Laila Nisf Shaban

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Islamic Centre - Leicester

Laila Nisf Shabn.

The aim of this paper is to show that the middle night of Shabn is an important night in the Islamic calendar. Unfortunately, there are many Muslims of the Salafi/Wahhab orientation that argue that there is no evidence to suggest the religious significance of this night. They declare the worship associated with this night as a reprehensible innovation (Bida). As the article will show, such an opinion stems from ignorance and neglect.

The fifteenth night of Shabn is an important night in the Islamic calendar. In Arabic, this night is called Laila Nisf Shabn, meaning the middle night of Shabn. It is also called Laila (or Shabe, Persian for night) Barat, which means the night of immunity. The night is so called because Allh offers immunity from the fire of Hell for those who repent to Him sincerely on this night. From the Qurn, Sunna and sayings & actions of our pious predecessors, there is ample evidence to suggest that this a time of devotion and excessive worship. This article is merely a small reflection of the wealth of material available highlighting the significance of Laila Nisf Shabn.

Evidence from the Holy Qurn.

Allh says in the Qurn: H-Mm. By the manifest Book. Verily We sent it down on a blessed night; verily We are ever warning. Therein that night, every matter of ordainment is decreed. (44: 1-3). Imm Qurtub writes in his Tafsr that the blessed night being referred to in this verse is Laila al-Qadr. This is the opinion which most scholars allude to, include the Companion Ibn Abbs (may Allh be pleased with him). However, Imm Qurtub also accepts that some scholars believe it is referring to Laila Nisf Shabn. (vol. XVI, p. 84).1 Ikrama, for example, believes that the night in this verse is Laila Nisf Shabn, the night when all decisions are decreed for the following year.

Tafsir Qurtubi. Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, Lebanon (2004).

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Islamic Centre - Leicester

Evidence from the Ahdth of the Prophet.

There are many Ahdth reported directly from the Prophet (PBUH) regarding the excellence of the middle night of Shabn. In terms of authenticity, these Ahdth are of varying grades. Some are reliable whereas some are not. But overall, there are sufficient reports on the subject matter to indicate the importance of this night. Hadth number one. In his Sunan (Book of Fasts, Hadth no. 670), Imm Tirmidh reports from Ahmad ibn Man, from Yazd ibn Hrn, from al-Hajjj ibn Art, from Yahy ibn Ab Kathr, from Urwah, from the Mother of the Faithful isha (may Allh be pleased with her), who reports: I missed Allhs Messenger (PBUH) during the night and found him in [Janna] al-Baq2 with his head raised to the skies. He said: Were you afraid that Allh and His Messenger would deal unjustly with you? I said: O Messenger of Allh! I thought that you had gone to some of your other wives. The Prophet said: Verily Allh, the Exalted and Glorious, comes down to the heaven of the world in the middle night of Shabn and forgives sins even more abundant than the hair of the goats of Ban Kalb.3 This Hadth has also been recorded by Imm Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad 4 and Imm Ibn Mja in his Sunan 5. The Hadth also confirms that visiting the graveyard on this night an act closely associated with Laila Nisf Shabn is the Sunna of our Messenger. Hadth number two. Ibn Mja reports from the Hadth of Ab Ms, from the Prophet (PBUH) that: Allh looks over (Yattaliu) His entire creation on Laila Nisf Shabn, and he forgives all of them, except the polytheist and the quarrelsome.

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This is the graveyard in Madina Sharif, adjacent to the Prophets Mosque. Banu Kalb was mentioned by the Prophet because they possessed the most livestock at that time. 4 The remaining Ansar: Hadth no. 24825. 5 The establishing of prayer and its Sunna: Hadth no. 1379.

