MBA Gayana (2 Files Merged)
MBA Gayana (2 Files Merged)
MBA Gayana (2 Files Merged)
A Project Report on
Directorate of Distance Education
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University
This is to Certify that AJIT KUMAR PANIGRAHI has carried out the
Project work presented in this entitled “STRESS MANAGEMENT: A
INSTITUTION” under my supervision and merits the award of Master in
Business Administration from Swami Vivekanand Subharti University. The
Project embodies result of original work and studies carried out by Student
himself/herself and the contents of the Project do not form the basis for the award
of any other degree to the candidate or to anyone else.
1 Introduction 1-25
Objective of the study
Scope of the study
Limitations of the study
Research Methodology
5 If yes, according to you, which of the following do you think cause stress? 42
6 In which of the following areas do you face a problem due to stress in your 43
8 How do you think stress in the work place, which is internal in nature can be 45
12 Do you feel using work stress management techniques will improve the 49
working environment?
14 How often does your company provide recreational activities to reduce the 51
work stress of an employee?
1 Undergoing stress 38
2 Impact of stress on basic performance 39
3 Stress causes frustration 40
4 Stress management improves the morale and 41
goodwill of employee
5 Stress causing elements 42
6 Problems caused due to stress 43
7 Encounter of stress 44
8 Reducing stress at workplace 45
9 Measures for controlling stress causing 46
10 Recreational activities for stress 47
11 Stress management techniques boost 48
12 Stress Management techniques improve 49
working environment
13 Stress management techniques improves the 50
performance of employees
14 Often conduct of recreational activities 51
15 Implementation of stress management 52
Chapter 1
Stress is considered to be an integral part of one’s life; stress can be any kind of worry, anxiety,
hassle, trauma, tension, pain or pressure. Stress is sometimes avoidable but sometimes it is
unavoidable and one has to become aware of certain measures and ways about how to manage it
in an appropriate manner. This is the case study manuscript that involves dealing with stress
management; the main focus of this manuscript is to center upon work related stress, stress faced
by small and medium enterprises, case studies of positive stress and negative stress; besides
these it also highlights the sources, symptoms, types of stressors, and management of stress.
The report tells the meaning of stress and it also throws the light on how different is stress
management in corporate sector and educational institutions. It also deals with stress level in
both the sectors. The objective of this study is to find the difference between the stress
management in both the areas if any. For this report survey is also conducted from the employees
at educational institute and corporate sector.
Stress is the “wear and tear” our minds and bodies experience as we attempt to cope with our
continually changing environment. Stress mainly occurs when the pressure is greater than the
resource. Stress is not something bad but it all depends on how we take it, Most of the stress we
experience is self-generated. It is generated on how we perceive life, whether an event makes us
feel threatened or stimulated, encouraged or discouraged, happy or sad depends to a large extent
on how we perceive ourselves. Self-generated stress is something of paradox, because so many
people think of external causes when they are upset.
Starting with the period of childhood and finishing with older age any contemporary society
individual have to challenge at least one stress form. The age of speed in which we exist day
after day, by the alert rate determines the apparition of stress. Stress can be found in the
professional life, and became the area of interest for the managers. The project approaches a
present theme, the impact of management stress upon educational institutions from Romania and
research is realized based on a SCORCARD between two Universities from Romania for the
purpose of identifying the degree of maturity of the stress management. In conclusion the
existence of a persistent state of tension in the framework of educational institutions reflects on
one side upon the work productivity and on the other side upon the physical and mental state of
the employee.
Stress is a part of day to day living of every individual. The college students may experience
stress in meeting the academic demands, people on the job, businessmen may suffer stress to
reach office in time and to complete the projects on time and even the house hole ladies may
experience stress in managing the home affairs and to look for the maid servant. The reasons for
the stress differ from person to person. The stress people experience should not be necessarily
treated as harmful. An optimum amount of stress can always act as an energizer or motivator and
propel people to apply the efforts and complete the work. But a high level of stress can be
serious threat to the personality trails of the individual and can cause physiological and social
What is Stress?
Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing
environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative
feelings. Stress is the reaction that people experience due to excessive pressures or other types of
demand placed upon them. It arises when they worry that they can’t cope. Stress is the “wear and
tear” our minds and bodies experience as we attempt to cope with our continually changing
Stress occurs when the pressure is greater than the resource. (S = P > R)
At this juncture, there is a need to discuss about the principle given by Stephen Covey, one of the
management gurus which narrate us a situation about how a man makes 90% of his day stressful
due to his way of reaction to a small 10% of uncontrollable event happened to him in the
morning.10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react.
The education sector in India is evolving, led by the emergence of new niche sectors like
vocational training, finishing schools, sector – specific programmes and e-learning. The Indian
education system, considered as one of the largest in the world, is divided into two major
segments of core and non-core education. While schools and higher education constitute the core
group, the non-core business consists of pre-schools, vocational training and coaching classes.
India has emerged as a strong potential market for investments in training and education sector,
due to its favorable demographics (young population) and being a services-driven economy.
Higher education is not immune to this problem. According to the St. Louis Psychologists and
Counseling Information and Referral, the process of stress management is one of the keys to a
happy and successful life in modern society. Although life provides numerous demands that can
prove difficult to handle, stress management provides a number of ways to manage anxiety and
maintain overall wellbeing.
The Characters of Stress can be mainly classified into two major factors:
1) External
2) Internal
External Stressors:
a) Physical Environment
Bright Lights
Confined Spaces
b) Social Interaction
Aggressiveness by others
c) Organizational
Lost job
e) Daily Hassles
Misplaced keys
Mechanical breakdowns
f) Red - Tape
g) Deadlines
Internal Stressors:
a) Lifestyle choices
Lack of sleep
Overloaded schedule
b) Mind traps
Unrealistic expectations
c) Personality traits
Rigid thinking
Pessimistic thinking
Self criticism
Over analyzing
The overall purpose of this analysis is to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of stress
among scholars in tertiary education. Teacher’s work has always been considered to be very
stressful. The aim of this research has been to find out how they combat stress operatively and
strategically in a educational institution. The case study method was used and data was collected
in interviews / questionnaires. This paper gives an in-depth insight into this issue in a context of
education institution the study examined the impact of academic stress among the students.
Stress management encompasses techniques to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms
for dealing with psychological stress. Students have different expectations, goals and values that
they want to fulfill, which is only possible if they are integrated with that of the institution.
Taking into account the present level of stress, sources of stress, the stress management
techniques should be introduced that would be useful for the students. The various criteria like
physical, psychological, individual, demographical and environmental factors of stress also
should be taken for account the stress levels among the students.
stress lead to serious health problems. Don't wait until stress has a negative impact on your
health, relationships or quality of life. Start practicing a range of stress management techniques
today. A lot of research has been conducted into stress over the last hundred years. Some of the
theories behind it are now settled and accepted; others are still being researched and debated.
During this time, there seems to have been something approaching open warfare between
competing theories and definitions: Views have been passionately held and aggressively
defended. Now we will examine four common types of stress, and we'll discuss how it could
manage each of them more effectively.
Time Stress
You experience time stress when you worry about time, or the lack thereof. You worry about the
number of things that you have to do, and you fear that you'll fail to achieve something
important. You might feel trapped, unhappy, or even hopeless. Common examples of time stress
include worrying about deadlines or rushing to avoid being late for a meeting.
Anticipatory Stress
Anticipatory stress describes stress that you experience concerning the future. Sometimes this
stress can be focused on a specific event, such as an upcoming presentation that you're going to
give. However, anticipatory stress can also be vague and undefined, such as an overall sense of
dread about the future, or a worry that "something will go wrong."
Situational Stress
You experience situational stress when you're in a scary situation that you have no control over.
This could be an emergency. More commonly, however, it's a situation that involves conflict, or
a loss of status or acceptance in the eyes of your group. For instance, getting laid off or making a
major mistake in front of your team are examples of events that can cause situational stress.
