1-AE Module 7 Task 2

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1. Which one of the three statements below is correct?

B. A SWOT analysis is a method of conducting a general and quick examination of a project’s
current position, which will inform the actions to be taken to reach a favorable future position.
2. Using the template below, conduct your personal SWOT/TOWS analysis. Consider asking
people who know you well and whom you trust (a spouse, friend, or coworker) to review
your completed matrix and provide honest feedback.


Strength Weakness
S1• I always have the urge to learn W1•Insecurities and Lack of self-esteem
something new
W2•My speaking voice
W3•Bad at decision making
S4•Hardworking W4•Procrastination

S5•Resourceful W5•Short-tempered

O1•Experiences in a different environment
O2•Activities that can improve my skill and T2• lack of Time-management
self-esteem T3•Natural Phenomena
O3•New learning device/technology T4•Competition
O4•School organization/clubs
T5•Change in lifestyle
O5• offers to join in a contest


SO Strategies WO Strategies

•S1O3 -Be innovative and adopt to changes •W3W4O1- Learn from experience to
to make a progress improve the wreckless decisions, bad
hobbit and mindset.
•W2O4- Socialize with other

ST Strategies

•S1T3T5- Pushing yourself to cope up with the WT Strategies

modification that is happenning/occuring in
the society. •W5T1- Create a list of things to do to avoid
mess and annoyance while working
•S2S4T3- Improving self discipline in finishing
the task accordingly by listing a plans so that •W1T4- Build your own confidence by
in case that something uncontrollable happens developing your self talent/skills
there is still an alternative to continue doing
•W5T2 Balance personal time and working
the tasks given.
time to have a healthy mind and lifestyle
•S5T4- Using your asset improve yourself and
be better than the others.

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