Softwoods are generally most used by the construction Ideal for: window frames, shipbuilding, structural
industry and are also used to produce paper pulp and posts, railroad tracks, and other outdoor applications
card products.
Hardwoods: Hardwoods are produced by angiosperm
Also known as Philippine Ebony, kamagong is a wood
trees that reproduce by flowers and have broad leaves.
unique to the country. With a black heartwood (inner
Hardwood from deciduous species, such as oak,
region) and gray sapwood, this produces really
normally shows annual growth rings, but these may be
dramatic, dark timber hence the name. The grain is
absent in some tropical hardwoods.
often grayish and has strong, dark brown streaks.
Hardwoods have a more complex structure than
Ideal for: Small, decorative pieces, accent pieces and
softwoods and are often much slower growing as a
combat tools like arnis sticks and eskrima
result. The dominant feature separating "hardwoods"
from softwoods is the presence of pores, or vessels. NARRA
As the name suggests, the wood from these trees is This very popular tropical wood has tones that range
generally harder than that of softwoods, but there are from yellow to red. The grain (texture and alignment of
significant exceptions. wood fiber) is often interlocked and wavy, which
creates interesting flame and ribbon figures when
Engineered wood: also called mass timber, composite
quartersawn or flat sawn, which makes it a beautiful
wood, man-made wood, or manufactured board,
finishing material. Texture can be anywhere from
includes a range of derivative wood products which are
average-fine to average-coarse. The wood itself is
manufactured by binding or fixing the strands, particles,
lustrous and has an attractive odor. Narra is classified as
fibers, or veneers or boards of wood, together with
endangered and vulnerable here, and in Malaysia.
adhesives, or other methods of fixation to form
composite material. Ideal for: furnishings, floor planks, wall panels
Engineered wood products are used in a variety of TANGUILE
applications, from home construction to commercial
buildings to industrial products. The products can be A moderately hard reddish wood, tanguile is one of the
used for joists and beams that replace steel in many seven local woods often referred to as Philippine
building projects. Mahogany. This abundant wood type boasts of fine
ribbon or straight grain. It's relatively soft and easy to
In the Philippines, hardwood is taken from: work on, but resilient enough for outdoor construction.
• molave, Ideal for: interior finishes, cabinets
• kamagong,
• narra, YAKAL
This resinous wood with yellow to golden-red tones is roof joist, the two are mitred and glued together with a
another local mahogany type. A high-grade timber, biscuit joint.
yakal can tolerate harsh hot and cold weathers.
Ideal for: furniture, surface finishes, small weapons,
• Half Lap
and outdoor constructions
• Mitered Half Lap
Conventional Types of Wood Joinery • Cross Lap
• Dovetail Crossed Lap
• Basic Butt
• Mitered Butt A lap joint or overlap joint is a joint in which the
• Biscuit Joint members overlap. A lap joint may be a full lap or half
• Half-Lap lap. In a full lap, no material is removed from either of
• Box Joint the members that will be joined, resulting in a joint
• Rabbet Joint which is the combined thickness of the two members.
• Dad In a half lap joint or halving joint, material is removed
• Tongue and Groove from both of the members so that the resulting joint is
• Mortise and Tenon the thickness of the thickest member. Most commonly
in half lap joints, the members are of the same
BASIC BUTT JOINT thickness and half the thickness of each is removed.
A butt joint is a technique in which two pieces of BOX JOINT
material are joined by simply placing their ends
together without any special shaping. The name 'butt A box joint, is a woodworking joint made by cutting a
joint' comes from the way the material is joined set of complementary, interlocking profiles in two
together. The butt joint is the simplest joint to make pieces of wood, which are then joined (usually) at right
since it merely involves cutting the wood to the angles, usually glued.
appropriate length and butting them together. It is also The glued box joint has a high glued surface area
the weakest because unless some form of resulting in a strong bond, on a similar principle to a
reinforcement is used it relies upon glue alone to hold it finger joint.
together. Because the orientation of the wood usually
presents only one end to a long grain gluing surface, the Box joints are used for corners of boxes or box-like
resulting joint is inherently weak. constructions, hence the name. The joint does not have
the same interlocking properties as a dovetail joint, but
MITERED BUTT JOINT is much simpler to make, and can be mass-produced
A mitre joint (often miter in American English) is a joint fairly easily.
made by cutting each of two parts to be joined, across RABBET JOINT
the main surface, usually at a 45° angle, to form a
corner, usually a 90° angle. It is called beveling when A rabbet (American English) or rebate (British English) is
the angled cut is done on the side, although the a recess or groove cut into the edge of a piece of
resulting joint is still a mitre joint. machinable material, usually wood. When viewed in
cross-section, a rabbet is two-sided and open to the
For woodworking, a disadvantage of a mitre joint is its edge or end of the surface into which it is cut.
weakness, but it can be strengthened with a spline (a
thin wafer of wood inserted into a slot, usually arranged DADO JOINT
with the long grain of the spline across the short grain
The dado joint is one of the strongest woodworking
of the frame timber).
joints you can make. A dado joint is made from a three-
BISCUIT JOINT sided channel cut across the grain of one work piece.
