IT Project Management
IT Project Management
IT Project Management
The steering committee has to approve the initial project budget. It also has to
approved the request for extra budget.
Every couple of weeks one would be standing in front of the steering committee to
provide a status update. It is important to be assured for the employees and staff
members that the steering committee members would listen to what they have to say.
The person assigned the role in steering committee is a very important person.
Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that the steering committee has an important
role to play in encouraging the project managers.
2nd Answer
Introduction: A feasibility examination is used to decide the feasibility of an idea, such
as make sure a project is legally and officially feasible in addition to economically justified.
It indicates whether a plan is worth the savings in some situations, a plan may not be
executable. There can be various reasons for this, which involves the need for too much
income, which avoid the resources from performing other responsibilities and may price
more than a group would earn back by attractive on a plan that isn't money-making. The
growth and respect of project organizations have changed appreciably over the past few
years, and these modifications are estimated to maintain and expand. And with the
increase of project organization come the need for a possible study.
Concept and application
Laws of Project Feasibility: Feasibility examinations estimate the projects possible for
success; therefore, apparent objectivity is a necessary factor in the study's reliability for
possible investors and loan institutions. There are five kinds of viability study separate
areas that viability study observes, described below.
Technical Feasibility: This assessment aims at the technological resources accessible
to the organization. It supports organizations deciding whether the industrial resources
meet ability and whether the industrial team can exchange the ideas into functioning
systems. Technical viability also involves estimating the hardware, apps, and other
technical needs of the planned system.
Legal Feasibility: This assessment examines whether any feature of the proposed plan
conflicts with authorized supplies like zoning laws, data safety acts, or social network
laws. Let's say an association wants to make a new office structure in a specific place. A
feasibility study may reveal the organization's perfect location isn't zoned for that sort of
business. That group has just saved significant time and effort by knowing that their plan
was not possible right from the establishment.
Scheduling Feasibility: This estimation is the most significant for project achievement;
after all, a job will not succeed if not completed on point. In scheduling viability, an
association estimates how much time the plan will take to absolute.
Economic Feasibility: This assessment classically involves a price/ benefits
investigation of the project. Portion organizations decide the feasibility, cost, and benefits
of a plan before financial resources are to be paid. It also serves as self-determining
project evaluation and enhances project reliability supporting decision-makers to decide
the positive financial benefits to the organization that the planned project will offer.
Operational Feasibility
This assessment involves responsibility for a study to examine and determine whether
and how well the group needs to be met by carrying out the project. Operational possibility
studies also inspect how a project arrangement satisfies the requirements recognized in
the requirements study phase of system growth.
Now that was a lot of details on why a project probability study is so significant. Let's
remember the most significant take away about the project possibility study. A project
viability study is the first step to get going your Six Sigma plan.
Importance of Feasibility Study
A viability study's importance is derived from an executive desire to get it exact before
committing income, time, or financial plan. A feasibility study may expose new ideas that
could entirely change a project's range. It's best to create these determinations in the
proceeding, rather than to jump in and to be trained that the plan won't work. A feasibility
study is also beneficial to the scheme as it gives you and other stakeholders a plain
picture of the planned project.
Such a study aims to make sure that a project is officially, technically, economically, and
operationally possible. The study informs us whether a plan is worth the savings or not.
Most importantly, a plan feasibility study estimates the project, and it's possible for
success. If the study has any fault, then there is an exact chance that your plan will fail.
Conclusion: This feasibility statement is built about the project described above and tries
to get answers for the project related questions from surrounded by the viewpoint of the
different investigation. Another cause of this project's most important to the payment of
development is the participation of a sustainable power source.
3rd Answer
Introduction: Establishing an effective communication and a working relationship with
offshore delivery teams often refers to a challenge. They are, most of the time, out of
sight and out of mind and usually distant by 10 or 12 hours. But since establishing
effective communication and a strong relationship with these teams is important to
ensure the success of the majority of sourcing engagements, and a great deal of money
changes hands to place them in place, it is worth to invest the time and resources to
ensure that they work.
