bring one to be in interaction with the other one, which gives life.
This is what became the most beautiful thing, when and if you understand it.

In my books, I called it, "Fundamental Plasma," the Creator. And its conversion into two
smaller. Read the books. Isn’t the Fundamental Plasma the Creator? (1:30). Isn't the
proton and the neutron the Creator and Mitra? It comes within it to be. It already exists.
On the planet Earth you call it, "plastic islands," (floating in the oceans). When it comes
for those to gather together. What happen when you transfer these plastic islands energy
into, and you create another moon? Earth cannot hold it as a field in one go, it will reject
it. The consequences of cleaning up this planet, the way energy packs are set, the
scientists have not even realized it. Keep on crunching it.

The science is the same. Fundamental Plasma into proton and electron. Creator into Mitra
and the Creator. Connection of the two, the love. The STM departure from his physicality
carrying what we call, the "Spirit," the STP within it to manifest itself what it needs as an ??
atom. And then in that process, what you call it, a twin star. (1:32). Twinity of the star
comes within the STP of the Soul itself. It’s not another piece of plasma. And our scientists
have proven, we have a twin star which every time comes so much close, so much the
creator to give, so much energy and love to Earth, that Earth creates all sorts of commotions
within it, from the love it receives.

When you find your twin Soul, is it the Soul, which was created, with you out of you? Or is
it temporarily field balanced equal, that it can interact? And you fall out of love usually three
to five years, because you absorb different energies. So, next time you’ll go drop yourself
in the ocean to drown yourself to see if you can take energy. First understand how you're
going to convert that energy, before you jump in, or before you take a seat off in the space
and jump off the Spacelab.

Q: Mr. Keshe, sorry to interrupt you. Mr. Keshe when you talk about, I'm going to the
other subject, when you go to the table of the Creator you said, start from Monday.
K- What did you enjoy?

Q: Listen to me, .. listen to me. You know what happened? When I was in Mexico I
grew a belly because I ate chips and I said, I don't want to go eat. So I go to the table,
because I want to go, because it's the table of Creator. But I was communicating with it, I
said, look, I don't want to eat, but I'm going to bring my love and peace to the table, I can
chat with you. (1:34). But give me what I need, and I give you my peace and love.

The first thing I went I was exhausted so it gave me so much comfort, after that I felt
asleep and took a nap. The second day I went, I was in my office I went to the basement I
said, I'm going to sit and see what's going on. And then I didn't want to eat because, and
then it just all smell just came, as if I was at the table. I could smell everything but I was
sitting there. So it was my own intention that gave me what I needed, not because I
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wanted to eat, and it didn't give me anything to eat. So it was all this food, and it was
strange …

K- But you received it. You receive the odor is an energy. You received it, the
confirmation as a smell, not as a food in your stomach. What did you smell like Chera
Kebab, and what else did you smell?

Q: I felt like I was in ?? home. You know when I was a kid I was passing by the ??, my mother
said, go get the ??. And as you pass by those houses at the lunchtime you'll smell all kinds of
food cooked …. ??, all of them.

K- And you smelled that in the basement?

Q: I smelled in the basement and I said, who's cooking all this food? And I realized it's
coming from the system, because I said, it’s impossible.

K- Did it bring you joy. Or did it satisfy your hunger?

Q: Actually, it brought me to my childhood memory that I was like…
K- No, did it bring you joy?
Q: Yeah, of course.

K- So, that's the emotion you needed, not physical hunger. This is what you have to
understand. But what did it bring you? What would be the… I know exactly what you talk
when you got this. (1:36). When I lived in the house in London. I use to go five stories up, 4
story up, and every house was Iranian cooking different food. By the time I get to the top I had
all the foods of the day, upstairs. I wasn't hungry. I didn't know what to eat.

But what did it bring you? Expectation. You wanted to be fed? Or you had ?? the Soul ?? you
wanted the pleasure of the emotion? What did it satisfy? Are you there Azar?

Q: Yes, I think the system gives you what you need. I think it brought me so much joy.
Actually at first it was incredible. Because the minute I put it on my forehead and it felt just
like go into the bathtub after a tired day. There's, ah, this is so good. I just melted.

K- The people who joined us for this, "eating at the table of the Creator" will go through different
experiences. Will go through massive experiences in the next week or two. As next week, we
open the table empty, what do you bring, that the others can ?? enjoy. It's what I call picnicking.
But with the others. What do you bring on the table of picnic next week? Again, 4 to 7 PM

In April Session, we run a session for addiction? You know, we did the tests on the 19th we ,

had some results. Few people give us different types of results they see. And we had one
yesterday, or the day before, I was told by Mario. I think in Austria or Germany, that somebody
was alcoholic, (1:38). after the session doesn't touch. But we have few of these reports. And
we have been done these for years through plasma technology. Invite
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all your addicts friends to join us. You are addicted to sex, you're addicted to love, you're
addicted to cocaine, you're addicted to alcohol, you're addicted to gambling, all come in.
And then when you walk out without it, don't say it was coincidental or accidental. Sign in
your brothers, your son, your daughter, yourself, or whatever, for the addiction you have.
And see how many of you will see a difference.

Don't forget, eating with the, on table of the Creator, was one of the five sections of the
19th. On 24th we sit with World Presidents. On 24th we sit for what you can give and what
they can put on the table. We are working on many world leaders to have, and the world
ambassadors in that meeting.

