MGT 162 Midterm Test DEC 2020 Instructions: Answer All Questions Section A: True/False Questions
MGT 162 Midterm Test DEC 2020 Instructions: Answer All Questions Section A: True/False Questions
MGT 162 Midterm Test DEC 2020 Instructions: Answer All Questions Section A: True/False Questions
DEC 2020
(15 marks)
1. Managers who are able to see the overall relationships among their organizations, its
competitors, its suppliers, and the economy are said to have good conceptual skills. T
2. Middle managers are usually called supervisors and are responsible for directing the day-
to-day activities of operative employees. F
4. Single use plans are designed to be used repeatedly with the objective to bring
consistency to the organization’s operations. F
6. Procedure is more specific and designed to give explicit instruction on how to complete a
recurring task. T
7. Programmed decisions are suitable only for use in highly important organizational
decisions making. F
8. Decision making is the process through which managers and leaders identify and resolve
problems and capitalize on opportunities. T
9. Group decision making is a complex process which can be achieved through several
techniques. T
10. Unity of command refers to the ideas that there should be a clear, unbroken line of
authority from the top to the bottom of an organization. F
11. Tall organizations tend to have long chain of command and narrow span of control. T
12. Departmentalization is the process of dividing the total workload into activities that can be
logically and comfortably be performed by individuals or groups. F
13. Motivation is a psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. T
14. Equity Theory focuses on the individual’s feelings about how fairly he or she is treated in
comparison with others. T
1. When a manager works for a large company such as Toyota or Ford, or a small
company that employs only ten people, the four processes of management remain the
same, these processes are_________
a. planning, organizing, supervising and controlling
b. planning, informing, supervising and controlling
c. planning, organizing, informing and controlling
d. planning, organizing, leading and controlling
4. The process of outlining that activities those are necessary to achieve the goals of the
organization is called as _____________
a. organizing
b. planning
c. controlling
d. staffing
6. The process by which an organization makes plans and decisions, which are focused
on its long run performance, is referred to as ____________
a. operational planning
b. tactical planning
c. strategic planning
d. functional planning
8. The CEO of Indah Permai Sdn Bhd often makes decisions in response to situations
that are unique, unstructured, or poorly defined. These types of decisions are referred
to as ____ decisions.
a. certainty
b. systematic
c. programmed
d. non programmed
10. In this type of organizational structure, the employees will have to report to two bosses:
a) matrix b) product c) geography d) functional
12. The general manager of AANAR Sdn Bhd knows that he cannot do all the tasks in the
company as there is always so much to complete. To make sure that all tasks are
completed within certain period of time, he passes certain tasks to the lower level
managers and some to other staff in the department. This is known as:
a. responsibility b) authority c) delegation d) organization
13. Encik Ali has called several insurance companies to purchase life insurance. What is
the need he is seeking to fulfill?
a) Physiological b) Security c) Affiliation d) Social
14. Haris feels motivated at the office due to several factors like the work itself, recognition,
advancement, a sense of achievement, and responsibilities. Herzberg called these
factors as
a. equities b) expectancies c) motivator d) hygiene
15. If the boss praises the efforts and outcomes of his employees at the conclusion of
advertising campaign, this boss is said to be practicing
a. punishment
b. avoidance
c. negative reinforcement
d. positive reinforcement