Encounter Stress
Encounter stress revolves around people. You experience encounter stress when you worry about
interacting with a certain person or group of people – you may not like them, or you might think
that they're unpredictable. Encounter stress can also occur if your role involves a lot of personal
interactions with customers or clients, especially if those groups are in distress. For instance,
physicians and social workers have high rates of encounter stress, because the people they work
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with routinely don't feel well, or are deeply upset. This type of stress also occurs from "contact
overload": when you feel overwhelmed or drained from interacting with too many people.
Primary- Remove hazard or reduce employees' exposure to it, or its impact on them.
Secondary- Improve the organization’s ability to recognize and deal with stress related problems
as they occur.
Tertiary- Help employees cope with and recover from work related problems In Britain under
the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992, employers must assess risks to
health and safety and implement avoidance and control measures.
Stress is a hazard that could be included in the risk assessments and the avoidance and control
measures are primary interventions which should be an organization’s top priority. Unfortunately
tertiary interventions help employees deal with the impact of stress once they are suffering from
it and include stress counseling or medical assistance such as medication or surgery. Although
these methods are important, they do not focus on removing the stressor. REBT based stress
management interventions which concentrate on the employees' appraisal of situations and
potential stressors are useful at both the secondary and tertiary intervention levels. However, one
of the goals of using REBT in industry would be prevent employees from becoming
unnecessarily stressed in the first place, and to be able to recognize the true source of stress i.e. is
it from internal or external pressures. Once this has been understood then the employee may be
in a better position to deal with or change the stressor. A common problem in industry are
employees who hold rigid, inflexible, beliefs about performing extremely well under all
conditions as they are more likely to suffer from higher levels of stress when compared to
employees who hold more helpful flexible beliefs and standards. The so called 'perfectionist'
may paradoxically be less productive and attain lower standards of work due to their anxiety
about failing.
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workshop would be helpful in all situations. At this stage questionnaires completed by staff or
key personnel can provide useful information. The OSI can be used as it evaluates occupational
stress by analyzing five key factors:
Sources of pressure
Factors intrinsic to the job itself
Home/work interface
Attitude to living
Style of behavior
Total type A
Locus of control
Organizational forces
Management processes
Individual influence
Total control (How the individual copes with the stress experienced)
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Task strategies
Social support
Personal relationships
Organizational processes
Job itself
Mental health
Physical health
This provides a wealth of information about how the staff perceive the organization and the
effects of stress upon them. In addition to the individual profile of an employee, a group profile
is also provided which highlights what employees believe are the main causes of their stress. If
the management, trade unions, the employees and other relevant parties agree that a stress
management workshop or course may be beneficial then a pilot scheme can be set up. In some
cases the decision to run a stress management course may only be taken by the management.
This can lead to problems of implementation if employees and the trade union perceive that the
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management is totally blaming the staff for their own levels of occupational stress. A month
prior to the workshop, employees are asked to complete the OSI questionnaire. They are
informed that only the trainer/consultant (and themselves) the questionnaire and the subsequent
printed report, which will highlight their own perceived occupational stressors and
recommendations to help them reduce their levels of stress. They are also asked to keep a stress
diary for a typical work day i.e. monitor and record the (apparent) causes of stress. An
organization’s objectives for continual improvement, including the performance of its personnel,
might be affected by a number of internal and external factors including changes in markets,
technology, innovation and the requirements of customers and other stakeholders. Such changes
may require an organization to analyze its competence and related needs.
2) Positive Stress
Negative Stress
It is a contributory factor in minor conditions, such as headaches, digestive problems, skin
complaints, insomnia and ulcers. Excessive, prolonged and unrelieved stress can have a harmful
effect on mental, physical and spiritual health.
Positive Stress
Stress can also have a positive effect, spurring motivation and awareness, providing the
stimulation to cope with challenging situations. Stress also provides the sense of urgency and
alertness needed for survival when confronting threatening situations.