But learn from today's, this week's experience, and next week. Don't come to them to, let
them give to what you can give back. (1:40). I’m meeting with one of the world leaders in
the next few days. He’s not there out of pleasure of the technology. He is there to save his
presidency. And he needs the Keshe Foundation. I didn't ask for it, he's asked for a
meeting. His ambassador asked, Mr. Keshe, president wants to see you. What can we
change in the course? I told you many times, people will accept this technology not out of
its beauty, but out of the demise of themselves. I have already told our people in the
management of the Keshe Foundation to be ready to fly with me. Because I'm not going in
on my own. We’re going as a technology.

Understanding .. the process is important. How you live, what you give, what you take.
And never question, why am I giving. Never give out of generosity, always give out of
humbleness. Then you receive.

Then jump in the oceans of the Universe and see if you get drowned. And the problem
with you when you went there and you lay on your back, (1:42). you left it to the course of
the Universe, or ocean to take you. You have to be in command of where you want to be.
That's another problem.

Q: Mr. Keshe, but you know, I command now and my command becomes reality.
Because I don't know why. But it's easy because… I can understand now when you say,
you know, when you say, I command something, and nothing happened. Because the
physicality command nothing happen. But when you have no desire anymore, because
like something like, before the desire was more physicality, but now I have no desire. But if
I see something and I say, oh, this is nice. It happens and I don't know why it happens.
But you just it comes from emptiness like there is nothing there but then it shows up. And I
don't know how it happens. But I started to get, I guess surprises, because it is not. I think
about it and I salivate about it happening. Just like I'm just say walking. I just thought oh,
this is nice. And the next thing you know, he shows up and he said. In the beginning it
started to become kind of surprise but now I'm kind of used to it, and just a little bit caught
by luck. Wow I think about something and ..

K- Because you have not understood what we said last week. Yeah? Last week you
forgot, next time you don't need to surprise. This is your .. I take the element of surprise
out of you now, that you don’t need to surprise. This is your eye. And this is your body.
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You think in a physical dimension in this little brain. .. (1:44). But that emotion
whatever, ?? transfers to the what you call it, the STM. You only see through the physical
eye. So, the Soul has become a magician. What you give (tell) to it you want, it puts it in
front of you. Even if it means, ask other Souls, she'll be happy to see a flower and the
flower turns up.

When you understand the connection, the interaction between the physicality and the
Soul. So you live the two dimensions. STP in the interaction with the other Souls make
what was your true wish to be manifested, that you can see with the physical eye. So, it’s
not a surprise anymore. You start living two lives together, because you see through the
same eye, through the same hole. One is the dimension of physicality and one is the
dimension of the fields of the Universe, we call it the STM.

But, as I said, the minute you drink the water, the thirst goes (from) everywhere, because
of the field transfer, when you wish it, the STM in conjunction with the Soul of the taxi
driver, another man, or whatever, brings the friend in front of you. Because the Soul
appears there. There is no surprise.

Then you have managed to build a connection between the STP of the man and the STM.
And from the two eyes, you see the two together. Now we know the knowledge. Now
you know what I said from the beginning, you live a schizophrenic life, dimension of the
fields of Universe and dimension of the physicality of life and the STP of the life of the man
on this planet, or anywhere. (1:46). So that can’t be a surprise.

You can go on yourself, throw yourself in the oceans and you come back, brings it back
to the same point. When you say, I lay down and I could see the fields going. I used to do
that so frequently, I got fed up with it, I stopped doing it. I used to spend a lot of time in
Bahamas. It's a peaceful place. And many, many times I went into the ocean and I laid
there. I couldn't see nothing from distance, no island, no land, nothing. And (when) I wake
up, I'm back again at the same place as I left, an hour later, two hours later. And I said,
how can I get myself out of this, if I want to get lost? Why do I come back to the same
place. I don’t end up in another position in the island, I don't end up in another island, back
to the same place. I used to swim to go to get lost, but I used to come back to the same
point. And then I gave up. For years I used to travel to Bahamas, it’s the most, it used to be
the most peaceful place, especially the Paradise Island. Very few people, not like now, it's
a massive tourists.

And many times I tried to get that, because there the water has a specific field, you see
the bottom of the sea, it’s peaceful. I swim amongst the fishes, I was in middle of them,
hundreds of thousands, I was cocooned in up . Buteven
I end100
up meter
in the away,
same place.
exactlyI the
place, but I couldn't see anyone. I turned around, and turned around, where is the island?
Where I got lost? How did I get pulled? An hour later, two hours later, I land up exactly on
the same beach, the same place as I left.
(1:48). Because my Soul had to be back where it was. My children were waiting for me
on the beach. Those who I came with were waiting for me on the beach. Did they called
me back to the same point?
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It took me a long time to unravel this. How do I end up in the same place all the time. We
need to understand the process of the fields of the emotion, and not the physical dimension.
Then you can do anything. You wish it is there. It’s not that I wished it. In a way you're sitting
with two people in the same seat. I want food, the other one gets the food, is it that you see
another robot?

But ask yourself a fundamental question, what does that Soul ask me, that I do for it
without knowing it? Why do you walk into a place and meet somebody? You call it, the
destiny, I had to meet. What about if your Soul brought you there, the physicality to
interact, that somebody was supposed to receive someone (something). Now you become
that Soul standing, because the Soul brought you here. It’s not always the same.

How many times you say, what am I doing here? How did I end up here? Because there
was an arrangement. Somebody wished you to see here, somebody did something and the
Soul acted, and you appeared here and you caused an accident, because the passenger of
the other car, had to do something, that asked for help from somewhere, (1:50). and caused
that accident.

