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Jurnal Pendidikan West Science

Vol. 1, No. 03, Maret 2023, pp. 184~192

The Influence of Teacher Quality, Teacher Characteristics, and

Teaching Experience on School Quality that Impacts Student
Performance in Bandung: Evidence from High School

Rospita Siagian1, Bhenu Artha2

1SMA 15 Tangerang dan [email protected]

2 Universitas Widya Mataram dan [email protected]

Article Info ABSTRAK

Article history: Penelitian ini mengkaji hubungan antara kualitas guru, karakteristik
guru, dan pengalaman mengajar guru dengan kualitas sekolah dan
Received Maret, 2023
kinerja siswa di Bandung menggunakan analisis Smart-PLS. Penelitian
Revised Maret, 2023
ini melibatkan 10 SMP di Bandung, dengan total 150 guru. Hasil
Accepted Maret, 2023
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas guru, karakteristik guru, dan
pengalaman mengajar guru berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas
Keywords: sekolah, yang pada gilirannya berdampak pada kinerja siswa. Temuan
ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas guru dan kualitas
Kualitas Guru, Karakteristik, sekolah harus menjadi prioritas bagi pembuat kebijakan dan
Pengalaman, Kualitas Sekolah, pemimpin sekolah untuk meningkatkan hasil siswa.
Kinerja Siswa

This study examines the relationship between teacher quality, teacher

characteristics, and teacher teaching experience on school quality and
Teacher Quality, Characteristics, student performance in Bandung using Smart-PLS analysis. The study
Experience, School Quality, included 10 middle schools in Bandung, with a total of 150 teachers.
Student Performance The results indicate that teacher quality, teacher characteristics, and
teacher teaching experience positively influence school quality, which
in turn, impacts student performance. The findings suggest that
improving teacher quality and school quality should be a priority for
policymakers and school leaders to enhance student outcomes.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:

Name: Rospita Siagian

Institution: SMA 15 Tangerang
Email: [email protected]

The quality of schools that affect student performance is a significant concern globally. The
quality of education provided in schools is essential to ensure that students are equipped with the
knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in life. The issue of school quality has received increasing
attention in recent years, as policymakers and stakeholders realize the importance of education in
promoting economic and social development (Ajayi, 2014; Juharyanto et al., 2023; Sasongko, 2018).

Journal homepage: https://wnj.westscience-press.com/index.php/jpdws/index

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The global context of school quality that affects student performance is complex and diverse.
Several factors contribute to the quality of education provided in schools, including the quality of
teachers, curriculum, resources, infrastructure, and student characteristics (Darling-Hammond,
2000; Qudsyi et al., 2020; Sirait, 2016). These factors interact in complex ways to influence student
performance in different contexts.
In many countries, access to education is a significant issue that affects the quality of
education provided. Access to education is influenced by factors such as poverty, gender, and
geographic location. For example, in some countries, girls may face barriers to accessing education
due to cultural norms or lack of resources (Logli, 2016; Muttaqin, 2018). In other contexts, students
in rural areas may face challenges in accessing quality education due to inadequate infrastructure
and resources.
Teacher quality is an important factor influencing school quality and student performance
globally. Studies have shown that teacher quality has a significant positive impact on student
learning outcomes. Highly qualified and experienced teachers are more likely to provide high-
quality education to students (Goldhaber, 2016; Hanushek & Rivkin, 2012). However, in many
countries, there is a shortage of qualified teachers, especially in rural areas.
The curriculum is another important factor that contributes to the quality of the school and
the performance of students. The curriculum must be relevant, engaging, and challenging to ensure
that students are motivated to learn and develop critical thinking skills. In some countries, curricula
may not be adequately developed, or may not be aligned with the needs of the labor market,
resulting in a mismatch between the skills students acquire and the skills demanded by employers
(Dewi, 2021; Susilanas et al., 2018).
Resources and infrastructure are also important factors that affect school quality and student
performance. Schools need adequate resources, including textbooks, computers, and other learning
materials, to provide high-quality education to students (Lamb et al., 2019; Sun & Gao, 2019). In
addition, schools need infrastructure, such as classrooms, laboratories, and libraries, to support
effective teaching and learning.
Student characteristics, such as socioeconomic status and language proficiency, also affect
school quality and student performance. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may face
additional challenges in accessing quality education and may need additional support to succeed
academically (Wenger et al., 2020). In addition, students who are not proficient in the language of
instruction may find it difficult to understand the curriculum, resulting in lower academic
Indonesia is a rapidly developing country, and the quality of education is an important
component in achieving sustainable development. Secondary schools in Indonesia play an important
role in providing education to students, and therefore, it is important to ensure that they provide
high-quality education. The Indonesian government has implemented several policies aimed at
improving the quality of education, including increasing teacher salaries, improving the teacher
certification process, and providing incentives for teachers to improve their skills.
The quality of teachers is an important factor influencing student achievement in high
school. The quality of teachers is determined by a variety of factors, including their level of
education, teaching experience, and ability to communicate effectively with students. Research
shows that highly qualified teachers have a significant positive impact on student performance
(Goldhaber, 2016; Ramadan & Julaeha, 2019; Sauri & Hanafiah, 2022). In Indonesia, the government

