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Hydrodynamic Drives For

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Hydrodynamic Drives for

Industrial Pump Applications
Boiler feed pump application example shows increased reliability, low maintenance cost
and energy savings.


Power and electricity are an essential part

of modern life and important to the world’s
economy. Global energy trends show
demand for smart technological solutions
which must provide the highest possible
IMAGE 1: Different methods of pump control (Images courtesy of Voith Turbo)
reliability and withstand all upcoming
hazards. The strict requirements of the
standards applied in these industries must
be followed to ensure safe operation. The
modern economic paradigm also dictates a
need to maximize operational efficiency.
Rotating equipment, and industrial
pumps in particular, is the most critical
equipment in terms of both reliability and
efficiency. Proper selection of an industrial
pump is important for the whole process.
Modern industrial pumps must also ensure
IMAGE 2: Fluid coupling design and components
high efficiency within various operation
1 - pump wheel, 2 - turbine wheel, 3 - shell, 4 - scoop tube housing, 5 - scoop tube, 6 - oil cooler,
regimes where not only head and capacity 7 - oil pump, 8 - oil tank
are changing, but also fluid data such
as specific gravity and viscosity. Pump the pump via a coupling (usually spacer equipped with an insulated bearing as
regulation is commonly used to fulfill type). Control of pump head and capacity well as VFD-suitable motors with a higher
this requirement. is then done via a throttle valve installed service factor compared to the fixed speed
This article describes different ways of on the pump’s discharge line. A high level motors. This may lead to a bigger motor
pump regulation with its highlights and of wear in the throttle valve and a huge frame size and additional related costs.
shows total cost of ownership for various drop down in efficiency makes this control Application of a fluid coupling allows
applications. In this article, users will learn method limited in application and is using a standard fixed speed motor, which
how speed regulation and application of a usually used if only a narrow control range is an additional benefit in terms of price
fluid coupling in particular helps increase is required. and reliability.
reliability and efficiency of the whole Both methods, via a fluid coupling
operational process. or a VFD, use speed control. In the case
of a VFD application, the pump and the
Different Methods of Pump Control motor (typically coupled via a spacer type
Image 1 shows three main methods of coupling) are rotating at the same speed
pump control: throttling, usage of a fluid given by the VFD. In the fluid coupling
coupling and an electric variable frequency option, a standard fixed speed motor is
drive (VFD). used, and the speed control is done via the
In the case of throttle control, the pump fluid coupling. So, VFD and fluid coupling
is driven directly by means of a fixed speed applications require different motors. In IMAGE 3: Hydrodynamic coupling characteristic
electric motor being rigidly connected to the case of VFD control, a motor must be curve