It’s not just on one way. It’s not that you always wish and it's in front of you. This is the
selfishness of man, this is again what I told you, you came to the table to steal. What does
your physicality, how many times your physicality has gone and done things, because the
Soul wanted? A friend wishes you ??, the Soul knows there is somebody you're looking to
be loved, or to see something, and you go to a supermarket and you meet the woman or a
man, and you fell in love and that's it. Coincident or was that Soul wishing to have someone
to be loved and the strength was the same, so it matches, I bring the body to you. Nothing
is coincidental.

It’s not all the way what I did, the Soul, whatever. When you live, the amount you give, the
amount you take. What you give for the Soul to be there to enjoy, the Soul does for you.
But we never understood, and this lack of understanding is 80% of the man's demise.

Many of these, you call them war veterans, which they go through this huge emotion
after they come back. We call them all sorts of problems psychological. Ask them a
question, what did you kill? Why not all the veterans have the same problem? What did
you cause? Why do you go through mayhem?

Read the book, read this new thing which is come out with Prince Harry. (1:52). Writing
about his time, and cause so many death. And then see why he went through the turmoil.
Balance of the fields. Got kicked out of the royal family, it doesn't matter what, whatever
they are. How come it doesn't happen to the others? Balancing comes.

You killed a man, you killed a child, you sit in the bunkers in the depths of American
nuclear sites and you push a button, a rocket hits somebody in… Oh, we exploded it at so
and so base. That man in that base is a father, is a brother, is somebody's son. You press
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the button of your own annihilation in the bunkers in United States. Watch how your
children, how your father, how your son will pay for this through the balance of the fields.
Next time when you feed your child, would you give it the poison? How come you push the
button to kill, to give that poison in different way to him?

Q: Mr. Keshe, you know, there was this guy one time I heard him, he was talking about, he's a
Persian guy. (1:54). He's talking about when people interact with each other. He was explaining
that when you go into interaction with people, or do something, most people look at it as a
trade. Like for example, I come and ask you for, I want to do something for you Mr. Keshe, this
and that. But then, inside of me, I am actually planning, because I expect something to get
from you. When he was explaining that I wouldn't understand it because, inside of me, it never
existed. For the first time I was hearing that people do things, because they want something.
But I couldn't understand why you do something you want something. Because what does it
mean you do something, planning something, because you want to get something? How is it?
How does it work?

K- So usually I go to work I expect to be paid. We have one of our Knowledge Seekers. I love
this guy. He's somebody I enjoy being with. I get the time I like to spend with him.

He used to be a medical student and a doctor. He knows who is, he is on the line. And in one
of our talks he said something which was amazing to me. He said, during the Iraq Iran war
being there as a medical person, doctor, we didn't care if he was Iraqi, or young, or old. My job
was to save lives. We don't look at what they come, how they come. He was to save. It was
Iraqi soldier, it was an Iranian soldier captured, or soldiers, we just got the young boy, old man,
whatever. And that's what it is, unconditional. (1:56). Not expecting, but being there to give.

This is the essence. When I spend time with him, is just, I call it, a holiday time. And it's
amazing just the essence of his Soul is different. He is an amazing guy, and I have a lot of love
and respect for him. And this brings us to the point. Are we there always to take?
We give something to get. We feed the chicken because we expect they'll lay eggd, and then
later on it’s meat. We don't feed the chicken, just for it to be another life to enjoy to existence.
And when it stops laying eggs we slaughter it, because it’s no use to us anymore.

It is part of life of man, and expectation. When you live without expectation you take what it
comes, and how it comes, and the way it comes. Then man will have respect for himself first.

Any other question?

Q: I have no more question, Mr. Keshe.

K- God, you’re getting worse than Jalal. Carry on. Azar, have we lost you? (1:58).
Q: Mr. Keshe, I said I have no more question.
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K- No more question. Ok, thank you. Have a safe trip back to Iran. And have a real Chela
Kebab, just don’t smell it. Thank you very much. In the next few weeks, couple of weeks, we
come to the Iranian New Year and beginning of the new spring. Enjoy yourself.
Q: Thank you, Mr. Keshe.

K- Any other questions?

Q: .. Cosmic particles penetrate in the upper atmosphere of the Earth. These neutrons thus
are free to collide with nitrogen atoms, causing the emission of a proton and the transmutation
into C14. The photons provide the energy to the water. And he mentions the easy water of
the fourth matter of water, I think the forth state of water, fourth state of matter of water,
perhaps. And that's all he says. Is there anything you'd like to say about that? Or do we let it

K- Doesn't make… In a way, maybe a fraction, of the fraction, of the fraction of the
interaction of Cosmic Rays create such a thing. But the rest of the Cosmic rays go right
through the Earth. (2:00). Goes through your body, goes through everywhere else. Some
of it might interact with the upper atmosphere. Yes, which it does. And some of it might
convert, we know it as a light, in that sense. But it’s not the only way, and that's how it's
done. No. What happen to neutrinos, as they call it, they haven't found them yet. What
happened to the other energies?

Any other question?

Q: .. So, as you tell about celebrating birth, since the creation of man inside the womb of
the mother, is it needed to calculate astral themes, signs, zodiac calendar, from this point?

K- That’s man's decision. What happen if you take that point of conception, and that
point of taking air, the first breath? They say it’s so horrible that the Soul cries and the
child follows. That's why our children of man cry when they are born. What happens if
you take the point of conception, and the point of physical manifestation, and air condition,
I call it, the condition of the air? What would the interactions of two now will explain to ??.

