Digital Transformation: of Sales and Marketing

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of sales and marketing

Dijaspora za razvoj (D4D) je projekat Ministarstva za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH i
Vlade Švicarske, u partnerstvu sa UNDP BiH i IOM BiH.
of sales and marketing


6 1. Introduction

8 2. Purpose of the manual

9 3. Establishment and maintenance of an e-commerce system

11 4. The process of establishment of an e-commerce system

13 4.1. Assessment of the digital potential of a company

26 4.2. Market research
29 4.3. Selection of an e-commerce platform
33 4.4. Defining the order fulfilment process and payment method
33 Order fulfilment process
36 Payment method
36 Legal regulations applicable to e-commerce
36 4.5. Defining a marketing plan
48 4.6. Development of an e-commerce road map
48 Summary
49 Company profile
49 Market analysis
49 Marketing plan
49 Management and organisation
50 Operating plan
51 Financial plan

52 References

53 Appendices

6 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

List of images

12 Image 1: The process of e-commerce system establishment

14 Image 2: Digital pulse areas
28 Image 3: Market research steps
29 Image 4: SWOT analysis
30 Image 5: Alternatives for the selection of an e-commerce platform
35 Image 6: Order fulfilment process
37 Image 7: Marketing plan development steps
39 Image 8: The most frequent types of e-commerce goals
50 Image 9: Digital transformation road map – document structure

List of tables

21 Table 1: Summary of recommendations by digital pulse areas


BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina

B2B Business-to-Business
B2C Business-to-Consumer
C2C Consumer-to-Business
C2C Consumer-to-Consumer
CRM Customer relationship management
e-trgovina Electronic commerce
ERP Enterprise resource planning
FBiH Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
IT Information technology
KPI Key performance indicators
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
PDCA Plan – Do – Check - Act/Adjust
PPC Pay per Click
RWD Responsive web design
SaaS Software as a Service
SEO Search engine optimisation
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
UNDP United Nations Development Programme

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 7

1. Introduction

As a result of the accelerated development of digital technologies, private companies

throughout the world are adopting digital transformation as a manner of evolving the-
ir business operations in a digital era. Digital transformation in the private sector may
offer a wide array of advantages, including a more efficient delivery of products and
services, higher efficiency, improved management of customer relations, reduced costs
and higher revenues for companies. In addition to this, the Covid-19 pandemic caused
market instability and forced companies to adapt to ensuing changes. Digital techno-
logies and the Internet were used as primary means of overcoming difficulties in such
a situation. The pandemic has shown that digital transformation is not only useful, but
also necessary in order for a company to be efficient and sustainable. During the pan-
demic, digital transformation (DT) consisted of digitalisation of communication with all
stakeholders and of distribution channels. Considering the social isolation and social
distancing, digital communication enabled companies to ensure continuity of economic
activities. Information technologies (IT) have become crucial for the competitiveness of
a company more than ever before, since creating value for clients and other stakehol-
ders increasingly depend on this.

Digital transformation is the process of inclusion of digital technologies for the purpose
of improving any segment of business operations, from a product of service, over busi-
ness processes, to user experience in order to respond to variable business and market

If your business is not

on the Internet then
your business will be
out of business.

Bill Gates

8 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Digital transformation of sale implies the establishment of e-commerce. E-commerce
has increasingly become a critical component of business strategies and a catalyst of
business success and economic development of economies. Online sale is a growing
trend in different industries, from start-ups, over small and medium enterprises, to large
corporations. E-commerce has numerous advantages, such as the possibility to directly
communicate with the target group of consumers and the fact that such communication
is not limited by physical space or time constraints.

E-commerce implies the purchase and sale of goods and services or transfer of funds
or data through the Internet. The most frequent forms of such transactions are B2B
(business-to-business), B2C (business-to-consumer), C2C (consumer-to-consumer) or
C2B (consumer-to-business) transactions. E-commerce is a segment of digital busine-
ss operations of companies that implies the use of digital technologies in internal and
external business operations.

Numerous factors contribute to the success of online business operations. Of course,

a pre-requisite for it is proactivity, which implies a systematic approach to online ope-
rations and development of e-commerce. It starts with a well-defined set of goals that
constitute the basis of plans. Plans for the establishment of online operations are typi-
cally made in the form of an ‘’e-commerce road map’’. The Manual for the Development
of a Road Map for the Digital Transformation of Sales and Marketing was drawn up in the
framework of the UNDP project Diaspora for Development (D4D) in order to provide pra-
ctical and simple guidelines for managers and entrepreneurs and enable them to impro-
ve business processes and responses to business challenges by using digital solutions.

A road map for the digital transformation of sales and marketing (e-commerce road
map) should deal with numerous issues, and this manual aims to provide the basic gui-
delines for the development of an e-commerce road map. Such a road map is one of the
most essential strategic documents of a company. However, many companies struggle
with its development, and many of them also start their e-commerce map development
without a clear plan, which frequently leads to failure. In this respect, guidelines for a
successful implementation of the e-commerce and e-commerce road map development
may be extremely useful for any company that aims at a digitalisation of its sales.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 9

2. Purpose of the manual

The digital transformation of a company refers to the process from the idea about the
introduction of digital technologies in business operations to their full implementation
and integration. It also includes human resources, since it is not sufficient to only intro-
duce digital technologies. It is extremely important to also optimise business processes
and train the staff on how to use such technology. Digital transformation may relate to
any business operations segment, such as sales, digital marketing, digitalisation and
automatisation of business processes, digital procurement, etc. Digital transformation
of sales implies an automatisation of the sales process, but also the establishment of
an e-commerce system or sale of goods/services online. From a business perspective,
e-commerce changes the way in which a seller and clients communicate. On the one
hand, e-commerce makes it possible to provide information to consumers and enable
them to buy online without going to a store. On the other hand, sellers have the chance
to use new ways of interaction with consumers by means of information technology.

This constitutes a big opportunity for companies. Given the continuous growth and enor-
mous technological achievements over the past ten years, more and more companies
introduce e-commerce in their plans. However, how can one start online sales? For this
very reason, the manual provides guidelines on the process of introducing or improving
e-commerce. The manual also provides answers to two essential questions:

• What are the key steps for the establishment of an e-commerce system or
development of an e-commerce road map?
• What are the elements (structure) of the e-commerce road map?

In addition to this, the manual also includes the key resources needed for successful

The purpose of the manual is to provide clear and simple

guidelines to private companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina on
how to optimise their business processes by adopting informa-
tion technologies and help them define their own e-commerce
road map.

10 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

3. Establishment and main-
tenance of an e-commerce

The establishment of an e-commerce system at a company is a project with a start and

end. The start is defined by initiating the process and planning the project itself, and the
end is defined by meeting of project goals, i.e. the establishment of the e-commerce
system. It is important to note that companies must be agile and flexible regarding their
e-commerce and continuously monitor changes in the market and improve their system.
The easiest approach to the establishment of a system (including e-commerce) and its
continuous optimisation is the PDCA cycle (Plan – Do – Check - Act/Adjust), an iterative
approach to project design and management, which is frequently used for continuous
optimisation of processes, products/services and control.

PDCA implies the following phases:

• Plan – Developing a plan

The purpose of the plan of a certain project is to answer to questions such
as who, what, when, how and why before the implementation starts. In simple
terms, the plan turns the vision and goals into specific objectives. In order for
an e-commerce plan to be comprehensive and useful for a company, it is nece-
ssary to follow certain steps and include the right components.

• Do – Implementing the plan

Implementation turns a plan into actions that make it possible to achieve the de-
fined goals. The planning process itself is important, but a plan or road map do
not guarantee that the desired effect will be achieved. It is necessary to clearly
manage the process of implementation of the plan in a controlled environment
and all stakeholders must know their roles and responsibilities.

• Check – Evaluating the results

In this phase, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of the plan and
identify potentially problematic parts of the current process. In the process of
planning, the company will decide what are the goals of the e-commerce project
and what indicators it will use to measure progress towards the achievement
of the goals it defined. In this phase, it is necessary to apply the identified in-
dicators and evaluate the success of the project. The results of the evaluation
carried out in this phase will be the basis for adopting decisions on the next

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 11

• Act/Adjust – Maintaining and updating the plan
The success of the project has been evaluated in the previous phase. That also
included the identification of potential problems, which is a basis for changes
that must be implemented in this phase. In other words, the plan is updated,
re-adopted and implemented in this phase.



establishment /
improvement of e-com-
merce - continuous impro-
Plan vements in compliance
with market changes
and customer



12 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

4. The process of establish-
ment of an e-commerce

The establishment of an e-commerce system implies the introduction of new product

and service distribution channels, and therefore also new business processes. In case
of a company that is at the very beginning of its path towards e-commerce, this also
implies the need to assign new duties to existing employees or hire new employees. In
case of e-commerce, it is necessary to implement the order fulfilment process, i.e. an
employee must continuously enter and update data on the offer of the company (pro-
ducts and services) in the web store, an employee must receive orders and package the
goods, an employee must deliver goods, an employee must be in charge of customer su-
pport, etc. However, if a company has implemented certain business applications (such
as ERP, a supply chain management app), the e-commerce system may be integrated in
the existing systems and thereby significantly automatise the sales process. An analysis
of the current situation or an assessment of the digital potential of a company is there-
fore a basis of a systematic approach to digital changes at a company. In simple terms,
it is necessary to first analyse the current situation or the readiness of a company for
digital transformation, and then define goals and create a plan on how such goals will
be achieved. A document containing the results of the analysis and defined goals and
activities may be treated as a strategic plan, action plan or digital transformation road
map of the company. In other words, an e-commerce road map includes goals, planned
timelines and necessary resources.

