Limits of Small Scale Pressure Swing Adsorption Limits of Small Scale Pressure Swing Adsorption
Limits of Small Scale Pressure Swing Adsorption Limits of Small Scale Pressure Swing Adsorption
Limits of Small Scale Pressure Swing Adsorption Limits of Small Scale Pressure Swing Adsorption
ETD Archive
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Moran, Aaron A., "Limits of Small Scale Pressure Swing Adsorption" (2018). ETD Archive. 1050.
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Miami University
May 2012
June 2014
at the
May 2018
First and foremost, I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to Dr. Talu for
encouraging me to pursue my doctoral degree and for all his support along this journey. I
am extremely grateful for his willingness to allow me to pursue a topic that excited me,
despite it not always being his favorite. Without a doubt, I would not be the
scientist/engineer I am today without him. Not only has he taught me how to be a better
The wide ranging advice he has given me over the years has been invaluable and I will
Next, I would like to thank my committee, Dr. Gatica, Dr. Wirth, Dr. Ungarala,
and Dr. Fodor for their input and critique of my thesis. Dr Ungarala deserves additional
acknowledgement for allowing use of the PSA model he developed, which was
instrumental in the data analysis and improving my understanding of the PSA process.
Dr. Thrash, Dr. Shah, and Dr. Gumma have also provided valuable input on various
papers and presentations along the way of which I am very grateful. Finally, I would like
to thank Dr. Belovich for her guidance and mentoring during my three years as a teaching
Additionally, I wish to thank Jim Barker for his help with the electrical side of the
setup of the PSA process used in this thesis and wish him all the best in his retirement.
Becky Laird and Darlene Montgomery deserve extra thanks for all the help they have
provided during my time at CSU. I have also had the pleasure of mentoring several
graduate students who have worked extremely hard and did excellent work (Mihir Patel,
Himabindu Gandra, Muhammet Köksal, and Philipp Schandelmaier). I would not have
been able to finish this dissertation as quickly as I did without their assistance and
patience with me as I tried my best to teach them what I know. Mihir and Qian Qian
Zhou deserve special mention as well as some of the data used in the work was collected
by them. Dustin Bowden also deserves acknowledgment for helping take the SEM
Lastly, I would like to thank my family and friends for their love and support over
the years I have undertaken this project. A special shout out goes out to my roommates
Steve Cook and Mike Salem who put up with my often strange schedule and lack of
social life. I finally must express my utmost gratitude to my parents for their love and
Portable or small scale pressure swing adsorption (PSA) systems have gained
increasing popularity in both industry and literature due to the commercial success of
personal oxygen concentrators (POCs). While these processes have much in common
with larger PSA systems, significant differences exist that make understanding process
limitations difficult. These include faster cycle times, smaller adsorbent particles, and a
columns packed with zeolite particles in an oxygen production process. While numerous
studies have confirmed this assumption for the particle size used in industrial size PSA
processes, it has not been validated for the much smaller particle size used in small scale
PSA. Smaller particles improve the mass transfer rate by increasing interfacial area per
volume as well as decreasing diffusion distance. Despite this reduction, small scale PSA
simulations often still assume a mass transfer rate solely limited by macropore diffusion.
This approach fails to adequately account for the influence of other mass transfer
mechanisms whose impact increases due to particle size reduction. This study
macropore diffusion for the particle size used in small scale PSA for oxygen production.
Depending on the gas velocity, axial dispersion effects either become the limiting
accounting for axial dispersion effects has a significant impact on the mass transfer
An important limitation for small scale PSA processes is the limit on adsorbent
utilization. Decreasing cycle time for a PSA process typically results in a gain in
adsorbent utilization, often represented in industry by the bed size factor (BSF).