Chinese have a beautiful habit, I explained this before. I've been with Wang Lin, we were at
the dinner or lunch. And the guy said, I don't eat this, because I'm getting ready to become
a dad. I said, Wang Lin, what’s going on here? She explained to me that people that plan to
be dad in Chinese tradition, you prepare your body to create a child. And they go through
certain ways of living, consuming food, that prepares, that it creates a perfect child, or near
perfection, as it’s caused by their interaction.

What about if man now decides to do the same, but preparing the Soul? Those of you
who will create the Soul, children of the Soul of the man, you will understand it. And you
cannot understand it till you go through it. Children of physicality are totally different than
children of the Soul. Your body changes, the interaction of the body fields changes.
Age is irrelevant because the Soul dictates. Then you understand.
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You can have all kinds of operations not to create a sperm, all kinds of interactions cut your pipes
(tubes), or whatever, not to have any eggs to be released. And you still can get pregnant with the STM,
with the Soul of the children ??.

Many years ago, when we started this structure and people used to come to me in Belgium.
(2:04). We had women in seventies, late sixties, first time I explained this before, saying, Mr.
Keshe we're getting our period back, what's going on? I said, I touched your Soul, the physicality
irrelevant. Physicality is ready to give. They live different, they find a new life. Because even
those days, I couldn't explain to people, I touch your Soul. And the Soul is still is young, wants to
give life. And I used to tell them, be careful your grandma, you don't become papa, mama as you’re a
grandma, unless you
want to.

We understand the knowledge, so it's easy to do. The children of the man created through the Soul live
a different life, than children of the man from the same parents who are created in dimension of
physicality. Totally different life, different behavior, different approach.

When you see the daughter of Mitra you will know from miles. When you see the children of
the STM you'll know from the miles. When you see the children of the STM with other creatures from
the Universe, you see them from Universes. You'll feel them, you feel their fields, you feel their
strength. (2:06). It’s not just a visual contact. But if you understand it, it’s a magic, it’s not a magic
anymore. Because you understand how you do it.

It's you in your brain who can switch, the things I explained to Azar. Switch not to get drowned, you
switch to create the essence of the best of the Universe within you, to create another Sun, another
Soul. If your partner is of the same order, is there to do that job, you create that child. Does not need
to be in the womb of the mother. It’s in the womb of the Universe.

You’ve got a lot to learn, a lot to understand and a lot to comprehend. And then you understand.
Creatures of Creator give life in the Universe when they’re 10, 20, to 30,000 years old. Some mature
to the point of understanding after 100,000 years. A man is busy with nine years or ten years, to be
ready to give life. Man has not seen the "elephants of the Universe" when they give birth and how long
they take to be the perfection.

Any other question? (2:08).

Q: .. Good morning Mr. Keshe. Thank you for today's teachings. In relation to today's teaching,
what happens in the physical body and Soul when people go on a water fast for days or weeks, or a
dry fast as when no water is taken on purpose?

K- Depends how you tune your body to what to receive. You don't need to go water fasting, or
dry fasting, or no food fasting. You can go without (eating), fasting for
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centuries. If you know how to look, how to absorb energies that covers a full spectrum of
the need of the physicality and the Soul. You're the only one eating, the Soul eats too, it
needs energy for it to survive. It’s the same. You’ve got to… If you can train the body, you
can fast for anything.

They call it abstinence. I don't eat chocolate. What pressures you put on your physicality
and your Soul with abstinence. It creates another problem, if you have not managed to find
the solution for it to be absorbed differently. And it can go for so many time, you tune your
body to get the energy of the hydrogen, or energy of the ?? life, C14 from the Universe.

Now is fashionable intermittent fasting, you eat for six hours whatever you like, and 18
hours you don't touch food. Many, many sports people are doing it now. And they feel
good with it, and they choose when they do the exercise within the intermittent fasting,
and it works. You eat at six o'clock at night, and you don't touch any food till nine o'clock or
12 o'clock the next day. By nine o'clock, 15 hours, you consume certain kind of energy from
15 hours to 18 hours you consume another kind of energies from ?? . And you
release certain energies. And then you choose, if you're going to do your sports nine
o'clock at night, or six o'clock in the morning, before you eat, or just before lunchtime,
you do sport. And you gain a lot of energy. Your body just clocks in. It’s a beautiful cycle
if you can do it. But then you need specific kind of, what you call it, fitness, a fitness
program to keep yourself fit. And the body just moves you. You just live a different kind
of life than you expect.

But if you leave it, it lasts for about 12 months, 18 months, and the body goes back to the
past. So you bring the body to a certain fasting time 18 hours or 15 hours. You tune your
eating, and your sports, or the fitness, and you live a "20 year old life" all the time, you can
still carry on for days and days. But you can't do it more than three, four days a week.
But your fasting can, it becomes regular as part of your life. (2:12). But you can do
amazing things you couldn't do. Read it on the Internet about intermittent fasting with
fitness. Because then it forces the body to absorb energy from outside in. And energy
distribution within the body becomes what is needed.

R: Some of the medicals sciences say now that it also initiates the stem cells in the body.
Gets them going by fast.

K- Yeah, intermittent fasting it pushes the body to get rid of what it (doesn't need).
Because you do it on a daily basis, body gets rid of what it doesn’t need in certain hours.
And then it strips to the what you call it, the basic. You find people who do this
intermittent fasting with .. fitness, they become very joyful, their life changes. But it lasts for
about, then they say that the body gets toned, and lasts for about 18 months maximum. If
you let it go, and you can go back. I do it, sometimes. It's nice because it brings a lot of
changes, but it needs a lot of commitment. And allow us to get surplus bodies, energies
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Q: .. amuscle
Nano Plasma
mass, if Times
so howquestion.
do we recover
.. By eliminating
it? our physical food, we can lose

K- Do you need muscle mass? A lot of Chinese would burn through this diet. Just
drinking plasma, Gans plasma water. (2:14). They went down by, I think 20% mass and
then they stabilized. The body tuned to what it needs, and it doesn't need. I met couple of
them when I was in China. They live a normal life, they live an absolutely normal life.
Because now you use, and the body starts taking energy from different dimensions.

