Admission Discharge Card Front and Back

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Federal Ministry of Health

JeúM ¾N=dw Te¨mÁ l.

______________________ HOSPITAL CASH SHEET NO. _________________
¾QSU}™‹ SkuÁ ካ`É
¾I¡U“ ካ`É lØ`
Medical Record Number (MRN) __________________
eU ¾›vƒ eU
Name ______________________________________ Father’s Name _______________________
¾›Áƒ eU ï
Grand Father’s Name __________________________ Sex ___________________
›É^h ¡MM ¨[Ç/¡õK-Ÿ}T
Address: Region ______________________ Woreda/Subcity ________________
kÖ“/ÔØ kuK?
Katena/Gott _________________ Kebele_______________________
¾u?ƒ lØ` eM¡ lØ`
House Number________________ Phone Number ________________
¾¡õK< lØ` ¾›MÒ lØ`
Ward No. ______________________________ Bed No. ______________________
c=Ñv ¾QSS< G<’@
Admission Diagnosis ____________________________________________________________
¾}[ÒÑÖ¨< QSS<
Discharge Diagnosis ____________________________________________________________
ŸJeúM c=¨× ¾’u[¨< G<’@
Condition on discharge
ŸISS< É•/}iKAƒ V„ ¨Å K?L Ö?“ É`σ }M¢
Improved Dead Referred
ŸNŸ=U ðnÉ ¨<ß uѳ ðnÆ H@Ê Öõ„
left against medical advice Absconded
JeúM ¾Ñvuƒ k” ¾}kuK¨< NŸ=U ò`T
Date of admission _________________ Signature of Admitting Dr. _________________________
¾¨×uƒ k” Ác“u}¨< NŸ=U
Date of Discharge _________________ Discharged by ___________________________________

¾S˜ ¡õM Lòª ’`e ò`T KSÓv~ ¾S˜ ¡õM Lòª ’`e ò`T KS¨<×~
Sign. Of Ward Nurse for Admission ____________ Sign. Of Ward Nurse for Discharge ___________
¾Ç_¡}\ ò`T KSÓv~ (›eðLÑ> ŸJ’) KS¨<×~ (›eðLÑ> ŸJ’)
Director’s Sign. For Admission (if required) _____________ For Discharge (if required) ___________

              ¾›=ƒ/w` X
Birr Cts.
¾}—uƒ k” w³ƒ ¾›”É k” ¡õÁ w`
Number of days admitted __________________ Amount per day in birr ______________________
¾›?¡e_Ã U`S^ N=dw
For X-Ray Examination ________________________________________________________________

SÉኃ’>ƒ N=dw
For Medicine _________________________________________________________________________
¾*ý^c=Ä” N=dw
For Operation ________________________________________________________________________
¾Lx^„` N=dw
For Laboratory _______________________________________________________________________
M¿ M¿ ›ÑMÓKAƒ N=dw
For Various Services ___________________________________________________________________
Total Payment
uSÁ¹ ›ekÉV ¾}ŸðK
¾_Ïeƒ^\ ò`T
Signature of Registrar
_____________________ Amount to be Reimbursed
}ÚT] ¡õÁ
Amount to be paid
¾N=Xw g<U ò`T
Signed by The Chief Accountant ____________________________________

FMOH Ver 02/02

Federal Ministry of Health
KQ¡U“¨< H>Xw }ÖÁm

¾Ñ”²w Ÿóà eU
Name of Individual Responsible for bill ____________________________________________________

¾Y^ x ¾eM¡ lØ`

Occupation _____________________________________________ Tel. ________________________

kuK? ¨[Ç/¡õK-Ÿ}T ¾u?ƒ lØ` ¾eM¡ lØ`

Kebele _____________ Woreda/Subcity _____________ House No. _________ Tel. __________

¾´UÉ“¨< ¯Ã’ƒ ¨Å JeúM ÁSר<

Relationship ____________________________ Brought to Hospital by __________________________

eT@ ŸLà ¾}ÑKì¨< ŸLà ¾}Ö¾k¨<” Ñ”²w uS<K< ¾S¡ðM Lò’ƒ ”ÇKw˜ uò`T ›[ÒÓ×KG<::

I the above Named person accept full responsibility for payment of the charges incurred during this period of Hospitalization.


FMOH Ver 02/02

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