Curriculum Implemention
Curriculum Implemention
Curriculum Implemention
Implementing a Curriculum Daily in the Classrooms
Show a pattern
Teach concept
Social Solitary Naturalist
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of English
vocabulary used in both oral and written
language in a given context.
B. Performance Standards Proficiency uses English vocabulary in varied
and creative oral and written activities.
C. Learning Competencies N1V-IVj27
a. To define prefixes.
b. To identify root words from prefixes
c. To construct sentences using word
with prefixes.
II. Content Read words with affixes.
(Checking of Attendance)
B. Review
Before we proceed to our lesson, let’s have a
short review regarding our topic last meeting.
C. Motivation
Pupils, do you want to play games?
Yes ma’am.
Okay, we’re going to play 1pic1word.
1st step- You are going to guess the appropriate
1 group of letter between the two that matches
the picture provided.
2nd step- Write your answers in the cardboard
3rd step- Raise your cardboards after 10
2. DIS
E. Discussion
(PowerPoint Presentation)
What is Prefix?
A group of letter that is attached to the beginning
or end of a word.
Very Good! Those are the prefixes that we’ve Re-, un- mid-, dis-, fore-, non-, semi-
used from the games that we had.
Yes ma’am.
F. Generalization
Criteria: Points
Content 5
Cooperation 5
Relevance 5
Unity 5
To 20
1. oriented
2. happy
3. build
4. heat
5. relevant
6. connected
8. approve
9. friendly
10. circle
I. Assignment
Song Presentation. Write your own lyrics
based on our lesson for this day (PREFIXES)
You can use other songs, but change the lyrics
use the rhythm only. Maximum of 5 stanzas and
minimum of 2 stanzas.
Let’s recall! Provide the answer to what is asked in each item.
1. What is the first level of knowledge in Bloom’s taxonomy? Knowledge
2. What is the highest level of cognition in the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy? Creating
3. What DepEd Order requires a newly hired teacher to write a lesson plan? DepEd order
No. 70 s. 2012
4. What is referred to as a miniscule curriculum that the teach implements every day?
Daily Lesson Plan
5. What is the learning style of a learner, who likes to tinker with many things? Kinesthetic
6. What component of a lesson plan requires an active action for a curriculum to be
implemented? Procedure or Methods and Strategies
7. Who provided a visual model to show what instructional support can best enhance
learning? The Teacher or Facilitator
8. Who was Bloom’s student who revised his taxonomy of objectives? Lorin Anderson,
and David Krathwohl
9. Who is the frontline curriculum implementor? Teachers
10. Who provided the original taxonomy for the cognitive domain? Bloom’s Taxonomy
Reflect on the answer the statement below, based on the lesson you learned in this
1. When I become a teacher,
I will make sure that the curriculum is implemented as it is to be. Because curriculum is made to
ensure that its content will be useful to all of the students under to it. I will be aware of my words
and actions because it reflects to all of the students I will be teaching. Students have different
backgrounds, the classroom is inclusive and students might be sensitive, I will make sure that
all of their learning style will be cater for them to excel in their own way. I will try to be a teacher
that does not only requires knowledge, but also the patience and good moral that a teacher
must have.
As a teacher I should focus on the learning outcomes that learners must
achieved and I will use teaching strategies that suit to their learning style. I must plan according
to what the learners must learn and helping students needs in school is the most priority.