You see, the water you take, now you understand the teaching of today, you understand
exactly what the water does. I used to know a boy, he only ate crisps (potato chips) and
Coca Cola, nothing else. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. That's all he had. He was 16, 17,
18, and he carried on with his life all the time. He is from Ireland, Northern Ireland. And he
puzzled us, how this boy lives only on "crisps" and Coca Cola. But he took all the energy
he needed, the starch and the, what you call, the hydrogen and carbon, which was needed
to link into the Universal energy. He didn’t eat anything. We used to cook and everything,
he just sat down, bag of crisps and the Coke. That was his food. But now you understand it,
he actually was very clever. He became a known artist in Northern Ireland.

Q: Dean .. Good morning, Mr. Keshe. Mr. Keshe, you spoke about earlier on with us, or
you were speaking about the eye, (2:16). and you explained about this process of where
you start to manifest what you, your thoughts and intentions. Can you go into that a little bit
more so? How do we experience it, so that we experience the beauty of the time? We
receive what we need? Or do we automatically already get that? I've seem to be
experiencing what I'm speaking about a few times recently and before. Now, I think about
it going back over a long period. This has been happening quite a lot now that I think about
it. Is this something that happens for all of us…

K- Can you repeat again?

Q: This process Mr. Keshe, of receiving in front of us, through the eyes, the
manifestation of what we are thinking about. How do we turn it into a position where we
just receive, you know, the beauty of something, that of what we need as a Soul, or in our
physicality, that enhances us, and creates a condition that would help others?

K- Two points. Would the others like to receive it from you? Or you take your food to the
market and you have no customers? You understand? Or was it a gift for you to receive
without expectation to give anymore? You became the last point. You understand?

Q: Sort of Mr. Keshe. So, why… (2:18).

K- Are you the end user, or are you one in the path of others to become the end user? It's
like you know, we used to do it when we were younger. We used to do birthday, surprise
birthday parties. And somebody comes and says, "ah surprise!!", and they say, I wasn't
expecting it. I don't like birthday parties. How many times you’ve been there? You know
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English tradition, we used to do it. You get surprised, but not them. Not valuing for
whatever you did for them and the others, to do.

Q: Yeah, that explains a lot.

K- We used to do it when we were in university and when we were younger. And we

used to do a lot of surprise parties, that was the only thing to engage yourself ?? doing
things. And it had no emotion. It means nothing. Because you don't have the experience
of it, or you don't expect it, because you don't, you never knew.

I've had that experience, at a very young age, watching it, when a father was literally
"slaughtering" his son, battering him. And I said to my dad, what is going on. And my
mom and dad were at lunch table sitting by a river. I remember clearly at his house, he
had a river going through his house. (2:20). He said, I was brought up in an orphanage. I
don't know why, this is how I was treated, this is how I treat my children. He could not
understand there is a way of loving.

The only love he received which touched him for the rest of his life, he became personal
bodyguard of the Shah of Iran. And the Shah showed him a lot of love and care, like a
father. And he gave his life, at the end he gave his life for him too. And to him was…
What we noticed during the Shahs regime, people around him, he realized something
very strange. That we don't look at it, psychologically. He picked orphans from
orphanages and gave these people a lot of attention and love, what they were looking for.
So they gave (their) life for him. Many of close associates of Shah, especially his
personal, personal bodyguards, people who ate with him, walked with him, were orphans.
Because he understood the value of love. And in return, he was shown love and

Strange enough, I was brought up with these (kind of) boys in the first years of my
school. I went to a school where a lot of orphans came to school. And then later on, it
linked to me how the thing works, and how he does. (2:22). Because being close to the
structure, I noticed many of the people around were all orphans. Even some as orphans
were put in education and higher education as doctors, by his (Shah's) father. Those who
were thirsty for love, you give them, (then) they give their life for you. And this is how it
works. If you haven’t had it, you don't understand it. You have no value for it. It doesn't
matter if I give you the best party. You don't know what the birthday (party it). I speak with a
lot of people. Birthday parties is nothing, we never celebrated when we're young.
In our family, it doesn't exist. Why do we need to do this?

Q: It's a beautiful thing Mr. Keshe, when a lot of people come together to celebrate. So, it
depends on the emotion of a person as well. Some would celebrate it. First of all, they would
you know depend on if they're an introvert and extrovert, you know, some would shy away,
and others would embrace it and like run to it. Wow. And it depends on the emotion in that
moment as well. And the whole context of how it's…
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K- What about those who already been told in the background, you’re going to have a
birthday party, pretend you don't know?
Q: Yeah, there is that as well. ..
K- Somebody couldn't keep it secret.

Q: Mr. Keshe, can we speak about the dining experience at the moment? It would be
okay to speak about that?

K- Yes. What, how… Did you eat anything? (2:24). Or did you…

Q: I'm going through lots of different interactions. I'm not tasting anything as such. I'm
salivating and I'm experiencing the water. And I know I'm receiving some energies. My one
question would be specifically. Twice I've gone in there, and I've experienced a very different
noise. Is this part of it?

K- Could be.