desirable because it represents a smaller overall process size, which is highly attractive
for portable systems. Currently, there is no consensus in literature if a lower limit for the
In this study, a two column small scale PSA process was used to measure the
cycle time of a minimum BSF. It represents the first experimental literature example of a
minimum BSF for a two column air separation process. The data was then used with a
literature model to better understand why the minimum was occurring and what was
primarily causing it. It was determined that macropore diffusional resistance is the
ABSTRACT…………..…………………..……………………………………………. iv
LIST OF TABLES………………………...……………………………………………. xi
NOMENCLATURE…………….…………………………………………………….. xvi
I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………...…………………... 1
1.1. Purpose…...….....…………………………………………………. 1
II. BACKGROUND…………………..………………………………………... 5
2.1 Zeolites…………………………………………………………….. 5
2.2 Adsorption………………………………………………………. 13
2.3.4 Air Separation Applications…......…………………... 27
III. THEORY………………………………………………………………... 30
Particles…...……………………………..…………… 55
4.2.1 Evolution of Small Scale PSA………………………… 59
5.2 Isotherms……………………….…………………...…………. 68
5.5.2 PSA Instrumentation, Process Control, and Data………….
Collection……………………………………...…..... 83
6.3.1 Measurement of a Minimum BSF…………...……… 127
REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………….. 141
APPENDIX………………………………………………………………………….… 153
Table Page
5.1 Nitrogen and oxygen DSL parameters for LiLSX particles used in simulations.. 69
5.5 Cycle specifications for short column cycles in pressure drop study………........ 95
5.6 Cycle specifications for long column cycles in pressure drop study ………….... 96
5.8 Cycle specifications for long column cycles with pressure ratio 3.5 in minimum…..
BSF study……..………………………………..…………………………… 98
5.9 Cycle specifications for long column cycles with pressure ratio 3 in minimum BSF
study …………………………………………………………..…..….….… 98
5.10 Cycle specifications for long column cycles with pressure ratio 2.5 in minimum.....
5.11 Cycle specifications for short column cycles with pressure ratio 3.5 in minimum....
5.12 Cycle specifications for long column cycles with pressure ratio 3 in minimum...….
6.1 Comparison of van Deemter constants determined from experimental data and…..
6.2 Comparison of equation 4.1 contributions for a nitrogen overall MTC at a….….…
6.3 Comparison of experimental and simulation results at similar cycle times and….…
6.4 Comparison of experimental and simulation results at different cycle times and.….
6.5 Slope and intercept of k’ vs. superficial velocity in Figure 6.18 for long…….....…..
columns…….................................................................................................. 131
6.6 Slope and intercept of k’ vs. superficial velocity in Figure 6.18 for short….….…...
columns……………………….…………………………………………… 131
Figure Page
4.1 Limiting Peclet number vs particle diameter for flow through packed beds..….. 54
4.2 Comparison of predicted overall nitrogen MTC using constants and correlations….
5.5 PSA middle exit manifold schematic……….……………...……………..……... 80
6.1 Experimental data vs. correlation predictions of the nitrogen overall MTC…... 105
6.2 HETP vs. superficial velocity from experimental breakthrough experiment..… 108
6.3 Experimental overall MTC plotted against overall nitrogen MTC predictions... 109
6.4 Comparison of koverall predictions for a 0.5 mm particle and 2 mm particle….... 111
6.7 Comparison of oxygen recovery decline with increasing production step superficial
6.8 Comparison of BSF with increasing production step superficial velocity for…..…...
6.9 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the production step for
6.10 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the purge step for the..
6.11 Comparison of solid nitrogen loading at the end of the production and purge steps..
6.12 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the production step.....
6.13 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the purge step for the.