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has made efforts to improve the quality of teachers by implementing a teacher certification process.
The certification process aims to ensure that teachers are qualified and have the skills necessary to
provide high-quality education to students.
Teacher characteristics also play an important role in determining the quality of education
provided to students. Teacher characteristics include personality traits, teaching styles, and their
ability to motivate students (Iranzo-García et al., 2020; Wayne & Youngs, 2003). Studies have shown
that teachers who are enthusiastic, empathetic, and have a positive attitude towards their students
have a positive impact on student performance. In addition, teachers who use innovative teaching
methods and are open to feedback from students have been found to be more effective in improving
student learning outcomes.
Teacher experience is another important factor that affects the quality of education provided
to students. Teachers with more experience have a better understanding of the teaching process and
are better prepared to face the challenges that arise during teaching. Studies have shown that
teachers with experience are more effective in improving student learning outcomes (Firth et al.,
2019; Sirait, 2016). In Indonesia, the government has implemented policies aimed at retaining
experienced teachers, including providing incentives and opportunities for professional
The quality of the school is also a significant determinant of student performance. The
quality of schools is determined by various factors, including the availability of resources, the quality
of facilities, and the quality of management (Iskandar, 2023; Juharyanto et al., 2023; Qudsyi et al.,
2020; Sumarsono et al., 2016). Schools that have a positive school climate and provide a supportive
learning environment have been found to have a positive impact on student performance. In
Indonesia, the government has implemented policies aimed at improving the quality of schools,
including increasing funding for schools, improving the quality of facilities, and providing training
for school administrators.
Online learning generally starts with preparation and continues with several steps:
preliminary, core, closing, and strengthening activities. Preparatory and supporting activities are
carried out at unscheduled times while other activities are scheduled. (Zebua & Sunarti, 2020) Face-
to-face learning with the teacher classroom learning is an option for students compared to online
learning. This is because The role of the teacher directly cannot be replaced by technology, and moral
or affective values in these domains cannot be carried out optimally by teachers during online
learning. (Alhamuddin & Zebua, 2021)
Education is one of the most important factors contributing to social and economic
development. Quality education is essential to ensure that individuals are equipped with the skills
and knowledge necessary to succeed in life. Junior high schools in Indonesia play an important role
in providing education to students. However, there is a need to improve the quality of education
provided in these schools. This research paper aims to explore the influence of teacher quality,
teacher characteristics, and teacher experience on school quality, which in turn affects student
performance in secondary schools in Bandung, Indonesia.
Junior high schools in Bandung, Indonesia, face several challenges that hinder the provision
of high-quality education to students. One significant challenge is the quality of teachers. The quality
of teachers is determined by a variety of factors, including their level of education, teaching
experience, and ability to communicate effectively with students. The quality of teachers has a direct
impact on the quality of education provided to students, which in turn affects student performance.

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Therefore, it is important to understand the influence of teacher quality, teacher characteristics, and
teacher experience on school quality, which in turn affects student performance in junior high
schools in Bandung.
The Indonesian government has implemented policies aimed at improving the quality of
education in the country. These policies include increasing teacher salaries, improving the teacher
certification process, and providing incentives for teachers to improve their skills. However, despite
these efforts, the quality of education in junior high schools in Bandung is still low. There is a need
to explore the factors contributing to the quality of education provided in these schools. The research
problem can be summarized as follows: What is the influence of teacher quality, teacher
characteristics, and teacher experience on school quality, which in turn affects student performance
in high schools in Bandung, Indonesia?
The quality of education provided in schools is an important factor that affects student
performance. One of the main contributors to the quality of schools is the quality of teachers. This
literature review provides an overview of research conducted on the influence of teacher quality,
teacher characteristics, and teacher experience on school quality that affects student performance in
Bandung, Indonesia, with a focus on evidence from secondary schools.
2.1 Teacher Quality
Teacher quality is a crucial factor that affects school quality and student performance.
Research consistently shows that highly qualified and experienced teachers are more effective in
promoting student learning and academic achievement. In Indonesia, teacher quality has been
identified as a significant challenge, with a shortage of qualified teachers in many schools (Darling-
Hammond, 2000; Sirait, 2016).
A study by (Mayasari et al., 2021; Rosdianti, 2013; Sauri & Hanafiah, 2022; Sobandi, 2010)
examines the relationship between teacher quality and student achievement in junior high schools
in Bandung. The study found a significant positive correlation between teacher quality and student
performance, suggesting that more qualified teachers are more effective at promoting student
2.2 Teacher characteristics
Teacher characteristics, such as gender, age, and educational background, also affect school
quality and student performance. Studies have shown that teacher gender can affect students'
academic performance, with some studies showing that female teachers are more effective at
promoting learning outcomes than male teachers (Iranzo-García et al., 2020; Wayne & Youngs, 2003).
In a study by (Rathana & Sutarsih, 2015; Sobandi, 2010), examined the influence of teacher
gender on student achievement in junior high schools in Bandung. The study found that female
teachers were more effective at promoting student learning outcomes than male teachers,
highlighting the importance of gender diversity in the teaching profession.
2.3 Teacher Experience
Teacher experience is another important factor that affects school quality and student
performance. Research consistently shows that experienced teachers are more effective at promoting
student learning outcomes than inexperienced teachers. However, the relationship between teacher
experience and student performance may vary depending on the context.

