1 Answer Introduction: Your Capabilities in The Supply Chain Are Shaped by The Choices You
1 Answer Introduction: Your Capabilities in The Supply Chain Are Shaped by The Choices You
1 Answer Introduction: Your Capabilities in The Supply Chain Are Shaped by The Choices You
Introduction: Your capabilities in the supply chain are shaped by the choices you
make regarding the six drivers. Each of these drivers can be developed and
managed to emphasize responsiveness or efficiency based on shifting business
requirements. When you look into how a supply chain works, you learn about the
demands it faces and the skills it needs to be successful. Make any necessary
adjustments to the supply chain drivers to achieve those capabilities.
Continuous product and service innovation is driven by customer demands and
expectations. Businesses are able to successfully adapt to unforeseen market
fluctuations and shifts in customer preferences when responsiveness is prioritized.
Production Make sure your factories have extra capacity and use flexible
manufacturing methods to make a variety of products to have a responsive supply
chain. Production can quickly pivot to meet changes in consumer demand thanks to
flexibility. Additionally, by reducing delivery times, having multiple, smaller production
facilities close to customer hubs and distribution centres increases consumer
demand responsiveness. By building factories with a lot of extra capacity and using
flexible manufacturing methods to make a wide range of products, this driver can be
very responsive. A business could produce in a number of smaller plants close to
major customer groups for even greater responsiveness and shorter delivery times.
A company can construct factories with very little excess capacity and optimize them
to produce a limited range of goods if efficiency is desired.
Inventory When it comes to inventory, maximizing responsiveness frequently
necessitates stocking additional warehouse locations and higher product levels. With
effective inventory, it is possible to quickly respond to unanticipated shifts in demand.
However, the advantages of widespread availability must be balanced against the
higher storage costs of this method.
Being able to respond quickly is made possible by having a large stock of various
products. By keeping inventory close to customers and easily accessible, stocking
products in multiple locations increases responsiveness. All items, particularly those
that do not sell as frequently, would need to be reduced in inventory levels in order to
improve inventory management efficiency. Additionally, economies of scale and cost
savings can be achieved by stocking inventory in a limited number of central
locations, such as regional distribution centres (DCs).
Location Priority Maximizing convenience by establishing a large number of locations
close to customer groups is frequently done in order to prioritize responsiveness for
the location driver. By opening numerous locations in markets with a high volume of
customers, fast-food restaurants, for instance, use location to be extremely
responsive to their customers. While operating a large number of stores raises
operating costs, they are able to respond quickly to consumer demand thanks to
their numerous sites.
E-commerce retailers, for instance, serve large geographical markets from a few
central locations that carry out a variety of tasks. Efficiency is achieved through
centralized activities and working from a few locations. E-commerce retailers' ability
to serve global markets from a few central locations while simultaneously carrying
out a wide range of tasks is one illustration of location efficiency. This improves the
efficiency of each site, but it also makes them more susceptible to disruptions like
the coronavirus outbreak.
Faster modes of transportation, like air freight, allow for quicker delivery times and
greater response flexibility, despite their higher costs. FedEx and UPS are two
companies that provide high levels of responsiveness in last-mile delivery and use
transportation to deliver goods within 48 hours. Fast and adaptable modes of
transportation, like trucks and airplanes, can be responsive. By using transportation
to deliver their goods within 48 hours or less, many businesses that sell their
products online or through catalogues can offer high levels of responsiveness.
Two businesses that are capable of providing prompt transportation services are
UPS and FedEx.
Utilizing bulk carriers like ships or railroads to move goods in smaller, more frequent
batches improves transportation efficiency. This mode of transportation is more
effective when goods originate from a single, centralized distribution centre rather
than multiple distinct locations.
The power of information as a driver grows as technology for collecting and sharing
information becomes more accessible, easier to use, and less expensive. Analytics
software improves supply chain drivers' performance by making decisions based on
internal and external data. Your supply chain should collect and share timely,
accurate data from the previous four operational drivers for maximum efficiency. As
technology for collecting and sharing information becomes more widely available,
simpler to use, and less expensive, this driver's power increases. Like money,
information is a very valuable commodity because it can directly improve the
performance of the other four drivers of the supply chain. By collecting and
disseminating accurate data that is generated in a timely manner by the operations
of the other four drivers, businesses can achieve high levels of responsiveness.
Sourcing is another important part of supply chain management. A specific location
or company from which goods are obtained is referred to as a source. The process
of purchasing or procuring the appropriate materials from the appropriate supplier in
the appropriate quantities, of the appropriate quality, in the appropriate condition, at
the appropriate time, and at the appropriate price is known as sourcing. Since they
are not the same thing, outsourcing and sourcing should not be confused. Parts,
assemblies, and other services that were previously performed within a company
can now be purchased from outside sources through outsourcing.
