Shadowdark RPG - Welcome Pack - BW
Shadowdark RPG - Welcome Pack - BW
Shadowdark RPG - Welcome Pack - BW
Special Thanks. All of our fantastic supporters on patreon who keep on helping us create
fantastic locations and adventures. Without your support, this product would not be possible.
This supplement is a sample pack for our Shadowdark RPG creations. Four
low-level, original adventures; each features an original cartography piece. And an
extra goodie, a system-neutral, one-page dungeon titled The Mirrors of Ord.
We compile our monthly creations into our popular Dungeon Vault Magazine.
Within, in addition to our in-house creations, we often feature paid guest writers
to supply all kinds of additional content: player options, GM material, monsters,
etc. Shadowdark 3rd party creators are sure to appear in our magazine soon!
This is a special issue of our monthly magazine, created to promote our work to
the Shadowdark RGP audience. It is made free thanks to our awesome support-
ers on Patreon, DrivethruRPG, and other storefronts. If you like the stuff found
herein we would appreciate your support on Patreon. But if subscribe sites are
not your cup of tea, you can purchase the magazine directly at DrivethruRPG.
The Eye of the Lost
Little is known of the two lost deities. Not even their names. Not even their
images. But some priests claim their influence still can be sensed in the world. .
Annals of the Nine
here were nine gods; that much is certain.
Prospectors went to the cavern a decade ago and left in a
hurry. An underground, insect monster attacked them.
Some of the cultists are known brigands and criminals of
the region. None of them were overly religious before.
texts from eons ago still mention these gods; though nev-
Two loggers approached the mine stealthily 2 days ago
er by name. And some cultures still retain a taboo or a 3
and claim they saw two lit braziers by the entrance.
myth that can be tracked down to their existence. The bandit leader is wanted for robbing a banker’s home
Not men, nor elves, nor dragons can make sense of this and holding two noblemen hostage for ransom.
lack of information. Why were these gods purged from A survivor of a recent incident claims she heard a cultist
say: ‘All for the will of The Lost”, while casting a spell.
existence? Is this a punishment? Will they ever be known
6 The cultists attacked a noble caravan 3 days ago.
again? Scholars have wondered about those questions
for centuries. Still, they hope that a new text, relic, or an- L e v e l 1 Ad v e n t u r e
cient location shall soon be unearthed and that it may
▶ Danger. Risky. Check for encounters every 2 crawling
hold the key to understanding the forgone past.
rounds and after a battle or loud noises (1-in-6 chance).
A band of lowly brigands found such a place a month
▶ Light. Some chambers have braziers with permanent
ago in an uncharted cavern near a large town. In its
depths, they found seven limestone, tentacle-like, slith- light; the rest are dark. All denizens are dark-adapted.
ering yet immobile appendages converging on a glowing ▶ Seismic Activity. Once per hour, there is a 2-in-6
gemstone. The gem is an ancient device used to com- chance that any of the limestone tendrils moves, causing
mune with one of the two lost deities. The bandits were a quake in the area. Debris falls from the cavern ceilings,
enraptured by the multi-faceted stone. The Eye of the dealing 1d6 damage to all creatures (DC 12 DEX check).
Lost spoke to them. Threading thoughts into their minds ▶ The Hum. The hum of cultists chanting in area 7 can
and gifting some of them with the power to manipulate be heard from anywhere within the caves. When in close
the weave of magic. They became the Cult of The Lost. proximity, it is revealed the cultists chant in Primordial.
Since then, the bandits raid the merchant roads look- The Eye of the Lost appears to react to this language.
ing for live prisoners to bring to the eye. Some of them
are enraptured by it and become new cultists. The rest
are slain on the stone and the blood that drips onto The
d6 Details
Eye of the Lost is absorbed by the strangely glowing gem.
Two cultists (peasants) approach, drop their arms, and
ask for help. They have been pretending to be cultists.
Adventure Hooks 2
A giant bat swoops from the dark ceiling and attacks a
random creature. It only wants to find prey.
Justice. Fifteen people have gone missing. It is enough.