A road map is a business plan that helps companies keep their focus on a pre-defined
set of goals. If one of the goals of the company is to sell its products/services online, an
e-commerce road map should serve as a path towards the goal. A digital transformation
road map consists of a list of activities by the priority of their implementation, which
requires a previous well-integrated and systematic assessment of the digital readiness
of the company or current situation. The implementation of digital transformation road
map measures will result in significant changes at the company, since it will speed up
and facilitate business operations, expand the market and increase revenues. The pre-
paration of a digital transformation road map of a company implies continuous dedicati-
on to specificities of the company and the industry in which it operates.

The image below shows a proposal for the establishment of an e-commerce system for
companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important to note that the first step of the
proposal constitutes an assessment of the overall digital potential of the company and
ensures a systematic approach to a digital transformation of business operations. Howe-
ver, companies can initiate the establishment of e-commerce also with the second step.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 13

Image 1

The process of e-commerce

system establishment

1 2 3

Digital potential Market Selection of

assessment research e-commerce

• Digital communication • Industry analysis • Online market sales (e.g. OLX)

• Digital customer relations • Understanding the consumers • Establishment of an online
• Digital aspects and employees • Competitor analysis store using one of the existing
• Information and IT security platforms (e.g. Shopify, Woo-
• Digital company management Commerce)
• Digital production and services • Development of a proprietary
(software) platform for an
online store


Assessment of the digital potential

of a company
In order for a company to be able to plan activities for the achievement of goals, it is
necessary to assess the initial situation or digital potentials. The company should see
the digital transformation as a process of optimisation of all business processes and
improvement of business operations by adopting digital technologies. In this context, it
is necessary to carry out an assessment of all important business operations segments
or the overall digital potential and digital performances of the company. The tool Digital
Pulse may be used for this purpose (it is presented below).

14 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

4 5 6

Defining the order Defining Development

fulfilment process and a marketing plan of an e-commerce
payment method road map

• Creating supplies • Goals • Summary

• Order confirmation • Marketing strategies • Company profile
• Packaging • Activities • Market analysis
• Delivery • Marketing plan
• Replacement and return • Management plan
• Payment method • Operational plan
• Legal regulations • Financial plan

After an assessment of the digital potential of the company, it

is possible to conclude whether the e-commerce system will be
integrated in the existing business applications or whether it is
necessary to invest additionally in order to upgrade the existing
systems and automatise the sales process.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 15

Digital Pulse is a digital maturity self-assessment tool (available at www.digitalnaeko- designed for companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a structured que-
stionnaire that makes it possible to create a set of basic recommendations on digital
transformation of companies. The Digital Pulse is presented based on its areas: digital
communications, digital customer relations, digital aspects and employees, information
and IT security, digital company management and digital production or service.

A brief explanation on Digital Pulse areas and activities and practices analysed within
individual areas is given below.

Image 2
Digital Pulse areas


16 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Digital communication

“Digital communication” is a digital maturity self-assessment module that analyses com-

pany practices in terms of:

• Use of website, including e-commerce,

• Communication through social networks and e-mail marketing,
• Online communication content,
• Online communication impact analysis,
• Online corporate reputation management practice,
• Use of mobile phones and software tools in internal and external

The process of establishment of an online presence starts with the design of the com-
pany website, which may include basic functions or advanced functions such as online
store integration. The next step is the presence and visibility on social networks.
This Digital Pulse module helps with the assessment of the current situation in order to
be able to identify where a digitalisation of communication may lead a company. In other
words, the assessment makes it possible to assess the effect in the field of digital com-
munications in order to provide recommendations on how to use the digital potential for
the growth of business operations.

Basic recommendations on digital communication:

The company should possess at least one updated

and responsive website
The company should use social networks in compliance
with customers and business activities
The company should be registered
for Google MyBusiness service

Digital customer relations

“Digital customer relations” is a digital maturity self-assessment tool that analyses com-
pany practices in terms of:

• Use of digital channels for finding and keeping customers,

• Use of CRM and ERP software tools,
• Use of accounting software and invoicing method,
• Communication with suppliers, including ordering of raw materials,
goods and invoicing,
• Use of e-banking services.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 17

Every time a company communicates with a customer, it is possible to gather some data
about the customer, his/her choices and consumer practices. Systematic processing
of such data and their use can significantly improve the experience of customers and
increase sales. Possessing information on the age, sex, address or marital status of a
customer will help the company to better define the group of digital communication and
marketing, which will decrease costs and increase the effect at the same time. It is re-
commendable to use a customer relationship management software (CRM) for efficient
management of data on customers.

In addition to the marketing aspect, maintaining good customer relations dramatically

increases the chances of keeping them and generating sales. The statistical data show
that loyal customers spend more and more frequently as compared to other customers.
Some research has shown that attracting a new customer is up to seven times more ex-
pensive than keeping an existing one, and that investments in customer relations simply
pay off.

This digital pulse module enables companies to assess their digital performance in the
field of digital customer and partner relations, which serves as the basis for providing
recommendations on how to maximise the digital potential for growth of business ope-

Key recommendations on digital customer relations:

Communication with employees on measures to be taken and

their involvement in the process of the design of automatisation
and digitalisation of business operations
Establishment of a customer data base (CRM)
Reducing the need for paper by giving preference to digital
Use of online banking services – Internet banking

18 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Digital aspects and employees

“Digital aspects and employees” is a digital maturity self-assessment module that analy-
ses company practices in terms of:

• Use of human resources management software,

• Role of employees in the digitalisation of business operations,
• Use of social networks and employment website services.

The resistance of employees in case of new technologies frequently leads to a failure of

digital transformation of business operations. For this reason, it is necessary to analyse
the process from a holistic perspective, and not only view it as a matter of integration of
digital technologies, but rather as a matter of a change of culture and company proces-
ses. As a result, the support, buy-in and involvement of employees are essential for the
success of the transformation. In case of managers, it is crucial for them to understand
that employees should be involved in the process from the very beginning, for example
by organising information sessions and open discussions on the digitalisation of busi-
ness operations and the implications for organisation, various software and device tests
that are at the disposal of employees by those who will use them, etc. Finally, employees
are the best source of information on opportunities for optimisation or innovation of
business processes. Managers should be an example of efficient use of digital tools,
lead the process of digitalisation and communicate the digital transformation vision top

Hiring through digital channels and enabling employees of larger companies to exercise
their rights and fulfil their obligations related to employment and other human resources
issues (education, evaluation of work, vacations, sick leave) through the human resour-
ces information system may serve as a way to include employees in the processes of

This digital pulse module enables companies to assess digital performance in the field
of human resource management and make recommendations on how to use the digital
potential for growth of business operations.

Key recommendations on digital aspects and employees:

Analysis of digital solutions available in the market that the com-

pany might use in order to facilitate the management for its em-
ployees (human resources management software)
Employee training – use of digital technologies that are relevant
for business operations
Use of digital channels for future hiring
(social networks such as LinkedIn, online portals, etc.)

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 19

Information and IT security

“Information and IT security” is a digital maturity self-assessment module that analyses

company practices in terms of:

• Creation of electronical data copies,

• Protection of devices connected to the Internet,
• Employee training on safe use of information systems,
• Compliance with personal data protection principles.

Attacks against computer systems of companies may significantly endanger the busine-
ss operations. Antivirus software and firewalls are no longer fully efficient in preventing
cyber-attacks. The cyber-attack risk is continuously growing, and for companies and
institutions it is no longer a matter whether it will happen, but rather when. As a re-
sult, cyber security is a crucial pre-requisite for the digitalisation of business operations.
Data protection measures therefore have to be implemented both in case of the internal
network and mobile or portable devices.

Most cyber-attacks occur due to human error. For this reason, only technological pro-
tection measures are insufficient. It is crucial to train employees on risks and potential
consequences of a cyber-attack against business operations and their role in reducing
such risks. Employees are experts in their areas of work, but as the technological sop-
histication of the company increases, their knowledge about secure use of technology
increases, too.

This Digital Pulse module enables companies to assess digital performances in the field
of information and IT security, which serves as a basis for provision of recommendations
on how to use the digital potential for growth of business operations.

Key recommendations on information and IT security:

Installation of basic protection (antivirus software, firewall,

a strong password) in case of all computers at the company
Verification whether the computer security software is
updated automatically
Verification whether an automatic update of all software
installed on computers, smart phones, tablets and network
devices is turned on
Adjusting the settings in such a manner that security copies
of all data are made on a daily basis. It is necessary to regular-
ly check whether security data copies are made accurately and
whether they are properly protected from computer viruses or
hacker attacks or unauthorised access

20 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Digital company management

“Digital company management” is a digital maturity self-assessment module focusing on

an analysis of company practices in terms of:

• Use of digital tools for a more efficient management of business operations,

• Business areas in which it is possible to control processes based on the
available tools and data,
• Sophistication of reports that a company disposes of.

