John Deere
John Deere
John Deere
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1 author:
Dr Bhadrappa Haralayya
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dr Bhadrappa Haralayya on 10 July 2021.
Abstract- Trend analysis is the process trying to look performance of the sector. This can include how the
at current trends in order to predict future ones and sector was affected by internal and external
is considered a form of comparative analysis. This forces.Trend trading is a trading strategy that attempt
can include attempting to determine whether a to capture gains through the analysis of an asset’s
current market trend, such as gain in a particular movements in a particular direction.
market sector, is likely to continue, as well as whether
a trend in one market area could result in a trend in 1.1 COMPANY PROFILE
another. Though analysis may involve a large The Deere & company (brand name john Deere) is an
amount of data, there is no guarantee that the results American corporation that manufactures agricultural,
will be correct The study was designed in the form of construction, and forestry machinery, diesel engines,
and empirical investigation to represent the current drive trains (axles, transmission, gearboxes) used in
situation prevailing in the company. the necessary heavy equipment, and lawn care equipment. In 2016,
data and information were collected from primary it was listed as 97th in the fortune 500 America’s
and secondary sources as well as from both ranking and was ranked 364th in fortune global 500
published and unpublished sources. The factual ranking in 2016.
information was mainly collected from published
annual reports of the company. Other information’s John Deere also provides financial services and other
were collected through interviews with company’s activities.
senior personnel. A series of interviews were made
the concerned authorities and staff of the company Deere is listed on the New York stock exchange under
for necessary clarification. The study was carried the symbols DE. The company’s slogan is “nothing
within a short span of time. The study was limited runs like a Deere”. And it logo is a leaping Deere,
only to management problems but not to the with the word’s JOHN DEERE’ under it. The logo of
country’s overall industrial and economics situation, the leaping deer has been used by this company for
which has direct bearing on the company’s over 155 years. Over the years, the logo has had minor
performance. This study is to assess overall changes and pieces removed. Some of the older style
performance of the company logos have the deer leaping over a log .the company
uses different logo colours for agriculture vs.
I. INTRODUCTION Construction Products. the company‘s agriculture
products are identifiable by a distinctive shade of
Trend analysis is technique used in technical analysis green paint with the inside border being yellow. While
that attempts to predict the future price movements the construction products are identifiable by a shade of
based on recently observed trend data. Trend analysis black with the deer being yellow, and the inside border
is based on the idea that what has happened in the past also being yellow.
gives traders an idea of what will happen in the future.
Deere & company began when john Deere, born in
In order to begin analysing applicable data, it is Rutland, Vermont, USA on February 7, 1804 moved
necessary to first determine which market segment to grand detour, Illinois’ in 1836 in order to escape
will analysed. An example of sector can include of bankruptcy in Vermont. Already an established
focus a particular industry, such as the automotive or blacksmith, Deere opened a1,378 square feet (128m2)
pharmaceutical Sector, as well as a particular type of shop in grand detour in 1837 which allowed him to
Invest, such as the bond market. Once the sector has serve as a general repairman in the village , as well as
been selected, it is possible to examine the general a manufacture of small tools such as pitchforks and
shovels . small tools was just a start, the item that set usual approach is that the researcher should himself
him apart , was the self-scouring steel plow, which was pose a question (or in case someone else who wants
pioneered in 1837 when john Deere fashioned a the researcher to carry on research, the concern
Scottish steel saw blade into a plow . prior to Deere’s individual, organisation or an authority should pose
steel plow , most farmers used iron or wooden the question to the researcher) and setup techniques
plows that the rich Midwestern soil stuck to and had and procedures for throwing light on the question
to be cleaned frequently. The smooth sided steel plow concerned for formulating or defining the research
solved this problem, and greatly aided migration into problem. But such an approach generally does not
the American Great Plains in the 19th and early 20th produce definitive results because the questions
century. Increased competition during the early phrased in such as fashion is usually in broad general
1900s from the new international harvest company terms and as such may not be in form suitable for
led the company to expand its offering in the testing.
implement business , but it was the production of
gasoline tractors which would come to define Deere Define a research problem properly and clearly is a
& company’s operations during the twentieth crucial part of a research study and must in no case be
century. accomplished hurriedly. However, in practice this is
frequently overlooked which causes a lot of problem
II. THEORECTICAL BACKGROUND OF THE later on. Hence, the research problem should be
STUDY defined in a systematic manner, giving due to
weightage to all relating points. The technique for the
• Trend analysis is a useful tool for long term trend purpose involves the undertaking of the following
comparison. The analyst chooses a base period, for steps generally one after the other:
all items, with a number usually set at 100.
• The trend analyst endeavour to understand the in Statement of the problem in general way: first of all
performance and financial position of the the problem should be stated in a broad in general way,
company. keeping in view either some practical some scientific
• It requires understanding the company’s ability to or intellectual interest. For this purpose, the research
respond to change in the business environment and must immerse him thoroughly in the subject matter
it’ strength and weakness in the context of position concerning which he wishes to pose a problem. In case
changes in the environment. of social research, it is considered advisable to do
• Trend analysis requires an evaluation of the some field observation and such the researcher may
robustness of the business model of the company. undertake some short of preliminary survey or what is
often called pilot survey. Than the researcher can
III. RESEARCH DESIGN himself state the problem or he can seek the guidance
of the guide or the subject expert in accomplishing this
3.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM task. Often, the guide puts forth the problem in general
terms, and it is than up the researcher to narrow it
Let start with the question: what does one mean when down and phrase the problem in operational terms. In
he/she wants to define a research problem? The case there some directive from an organisational
answer may be that one wants to state the problem authority, the problem than can be stated accordingly.
