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Key2.1 Each intelligence is linked to specific abilities.

Intelligence: Verbal – Linguistic: Ability to communicate

through language; listening, reading, writing, speaking
Logical-mathematical: Ability to understand logical
reasoning and problem-solving; math, science, patterns,
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Ability to use the physical body
skillfully and to take in knowledge through bodily
sensation; coordination, working with hands
Visual-Spatial: Ability to understand spatial relationships
and to perceive and create images; visual art, graphic
design, charts and maps
Interpersonal: Ability to relate to others, noticing their
moods, motivations, and feelings; social activity,
cooperative learning, teamwork
Musical: Ability to comprehend and create meaningful
sound; sensitivity to music and musical patterns
Naturalist: Ability to identify, distinguish, categorize, and
classify species or items, often incorporating high interest
in elements of the natural environment
Chapter 2: Each intelligence has a set of numbered
statements. Consider each statement on its own. Then,
on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest), rate how closely
it matches who you are right now and write that number
on the line next to the statement. Finally, total each set
of six questions. Enter your scores in the grid on page 31.
1.rarely 2.sometimes 3.usually 4.always
1._2____I enjoy physical activities.
2.___2__I am uncomfortable sitting still.
3.__4_I prefer to learn through doing.
4.___4__When sitting I move my legs or hands.
5.___1__I enjoy working with my hands.
6.___4__I like to pace when I’m thinking or studying.

1.__3___I enjoy telling stories.

2.___1__I like to write.
3.___2__I like to read.
4.___2__I express myself clearly.
5.__2___I am good at negotiating. (thương lượng )
6.__4___I like to discuss topics that interest me.

1.__3___I use maps and diagrams easily.

2.___1__I draw pictures/diagrams when explaining ideas.
3.__1___I can assemble items easily from diagrams.
4.___1__I enjoy drawing or photography.
5.___2__I do not like to read long paragraphs.
6.___2__I prefer a drawn map over written directions.

1.__1___I like math in school.

2.___1__I like science.
3.___2__I problem-solve well.
4.___2__I question how things work.
5.___2__I enjoy planning or designing something new.
6.___2__I am able to fix things.
1.___4__I listen to music.
2.___2__I move my fingers or feet when I hear music.
3.__1___I have good rhythm.
4.__2___I like to sing along with music.
5.__1___People have said I have musical talent.
6.___1__I like to express my ideas through music.
___11__TOTAL for MUSICAL

1.__4___I need quiet time to think.

2.___4__I think about issues before I want to talk.
3.__4___I am interested in self-improvement.
4.___3__I understand my thoughts and feelings.
5.___4__I know what I want out of life.
6.___1__I prefer to work on projects alone.

1.__3___I like doing a project with other people.

2.___2__People come to me to help settle conflicts.
3.__2___I like to spend time with friends.
4.___2__I am good at understanding people.
5.___3__I am good at making people feel comfortable.
6.___4__I enjoy helping others.

1._____I like to think about how things, ideas, or people

fit into categories.
2._____I enjoy studying plants, animals, or oceans.
3._____I tend to see how things relate to, or are distinct
from, one another.
4._____I think about having a career in the natural
5._____As a child I often played with bugs and leaves.
6._____I like to investigate the natural world around me.
Scoring Grid for Multiple Pathways to Learning
For each intelligence, shade the box in the row that
corresponds with the range where your score falls. For
example, if you scored 17 in bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence, you would shade the middle box in that row;
if you scored a 13 in visual-spatial, you would shade the
last box in that row. When you have shaded one box for
each row, you will see a “map” of your range of
development at a glance.
A score of 20–24 indicates a high level of development in
that particular type of intelligence, 14–19 a moderate
level, and below 14 an underdeveloped intelligence.
20–24 14–19 Below 14
(Highly (Moderatel (Underdevelope
Develope y d)
d) Developed)

Key2.2 Particular abilities and skills are associated with

each intelligence.
 Remembering terms easily
 Mastering a foreign language
 Using writing or speech to convince someone to do
or believe something
Musical- Rhythmic:
 Sensing tonal qualities
 Being sensitive to sounds and rhythms in music and
in spoken language
 Using an understanding of musical patterns to hear
Logical- Mathematical
 Recognizing abstract patterns
 Using facts to support an idea and generating ideas
based on evidence
 Reasoning scientifically (formulating and testing a

■Recognizing relationships between objects
■Representing something graphically
■Manipulating images

Bodily- Kinesthetic
 Strong mind–body connection
 Controlling and coordinating body movement
 Using the body to create products or express

■Accessing your internal emotions
■Understanding your own feelings and using them
to guide your behavior
■Understanding yourself in relation to others

■Seeing things from others’ perspectives
■Noticing moods, intentions, and temperaments of
■Gauging the most effective way to work with
individual group members

■Ability to categorize something as a member of a
group or species
■Understanding of relationships among natural
■Deep comfort with, and respect for, the natural

Key2.3Particular abilities and skills are associated

with each Personality Spectrum dimension.

■Solving problems
■Developing models and systems
■Analytical and abstract thinking

■Responsibility, reliability
■Neatness, organization, attention to detail
■Comprehensive follow-through on tasks

■Successful, close relationships
■Making a difference in the world
■Negotiation, promoting peace

■Courageous and daring
■Hands-on problem solving
■Active and spontaneous style

STEP 1: Rank-order all four responses to each

question from most like you (4) to least like you (1)
so that for each question you use the numbers 1, 2,
3, and 4 one time each. Place numbers in the boxes
next to the responses.
4.most like me 3.more like me 2.less like me
1.least like me

1.I like instructors who

a.tell me exactly what is expected of me.
b.make learning active and exciting.
c.maintain a safe and supportive classroom.
d.challenge me to think at higher levels.

5.When I experience stress I would most likely

a.do something to help me feel more in control of
my life.
b.do something physical and daring.
c.talk with a friend.
d.go off by myself and think about my situation.

2.I learn best when the material is

a.well organized.
b.something I can do hands-on.
c.about understanding and improving the human
d.intellectually challenging.

6.I would probably not be close friends with

someone who is
b.unwilling to try new things.
c.selfish and unkind to others.
d.an illogical thinker.

3.A high priority in my life is to

a.keep my commitments.
b.experience as much of life as possible.
c.make a difference in the lives of others.
d.understand how things work.

7.My vacations could be described as

.c.pleasing to others.
d.a new learning experience.

4.Other people think of me as

a.dependable and loyal.
b.dynamic and creative.
c.caring and honest.
d.intelligent and inventive.

8.One word that best describes me is

STEP 2: Add up the total points for each letter.
a.Organizer b.Adventurer c.Giver d.Thinker

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