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Islamic Centre - Leicester Hadth number three. Imm Ahmad reports from the Hadth of Abd Allh ibn Amr, from the Prophet (PBUH) that: Allh looks over (Yattaliu) His entire creation on Laila Nisf Shabn, and he forgives all of them, except two: the quarrelsome and the murderer. Hadth number four. It is reported from the Hadth of Uthmn ibn Ab al-s, to the Prophet (PBUH) that: When the middle night of Shabn appears, a caller (i.e. Allh) proclaims: is there anyone seeking forgiveness that I can forgive? Is there anyone making a request that I can fulfill? So no one will ask except that he will be given [on this night], except the adulterer or the polytheist. Hadth number five. Hadrat Shaykh Abd al-Qdir Jln writes in Gunya al-Tlibn that the mother of the faithful isha (may Allh be pleased with her) once saw the Prophet (PBUH) engaged in excessive worship one night. The Prophet explained that the reason was because it was the middle night of Shabn when: The name of every child to be born in the following year is written on this night. The name of every person to die in the following year is also recorded on this night. The Rizq (sustenance and provision) of each person descends on this occasion and the actions of people are raised to the heavens.6 (p. 447).

Support from the pious ancestors.

a. Imm Shfi (may Allh be pleased with him) famously remarked: It has reached us that it is said that there are five nights when the Dus are accepted; the night of Friday, the night of d al-Adh, the night of d alFitr, the first night of Rajab and the fifteenth of Shabn. This is perhaps partially based on the report of Imm Mlik ibn Anas. He reports from Urwah, from isha (may Allh be pleased with her) who said she heard the Prophet (PBUH) state that there are four nights in which the gates of

Gunya al-Talibin. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani. p. 447. Farid Book Stall Publications, Lahore, Pakistan (1998).

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Islamic Centre - Leicester righteousness are opened; the night of d al-Adh, the night of d al-Fitr, the night of Arafa (9th Zul al-Hajj) and Laila Nisf Shabn.7 b. Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya was asked about prayers on Laila Nisf Shabn. He replied, When the Muslim reads on Laila Nisf Shabn alone or in congregation like our pious ancestors have done then it is better (Ahsan).8

c. The Successors (Tabin) from the people of Syria would show respect to the middle night of Shabn and would exert great effort in performing worship on this night. This was done collectively in the mosque. Support for this is found from the likes of Khlid ibn Madn, Makhl, Luqmn ibn mir and Ishq ibn Rhawiyya. d. At ibn Yasr was reported to have said: After Laila Qadr, there is no night better than Laila Nisf Shabn. Allh descends to His creation on this night and forgives all of His creation; except the polytheist, the quarrelsome and the one who severs family ties. e. Most of this article has been based on the excellent work Latif al-Marif f m li Mawsim al-m min al-Wazif, by Imm, Hfiz, Zayn al-Dn Ab al-Farj Abd al-Rahmn ibn Ahmad ibn Rajab al-Hanbal (d. 795 A.H.). His own conclusion is that: It is desirable for the believer to dedicate this night to the remembrance of Allh, to pray for the forgiveness of sinsand to seek repentance. For verily Allh accepts the repentance of the one who turns to Him. f. Hadrat Shaykh Abd al-Qdir Jln has written extensively about the superiority of Shabn in general and its middle night in particular in Gunya al-Tlibn. He also prescribes many optional prayers (Nafl) that should be performed on this night.

Gunya al-Talibin. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani. p. 448. Farid Book Stall Publications, Lahore, Pakistan (1998). 8 Majma al-Fatwa, Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya, vol. XXIII.

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Islamic Centre - Leicester g. Moulna Muhammad Taq Uthmn produced a separate pamphlet on Laila Nisf Shabn. In it he concluded: the truth is that this is a night of Fazla (excellence). To stay awake at night and to spend it in worship is a means of reward 9 h. Ashraf Al Thnv wrote in Zawl al-Sunna: It is Mustahab (preferred) for men to visit the graveyard on Laila Nisf Shabn and spend the time in supplications and seeking forgiveness. This is proven from Hadthto keep a fast on the fifteenth is Mustahab.10

Fasting on the middle day of Shabn.