Q: It's like a noise I've never heard before in physicality. This is very much a completely
different noise.

K- It is how you feel are you… You know, we're doing a lot of flight tests. I usually stay out
of this. But in one of the tests this week. We always ask, we leave it to the people to come
in. To come to us. I asked, take me back with you. When we… You know, the owls hear the
sound of the separation of the Soul, because it has a specific noise rushing out of the body.
Owls just start crying. Or we have these whistles, which the dog hears, we don't hear.

On Tuesday when we did this test, when I asked for the Soul, I had a huge pressure on
one side of my ear. Never happened, I spent so much time in the flight room. And I felt the
coming, I felt the pressures, like the wind coming into the room. I had this feeling couple of
times before, but I just been busy, ignored it. (2:26). And then I said to our test pilot, as I call
him, take me back with you. And he says, I feel you next to me, and I felt being there. But I
felt that pressure, it’s like a noise pressure you call it. But like… I explained to him, it's like
you know, when you get on the plane that compression comes in your ear. And it was just
for a few seconds during that test, few minutes. But the impression of it left with me for hours
after. I knew I wasn't there, but the emotion, the feeling of it was there. So we hear the
coming of the Soul, creates these noises.

Q: That's funny Mr. Keshe, because on my path a while ago I met somebody who was,
and I heard this owl so many times and, he claimed that he was part of this, he had very
strong certain body conditions on his nails and things that was .. yeah, yeah. And that
takes me back now to a position that I've understood a little while ago.

K- The owls have in their system, hearing system, that they feel the rush or could be the
emotion of the Soul leaving. And you hear them. They usually place themselves near the
body. And they go through the process of death, the separation. And they hear it, it
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attracts them. (2:28). It's like, you know, it gets drawn into it, and they sing with it, and
they won’t move from the position. You can shoot them, they come back and sit there, till
the process is completed.

Years ago when we used to live in Tiham, there was a house two meters apart from us. I
said, I could hear the owl, and I said, the guy next door is dying, he's leaving his body.
And the next morning when we woke up, we're told that yesterday at that time he died.
And I've seen this many times. The Owls sings and everything, but when it comes to the
nose of the Soul, they sing totally different way, their behavior is different.

Q: How did you tune into to this Mr. Keshe?

K- By birth. It’s just by birth. It’s just the way the ears is. The hearing, do they hear it
through the Soul level? Is their Soul which feels the departure and shows itself in
physicality? I’ve seen this many times. We hear owls singing and whatever, mating, that's
different. But when it comes to the point they sit near the body where it is. Could be in a
building, in whatever. Or where the Soul was connected to, not where the physicality is.
And they sit there, they are there till the departure is completed. (2:30). The body could
be in the hospital, but the house is 100 km away, they see them at the house, where the
Soul sees this connection.

Q: So, Mr. Keshe that explain many times. I've noticed with Knowledge Seekers that they
are enjoying plasma and their conditions of plasma, and you hear birds singing in the
background and as an interaction with birds at certain point. Are they bringing this field
strength forward that's manifesting as a as a joy for them, and for them to, you know, for
the love and care?

K- Possible. Because they are there in Soul, they hear. I told you, when we teach, when
we share is not just for the man. It’s for the "Soul of the Creation," so it doesn't need the

Q: How would this manifest in places where there are no birds or anything? How would
someone, or a being sense this in their environment?

K- Maybe you have no senses. Maybe you know, sometimes you feel, oh, this happened
to my brother, or my child, or whatever. And you call and say, yes, something happened,
or something is happening. We don't need to be there, we are connected through the Soul.
We understand it, and you'll feel it.

I feel a lot of these things, because personally I experienced it. I understand the logic
behind it. (2:32). I was in Seoul, in 2008, and we went for lunch with the diplomats.
Walking back to the hotel, the Park Hotel, which is part of the Olympic compound of the
South Korea. Walking along the park I noticed some birds walking with me and making a
lot of noise. I turned around and said, "my mother is dead, isn’t it?" You are just bringing
me the message. I walked into the hotel, I walked in the room, the phone rang and they
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told me my mom passed away. I already knew before I got to the phone. It's the way we
feel the energies of the Creation. I said, I already knew.

Q: You have a very special understanding of Creation Mr. Keshe. .. Would others
experience what you just spoken about?

K- Yep. We all have that capability.

Q: So, (2:34). it's just being aware of your environment and being tuned in, tapped into it,
and understanding the messages that are shown to us?

K- We are part of a Soul. … (Just one second, please).

K- Sorry about that. We are ?? for Thursday. It's how… We all have these capabilities.
But it's how open we are to accept. How we are, we see the truth what it is. We all have
that capabilities. (2:36). You say, oh I knew. But why did I do it? I knew if I come this way
this will be the outcome. Why do I do it?

Q: It's a good question Mr. Keshe. So why do?

K- Because we have, we are process, we are part of a process to understand more for
ourselves, or for others to understand. I go through this, and I experienced it, through that
experience, I know.

We were with my children in East Flanders, and suddenly it was decided that we go for a
family ride on horses. But as we came in, they said, you have to wait till the horses are
ready or whatever. They were waiting for some to come back. And then we can go. So, we
hung around for some time. And we're walking around the stables. I came across this
"black and white," very small horse. And I said to him, "you come here to take my life. It
won't happen today. I'm not ready." And I went walking, and came back. And the horse was
still looking at me, and I said, not today. You're not taking me. I’m not finished. We went to
the mountains and out of nowhere… Actually, the guy, because it was five or six of us,
said, choose your horse. I happen to go on that horse.

