Automatic Gas Stove
Automatic Gas Stove
Automatic Gas Stove
Abstract—Gas stoves are now very common in all houses tion during the detection of gas fuel leakage to a registered
including urban and remote areas. The main power source mobile number.
for gas stoves are either LPG or biogas. Biogas is more cost At present almost all the gas stoves are manually oper-
effective compared to LPG. In both cases chemical energy ated. The most advanced gas stove that is available at
stored in the fuel is converted into heat energy and this heat present have the feature of self-ignition while turning the
energy is used for cooking purpose. Explosive range of LPG knob to ‘ON’ position In the past decade, enormous pro-
is 1.8%-9.5% volume of gas in air. Biogas mainly contains gress has been made in developing new communication
methane as its flammable agent. The leakage of LPG or
and sensor based techniques for developing automatic
biogas accompanied with a small spark will results in a huge
devices. The main purpose of the automation is to reduce
explosion that can even takes several life. So as a matter of
the human interference in the work and hence provide
safety leakage should be known in its early stage and should
more safety.
be compensated. The main source of the LPG is fossil fuels,
so its huge consumption will definitely lead to its shortage in
the near future. So to make sure the availability of fossil
based fuels for future generation it is our responsibility to
use the fuels at it minimum and avoid all wastage of fuels. In
this paper, we report the automation of gas stove which will
result in the minimum wastage of fuel and reduce the hu-
man interference in the process. This paper describes the
distinct properties of LPG that favours its flammability.
Some advanced safety features like alarm and automatic
message sending facility during gas leakage is also reviewed.
Analysis of percentage of reduction in gas wastage and
sensing capacity of the sensors are also discussed.
In recent years, whole world is looking after the safety Figure 1. Self ignition gas stove.
features of products than their costs and other subsidiary
features. Particularly while talking about machines it The main limitation of the automatic gas stove with ad-
should provide a safe environment for the working of vanced safety feature is that it require a power source for
humans. One should be more aware while dealing with the working of the alarm system and sensors. The objec-
flammable products. Small careless while dealing with tives of this paper are: 1) to describe the production of an
flammable products can cause big damage to the proper- automatic gas stove which detects the presence of vessel
ties and lives. More safety features should be included in and automatically ignites the gas stove and OFF the flame
machines dealing with flammable products. Almost every during the absence of the vessel; 2) to outline the ad-
home is using gas stoves for cooking purpose. A gas stove vanced safety features like automatic alarm ‘ON’ during
is nothing but an apparatus with valves and regulators that the LPG leakage and auto generation of message during
allows the controllable flow of flammable gases like LPG, the LPG leakage to a registered mobile number; 3) to
butane, propane, butane etc. LPG is categorized under analyse the saving of LPG by using the automatic gas
highly flammable products. The auto ignition temperature stove with advanced safety features over normal gas
of LPG is around 410-580º C and hence it will not ignite stove; and 4) to outline the possible challenges related
it’s on at normal room temperature without a spark. Dur- with the automatic gas stove.
ing leakage of LPG even a small spark can cause big ex-
plosions. So it is important to add more safety features to II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
gas stoves to sense the leakage of fuel gas. Since the most The system is controlled by the microcontroller. The
common wide range fuel gas we using in gas stove is LPG MQ6 sensor is responsible for detecting the LPG leakage.
we will prioritize our view to LPG. The safety features When the MQ6 sensor detects the leakage it sends signal
that can be included are leakage detection sensor, alarm to the microcontroller. GSM module sends message to a
system for alarm during the leakage detection and most prestored number. When the leakage is detected a buzzer
advanced safety features like automatic message genera- system is activated during the period of leakage.
Figure 3. Power supply circuit diagram In this paper design and working method of automatic
gas stove with advanced safety features is explained. The
III. WORKING METHODOLOGY whole system is works on microcontroller and actuates the
motor, GSM and buzzer unit. The input to the microcon-
The main components used in this work are MQ6 mod-
troller is from MQ6 sensor and IR Proximity sensor. This
ule, proximity sensor, power supply unit, control unit,
method of automation reduces the human interference and
buzzer unit and motor unit. The working depends on the
wastage of LPG. The advanced safety features provide
input signal from the MQ6 and IR Proximity sensor. The
more safety warnings during the leakage of LPG.
MQ6 sensor will active when the leakage of LPG is de-
tected and will send signals to the microcontroller. Now REFERENCES
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Submitted 25 April 2015. Published as resubmitted by the authors 12
May 2015.