Dado joints are often used to build cabinets and
A joint made by gluing one or more wood biscuits in bookshelves,
between two boards Where a timber post supports a
Tongue and groove is a method of fitting similar objects The tools commonly used by Japanese carpenters are
together, edge to edge, used mainly with wood, in divided into a few basic families, within which there are
flooring, parquetry, panelling, and similar constructions. found a multitude of variations and specializations
Tongue and groove joints allow two flat pieces to be geared toward particular tasks.
joined strongly together to make a single flat surface.
There are two main kinds of cutting teeth on Japanese
MORTISE AND TENON JOINT saws: crosscut (横挽き, yokobiki) and rip (縦挽き
tatebiki). The rip and crosscut are combined in one
A mortise and tenon is a type of joint that is made up of
blade, known as a ryoba (両刃, lit. 'dual edge')
two parts. The tenon portion of the joint works as a
peg, and the mortis is the hole or slot into which the Japanese plane (鉋, kanna), is most commonly a
tenon is inserted. A mortise and tenon is a popular type wooden block, or dai (台) containing a laminated blade,
of joint that is used to connect two pieces of wood. sub-blade, and securing pin. In the Japanese plane, the
There are three types of bolted timber connectors: blade is fixed in position primarily by the plane's
abutments that are cut in the sides of the dai. This is
• Tooth plate connectors - Tooth plate connectors are similar to a still manufactured type of European
made from cold rolled band steel or hot dipped wooden plane, in which the blade is fixed in place by
galvanized mild steel. The tooth plate connectors are tapping down upon a wooden wedge. Unlike a western
used in laterally loaded timber-to-timber and steel-to- plane, the support bed for the blade is not a flat surface
timber joints. They are pressed into the timber in a Japanese plane - rather it is convex.
members to be connected.
The blade itself is tapered in thickness so as to wedge
• Split ring connectors - Split ring timber connectors tightly into the dai when tapped down into place. The
(also known as timber rings or Teco rings) are round, blade is also tapered in width to allow its projection to
metal rings that are inserted into precut grooves be adjusted by tapping it from side to side, so that a
between two overlapping timber members. Split rings uniform shaving thickness can be attained. Japanese
get their name from a split tongue and slot in the planes are generally operated by pulling rather than
middle of the ring that allows the ring to grow and pushing, and work can be done in the seated position or
contract with the timber around it. using the whole body for more power
• Shear plate connectors - The shear plate wood • Japanese chisel (鑿, nomi). There are bench chisels,
connector is intended primarily for wood-to-steel or paring chisels, striking chisels, heavy timber chisels and
wood-to-wood connections in demountable structures slicks, and myriad others for specialized applications.
when used in pairs. Shear plates spread the load and Like the planes, the blades are of laminated hard
reduce the number of bolts required. steel/soft steel construction. Bevel angle varies from 20 ̊
to 35 ̊ typically, with mortising and heavy chisels
featuring steep angles, and paring chisels having
JAPANESE WOOD CONSTRUCTION shallower angles. It is common in Japan to work with
softwoods, so many chisels are made with that in mind,
Japanese carpentry was developed more than a
and require the bevels be steepened if employed for
millennium ago through Chinese architectural
harder woods.
influences such as Ancient Chinese wooden architecture
and uses woodworking joints. It involves building Sumitsubo (and sumi-sashi, wooden brushes).
wooden furniture without the use of nails, screws, glue
or electric tools. Inkpot (墨壺, sumitsubo). The sumitsubo is used for
marking long straight lines onto various surfaces. A
Wagoya type traditional roof framing, a post-and-lintel thread (tsuboito) is tied to a rounded piece of wood
type of framing. with a needle fixed at the end (karuko). The other end
of the thread is passed through the small opening at the
Yogoya type traditional roof framing, called western
end of the sumitsubo (itoguchi), through the depression
containing ink (ike) and wound around a spool (itomaki-
guruma). The ink is stored in the ike soaked in silk
wadding. Silk threads are used as tsuboito. To draw a An oblique, housed (dadoed), rabbeted, T-shaped, half-
line, the sumitsubo is held in the left hand and the blind, tenoned scarf joint. Because both the tenon and
karuko's needle is fixed onto the surface determining mortise are blind, the joint cannot be slipped together
the position of one end of the thread. from the side, as in an oblique, housed, rabbeted, scarf
joint *okkake daisentsugi 追掛大栓継. The oblique
Individual framing members are kept at different
surface on the mortised half of the indented part is
moisture contents prior to being assembled. This results
decreased by the depth of the rabbet. Therefore, the
in a self-tightening joint as the individual members dry
end with the inverted T-tenon on the corresponding
out after assembly.
piece must be inserted in a lengthwise direction.
