TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................i
CHAPTER I.................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II................................................................................................................6
REVIEW LITERATURE...........................................................................................6
2.1 Reading.............................................................................................................6
2.2 Reading Comprehension.................................................................................7
2.2.1 Defenition of Reading Comprehension ............................................7
2.2.2 The Purpose of Reading Comprehension .........................................8
2.2.3 The Types of Reading Comprehension ............................................9
2.2.4 Levels of Reading Comprehension.................................................11
2.3 Qestion Answer Relationship (QAR) Strategy...........................................12
2.3.1 Procedure QAR Strategy..................................................................16
2.3.2 The Advantages QAR Strategy........................................................17
2.3.3 The Disadvantages QAR Strategy...................................................18
2.4 Text.................................................................................................................19
2.4.1 Defenition of Text............................................................................19
2.5 Concept of Narrative Text...........................................................................19
2.5.1 Defenition of Narrative Text............................................................19
2.5.2 Generic Structure of Narrative Text.................................................20
2.5.3 The Purpose of Narrative Text.........................................................21
2.5.4 The example of Narrative Text........................................................22
2.5.5 The Previous Study..........................................................................23
CHAPTER III............................................................................................................26
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................26
learning English. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In every
students who are still difficult to understand the content of the reading text.
Generally, the teachers only provide text for students and teachers ask students
to read and look for the answers of the existing text with aids namely English
students were given questions by the teacher and they looked for the answers
in the text, the students were still confused how to answer the questions with
that can be used by the teachers. One of the strategies that can be applied in
QAR teaches learners how to decipher what types of questions they are being
asked and where to find the answers to them. The focus of this strategy is on
defining and using four types of questions: Right There (explicit), Think and
You (making inferences between the text and prior knowledge), and On Your
LAGUBOTI, the researcher got information that only about 30% students
could pass the KKM (Kriteria Kelulusan Minimal), it meant that the students
Based on the description above, the researcher will conduct the research
Laguboti ”.
1.3 The Objective of The Study
1. Teachers.
2. Students.
3. For The Writer
The writer can use this analysis to improve her skill in reading
2.1 Reading
benefits of reading are that it can broaden the horizons of knowledge, add
2.2 Reading Comprehension
down the information or to find out the main idea from books. This
spoken language. Comprehension is the process of making sense of
written text.
the process which people gain information and ideas from books,
find any information in various media. Patel and Jain (2008:133) state
are also given the opportunity to explore the language that they are
they can get factual information about things they want or the purpose of
hand, skimming is described as a combination of strategies to
and automatic word processing, strong skills in forming general
The terms extensive reading and intensive reading are very familiar
approaches that both aim to benefit from reading material. Those are
extensive and intensive reading for the detail description of the two
1) Intensive Reading
approaching the text under the teacher's guidance or task that forces
understanding not only of what the text means but also of how the
comprehension needs to pay attention to reading accuracy about reading
2) Extensive Reading
live with the speaker. However, many people don't have the chance to
live there. Therefore, there is another way to improve the knowledge that
reading, as the easiest and most effective way to improve students’ skills
and claimed that it is “much easier to teach students to read better if they
Based on the above statement, we know that there are two types of
reading, the two have differences from each other. Intensive reading is
The intensive reading program is one of the efforts to grow and develop
understand the whole text. If in intensive reading only read one text
slowly, but in extensive reading, reading several related texts at once and
done quickly.
a. Literal Comprehension
It is the reader‟s ability to remember ideas and information
c. Critical Comprehension
It is the reader‟s ability to respond with personal judgments
and ideas about the content of the textbook material, using his
d. Creative Comprehension
It is the reader‟s “emotional” response to the content of the
and life.
2.3 Qestion Answer Relationship (QAR) Srategy
learners have read. QAR teaches learners how to decipher what types
of questions they are being asked and where to find the answers to
them. The focus of this strategy is on defining and using four types of
inferences between the text and prior knowledge), and On Your Own
understand that concept, the strategy can be employed during and after
telling learners what type they are. Alternatively, they can ask
teachers can ask learners to generate questions of each time during and
comprehension. Question-Answer relationship (QAR) is a strategy to
be used after students have read. It also, teaches them how to decode
what types of questions they are being asked and where to find the
176). Taffy Raphael (1985: 209) states that there are categories of
question, they are In the book and In my head. These two categories of
questions also have two different types of questions. The details of both
1) Right There
was easy for the students to answer this type of question. Indeed,
the text when they wanted to answer the Right There question.
answer is in the text, but you need to put together different pieces
of information to find it. Words in the question and words for the
answer are not found in the same sentence. They come from
B. In My Head Qestions
1) Author and Me
The answer to Author and Me questions are not found
Students must think about what they already know, what the
2) On My Own
read the text silently, (3) encouraging the students to discuss the
content of the text with their group, (4) leading the students to
There are some steps that must be conducted while using Question-
Answer Relationship:
2) The teacher models the QAR process by using a short reading passage.
First read the story and questions to the students. Then identify which
5) The teacher gradually increases the length and complexity of the texts
6) The students continue to use QAR throughout the year, across the
2.3.2 The Advantages of QAR
Au, QAR can help to solve four problems to enhance students’ level of
1. The need for a shared language to make visible the largely invisible
3. The need for accessible and straight forward whole-school reform for
the text.