And we went in the mountains. And out of nowhere, this horse "jackknifed," and I fell in the
mountains, broke all my ribs. (2:38). And I said to them, what happened? He said, you're
stupid, you shouldn't have picked him up, because you knew he was going to be your
death. I said, no, it had a purpose. They pulled me off the mountains, I went through the
coma, and everything else. And I was given no chance to live. 14 days later I gave a
lecture. Proving the technology you can survive with all the internal damages and bleeding.

Seven days it took me to heal myself from ruptured lung, liver, and everything else. And
18 broken, 10 broken bones on one side. But I knew what that horse was there for. Was it
for me to understand? Or was it to see how much I've learned in the process? They
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shipped me in an ambulance from East Flanders to West Flanders to die in the hospital.
You know, you're aware, you acknowledge and you decide.

Q: When you say you decide Mr. Keshe, is this the STM or STP?

K- It’s the purpose of the Soul. What's your purpose as a Soul. I know the time, the place
and the position in which I will leave this physicality. Don’t forget, I left it many times, I’m
expert in knowing what's going to happen. It won't be, my death won't be accidental.
(2:40). The Israeli bombed me in Istanbul few months ago. The Belgians blew the car up,
the Belgians poisoned me, everything else which has gone around. They killed Fabio with
trying to kill me. Fabio is not there. We have this in the history of man, I am not only one.

Báb, (of Bahia) bless his name, when they put him against the wall, and some 900
soldiers shot at him. He said, I’m not finished. When I’m finished you can ?? (kill me).
They came. He disappeared, they found him in the room, because he was still doing his
job. When he finishes, he says, now you can take me. Read about the story about the Báb.
The life of Báb and his execution in Iran. You don't need to be, when you know there's
the time, you come (to) the time. 900 guns shooting at one body. He went back to where
he was, resurrection. This is what the Christ did. Báb repeated the resurrection. His life is
a nightmare of Ayatollahs and Iran Islamic Religion.

Q: Sorry, I don't know the story. So, who was Bob?

K- It’s Báb. Báb… Read the history of the Bahai faith in Iran. Báb means "gate," and
really without prejudice, not to be somebody. Read about the execution of Báb in Tabriz.
Mullahs and religious people were so scared, that he could be Christ, that they don't want
only the Muslims to be involved in his murder, they brought Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians,
and every religion, sect of religion to be a soldier in it, that they shoot, that they collectively
kill the prophet of God. And some of them walked away, after the first round. (2:42). Read
about life of Báb, execution of Báb in Tabriz.

When the wish of the Soul is there to serve, they cannot stop. So was with Christ. I was
explaining this to one of the Knowledge Seekers yesterday. A lot of people talk, you draw
blue eyes of Christ, that he has the blue eyes, and the rest of it. Yes, Christ, the last
minutes of departure he had a blue eye, grayish blue eye. This is the light interaction of
the STM with the Soul of the Creator, with C14. It gives that image, because the physicality
has no more control.

The color of our eye decided by STP, not by the STM. When STP goes weak, and the
STM departs, you get that color, silverish blue. And they said Christ had a blue eyes.
Because he knew his interact, he's not leaving, he is resurrecting in another dimension.
But in the dimension of physicality, because he had another job to do. Báb did the same.

Any man has the capability of resurrect. In a way you fall in this ocean, you die in
dimension of physicality, but if you know how to control it, you walk out of the ocean
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and live. (2:44). Is that resurrection, or understanding the knowledge of the Creation?
And this is where the Soul. I said, you go in an accident and you walk away, because the
Soul says, it's not time for it to go. Was that guy a Báb, or a Christ? Or is that through the
eye when the two live, the Soul protects the physicality. You hit a wind, what happens
when you hit the wind energy? It’s the same with the Soul takes over the physicality and
cocoons it. It's being, understanding the process of Creation.

Q: So, being in service, Mr. Keshe, puts a Soul in this position. Can I elaborate on that?
So how about Souls that don't understand this, are not there in service to the, maybe
themselves, but not to everything? So, are they receiving a different field strength?

K- Every single being on this planet at the moment isn't. From the lion to the king.
Serving themselves. All do it, without fail. From a worm in the depths of the Earth, to the
bird in the skies. They’re all serving their Soul. Serving themselves. It’s not unique to
individual. (2:46). And what happen when you serve with Soul, others?

Q: How does the Soul change that position Mr. Keshe? Let’s say the worm and the bird.
How would they know? They have to feel this, they have to be elevated? How would
they receive this?

K- In a way, part of it is Earth being a nursery for those seeds, for in the rest of the
Universe. And the other part is becoming aware of, as a collective Soul. ..When you feed
humanity through the Soul, that it feeds the physicality, you can't just put C14 in. You have
to put amalgamation of the fields that it links to every part of their existence. Then you

You can take the horse to the water, but you can't get him to drink. Because it's not sweet
enough, even this water got some salt and doesn't suit to my taste. You have to provide a
spectrum of, not only C14. You have to provide a spectrum of conversion ?? tools, like to
Ca. Then you successfully feed the man, the STM that it feeds physicality. Because you
release energy as Ca from 36 to 60.

Ca has one of the widest spectrum of isotopic fields. Covers at the lowest level of energy,
three times C12, to five times C12, 60. (2:48). That's why it's a structure of physicality of
the man, because if you understand that then you can feed the STM, that he can feed the
spectrum with Ca, you have life. You can feed the man for life.