6.14 Comparison of solid nitrogen loading at the end of the production and purge steps..
6.15 Comparison of solid temperature profiles at the end of the production and purge.…
steps……………………….………………………..……….……...…… 126
6.16 Oxygen recovery results for long, thin columns and short, wide columns...…. 128
6.17 BSF results for long, thin columns and short, wide columns………………… 128
6.18 k’ plotted against superficial velocity of high pressure feed step for long, thin……
6.19 BSF plotted against superficial velocity of high pressure feed step for long………
6.20 BSF plotted against superficial velocity of high pressure feed step for long………
Dc micropore diffusivity
Dp macropore diffusivity
E potential energy
e electron charge
f force
g ionic valences
H enthalpy
j number of components
K0 Henry’s Law constant at a reference state
k’ empirical constant
L column length
M quadrupole moment
ns saturation capaity
rc crystal radius
P pressure
p partial pressure
Q heat of adsorption
Re Reynolds number
S entropy
s selectivity
Sc Schmidt number
Sh Sherwood number
T temperature
t time
s selectivity
uw wave velocity
w magnitude of charge
z axial coordinate
Greek Symbols
ε0 dielectric permittivity
α polarizability
ρp particle density
εb bed/column porosity
εp particle macroporosity
μg gas viscosity
ρg gas density
τp pore tortuosity
1.1 Purpose
The abundance of life on Earth depends on oxygen, which composes around 21%
of our atmosphere. However, demand for high purity oxygen has risen tremendously to
support new manufacturing processes and treat various medical conditions. Industrial
uses for purified oxygen include steel production, chemicals, petrochemicals, glass,
ceramics, and paper. The primary medical application is oxygen therapy for patients
suffering from conditions such as asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Generating nearly pure oxygen from air is possible through either cryogenic
distillation or pressure swing adsorption (PSA). The high energy cost of cryogenic
distillation limits its economic viability to large scale oxygen demand or when > 96%
oxygen is required. PSA cannot separate oxygen and argon, which limits the maximum
oxygen purity to 96%. Since purity above 90% is acceptable for most personal
applications, PSA is the logical choice for small medical devices, often labeled personal
oxygen concentrators (POCs). These small scale devices have numerous advantages over
oxygen cylinders, the alternative option for oxygen therapy, including portability and
permitted use on airplanes. However, the technology is not fully mature and opportunity
remains to improve the size and efficiency of these devices. Creating a superior device is
lucrative because the market for oxygen therapy in North America alone is expected to
grow from around $2.7 billion in 2014 to over $7 billion in 2024. Moreover, COPD has
been projected to become the third leading cause of death in the world by 2030, which
While large scale PSA processes are well researched, less is known about small
scale operations. Significant differences exist between large and small scale processes
that potentially change process limitations. The goal of this dissertation is characterizing
The most significant difference between large and small scale processes, other
than overall process size, is the smaller particle size used in the packed column(s). In
literature, it is well known that diffusion in the macropores of the adsorbent is the
primary mass transfer resistance in columns packed with large zeolite particles (> 2mm). 2
Despite little proof this applies to the particle size used in small scale processes, it is still
assumption is not correct, which has significant implications on how the mass transfer
rate is measured or estimated. A suitable approximation for the mass transfer rate is
critical for designing and simulating a small scale PSA process. Hence, a primary goal of
this dissertation is to demonstrate what limits the mass transfer rate in columns of small
Limitations of small scale processes are currently not well understood because a
commercial market for these processes has not existed until recently. Large scale
processes operate much slower than small scale processes. Furthermore, the size of small
scale processes is miniscule compared to industrial units where the production rate is
orders of magnitude larger; hence limitations of larger units will not apply to these small
utilization. Decreasing cycle time for a PSA process typically results in a gain in
adsorbent utilization, often represented in industry by the bed size factor (BSF).
Increasing adsorbent utilization results in a lower BSF and smaller overall process size,
literature if a lower limit for the BSF exists and what causes it. Furthermore, if a limit
does exist, the primary cause of it remains unknown. Hence, the other main goal of this
dissertation is to improve the understanding on what limits the size and speed of small
broad overview of zeolites, adsorption, and pressure swing adsorption for those readers
unfamiliar with these subjects. Chapter 3 provides specific details about the zeolite and
equilibrium model used in this dissertation and introduces concepts related to column
dynamics that are useful to understand this study. Chapter 4 reviews literature related to
small scale PSA and introduces the challenges currently facing the field that are
addressed through this dissertation. Chapter 5 details the methods and materials used in
this dissertation for the breakthrough and pressure swing adsorption experiments.
