Bid Document

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Bid Number/बोली मांक ( बड सं या) :

Dated/ दनांक : 08-02-2023

Bid Document/ बड द तावेज़

Bid Details/ बड ववरण

Bid End Date/Time/ बड बंद होने क तार ख/समय 20-03-2023 17:00:00

Bid Opening Date/Time/ बड खुलने क

20-03-2023 17:30:00
तार ख/समय

Bid Offer Validity (From End Date)/ बड पेशकश

45 (Days)
वैधता (बंद होने क तार ख से)

Ministry/State Name/मं ालय/रा य का नाम Ministry Of Petroleum And Natural Gas

Department Name/ वभाग का नाम Na

Organisation Name/संगठन का नाम Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited

Office Name/कायालय का नाम Rommmumbai

Total Quantity/कुल मा ा 1

Replacement of CCTV Surveillance Systems installed on

Item Category/मद केटे गर
process complexes of MH-Asset ONGC, Mumbai (Q3)

MSE Exemption for Years of

Experience/अनुभव के वष से एमएसई छूट/ and No

Startup Exemption for Years of

Experience/अनुभव के वष से टाटअप छूट/ and No

Certificate (Requested in ATC),OEM Authorization

Certificate,Additional Doc 1 (Requested in ATC),Additional
Doc 2 (Requested in ATC),Additional Doc 3 (Requested in
Document required from seller/ व े ता से मांगे ATC),Additional Doc 4 (Requested in ATC),Compliance of
BoQ specification and supporting document
गए द तावेज़ *In case any bidder is seeking exemption from Experience /
Turnover Criteria, the supporting documents to prove his
eligibility for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by
the buyer

Bid to RA enabled/ बड से रवस नीलामी स य कया No

Comprehensive Maintenance Charges


Type of Bid/ बड का कार Two Packet Bid

Time allowed for Technical Clarifications

during technical evaluation/तकनीक मू यांकन के 7 Days
दौरान तकनीक प ीकरण हे तु अनुमत समय

1 / 10
Bid Details/ बड ववरण

Inspection Required (By Empanelled

Inspection Authority / Agencies pre- Yes
registered with GeM)

Inspection to be carried out by Buyers own

empanelled agency

Type Of Inspection Pre Dispatch

Name of the Empanelled Inspection

Agency/ Authority

Quality Assurance Plan document 1675759726.pdf

Evaluation Method/मू यांकन प ित Total value wise evaluation

EMD Detail/ईएमड ववरण

Advisory Bank/एडवाईजर बक State Bank of India

EMD Amount/ईएमड रािश 7257875

ePBG Detail/ईपीबीजी ववरण

Advisory Bank State Bank of India

ePBG Percentage(%)/ईपीबीजी ितशत (%) 3.00

Duration of ePBG required (Months)/ईपीबीजी क

अपे त अविध (मह ने).

(a). EMD EXEMPTION: The bidder seeking EMD exemption, must submit the valid supporting document for the
relevant category as per GeM GTC with the bid. Under MSE category, only manufacturers for goods and Service
Providers for Services are eligible for exemption from EMD. Traders are excluded from the purview of this
Policy./जेम क शत के अनुसार ईएमड छूट के इ छुक बडर को संबंिधत केटे गर के िलए बड के साथ वैध समिथत द तावेज़ तुत करने है ।
एमएसई केटे गर के अंतगत केवल व तुओं के िलए विनमाता तथा सेवाओं के िलए सेवा दाता ईएमड से छूट के पा ह। यापा रय को इस नीित के
दायरे से बाहर रखा गया है ।

(b). EMD & Performance security should be in favour of Beneficiary, wherever it is applicable./ईएमड और संपादन
जमानत रािश, जहां यह लागू होती है , लाभाथ के प म होनी चा हए।

Beneficiary/लाभाथ :
Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited
Regional office, Third Floor, Q-2, NBP Green Heights, Bandra -Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051.
Phone No.: :+91 22 26274189 Mob No.: 7304992723.
(Oil And Natural Gas Corporation Limited)

Splitting/ वभाजन

Bid splitting not applied.