Q: Is this what we're experiencing when we're Dinning with the Creator in the…

K- Yeah, I wanted to see how greedy you are, what have you come to take. None of you
brought to give. I asked you to bring some food with you when you come. Next week
you're coming with the food, there is nothing on the table. You ate for a week free, now
next week you have to bring to pay for what you ate.
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Q: I did actually bring something Mr. Keshe, I brought two meals. I did, I actually
brought a roast and some fish and chips from the British Isles. So everybody to receive
all that emotion, and everything that goes into it.
K- Did you bring the salt and vinegar as well?
Q: Yes, most definitely. Yes, you have to have salt and vinegar Yeah, most definitely on
fish and chips.

K- It's just that we have to understand what did we bring. We have to understand what is
the essence of we are there for.

Any other question?

Q: .. Good day Mr. Keshe. When my Soul exited my body. Can you explain why it felt like
an electrical circuit disconnected from the physicality? (2:50).

K- It’s the interaction of the two plasmas. One is what you call, your Spirit, and one is
what you call, your Soul. That always has that interaction. You always get it. Some
people see it as a light, some people see it as an electric shock, or some people see like a
shiver, I've got a shiver, we call it. But it's two plasmas interacting, interchanging,
overcoming the other. And it's instantaneous. That's why if you've been with us in the flight
system, we never tell you as I said before, fly to. We tell you, can you go to.
Because this is instantaneous, you expand the Soul at the point of dimension of the

These new Head Units we put out, they will bring you to the point to see your Creator, if you
understand how to use it. They are the most amazing things you’ll come across, especially
the new version which is coming out in the next few weeks. And it is part of the process of

Any other question?

R: I'm hard pressed to find other questions here Mr. Keshe. (2:52).
K- That’s good. We call it the day.
R: Sounds good. We have a belated hand by guess who, Jalal. So, I suppose we'll have to
let he in.
K- Let him in. He's got three questions.
Q: Mr. Keshe, why I always I am the bad guy here.
K- You're not the bad guy, you are actually a very good guy. You have brought, you
entice people to do things and then they follow it.
Q: So, next time please can you say, you are good as Jalal, not worse than Jalal?
K- As good as bad as Jalal.

Q: Mr. Keshe, if we say that Solar System is a cell, and this is from what we learned from
you. Whatever come across this cell it will change in the condition of the cell, yes?
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K- Yes. Depends if you accept something from it. The change will come if you accept, or
take something from it.

Q: But if you kick the dog, the dog will shout.

K- Who said? Maybe the dog enjoys and laughs.

Q: He wouldn't react, so.

K- Yeah, depends on the dog.

Q: That's very good question. Thank you.

K- It's the way life is. (2:54).

Q: .. I sent you a message Mr. Keshe in Zoom. ..

K- I’ll get in touch with you afterwards.

Q: .. By the way, the basic of this today teaching. You brought in the health, the public
health teaching about the skeleton. A lot of this teaching is there. So, for the people who
would like to go to the ground of this teaching, they can receive it there. Thank you Mr.
You have.

K- Thank you very much indeed. Let's see what we can do. I'll respond back to you on
the message. …

I hope today we opened a new what we call it, insight into the world of Creation, and
how we as, what do you call it, citizens of the Universe, learn how to give ourselves
manifestation of physicality as much as manifestation of plasma, (2:56). the STP. Today
wasn't just to teach about how we receive Cosmic Rays, was how we can use this to give
ourselves dimension of physicality in other dimensions. And it's got to be understood in its
full capabilities that we can go to the next step. For sure next time we'll give you some more

Q: .. Regarding the Keshe Gans Knee, the Knee Gans. Can it be applied to a broken tooth
or re-growing damaged teeth as well?

K- No. It’s a different. Totally different.

This knee trial has brought a lot of interest. We've seen a lot of questions around it, a lot of
people trying to find out if they can… This trial is fundamentally for next step of development
for us in research and development, but it has a huge capabilities and capacities in how
you use it, how you use the fields of it. And those of you who have taken the option to join
the trial, try to explore the possibilities of its use, (2:58). in a given space we have indicated.
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We've got to understand this creates a field of matter state, that's what it is. And this is
important. And partially you will learn how to convert energies to matter. This is part of the
structure, but the live combination. It’s beautiful the way it works, if you understand how to
use it, and how you apply it, and implement it, and what you accept to be.

This Gans is… I enjoy the, what do you call it, the application of it, and the implication of it.
To see how much you will come back or you, the way you helped us with the vision goggles.
Now what we see from this ?? application.

We call it a day.

R: Yes, thank you very much.

K- Thank you very much indeed. I think this teaching of today will be one of the most
historical teachings of the Keshe Foundation, if you understand it. For man understand how
to take energy ??...

Q: Mr. Keshe, do my 100 Euros are still valid in your pocket?

K- What do you mean?
Q: I have a purpose in that.
K- Is your 100 Euro valid in the pocket? I don't understand.
Q: Yeah, you said you will keep my 100 Euro as a souvenir.

K- Ah. (3:00). I'll give you the answer for that one day. By the way, thank you. Thank you
very much. See you next week. And please, those of you who are dining with the Creator
this week, you bring food for the Creator next week. We'll run for the whole week. On the
24th join us with meeting the world leaders to bring the change for the peace. And in April
we announce, for those of you who are entangling and got family members with drug
addiction, addiction as a whole. That will bring a huge change for us.
We put up the April meeting very soon on the Keshe Foundation site. But meeting with world
leaders is on the 24th, you can join us. And if you're still hungry, join us in the what you call,
next week to see what will bring. And if it is what you bring, let us know what effect had on
you. Thank you very much. See you next week.

475 KSW March 2, 2023


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