Finally, Chapter 6 discusses the results of the study and offers further discussion on what
This chapter introduces the ideas and concepts required to understand the methods and
interactions with the solid. This dissertation will focus on a specific adsorbent, LiLSX
zeolite, and specific adsorption process, pressure swing adsorption, for the application of
2.1 Zeolites
Zeolites are one of many adsorbents used for separation and purification
molecules (molecules that adsorb to an adsorbent surface) within the adsorbent and
provide a high surface area to enhance interactions of guest molecules with the solid
differently with various types of molecules. Selection of the right type of adsorbent is
A Swedish man named Baron Cronstedt first depicted zeolites in literature in the
1750’s. He proposed the name “zeolite” after heating a natural zeolite and witnessing it
bubble and dance as steam released from the zeolite pores.3 Natural occurring zeolites
usually contain impurities and an irregular chemical composition that limit their impact
scientifically and industrially.4 Consequently, zeolites went largely unstudied for close to
200 years as they were viewed as rare minerals without a purification method. In 1905 in
Germany, a synthetic zeolite with a larger capacity compared to natural zeolites was
manufactured, which permitted the first commercial use of zeolites as a way to soften
water. 3
Organized research into zeolites did not begin until the late 1930’s when Richard
Barrer classified zeolites by their pore size. His research at Union Carbide lead to the
synthesis of the first synthetic zeolites (i.e. zeolites A, X, and Y) for industrial use.3, 5, 6
Union Carbide used readily available raw materials along with a lower synthesis pressure
and temperature compared to former methods to create these zeolites. The key features
of synthetic zeolites compared to the natural version were a larger pore size to
accommodate larger molecules, an enhanced pore volume to increase the capacity, and a
higher purity of the crystalline phase.6 The ability to create a zeolite with a structure and
function tailored to a specific process allowed the industrial potential of zeolites to
expand.3 This has produced zeolites today that are crucial to many industrial processes as
and mordenite are primarily used in industry. Commercially, the most important
synthetically created zeolites are Type A, Type X or Y, synthetic mordenite, and all of
crystalline aluminosilicates with a chemical formula of the form seen in equation 2.1:
where M is a metal cation of valence n, x is 2.0 or more, and y is the moles of water in the
pores. Cavities (or cages) within the zeolite structure are linked to other cavities by pores
that allow adsorbate molecules to permeate into the structure. Zeolites differ from other
adsorbents through their uniform crystalline structure that provides a well defined pore
size for molecules to travel through, while also allowing them to act as effective
Micropores, unlike larger mesopores and macropores, are able to trap guest molecules
using their solid surface force field. The larger pores serve to assist with diffusion by
allowing molecules to travel to the micropores easily. Zeolites have pore sizes less than 2
nm and are therefore completely microporous. The porosity of a zeolite provides a much
larger total surface area compared to its external surface, which produces a high
adsorption capacity solid where adsorption only occurs in the micropores. Molecular
characteristics specific to a zeolite (i.e. pore size, shape, and properties like polarity)
control how adsorption and desorption (opposite of adsorption) occur within a zeolite.
The main building blocks of zeolites consist of SiO2 and Al3O2 units that connect
tetrahedrally through oxygen atoms. Several of these units form larger secondary units
that serve as building blocks for the zeolite structure. These secondary units, shown in
Figure 2.1, illustrate silicon and aluminum atoms at the apices with lines representing
oxygen bridges between them. More secondary units exist, but the units in Figure 2.1
represent the units used to build the more common zeolite types A, X, and Y. These
secondary units are linked in 3-D space to create a porous crystalline structure. For
example, shown in Figure 2.2 is a sodalite unit formed from S4R and S6R units (Figure
2.1). Eight sodalite units form the eight-membered oxygen ring of type A zeolites and
connect to the final crystal (Figure 2.3) through D4R units (Figure 2.1). Type X and Y
zeolites are formed by ten sodalite units connected by D6R units (Figure 2.1) organized
in 3-D space to form a twelve-membered oxygen ring as the smallest pore diameter
(Figure 2.3). These oxygen rings are responsible for providing entry for adsorbate
molecules into the cavity of the zeolite. They determine pore size and what molecules
can enter the structure. Since zeolites are 3-dimensional structures, accurately
representing them on a 2-D surface is difficult. Figure 2.3 is one of the better illustrations
Figure 2.1 Examples of zeolite basic secondary units5
Figure 2.3 Structure of Type A (left), nitrogen molecule (center), and Type X or Y
zeolites (right)7
The silicon and aluminum atoms within zeolites are interchangeable (although it
can be difficult), allowing for a range of Si/Al ratios between one and infinity.9 If the
ratio is reduced below one, the structure collapses. An aluminum atom induces a net
electroneutrality. Cations are electrostatically bonded near an Al atom and are therefore
not part of the zeolite structure; hence cation exchange is possible. Adjusting the Si/Al
ratio and type of exchangeable cation permits zeolite modification for a specific purpose.