MII Purchase Preference/एमआईआई खर द वर यता

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MII Purchase Preference/एमआईआई खर द वर यता Yes

MSE Purchase Preference/एमएसई खर द वर यता

MSE Purchase Preference/एमएसई खर द वर यता Yes

1. Preference to Make In India products (For bids > 200 Crore) (can also be used in Bids < 200 Crore but only
after exemption by competent authority as defined in Deptt of Expenditure OM dated 28.5.2020): Preference
shall be given to Class 1 local supplier as defined in public procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order
2017 as amended from time to time and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Nodal Ministry
for specific Goods/Products. The minimum local content to qualify as a Class 1 local supplier is denoted in the bid
document. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must upload a certificate from the
OEM regarding the percentage of the local content and the details of locations at which the local value addition is
made along with their bid, failing which no purchase preference shall be granted. In case the bid value is more
than Rs 10 Crore, the declaration relating to percentage of local content shall be certified by the statutory auditor
or cost auditor, if the OEM is a company and by a practicing cost accountant or a chartered accountant for OEMs
other than companies as per the Public Procurement (preference to Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020.
In case Buyer has selected Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises clause in the bid, the same will
get precedence over this clause.
2. Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as
defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued
by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned
Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered
product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for
Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered
Service. Relevant documentary evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the
offered product or service. If L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15%
(Selected by Buyer)of margin of purchase preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be
given opportunity to match L-1 price and contract will be awarded for 100%(selected by Buyer) percentage of
3. Inspection of Stores by Nominated Inspection Authority / Agency of buyer or their
authorized representatives

An independent third party Professional Inspection Body can help buyer in mitigating buyer’s risk with pre-
dispatch/post-dispatch inspection in order to ensure that equipment, components, solutions and documentation
conform to contractual requirements. The buyer has a right to inspect goods in reasonable manner and within
reasonable time at any reasonable place as indicated in contract. Inspection Fee/ Charges (as pre-greed between
buyer and Inspection Agency) would be borne by the buyer as per their internal arrangement but may be
recovered from the seller if the consignment failed to conform to contractual specification and got rejected by
the Inspection Officer .If so requested and accepted by the seller , initially seller may pay for inspection
charges as applicable and get the same reimbursed from buyer if consignment accepted by the Inspecting
Officer . For reimbursement seller has to submit proof of payment to Inspection Agency.

Seller/OEM shall send a notice in writing / e-mail to the Inspecting officer / inspection agency specifying the place
of inspection as per contract and the Inspecting officer shall on receipt of such notice notify to the seller the date
and time when the stores would be inspected. The seller shall, at his own expenses, afford to the Inspecting
officer, all reasonable facilities as may be necessary for satisfying himself that the stores are being and or have
been manufactured in accordance with the technical particulars governing the supply. The decision of the
purchaser representative /inspection authority regarding acceptance / rejection of consignment shall be final and
binding on the seller.

The Seller shall provide, without any extra charge, all materials, tools, labour and assistance of every kind which
the Inspecting officer may demand of him for any test, and examination, other than special or independent test,
which he shall require to be made on the seller's premises and the seller shall bear and pay all costs attendant

The seller shall also provide and deliver store / sample from consignment under inspection free of charge at any
such place other than his premises as the Inspecting officer may specify for acceptance tests for which

3 / 10
seller/OEM does not have the facilities or for special/ independent tests.

In the event of rejection of stores or any part thereof by the Inspecting officer basis testing outside owing to lack
of test facility at sellers premises, the seller shall, on demand, pay to the buyer the costs incurred in the
inspection and/or test. Cost of test shall be assessed at the rate charged by the Laboratory to private persons for
similar work.

Inspector shall have the right to put all the stores or materials forming part of the same or any part thereof to
such tests as he may like fit and proper as per QAP/governing specification. The seller shall not be entitled to
object on any ground whatsoever to the method of testing adopted by the Inspecting officer.

Unless otherwise provided for in the contract, the quantity of the stores or materials expended in test will be
borne by seller.