2. The QAR strategy is able to generate critical thinking of students when
are not only limited to the Right there or in my head, which is the answer to
the questions in the book, but also QAR's strategy of having questions
Raphael stated that QAR can help address the lack of a shared
concerns with using QAR. Firstly, QAR was intended to explain QAR was
instead of preceding it. He purports that QAR can be best seen as just a
monitoring tool to help readers get feedback on the answer, not on helping
to answer the question. Despite his concerns, Credence pointed out that the
improving comprehension.
2.4 Text
considered from the point of view of its structure and its function. It means
that text has its own function and purpose based on its structure and / or its
are connected to one another. This type of text has an imaginative nature
or several events that run according to the chronological time and these
of writing that seeks to create, narrate and string together human actions in
according to Remini (2007, 32) states that narrative is a type of writing or
conclude that Narrative text is a type of text that tells an event in which
means, the text should be focus on the goal. Same as other text type,
together. Both of them have same meaning, there are two generic structure
1. Orientation;
2. Complication;
describing the original problem. This initial problem is the beginning of the
3. Resolution;
becomes the completion and becomes the end of a story. The problems
that exist in a narrative text must be resolved and closed with a happy
4. Reoretation;
Reorientation is the closing sentence that tells the final state of the
The aim of narrative text is to entertain the readers through the amusing
benefits or lessons.
2.5.4 The example of Narrative Text
One day at the forest in Borneo Island, there was a baby orangutan who lost his
Zarents. He was so sad and he did not know how to find his parents.
He lost his parent after some humans broke the forest and his home to make an oil
palm plantation. The baby orangutan was very angry and he disliked human so
He walked somewhere to find his parents even he did not know where. It was not
easy for him because along of his trip, he found some predators that wanted to eat
him. Luckily he was safe and could run and hide at a high tree. In the night, he
was lonely and he cried along the time. The cry made some birds felt pity of him.
In the morning, there was a bird that told him about his parents. The bird had seen
his parent after traveling from the west side of the jungle. The bird said that his
The baby orangutan was so angry hearing that story. He decided to walk to the
In his mind, he thought that all human was cruel and bad. He was afraid that the
human would kill his parents. After long time walking, finally the baby orang utan
came at a beautiful forest in which there was a human house with some big cage.
The baby also saw a lot of orang utan lived there happily with some humans.
He walked closer to the cage and saw his parents there. The baby orangutan cried
and ran quickly to his parents. They were so happy because they could finally
meet again. The parents told the baby that the place was a home for all orangutans
that had no home after the forest was torn down. They asked the baby whether he
The sanctuary staff later found the family in a corner and put the baby into the
rescue program. It made the baby orangutan believe again that there was still
humanity in a human.
There are some previous findings of some researchers that have relation to
answering the question of study, the researcher used an experimental
research design. The calculation result shows that the t-score value is
higher than the critical value t-table (- 5.62 > -2.03). It means that the
rejected. The results of this study show that QAR strategy has
research, while the difference lies in the material used. The second
tailed was 0.028 while the determined alpha α was 0.05, which meant
wich was.
2. Stafford (2012) in his thesis found that the QAR treatment did not
did not gain a working knowledge of the strategy, they did gain a basic
In a study a researcher must use the type of proper research. This is so that
researchers can obtain data or an overview of the problem and the steps used in
overcoming the problem. Research design is important because it can guide every
step in the research so that it is more logical and systematic. Creswell stated that
education and research is more than complete important steps in the research
process. It also includes designing and writing the research in one of two major
The type used in this research is the type of research quantitative. This
is one of the research approaches that uses two groups. This study used two
groups, namely the experiments taught using the QAR strategy and the control
comprehension, each group takes the same test, pretest and posttest. Design used
in this study can be seen in the following table.emphasizing processes not results,
3.2 The Subject Of The Research
According to Sugiyono (2008), the research subjects were people who were
departs from certain cases that exist in certain social situations and the results of
the study will not be applied to the population, but transferred to other places in
social situations that have similarities to the social situation in the case studied.
The sample in qualitative research is not called the respondent but as a resource or
interviews with people who are considered to know about the social situation.
sampling and snowball sampling, but in this study, the researcher uses purposive
considered to know best about what we expect so that it will make it easier for
3.3 The instrument of The Research
research, there is no other choice than to make humans the main research
instrument because everything does not yet have a definite form. In a situation
that is completely uncertain and unclear, there is no other choice, and the
researcher who must master everything related to research, starting from the
The data collecting methods and instrument are needed to obtain the
research data. The technique of collecting data used in this research are:
and controlled class and it was conducted before the QAR strategy was
given. After giving treatments, post-test was given in order to measure the
controlled class.
a researcher data linked to research object that will be elaborated in this
research. This method is used to collect the data from the result of student’s
test. It is also to get the data of the students’ name list that include in
The researcher used the Product Moment formula to calculate the test
𝑟𝑥𝑦 = 𝑁 ∑ 𝑋𝑌 − (∑ 𝑋)(∑ 𝑌)
{𝑁 ∑ 𝑋2 − (∑ 𝑋) 2}{𝑁 ∑ 𝑌 2 − (∑ 𝑌) 2}
𝑟𝑥𝑦: Correlation
N: Total of Students
X: Point in a test
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