Concept: Following are the five ways for them to get started:
Know the people: Offshore is not some amorphous blob, it is a group of people. If a
directory doesn’t exist, it is important to create one. It is important to ensure that one
can include the names, roles, contact information, work hours, members of the team
and photographs. The directory must involve each and every one: onshore, offshore,
client as well as service provider. It is important not to forget to list the executives, and
list all the members in an alphabetical order.
Engage the people: It is important to send client employees to work with offshore teams
for two or three weeks on a quarterly basis. It is important to ask them to be the go-to-
team for need translation while they are here. To have them work the back end of the
process with the offshore team in order to learn the ins and outs of the most common
challenges – things such as poor writing, differences of time-zone, unclear or
contradictory information that would make it challenging to follow-through. Also, it is
important to be sure to bring offshore folks onshore for the same amount of time.
It is important to ask them to work at the front end with the people who gather and write
the requirements and invite them to share their perspective on what would be helpful to
the offshore teams. They would learn that the issues of onshore include things, such as
the lack of meaningful business involvement, time pressure and slow approvals.
Appreciate people: It is important to find good examples of work, and praise them. It is
important to recognize people by their name, treat offshore and onshore teams in an
equal manner. It is important to find poor examples of work from both the teams, and
make use of them as “lessons learnt” The lessons have to be shared and ensure that it
leads to an improvement. It is important to not to use them to beat people up.
Grow people: It is wise and a good thing to encourage employees on the offshore team
to move up the value chain – or left along the lifecycle of software development and
work more closely with the ones who document needs from units of business, for
example, or move from testing to coding or when it comes to designing the strategy. It is
important to help the whole team, onshore and offshore, client as well as partner.
Conclusion: To build a cohesive and productive team that are able to work across
span of time, distance and culture would take time and most of it would not happen in a
perfect manner. The enterprise sourcing executive must manage the overall team, fixing
and improvement as he or she goes. The person must make sure that they don’t
succumb to the temptation of saying, “It was the offshore team that messed up.
Introduction: It is challenging to find experts having important skills, experience and
background. So, this is the reason why more companies would opt for IT staff
augmentation services and even hire dedicated offshore developers
And, how to select a reliable partner that would take the responsibility for staffing and
seamless integration into the core team.
Get access to the most skilled engineering talent all over the world:
Many companies are facing the issue of talent shortage. For instance, there is a gap
between the demand for experts and their supply. In the year 2020, 69% of the US
companies have started to struggle to fill in vacant positions. When the company looks
for a software developer offshore, they get an access to extended pools of talent. For
instance, there are so many engineers in Central and Eastern Europe. For companies
that require growing their capabilities of development fast, this is a huge opportunity to
make the best use of IT staff augmentation service, it is wise to hire the best talent.
Gain more control over the development of product: Offshore staff augmentation
enables the company to keep maximum control over the development of product. It
renders flexibility when it comes to changing the project scope and enables the
company to swiftly react to new market trends. When augmenting the engineering team,
one can easily find the tech experts that would take over the process of specific
development. For instance, within the model of team extension, it is important to keep
control over the team, tracking the process of work, ensure assignment of tasks and the
progress monitoring. However, the managed team model would enable the company to
delegate this function to the outsourced vendor. Ultimately, software developers get
integrated with the on-site and distributed teams, so they all would become a single unit
sharing the same practices of coding.
Improve the scalability of the project: One of the greatest benefits of offshore staff
augmentation is their ability to promptly grow the capabilities of engineering. This is very
critical for large ISVs and enterprises when they require setting up various teams at
once. For example, a company required to augment its resources with several scrum
teams within a limited timeframe. So, the ability to find the important people fast was
amongst the most important criteria when they selected an IT outsourcing partner.
Conclusion: Keep up with the latest trends: The augmentation of staff also enables the
companies to tap into new technological expertise. In many situations, introducing the
best practices in AI, machine learning and big data is costly and time-consuming. So,
developing an expertise in-house would not always be feasible. Vendors who outsource
the software, at the same time, may work on the projects across different industries and
have a pool of specialists in various technologies.