In the case of the typical Japanese lock joints it is the
Then a joining draw pin komisen 込栓 (see *sen 栓) is
square pegs that are kept at a lower moisture content
driven through the opening provided in the center to
than the main members and/or utilize species that react
lock the joints. Sometimes two keys *shachi 車知 are
differently to moisture. Other techniques involve the
timing of cutting the joint – either well in advance or used in place of a draw pin to strengthen the joint. This
shortly prior to assembly. Once the pieces have joint is commonly used in foundation footings *dodai
equalized the pegs have swollen relative to the joint 土台, wall plates *daiwa 台輪, the beam used for the
members and tighten the joint. bottom tracks for sliding doors or window *shikigeta
敷桁, and in eave purlins *dashigeta 出桁. The
Aside from charring, smoked timber can also be found improvement in carpenter's tools in the Edo period
in many old buildings for external as well as internal made it possible to fashion complex joints such as this.
applications. Yoshidake Okoshi is a privately owned and
operated heritage timber-framed building with a While the tatami, or ‘jo’ is closely related to structural
traditionally thatched roof. Some of the government- grids, proportions and standard room sized, it has never
imposed heritage conditions, which can be very functioned as a true unifying module for either
onerous for significant heritage buildings, include that construction or building design.
the open fireplace is continued to be operated in order Domestic Framing Methods
to keep the exposed timber roof structure and
thatching treated with smoke against insects, fungi or The above detail shows how, rather than being fixed or
moisture damage. doweled to the footing the, bottom detail of the post is
precisely scribed and shaped to the natural form of the
Joints used in the construction of buildings or bridges stone. This allows the frame to rock and move on the
are primarily designed to form soft-moment footing.
connections within the structural frame. This is also true
for many joints used in traditional joinery. Conventional Japanese Framing from 1950 onwards saw
the introduction of diagonal stiffeners / sheer walls and
The complexity of the various joint types aim to: metal fasteners, together with other construction
• Maximise the surface area between the methods brought from the west.
connected members Traditional post and beam connections were modified
• Mitigate and/or utilise the effects of timber in order to integrate engineered metal fasteners and
movement (swelling shrinking due to changing connectors which replaced timber pegs and lock joints.
moisture content) As the fabrication of pre-cut framing members became
• Create homogeneous connections without the increasingly automised joint details were adapted to
use of steel connectors suit the machining process and tooling.
• Facilitate workflow during the assembly
sequence Traditional post and beam connections were modified
• Allow disassembly for repair or relocation of in order to integrate engineered metal fasteners and
structures connectors which replaced timber pegs and lock joints.
As the fabrication of pre-cut framing members became
kanawatsugi 金輪継 increasingly automised joint details were adapted to
suit machining processes and tooling.
A modern version of this technique has found an Location: Nara, Japan
application in the installation of CLT floor and wall
Building type: Temple
panels (specific application for visually exposed CLT
panels). In this adaptation, the tie has been split Design: 5 storey pagoda (32.25 Metres / 122 feet)
lengthwise into a two-part tenon and the mortise is
split over the two CLT boards to be joined. Structure: Central wooden pillar; timber; Japanese
Cross Laminated Timber
With the design of Tokyo Sky Tree television transmitter • Structural sections: these provide a strong, stiff
and observation tower Nikken Sekkei took inspiration frame for the building and make up 25% of the
from the traditional five-story Japanese pagoda steel use in buildings.
(example: Horyu-ji Pagoda built j. 609) and its central • Reinforcing bars: these add tensile strength and
dampening column (shimbashira seishin, or centre stiffness to concrete and make up 44% of steel
column vibration control). use in buildings. Steel is used because it binds
well to concrete, has a similar thermal
At a height of 375m expansion coefficient and is strong and
Flexible region: the core column and steel tower relatively cost-effective. Reinforced concrete is
framing are connected with an oil damper. also used to provide deep foundations and
basements and is currently the world’s primary
At a height of 125m building material.
• Sheet products: 31% is in sheet products such
Rigid region: the core column and steel tower framing
as roofing, purlins, internal walls, ceilings,
are fixed with steel members.
cladding, and insulating panels for exterior
Core column: reinforced concrete shell walls.
• Non-structural steel: steel is also found in many
The central column (or shimbashira) does not physically
non-structural applications in buildings, such as
support any of the pagoda’s stories but instead acts as a
heating and cooling equipment and interior
counterweight about which the rest of the building’s
structure can vibrate.
