Insulin Production
Insulin Production
Insulin Production
Insulin production
Insulin is a hormone that is produced and secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas' Islets
of Langerhans.
It is a simple protein which consists of two polypeptides.
The hormone has a total of 51 amino acids, 30 of which constitute one polypeptide chain,
and 21 of which comprise a second chain.
Insulin is responsible for controlling blood glucose levels and its shortage causes a condition
referred to as diabetes.
Bacteria are used as hosts in insulin production because of their ability to readily take up
plasmids and produce proteins carried by the plasmid.
Insulin can be produced using bacteria (E.coli) through Recombinant DNA technology.
Recombinant DNA technology involves joining together DNA from different species.
Several steps are involved in insulin production as outlined below.
1. Extraction
o The plasmid DNA is isolated from bacteria.
o A copy of the human insulin gene is obtained.
o This is done by isolating mRNA from the human pancreas.
3. Insertion
o The isolated insulin DNA is then inserted into a plasmid vector.
o The cut plasmids are mixed with the insulin gene and DNA ligase enzymes are added.
o DNA ligase enzymes are enzymes that are used to join together plasmid DNA with the
insulin DNA to form recombinant DNA molecule
Fig.1.1.3: Diagrammatic representation of the insertion step.
4. Transformation
o The recombinant molecule is then inserted back into the bacterium which will act as a
o The process whereby bacteria take up recombinant molecules is referred to as
o The cells which have taken up the plasmid are called transformants.
o Heat shock is usually introduced to induce transformation.
5. Selection
o The transformed cells are identified and selected basing on marker genes.
o A marker gene is a gene that allows genetically modified cells to be readily selected.
o An example is the gene that encodes antibiotic resistance.
o Antibiotic resistance will act as a selectable marker.
o These selectable markers are found on plasmids.
o The bacterial host cell will divide and produce copies of the plasmid carrying the insulin
gene (fig 1.1.4).
Before bacteria was used to produce human insulin diabetes were injected with insulin
isolated from pigs or cattle.
However, pig or cattle insulin is not identical to human insulin and there were cases of
immune response.
There are minor differences in the amino acid composition between cow or pig insulin and
human insulin (fig.1.1.5).
Fig.1.1.5: Differences between pig and human insulin.
Insulin produced using bacteria is chemically similar to human insulin and there are less
chances of immune response.
It can also be easily recognised by human insulin receptors on human cell surface
membranes hence duration of response is shorter.
Insulin produced by gene technology eliminates the problems related to the development
of tolerance to cow or pig insulin.
Ethical issues raised by use of cow or pig insulin are eliminated when insulin is produced
through gene technology.
For instance, religious objections of pig insulin by Muslims and Christians or objections of
both pig and cattle insulin by vegetarians.
Extraction of insulin from pancreas of cows or pigs is expensive as compared to production
of insulin through gene technology.
Production of insulin through gene technology also eliminates problems related to animal
rights issues as there is no need to slaughter any animal.