A successful digital transformation requires changes in management in general as well

as management of processes by using data to define values of innovations, planning of
expected wishes of buyers and monitoring of results. Data constitute a critical resource,
and their analysis and conversion into information determine the success of the decision
making process. In other words, simple possession of business data is not enough. It is
crucial to understand the narrative of the data. Business intelligence tools aim to help
companies in identifying patterns, conclusions and narratives based on data. Business
intelligence tools make it possible to draft reports that combine data from several sour-
ces, which makes it possible to draw valuable conclusions during the decision making
process. Even small companies can have a great advantage from a deeper insight into
data and thus obtain competitive advantage.

This Digital Pulse module enables companies to assess their digital performance in the
field of data management and business reporting, which serves as a basis for provision
of recommendations on how to best use the digital potential for growth of business

Key recommendations on digital company management:

Use of standard reports of business applications (especially in

order to control the finances of the company, revenues and ex-
penses) as a decision-making basis

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 21

Digital production and services

“Digital production and services” is a digital maturity self-assessment module focusing

on an analysis of company practices in terms of:

• Use of advanced and new digital tools and technologies in production

and provision of services,
• Assessment of potentials for the use of these technologies.

New digital technologies can help a company to successfully achieve its primary busine-
ss goals. Artificial intelligence, robotics, Internet of things and cloud computing can help
companies to reduce their operating costs, increase productivity, improve the quality of
products, optimise the use of raw materials and improve user experiences. Investments
into advanced digital technology is not only meant for large corporations; a small com-
pany is usually more agile and able to implement advanced technologies faster, with
clear understanding of advantages that such technology brings to operations.

This Digital Pulse module enables companies to assess their digital performances in the
context of advanced digital technologies.

The assessment of digital potentials by means of the digital pulse is an excellent initial
basis for a digital transformation of business operations. Every field, activities and pro-
cesses that are assessed point to potential priorities of the digital transformation.

Key recommendations on digital production and services:

Analysis of digital solutions and technologies available in the mar-

ket that the company might use for the purpose of improving pro-
duction or provision of services (such as artificial intelligence, ro-
botics, 3D printing, automated production, etc.)
Optimisation of production
Introduction of a system that will make it possible to access
company documents from any location

22 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

A summary of recommendations by areas

Table 1
Summary of recommendations by Digital Pulse areas

Digital communicaton

Use of the website, including e-com- Use of at least one responsive website that is updated
merce regularly

Communication using social networks Use of social networks in a manner adapted to customers
and e-mail marketing and business activity

Contents used for online communication Use of adequate media (photos, videos, animations, texts)
depending on the communication channel and target group
of consumers

Analysis of online communication impact Use of available tools to monitor communication results
(e.g. social networks analytics, Google analytics etc.)

Online company reputation management Use of available tools to monitor the reputation internally or
practices by using external service providers

Use of mobile devices and software tools Use of mobile devices and software tools in internal and
in internal and external communication external communication

Digital customer relations

Use of digital channels for finding and Use of available digital communication channels to commu-
keeping customers nicate with customers (existing and potential ones), such
as Google Ads, social network advertising, e-mail, Viber/
WhatsApp communication, etc.

Use of CRM and ERP software tools Use of CRM and ERP software tools. Market analysis and
identification of adequate CRM and ERP solutions for the
company, depending on the industry in which it operates. If
the company has an adequate ERP solution, it is possible to
integrate an e-commerce system and automatise it.

Use of accounting software and invoicing Use of accounting software and digital invoicing. Market
method analysis and identification of adequate software solutions
for the accounting function of the company, depending on
the industry in which the company operates.

Communication with suppliers, including Use of communication automatisation software in case of

ordering of raw materials, goods and suppliers (automatic ordering and digital invoicing)

Use of e-banking services Use of e-banking services

Use of mobile devices and software tools Use of mobile devices and software tools in internal and
in internal and external communication external communication

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 23

Digital aspects and employees

Use of human resource management Use of an adequate human resource management soft-
software ware: registration of employees, tracking of employee
vacation, leave and sick leave, work schedule creation/
monitoring, performance evaluation, employee skill and
competence records, employee training records, etc.

Employee role in the digitalisation of Creation of an organisational culture that implies that
business operations employees actively contribute to the introduction of
digital technologies in our business operations, possess
the necessary knowledge and skills for the use of digital
technologies and have access to the necessary trainings.
In addition to this, the company should appoint a person in
charge of company digitalisation and IT management.

Use of social networks and employment Use of social networks and employment website services
website services

Information and IT security

Making of electronic data copies Use of a more advanced system for keeping data copies –
backup system

Protection of devices connected to the Installation of basic protection (antivirus software, firewall,
Internet use of a strong password) for all company computers

Employee training on secure use of infor- Employee training on secure use of information systems
mation systems

Compliance with personal data protec- Establishment of conditions needed for compliance with
tion principle personal data protection regulations

Digital company management

Use of digital tools for a more efficient Use of adequate digital tools as support for decision
management of business operations making, such as business intelligence tools, use of stand-
ardised reports generated by business applications of the
company as a basis for decision making

Business areas in which it is possible to Continuous analysis of sales, cash flow, supplies and trans-
control processes based on available port, human resources, production, etc.
tools and data

Sophistication of reports that the compa- Use of business applications that automatically generate
ny disposes of reports for the above areas based on the set criteria

24 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Digital production and services

Use of advanced and new digital tools Analysis of digital solutions and technologies available in
and technologies in the production and the market that the company might use to improve the pro-
service provision duction or service provision, such as artificial intelligence,
robotics, 3D print, automated production, etc.

Assessment of potentials for the use of In case of every identified type of technology, it is possible
these technologies to assess the potential for use, e.g. machinery maintenance
and repair, incoming material and product monitoring,
quality assurance in case of products, processes and
operations, expansion of production capacities (scope),
optimisation of production processes and production
planning, optimisation of the product development cycle
(time-to-market), use of existing data that are generated
in the production for business decision making, employee
skills and technical trainings, etc.

After an assessment carried out using the Digital Pulse,

the company will obtain a comprehensive assessment
of achievements and will be categorised as belonging to
one of the following four groups:

The largest number of companies in Bosnia and Herzego-

vina use some digital tool, but usually without an in-depth
integration of digital technologies in business activities.
For example, these companies mostly ensure their online
presence, but find it challenging to move from a simple
presentation of information on their company that they
Digital consider to be important towards fully digital business
start operations using the Internet, which includes online sales,
but also establishing genuine links with current and future
customers that already have an online presence. From the
perspective of internal operations, companies at this level
of digital technology use them passively – digitalisation
boils down to accounting software, and customer relati-
ons to keeping of mailing lists and electronical records on
customer orders.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 25

Companies that consider search engine optimisation
(SEO) of their websites and use advertising on social
networks show that they have started experimenting with
digital technologies. This level implies a certain level of
strategic analysis, position of the company by means of
digital tools and acceptance of some new, maybe not fully
Experimen- understandable business models. Companies experiment
ting with the with ‘’open’’ digital business operations and start recogni-
digital sing that ‘’control’’ is an illusion that has to give way to
words such as ‘’co-creation’’, ‘’co-design’’ and ‘’partners-
hip’’. Customers are seen as allies rather than ‘’enemies’’
(whose money has to be taken at every opportunity and

Companies that are digitally aware question all traditional

business activities and processes: ‘’Can this activity be
carried out differently?’’ ‘’How can digital innovations help
us in this process?’’. This requires a strategic decision to
continuously question the status quo. Of course, only a
Digital small number of companies thinks about these issues in
education a systematic manner, and not only in some areas of bu-
siness operations. Introducing e-commerce is good, but
digitalisation does not stop there. Too burdened by dai-
ly business obligations, only a small number of gritty and
digitally aware owners trade the profitable (non-digital)
practice for something that most people consider unte-
sted and new territory, which frequently makes them lea-
ders in the market.

This level of digital maturity is reserved for companies

that demonstrate strategic decisiveness and commitment
to long-term leadership in the field of digital innovations.
Their approach ‘’everything is digitalised’’ continuously
opens up new sources of revenues. For them it is normal
to use drones in order to control the quality of crops on
Digital a field or a virtual bot able to process natural speech in
expertise order to communicate with customers. Companies with
the most advanced vision and ambition doubt that this
level of digital maturity is achievable and while they are
trying to get there, they are continuously changing their
business model and processes. One cannot be ‘’digital’’,
but rather ‘’more digital’’.

26 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

An assessment may be carried out using the online tool (
or simply by using the summary of recommendations by areas given above. Every item
constitutes an activity for the digital transformation of the company. A table is attached
in Appendix 1 and may be used for carrying out an assessment of the digital potential of
the company. Based on the assessment, the company should create a road map for the
digital transformation of its business operations.