A patrol of 1 cultist and 2 bandits approaches. One of
The bailiff posts a bounty contract for vanquishing the 3
the bandits is Anna, a noble lady (see Adventure Hooks).
growing cultist group once and for all (30 gp, 1 XP). A vision of a desolate land assails the characters (DC
Concerned Father. A nobleman begs the characters to 4 13 WIS check). Two faceless entities meander aimlessly
through a darkened forest. They are The Lost.
help him. His daughter, Anna, was taken by the cultists
The Eye of the Lost produces a magical pulse. All light
4 days ago. He offers a pearl as a reward (40 gp, 2 XP). 5 sources in the cave are suddenly extinguished, magical
Vincent. He hires the party to investigate the cult as or not. Complete darkness takes over the cavern.
they have used strange magic during their raids. The A cave creeper approaches from the depths. The stench
mage is worried about the implications (20 gp, 1 XP). of blood and rot has brought it to this place.
Level 1 Adventure
3. Fungal Growths
Strange clumps of a green-tinted powdery substance
freely float in the air of this chamber. The bulking
forms of fungal fruiting bodies hug the stone walls.
The characters encounter the effect of the spores when
squeezing through the narrow passage (see below). The
cultists avoid this cavern because of the fungus.
▶ The Spores. Creatures that breathe the spores take
(area 9), its 20-foot-tall walls have not been breached of parchment pieces and scroll fragments nailed to it.
since its construction. Hard-working people live in Cher- The wall is filled with poems of varied skills. Anyone in
rytown, which is on its way to becoming a small city. Cherrytown is free to come and post their thoughts.
2. Hawkwind Delivery
Adventure Hooks This is a post office. People in town may pay for a trained
Consider the following to make the characters’ in- hawk to deliver a message or a small package to a specif-
volvement in town easier and more organic. ic location. The capital, small towns, and nearby hamlets
Trouble in Paradise. The characters are contacted via are the only available destinations. This is the service
letter. A gray hawk with a parchment on its leg arrives. used to contact the characters for this adventure.
Duke Joseph Stones needs to get rid of a criminal faction ▶ Special Delivery. The man in charge, Damian, re-
that starts to grow in town. A couple of the few guards quires someone to go to the nearby forests to pick red
available have already perished; they are not skilled berries. The task is simple, but the dangers of the for-
enough to deal with this. The duke heard of the charac- est are often too much for a hawker to endure. He offers
ters’ exploits and summons them. They are to meet him 10 gp (1 XP) for two pounds of wild berries (DC 12 WIS
in The Red Keep (area 9) as soon as possible. check). On a fail, the characters trail too far for too long.
Visiting Friends. The characters have been in town A pack of four wolves attempts a deadly ambush.
before or perhaps they met one or more of the villagers 3. Smokers Commons
in the past. One of the NPCs needs help (see area de- This area is well-known for its tobacco shops, spices,
scriptions below) so the heroes come to aid them. How- and pipe makers. Good-quality tobacco is available here;
ever, once they arrive, it does not take long for the other it is common to see a circle of people chatting, sharing
NPCs to seek their help too. Use the characters’ Back- stories, and smoking during the day in front of the shops.
grounds to determine what NPC they already know. This place started as a small commons, hence its name.
Level 2 Settlement
Five bandits attack the commons while the characters 5. Sunsword Barracks
explore the area. If a bandit is captured, the characters The characters meet some of the on-duty town guards
may interrogate them to learn they belong to the ‘Bloody here. If the characters stay for a few minutes to chat or
Knife’ (DC 15 CHA check). This is the criminal faction investigate, an armor-clad guard approaches.
Duke Stones has been trying to find and get rid of.
▶ ASoldier’s Resolve. Gregor (soldier) begs the char-
4. Nine Shields Armory acters to let him help. He wants to find the Bloody Knife’s
This establishment features nine steel shields arranged leader and uproot their nefarious faction. He looks for-
symmetrically. This is one of the new businesses in town. ward to earning his captain and the duke’s favor.
