Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation System: Product Specifications
Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation System: Product Specifications
Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation System: Product Specifications
Process Automation
Product Specifications
PSS 31S-4McAfee
Self-Managed Solution
PSS 31S-4McAfee
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Runs in the background, gathers information and Control. It uses an application called Solidcore that
events from managed systems, and sends them helps block unauthorized applications and changes
to the ePO server. to the process control networks by combining
whitelisting and change control technology.
Installs products and their updates on managed
systems. Integrity Control functions by listing the processes
that are allowed to run (whitelisting) on fixed function
Enforces policies and tasks on managed systems
devices. It helps block vulnerable, unauthorized, or
and sends events back to the ePO server.
malicious applications that can compromise the
integrity of systems. Whitelisting helps secure the
Rogue System Detection
system and allows only authorized updates or
Rogue devices are devices that do not have the
changes that are defined by administrators or trusted
McAfee Agent installed and as such are unknown to
ePO and not part of the management framework.
This means that they are not part of any standards, Integrity Control software also supports change-
security controls, policies, or patch updates. control technology that can block unwanted, out-of-
policy changes before they occur. Solidcore/Integrity
Rogue systems are unprotected systems that create
Control enabled systems block the changes
entry points for potentially harmful programs to
attempted outside of policy. The change attempt is
access the network. Rogue System Detection (RSD)
logged and sent as an alert to administrators.
provides near real-time discovery of rogue systems
through the use of a Rogue System Sensor installed Application Control
on your network. The sensor monitors the network Application Control operates in four modes and can
broadcast messages to detect systems connected to change from one mode to another mode:
the network. If the server cannot recognize the Disabled mode
system, RSD provides information to ePO through a
Enabled mode
notification in the dashboard.
Observe mode
Device Control Update mode
Device Control is the subset of Data Loss Prevention
Application Whitelisting (AWL) Advantages
(DLP) that is used with Foxboro DCS products. It
helps organizations to reduce the risk of an Malware applications can use self-modifying
unintentional disclosure of confidential information. It polymorphic code techniques that avoid
helps prevent unauthorized use of removable media signature-based detection by constantly
devices (such as CD/DVD, USB, and floppy disk) to changing. AWL provides a solution because it
guard against data leaks. Such devices are one of allows only pre-approved programs to run on the
the common ways malware can transfer itself from system.
relatively unsecured home or business networks to Additionally, AWL typically needs less
the control network. maintenance than antivirus applications.
Therefore, it is a good alternative in cases where
Integrity Control/Solidcore daily or weekly maintenance is not feasible.
McAfee Integrity Control consists of two
components: Application Control and Change
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K0204AF McAfee Security Products kit with ePolicy Orchestrator 5.3.2, Endpoint Security
(previously K0204AB) (ENS) 10.5, McAfee Agent 5.0.4, Device Control 10.0.1, Integrity Control 8.0,
and Rogue System Detection 5.0.4. The kit does not contain the J0202AS
license, which is needed for each endpoint that runs any McAfee applications.
The required number of J0202AS licenses are now included with all new
platform purchases but can also be ordered separately as needed for older
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