Hydrodynamic Drives For
Hydrodynamic Drives For
Hydrodynamic Drives For
The fluid coupling concept uses the Another feature of a fluid coupling is its
principle of torque transmission by means ability to work also as a lube oil system,
of fluid circulation between two impellers. which is required if the pump and/or motor
The mechanical energy from the driver operates with sleeve bearings. Therefore, a
is converted into kinetic energy through separate lube oil system is not required.
the pump wheel, hence into energy of Closing the general overview with the
the fluid flow (oil), and from there it is VFD option, it should be noted that there
again converted back to mechanical is talk of sophisticated technology with
energy in the turbine wheel. The speed a lot of components adding substantial
of the turbine wheel can be changed by complexity to project layouts. A typical
changing the amount of circulating oil 4 megawatt (MW) 6 kilovolt (kV) VFD
(using a scooped pipe or scoop tube, such consists of a transformer section, a couple
machines are called fluid couplings), or of power grids sections, a control section
by using adjustable vanes (such machines and requires quite a lot of space compared
are called torque converters). with a fluid coupling: approximately
Since there is no direct metal contact 6,000 millimeter (mm) width, 1,500 mm
between the driver and the driven machine depth and 3,000 mm height.
(oil acts as the medium that transmits the
torque), wear is not typical for this type of Comparing Economic Criteria of
U torque transmission. Different Control Methods
v The design and main components of In this article, the following example
the fluid coupling are shown in Image and comparison of three main economic
2. The oil flow circulates through the oil criteria are considered: capital expenditure
B f cooler by means of an oil pump, which is (capex), energy savings and maintenance
• R d driven by the driver’s shaft via a gear. The costs. The application is as follows:
oil flow is fed to the pump wheel, which is • boiler feed water pump on a combined
d w
rigidly coupled to the drive shaft, where cycle power plant
• S fy it is accelerated and discharged to the • network voltage: 6 kV
turbine wheel, which is rigidly coupled to • motor rated power: 4 MW
• E the shaft of the driven machine (pump). • four operating points: pumps run eight
Changing the position of the scoop tube months per year on the nominal point
changes the amount of oil contributing (pump head of 2,030 meters [m] and
to the power transmission process. The capacity of 580 cubic meters [m3/h])
Try a Switch-Rated resulting consequence: more oil in the and four months per year on other
device for FREE. fluid coupling increases the output three points (reduced speed: 95%, 90%
Scan QR code speed to the pump or, vice versa. There is and 85% of the nominal pump speed)
to learn more. always a minimum slip of around 2% that • pump and motor use sleeve bearings
Check 132 on index.
remains to transmit energy between the • energy price of 0.10 euro per kilowatt
pump wheel and the turbine wheel. Image per hour (kWh) and annual inflation
3 shows how the coupling performs along of 1.5%
the characteristic curve according to the
scoop tube position. The typical speed Split of capex for all the three control
control range by means of fluid coupling options are shown on Image 4 where the
20% to 98% of the motor speed. following is noted:
IMAGE 5: Maintenance cost dynamics for fluid coupling and VFD IMAGE 6: Affinity Law equation
speed in case of direct drive. In the case discharge line, hydraulic system curves are Image 7 shows energy savings
of usage of a fluid coupling, pump speed getting steeper and points 2, 3 and 4 are over throttling. This chart takes into
is equal to the fluid coupling output shaft reached. In the case of speed control, the consideration the operating scenario,
speed which is a bit lower than motor speed pump curve moves down based on affinity analyzes consumed power and efficiency of
due to slip in a fluid coupling. To maintain laws and the operating points 2, 3 and 4 are the motor and details fluid coupling
the same head and capacity values, pump reached. Affinity laws also allow to draw the over VFD—including integrated transformer
manufacturers use different impeller trim pump consumed power curves. Since the and its auxiliary equipment. Both options
(larger diameter) which usually does not pump’s consumed power is changing to the allow savings over throttle control in a
cause any change in price. So, the pump power of three of pump’s speed, it shows 30-year lifetime.
still works in operating point 1 for all three that all the operating points reached by Summarizing all three main economic
control options as nominal. By means of speed control require less power compared aspects (capex, maintenance cost and
closing the throttle valve on the pump’s to throttling. energy savings), it shows that both speed
The Hydraulic Institute, through collaboration of our members and partners, create publications
that are focused on advancing and educating the pump industry.
Standards Free
• ANSI/HI 9.6.4 Rotodynamic Pumps
• Successful Coordination of
for Vibration Measurement and
Variable Frequency Drives in
Allowable Values
Pumping Systems
• ANSI/HI 9.6.6 Rotodynamic Pumps
• Vibration Characteristics of
for Pump Piping
Stationary Engine Driven
• ANSI/HI 14.6 Rotodynamic Pumps
Rotodynamic Pump Systems
for Hydraulic Performance
• Specifications of Test
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