Duke Stones is interested in the town’s future and made
the smart decision to invest a lot of gold in mining to 6. Royal Sun Theatre
import metals and ores into town. Tristan is the town’s The characters may enjoy one of the many plays per-
forge master but he is unable to work now (see below). formed and the local theater. ‘Don’t Gobble my Goblin’,
‘My Inner Orc’, and ‘Halflings, a Giants’ Tale’ are the
▶ Fire Problem. The characters arrive at the perfect town’s favorites. If the characters join the crowd to see a
time to help. The forge does not work because somehow, play, they are, gently but firmly, asked to surrender their
a mischievous flame mephit made its way into the heart weapons. Unfortunately, the Bloody Knife attacks during
of the forge and it won’t let anyone work the fire. The el- one of the theatrical performances (see below).
emental speaks Primordial; it is unlikely anyone can rea-
▶ Criminals. Six bandits among the public stand up
son with it. The characters may strike it down or attempt
to persuade it to leave peacefully (DC 18 CHA check). Ei- with crossbows just after the interlude break. They de-
ther solution earns them the villagers’ admiration. mand that all valuables are put in their sacks.
Cherrytown 8
7. Hillside District 10. Royal District
The houses in Hillside District are wealthier and they A perceptive character notices that, within the dark al-
are larger than the farmers’ homes in the surrounding leys and quiet spots of this area, well-dressed townsfolk
fields. Guards, wealthy merchants, and some of the offi- exchange words with suspicious-looking individuals (DC
cers live in this better-located Cherrytown area. 13 WIS check). If approached, the suspicious individu-
als scatter like roaches as if they had something to hide.
8. Merchants Market
▶ Traitors.If the characters conduct a thorough investi-
This place is lively and loud during the day and night
alike. Throngs of shoppers crowd the roads and the gation (DC 13 CHA check), they overhear a conversation
many establishments. This area has all kinds of shops; between two Cherrytown officers. What they say is proof
food, gear, tools, simple or mundane items, etc. A few of their involvement with the Bloody Knife. If confront-
popular taverns and bars open their doors at night. ed, the two men (soldiers) draw blades and call for help.
Three bandits arrive at the scene moments later.
9. The Red Keep
This small fortress is protected by a stone wall. A small 11. Hammertapper Tavern
barracks, a military post, and a gate are the filters to en- The characters may stay as long as they wish here. If the
ter the keep. The characters may show the duke’s letter duke’s letter is the reason they came to town, they may
to be granted passage and be escorted inside. show it to the keeper to be granted a week’s stay for free.
Small, vaporous humanoid with crimson eyes and gobli-
noid, pointy ears that match its mischievous character.
AC 13, HP 14, ATK 1 claw +3 (1d6), 1 fire bolt (far) +3
(1d8), MV near (fly), S +0, D +2, C +0, I +1, W +1, Ch
+1, AL N, LV 3
Fire Body. The mephit is immune to fire damage.
Cherrytown 9
This supplement is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License
and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC.
Val’s Underground Gardens
No one believes it is possible. But I know this creature can be controlled. I just
need more time to figure out how to tame its strangely aggressive behavior.
Val, the Misunderstood Botanist
n accomplished botanist and mage goes by L e v e l 3 Ad v e n t u r e
Level 3 Adventure
Val’s findings on the shambling mound about its immuni- for years. The dwarf tree is her bonded tree. The dryad is
ty to fire and how electric energy empowers it. weak because the verdant engines siphon her life force.
▶ Pitfall Trap. Stepping on the marked area triggers a ▶ Rescue. The engines in area 7 must be disabled be-
pitfall trap (DC 13 WIS check to notice). The targets fall fore moving Cinnara’s tree or she perishes. Returning
to the pond in area 8 and take 2d6 acid damage. her tree to the woods saves the dryad (1 luck token each).
A radially-growing menage of trunks, vines, leaves. A
central, flower-like head exudes green poisonous gas.
AC 14, HP 18, ATK 2 slam +3 (1d6 + engulf), MV near
(climb), S +3, D -3, C +2, I -4, W +0, Ch -4, AL N, LV 4
Electric Conduit. Immune to fire. Healed by electricity.
Engulf. A target hit by both slams in the same round is
pulled into the vines. They suffocate in 2d4 rounds. DC
15 STR check on each turn to escape.
Poison Aura. Creature at close distance take 1d4 poi-
son damage per turn (DC 12 CON check to resist).
Adventure Hooks 5
Gate malfunction, all light sources in the dungeon, magi-
cal or not, are suddenly extinguished indefinitely.