A higher Si/Al ratio increases the hydrophobic nature of a zeolite, which is useful for
removal of organics from water and catalytic applications where water is undesirable.
The Si/Al ratio differentiates Type X and Y zeolites. It is between 1 and 1.5 for Type X
zeolites, while the ratio is between 1.5 and ∞ for Type Y zeolites. A lower Si/Al ratio
increases cation exchange capacity and the ability to adsorb polar molecules. Examples
For example, a Type 4A zeolite utilizes the exchangeable cation Na+ and all twenty three
available sites within a unit cell. For a Type A zeolite, Na+ cations located on the eight
membered ring that serves as the opening into the central cavity will restrict the free
zeolite requires substitution of Na+ with K+, which further reduces the free diameter since
unobstructed ring since one bivalent cation replaces two univalent cations. This causes
the cation to shift location from the main cavity window to inside the main cavity. The
number of cations per unit cell controls the location of the exchangeable cations in the
zeolite. A sodalite structure contains Type I, Type II, and Type III active exchangeable
ion location sites, each with a different cation capacity. Type I sites are the most readily
accessible and fill up first while Type III sites are the most difficult to access and fill up
The benefit of zeolites to industry has grown enormously over the last sixty
applications include portable oxygen concentrators, stationary refrigerant drying, and air
brake dryers for trucks and trains.6 Perhaps the largest industrial application is catalysis,
which first became important in 1962 with the addition of zeolites as catalysts in a
petroleum process called fluid catalytic cracking. Zeolites developed during this time
were significantly more reactive in comparison to their predecessors, which decreased
Removal of CO2, chlorides, and mercury from different process streams in petroleum
processes; 3) Drying and desulfrizing natural gas; 4) Removal of water, N2, and CO2
from air for cryogenic distillation or PSA processes; 5) Hydrogen purification; and 6)
Three types of separation are possible with zeolites. First, equilibrium separation
occurs if there exists a difference in molecular interactions between the zeolite surface
and adsorbate molecules. Equilibrium separation usually hinges on the polarity of the
zeolite surface and adsorbate molecules. Another possibility, kinetic separation, exists if
there is a difference in the transport rate (i.e. diffusion) of the adsorbate into the internal
cavity of the zeolite. This requires the adsorbent micropore size to be similar to that of
the adsorbate molecules undergoing separation. Finally, molecular sieving occurs if the
size of a zeolite pore is too small for one molecule but not another in a fluid mixture. Air
separation, the topic of this dissertation, involves equilibrium separation where the zeolite
preferentially adsorbs nitrogen allowing for production of nearly pure oxygen at feed
pressure. 5A and 13X zeolites are commonly used to accomplish this separation in a
PSA process.
2.2 Adsorption
liquid) and an adsorbent surface (porous solid).7 There are two adsorption mechanisms,
easily reversible and can form more than one molecular layer. Chemisorption involves
the formation of bonds between the adsorbate molcule and adsorbent surface. However,
it can only form one molecular layer on a solid surface and it is not easily reversible,
which limits its industrial impact for separation and purification processes. Air
separation occurs via physical adsorption, hence all references to adsorption from this
and London dispersion forces. Permanent dipoles occur in polar molecules as a result of
an uneven distribution of charge in the electron cloud. Polar molecules can also induce
an uneven charge distribution (i.e. polarity) in nonpolar molecules if they are close
enough to interact. Nonpolar molecules do not have permanent dipoles when their charge
is averaged over time. However, at any instantaneous moment they will have a dipole
that has potential to induce a dipole on another nonpolar molecule, creating London
Dispersion forces. Repulsion forces occur when molecules are too close to each other
and their electron clouds overlap. When adsorption occurs, equilibrium exists between
repulsive and attractive forces. Figure 2.4 shows potential energy (sum of all the
interactions that exist between the adsorbate and adsorbent) as a function of the distance
of the adsorbate molecule from the adsorbent surface. The high positive repulsive
potential energy near the adsorbent surface is where the electron cloud overlap would
occur. The potential well depth, U(r0), is related to the interaction strength between the
adsorbate and solid surface. The larger the potential energy difference, the greater the
attraction. At zero Kelvin (no kinetic energy), a molecule would settle at the bottom of
the well. At all other finite temperatures, the molecule oscillates around the minimum
potential energy.