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A study by (Sauri & Hanafiah, 2022; Sobandi, 2010) investigating the effect of teacher
experience on student performance in high schools in Bandung. The study found that teacher
experiences had a significant positive impact on student performance, suggesting that more
experienced teachers were more effective at promoting student learning outcomes.
2.4 Teacher Training and Professional Development
Teacher training and professional development programs are essential in improving teacher
quality and promoting student learning outcomes. In Indonesia, there has been significant
investment in teacher training and professional development programs to improve the quality of
education provided in schools.
A study by (Franklin & Harrington, 2019; Iranzo-García et al., 2020; Kada'di, 2021)
investigates the effect of teacher training and professional development programs on school quality
and student achievement. The study found that teacher training and professional development
programs have a significant positive impact on school quality and student performance,
demonstrating the importance of investing in teacher training and professional development to
improve school quality and promote student learning outcomes.
2.5 School and Classroom Climate
The school and classroom climate also plays an important role in promoting school quality
and student performance. A positive school and classroom climate can increase student motivation
and engagement, leading to improved learning outcomes.
A study by (Reyes et al., 2012) investigated the influence of school and classroom climate on
student performance. The study found that positive school and classroom climates have a significant
positive impact on student performance, highlighting the importance of promoting a positive school
and classroom environment to improve school quality and promote student learning outcomes.
2.6 Curriculum and Teaching Materials
The curriculum and teaching materials used in schools are also important factors that affect
the quality of the school and the performance of students. The curriculum must be relevant,
engaging, and challenging to ensure that students are motivated to learn and develop critical
thinking skills (Dewi, 2021; Moesthafa, 2018).
This study adopted a quantitative research design (Creswell, 2013), which involved
collecting data from a sample of secondary schools in Bandung, Indonesia. This study used a cross-
sectional survey design to collect data at a certain point in time. The study collected primary data
through self-administered questionnaires distributed to teachers in selected schools. The
questionnaire consists of items related to teacher quality, teacher characteristics, teacher experience,
school quality, and student performance.
3.1 Sampling and Sampling Techniques
This study used purposive sampling techniques to select SMP samples. The sampling
technique involves selecting schools based on their location in Bandung, the number of students
enrolled, and the availability of teachers. This study involved 10 junior high schools in Bandung,
with a total of 150 teachers. The sample size is determined based on the minimum sample size
recommended for PLS analysis.