A digital transformation road map is a business plan defining goals or desired outcomes
and includes key activities and resources needed for the achievement of these goals.
It also serves as a communication tool, a high-level document that helps articulate the
strategic thinking and goals and a plan for the achievement of such goals. It is recom-
mended that companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina carry out an assessment of their
digital potentials using the Digital Pulse, and create a road map for the digital transfor-
mation of their business operations based on the resulting recommendations.

After the assessment of the digital potential of a company, the company may initiate the
process of planning and establishment of e-commerce. The planning process will result
in a road map of digital transformation of sales and marketing (e-commerce road map)
that will serve as orientation in the process of establishment of e-commerce. The crea-
tion of an e-commerce road map is called e-commerce planning process.

An e-commerce road map is a communication tool for every organisation selling or

intending to sell its products or services online. Such a road map reconciles various
marketing, design, sales and development initiatives included in the development and
maintenance of the e-commerce platform.

The process of establishment of an e-commerce system implies the introduction of the

following steps:

Market research
Selection of e-commerce platform
Defining the order fulfilment process
Defining a marketing plan
Development of an e-commerce road map

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 27


Market research
Market research for the establishment of e-commerce is one of the most important as-
pects of the entry into the online market, especially if the company is partially or fully
transitioning from traditional business operations to e-commerce.

Market research implies systematic data gathering on individuals or companies in the

market and analysis of such data in order to better understand their needs and wishes.
Market research offers understanding the potentials of a certain market in terms of their
quality and quantity.


Market Market
Target market
of clients

There are two types of market research and various tools that can be used for this pur-

Primary research: includes any type of research in case of which the data are gathered
directly by the person/entity carrying out the research. Examples of tools used for data
gathering include surveys, interviews, observations, etc. The researcher controls the
data gathering method and owns the data.

Secondary research: includes a research method that implies the use of already existing
data that are summed up and compared in order to increase the overall efficiency of the
research. In other words, data are gathered from existing sources and may be analysed
by applying various methods, but they are available to other persons/companies as well.

The company will decide whether it is necessary to carry out primary research or whet-
her the necessary data are already available from existing sources.

28 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

The market research process may be implemented based on three basic steps:

Step 1: Industry analysis

Step 2: Understanding consumers
Step 3: Competitor analysis

Step 1: Industry analysis

An industry analysis implies the implementation of secondary research for the purpose
of compiling a report that includes the basic information on the current size of the indu-
stry, growth rate and trends. Secondary data of this type may be found by using various
sources such as state and entity statistics agencies and international institutions such
as the OECD and Eurostat. The data may be obtained by simply using a search engine
and visiting the websites of the relevant institutions.

Step 2: Understanding consumers

At this phase it is necessary to clearly define the target group of consumers, i.e. iden-
tify potential buyers and their wishes and needs, and identify their basic demographic
and psychographic characteristics (where they live, age range, level of education, usual
behaviour patterns, where they work, what technologies they use, how much they earn,
etc.). All the information will differ depending on what product or service the company is
offering, but the focus is on gathering as much information on potential buyers as possi-
ble, since such demographic data will influence the choice of promotional and marketing

The question here is how such data may be obtained. There is no better way to under-
stand someone’s needs or wishes than hearing it from that very person. In other words,
the simplest thing is to carry out primary research by using a questionnaire and obtain
data on wishes, needs and intent to purchase a certain product. Potential buyers may be
reached using the existing profiles of the company on social networks (existing buyers)
or through social network fora and communities that gather target consumers (potential
buyers). There are many tools that may be used free of charge for surveys (such as Go-
ogle forms, Google survey etc.).

Step 3: Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis implies obtaining answers to four key questions:

• Who is the market leader?

• How many competitors are present in the market?
• What are the competitors’ greatest strengths and advantages?
• What are the competitors’ greatest weaknesses and disadvantages?

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 29

Image 3
Market research steps

Market analysis

Industry Understanding Competitor

analysis consumers analysis

• Statistical data and trends rela- • Understand socio-economic, • A lack of competition in the
ted to business environment. demographic, psychographic market may be an indicator of
• Use web browsers until you and geographic composition of negative trends.
find real and specific data that ideal clients. • Competitor analysis implies
can be used to make informed • Use all free tools that are identifying the dominant player,
decisions. available in order to create a total number of competitors
detailed profile of clients that and their strengths and wea-
will truly purchase your produ- knesses.
ct. Facebook Audience Insights
may be useful in this phase.

In-depth research implies identifying direct and indirect competitors, obtaining infor-
mation whether there are certain market needs that the company may meet, assessing
whether products or services may be offered exceeding those of competitors, etc. Once
a sufficient quantity of information is gathered, it is possible to decide which strategy
may be the best for the company: differentiation (offering a unique product as compared
to competitors), consumer segmentation (focusing on only a certain group of consu-
mers) or cost leadership (offering the lowest product or service prices).

30 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Image 4
SWOT analysis

Strenghts Weaknesses

• What do you do well? • What can you improve?

• What unique resources • Where do you have less
can you use? S resources than others?
• What do others perceive • What will others probably
as your strength? see as your weakness?

Oportunities Threats

• What opportunities • Which threats might

do you have? O be detrimental for you?
• Which trends you might use? • What are your
• How can you turn competitors doing?
your strengths into • Which threats do your
opportunities? weaknesses expose you to?

In addition to information obtained from external sources, it is recommendable to also

obtain information from internal sources. Company employees, especially those wor-
king in the field, are always a good source of information about customer satisfaction,
competitor products and services, market recommendations, etc. It is advisable to inter-
view the heads of key organisational units and employees in important positions in order
to obtain sufficient information on what customers want, and what current events and
trends exist in a given industry.

Given the environment analysis, it is necessary to position the company by identifying

its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In this phase, it is recommended

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 31

to carry out a SWOT analysis. It focuses on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats. It is considered the framework of strategic planning that is used for an asse-
ssment of the competitive position of the company and development of a strategic plan.

When identifying strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities, it is necessary to

particularly focus on those that relate to products/services offered by the company,
marketing strategy and activities, operational activities and market position of the com-


Selection of an e-commerce platform

When it comes to e-commerce from the perspective of a seller, there are several options
and markets that may be chosen:

Online market sale (such as OLX)

Creation of an online store using one of the existing platforms
(such as Shopify)
Development of a proprietary e-commerce platform
(development of a proprietary software solution)

Image 5
Alternatives for the selection
of an e-commerce platform


Online E-commerce Development of

marketplace platform proprietary software

• OLX, Amazon • Shopify, WooCommerce, • Hiring a software development

• A store is created on the portal Magento company
and products are offered • Shopify is the simplest option, • If specific options are needed
• It is not recommended for it offers an interface, online (due to the industry or busine-
established brands, but rather editor and hosting services ss operations in general)
for start-ups • WooCommerce and Magento
require a host and domain

32 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for all companies. For this specific reason, it is
necessary to approach the phase with due diligence and identify advantages and di-
sadvantages of available options and choose the best option for the company.

Online market

This is the simplest way to establish e-commerce. An online marketplace is a website

used to sell the products of various sellers and offering a vast assortment. In other words,
an online marketplace is an e-commerce platform that makes it possible for third-party
sellers to sell their products and services by paying a certain fee (per transaction, a
lump-sum membership fee or a combination of these two). Examples of such platforms
include OLX (local market sale) or Amazon marketplace (international market sale).

Setting up a store in case of most of these online markets is very simple, which is one of
the advantages for a company starting its online sales. In addition, maintaining a website
and ensuring a secure purchase and payment process is the obligation of the platform
owner. In other words, the company creates an online store and updates its offer. Once
a purchase takes place, it organises the delivery of its products.

This form of online sale is mostly chosen by companies that are starting their business
operations and do not have an established brand and companies that do not possess
resources needed for administration and maintenance of the website. Also, this is an
acceptable form of online sale for companies whose sale is not big enough to justify the
establishment of its own store.

E-commerce platform

This option implies the use of e-commerce service on one of the platforms that make it
possible to create a store. As opposed to an online marketplace, e-commerce platforms
offer the possibility to create a store with its own domain. A company buys a domain
and uses the available online editors to create a web shop and enter products/services
in a very simple manner, which does not require any technical knowledge. All necessary
functions are already installed and a regular update of the system and web hosting are

At the moment, the most popular e-commerce platforms are Shopify, WooCommerce
and Magento.

Shopify (Shopify Plus) is an e-commerce platform that functions based on the principle
software as a service – SaaS and is subscription based. This is one of the largest fully
integrated e-commerce services with more than a million of stores. Shopify is the best
solution for entrepreneurs that do not possess the technical knowledge needed to crea-

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 33

te their own online store (on their own platform). Shopify also offers marketing tools that
can help expand the business operations. It is important to mention that the website on
which the online store is located cannot be transferred to another service provider, if the
company decides to do so at some point. Shopify e-commerce platform for companies
offers a function for increased scalability or large-scope sale and several possibilities for
control and adaptation.

WooCommerce is an open-code software that may be used free of charge for the tran-
sformation of a website into an online store. However, in order to use WooCommerce, it
is necessary to buy a domain and hosting package from a service provider. It is nece-
ssary to install WordPress CMS with a WooCommerce add-on on the hosting package.
After this, it is possible to establish the online store and enter products.

