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A Study On Financial Performance of Agriculture Development Bank Limited (Adbl)

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Bharat Bahadur Bogati

Symbol No: 703270363

T. U. Reg. No: 7-2-327-814-
Group: Finance

Submitted to:
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Business Studies (B. B. S)

Kailali, Nepal

April, 2023

1. Introduction
A bank is a financial institution, which can play significant role in the upliftment of the
economic situation of the developing country like Nepal. Bank plays a vital role to encourage
thrift and discourage hoarding by mobilizing the resources and removing the habit of
hoarding. They peruse economic growth rapidly, developing the banking habit among the
people by collecting small scattered resources in one bulk, using them in further productive
purpose and rendering the valuable services to the country. Commercial bank deals with the offer
of collected deposits and provides the loan for commercial purpose. Commercial Bank Act
(2031BS) states, “Accepting deposits granting loan and performing commercial banking
functions are the main motto of commercial bank”. In the other words, commercial bank’s
facilities also become right hand for the growth of trade and industry of national economy of
developing country like Nepal.

In case of the history of bank, an institutional banking system came in to existence in Nepal only
in the 19th century. Nepal Bank Limited was the first financial institutional of Nepal established
on the 30th of Kartik 1994 B.S. Being a commercial bank, it focuses on income generating and
profit maximization. As it was only one commercial bank has to look the economic condition of
the country. Only one Nepal bank Limited was not sufficient to look all the sector of country. So
in 2013 BS another bank names “Nepal Rastra Bank” was established as the central bank of
Nepal to regulate and control banking management system of country. Then in 2022 B.S.
“Rastriya Banijya Bank” was established under Rastrya Banijya Bank Act 2021. This act is now
revised as commercial bank act 2031B.S. For the development of industry, commerce and trade,
Nepal Industrial Development Corporation was established under Industrial Development
Corporation act 2016. For the development of agricultural sector, Agricultural Development
Bank was established on Magh 7th 2024 B.S., under Agricultural Bank Act 2024.

The joint venture bank was introduced in Nepal (2041 B.S.) with the establishment of Nabil
Bank Ltd. Nepalese government kept on liberalizing the economic policies and improving
the infrastructure. As a result, Nepal Indosuez Bank Limited and Nepal Grindlays Bank Limited

were established in 6th Magh 2042 B.S. and 16th Marga 2043B.S. respectively. Nepal Grindlays
bank Limited is now being operated with new ownership and name, Standard Chartered Bank
Nepal Limited. After restoration of democracy in Nepal in 2046B.S government adopted
liberalized and market oriented economic policies that created conductive environment for the
development of banking sector. As a result various joint venture commercial banks are
established one after another.

Commercial banks are major financial institution, which occupy quite an important place in the
framework of every economy because they provide capital for the development of industry, trade
and business and other resources deficit sectors by investing the saving collected as deposit.
Beside the, commercial banks render numerous services to their customers in view of facilitating
their economic and social life. Commercial banks, by playing active roles, have changed the
economic structure of the world. Thus commercial bank became the heart of financial

2. Brief Profile of the ADBL

With the main objective of providing institutional credit for enhancing the productivity of the
agricultural sector in the country, the Agricultural Development Bank, Nepal was established in
1968 under the ADBL Act 1967, as successor to the cooperative Bank. The Land Reform
Savings Corporation was merged with ADBL Act 1967, as successor to the cooperative Bank.
The Land Reform savings corporation was merged with ADBL in 1973. Subsequent
amendments to the Act empowered the Bank to expand the scope of financing to promote
cottage industries. The amendments also permitted the bank to engage in commercial
banking activities for the mobilization of domestic resources. Agricultural Development
Bank Limited (ADBL) is an autonomics organization largely owned by Government of Nepal.
The bank has been working as a premier rural credit institution since the last three decodes,
contributing as more than 67% institutional credit supply in the country. Hence, rural finance if
the principle operational area of ADBL. Besides it has also been executing small farmers
Development program (SFDP) was initiated for financing small formers on group liabilities in
order to boost up the socio-economic condition of rural populace. In 1984, the amendment of the
Act also permitted ADBL to extend its wing in commercial banking activities so as to mobilize

urban resources in the rural areas of the country. In 1993, ADBL initiated farmers’ co-operative
approach by transferring SFDP into the small Farmers’ cooperative Limited (SFCL).

