DLP Feedback Mechanism

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School Tanauan City Integrated High School Grade Level 10

Teacher Joeric C. Carinan Learning Area Science

DAILY LESSON Teaching Dates March 14, 2023 Quarter THIRD
and Time

I.OBJECTIVES At the end of the topic, students are expected to:

1. Demonstrate understanding on how the nervous system coordinates and regulates feedback
mechanisms to maintain homeostasis.
2. Distinguish between negative and positive feedback mechanism.

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine
2. how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and survive
B. Performance None
C. Learning Describe how the nervous system coordinates and regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain
Competency/Objec homeostasis;
tives S10LT-IIIc-36 / MELC 14
Write the LC code
for each.
A. References
1. Teacher’s No TG
2. Learner’s Page 15 - 16
3. Textbook Page 168 (Discover Science)
4. Additional None
B. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation, visual aids, laptop, TV,
Teacher`s Activity Students` Response
A. ELICIT 1. Prayer
Reviewing 2. Greetings
previous lesson or
presenting the new 3. Classroom management
lesson 4. Checking of Attendance
5. Review
“Yesterday we talked about homeostasis and the “Sir, Homeostasis is the stable internal
nervous system. Based from our previous environment in our body” (Answer may vary)
discussion what is homeostasis? You can define
and explain your answer in your own words”

“Very good!”

“Can you give an example of homeostasis?” (Students will give an example)

“Correct! Very good!”

“One of the best example of homeostasis is the

regulation of our body temperature, we must
maintain a normal body temperature at all times
for us to be able to work properly.”

“How about the nervous system? Yesterday we “The central and the peripheral nervous system”
also talked about the nervous system and its
division. What are the two major division of
nervous system?

“Very good! Thank you for answering!”

“What are the two parts included in the central “Sir, The brain and the spinal cord”
nervous system?

“Very Good! Thank you for answering!

“So now, what do you think is the function of our (Students answer may vary)

“Indeed! Our brain is the control center of the

human body. Thank you for answering!”

“How about the peripheral nervous system, what is “Sir, Somatic and autonomic nervous system”
its two subdivision?”

“Correct! Very good!”

“ Now, What do you think is the function of the “Sir, I think somatic is responsible for voluntary
somatic and autonomic nervous system?” body movements while the autonomic is
responsible for involuntary body movements or
“Very Good! Thank you for answering!

“I can really tell that you still remember the lessons

that we talked about yesterday, and for that you
are all ready to move forward to our next lesson.”

“Do you have any questions or clarifications “None, Sir”

regarding our previous lesson?”
B. ENGAGE “I will show you a picture and all you have to do is
Establishing a to analyze it and later on I will ask you some
purpose for the
lesson, Presenting questions.”
s of the new lesson “Is that clear to you guys?”
“Yes, Sir”
Activity: Picture Analysis

1. What can you say about the picture?
2. What are the elements or components present
in that particular picture?
3. Do you think the feedback is important in the
communication process between the sender and
the receiver? (Students answer may vary)
4. How can you relate the communication process
to homeostasis?
C. EXPLORE “Today we will going to tackle about the
Discussing new homeostasis and the feedback mechanism.”
concepts and
practicing new
skills “But before that, let us first know the objectives At the end of the topic, students are expected to:
that everyone must attain at the end of the lesson. 1. Describe how the nervous system coordinates
Everyone kindly read.” and regulates feedback mechanisms to maintain
2. Distinguish between negative and positive

(Discussion proper)
“Feedback mechanism is a process through which
the level of one substance influences the level of
another substance.”

“The function of this feedback mechanism is to

maintain the homeostasis.”

“Again, what does it mean by homeostasis?” “Sir, homeostasis is the stable internal
“Very good! Thank you for your answer!

“Feedback mechanism has 3 main components to

maintain homeostasis and that is the receptor,
control center and the effector.”

“What do you think is the function of the receptor?” “Sir, It detects the change in the environment and
it transmit the signal or message to the control
“Correct! Very good!

“What example can you give as to the receptor?” (answer may vary)

“How about the control center and the effector?” “Sir the control center process the signal or
message coming from the receptor and then gives
command. While the effector is the one who
respond to the command sent by the control
“Very good! Thank you!

“What example can you give as to the control (answer may vary)
center and effector?”

“Correct! Very good!

“Feedback mechanism responds by increasing or

reducing the change to bring the systems back to
normal. There are two types of feedback
mechanism the positive and the negative

“Again, What is feedback mechanism?” “Feedback mechanism is a process through which

the level of one substance influences the level of
another substance.”
“There are two types of feedback mechanism, the
positive and the negative feedback. For the
positive feedback, it increases the change. While
the negative feedback, it reduces or decreases the

“What are the two types of feedback mechanism “Sir, the two types of feedback are the positive and
and its function?” the negative feedback.”

“Very good! Thank you!

“There are different examples of positive feedback

and it includes milk production, blood clotting, and
labor contraction.”

“Milk Production -After birth, there will be high

levels of prolactin in the body of a woman in order
to stimulate milk production. The more the baby
suckles and needs milk, the more prolactin and
therefore more milk is produced.”

“What is the substance that has an effect to “Sir, I think that is the prolactin.”
another substance?”

“Ver good! Thank you!”

“What is the effect of high prolactin?” “Production of milk”

“Correct! Very good!

“Blood clotting -Wherever there is a wound or

injury in the body, signals are sent to platelets so
that more and more platelets can rush to the site
of injury to form a clot.”

“What do you think is the substance that is being “Sir, Platelets.”

increased causing the blood to clot?”

“Correct! Very good!

