Piggery Projects

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A. Construction Phase
A.1 Site Development
Generation of spoils • Excess spoils to be hauled by third 100% of excess
such as excess fill party hauler for proper disposal spoils
materials from grading • Trucks should be thoroughly washed collected/hauled
and excavation before leaving the project site to avoid
activities the transfer of mud/dirt in the road
Degradation of surface • Provide (indicate number) of portalets 100% no
water quality due to for construction workers discharge of
contamination from untreated
domestic wastewater Note: at least one (1) portalet for 60 domestic
workers where the number of male wastewater to
workers exceeds 500 (as per IRR- nearby bodies of
Industrial Hygiene, PD 856 Amending water
Administrative Order 111 Series of

Note: at least one (1) portalet for 25

workers where the number of male
workers exceeds 100 (as per IRR-
Industrial Hygiene, PD 856 Amending
Administrative Order 111 Series of

• Provision of temporary septic tank or

wastewater collection system for
• Hauling of wastewater from
portalets/septic tank by third party
shall be covered by a licensed/permit
from LGU and with valid Discharge
Permit for the wastewater treatment
Potential siltation of • Provision of drainage systems to 100% no
nearby water bodies minimize and control infiltration of erosion/siltation
due to soil erosion sediments to the nearby water bodies
• Provision of an easement from water
bodies at least three (3) meters in
urban areas, twenty (20) meters in
agricultural areas, and forty (40)
meters in forest areas in compliance
to the Water Code of the Philippines
Generation of dust • Maintain a misty access road surface 100% no dust
from site preparation within project site by sprinkling of generation
water at least (2x) twice a day during
dry season
Generation of • Proper collection of construction 100%
construction debris debris Solid Waste Management collected/hauled
Program in compliance to RA 9003 construction
• Collection of construction debris third debris
party hauler with valid
permit/clearance from LGU
• Provision of storage for hazardous 100% compliance
wastes with proper labelling to RA 6969
Generation of used oil,
• Ensure that there will be no leaks of
paint, batteries, and
hazardous wastes from the storage
other hazardous
wastes • Collection of hazardous wastes by
DENR accredited 3rd party hauler
and treater
B. Operational Phase
Pollution of surface • Provision of Wastewater Treatment 100%
water from untreated Facility (WTF) using the following conformance to
wastewater system: DENR effluent
 Lagoon system (e.g. anaerobic (RA 9275)
lagoon, facultative lagoon, etc.)
 Biogas capture system (anaerobic
digester, gas capture system, etc.)

• The WTF shall be provided with a flow

meter and an appropriate and
accessible sampling stations
• Zero Discharge may be adopted or re-
use of the treated wastewater for
flushing toilets. If the treated
wastewater will be used for irrigation
for non-food applications, it sould
pass the DENR emission standards. If
the treated wastewater will be used
for irrigation, it should be certified by
the Department of Agriculture that
the wastewater is fit for irrigation use
• Provision of water sampling probe at
the outfall and facility for online
transmission of effluent data to EMB
RO (if necessary)
Generation of • Provision of sewage treatment plant 100% compliance
domestic wastewater with capacity based on the total with DENR
personnel/workers in the plant effluent standards
(RA 9275);

✔ Hygienic septic tank (for 212 (i.e.DAO 2016-08
occupants or less – DILG MC and DAO 2021-19)
2019-62) with regular
desludging by third party
contractor (the contractor
must have a valid discharge
permit of its treatment

✔ Wastewater treatment facility
(for more than 212 occupants
– DILG MC 2019-62)

• Note: For 98L per person per day

water consumption; 80% will become
wastewater – hence for 300 persons;
at least 23.52 cubic meter per day
WTF capacity shall be installed and
Generation of • Provision of storage facility/area and 100% compliant to
hazardous wastes collected by hazardous wastes DENR RA 6969
materials accredited third party hauler and

Generation of non- • Provison of Materials Recovery 100% compliant to

hazardous solid Facility (MRF) RA 9003
wastes • Segregation of wastes with proper
labelling, and wastes materials
manifest indicating the volume of
waste and date of
• Hauling of non-hazardous
wastes/domestic wastes by third
party contractor with
permit/clearance from LGU for
proper disposal of wastes (ie. for
composting/conversion to fertilizers
or as fuel in Waste to Energy Power

Emission of foul odor • Regular cleaning of pigpens. The No foul odor

wastewater (with excrement/feces) perceive in the
generated shall be treated directly to community
the wastewater treatment facility
• Use a closed pipe system for
transport of wastewater to the WTF
• Sludge from the WTF shall be stored
in a enclosed structure to avoid any
foul odor emission. Likewise, sludge
can be used as compost material and
shall be made available to community
for distribution through its Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR)
• Use enclosed sand filter and drying
bed for sludge treatment
• Planting a row of evergreens and fast
growing trees to serve as odor barrier
and/or provision of high wall or high
fence sufficient enough for non
dispersion of foul odor coming from
the piggery
Generation of effluents • Monitoring of the following significant 100% compliance
due to wastewater effluent quality parameters (based on with DENR
generation PSIC Code 014): effluent standards
(RA 9275);
 BOD (i.e.DAO 2016-08
 Total Suspended Solids and DAO 2021-19)
 Total Coliform
 Ammonia
 Phosphate

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