3. Objective of the Study

The some objective of this study is the evaluation of the financial performance ADBL. The
specific objectives of this study are as follows:
i. To identify the financial position of ADBL.
ii. To evaluate the financial performance in terms of the liquidity, profitability and leverage
of ADB L.
4. Signification of the Study
This study mainly filling gap the study of financial performance of concerned banks. Especially,
this study deals with comparative study of investment policy of Agriculture Development Bank
Ltd. of Nepal. The ADBL is mandated by Government of Nepal to provide financial services to
the rural population to stimulate income and generate employment in remote areas. This study
will find the strengths and weaknesses of the Bank by analyzing the opportunities and threats in
its overall conduct in the real ground. This study will also be an important support to
the management owner clients, steak holders and other interest groups in analyzing the Bank's
economic strength and performance efficiency. As it is a well know fact that the Development
Banks can affect the economic condition of the whole country .It will be helpful to the policy
makers while formulating the policy regarding ADBL and people can understand how benefit is
taking by them from the semi-government banks. The study is basically confined to review the
financial performance and investment polices of the banks during the five years period. This
study is expected to provide a useful feedback to the policy maker of banks and also to the
government and central bank (NRB) to formulate the appropriate strategies for improvement in
the performance of banks. Moreover, this study can also be used as reference point by the
international organization like ADB, World Bank etc.

5. Research Methodology

There are two types of data: Primary data & Secondary data. Primary data means the original
data that has been collected specially for the pre-purposed. Secondary data are the data which has
already been collected and is usually available in published or electronic form. The study is
based on the secondary data so the data is collected from the data published by the ADBL itself
and by using the report made by the other researchers. The study will include gather the
information about the cash management through the internet network means.

Research Design

The research design is the pathway or blueprint for the research, dealing with at least four
problems: what questions to study, what data are relevant, what data to collect, and how to
analyze the results? Descriptive Research Design is used for the study as it includes the
collection of the secondary data in order to meet the objectives of the research Different
websites, proposal, report as well as the financial statement published by the ADBL are used for
the collection of the data. Moreover, various statistical tools as well as financial tools are used to
interpret the data.


Different tools are required for the collection of the data. As the study includes the cash
management analysis of the ADBL so the observation and the data review is the way of the
collection of the data.

Types of Data

The data or the information initially published by the ADBL on different media is the key data
sources for the study. The study includes the research on the secondary data provided by the
bank itself.

Source of Data

As the study includes the secondary data of the ADBL, the source for the data is published
articles or the financial information. Internet, newspaper, articles are the sources of the data
carried for the research purpose.

Data Collecting Strategy

In-between the direct-contact data collection strategy and the indirect data collection strategy, the
research includes the second strategy (indirect data collection strategy). As the study collects the
data through paper survey, web survey, existing reports, etc.

Data Analysis

Data do not give the information as it is not organized and summarized and interpreted. So, the
different statistical as well financial tools are used for the analysis of the data about ADBL.

6. Limitation of the Study

This study is about the financial performance of ADBL. Every research has its own limitation,
which are as follows: this research done for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Degree of Bachelor of Business Studies (B.B.S). The main limitations are as follows:
i. The study will be mainly based on secondary data collected from the banks.
ii. A whole study will be based on the data of five years period.
iii. This study will be focused on financial performance of ADBL.
iv. Source of data are mostly dependent on published annual report, annual programmed and
budget of the bank, thus it will be based on the secondary data.

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