Inspecting officer is the Final Authority to Certify Performance / accept the consignment. The Inspecting
officer’s decision as regards the rejection shall be final and binding on the seller.

The seller shall if so required at his own expense shall mark or permit the Inspecting officer to mark all the
approved stores with a recognised Government or purchaser's mark.

Excel Upload Required/ए सेल म अपलोड कए जाने क आव यकता :

Price format - 1675759999.xlsx

Pre Bid Detail(s)

Pre-Bid Date and Time Pre-Bid Venue

1. Bidder is requested to raise your Pre Bid queries on or before 15.02.2023

to following mail id:
a) [email protected]
b) [email protected]
c) [email protected]

2. Bidder is requested to go through the clause no.5 of Instruction to the

bidders document provided in the bid document or complete details of
attending the pre bid conference meeting.

3. Pre Bid Conference will be held at 2nd Floor conference room of NBP
20-02-2023 14:00:00 Green Heights, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Regional Office,
Bandra Kurla Complex (East), Mumbai-400051.

4. To attend pre-bid undertaking for Pre-bid is required as per format

provided in the Appendix PBC.

5. Bidder is advised to request through the following link for gate pass for
attending the Pre Bid Conference Meeting:
URL link:
Details of approving authority; Ms Pritika Kumari, MMO /Shri Piyush Gupta,
Mob No. 7304992723/ 7042191020

Replacement Of CCTV Surveillance Systems Installed On Process Complexes Of MH-

Asset ONGC, Mumbai ( 1 pieces )
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Brand Type/ ांड का कार Unbranded

4 / 10
Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Buyer Specification
Document/ े ता विश द तावेज़

Comprehensive Maintenance

Warranty of required product 1 Year

Comprehensive Maintenance Duration (Post

6 Year

*Warranty displayed under the AMC/CMC Details section will supersede the warranty displayed under the catalog

Installation Commissioning and Testing (ICT) details for the above item:

% of Product Cost Payable on Product Delivery 80%

Min Cost Allocation for ICT as a % of product cost 5%

Number of days allowed for ICT after site readiness

90 Days/ दन
communication to seller

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन

Nivas Chandrakant 410206,Nhava Supply Base,

1 1 540
Naik ONGC, Raigad, Maharashtra

Buyer added Bid Specific Additional Scope of Work

S.No. .सं Applicable/ रवस भार के अनुसार

Document Title Description
. जीएसट i.r.o. Items

Technical Replacement Of CCTV

specifications. Surveillance Systems Installed
1 Technical specifications.
On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

5 / 10
S.No. .सं Applicable/ रवस भार के अनुसार
Document Title Description
. जीएसट i.r.o. Items

Scope of work- Main

Project. Replacement Of CCTV
Surveillance Systems Installed
2 Scope of work- Main Project.
View On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

Special Conditions of Replacement Of CCTV

the Contract Surveillance Systems Installed
3 Special Conditions of the Contract
On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

SOW for CAMC Replacement Of CCTV

Surveillance Systems Installed
4 SOW for CAMC
View On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

OEM undertaking. Replacement Of CCTV

Kindly submit duly filled OEM Surveillance Systems Installed
View undertaking. On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

Undertaking for Replacement Of CCTV

Acceptance of T&C. Kindly submit duly filled and signed Surveillance Systems Installed
compliance of the undertaking. On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

Integrity Pact Replacement Of CCTV

Surveillance Systems Installed
7 Kindly submit duly filled Integrity Pact.
View On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

‘BIDDER FROM A Replacement Of CCTV
COUNTRY WHICH Surveillance Systems Installed
8 SHARES A LAND Kindly provide your compliance
On Process Complexes Of MH-

RELATIVES OF Surveillance Systems Installed
9 DIRECTORS OF ONGC Kindly provide your compliance
On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

Bid Evaluation Replacement Of CCTV

Criteria Matrix. Kindly submit your compliance against Surveillance Systems Installed
the Bid Evaluation criteria Matrix. On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

6 / 10
S.No. .सं Applicable/ रवस भार के अनुसार
Document Title Description
. जीएसट i.r.o. Items