WooCommerce - WordPress add-on,

one of the most popular e-commerce platforms worldwide

WooCommerce can be implemented on an already existing website and use the website
hosting (whether this includes its own servers or services of a provider). If a company
already possesses a website, it is very simple to install and start using WooCommerce.
Its key advantage is the fact that data belong to the company and the company may
control background options using CMS.

Magento is also an e-commerce platform and is quite similar to WooCommerce. It is an

open source platform that requires a host and domain. In other words, Magento Com-
merce offers third-party integration and makes it possible to manage several stores,
locations, languages and currencies in a flexible manner. It also offers a wide range of
scalability functions and SEO tools. However, Magento is more demanding and complex
to use from a technical perspective. Although Magento offers a basic open-code service
that is free of charge, the annual subscription to the B2B package that is leading in the
market is relatively high.

There is a series of other platforms for e-commerce that a company may use for the de-
velopment of its own store, such as Drupal, BigCommerce, OpenCart, PrestaShop etc. A
company should in any case carry out a verification of the adequacy of a certain option
for its operations, taking into account the size of the company, expected online sale and
specific characteristics of the industry.

34 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Development of a proprietary e-commerce platform

This option implies the establishment of an e-commerce system by designing a proprie-

tary e-commerce software. This approach is recommended in case of a specific indu-
stry or specific business operations that require special characteristics (more frequent
in case of B2B). If a company is considering software development for e-commerce, it
should consider various issues, such as budget, design, development, security, hosting
(scalability), licencing, support and creation of adapted applications (especially for user
support) as well as the possibility of integration in the existing systems.

If a company does not have employees that can develop the relevant applications, it
is necessary to outsource this to a company or expert, and the development process
will take place in compliance with a software development, delivery and maintenance
framework. The usual steps include creation of a request, design of a solution (virtu-
al design, structure, navigation, characteristics, add-ons, etc.), development, testing
and commissioning. As opposed to commercial and ready software, the development
of proprietary software focuses on a closely defined set of requirements. An optimum
e-commerce platform integration in the business model and marketing strategy of the
company is simplest in case of proprietary software.


Defining the order fulfilment process

and payment method
In In this phase, it is necessary to define:

The order fulfilment process

The payment method
Legal regulations applicable to e-commerce

Order fulfilment process

Order fulfilment implies the receipt, packaging, dispatch and delivery of products to a
buyer as well as the process of potential return of goods. Once a buyer confirms the
order for a product/service, the order fulfilment process starts. Companies should me-
asure this time as one of the e-commerce success indicators and strive to keep it as
short as possible.

Order fulfilment steps are as follows:

Creation of supplies – This relates to the procurement of goods (purchase, in case of

further sale) or production (in case of a production company). The goal is to make the
product available for further distribution. In this phase, it is necessary to ensure the

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 35

following: the company should possess a sufficient quantity of products (in case of ser-
vices, persons able to provide such services should be available) and products should
be registered in the system used by the company to monitor its supplies. Products sho-
uld have an adequate quality (a quality assurance system in place).

Order confirmation – Once a buyer confirms the order on the website or application, it is
necessary to check the availability of the requested product and whether the requested
quantity is available. In case of companies that possess a higher level of digital readine-
ss, this may be done automatically using the warehouse management system that acts
as a central warehouse database. Once it is confirmed that the product is available, the
order may be also confirmed by the seller.

Packaging – It implies the selection of the relevant box for the ordered product and pac-
kaging in order to ensure safe delivery. It is necessary to provide an adequate transport
packaging in order to protect the product (bubble wrap, cardboard boxes of all sizes, air
packaging, etc.). Digital transformation makes it possible to automatise this process. It is
not necessary for a person to prepare the product manually – there are automated bots
that prepare the articles at the warehouse for further delivery.

Delivery – A company may also deliver goods in person or by means of third parties (co-
uriers, delivery services, etc.). Also, if a company possesses its own retail sales facilities,
it may offer the option of personal pick-up at a store.

In this phase it is necessary for the company to define the type of delivery it will offer
its buyers:

• Store pick-up (if the company has its retail store).

• Home delivery (delivery by the delivery service of the company, if applicable).
Here it is necessary to define the price of delivery (a price based on a tariff,
lump-sum price, free delivery in case of a purchase exceeding a certain amount,
free delivery for all purchases, etc.).
• Delivery by a courier service. In case of this type of delivery, it is necessary to
sign a contract with a certain courier service.

It is also possible to offer all options to buyers, so that they can choose what type of
delivery they prefer (it may also depend on the value of the order). Delivery options:

Free delivery Free delivery is one of the ways to increase e-commerce

turnover. It is possible to set the minimum purchase amo-
unt in order for an order to be delivered for free.

Store pick-up A buyer may choose the place where he/she would like to
pick up his/her order at a store, if the company has retail

36 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Lump-sum price A lump-sum price refers to a fixed price that is pre-defi-
ned for product delivery.

Tariff The price of delivery is calculated based on factors such

as weight, number of articles, destination, price, etc.

Use of third-party Reaching an agreement with courier services.

transport services

Replacement and return – This implies that a customer’s request for replacement or
return of goods is fulfilled. In this case it is necessary to define the process by retra-
cing the steps stated above.

The order fulfilment process is shown in the image below.

Image 6
Order fulfilment process

1 2 3

Creating supplies Confirmation of order Packaging

Checking the availability of the Once the client confirms the order Selecting an adequate box for the
requested product, the requested and once it is confirmed that the ordered product and packaging in
quantities and quality product is available, the seller order to ensure a secure delivery
confirms the order

4 5

Delivery Replacement and return

Selection of the type of delivery Defining the replacement or return

and delivery process

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 37

It is important to point out that platforms such as Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce etc.,
have an incorporated stock management software that makes it possible to efficiently
manage orders.

Payment method

Although there is the cash-on-delivery option, a fully functional online store requires
online payment as well. The selection of an adequate payment method constitutes an
important task in case of the establishment of e-commerce. It is crucial to select a pay-
ment method that is adequate for business operations of the company. Payments by
a debit or credit card constitute some of the most frequently used and most popular
payment methods.

In addition to the selection of a payment method, it is necessary to implement a secure

gateway for online payments that processes payment information and creates a link
between a client and bank. Namely, when a payment is performed directly through a
webstore, the payment gateway ensures the security of transactions. In other words,
the payment gateway serves as an intermediary in a secure transfer of card data in case
of online payment.

A company may also use payment platforms that act as intermediaries (such as PayPal).

Again, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce etc. have an incorporated payment gateway

that ensures secure payments.

Legal regulations applicable to e-commerce

As in case of other business operations, e-commerce is regulated by legal regulations.

It is therefore very important for a company to comply with all legal requirements for the
establishment of an online store and the process of sale itself. It is necessary to comply
with copyrights or patents, data protection, special regulations applicable to the indu-
stry in which the company operates, etc.

Defining a marketing plan
An e-commerce marketing plan is one of the most important elements of the e-commer-
ce road map. The marketing plan directly depends on market research results, identifi-
cation of target group of consumers and their characteristics. A marketing plan is a do-
cument describing marketing goals that a company would like to achieve, and it includes
activities, timelines, distribution channels and budget.

38 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

A marketing plan mostly includes four key topics that need to be sufficiently explained:

• Product/service – What is the company selling and what distinguishes

it in the market from its competitors?
• Price – What is the price of products/services and why has the company
taken such a decision on pricing?
• Place – In which geographical area will the company sell its products?
• Promotion – How will products/services be presented to buyers?

The product/service, price and place of sale are elements that are quite simple to des-
cribe, since they are a result of other operating activities of the company. It is there-
fore sufficient to briefly present these three elements in the process of e-commerce
planning. Particular attention should be devoted to planning of promotional activities. In
the context of e-commerce, a company must design ways to attract buyers to its virtual
door, i.e. its web shop.

The process of creating a digital marketing plan should start by defining all digital re-
sources that a company possesses (websites, blogs, social media). In addition to this,
these channels should be connected to the relevant analytics and identify the most
frequent and efficient channels. If possible, return on investment for individual com-
munication channels should be identified. After this, it is necessary to select the digital
marketing methods and channels that the company will use and create a content calen-
dar based on this. For every marketing model it is necessary to provide the timetable
of promotional activities that should include the topic, where and when a promotional
activity will take place, content of activity, etc.

It is also necessary to keep in mind who are our direct competitors (analysis of previous
steps) and try to emphasize the advantages of the company when selecting the marke-
ting strategy and methods, that is outperform the competitors.

Image 7
Marketing plan development

1 2 3

Defining goals Identification and use Identifying activities

and the relevant KPIs of a marketing method for every method

• Financial goals • SEO • Specific activities and duties

• Client-oriented goals • Content marketing that must be fulfilled in order to
• Operational goals • Social network marketing reach the goals
• Etc.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 39

There is no generally accepted e-commerce marketing plan format. There is a series of
online tools that offer various digital marketing plan templates. For the purposes of this
manual, the following three steps were identified for the development and structuring of
an e-commerce marketing plan:

1. Defining goals and the relevant KPIs

When business goals are defined, it is necessary that they be SMART. A smart goal is
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Every goal must possess these
five characteristics. Many managers will nevertheless ask themselves what goals they
can define for their company in the process of establishment of e-commerce. There are
several basic categories that most e-commerce goals belong to. It is important to be
specific while using them and set a deadline.