along with the bonds within which it is to be studied. The problem stated in a broad general way may
In other words, defining a problem involves that task contain various ambiguities which must be resolve by
of laying down boundaries within which a research cool thinking and rethinking over the problem. At the
shall study the problem with a pre-determined same time feasibility of a particular solution has to be
objective in view. How to define a research problem considered and the same should be kept in view while
in undoubtedly a herculean task. However, it is a task stating the problem.
that must be tackled intelligently to avoid the
perplexity encountered in a research operation. The Understanding the nature of the problem: the next step
in defining the problem is to understand its origin and
nature clearly. The best way of understanding the 3.4 SCOPE OF STUDY
problem is to discuss it with those who first raised it in
order to find out how the problem originally came • This study is conducted at KESHAV
about and with what objectives in view. If the ENTERPRISES JOHN DEERE, Bidar. The
researcher has stated the problem himself, he should current study is conducted with the help of
consider once again all those points that induced him published annual reports of the year 2016-2018.
to make a general statement concerning the problem. The study gives an idea about the present financial
For a better understanding of the nature of the problem position of the organisation.
involved, he can enter into discussion with those who • Trend analysis is helps to investors and traders
have a good knowledge of the problem concerned or predict the trend of the market. Up trend,
similar other problems. The researcher should also downtrend and sideways moves of the market are
keep in view the environment within which the easy to predict, with the help of chart analysis. And
problem is to be studied and understood. it also indicates the movement of market makers
and their activities related to a particular market.
3.2 NEED FOR THE STUDY Another main advantage of trend analysis is that it
gives an early signal when it comes to trend
• To know the prices of different commodities in the reversal.
market, as well as the supply and demand situation • Trend analysis is helpful for short term trading,
of the organisation. swing trading, and long-term investing. Trend
• To know how market trend are the upward or analysis provides a lot of information that helps the
downward movement of a market, during a period traders and investors build their positions and take
of time. traders.
• To check relationships between numbers that • I agree trend analysis is one of the best ways to
should be related in a predictable way, such as trade.
ratios over time.
• To know trend analysis normally numbers to make 3.5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:
comparisons easier, such as analysing amounts per
person or relative to GDP or as an index value The report is made to find out the consumer behaviour
relative to a base year. towards on John Deere tractor by using two sources of
data method of marketing research:
• To know financial position of john Deere tractor 1. Source of data
• To know the income and expenditure statement 2. Sampling plan
and balance sheet 3. Field work
• To know the balance sheet Tools and techniques of data collection
• To study the 3-year income and expenditure
statement and balance sheet Primary data
• To calculate the trend analysis of each component Primary method of collecting data through
of income and expenditure statement considering Questionnaire method and interview method
of 3 years
• To calculate the trend analysis of each component Secondary data
of balance sheet considering of 3years a) Book
b) Company journal and records
• To study the considering of base year and
c) Internet
comparative with next two years of income and
expenditure and balance sheet (base year is always
Redeemable non-controlling
interest (note 4)
Stock holder’s equity
Common stock,$1 par value 4474.20 144.38 4280.50 109.42 3911.80 100
shares; issued -536,431,204
shares in 2016 and 2015
,2014,2013), at paid – in amount
As per the above table marketable securities trend
analysis in the year 2015-16 is 100%, 2016-17 is
99.58% and 2017-18 is 108.07%.
As per the above table Cash and Cash equivalents
Considered Based year is 2015-16.
trend analysis in the year 2015-16 is 100 %, 2016-17
is 215.30 % and 2017-18 is 90.04 %.
Considered Base Year is 2015-016.
As per the above table equipment on operating leases-
INTERPRETATION- net trend analysis in the year 2015-16 is 100%, 2016-
As per the above table trade accounts and notes 17 is 111.72% and 2017-18 is 121.41%.
receivable-net trend analysis in the year 2015-16 is Considered Based year is 2015-16.
100%, 2016-17 is 130.33% and 2017-18 is 166.18%.
Considered Based year is 2015-16. 4.6 ANALYSIS OF GOODWILL TREND
YEAR AMOUNT % TREND 2015-16 815.70 100
ANALYSIS 2016-17 1033.30 126.67
2015-16 23702.30 100 2017-18 3100.70 380.13
2016-17 25104.10 105.91
2017-18 27054.10 114.14
As per the above table goodwill trend analysis in the
INTERPRETATION- year 2015-16 is 100%, 2016-17 is 126.67% and 2017-
As per the above table financing receivable-net trend 18 is 380.13%. Considered Based year is 2015-16.
analysis in the year 2015-16 is 100%, 2016-17 is
105.91% and 2017-18 is 114.14%. Considered Based 4.7 ANALYSIS OF DEFERRED INCOME TAXES
year is 2015-16. TREND ANALYSIS
As per the above table retained earnings trend analysis
in the year 2015-16 is 100%, 2016-17 is 105.81% and
2017-18 is 115.23%. Considered Based year is 2015-
As per the above table non-controlling interests trend
analysis in the year 2015-16 is 100%, 2016-17 is
29.63% and 2017-18 is 31.48%. Considered Based
year is 2015-16.
As per the above table long term borrowings trend
analysis in the year 2015-16 is 100%, 2016-17 is
108.97% and 2017-18 is 114.63%.
Considered Based year is 2015-16.
2015-16 6530.80 100 sources. Balance sheet is the one way to know the
2016-17 9557.30 146.34 organisation profit and losses basis on sales and
2017-18 11291.20 172.89 production. Operating profit margin is the appropriate
measure of operating performance.
V. FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND To conclude the project of trend analysis is net worth
SUGGESTIONS and employee’s involvement is one of the most
important for the growth of the organization. Overall,
5.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS I learned in these 6 weeks how the theoretical study is
impact on our practical work exposure and finally with
this project I got experience in the industry.
• To know financial position of john Deere tractors. or pdf
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