Proforma for
additional Bank
Guarantee for Replacement Of CCTV
supporting company Proforma for additional Bank Guarantee
Surveillance Systems Installed
11 of the bidding for supporting company of the bidding
On Process Complexes Of MH-
company. company.
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

Appendix PBC Replacement Of CCTV

Proforma for attending pre-bid Surveillance Systems Installed
View confernce. On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

Instruction to the Replacement Of CCTV

bidders. Surveillance Systems Installed
13 Instruction to the bidders.
On Process Complexes Of MH-
Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

Instruction to
attending pre-bid Replacement Of CCTV
conference Instruction to attending pre-bid Surveillance Systems Installed
conference On Process Complexes Of MH-
View Asset ONGC, Mumbai(1)

The uploaded document only contains Buyer specific Additional Scope of Work and / or Drawings for the bid items added
with due approval of Buyer’s competent authority. Buyer has certified that these additional scope and drawings are
generalized and would not lead to any restrictive bidding.

Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions/ े ता ारा जोड़ गई बड क वशेष शत

1. Generic

OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up
to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to
increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the
contract at the contracted rates. Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly.

2. Forms of EMD and PBG

Bidders can also submit the EMD with Account Payee Demand Draft in favour of Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation Limited payable at ONGC, Mumbai.
Bidder has to upload scanned copy / proof of the DD along with bid and has to ensure delivery of hardcopy
to the Buyer within 5 days of Bid End date / Bid Opening date.

3. Forms of EMD and PBG

Bidders can also submit the EMD with Banker’s Cheque in favour of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
Limited payable at ONGC, Mumbai.
Bidder has to upload scanned copy / proof of the BC along with bid and has to ensure delivery of hardcopy
to the Buyer within 5 days of Bid End date / Bid Opening date.

4. Forms of EMD and PBG

Bidders can also submit the EMD with Payment online through RTGS / internet banking in Beneficiary
name Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Account No. 00000030061117039 IFSC Code SBIN0004380
Bank Name State Bank of India Branch address Bandra Kurla Complex.

7 / 10
Bidder to indicate bid number and name of bidding entity in the transaction details field at the time of on-
line transfer. Bidder has to upload scanned copy / proof of the Online Payment Transfer along with bid.

5. Forms of EMD and PBG

Successful Bidder can submit the Performance Security in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft also
(besides PBG which is allowed as per GeM GTC). DD should be made in favour of Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation Limited payable at ONGC, Mumbai. After award of contract, Successful Bidder can upload
scanned copy of the DD in place of PBG and has to ensure delivery of hard copy to the original DD to the
Buyer within 15 days of award of contract.

6. Forms of EMD and PBG

Successful Bidder can submit the Performance Security in the form of Payment online through RTGS /
internet banking also (besides PBG which is allowed as per GeM GTC). On-line payment shall be in
Beneficiary name Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited Account No. 00000030061117039 IFSC Code
SBIN0004380 Bank Name State Bank of India Branch address Bandra Kurla Complex. Successful Bidder to
indicate Contract number and name of Seller entity in the transaction details field at the time of on-line
transfer. Bidder has to upload scanned copy / proof of the Online Payment Transfer in place of PBG within
15 days of award of contract.

7. Certificates

Bidder's offer is liable to be rejected if they don't upload any of the certificates / documents sought in the
Bid document, ATC and Corrigendum if any.

8. Generic

Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any
responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per applicable rates
(whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.

9. Generic

Buyer Organization specific Integrity Pact shall have to be complied by all bidders. Bidders shall have to
upload scanned copy of signed integrity pact as per Buyer organizations policy along with bid. Click here
to view the file

10. Generic

Bidder shall submit the following documents along with their bid for Vendor Code Creation:

 a. Copy of PAN Card.

 b. Copy of GSTIN.

 c. Copy of Cancelled Cheque.

 d. Copy of EFT Mandate duly certified by Bank.