• Internal fixtures and fittings such as rails,
Nikken Sekkei applied this principle as the ‘shimbashira shelving and stairs are also made of steel.
seishin’ (center column vibration control) with the core
For infrastructure:
column and surrounding steel frame connected by a
flexible oil damper. • Transport networks: steel is required for
bridges, tunnels, rail track and in constructing
The temple that lent inspiration to the structural
buildings such as fueling stations, train stations,
concept of the Tokyo Sky Tree is the Horyu Ji Temple.
ports and airports. About 60% of steel use in
Horyu Ji Temle this application is as rebar and the rest is
sections, plates and rail track.
Architect: N/A • Utilities (fuel, water, power): over 50% of the
Date of construction: app. 603 – 1603 steel used for this application is in underground
pipelines to distribute water to and from 9. Fast on-site build for prefabricated buildings.
housing, and to distribute gas. The rest is mainly 10. Durable.
rebar for power stations and pumping houses.
Benefits of using steel in construction Steel:
Roof Trusses
1. Is reusable and endlessly recyclable.
• Trusses are triangular frame works, consisting
2. Contains at least 25% recycled steel.
of axially loaded members.
3. Enables energy efficiency in buildings and
• They are more efficient in resisting external
construction projects.
loads as the cross-section of all the members
4. Strong, requiring fewer beams and providing
are nearly uniformly stressed.
more usable open space.
• They are extensively used for larger spans.
5. Light, requiring reduced foundations.
6. Less material implies resource saving and a Materials for Roofing
lesser impact on the environment.
7. Flexible in combination with other materials. • Corrugated sheeting
8. Earthquake resistant due to steel’s ductility. • Roof decking
Decking for sloping roof: Sheeting – Insulation board – Purlin – Top chord of roof truss
Flat roof construction: Felt – Insulation board – Decking – Girder or Joist – Ceiling
• Pratt Truss
• Howe Truss
• Fink Truss
• Fan Truss
• Fink Fan Truss - Mansard Truss
• Warren Truss
Truss Members
Truss Members
• Lighter Loads – Rolled steel angles, Tee sections, Hollow circular/rectangular structural tubes.
• Heavy Loads – heavier rolled steel sections, such as channels.
• Long Span Bridge Trusses - Built-up sections, channels, angles and plates.
Truss Connections
Truss Connections
• Apex Connection
• Support Connection
The eight elements which may appear in a welding symbol are: reference line, arrow, basic weld
symbols, dimensions and other data, supplementary symbols, finish symbols, tail and specification and
process or other reference.
Reference Line: This is the basis of the welding symbol. All other elements are oriented with respect to
this line. The arrow is affixed to one end and a tail, when necessary, is affixed to the other.
Arrow: This connects the reference line to one side of the joint in the case of groove, fillet, flange, and
flash or upset welding symbols. This side of the joint is known as the arrow side of the joint. The
opposite side is known as the other side of the joint. In the case of plug, slot, projection, and seam
welding symbols, the arrow connects the reference line to the outer surface of one of the members of
the joint at the center line of the weld. In this case the member to which the arrow points is the arrow
side member: the other member is the other side member. In the case of bevel and Jgroove weld
symbols, a two-directional arrow pointing toward a member indicates that the member is to be
Basic Weld Symbols: These designate the type of welding to be performed. The basic symbols which are
shown in the table Basic Weld Symbols are placed approximately in the center of the reference line,
either above or below it or on both sides of it as shown in above figure. Welds on the arrow side of the
joint are shown by placing the weld symbols on the side of the reference line towards the reader (lower
side). Welds on the other side of the joint are shown by placing the weld symbols on the side of the
reference line away from the reader (upper side).
Supplementary Symbols: These convey additional information relative to the extent of the welding,
where the welding is to be performed, and the contour of the weld bead. The “weld-all-around” and
“field” symbols are placed at the end of the reference line at the base of the arrow as shown in first
figure and the table Supplementary Weld Symbols.
Dimensions: These include the size, length, spacing, etc., of the weld or welds. The size of the weld is
given to the left of the basic weld symbol and the length to the right. If the length is followed by a dash
and another number, this number indicates the center-to-center spacing of intermittent welds. Other
pertinent information such as groove angles, included angle of countersink for plug welds and the
designation of the number of spot or projection welds are also located above or below the weld symbol.
The number designating the number of spot or projection welds is always enclosed in parentheses.
Contour and Finish Symbols: The contour symbol is placed above or below the weld symbol. The finish
symbol always appears above or below the contour symbol. The following finish symbols indicate the
method, not the degrees of finish: C—chipping; G—grinding; M—machining; R—rolling; and H—
Tail: The tail which appears on the end of the reference line opposite to the arrow end is used when a
specification, process, or other reference is made in the welding symbol. When no specification,
process, or other reference is used with a welding symbol, the tail may be omitted.
Basic Weld Symbols
Wood Construction Connection Details
Wood Beam to Column Connection