2.2.2 Adsorption Thermodynamics
molecule to lose at least one of its translational degrees of freedom because it restricts the
gas molecule to move along the adsorbent surface. This causes a decrease in entropy
(ΔS) and since adsorption is a spontaneous process, Gibbs free energy (ΔG) is reduced as
adsorption. Isotherms are measured at a constant temperature while the pressure is varied
and the amount of adsorbate is measured. They form different shapes as shown in Figure
2.5. Type I isotherms are most relevant to this study and represent adsorbents that have
pores similar in size to the adsorbate molecules and fill up as a saturation limit is
approached. The other types of isotherms have larger pores compared to the adsorbate
and hence do not experience this saturation limit, except for type IV and V isotherms near
Ps. Type III isotherms represent systems where an adsorbate interacts more strongly with
other adsorbates than with the adsorbent. Type II isotherms can have multiple adsorbed
layers because of their larger pore size distribution and represents the other type of
Figure 2.5 The five types of isotherms7
process. There are three resistances to mass transfer related to an adsorbent particle. The
first occurs around adsorbent particles as film resistance if the fluid is a mixture, due to
accumulation of the less adsorbed component on the surface. The other two occur within
the particle in the macro/mesopores between the crystals and in the micropores within the
crystals themselves. These resistances are in series, but typically only one is rate
controlling. Zeolites are also often synthesized with a porous binder material that holds
the crystals together, especially for separation processes where a sudden change in
diameter of the diffusing sorbate. In zeolite particles, these exist between microporous
crystals. When pore size is much greater than the mean free path of the sorbate
molecules, diffusion occurs by bulk gas diffusion. At low pressures and with smaller
pores, collisions between the diffusing molecule and pore wall become important
resulting in Knudsen diffusion. Furthermore, Poiseuille flow (pressure driven flow inside
a particle) becomes relevant with larger pore and particle sizes and at higher pressures,
such as the pressurization step of a PSA process. Under high adsorbate concentrations
and if the adsorbed phase is mobile, adsorbed molecules may diffuse on the pore surface
as well.8
molecules. For a zeolite particle, this occurs within the crystals where pore size into the
cavity of the zeolite is limited by the oxygen windows. If a binder is present, micropore
diffusion will occur through the binder as well. The “adsorbed phase” in this type of
diffusion refers to the combination of molecules adsorbed on the pore wall and trapped in
the middle of the pore.8 Micropore diffusion is an activated process because unlike
macropore diffusion, it is not possible for the adsorbate molecules to escape the forces of
the pore wall; hence temperature strongly influences micropore diffusion. The type and
distribution of the exchangeable cation will affect adsorbate diffusivity into the
micropores, along with how strongly the adsorbate molecules are attracted on to the
Figure 2.6 Depiction of pores and mass transfer resistances in an adsorbent particle7
2.3 Air Separation by Pressure Swing Adsorption
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is a process designed for efficient gas separation
adsorbent. This study focuses only on equilibrium separation for oxygen production.
The basic premise of a PSA process involves one or more columns packed with
an adsorbent (zeolite, carbon molecular sieve, etc.) that preferentially adsorbs one type of
gas molecule over another. This normally occurs at some pressure above atmospheric
pressure until the gas nearly saturates the column with the more strongly adsorbed gas
molecule (heavy component). The “raffinate” product is the gas molecule type that
adsorbs less (light component) and exits the product end of the column. Once a column
regeneration (desorption) in order to reuse the column later in the process. Desorption is
determined by the gas composition, temperature, and pressure. A change in any of these
properties can be used to regenerate the adsorbent in the column. Since desorption is the
process occurs through a change in column pressure and composition as they provide
occurs at either atmospheric or vacuum pressure causing the pressure to swing from high
pressure during adsorption to a low pressure during desorption, hence the name “Pressure
While most separation processes operate under steady state, a PSA process is
dynamic as conditions within the column are constantly changing at every location. The
pressurization, adsorption, and regeneration steps. PSA processes ideally operate under
cyclic steady state (CSS), which occurs when column conditions at the end of each step
do not change from cycle to cycle. At CSS, the cycle performance remains the same over
Selectivity, s, of a zeolite (or any adsorbent) is the degree to which a zeolite can adsorb
where xi and yi represent the mole fractions of component i in the adsorbed and fluid
Product recovery measures the amount of desired component in the high pressure
product stream compared to that in the feed stream. Purity and recovery indirectly
the desired results.11 There is a trade-off between recovery and purity; i.e. high purity
usually results in lower recovery. Maximum potential recovery is established by the
affinity of the solid for the heavy component over the light component through
determines how much high pressure feed is utilized per product rate.