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Different Traits of Stress
Stress at Work
The drive for success
Working conditions
Relationships at work
Change at work
Physical Symptoms
Sleep pattern changes
Digestion changes
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Missed heartbeats
Mental Symptoms
Lack of concentration
Memory lapses
Panic attacks
Behavioral Symptoms
Appetite changes- too much or too little
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Increased smoking
Nail biting
Emotional Symptoms
Bouts of depression
Fits of rage
The IT revolution has completely changed the scenario. Dynamic customer needs, and
requirements have changed the work patterns. Various industries like IT, BPO’s and Animation
are now in focus. Skill sets like communication, creativity and innovation are being recognized
and those people are now in demand which is making the whole world to look in for. Most of the
people are from these sectors who work for late nights and long lasting hours. They continuously
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work in front of computers and light boards under the pressure of targets and deadlines. In such
people, as a result of stress, mental, emotional and behavioral symptoms are more observed than
physical symptoms in a long run. So, here are given some of the symptoms often observed. As a
result of this, people’s responsiveness is also being mainly affected. People are changing to such
situation where they can’t even restrain to small things and changes in life.
Stress is the “wear and tear” our minds and bodies experience as we attempt to cope with our
continually changing environment. Stress mainly occurs when the pressure is greater than the
resource. The topic here is: How the individual’s self-perception influences their response to
stress and how the theory of self-perception works on or under the conditions of stress. From the
statement of Hans Selye: “stress is not necessarily something bad, it all depends on how you take
it”. This clearly states that, the way stress is being perceived varies with each individual and the
influence of stress either in a positive or in a negative manner depends on how the individual
perceives it. So there is a need to know about the individual.
Stress Management
Managers are faced with situations where it is not easy finding the right people in your
organization that has to face high stress. This is determined by on the one hand by the fact that
people react differently to the stress, and secondly that the physiological reactions to stress are
difficult to identify and managed by managers.
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To properly manage the stress in the organization the manager must do the following things:
Manager may adopt some strategies to prevent the development of unwanted stressors in the
organization. Three of these strategies are:
4. Follow passions
5. Laugh
7. Play
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Objectives of the study
The objective of the study is to identify the existence of work stress in the organization.
To study the difference between coping with the stress in both the worlds (if any)
To study the impact and usefulness of Work Stress Management and also to suggest
measures for coping with stress
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Limitations of the study
Though, adequate care has been taken while doing the project. This Project still suffers from
certain limitations.
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One of the other problems of questionnaire is the cost.
Sometimes it may be possible that even by spending so much the result may not be
Many times the employees may not be really conscious or
may not be bothered about the questionnaire. This may create a problem in the research.
Research Methodology
Establishing the main premises of the methodology is pivotal for any research because data
collection begins after the research problem has been defined and research plan chalked out.
Research Design
Research design, which is followed by researcher, is Descriptive Study.
Sources of Data
In this direction of the research primary as well as secondary data was attempted to be collected.
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1. Primary Data:
The primary data has been collected through the Questionnaire, Observations and some
Interviews. The Questionnaire has been properly prepared in order to cover all the
Information required for the study. The primary data has been obtained by interaction with
the officials and staff in the division in the organization and also obtained through the
Questionnaire distributed to the person’s indifferent departments in that particular division.
2. Secondary Data:
The secondary data is collected through the company’s polices, annual reports, manuals and
also from records available in the organization. Some other data also collected from the
reports, registers and books and from the files available in the organization. Information
collected from various HRM books.
Sampling Plan
Sample Design
The method of sampling used was random sampling. Random sampling from a finite population
refers to that method of sample selection which gives each possible sample
combination an equal probability of being picked up and each item in the entire population to
have equal chance of being included in the sample.
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Sample Size
The researcher has allowed to do the project in particular section. The study is limited to only
that particular division for both the corporate and educational institution.
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Chapter II
Profile of Organization
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Maharaja Surajmal Institution (Educational Institution)
Maharaja Surajmal Institute is a self-financing, quality conscious and trend setting Institute with
focus on providing equal opportunities for development of human potentials for every segment
of society including the differentiated one. The MSI is a venture of its own kind where
academics and professionals have joined hands to aid and direct the agenda of education. The
Institute, situated in the heart of Janakpuri is spread over about 8 acres of land and has best of
Infrastructure and academic facilities with highly qualified and experienced staff and state of the
art computer labs. The Institute has been established through the dedicated and selfless
endeavors’ of educationists and social workers who are deeply concerned with the standards of
education and are determined to upgrade the quality, content and direction of education.