Suppliers can increase economies of scale and invest in capacity or processes to
provide better customer service by purchasing in bulk. A buyer company is more
likely to run out of stock if supply is delayed when it relies on a single supply source.
Managers are in charge of deciding which tasks to outsource to a single supplier or a
group of suppliers, as well as making "make or buy" decisions. In order to enhance
supply chain performance (materials, information, and funds flow), managers select
suppliers and negotiate contracts with them.
The procurement process, which includes placing and delivering orders, is important
after the sourcing process is finished. Because they have an impact on the
responsiveness and efficiency of the supply chain, sourcing decisions are crucial to
logistics and supply chain management.
CONCLUSION: The framework that supply chain drivers provide is useful for
evaluating the capabilities of the supply chain. A supply chain's ability to strike a
balance between responsiveness and efficiency will be determined by the actions
taken by each driver.
The capabilities of the supply chain will be affected by your choices for the six
drivers. Based on the changing requirements of the business, each of these drivers
can be constructed and managed to prioritize responsiveness or efficiency. You'll
learn about the requirements a supply chain must meet and the skills it needs to
succeed as you study how it works.
2nd Answer
Introduction: Typically, every possible product would go through a PLC, which
consists of four phases (Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline). If one maps a
new e-learning method like adaptive learning to these four phases, they should be
able to design and market our courses better. In addition, the best marketing
strategies for each stage of the PLC would be identified.
The Idea and Its Application:
E-learning adoption would be low at the beginning. Adoption would rise quickly
during the growth phase. Adoption would reach its highest point during the maturity
stage, and during the decline stage, it would gradually decline.
This could be a result of two reasons; There are better options that would satisfy the
same need, or perhaps the decline is the result of customers' shifting preferences.
However, learning is unlikely to decline in the context of e-learning. In point of fact,
the PLC is currently in decline in many businesses, whereas e-learning requires a
lengthy PLC. During the growth phase, more customers may demand courses
tailored to their students, and software may also be developed to meet this demand.
The method has the potential to spread worldwide, and each vendor would offer
"adapted" content. There would eventually be a decline whenever a brand-new
technology was introduced.
In conclusion, this alone will not be sufficient. We should go one step further and
treat every e-learning course with the same seriousness as we would treat a product
in order to guarantee complete customer satisfaction.
A vendor's chances of increasing its share of the E-learning market would increase if
they acknowledged the course's shelf life and ensured its reusability.
Students and educators at all educational levels have been compelled by the
coronavirus pandemic to quickly adjust to online learning. The effect of this and the
advancement expected to make it work, could forever change how instruction is
The Coronavirus pandemic would compel the world to participate in the utilization of
virtual learning.
Additionally, despite the fact that online and distance learning have previously been
utilized to maintain educational continuity, the current crisis's magnitude is
unprecedented. In addition, speculation began regarding the long-term effects of this
and the possible future of education post-Covid. Some individuals require an
immediate return to classroom traditions. However, for some people, the forced
transition to online education signifies a time of transition and a chance to rethink the
delivery of education.
In addition, electronic resources and activities, which would now be incorporated into
experiences of online learning, saw increased adoption and availability in 2020.
Zoom and Google Meet are two examples of online conferencing systems that have
made it possible for experts from all over the world to join online classrooms and
record presentations so that students can watch them at their own convenience.
In addition, innovations like virtual labs and field trips frequently resulted from the
significance of hands-on, experiential learning.
The Covid-19 pandemic typically has a long-lasting effect on the design lesson as
well. The pandemic's constraints provided educators with an opportunity to consider
novel approaches to teaching the targeted concepts. The experience provided a rare
opportunity to reconsider strategies that may best facilitate learning within the
affordances and constraints of the online context, despite the forced and hurried
rethinking of instructional approaches.
The standards on which educational credits are based are rarely, if ever, not even
aligned with the psychological principles of how humans learn, which would continue
to raise questions about the significance of "seat time." This is especially true given
the wide range of activities for learning and teaching.
The pandemic has accelerated the eradication of these boundaries, despite the fact
that the lines between traditional and distance education have been blurring for a
number of decades.
Conclusion: In the online setting, significant changes to learning outcomes have
been determined. Numerous educators have completely altered assessment
strategies, eliminated assignments, and altered the methods by which students'
achievement is measured. This change involves determining how students learn
through online delivery strategies like interactive discussions, student-led instruction,
and the use of games to increase both motivation and attention. More authentic
experiences that involve the meaningful application of newly acquired skills and
knowledge, as well as flexible or extended deadlines for assignment completion, are
among the changes that are likely to continue.
