Louis Armstrong - What A Won World - Plurals

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Louis Armstrong “What a Wonderful World”

A. Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

I see _______ of green, red _______ too

I see them ________ for me and you
And I think to myself what a ______________ world.

I see _______ of blue and _________ of white

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred ___________
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The ___________ of the rainbow so pretty in the sky

Are also on the _______ of _________ going by
I see ___________shaking ________ saying how do you do
They're really saying I ____________ you.

I hear _________ crying, I watch them grow

They'll learn much ____________ than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a ______________ world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

B. Put the nouns in the plural form.

tree ______________ friend______________

hand_______________ sky________________
face________________ color_______________
person______________ rose _______________
baby_______________ cloud ______________
Name:________________________ I have a dream Date:
A) Listen to the song and circle the words.

I ( am , have ) a dream, a song to (sing , ring)

To ( help me cope , help me note ) with anything
If you ( see , saw ) the wonder of a fairy tale
You can (make , take ) the future even if you ( mail , fail)
I ( believed , believe ) in angels
Something good in everything I (see , meet )
I ( believed , believe ) in angels
When I ( knew , know ) the time is right for me
I'll ( crossed , cross ) the stream - I ( have , am ) a dream
I ( am , have )a dream, a fantasy
To (help , hop ) me through reality
And my destination ( make , makes ) it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I ( believed , believe )in angels,Something good in everything I (see , sea )
I ( believed , believe )in angels
When I ( know , no )the time is right for me
I'll ( crossed , cross ) the stream - I ( have , am )a dream
I'll ( crossed , cross )the stream - I ( have , am ) a dream

I ( have , am ) a dream, a song to ( ring , sing )

To (help me cope , help me note with ( everything , anything )
If you ( see , sea ) the wonder of a fairy tale
You can ( make , take ) the future even if you ( mail , fail )
I ( believe , believed ) in angels
(Something , some think )good in (everything , anything ) I see
I ( believed , believe ) in angels
When I ( know , no ) the time is right for me
I'll (cross , crossed ) the stream - I (have , am ) a dream
I'll (cross , crossed ) the stream - I ( have , am ) a dream

B) Write the short form for the words

1. I am ____________________ 7.. They are _______________

2. She is ____________________ 8.. We are _________________
3. You are ___________________ 9. He is ___________________
4. I am not __________________ 10. You are not ______________
5. They are not _______________ 11. He is not ________________
6. She is not _________________ 12. I am not _________________

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