IMAGE 4: Split of capex for different control options

The fluid coupling concept uses the Another feature of a fluid coupling is its
principle of torque transmission by means ability to work also as a lube oil system,
of fluid circulation between two impellers. which is required if the pump and/or motor
The mechanical energy from the driver operates with sleeve bearings. Therefore, a
is converted into kinetic energy through separate lube oil system is not required.
the pump wheel, hence into energy of Closing the general overview with the
the fluid flow (oil), and from there it is VFD option, it should be noted that there
again converted back to mechanical is talk of sophisticated technology with
energy in the turbine wheel. The speed a lot of components adding substantial
of the turbine wheel can be changed by complexity to project layouts. A typical
changing the amount of circulating oil 4 megawatt (MW) 6 kilovolt (kV) VFD
(using a scooped pipe or scoop tube, such consists of a transformer section, a couple
machines are called fluid couplings), or of power grids sections, a control section
by using adjustable vanes (such machines and requires quite a lot of space compared
are called torque converters). with a fluid coupling: approximately
Since there is no direct metal contact 6,000 millimeter (mm) width, 1,500 mm
between the driver and the driven machine depth and 3,000 mm height.
(oil acts as the medium that transmits the
torque), wear is not typical for this type of Comparing Economic Criteria of
U torque transmission. Different Control Methods
v The design and main components of In this article, the following example
the fluid coupling are shown in Image and comparison of three main economic
2. The oil flow circulates through the oil criteria are considered: capital expenditure
B f cooler by means of an oil pump, which is (capex), energy savings and maintenance
• R d driven by the driver’s shaft via a gear. The costs. The application is as follows:
oil flow is fed to the pump wheel, which is • boiler feed water pump on a combined
d w
rigidly coupled to the drive shaft, where cycle power plant
• S fy it is accelerated and discharged to the • network voltage: 6 kV
turbine wheel, which is rigidly coupled to • motor rated power: 4 MW
• E the shaft of the driven machine (pump). • four operating points: pumps run eight
Changing the position of the scoop tube months per year on the nominal point
changes the amount of oil contributing (pump head of 2,030 meters [m] and
to the power transmission process. The capacity of 580 cubic meters [m3/h])
Try a Switch-Rated resulting consequence: more oil in the and four months per year on other
device for FREE. fluid coupling increases the output three points (reduced speed: 95%, 90%
Scan QR code speed to the pump or, vice versa. There is and 85% of the nominal pump speed)
to learn more. always a minimum slip of around 2% that • pump and motor use sleeve bearings
Check 132 on index.

remains to transmit energy between the • energy price of 0.10 euro per kilowatt
pump wheel and the turbine wheel. Image per hour (kWh) and annual inflation
3 shows how the coupling performs along of 1.5%
the characteristic curve according to the
scoop tube position. The typical speed Split of capex for all the three control
control range by means of fluid coupling options are shown on Image 4 where the
20% to 98% of the motor speed. following is noted:


• Direct driven pump unit requires a throttle discharge valve
which is a part of the hydraulic system and is not considered
in the current study; however, this should also be noted by
designing the whole hydraulic system.
• Pumps are the same for all three pump units: a pump for a
fluid coupling option could have a large impeller diameter to DP Multistage Stainless Steel Pumps Make Service Easy
compensate fluid coupling’s slip. Usually, it is just a different
impeller trim which is not causing change in cost.
Dimensionally Interchangeable
• Direct drive and fluid coupling options use a fixed speed
motor while a VFD option uses a special motor suitable for with Competitive Vertical Pumps
VFD (with an isolated bearing). Cost increase for this
special motor execution is usually +5% to the fixed speed Low NPSH First Stage
motor price. • No Motor Change
• Direct drive and VFD driven pump units use the same • Highest Efficiency
baseplate; the baseplate for a fluid coupling option is
usually a bit longer since a fluid coupling is installed directly Easy Access Seal
on the baseplate between the pump and the motor. • Keep 7.5 HP & Larger Motors
However, if a lube oil system is required and should be
in Place During Easy &
installed on the baseplate, the footprint for all the three
options is almost equal.
Speedy Seal Changes
• Fluid coupling option requires two connecting couplings DPV
per unit while direct drive and VFD option require only one
• Vertical Multistage
per unit; however, connection couplings cost is almost
neglectable for all three options.
• AISI 304 or 316 SS
• VFD cost itself is more expensive compared to fluid coupling’s Construction
cost; VFDs also require cabinets with auxiliaries (HVAC • Accepts Standard NEMA
system); depending on the project a separate proper clean C Face Motor
room could be required—this could lead to construction costs
which were not considered within the current study but must
be observed on the power plant design phase.
• Total capex for the pump unit with fluid couplings is 41%
higher compared to direct driven pump unit; VFD driven
pump unit is twice as expensive in capex compared to the
direct driven pump unit.