size of a process. The mass transfer rate in the column primarily determines the size,
cycle time, and amount of adsorbent, all of which impact the process productivity. All of
these performance parameters are mutually dependent on each other and changing one
Pressure swing adsorption is a technology that has developed primarily within the
last 50 years. It has become a valuable part of processes such as air drying, hydrogen
purification, n-paraffin removal, xylene isomer separations, and air separation.9 Several
important factors make PSA more feasible compared to other separation techniques.
provides greater design flexibility compared to processes like distillation, extraction, and
absorption. Second, the large number of adsorbents including zeolites, activated carbons,
silica gels etc., with different properties allow for various separations. Finally,
optimizing a process for a specific adsorbent or end product allows for creativity,
engineering, and continuous growth in PSA technology.12 For example, there are
numerous ways to design and operate an air separation process to achieve essentially
equivalent results. Improvement of PSA processes occur through either developing new
adsorbents (material science) or developing more efficient steps in the cycle
PSA processes were originally researched for air separation in the 1950’s and
feasible only in large scale applications because of the extremely low temperature (96 K)
required. However, for smaller scale operations or when a high purity is not required,
PSA processes are more economical than cryogenic distillation. The low adsorption
selectivity of early solids rendered air separation before the 1950’s challenging.
However, with the development of synthetic zeolites (i.e. 5A, 13X), air separation was
thrust into the forefront of adsorption research.9 This lead to the development of two
different types of PSA cycles in the late 1950’s that served as the basis for later designs
of PSA systems. The first patent was for the Skarstrom cycle assigned to Esso Research
and Engineering Company.13 The other was for the Guerin-Domine cycle assigned to
L’Air Liquide.14 The regeneration method is the main difference between the cycles.8
which is the base cycle used in this study. A cycle consists of both columns experiencing
flow) blowdown, 4) countercurrent purge. The pressurization and production steps are
similar in that they both involve the input of feed gas and hence are referenced in the
future as a combined “feed” step where the flow direction is defined as the same as the
feed flow. The cycle works such that one column undergoes the feed step while the other
is counter-currently blowing down and purging. The purge step involves passing a
fraction of the purified light product through the column at low pressure after the
blowdown step. Figure 2.8 illustrates the pressure variation in the column during each
step. Skarstrom cycles usually operate their feed step at a pressure above atmospheric
pressure while the blowdown and purge steps occur at pressure slightly above
primarily by lowering the column partial pressure of nitrogen. The blowdown step
accomplishes this by dropping the overall pressure to atmospheric pressure. The exit
stream from the blowdown step is primarily composed of the heavy component
concentration or “extract”. The purge step further lowers the nitrogen partial pressure by
countercurrently flowing part of the purified oxygen product through the column. The
purge step is perhaps the most important step because it pushes back the heavy
component concentration front towards the feed side of the column, preventing negative
effects on product purity in the next cycle. Product purity rises when the purge amount
increases, but only to a maximum purity of 96%. Raising the purge amount also has an
obvious negative impact of reducing recovery since it reduces the amount of product left
available. At a higher column operating pressure, the portion of the product gas required
for the purge step reduces because of the volume increase going from higher to lower
However, higher pressure creates a greater energy requirement and eventually, any extra
adsorption that occurs does not outweigh the energy costs of the higher column pressure.