Disclaimer/अ वीकरण

The additional terms and conditions have been incorporated by the Buyer after approval of the Competent
Authority in Buyer Organization, whereby Buyer organization is solely responsible for the impact of these clauses
on the bidding process, its outcome, and consequences thereof including any eccentricity / restriction arising in
the bidding process due to these ATCs and due to modification of technical specifications and / or terms and
conditions governing the bid. Any clause(s) incorporated by the Buyer regarding following shall be treated as
null and void and would not be considered as part of bid:-

1. Definition of Class I and Class II suppliers in the bid not in line with the extant Order / Office Memorandum
issued by DPIIT in this regard.

8 / 10
2. Seeking EMD submission from bidder(s), including via Additional Terms & Conditions, in contravention to
exemption provided to such sellers under GeM GTC.
3. Publishing Custom / BOQ bids for items for which regular GeM categories are available without any
Category item bunched with it.
4. Creating BoQ bid for single item.
5. Mentioning specific Brand or Make or Model or Manufacturer or Dealer name.
6. Mandating submission of documents in physical form as a pre-requisite to qualify bidders.
7. Floating / creation of work contracts as Custom Bids in Services.
8. Seeking sample with bid or approval of samples during bid evaluation process.
9. Mandating foreign / international certifications even in case of existence of Indian Standards without
specifying equivalent Indian Certification / standards.
10. Seeking experience from specific organization / department / institute only or from foreign / export
11. Creating bid for items from irrelevant categories.
12. Incorporating any clause against the MSME policy and Preference to Make in India Policy.
13. Reference of conditions published on any external site or reference to external documents/clauses.
14. Asking for any Tender fee / Bid Participation fee / Auction fee in case of Bids / Forward Auction, as the
case may be.

Further, if any seller has any objection/grievance against these additional clauses or otherwise on any aspect of
this bid, they can raise their representation against the same by using the Representation window provided in
the bid details field in Seller dashboard after logging in as a seller within 4 days of bid publication on GeM. Buyer
is duty bound to reply to all such representations and would not be allowed to open bids if he fails to reply to
such representations.

Additional Clause For Comprehensive Maintenance Charges

1.CMC shall include preventive maintenance including calibration as per technical/ service /operational manual of
the manufacturer, service charges and spares, after satisfactory completion of Warranty. During the CMC period
commencing from date of the successful completion of warranty period, Service personnel shall visit each
consignee site as recommended in the manufacturer’s technical/ service /operational manual, at least once in six
months or as per user requirement. Cost of consumables shall not be included in CMC.Further there will be 98%
uptime warranty during CMC period on 24 (hrs) X 7 (days) X 365 (days) basis, with penalty, to extend CMC period
by double the downtime period.
2.CMC charges to be indicated as percentage of cost of equipment quoted for each year after the warranty
3.GST shall be included in the CMC Charges quoted.
4.Cost of CMC will be added for Ranking/Evaluation purpose with depreciation formula.A 10% discounting rate
per year shall be applied on CMC Charges for price evaluation on Net Present Value.
5.The payment of CMC will be made on quarterly basis after satisfactory completion of said period, duly certified
by end user.
6.While creating a bid or RA, buyers shall indicate whether CMC is required against Yes/No” options. If CMC
Charges are included, an option for number of years for CMC required after the warranty period shall be
available.Under this option up to 10 years can be chosen for CMC charges beyond warranty period.
7.In case the bid has a provision for CMC, the warranty of the product will also be deemed to have been
converted into Comprehensive warranty including preventive maintenance and calibration as per technical/
service /operational manual of the manufacturer, service charges and spares, during the Warranty Period also.
Sellers are therefore advised to include the cost of Comprehensive Warranty including spares (excluding
consumables) also in product Cost.
8.The CMC functionality shall be available in bid only and no direct RA shall be applicable.In case of bid to R/A
decrement rules shall be applicable on total price inclusive of CMC charges. Bunching of products shall not be
available while creating bids with CMC charges.

