T A I S C 2 7 C: Supply Chain: Managing in Times of Upheaval
T A I S C 2 7 C: Supply Chain: Managing in Times of Upheaval
T A I S C 2 7 C: Supply Chain: Managing in Times of Upheaval
The Association of Supply Chain Professionals will present and hold its first Annual Supply
Chain Conference under its aegis, after its recent formation, with the theme ‘Supply Chains:
Managing in times of Upheaval’, on 15th of November in Mumbai. This one-of-its kind
conference will provide national and international delegates with opportunities to network and
discuss the management issues and improvements needed in various supply chains based
on the experience of executives from leading corporations and researchers.
This mega conference is in continuation to the annual conference being earlier organized by
SCM Programs, which from this year onwards will be organized by the Association of Supply
Chain Professionals (ASCP). As a first time in India, the conference earlier introduced an
Academic Conclave preceding the Main Conference. Also for the first time, a comprehensive
Conference Report was published after every conference. Our future conferences under the
Association will carry more credibility and will be a hallmark in supply chain conferences in
India and will continue as a benchmark for the industry.
The conference will come with a new format, live topics with a world class discussion podium.
It is designed to continue this fascinating discussion among business and academic leaders
with a view to seeking novel and innovative solutions that could positively transform supply
chain challenges into opportunities for all business verticals in India, also making this event
the best place to network.
The Indian government's ambitious and comprehensive Make-in-India program today touches
all major areas of business in India. With the positive and buoyant mood in the Indian
economy, effective and efficient supply chain management is essential. Executives from
corporates and businesses are expected to continue focusing on cost-reducing and efficient
processes keeping in view the common agenda and supply chain challenges faced by their
organizations, some of which are emanating from turbulent market.
This One-day Conference will be in two parts, the Academic Conclave and the Main Business
Conference. ASCP also welcomes its delegates to a lively cocktail and dinner reception at the
end of the conference. It will be a perfect way to close the conference with unparalleled
networking opportunities and a remarkable way of entry to 2018.
Academic Conclave (2017)
A major concern of supply chain managers in India is acquiring supply chain talent, meeting
the organizational needs of today and gearing up for future. The Government's 'Make in India'
program is likely to grow that need and firms will be faced with the challenge of managing their
supply chain talent needs in order to compete effectively in the new operating environment or
be left way behind.
Continuing the themes from the first and second Academic Conclaves in 2015 & 2016
respectively, the theme this year will address the concerns at acquiring and retaining skilled
supply chain talent for 2020. [The thematic topics discussed earlier were ‘Synchronizing Talent
Supply & Demand: Challenges in a Digital Economy’ and ‘Programmatic Strategies to Develop
a Talent Pipeline’ in which internationally expert academics and prominent industry
practitioners were encouraged to engage sessions to discuss the challenges facing
companies in a digital economy including understanding recent and future technological
advances and the skills required to effectively leverage those technologies and discussing
programmatic, curricular and recruitment strategies to develop a high quality, reliable pipeline
of supply chain talent].
In this Third Academic Conclave in India we will continue our forum for discussions on critical
issues relating to fulfillment of the needs for burgeoning talents ensuring competitiveness of
Indian firms for 2020.
The conclave is expected to provide academics, students and industry professionals a forum
for exposure to the latest innovations and research in supply chain management. The research
conducted by academics and students continues to drive our profession forward. The conclave
will thus include interactive sessions while creating an exceptional venue for networking with
delegates from across India.
The Conclave is designed also for inclusion of presentations of selected research papers /
review articles / case studies from acclaimed academic / business / practicing communities.
Managing the Supply Chain Talent - Skill India to focus on developing programmatic
strategies for the logistics sector towards ensuring corporate readiness for 2020.
Supply chains have been constantly evolving over the last 15 years in India, moving from a
functional focus to cross functional coordination. As the responsibilities have changed, so
have the required skills.
Discussion Topics:
a) Globalization and Supply Chain Talent Crisis.
b) Mentoring Process and Utilization of Networking.
c) Leadership Dimensions and having a great career in Supply Chain.
d) Game Changing Trends in Supply Chain.
Main Conference (2017)
Leading edge infrastructural facilities are essential elements for enhancing capabilities of
Indian firms for innovation and equipping themselves to meet the global competitions. Physical
and virtual flows are the lifeblood of supply chains. The panel discussion will address the
critical issues and needs for creating and managing such infrastructural and technological
facilities focusing on 2020 for ensuring world class supply chains.
Discussion Topics:
a) Digitization of Supply Chain
(i) S&OP Planning in the Cloud. (ii) Utilization of Cloud TMS.
b) Advanced Analytics applied to Supply Chain decisions.
c) Improving Supply Chain system in MSME’s.
d) Railways and Post: Last Mile connectivity in the value chain.
The supply chain leaders of this panel are expected to address the potential opportunities and
benefits from the implementation of GST in Indian economy. The discussion sessions will
involve policy makers and industry leaders. Besides, the panel will also discover how leading
supply chain companies benchmark operational performance metrics and best practices in
order to utilize the results of these efforts to support business and supply chain strategies.
Discussion Topics:
a) Big Data Opportunities - Demand Driven Supply Chains, a Reality in India.
b) Innovative ways to reduce pilferage and losses and reducing costs by collaboration.
c) Speed to Market and Product Safety – Optimizing Healthcare Supply Chain.
d) Avoiding Supply chain disruptions (Risk Mitigation) & Impacts of non-compliance.
The supply chain profession is critical to organizations around the world, not only for the
organizations concerned, but also for the countries and their economies. India should be ready
with meeting the minimum global standards when it comes to supply chain efficiency and
quality by 2020. In this unique panel, our group of international supply chain leaders will
deliberate and highlight existing challenges of doing business in India incorporating the issues
of globalization. This includes continuing access to state of the art supply chain technology,
knowledge transfer, global supply chain strategies, regulatory climate, intellectual property
rights, and access and training needs for skilled management and labor. This session will
bring together international leaders to exchange ideas and share experiences in response to
marketplace changes, global sourcing and also environmental concerns.
Discussion Topics:
a) Focus on Operational Excellence.
b) Existing perceptions of supply chain professionals in India.
c) Make in India: Competing with China.
d) Brexit and its implications on Supply Chain.
The Association of Supply Chain Professionals is a registered body under the Society Registration
Act, 1860. The aim and objective is to make this Association the apex body for supply chain
professionals in India wherein professionals and academia alike can become members, which will
eventually be an enabler for policy making discussion boards, skill development, academic research
and programs, dissemination of knowledge, certification and as a consulting body. The broad vision
is to actively build this as a major and most prominent supply chain professionals body
internationally by 2020. Liaison with supply chain professionals and academics and multinational
corporate bodies and similar interest groups outside India is an integral part of the Association’s
Vision Statement
Developing trained and competent supply-chain sector professionals as value-based leaders with a
global mindset and a blend of efficiency and collaboration with the commitment to deliver and
inculcate professional discipline, expertise and sound ethical practices.
Mission Statement
To articulate the genuine needs and concerns of supply chain professionals in the country, encourage
and promote interactions among members, stimulate and enable innovative practices, create skilled
manpower and opportunities to generate employment, facilitate and sponsor events and take up
policy issues and legislation needed for the sector, ensuring harmonious growth of all stakeholders,
focusing on the best industry solutions and influencing sound practices and all-round industry
engagement by creating a deep knowledge base and proactive sectoral solutions.