We at MSI perceives challenges as opportunities and looks forward to explore each and every
important issue concerned with society at various platforms like conferences, seminars, panel
discussions etc. All the resources of our Institute are to build a new cadre of global professionals.
The management, faculty and students under the stewardship of our Hon’ble President Shri S.P.
Singh, share the same vision, goals, purpose, ideas, rich values and glorious traditions of MSI
family to attain new heights. MSI has got a Sprawling Campus spread over 8 acres of land
surrounded by congenial environment having well furnished classrooms, conference hall,
seminar hall, auditorium and Well stacked Central Library containing more
than 27892 volumes, 85 national and international journals (printed), periodicals, magazines and
newspapers. On-line journals totaled 3863 & E-Book are 1257.
MSI has an Intellectual capital comprising of 74 faculty members with 40 Ph.D. and 21 M.Phil.,
10 M.Tech., 32 UGC NET, 07 Ph.D. (Pursuing) dedicated to facilitate acquisition of conceptual
understanding, skills and requisite behavioral qualities to groom students into
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tomorrow’s Global Professionals. In Terms of placement, MSI boasts of not only a steady
stream of campus recruiters but we have also assurances for future tie-ups and recruitment
opportunities for our students. In the current session (2018) 573 campus placements and in the
last year (2017) 385 under-graduate BBA and BCA students have been placed in reputed
“Developing new paradigms in education in management, computer application, e-business,
teacher education and national values leading to student empowerment with an inclination for
creative and cohesive group functioning in a global scenario”
MSI is committed to provide the distinctive learning environment for the development of
professional competencies and skills, for understanding of self and others, to learn to solve
personal and social problems and continually improving the overall performance of the “Quality
Management System”.
Placement Cell
The institute has developed an active Placement Cell which introduces the students to the
corporate world environment. The Placement Cell is putting all efforts for organizing several
Placement activities throughout the academic year for the students. The Placement Cell is
managed by faculty members and students representatives, under the guidance of Hon’ble
Director-MSI and Director-Placements.
The Placement Cell at MSI provides total support and guidance to the students in
getting Summer Training and Final Placements in reputed organizations. The Placement Cell
also assists in bringing excellence in the overall personality by Counseling and Self-
Development sessions. The corporate sector experts are regularly invited to share their rich
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experiences by way of Guest Lectures, Orientation Programs and Presentations, Seminars,
felicitations and Get-togethers.
IHS Markit Ltd is a London-based global information provider that was formed in 2016 when
IHS Inc. and Markit Ltd. merged
We bring together the deepest intelligence across the widest set of capital-intensive industries
and markets. By connecting data across variables, our analysts and industry specialists present
our customers with a richer, highly integrated view of their world.
That is the benefit of The New Intelligence. We’re able to isolate cause and effect, risk and
opportunity in new ways that empower our customers to make well-informed decisions with
greater confidence.
IHS Markit is a dynamic team that includes more than 5,000 analysts, data scientists, financial
experts and industry specialists. Our global information expertise spans numerous industries,
including leading positions in finance, energy and transportation.
The New Intelligence gives leaders a competitive edge when making decisions. IHS Markit
analysts and experts reveal the interdependencies across industries and markets to bring our
customers an even greater understanding of the global economy and a 360-degree view of risk,
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opportunity and financial impact. We look forward to working with leaders in business, finance
and government to help them make well-informed decisions.
IHS Markit strives to promote an inclusive and belonging environment in which all employees
feel welcomed, challenged and rewarded for their contributions. We leverage our organizational
diversity through our commitment to our Core Values of Accountability, Customer Focus,
Inclusiveness, Innovation, Integrity and Partnership. Our ability to attract, develop and retain the
best and brightest talent is the cornerstone of our competitive advantage. We take pride in
cultivating a working environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish, colleagues
can develop their careers and we can ensure the long-term success of our business strategies.
Only when we are successful in realizing and leveraging a diverse and inclusive work force can
we achieve our goal to enable colleague success and create customer delight on a daily basis.
The company has grown by acquiring companies of information and expert industry, many
dating back to the late 1700s and 1800s. In 2016 Englewood, CO-based IHS and London-based
Markit merged.
