UKG Final

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Hetauda Montessori Pre-School

Hetauda-4, Hupra Chaur

Final Exam 2079
Subject : English Class :- UKG
Full Marks :- 100
Name :-

Q.No.1. What comes after / before? (10)

a d b f
h j d j
g c k x
i r s v
k b z t
Q.No.2. Circle the vowel sound: (5)

a b c d e f g
h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u
v w x y z
Q.No.3. Put ‘a’ or ‘an’ : (5)

Cat House
Orange Aeroplane
Girl Kite
Iron Mango
Egg Dog
Q.No.4. Answer the following question. (8)
(a) What is your name?
My Name is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(b) How old are you ?
(c) What is your school’s name ?
(D) Where do you live?
Q.No.5. Write down 5 colors name. (5)
Q.No.6. Write sentences using 'in', 'on' or
'under': (10)
The ball is .............. the table.

Q.No. 7. Write sentences using ‘this’ /

‘that’ / ‘these’ / ‘those’: (10)

................... is a tree.

................... are apples.

Q.No. 8. Write down seven days name: (7)

Q.No. 9. Write down Twelve months name: (10)



Q.No. 10. Write 5 sentences about you: (10)

Q.No. 11. Use ‘He’/ ‘She’ or ‘It’: (10)

is eating food.

is going to school.
is a tree.

is a girl.
is a house.
Q.No. 12. Make plural of these: (10)


Hetauda Montessori Pre-School
Hetauda-4, Hupra Chaur
Final Exam 2078
Class :- UKG Subject : Math
Full Marks: 100
Name :-
Q.No.1. Write the missing number: (12)
a. 56, 57, ___, 59, ___ 61, ___, ___, 64
b. 36, 37, ___, ___, 40, ___, ___, 43
c. 71, 72, ___, ___, 75, ___, ___, 78

Q.No. 2. Write down 71-100. (13)

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___
Q.No.3. Circle the biggest number: (5)
a. 15 25 45 35 50
b. 16 19 17 38 28
c. 25 42 15 40 19
d. 16 28 17 26 22
e. 11 13 44 23 39
f. 49 19 28 39 12
Q.No.4. Subtract the following : (5)

Q.No.5. Write the numbers from the words: (10)

a. Four = ____________ f. Seventeen= _________
b.Fourty-one = __________ g. Thirty = ____________

c. Nineteen = ___________ h. Thirteen = ____________

d. Fifteen = ____________ i. Twety-four = ____________

e. Twenty-six= _________ j. Eight = ____________
Q.No.6. Write down Table of 3. (9)
3 x 1 = 3 3 x 6 =
3 x 2 = 3 x 7 =
3 x 3 = 3 x 8 =
3 x 4 = 3 x 9 =
3 x 5 = 3 x 10 =
Q.No.7. Add the following : (16)
2 3 2 5
+3 +1 +5 +9

4 3 2 8
+3 +3 +7 +3

Q.No.8. Write Greather than (>), Less than (<)

and Equal (=) in the box :(5)

4 3 5 8 9 12

9 6 7 10 6 6
Q.No.9. Write after, before and in between :(10)
a. 11 _________ g. _______ 22
b. 28 _________ h. 5 ______ 7
c. ________ 9 i. 47 _______ 49
d. ________ 25 j. 25 _______ 27
e. 17 _______ 19 k. _______ 38
f. 13 _______ 15 l. _______ 40
Q.No.10. Write down the numbers name: (10)
a. 45 f. 28
b. 18 g. 33
c. 10 h. 44
d. 15 i. 32
e. 22 j. 17
Q.No.11. Write down the shape's name: (5)
x]6f}+8f dG6]Zj/L lk|–:s'n
x]6f}+8f–$, x'k|rf}/
jflif{s k/LIff @)&(
ljifo M g]kfnL sIff M o"s]hL
k"0ff{ª\s M !))
gfd M ___________________________________________

k|Zg g+= ! M s b]lv 1 ;Dd n]v M– -!%_

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______
k|Zg g+= @ M b'O{ cIf/n] ag]sf % zAb n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= # M tLg cIf/n] ag]sf % zAb n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= $ M rf/ cIf/n] ag]sf % zAb n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= % M zAb agfpm M– -%_

t sn
a n
k|Zg g+= ^ M cfsf/ nfu]sf % j6f zAb n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= & M x|:j Osf/ - l _ nfu]sf % zAb n]v . -%_

k|Zg g+= * M bL3{ O{sf/ - L _ nfu]sf % zAb n]v . -%_

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k|Zg g+= !) M P]sf/ nfu]sf % zAb n]v M -%_

k|Zg g+= ( M s'g} % j6f km"nsf] gfd n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= !) M s'g} % hgfj/sf] gfd n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= !! M s'g} % j6f /+usf] gfd n]v M -%_

k|Zg g+= !@ M c b]lv cM ;Dd n]v M– -!)_

c C

k|Zg g+= !# M s'g} % kmnkm"nsf] gfd n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= !$ M lrq x]/]/ gfd n]v M– -%_

k|Zg g+= !% M b'O{ cIf/n] ag]sf kf“rj6f zAb vf]h]/

uf]nf] 3]/f nufpm M– -%_

s n d h t
a x n s /
; a e g v
/ y n t n
Hetauda Montessori Pre-School
Hetauda-4, Hupra Chaur
Final Exam 2079
Subject : Science Class :- U.K.G.
Full Marks : 100
Name :-
Q.No.1. Writedown 5 fruits name: (5)

Q.No.2. Write the name of 5 vegetables: (5)

Q.No.3. Write the name of 5 domestic animal: (5)

Q.No.4. Write the name of 5 wild animal: (5)

Q.No.5. Write the name of 5 water animal: (5)

Q.No.6. Write the 5 flowers name: (5)

Q.No. 7. Write 5 vehicles (transportation) name:(5)

Q.No. 8. Rewrite the words in the table below

accordingly. (12)
rice, momo, daal, burger, vegetable, cake, pizza, banana,
carrot, cola, chips, apple

Healthy Food Junk Food

Q.No.9. Write ‘F’ for fruits and ‘V’ for vegetables:(10)
a. onion ( )_____ f. banana ( )

b. papaya ( )
_____ g. carrot ( )

c. mango ( )
_____ h. pumpkin ( ) _____

d. brinjal ( )_____ i. grapes ( )


e. tomato ( )
_____ j. pineapple ( ) _____

Q.No. 10. Writedown 5 birds name : (5)

Q.No. 11. Writedown 5 Sense Organ name :(5)

Q.No. 12. Writedown babies of given animals :(6)

Cow Pig
Horse Sheep
Dog Cat

Q.No. 13. Writedown the name of 5 body parts:(5)

Q.No. 14. Writedown sounds of given animals:(6)
Cat Pig
Cow Dog
Sheep Duck

Q.No. 15. Writedown parts of plants: (10)

Q.No. 16. Writedown sources of Water : (6)

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