8.1.Buyer shall indicate number of years of warranty by selecting different options available in the field
depending on warranty parameter applicable in category parameters for the equipment. No. of years of
warranty indicated here shall supersede the warranty period indicated elsewhere in bid or product
specifications. The Seller while participating in Bid/RA will get fields to indicate CMC charges as
percentage depending on number of years of CMC selected by Buyer. The following shall be applicable, if
5 year CMC selected:

9 / 10
CMC charges for 1st year after warranty period– Percentage to be indicated- A1
CMC charges for 2nd year after warranty period– Percentage to be indicated- A2
CMC charges for 3rd year after warranty period – Percentage to be indicated- A3
CMC charges for 4th year after warranty period – Percentage to be indicated- A4
CMC charges for 5th year after warranty period – Percentage to be indicated- A5
Similarly, A6 to A10 are to be indicated for 6th to 10th year of CMC if applicable.
8.2.The calculation of CMC Charges shall take into account the number of years of warranty and duration
of CMC as specified while creating bid.
8.3.In the price evaluation, the system shall provide function to calculate the cost of each equipment by
formula indicated below includingCMC and then show the inter-se-ranking of the bidders. The following are
the variables
(i) Number of years for which CMC required.
(ii) Number of years of product warranty
The formula for calculating total cost including CMC charges shall be as under:
Total Cost for evaluation=
(A5/100)/(1.10^n+4)} and so on
C – Cost for equipment quoted and n shall be number of years of product warranty specified.
If 2 year warranty specified, n shall be2 and if 5 year warranty specified, n shall be 5. A1,A2, A3, A4&
A5shall depend on how many years CMC selected. For3 yearCMC, only A1,A2 and A3 factors are to be
taken into account and A4 and A5 will not be applicable.
8.4.CMC charges offered for each subsequent year should be same or higher than preceding year.
8.5.The CMC charges shall be offered within range of 3 to 10% of cost of equipment.

9.Since CMC charges are to be paid only later for each year during CMC period,applicable performance
guarantee amount after placement of contract shall be based on the cost of equipment excluding the cost of
CMC Charges.
10.Performance bank guarantee applicable for CMC is to be submitted at start of the CMC and shall be applicable
between 2.5% to 5% as specified in bid on total CMC Charges.The PBG submitted after award of contract shall be
released only after new PBG for the CMC period is submitted and accepted by buyer/consignee after due
verification.Bank guarantee for CMC is to remain valid till completion of CMC period plus one year. The bank
guarantee for CMC shall be submitted to buyer directly. In case, seller fails to submit the PBG or does not provide
services for the CMC contract after expiry of warranty period then PBG of equipment shall be forfeited.
11.In case of splitting of order quantity, equipment cost and CMC charges offered by L1 bidder shall be matched
by higher quoting eligible bidders on one-to-one basis.The equipment cost and CMC charges (year to year) shall
be matched individually.
12.The CMC Contract shall be an offline contract to be handled by buyer.The payment of CMC will be made on
quarterly basis after satisfactory completion of said period, duly certified by end user and scope of CMC will be as
per para 1 above.
13.CMC Charges are inclusive of all the charges for Transportation, Lodging, Boarding, all insurances including
third party insurance and all other incidental charges. The same shall include GST. The prices also include cost of
spares and damaged parts. Purchaser does not have any liability, whatsoever, over and above the cost of CMC. It
also includes for arranging hand tools & tackles, special tools etc. required to carry out the work.

This Bid is also governed by the General Terms and Conditions/ यह बड सामा य शत के अंतगत भी शािसत है

In terms of GeM GTC clause 26 regarding Restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India, any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. While participating in bid, Bidder has to
undertake compliance of this and any false declaration and non-compliance of this would be a ground for immediate termination of the contract and further legal action

in accordance with the laws./ जेम क सामा य शत के खंड 26 के संदभ म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श के बडर से खर द
पर ितबंध के संबंध म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श का कोई भी बडर इस िन वदा म बड दे ने के िलए तभी पा होगा
जब वह बड दे ने वाला स म ािधकार के पास पंजीकृ त हो। बड म भाग लेते समय बडर को इसका अनुपालन करना होगा और कोई भी
गलत घोषणा कए जाने व इसका अनुपालन न करने पर अनुबंध को त काल समा करने और कानून के अनुसार आगे क कानूनी कारवाई
का आधार होगा।

---Thank You/ ध यवाद---

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