The Planes. The characters require access to a pla- 6 A swarm of spiders emerges from cracks in the wall.
nar gate to continue their quest. They learn that the gate 7 An elvish wight approaches chanting nonsense.
near Respite Cove was operational recently. Gate malfunction, Aaden is freed. He appears in area 2
8 and then attempts to destroy the gate’s machinery.
Earl’s Request. In Respite Cove, Earl Baggran offers a
bounty for reactivating the planar gate. The earl’s goals
with this, however, remain obscure (30 gp, 4 XP). 1. Entrance Hall
Greed. The closed-off planar gate near Respite Cove is A stone archway near the forest, inscribed in elvish
said to be guarded by foul guardians. However, the locals runes leads to a 40-foot-long stairway and into an
believe a great treasure lies hidden therein. entrance chamber decorated with intricate reliefs.
▶ Getting Here. The road from Respite Cove to the el-
RUMORS vish burial place by the forest is a 2-hour, uneventful trip.
d6 Details ▶ The Runes. It takes 1 crawling round to decipher the
Mages operated the planar gate decades ago until they elvish writing, it reads: ‘Here lie our ancestors. Loved
disappeared. Now the compound is shunned by all. ones of the Dallerei, Migganna, and Aarley households’.
2 Otherworldly creatures look for the gate sporadically.
▶ The Reliefs. Careful observers notice that the origi-
Some people dared enter the place months ago. They
3 nal reliefs of family sigils were carved over (DC 15 INT
claimed dead creatures drove them off the premises.
4 The gate was built by an elven mage named Aaden. check). The new imagery portrays an intricate orrery of
3 years ago, skeletons emerged from the facility. Six peo- spheres orbiting one another. A knowledgeable person
ple died stopping them. They are remembered as heroes. knows that the arrangement represents the position and
6 No one knows why the planar gate was closed off. movement of the outer planes (DC 15 INT check).
Level 3 Adventure
spend 1 crawling round reviewing the documentation valves in areas 6 and 9 causes acid to pour into the clay
on the table to discover that it is necessary to charge the vessels. A spellcaster must focus their arcane power into
device’s arcane batteries in area 3 (DC 12 INT check). magic circle to charge the vases (DC 11 INT).
▶ Activation. After charging the batteries, four people ▶ Treasure (1 XP). The chest in the east area 3 cham-
must stand on the circles while a wizard conducts the ber contains 30 gp and a potion of healing.
ritual (DC 13 INT check). Failure on this check triggers
a roll on the Wizard Mishap table but all successful at- 4. West Sepulcher
tempts activate the gate. The portal opens as a window This area contains three chambers with stone sarcoph-
in the air. The elf mage Aaden is thrown out. The gate agi and countless scattered bones. The bones have been
demon steps through a moment later. Aaden (lv-3 wiz- reanimated numerous times by the gate’s malfunctions.
ard) is confused but manages to bellow: ‘What have you ▶ Ambush. While exploring the area, four skeletons
utter fools done?’. He aids the characters in this fight. rise from the inert remains and attack mercilessly.
▶ Treasure (4 XP). Defeating the demon opens access ▶ Treasure (1 XP). The coffins contain 25 gp, 200 sp, a
to the planar gate. Aaden carries a staff of healing. set of chainmail, and 1 potion of healing.
5. Aaden’s Archive
GATE DEMON The bones of a large creature lie scattered between a
A horned being of ether-infused malignity. The semi-cor- packed bookcase and a closed sarcophagus.
poreal demon is mostly made of otherworldly matter. ▶ The Bones. Closer inspection reveals that the bones
AC 14, HP 28, ATK 1 horn +4 (2d6 + impale), MV near belonged to a minotaur (DC 12 INT check).
(hover), S +3, D +1, C +3, I +0, W +2, Ch +0, AL C, LV 5 ▶ The Documents. If reviewed for 1 crawling round,
Incorporeal. In place of attacks, become corporeal or Aaden journals mention he once had a minotaur body-
incorporeal. guard. It is revealed that the scholars chose to ignore
the fact that the portal’s continued use attracted the at-
Impale. DC 14 STR or target takes 1d6 damage. tention of demons looking to invade the Material Plane.