The Mother of the Faithful isha (may Allh be pleased with her) reports that the Prophet (PBUH) would fast abundantly during the month of Shabn (Gunya alTlibn. p. 441). In another report, he explained that Shabn is the month that a persons actions ascend to the presence of Allh. I desire that my actions are raised to Allh in the state that I am fasting, the Prophet (PBUH) explained. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbal declared that fasting on this day is not forbidden. The Prophet (PBUH) encouraged Muslims to fast in the middle part of each month, and the middle day of Shabn falls under this general encouragement. The Prophets (PBUH) guidance on voluntary fasts are explicitly clear. He encouraged Muslims to keep voluntary fasts as a whole and pinpointed the days when fasting is prohibited, such as d. No scholar is of the opinion that Laila Nisf Shabn is one the days when fasting has been prohibited by the Prophet (PBUH).

Objections on Laila Nisf Shabn.

Giving significance to the night of 15th Shabn, visiting graveyards, doing extra Ibdah (worship) and offering extra Nawfil Salh with the intention of specifically doing so on the occasion of 15th Shabn, and keeping awake for the whole night of 15th Shabn and encouraging others to do the same - all these are Bida (innovation). The Prophet and the Sahaba never did so nor commanded Muslims to do so.


p. 9. Shabe Baraat ki Haqiqat. Farid Book Depot Ltd, Delhi, India (2000). p.17:10. Cited in Shabe Baraat ki Haqiqat (pp. 73-74) Farid Book Depot Ltd, Delhi, India (2000).

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Islamic Centre - Leicester The Ahdth cited above show that (a) Prophet (PBUH) did give importance to this night (b) did engage in extra worship as a result (c) did visit the graveyard (as he was in Janna al-Baq where isha found him). Therefore such cannot be deemed as Bida. The Muslims who do not attach importance to this night take the stance that until a direct, verbal order from the Prophet is not found instructing us to spend this night in worship, we cannot commemorate this night at all. They fail to understand that the Prophet does not have to explicitly order us to worship on this night in order for it to be incumbent on us. This is because any of his acts automatically become a Sunna for us. If the Prophet (PBUH) did something in the field of worship, and did not want his followers to emulate him, he always forbade them clearly. For example Imm al-Bukhr reports in his Sahh that the Prophet (PBUH) forbade his Companions from keeping continuous fasts11. One of the Companions enquired, O Messenger of Allh! But you keep continuous fasts. The Prophet (PBUH) replied: Who from amongst you is like me? When I go to sleep my Lord gives me food and drink. 12 We dont find any evidence of such things [in commemorating Laila Nisf Shabn] in the entire authentic Srah of the Prophet and his Companions. According to Allma Ibn Rajab Ab Bakr Turtosh, Suyut, Shoukan etc. all the Ahdth pertaining to the subject are weak and unacceptable. Admittedly, there are a handful of fabricated Ahdth on the superiority of Laila Nisf Shabn. There is a report where the Prophet (PBUH) was alleged to have said: When Laila Nisf Shabn appears, then revive the night [in worship] and fast its day. Most scholars declare this particular Hadth to be weak and some suggest it is fabricated. But that does not mean that all the Ahadth on the issue are also fabricated.13 Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya himself admits that there are sufficient, acceptable Ahadth on Laila Nisf Shabn to justify its importance: [Some] said there is no difference between this night and other nights of the year. However, the opinion of many of the people of learning and that of the majority of our [Hanbal] colleaguesis that it is a night of superior
In Arabic, this is called al-Wisl. It means keeping a fast throughout the day and night for many days. Sahih al-Bukhari. Book of Hudud (punishments). Hadth no. 6345. 13 The case is similar to Ahdth which extol the virtue of certain Surahs of the Qurn. Certainly, there are a handful of Ahdth which are forged and fabricated but that does not imply all reports mentioning the excellence of certain Surahs are also forged. The Sahh of Imm al-Bukhr and Imm Muslim are full of sound, authenticated Ahdth on the superiority of Surahs like Surah Ikhls and Surah Baqara.
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Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Islamic Centre - Leicester merit, and this is what is indicated by the words of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, in view of the many Ahdth transmitted about it and in light ofthe words and deeds transmitted from the early generations. Some of its merits have been narrated in the books of Hadth14 By declaring the Ahdth on Laila Nisf Shabn as weak and unacceptable, the Salafi/Wahhabs show their true ignorance on the very basics rules of Islamic Sharah. Hypothetically speaking, even if all the Ahdth on this night were weak (Daf) and not fabricated, the classical scholars agree that it is still legitimate to use this in the field of Targhb wa Tarhb (encouraging good acts and warning against evil acts). The famous Hadth master Ibn al-Salh writes: According to the scholars of Hadth, it is permissible to adopt leniency in the chain and in the narration of Daf traditions, other than Mawd (fabricated) Ahdth, without having to explain its weakness. This is not [however] where the text deals with the attributes of Allh, or Islamic rulings like the forbidden and permitted things. It is [only] permissible where the text refers to admonition, stories, the superiority of certain actions and in all areas of preaching [al-Targhb wa al-Tarhb]. Amongst the scholars who have reported leniency with such narrations are Abd alRahmn ibn Mahd and Ahmad ibn Hanbal.15 In short, there are sufficient sound reports on Laila Nisf Shabn to prove its legitimacy. Even if all reports were weak, it is still acceptable to use them, because they are not fabricated. Besides Shaykh Nsir al-Dn Albn also said that offering special prayers on the night of Shab-e-bart is an innovation. Shaykh Nsir al-Dn Albn, an infamous Salaf, does accept the importance of this night. In volume three of Salsala al-Ahdth al-Sahha, he cited eight Ahdth regarding the superiority of Laila Nisf Shabn. After mentioning them all, he wrote, these reports through all of their collective chains are authentic without doubt (Bil Rayb). A student of mine read this book of Shaykh Albns in Mauritius, from a print published in Lebanon. When he was in Egypt he bought the same book but published in Saudi. When he checked the Laila Nisf Shabn Ahdth they were all missing; (page 116 to 179). The Wahhb propaganda machine simply deleted the Ahdth which do not suit their doctrines.