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Information Handling Services (IHS) "was founded in 1959 as Information Handling Services to
provide information for aerospace engineers through microfilm databases. Jerre Stead was the
chief executive from 2006 to 2013 and from 2015 until the merger with Markit
Markit was founded in 2003 as Mark-it Partners, a financial data provider for daily credit default
swap pricing. The company grew via joint ventures and by acquiring other companies, merging
with IHS in 2016.
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Chapter III
Review of Literature
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Literature Review
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Workplace stress in nursing by Andrew McVicar (2003)
Stress perception is highly subjective, and so the complexity of nursing practice may result in
variation between nurses in their identification of sources of stress, especially when the
workplace and roles of nurses are changing, as is currently occurring in the United Kingdom
health service. This could have implications for measures being introduced to address problems
of stress in nursing.To identify nurses’ perceptions of workplace stress, consider the potential
effectiveness of initiatives to reduce distress, and identify directions for future research.Stress
intervention measures should focus on stress prevention for individuals as well as tackling
organizational issues. Achieving this will require further comparative studies, and new tools to
evaluate the intensity of individual distress
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Chapter IV
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Do you think that you are undergoing any stress in your job?
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The above graph revels that 40% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute are undergoing stress at their jobs. Whereas, 60% of employees fell that they are not
undergoing any kind of stress at their jobs.
Does stress in the work place have an impact over your basic
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The above graph revels that 45% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute fells that stress impact their basic performance. Whereas, 55% of employees fell that
stress doesn’t impact their basic performance.
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The above graph revels that 40% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute thinks that the stress level at job causes frustration. Whereas, 60% of employees thinks
that the stress level at job doesn’t cause frustration.
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The above graph revels that 95% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute thinks that Work Stress Management improves the morale of the employees and
employee goodwill. Whereas, 5% of employees thinks that Work Stress Management improves
the morale of the employees and employee goodwill.
If yes, according to you, which of the following do you think cause stress?
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The above graph revels that majority i.e., 23.81% of employees from corporate sector as well as
educational institute thinks that workload in organization is the cause of stress. Whereas, 0% of
employees thinks that ventilation can be the cause of stress. The rest thinks that meeting targets,
work timings, interpersonal relationship and performance anxiety can also be the causes of
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The above graph revels that 28.57% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute face problem in terms of their health due to stress in their jobs. Whereas, 10.71% of
employees fells that work itself can be sometimes problem that causes stress at their jobs. The
equal percentage of employees fell that psychological as meeting targets can also be stress
causing problems.
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The above graph revels that majority i.e. 47.83% of employees from corporate sector as well as
educational institute thinks that stress act them sometimes on daily basis and also while meeting
targets. Whereas, 39.13% of employees thinks that stress act them on daily basis and rest 13.04%
of employees thinks that stress is encountered while meeting targets.
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The above graph revels that majority i.e. 31.25% of employees from corporate sector as well as
educational institute thinks stress in the workplace which is caused internally can be stopped by
distributing the workload. Whereas, 28.13% of employees thinks that it can be stopped by
flexible working hours. The rest thinks that timely targets and periodic relaxation can also be
taken in action for reducing internal stress.
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The above graph revels that 22.22% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute majorly suggest that reorganization of work is best way for controlling the stress causing
factors. Whereas, 35.56% of employees collectively suggest that leisure breaks and sports
activities can be one way in reducing the stress. The rests feels that counseling, job rotation and
informal relationship can also be one way for reducing stress.
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The above graph revels that 42.86% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute thinks that honoring hard working people is the best kind of recreational activities which
can be performed by the organization for reducing the work stress. Whereas, 7.14% of
employees thinks family tour would be the least favorable kind of relational activity. The rest
fells that recreational tour and sports activities in organization can also help employees in
reducing the work stress.
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The above graph revels that 85% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute believes that these stress management techniques boost up the confidence of the
employees. Whereas, 15% of employees believes that these stress management techniques
doesn’t boost up the confidence of the employees.
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The above graph revels that 90% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute thinks that stress management techniques improve the working environment. Whereas,
10% of employees thinks that stress management techniques improve the working environment.