Financial goals

This is the most frequent type of goals and may be defined as multiple growth (e.g. do-
uble revenues) or percentual growth (increase sales by 30%). Examples of such goals

• Increased profit
• Decreased costs
• Increased revenues

Customer-oriented goals

Goals may be focused on customers. Such an effect may lead to changes in terms of
revenues and profit, but the focus is on customers and customer relation management.
Examples of such goals include:

• Increased number of new customers

• Increased number of repeat customers
• More frequent website visits by customers

Operational goals

Operational goals relate to the regulation of business processes of the company or

upgrade in any segment of business operations. Examples of this type of goals include:

• Expansion of a product line

• Hiring of new employees
• Reduction of delivery time or costs
• Expansion of warehouse

40 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Image 8
The most frequent types
of e-commerce goals

1 2 3

Financial Client-oriented Operational

goals goals goals

This is the most frequent type Goals may be defined as Operational goals refer to
of goals and it may be defined customer-oriented. The effect the improvement of busine-
as multiple growth (e.g. double may lead to changes in income ss processes of a company
the revenues) or percentage and profit, but the focus is or upgrade of any business
growth (e.g. increase sales by on clients and client relation segment. Examples of this type
30%). Examples of this type of management. Examples of this of goals include:
goals include: type of goals include:
• Expansion of a product line
• Increased profit • More new customers • Hiring of new employees
• Decreased costs • More repeat customers • Reduction of time or costs of
• Increased revenues • More frequent visits delivery
by customers • Expansion of warehouse

Defining goals should be a process that will include employees from various manage-
ment levels, from the strategic to the operational level. Once defined, goals must be
clearly communicated within the company. Goals are linked to key performance indi-
cators (KPIs). The company will decide which indicators it will use in order to measure
the progress towards the goals it defined. For example, if the company sets the goal
‘’increase the annual profit by 25%’’, the most important KPI in this case will be the annual
profit. However, there are also other indicators in case of e-commerce projects, such as
revenues, profit margins, number of sold products, average order value, etc. They are
directly relevant for the achievement of the goal, since their improvement ensures the
achievement of the goal.

There are several types of KPIs, and they may be qualitative or quantitative. When it co-
mes to e-commerce, KPIs usually belong to one of the following categories:

Customer support
Production/provision of services

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 41

Sales KPIs

Sales KPIs are indicators that show the success of business operations in terms of reve-
nues and conversion. Examples of sales KPIs include:

• Sale: It may be monitored based on the defined time interval (on an annual,
monthly, daily basis, etc.).
• Average order value: How much a customer usually spends on an order. This
indicator shows the average value of sale and it is easy to calculate: revenues/
number of orders = average order value.
• Number of transactions: This is the total number of transactions in a certain
period of time.
• Conversion rate: This is the conversion rate at the web store. It is calculated
by dividing the total number of visitors by the total number of conversions. Con-
version occurs when a customer takes an action (confirms an order).
• Cart abandonment rate: This is the percentage of customers that put articles
into their cart, but do not complete the purchase. For example, if 100 persons
put an article in their cart, and 77 of them leave the web store without buying
anything, this means that the cart abandonment rate amounts to 77%.
• Customer lifetime value: This is an indicator showing how much an avera-
ge buyer spends during his/her lifetime. It is a more complex indicator, and its
formula is as follows: average order value x frequency of purchase x estimated
customer lifetime = customer lifetime value.
• Cost of acquiring a new customer: This is an indicator that shows what costs
a company incurs when it acquires a new customer. The basic formula for this
indicator is as follows: marketing costs + sales costs / number of new custo-
mers = cost of acquiring a new customer.
• Customer retention rate: This rate shows the number of customers that a
company retains during a certain period of time. It is expressed as the percen-
tage of existing customers of the company that stay loyal during such a period
of time. For example, if a company starts a year with 100 clients and loses 20 of
them, the retention rate is 80%.

Marketing KPIs

Marketing KPIs show the efficiency of marketing and promotional activities. Some of
them are:

• Store website traffic: This relates to the total number of visits.

• Time spent on the website: It indicates how much time visitors spend on the
• Average session duration: The time a person spends visiting a website related
to a single visit.
• New visitors as compared to repeat visitors: New visitors are visiting the
website of the company for the first time, whereas repeat visitors have visited
it before.

42 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

• Traffic generated by PPC campaigns: If a company carries out PPC campai-
gns, this indicator shows the quantity of traffic that was successfully directed
to the website.

Customer support KPIs

Customer support KPIs indicate how efficient customer support is and whether it meets
customer expectations:

• Customer satisfaction: It is usually measured based on customer answers

obtained by carrying out a survey: ‘’To what extent were you satisfied with your
• Average complaint resolution time: It shows how much time is needed for
customer service to resolve a problem from the moment in which a customer
reported it.

Production/service provision KPIs

These KPIs are related to purchase and production or service provision.

• Production cycle time: It shows how much time is needed for the production
of a product from the beginning until the end (production efficiency).

A company may define goals based on the mentioned KPIs. For example, a goal may
be achieving a customer retention rate of 80%. There is a series of other KPIs, such as
order fulfilment time (as explained above), customer satisfaction, etc. The picture below
shows the most frequent goal categories.

It is extremely important to adjust the activities of the company with the key performan-
ce indicators that were selected. Monitoring and improving key performance indicators
will help the company in setting priorities when it comes to activities it needs to carry

Every KPI may be analysed for a certain product/service, for a

certain employee, a certain time period. In addition to being a su-
ccess indicator, it is also used for decision making.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 43

2. Identification and adoption of marketing methods

An efficient digital marketing plan implies the selection of adequate digital marketing
methods. This depends on a series of factors, starting with the market and target group
of consumers and their characteristics, to the industry in which the company operates.
When selecting promotion channels, it is necessary to start with the defined goals and
characteristics of the target group of consumers (e.g. if the target group includes tee-
nagers, then it is clear that social networks such as Instagram and TikTok are adequate
promotion channels; however, in case of B2B marketing, direct marketing will be a more
adequate solution). A company in the digital era needs to ensure agile business opera-
tions and optimisation of the digital marketing strategy in order to support the digital

There are several digital channels and marketing communication methods that are ava-
ilable to companies. Those methods that companies should consider when developing
their marketing plan in view of B2B and B2C market peculiarities are given and briefly
explained below. The key difference between B2C and B2B is the length of sale cycles.

B2C: The sale cycle is usually short and relatively simple, and the strategy is to establish
a transaction relation with the whole group of consumers. In other words, the purpose
of B2C marketing activity is to bring consumers to the website for the purpose of sale

B2B: The sale cycle is longer and more complex, and the focus of the marketing activity
is the impact on potential customers during all phases of decision making, from research
to purchase.


In the B2B market, a company communicates with another company, which has its pecu-
liarities and requires a different approach as compared to communication with individual
final consumers. Companies in the B2B market should:

Create and maintain a website

Use search engine optimisation (SEO)
Use content marketing
Use offline marketing by integrating it in online marketing
Use social media marketing
Use Pay-per-Click campaigns

44 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

The mentioned methods are briefly explained below.

Website The establishment of online presence of a company starts

with the building of a website. A website of a company sho-
uld be designed in a responsive manner (RWD) and should
be continuously updated. In addition to this, the design of
the website should be in compliance with the visual brand
of the company. It is important to keep in mind that the de-
sign of a website shows the professionalism of a company
and in a way serves the purpose of giving a first impression
about the company. The website of a company is an infor-
mation medium that enables customers to obtain important
information about the company in a very short time. A B2B
website must:

• be responsive (fit all display sizes)

• be relevant for the target group of customers
(other companies)
• include the logo of the company and be
designed in compliance with the visual brand of the
• contain updated and necessary content in order for
customers to be able to obtain information on time
• include links for other sites of the company
(e.g. social media, etc.).

When designing a website, a company operating in the B2B

market should start from the fact that the market resear-
ch process in cases when the buyer is another company is
much more complex than in case of an individual consumer.
It is therefore necessary to carefully plan the content that
will be published on the website in order to provide potential
customers with enough information.

SEO is one of the most important methods for attracting

Search engine new website visitors. SEO helps a search engine to find the
optimisation – SEO website and position it higher in search results. The goal of
every company is for their website to be on the first page
of search when potential customers enter the relevant se-
arch words. In order to make this possible, it is necessary to
identify the most efficient key words that will enable search
engines to identify that website. Given the fact that SEO im-
plies a complex set of activities and requires experience, the
most frequent recommendation is for a company to hire a
SEO expert for this activity.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 45

Content Content marketing for the B2B market is a form of promo-
marketing tional activities that implies the creation and distribution
of contents for the purpose of raising the awareness of a
brand, attracting potential customers and sales. The usual
content marketing forms in B2B include blogs, podcasting,
infographics, e-mail etc. Creating a blog helps in improving
SEO and makes it possible to attract a certain profile of visi-
tors. B2B content marketing carries a higher return on inves-
tments than any other digital marketing channel.