p. 208. Haddad, G.F. (2005) Sunna Notes- Studies in Hadth & Doctrine (Volume II; The Excellent Innovation in the Qurn and Hadth. Aqsa Publications: UK. 15 Ibn al-Salh Uthmn ibn Abd al-Rahmn. (1986) Muqaddima (Ulum al-Hadth). Dr-al-Fikar: Beirut, Lebanon, p. 103.

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

Islamic Centre - Leicester

Owing to the numerous Ahadth on the issue, it is almost impossible to argue that Laila Nisf Shabn has no importance. Certainly to describe worship on this night as Bida is nothing short of scandalous. Scholars from all Islamic denominations accept the importance of this night, such as Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya, Ashraf Al Thnv and Moulna Muhammad Taq Uthmn. Admittedly, there is a difference of opinion regarding the worship related to this night, but this has been misinterpreted by some Muslims. For example, the Successor Al-Auz disliked the collective gathering in the mosque for Laila Nisf Shabn. Some people took this statement to mean he was against commemorating the night. This is not what he said. Instead, he believed that Muslims should perform their own prayers individually. Likewise, some Muslims have over-stressed the importance of the prayers on this night. The prayers on this night are Nafls and nothing more. Muslims should take every opportunity to seek the forgiveness of Allh Almighty. As the Ahdth suggest, Laila Nisf Shabn is a gilt-edged chance for Muslims to turn to their Lord and ask from His benevolence and Mercy. It is unfortunate that some Muslims choose to display religious passiveness on this night, and attempt to encourage other Muslims to follow suit. _______________

In memory of Hafiz Muhammad Zia al-Mustafa, who died in June 2010, aged eighteen. May Allah forgive his sins and grant him a place in Paradise. Ameen.

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari.

BA Principles of Theology, Al-Azhar University, Cairo: MPhil Theology & BA Political Science, University of Birmingham: MA Arabic & Islamic Studies, Bhera Sharif, Pakistan.

Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari

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