“Labor contractions - when labor starts, more of

the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates
contractions, will be released to the cervix.”

“What do you think is the substance that is being “oxytocin”

increased in order to have contractions?”

“Ver good! Thank you for your answer!

“What are the substances that show increase in “oxytocin and contractions”
change or have positive feedback mechanism?”

“Correct! Very good!

“Negative feedback causes one substance/body

function to decrease the amount of another
substance or vice versa.

“Some examples of Negative feedback includes
temperature regulation, controlled glucose level
and the control blood pressure level.”

“Temperature regulation - When the body`s

temperature rises, the brain and skin receptors
sense the change, triggering several responses in
order to decrease body temperature: the skin
sweat, and the blood vessels near the skin`s
surface dilate.”

“What body functions causes the body “sweating”

temperature to be regulated?

“Ver good! Thank you!”

“Controlled blood glucose levels -When the

glucose levels in the blood are too high, the
hormone insulin from the pancreas is stimulated to
absorb glucose and convert glucose to glycogen.
As the blood glucose levels go down, less insulin
is needed.”
“But when blood glucose levels are too low,
another hormone from the pancreas called
glucagon is produced in order to convert glycogen
back to glucose, thereby increasing the level of
glucose in the blood. “

“What is the substance decrease in controlled “Sir, glucose.”

glucose level?”

“Ver good! Thank you!”

“When the glucose level is too high, what “Insulin”

substance is being increase to decrease the
glucose level?”

“Correct! Thank you!”

“When the glucose level is too low, what do you “Glucagon”

call the substance released to restore the glucose
level to normal? "

“Ver good! Thank you!”

“What do you think will happen if you have low (Answers may vary)
glucose level?”

“Thank you!”

“Regulated blood pressure - If blood pressure is

too low, the brain signals the heart to increase the “The heart rate, Sir!”
rate in which it pumps blood; if blood pressure is
too high, the heart is signaled to decrease heart

“In blood pressure regulation, what substance is “The heart increase the blood rate”
being decrease?”

“Ver good! Thank you!”

"When the blood pressure is too low, what
substance is increased to increase the blood “The Blood/heart rate”

“Ver good! Thank you!”

“When the blood pressure is too high, what

substance is decreased to decrease the blood
pressure level?”

“Correct! Very good!”

“That will be the end of our discussion for the topic

about feedback mechanism.”
D. EXPLAIN “Have you learned a lot with the discussion?” “Yes, Sir “
(leads to Formative “Who can share something about what we have (Answer may vary)
Assessment ) learned on our discussion for today?

“What is feedback mechanism? “Feedback mechanism is a physiological

regulatory system that either returns the body to a
normal internal state or, less commonly, brings an
internal system further away from homeostasis.”

“Ver good! Thank you for your answer!

“What are the two types of feedback mechanism? “positive and negative feedback”

“Ver good! Thank you for your answer!

“What are the examples of positive feedback? “Milk production, blood clotting, labor contraction”

“Ver good! Thank you for your answer!

“What are the examples of negative feedback?” “Temperature regulation, Controlled glucose
levels, and Regulation of Blood pressure”
“Ver good! Thank you for your answer!

“You really had listened to our discussion. That

will be the end of our lesson with regards to
homeostasis and feedback mechanism.”

“Do you have any questions, clarifications, “None sir”

additions or violent reactions with regards to our
lesson for today?”
E. ELABORATE “We will have an activity with regards to the lesson
Finding practical that we discussed for today.”
application of
concepts and skills
in daily living, “The activity is entitled as “Just go with the flow”
and abstractions Group Activity: Just go with the flow
about the lesson

Based from the activity that you had, what is your
realizations and insights with regards to that


1. What is a feedback mechanism?

A. A physiological regulation system in a living body that works to return the body to its normal internal
B. A physiological regulation system in a living body that works to return the body to its abnormal
internal state
C. A physiological regulation system in a living body that works to prevent the body from returning to its
normal internal state
D. A physiological regulation system in a living body that works to avoid the body from returning to its
normal internal state

2. When a response to a stimulus is increased, __________ is happening.

A. Feedback mechanism
B. Positive Feedback
C. Negative Feedback
D. Homeostasis

3. When a response to a stimulus is decreased or reduced, ____________is happening.

A. Feedback mechanism
B. Positive feedback
C. Negative feedback
D. Homeostasis

4. Blood clotting is an example of __________ feedback.

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Positive or negative
D. Neutral

5. Regulating Blood Glucose Level is a __________ feedback.

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. positive or negative
D. Neutral

6. Childbirth or labor contractions is an examples of positive feedback. What hormones are continuously
generated and increased during this process that enables uterine contractions?
A. Testosterone
B. Insulin
C. Oxytocin
D. Estrogen

7. All of the following is an examples of positive feedback, EXCEPT:

A. Labor contractions
B. Body temperature regulation
C. Blood cloth
D. Milk production

8. This body system commands and send instructions to other body systems to maintain homeostasis.
A. Endocrine system
B. Circulatory system
C. Reproductive system
D. Nervous system

9. It is one of the components of the feedback mechanism that detects and transmits changes in the
environment or irregularities to the control center.
A. Receptor
B. Control center
C. Effector
D. Translatror

10. Homeostasis is better understood as the _________?

A. Exchange of substances that sustain life.

B. Energy flow within the embryo.
C. Stable internal environment
D. Overall functions of life in the womb

11-15. Based on your own understanding, compare and contrast negative and positive feedback
mechanisms. (5pts.)

G. Additional ASSIGNMENT:
activities for
application or Research for other examples of positive and negative feedback. Cite the references properly.
V. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this
week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your
instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other


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