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The above graph revels that 75% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
instituteshows that the performance of the employees have enhanced due to various techniques
adopted by the management. Whereas, 25% of employeesshows that the performance of the
employees have enhanced due to various techniques adopted by the management.
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The above graph revels that 45% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute says that their organization conducts recreational activities on yearly basis. Whereas,
30% of employees says that their organization conducts recreational activities on half yearly
basis and 25% of employee says that their organization conducts recreational activities on
quarterly basis.
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The above graph revels that 35% of employees from corporate sector as well as educational
institute wants their HR department to pre plan the implementation of work stress management
techniques. Whereas, 65% of employees wants their HR department to take the opinion of the
employees before implementing any work stress management techniques.
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Chapter V
• In this report the employees from corporate sector and educational institution mostly
agrees on every scenario.
• The major different in stress management of corporate sector and educational institute is
the techniques they follow for stress management process.
• Some of the employees think that they are undergoing stress in the organization.
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• Some of the employees think that stress impacts your overall performancein the
• Some of the employees think that they get frustrated due to stress level in the organization.
• Almost all the employees are satisfied with the work stress management activities in the
• Almost all the employees think stress causes major impact on their health in the
• Almost all the employees undergo stress on daily basis and while meeting the targetsin the
• Almost all the employees think that distribution of workload can stop the stress internally.
• Almost all the employees suggest that reorganization of good work can help in building an
employee’s morale in the organization.
• Almost all the employees are satisfied with the recreational activities provided by the
• Almost all the employees recommend that the HR department should take the opinion of
the employees before implementing work stress management techniques in the
In this report the employees from corporate sector and educational institution mostly
agrees on everything.The major different in stress management of corporate sector and
educational institute is the techniques they follow for stress management process.
The usual working hours for corporate sector and education institution are 9 hours and 6
hours a day respectively, depending upon the workload in the organization. The work
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On the basis of theperformance of employees in corporate and educational institute
themonetary incentives and perks are given.
No medical camps are held for educational sector employees, but medical reimbursement
is given. The employees are satisfied with the working environment; a friendly
environment prevails in the organization.
The management maintains both formal and informal relationship with the employees.
There is low participation of employees in the management decisions. The promotion
policy and transfer policy is favorable to the employees. If an employee is unable to
complete the job he is given constant backups.
The management of educational sector and corporate sector understands the various
reasons for stress and plans different techniques and implements it to reduce stress and
increase employee morale. The cost incurred on implementing the work
stressmanagementtechniquesisconsideredtobe cost effective. The organization considers
work stress as a management process.
The different techniques are adopted to boost up the moral the
employees. Work stress management is considered to beprofitable to the organization.
The techniques adopted are usually preplanned but in unavoidable casestheyareinstant.
Whileplanningandimplementing the differenttechniques the opinions of team leaders are
also considered. The workstressmanagementtechniqueshavealsoprovedtobeeffectivein
appraisingthe employee performance. The H.R department isResponsible for planning
and implementing work stress management.
Organization work stress management is being implemented from the past 3-4 yrs and is
successful in enhancing the employee morale. This can be seen in the employee
performance: the employee avoids absentee and is satisfied with his
job.The techniques so implemented have proved to be positive in nature. The employees
are surely benefited fromwork stress management.
The more the employee morale, the less the chances of employees in leaving the
organization, so this reduces chances of
leavingtheorganization.Yes,the different techniques adopted boost upconfidence of
employee.Thedifferenttechniques used are innovative plans; they are not based on any set
standards for the employees in educational sector but there are set standards for the
employees in the corporate sector. The employees are satisfied with the remuneration
what they are paid.
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The employees from corporate sector have more workload in accordance to their
designation but the employees from educational sector have slightly less workload in
accordance to their designations.
In corporate sector work stress management is done more frequently than that in the
educational sector. The HR department is responsible for work stress management of
their respective organization. So the HR department in the corporate is more flexible in
organizing such activities to increase the morale of the employees. These stress
management training helps the employees to focus on their jobs and also improve their
performance level.
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It is recommended that the organization should give one task at a time and give sufficient
time in meeting the targets or responsibilities so that the employee performs his best
without any stress.
