Admission Discharge Card Front and Back
Admission Discharge Card Front and Back
Admission Discharge Card Front and Back
¾S˜ ¡õM Lòª ’`e ò`T KSÓv~ ¾S˜ ¡õM Lòª ’`e ò`T KS¨<×~
Sign. Of Ward Nurse for Admission ____________ Sign. Of Ward Nurse for Discharge ___________
¾Ç_¡}\ ò`T KSÓv~ (›eðLÑ> ŸJ’) KS¨<×~ (›eðLÑ> ŸJ’)
Director’s Sign. For Admission (if required) _____________ For Discharge (if required) ___________
¾›=ƒ/w` X
Birr Cts.
¾}—uƒ k” w³ƒ ¾›”É k” ¡õÁ w`
Number of days admitted __________________ Amount per day in birr ______________________
¾›?¡e_Ã U`S^ N=dw
For X-Ray Examination ________________________________________________________________
SÉኃ’>ƒ N=dw
For Medicine _________________________________________________________________________
¾*ý^c=Ä” N=dw
For Operation ________________________________________________________________________
¾Lx^„` N=dw
For Laboratory _______________________________________________________________________
M¿ M¿ ›ÑMÓKAƒ N=dw
For Various Services ___________________________________________________________________
Total Payment
uSÁ¹ ›ekÉV ¾}ŸðK
¾_Ïeƒ^\ ò`T
Signature of Registrar
_____________________ Amount to be Reimbursed
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Amount to be paid
¾N=Xw g<U ò`T
Signed by The Chief Accountant ____________________________________
¾Ñ”²w Ÿóà eU
Name of Individual Responsible for bill ____________________________________________________
eT@ ŸLà ¾}ÑKì¨< ŸLà ¾}Ö¾k¨<” Ñ”²w uS<K< ¾S¡ðM Lò’ƒ ”ÇKw˜ uò`T ›[ÒÓ×KG<::
I the above Named person accept full responsibility for payment of the charges incurred during this period of Hospitalization.