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3.2 Data Collection

The study collected primary data using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaire
consists of items related to teacher quality, teacher characteristics, teacher experience, school quality,
and student performance. The questionnaire is pre-tested with a sample teacher to ensure that the
item is clear and easy to understand. The last version of the questionnaire is distributed to teachers
in selected schools. Questionnaires are provided through face-to-face interviews with teachers.
3.3 Data Analysis
This study used the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach to analyze the data. PLS is a
structural equation modeling technique commonly used to analyze complex relationships between
latent variables. The PLS approach is particularly useful in situations where the sample size is small,
and the data is not normally distributed. This study used SmartPLS software to perform PLS
Table 1. Validity and Reliability of Results
Measure Alfa Composite Average
Cronbach Reliability Variance
Teacher Quality 0.89 0.94 0.70
Teacher Characteristics 0.87 0.93 0.69
Teacher Experience 0.82 0.89 0.62
School Quality 0.91 0.95 0.74
Student Achievement 0.86 0.92 067
Source: Primary Data Analysis (2023)
The table above shows the validity and reliability statistics for each of the measures used in
the study. The steps were evaluated using three criteria: Cronbach alpha, composite reliability, and
extracted mean variance (AVE).
Table 2. Yield Path Coefficient
Variable Line t- P-value
Coefficient valu
Teacher Quality -> School Quality 0.78 12.15 <0,001
Teacher Characteristics -> School Quality 0.46 7.83 <0,001
Teaching Experience -> School Quality 0.32 5.21 <0,001
School Quality -> Student Performance 0.61 10.23 <0,001
Source: Primary Data Analysis (2023)
The table above shows the path coefficients, T-values, and P-values for the relationships
between the variables in the study. The interpretation of the result is based on the path coefficient,
which indicates the magnitude and direction of the relationship between the variables.
The path coefficient for Teacher Quality -> School Quality is 0.78, which indicates a strong
positive relationship between teacher quality and school quality. This suggests that improving the
quality of teachers tends to lead to improving the quality of schools, which in turn can have a positive
impact on student performance.
The Teacher Characteristics -> School Quality path coefficient is 0.46, which also shows a
positive relationship between teacher characteristics and school quality. This suggests that teachers
with certain characteristics, such as more experience and a higher level of education, are more likely
to contribute to the overall quality of the school.

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The path coefficient for Teaching Experience -> School Quality is 0.32, which indicates a
positive relationship between teaching experience and school quality. This suggests that teachers
with more experience may be more effective in contributing to the overall quality of the school.
Finally, the path coefficient for School Quality -> Student Performance is 0.61, which
indicates a strong positive relationship between school quality and student performance. This
suggests that improving the quality of the school can result in better student outcomes, such as
higher academic performance.
Overall, the interpretation of the results shows that teacher quality, teacher characteristics,
and teaching experience are important factors in determining the quality of schools, which in turn
has a significant impact on student performance in Bandung.
SmartPLS analysis produced a suitable model for this study. The model match index is as
follows: • R2 (Overall) = 0.664, indicating that the model explains 66.4% variance in School Quality.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of teacher quality, teacher
characteristics, and teacher teaching experience on school quality, which in turn had an impact on
student performance in Bandung. This study used a quantitative research design with Smart-PLS
analysis to examine the relationship between variables.
The results of the study revealed that the quality of teachers, teacher characteristics, and
teacher teaching experience had a significant positive effect on school quality, which in turn had a
significant positive effect on student performance in Bandung. These findings are consistent with
previous studies that have highlighted the importance of teacher quality and school quality in
influencing student performance (Darling-Hammond, 2000; Qudsyi et al., 2020; Sirait, 2016).
Teacher quality was found to be a significant predictor of school quality. This suggests that
teachers who have the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to teach students effectively
are more likely to contribute to the overall quality of the school. Teacher characteristics, such as
experience, level of education, and subject matter expertise, were also found to have a positive effect
on school quality (Gerritsen et al., 2017; Hanushek & Rivkin, 2012). This suggests that teachers with
more experience and a higher level of education may have a greater impact on the quality of the
In addition, the study found that school quality had a significant positive influence on
student performance. This suggests that schools with high-quality teaching, learning, and resource
environments are more likely to produce better student outcomes. These findings are consistent with
previous studies that have shown the importance of school quality in influencing student
performance (Ajayi, 2014; Qudsyi et al., 2020; Rivkin et al., 2005; Wenger et al., 2020).
Overall, the findings of this study have important implications for policies and practices in
Bandung. Policymakers and school leaders should prioritize initiatives focused on improving
teacher quality, teacher characteristics, and teacher teaching experience. In addition, efforts should
be made to improve the quality of schools by providing teachers and students with access to high-
quality resources, facilities, and learning environments. Thus, it is likely that student performance
will increase, leading to better academic results and opportunities for students in Bandung.
The study has important implications for policymakers, school leaders, and educators.
Policymakers and school leaders should prioritize initiatives focused on improving teacher quality,
teacher characteristics, and teacher teaching experience. In addition, efforts should be made to
improve the quality of schools by providing teachers and students with access to high-quality
resources, facilities, and learning environments. The study also underscores the importance of
investing in teacher professional development and mentoring programs to improve teacher quality
and experience.

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This research contributes to the existing literature on the relationship between teacher
quality, teacher characteristics, teacher teaching experience, school quality, and student
performance. This study provides evidence that improving teacher quality, teacher characteristics,
and teacher teaching experience can have a positive impact on school quality, which in turn,
improves student performance. These findings have important implications for policymakers and
school leaders aimed at improving student outcomes. Overall, the study highlights the importance
of investing in a high-quality teaching and learning environment to improve student performance
and academic outcomes.

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