3rd Answer
Introduction: An organization's combination of marketing activities to promote and
sell intangible services, as opposed to tangible products, is known as the "service
marketing mix." The extended marketing mix is another name for the services
marketing mix.
In essence, SOTC ought to concentrate on people, promotion, product or package
selection, and pricing, which is crucial.
The Idea and Its Application:
Product: Since fewer people will travel outside of India in this scenario, SOTC should
reconsider their package tour offerings to focus on domestic visits. In India, religious
sites like temples and shrines might attract more visitors. Border restrictions will
lessen as the number of active cases decreases, and there may be a few inquiries
about future travel. This may not necessarily indicate an increase in revenue right
away for SOTC. The SOTC-enacted cost-cutting measures must be continued
during this stage. Traveling domestically (within India) and to a few European nations
free of COVID-19 is likely to occur before international travel opens up completely,
so for outbound tour operators, switching to domestic tourism is a smart way to give
your business an opportunity to generate income sooner. Self-driving visits can
ascend in fame, alongside going in train as it empowers the travelers to avoid each
other effectively when contrasted with a plane.
Place: By streamlining digital touchpoints that make it easier for customers to cancel
and rebook through SOTC's own website, where information on tours can be
obtained, direct bookings can be made, and payment can be made through mobile
wallets, online banking, or credit/debit cards, SOTC can reduce call center volumes.
By automating the use of natural language processing software, SOTC can
seamlessly integrate their digital and call center teams to analyse calls and meet
customer demands across all channels. Additionally, they can craft proactive
messages to answer common questions and distribute via email, social media, and
the internet rather than brochures and pamphlets. Additionally, SOTC is able to write
a reactive script that enables representatives of customer service to handle intimate
one-on-one interactions.
Promotion: Through platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, SOTC ought to
make effective use of social media promotions. They can promote their tour
packages by using customer testimonials on travel portals, virtual tour videos on
their websites and social media channels, and a focus on safety and social distance.
Livestreaming from local venues that let people listen to performances, look at
artifacts from museums, or walk through a park from the comfort of their homes. It is
possible for SOTC to spread positivity, shift their focus, and post more about
wellness, self-care, the outdoors, and even tips for the home. For instance, they can
inform customers about the guidelines for social distance and the significance of
travel hygiene. In a similar vein, they can launch a campaign to raise awareness of
food safety while traveling among the company's patrons and customers.
Conclusion: In order to personalize digital interactions and enable social distancing,
the tour company would also need to partner with hotels and airlines that accelerate
their investments in "no touch" technologies like biometrics, gesture controls, and
automation. A thought of this can be carried out at air terminals and lodgings, by
introducing booths that utilization facial acknowledgment to assist voyagers with
really taking a look at their flight status and track down their door.
Introduction: Any recovery strategy frequently incorporates cost-effective
strategies. In order to achieve cost efficiency, businesses prefer turnaround
strategies because they are simple to implement, require less capital, and have
almost immediate effects. The cutting back on research and development is one of
the cost-focused turnaround strategies. A brand's research and development (R&D)
process involves acquiring new information and applying it to the development of
new products that have the potential to reduce accounts receivable, eliminate pay
increases, diversify investment, and reduce marketing activities.
The Idea and Its Application:
Through finance restructuring, the measures frequently come with a reduction in the
burden of debt repayment. However, there is always a risk associated with such an
As a turnaround recovery strategy for the tourism company SOTC, which faces an
increase in staff turnover as a result of a decrease in employee morale, the company
can rely on cost reduction.
The satisfaction, outlook, and overall well-being of an employee at work are all
referred to as employee morale. Additionally, strategies of cost-efficiency frequently
harm resources necessary to maintain the company's core focus.
Strategies for reducing assets: After a cost-efficiency drive, SOTC must pursue asset
retrenchment due to performance decline. Under this strategy, underperforming
areas would be evaluated and either eliminated or made more efficient.
The ability of a business to generate cash flows is required for the benefit of asset
retrenchment to work as a turnaround recovery strategy. An organization might, for
instance, dispose of its previous assets in order to raise funds or invest in new ones.
The repositioning strategy, also known as, aims to change the market's position and
introduce new innovations in order to generate revenue. This involves altering the
company's image or mission, developing new products, expanding into new markets,
and evaluating other potential sources of revenue.
Conclusion: Strategies aimed at achieving cost-efficiency should be used to recover
the SOTC's decline in sales and profits. By balancing supply and demand, the brand
can lower its production costs and safeguard its image. Additionally, job losses may
occur as a result of the consolidation of product operations. A third-party provider
can also take over the brand's distribution of parts and accessories.