It is recommended that organization should focus more in giving stress management
trainings to the age group of 20-29 probably due to their lesser experience.
It is recommended to the organization to take appropriate measures inidentifying and
arresting the psychological problems, then the health related problems would also come
down. As psychological has a direct impact on health. The performance of employee
will improve if they focus on employee’s psychological problem.
It is recommended to the organization that it should conduct frequent health checkups
gauges the health level of employees from time to time. If the health of the employee is
fine then it can inferred that the degree of stress in the organizations is less or negligible.
It is recommended to the organization to conduct frequent recreational programs like get-
togethers in departments concerned, parties on occasions like the birthdays of the
employees, on the achievements of any particular department, cultural activities, sports,
pleasure trips etc.
It is recommended to the organization should improve interpersonal relationships among
the employees of different departments by bridging the gap between superiors and
subordinates. These can a long way in reducing the degree stress to some extent.
It is recommended to the organization to initiate a few changes at the workplace such as
timely targets, distributed workload, flexible work hours and periodic relaxation.
It is recommended to the organization to provide frequent counseling to
theemployees who are under stress. The counseling should be morefocused on the
employees in the age group of 20-29. They should also not ignore those with 10 plus
years of experience as they are more vulnerable to stress.
It is recommended to the organization to employee job rotation since doing the same job
again and again causes monotony therefore job rotation can be used as an effective
tool to reduce stress by creating more interest in the work which will lead to better
employee performance.
It is recommended to the organization to instantly recognize any good work done by the
employees however small it may be. They should regard them suitably and provide them
constant encouragement and support. This will stand in good stead in the long run in
sustaining the high morale of the employees and also enhancing in future.
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It is recommended that since psychological problem have a direct impact on health it also
affect the interpersonal relationships and the quality of work performance among the
employees. It is therefore recommended
totheorganizationthattheytrytoreduceoreliminate the psychological problems by engaging
or hiring well-trained psychiatrist.
It is recommended that the experienced employees should be given more workload than
in experienced employee. They shouldn’t be
burdenedwithworkloadbutinitiallytheyshould be given distributed work and gradually the
amount of workload can be increased with the passage of time as they gain more
It is recommended that the organization should create a balance between timely targets
and distributed workload by allotting a piece of work to be competed in a specified time.
The time limit be proportionate with the work given i.e. time limit should be neither too
short not too long.
It is recommended to the organization to organize frequent camps or programs on
meditation, yoga, transcendental meditation and stress management.
It is recommended to the organization that it compulsorily insist on theemployees to
mediate for 15 minutes after coming to the office and before starting their work. They
should also similarly mediate for 10-15 minutes after their lunch break and once at the
end of the day before they leave the office. This will help the employees to take the work
on the next day with afresh mind.
It is recommended to the organization to arrange for a special and separate
eroom from noise and disturbance and which is quite and peaceful for meditation
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Dear Respondent,
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Name: Age:
Designation: Education:
1. Do you think that you are undergoing any stress in your job?
a) Yes b) No
2. Does Stress in the work place have an impact over your basic
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No
a) Work load
b) Work timings
c) Meeting targets
d) Ventilation
e) Interpersonal relationship
61 | P a g e
f) Performance anxiety
g) Others
a) Health
b) Psychological
c) Meeting targets
d) Work itself
e) Others
a) Daily basis
b) Meeting targets
c) Sometimes
c) Timely targets
62 | P a g e
d) Periodic relaxation
e) Others
a) Counseling
b) Job rotation
c) Leisure breaks
d) Informal relationship
e) Sports activities
10. What are the recreational activities does your company provide
to the employees to reduce the work stress?
a) Recreational Tours
b) Sports Activities
c) Family Tours
63 | P a g e
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No
a) Yes b) No
a) Yearly once
b) Half-Yearly
c) Quarterly
a) Pre-planned
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1. Chhabra,T.N. (2017). Values and Ethics in Business. New Delhi, India: Sun India
2. Mackie,Paul. (2017). Workplace Stress Management. New Delhi, India: Paul MacKie
A study on Stress Management in Education Sector by Dr. V. Antony Joe Raja, HOD,
Department of Management, Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil
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