Each of the niches is marked with the name of an ancient goblin chieftain.
manipulation of the fabric of reality through the scintillating, rules- If breached, each niche contains a mound of ashes and a circlet encrusted
bending way of spells and incantations has but one finite goal: to with a large gemstone. Historians know that such jewelry pieces were
achieve complete control of the physical realm and to harness the only awarded to chieftains who managed to unite various goblinoid tribes.
complete power of the ethereal forces of the world. Thus, the mightiest of Plundering any niche causes six goblin specters to materialize and attack.
spells was created, its power has been known for millennia. The wish spell.
6. The fungal life-forms in this chamber produce a cloud of poisonous
Few mages achieve enough power to aspire to learn this spell. When they do, spores that cause retching and lung damage. Few creatures can withstand
they recoil from casting it because it incurs dire, unforeseen consequences. exposure to them. This chamber became connected to a vault after an
It is known that breaking the laws of reality with this magic produces a kick- earthquake decades ago. The stone chests are empty. Careful inspection
back effect, an equivalent force that pushes back against the mage’s desire. If reveals a secret lever behind one chest that opens a secret passageway to
the wish is stated inaccurately, or the scope of it is too grand, the chance of area 9. It can be used to bypass the encounters in areas 7 and 8.
a catastrophic mishap greatly increases. Mages are aware of this. Thus, they
regard the spell with respect and attempt it only as a last resort. 7. The north tunnels continue for 50 feet before reaching dead-ends caused
by seismic activity. The passage east into area 9 appears to be open but
Ord, an archmage, rose to prominence centuries ago. He mastered the fabled an almost-invisible gelatinous cube occupies its entire width. Careful
wish spell but dreaded to use it, afraid of the consequences that would unravel inspection reveals a small steel plate floating in its mass almost a foot
from it. Ord spent the last decades of his life building a device that would above the ground, revealing its presence. Otherwise, the first person to
contain the power to cast the spell while also aiding the petitioner to foresee pass through the cavern hallway walks right into the gelatinous cube.
the outcome of the spell before casting it. Ord crafted three gold-framed,
10-foot-tall, silver-backed mirrors. The central one can cast the mythical wish 8. Six goblin scouts patrol this passage. A band of goblins is less than a day
spell once per decade. The right one displays the petitioner’s deepest desire. away through the east path. They come for this decade’s pilgrimage. Their
When the petitioner states their wish, the left one portrays the results of such chieftain is expected to retrieve the copper crown and ask a wish from the
utterance, allowing the person to revise the wording before actually casting the Mirrors of Ord. The goblins try to communicate that the characters are
wish spell. The mirrors were placed in a secure vault. However, after centuries trespassing on their holy land and commend them to leave the caverns.
of seismic activity, the vault is now connected to a network of goblin tunnels. If the characters do not comply, a battle ensues. If half the goblins are
defeated, the rest of them attempt to flee to the east to warn the chieftain
1. Rumor has it that the Mirrors of Ord lie hidden in an underground that the characters want to usurp their holy relic. Alas, the goblins won’t
compound near the Great Forest. The locals know it as Bonemaw Cavern, arrive until after 18 hours have passed, even if alerted.
named after a goblinoid chieftain’s name. The trail leads to a cavern on a
hillside. The eroded remains of human-made structures surround it. 9. The Mirrors of Ord can only be used once per decade; they are now active.
Two pressure-sensitive tiles trigger a deadly trap. The goblins know of
2. The large chamber features a patches of non-edible mushrooms, dark this and avoid them on each pilgrimage. When the trap is triggered, each
moss, and animal bones. Goblin cave-paintings portray tribe members of the standing coffins opens, setting free five nefarious, flesh-eating
standing before tall doorways to faraway places and impossible riches. necrophages; better known as ghouls. After dealing with the undead,
any character can stand before the Mirrors of Ord to witness its desire
3. This chamber contains the gnawed bones of two human prospectors. The
and future-predicting effects. However, a single wish can be asked of it
few remains of their metal equipment are so rusted they collapsed when
per decade. Spending the wish is a sure way to earn goblins’ enmity. The
touched. Two rust monsters emerge from a hole in the ceiling and attack.
goblin chieftain shall come for them for robbing him of his deepest wish.
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