Considering throttle valve reliability and maintenance

cost for both speed regulations options, the fluid coupling is a
mechanical piece of equipment. This is a centrifugal machine
working on oil, which requires little annual maintenance. Major
overhaul is usually once per eight years. A VFD on the other
hand, usually requires more spare parts and works on an annual
basis. Also, major overhauls over a lifetime are more frequently
executed. Image 5 shows maintenance cost dynamics for
30 years for both variable speed drives (VSDs): fluid coupling and
VFD. Data is based on market expertise and operator feedback.
The pump runs eight months per year at the rated point
and the other four months on reduced capacity. Image 6 shows
Check 122 on index.

pump curves for these operating points and related pump

power consumption.
Interaction of a system curve (S1, S2, S3, S4) and pump
head-capacity (H-Q) curves are causing pump operating points.
Operating point 1 is the nominal pump operating point where
the pump works most of the time. The pump H-Q curve here is 313.278.7867 • [email protected] • gpmpumps.com
rated for the nominal motor speed which is equal to the pump


IMAGE 5: Maintenance cost dynamics for fluid coupling and VFD IMAGE 6: Affinity Law equation

speed in case of direct drive. In the case discharge line, hydraulic system curves are Image 7 shows energy savings
of usage of a fluid coupling, pump speed getting steeper and points 2, 3 and 4 are over throttling. This chart takes into
is equal to the fluid coupling output shaft reached. In the case of speed control, the consideration the operating scenario,
speed which is a bit lower than motor speed pump curve moves down based on affinity analyzes consumed power and efficiency of
due to slip in a fluid coupling. To maintain laws and the operating points 2, 3 and 4 are the motor and details fluid coupling
the same head and capacity values, pump reached. Affinity laws also allow to draw the over VFD—including integrated transformer
manufacturers use different impeller trim pump consumed power curves. Since the and its auxiliary equipment. Both options
(larger diameter) which usually does not pump’s consumed power is changing to the allow savings over throttle control in a
cause any change in price. So, the pump power of three of pump’s speed, it shows 30-year lifetime.
still works in operating point 1 for all three that all the operating points reached by Summarizing all three main economic
control options as nominal. By means of speed control require less power compared aspects (capex, maintenance cost and
closing the throttle valve on the pump’s to throttling. energy savings), it shows that both speed

The Hydraulic Institute, through collaboration of our members and partners, create publications
that are focused on advancing and educating the pump industry.

Standards Free
• ANSI/HI 9.6.4 Rotodynamic Pumps
• Successful Coordination of
for Vibration Measurement and
Variable Frequency Drives in
Allowable Values
Pumping Systems
• ANSI/HI 9.6.6 Rotodynamic Pumps
• Vibration Characteristics of
for Pump Piping
Stationary Engine Driven
• ANSI/HI 14.6 Rotodynamic Pumps
Rotodynamic Pump Systems
for Hydraulic Performance
• Specifications of Test
Acceptance Tests
Acceptance Grades

For more information, visit www.pumps.org

Check 124 on index.


planetary gear, which are both installed in
the same housing. Approximately 75% of
the power is transmitted via a planetary
gear, and the remaining 25% is transmitted
via a torque converter. Changing the
position of the guide vanes (shown in green)
adjusts the planet carriers’ speed and
direction of rotation and thus the sun gear
speed is regulated. The sun gear is rigidly
connected to the output shaft which rotates
the driven machine.
There are different ways to regulate
the pump speed; the choice of each is
determined by specific tasks and operating
conditions of each individual project. The
reliability and durability, as well as high
efficiency of fluid couplings and geared
IMAGE 7: Pump curves and different control methods VSDs, make them a good solution for
regulating industrial pumps.
control methods not only provide required only for power market, but also for many
operational modes but also save money. applications in the oil and gas industry.
Many installations worldwide and years Further development of geared VSDs Aleksei Kobzev is a sales manager at Voith Turbo
of operation confirm fluid coupling is a uses a planetary gear and the principle with background in rotating equipment and
pumps in particular. Kobzev may be reached at
reliable, robust and cost-effective solution of separate power transmission. Such a [email protected]. For more information,
when it comes to pump control—not drive consists of a torque converter and a visit voith.com.

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Check 129 on index.


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