Offline and online Direct communication with customers is important in the
marketing B2B market. As a result, integration and optimisation of onli-
ne and offline marketing is important. This can be achieved
by linking events where potential customers meet and digital
market activities. For example, gathering e-mail addresses
of customers during conferences and similar events and the-
ir use in e-mail marketing activities.

Social media Social media marketing is much more important in the B2C
marketing market, but it may also be a valuable channel for B2B com-
munication. In practice, B2B social media marketing is the
second most popular promotion channel. Companies should
take care that they identify platforms that are adequate for
this type of communication. According to some data, Linke-
dIn is in the first place in terms of the engagement of B2B au-
dience, followed by Twitter and Facebook. Social networks
may be very useful for the B2B market, since they make it
possible to share contents such as:

• News from the industry

• Advice related to the industry
• Written or video statements of customers.

When it comes to B2B social media marketing, it is advisa-

ble to avoid obvious sale and focus on contents that inform
and stimulate the interest of customers. Social networks may
also serve the purpose of attracting clients to the website of
the company (a blog is a useful tool – it is part of a website,
and publications may be promoted using social networks).

Influencer marketing is one of the more recent marketing

forms of marketing that shows excellent results in the B2B
market. This is a marketing field that focuses on hiring in-
fluencers to communicate the brand message to the wider
market. Influencer marketing campaigns use marketing ele-

46 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

ments through social media and content marketing (content
is created and communicated by an influencer).

Pay-per-Click PPC is an Internet marketing model in case of which a com-
(PPC) pany pays a fee every time someone klicks on its adverti-
sing. As a result, the company purchases customer visits
to its website. Promotion on search engines is one of the
most popular forms of PPC. An example is Google Ads, whi-
ch is a platform that enables companies to create ads that
will appear on the Google search engine and other Google
products. Google Ads functions based on the pay per klick
model, in case of which companies bid for key words and pay
for every klick on their ads. In other words, when someone
types in some search words, Google shows them promotio-
nal links in the advertisement space on the page with sear-
ch results. PPC method offers companies the possibility to
attract potential customers fast and efficiently. The number
of potential customers in the B2B market is much smaller
than in the B2C market. B2C key words are more competitive
due to a bigger market and are quite generic, whereas B2B
key words are specific and correspond to a certain industry

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 47


In the B2C market, a company communicates with individual consumers. The most im-
portant trend in B2C marketing is the social media marketing, and the most frequent
form is the use of video materials. Some research indicates that influencer marketing
has the highest return on investments in B2C marketing, followed by promotion of con-
tents by means of short videos using various communication channels. In any case, it
is obvious that social media are taking over a leading role when it comes to marketing
investments. When selecting the social network, it is necessary to analyse whether in-
vestments should be made in Instagram marketing, Facebook marketing or marketing
in some other social media, depending on the social network used by the target group
of consumers. Most consumers today expect that companies will be present in social
networks and a strategy should be planned and defined accordingly in order to attract
potential customers.

What is also obvious in case of building an image is that consumers expect brands to be
more socially responsible and to clearly express their attitudes in public, especially re-
garding certain current topics (e.g. consumers are frequently publicly invited to boycott
certain products due to an unethical attitude of some brands).

Another trend in B2C marketing is maximum personalisation of the communicated me-

ssage or personalisation of contents, products, etc. This may be achieved by gathering
data on customers through any form of communication (CRM, social networks, website).

For all mentioned forms of promotion, a company may use one of the forms of marketing
stated in the table above (content marketing, PPC etc.). In addition to this, although
social networks have become dominant when it comes to B2C marketing, designing and
maintaining an adequate website stills sends a message regarding the seriousness and
professionalism of a company. SEO and other forms of marketing are also used in order
to attract consumers to visit the website of the company, especially in case of e-com-

Website design phases:

1. Selection of a web host – This refers to the decision on where to place the web-
site. One can select a hosting service provider or their own servers.

2. Registration of a domain – This also implies a certain branding aspect, since

it is necessary to decide whether the name should include the name of the com-
pany, industry, brand, etc.

3. Content creation and management – This relates to a text, catalogue, images,

sound and video materials that provide information expected by website visitors.
In this phase it is necessary to take a decision on which information and in what
form should be published on the website. Content creation and management is

48 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

crucial for the success of a website, since it presents the company and its produ-
cts to consumers.

4. Website design – This includes information architecture, navigation, use of co-

lours and graphics and maximising website performances. Information archite-
cture describes how a website is organised and shows all site components and
the way in which they are interconnected. The purpose of site navigation is to
help visitors to find the information they need fast and easily. Colours, images,
sound and video materials may increase the attractiveness of websites, and it is
therefore necessary to discover which form of media website visitors prefer. In
essence, speed is the key factor of successful design. Visitors that have to wait
for more than several seconds for a website to load, might leave.

5. Website design and testing – Companies decide whether they will design the
website internally, outsource the project or combine these two approaches. When
the website is ready, it is transferred to servers of the host provider, followed by
the final testing.

6. Website promotion – In this phase companies promote their website both on-
line and offline.

It is important to mention that digital advertising channels may be free or require a fee to
be paid. Some of paid marketing channels are the following ones:

• PPC – This online marketing usually includes the use of Google shopping
campaigns and product data management.
• Related sales networks – Enabling other blogs and websites to sell products of
the company at a small fee.
• Facebook ads – Ads published on Facebook in order to attract customers
through social networks.
• Influencer marketing – Hiring influencers from the industry in order to spread
information on a company product through their social media platforms and

On the other hand, there are free promotion channels. Such marketing is called organic
marketing. Organic marketing refers to any form of digital marketing that does not inc-
lude paid ads. This also includes sharing content in social networks (whether through
one’s own website or social network groups and communities), blog posts, case studies,
etc. Organic marketing uses SEO, social networks and a series of other channels to raise
awareness about a brand.

• Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) – It is necessary to decide

which social networks the company will use to promote its products.
• SEO – The company should create and promote the contents in order for per-
sons to organically find their products in their search.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 49

• Content marketing – The company should consider various topics and types
of materials that will generate interest in a product in case of the target group
of consumers.

3. Identifying activities for every method

In this phase it is necessary to clearly specify:

• What activities will be carried out using every of the methods

• Who is in charge of the implementation of activities
• Time schedule for the activities.


Development of an e-commerce road map

Finally, once the company has implemented the mentioned five steps, it should draw up
a digital transformation plan or digital transformation road map and implement it. It will
have to define certain processes and roles during the development of such a plan, which
relate to the digital transformation team (establishment of e-commerce) and e-commer-
ce team (online sale management and management of other related processes).

The company can finally start drawing up a digital transformation road map. The e-com-
merce road map should include the following components:

A summary
Company profile
Market analysis
Marketing plan
Operating plan
Financial plan


A summary is usually drawn up as last, once all parts of the road map have been drawn
up. It is a short overview of the road map (1 to 2 pages). The summary mostly contains
the vision of the online store, a short description of products that will be sold, a short
description of the target market, presentation of the marketing plan, operating and ma-
nagement plan, and a short overview of the financial plan. The purpose of the summary
is to list key elements of the whole road map.

50 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Company profile

This part of the road map should briefly present the company, provide basic information
on business operations, business goals (short-term and long-term goals), and mission
and vision.

Appendix 6 includes an example of a company profile summary.

Market analysis

As already stated in the ‘’Market research’’ section, it is necessary to become acquain-

ted with the industry in which the company operates and long-term perspectives of the
given industry. Also, it is necessary to carry out research on potential market opportuni-
ties and an analysis as to who are leaders and key competitors in the relevant industry.
In order to create potential sales projections (and set goals), it is necessary to assess
the level of interest of consumers in products or services offered by the company. Key
conclusions of the market research are presented in this part of the digital transforma-
tion road map.

Appendix 2 includes an example on how to sum up market analysis findings.

Marketing plan

As already stated in the part ‘’Defining a marketing plan’’, this phase implies considering
a series of issues and identifying goals, marketing methods and specific activities. The
results of such a process need to be integrated in the road map and a marketing activity
calendar should be created.

Appendix 4 includes an example on how to sum up a marketing plan, whereas Appendix

5 includes an example of a marketing calendar.

Management and organisation

Defining a clear project management methodology is the first step towards a successful
e-commerce project. It is necessary to appoint a project implementation team and a
project manager or coordinator. The basic goal is to define the roles and responsibilities
within the project itself and roles of other organisational parts and employees of the
company. In other words, it is necessary to appoint teams or persons for:

• Digital transformation project implementation (establishment of e-commerce).

This is the team that will implement the e-commerce establishment project (di-
gital transformation team).
• Appoint a team for e-commerce and e-marketing management. This is the
team and employees that will be in charge of e-commerce activities, i.e. sales
processes, order fulfilment, marketing, etc. (e-commerce team).

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 51

Image 9
Digital transformation road map - document structure

1 2

1 Summary The purpose of the summary is to state key elements from the whole road
map. The summary mostly includes information on the business concept,
goals and vision, product and services that are offered, target market, marke-
ting activities, etc., depending on the type of company and industry in which
it operates.

2 Company profile This part of the road map should include an introduction of the company,
provide basic information on business operations, goals and vision and
mission statement.

When it comes to the appointment of an e-commerce team, it is particularly important to

point out employee training. It is necessary to implement trainings in order for employees
to acquire skills needed to use sales software and applications. In addition to this, con-
tinuous education in the field of sales promotion and digital marketing is something that
every company that wishes to develop its business operations must implement.

Operating plan

An operating plan describes the way in which the process of digital transformation and
e-commerce processes take place. For successful e-commerce, it is important to ensure
continuity of operations and efficiency. It is extremely important to accurately define
the necessary operating steps. The operating plan is actually the action plan for the im-
plementation of digital transformation. A company should clearly identify activities that
must be implemented and then define the period of implementation, necessary funds
and person in charge of the activity.

Appendix 7 contains an example how an operating plan may be summed up.

52 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

3 4 5 6 7

3 Market analysis It is necessary to become acquainted with the industrial branch in which
the company operates and long-term perspectives of the industry.
4 Marketing plan The marketing plan implies identification of goals, relevant KPIs, selection
of marketing methods and definition of activities.
5 Management plan Management of digital transformation project
and e-commerce system.
6 Operating plan Action plan – defining priorities, measures and activities, preparation of the
budget and defining duties.
7 Financial plan Project budget and cost-benefit analysis.

Financial plan

This chapter focuses on the preparation of the project budget (the sum of projected
costs for all activities presented in the action plan), planned income and expenses and
the planned business results for the relevant business year. It is also necessary to pre-
sent a rentability analysis and calculation of the return on investment in order for the
financial projection to be successfully and adequately planned. This basically means
that after the calculation of project implementation costs, a cost-benefit analysis will be
carried out.

The level of detail in the financial plan depends on company goals. The financial plan is
used to plan sales, costs and net business revenues. When doing projections, it is nece-
ssary to consider the following three financial parameters:

• Planned revenues.
• Fixed costs – These are business costs that become payable irrespective of
the number of products sold by the company. They mostly relate to business
premises rent, salaries, licences, etc.
• Variable costs – These are business costs that vary in direct proportion to how
many products the company sells. Variable costs usually relate to the costs of
sold goods and payment processing fee.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 53


• Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T.-P., & Turban, D. C. (2015).
Electronic Commerce - A Managerial and Social Perspective. In Springer.


54 Digital transformation of sales and marketing


Appendix 1

Digital Pulse
Assessment of the digital potential of a company
Digital Pulse summary (


Grade: Every item should be graded with 3 – advanced development level,

2 – moderate development level, 1 – low development level, or 0 – fully undeve-
Grade comment: Explain what the company possesses and what not.
Potential improvements: All items that were graded with 0 should constitute a
priority for the company in the process of digital transformation. Potential actions,
depending on the expectations, should be stated. On the other hand, all items
graded with 1 and 2 may be further improved.

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Digital communicaton
Use of the website, Use of at least one mobile E.g. 2 E.g. We E.g. Estab-
including e-commerce responsive website that will be possess a lishment of
regularly updated responsive a monthly
website, but it website update
is not regularly system

Communication using so- Use of social networks in

cial networks and e-mail compliance with customers and
marketing business activity

Contents used for online Use of adequate media (pho-

communication tography, videos, animations,
text) depending on the communi-
cation channel and target groups
of consumers

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 55

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Digital communicaton
Analysis of online com- Use of available tools for mon-
munication impact itoring communication results
(e.g. social network analytics,
Google analytics etc.)

Online company rep- Use of available tools for mon-

utation management itoring of reputation internally
practices or by using external service

Use of mobile devices Use of mobile devices and soft-

and software tools in ware tools in internal and external
internal and external communication

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Digital customer relations

Use of the website, Use of available digital communi-
including e-commerce cation channels to communicate
with customers (existing and
potential ones), such as Google
Ads, social network advertising,
e-mail, Viber/WhatsApp commu-
nication, etc.

Communication using so- Use of CRM and ERP software

cial networks and e-mail tools. Market analysis and iden-
marketing tification of adequate CRM and
ERP solutions for the company,
depending on the industry in
which it operates. If the company
has an adequate ERP solution, it
is possible to integrate an e-com-
merce system and automatise it.

Contents used for online Use of accounting software and

communication digital invoicing. Market analysis
and identification of adequate
software solutions for the ac-
counting function of the compa-
ny, depending on the industry in
which the company operates.

56 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Digital customer relations

Analysis of online com- Use of communication autom-
munication impact atisation software in case of
suppliers (automatic ordering and
digital invoicing).

Online company rep- Use of e-banking services

utation management

Use of mobile devices Use of mobile devices and soft-

and software tools in ware tools in internal and external
internal and external communication

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Digital aspects and employees

Use of human resources Use of an adequate human
management software resource management software:
registration of employees, track-
ing of employee vacation, leave
and sick leave, work schedule
creation/monitoring, performance
evaluation, employee skill and
competence records, employee
training records, etc.

Role of employees in the Creation of an organisational cul-

digitalisation of business ture that implies that employees
operations actively contribute to the intro-
duction of digital technologies in
our business operations, possess
the necessary knowledge and
skills for the use of digital tech-
nologies and to have access to
the necessary trainings. In addi-
tion to this, the company should
appoint a person in charge of
company digitalisation and IT

Use of social networks Use of social networks and em-

and employment website ployment website services

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 57

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Information and IT security

Making of electronical Use of a more advanced system
data copies for keeping data copies – backup

Protection of devices Installation of basic protection

connected to the Internet (antivirus software, firewall, use
of a strong password) for all
company computers

Employee training on Employee training on secure use

secure information sys- of information systems
tem use

Compliance with personal Establishment of conditions

data protection principles needed for compliance with per-
sonal data protection regulations

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Digital company management

Use of digital tools for Use of adequate digital tools
more efficient man- as support for decision making,
agement of business such as business intelligence
operations tools, use of standardised reports
generated by business applica-
tions of the company as a basis
for decision making

Business areas in which Continuous analysis of sales,

it is possible to control cash flow, supplies and transport,
processes based on the human resources, production,
available tools and data etc.

Sophistication of reports Use of business applications that

that are at the disposal of automatically generate reports
the company for the above areas based on the
set criteria

58 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Grade Potential
Processes Expectations Grade comment improvements

Digital production and services

Use of advanced and Analysis of digital solutions and
new digital tools and technologies available in the
technologies in the pro- market that the company might
duction and provision of use to improve the production
services or service provision, such as
artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D
print, automated production, etc.

Assessment of poten- In case of every identified type

tials for the use of these of technology, it is possible to
technologies assess the potential for use, e.g.
machinery maintenance and re-
pair, incoming material and prod-
uct monitoring, quality assurance
in case of products, processes
and operations, expansion of
production capacities (scope),
optimisation of production pro-
cesses and production planning,
optimisation of the product
development cycle (time-to-
market), use of existing data that
are generated in the production
for business decision making,
employee skills and technical
trainings, etc.

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 59

Appendix 2

Market research

Step 1: Using the table ‘Industry’ document the size of the industry, growth rate
and trends.
Step 2: Using the table ‘Customers’ document socio-economic, geographical and
general characteristics of target customers.
Step 3: Using the table ‘Competitors’ document the number of competitors, lea-
ding competitor and the greatest strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

Size of industry Growth potential Trends Notes

Product/service line

Product/service line

Product/service line

Product/service line

Demographic and Geographical General Notes
socioeconomic data characteristics

Product/service line

Product/service line

Product/service line

Product/service line

Socio-economic characteristics of the population include data such as age, sex, education level, income,
marital status, profession, size of the family, etc.
Geographical data describe the location of target customers (continent, state, city, postal code).
General characteristics include qualitative details such as product preferences (packaging, colour, quality,
price) and favourite brands, and where customers usually buy.

60 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Number of com- Leading compe- Strengths and Weaknesses and
petitors titor advantages of disadvantages of
competitors competitors

Product/service line

Product/service line

Product/service line

Product/service line

Appendix 3

SWOT analysis
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Product/service line




Can one of your advantages help to improve your weaknesses or fight threats?
If yes, describe how.

Based on the above information, what are your short-term goals?

Based on the above information, what are your long-term goals?

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 61

Appendix 4

Marketing plan summary

State the goals.

Financial goals Customer-oriented Operational goals







Repeat the goals and provide details.

Goal Marketing method Activity KPIs

For every activity, it is necessary to appoint a person in charge of its implementation.

62 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Appendix 5

Marketing activity calendar

In addition to the fact that this calendar may be used for the planning and timeline of
activities, it may also be used for planning of the budget for marketing activities (only the
planned budget should be entered in the cells).

January February March

Date of 1st Monday 3 10 17 24 31 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 29


Social media





Influencers Increase Influer A:

store site promotion of
traffic products




Pay per click

E-mail campaign



Mobile app












Digital transformation of sales and marketing 63

Appendix 5

Company profile

Name of company



Target market

Business goals

64 Digital transformation of sales and marketing

Digital transformation of sales and marketing 65
66 Digital transformation of sales and marketing
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