Also, higher column pressure increases the amount of raffinate product lost during the
blowdown step, which eventually limits recovery at high pressures.8 Part of designing a
PSA system deals with finding the optimum pressure ratio (ratio of adsorption pressure to
desorption pressure) and critical purge. Critical purge occurs when just enough purge gas
is taken from the product to achieve a specified product purity. This is useful information
to determine the optimal operating conditions of the process. Finding the optimal purge
amount that provides the necessary purity and highest possible recovery is a major
Figure 2.8 Column pressure during Skarstrom cycle8
The Skarstrom process is effective for air drying, but air separation only produced
90% oxygen at a recovery of 10% with a 13X zeolite adsorbent.8 Enhancements to the
cycle were clearly necessary in order for it to become economical for air separation.
Several key improvements to the original Skarstrom cycle have allowed it to become a
viable option for smaller scale air separation operations. These improvements aim to
increase recovery, lower energy requirements, and reduce process size. They include
adding additional steps to the original 4-step cycle, operating at lower than atmospheric
One method of improving recovery uses product gas to pressurize a column after
the purge step. Often called product pressurization, this increases product purity because
the product gas helps keep the product end clean of the heavy component by pushing
back the heavy component front further towards the column feed side. A nearly full
pressurization with product gas requires a large tank, hence a full product pressurization
improve recovery while maintaining a high purity. The product gas used for partial
pressurization reduces the purge gas requirement and is mostly recovered during the feed
first suggested in a patent filed in 1964 by Marsh.15 The concept is intended to conserve
what is normally waste gas during the blowdown step, and use it to partially pressurize
another column before the feed step. Instead of an immediate blowdown step after the
end of the feed step, two columns are connected and pressure equalizes between the two
columns. This saves energy because the column that is partially pressurized now needs
less feed gas achieve the desired adsorption pressure. If raffinate is the desired product,
then the product side of the columns are connected so any leftover raffinate product from
the depressurizing column travels to the pressurizing column. This conserves separative
work during the following feed step, which increases recovery.11 For large capacity
operations, using pressure equalization with more than two columns further improves the
recovery and allows for a more continuous product stream flow without requiring an
atmospheric, the process is called vacuum swing adsorption (VSA). When adsorption
vacuum, less purge flow is required to regenerate the adsorbent. The extra energy
requirement in the column, which makes VSA and PVSA economical in some
applications. Vacuum operation in air separation usually lies in the Henry’s law region
of the isotherm where pressure ratio determines the possible purity and recovery.8 Under
vacuum, adsorbent selectivity is always higher which improves recovery of the raffinate
By definition, there are three ways to increase PSA process productivity. First,
employing an adsorbent with an increased capacity allows for either increased production
of raffinate or a reduction in the amount of sorbent needed in the column, both of which
will increase productivity.11 Another method is cycle time reduction. Typical industrial
PSA processes have a cycle time as long as 10 minutes. When the cycle time is lowered
The largest application of air separation is the production of 90-94% pure oxygen
gas for use in industrial processes and medical applications. The advancements discussed
earlier produced improved PSA/VSA units in the mid-1980’s and 1990’s that used five
times less adsorbent and two times less power.6 A simple two-column VSA system was
able to produce over 100 tons of oxygen per day, which provided an alternative to
cryogenic air separation. Compared to cryogenic systems with similar production, the
VSA system had a higher capital cost, but allowed for a significant energy savings.6
A significant application for air separation through small scale PSA is personal
oxygen concentrators (POC) for oxygen therapy. These oxygen concentrators utilize
rapid cycling to significantly reduce the device weight to less than 4.5 kilograms and
provide up to 6 liters per minute of oxygen. Originally POC’s were designed for use in
ambulances and short term travel. Currently they are found in nursing homes and for
everyday use in place of oxygen cylinders. Numerous companies have entered POC
market including Inogen One, Invacare, AirSep, and Respironics. POCs all have a
similar design because they all operate on the same engineering and design fundamentals.
The difference in performance comes from trade-offs made in the design process to
provide different specifications and characteristics that reduce the energy requirement
Modeling of a PSA process remains difficult because the complex and dynamic
nature of a PSA process; hence the design and optimization of the process remains
differential equations describing the number of different process steps, initial conditions,
and boundary conditions for each step. Solving these equations is both time consuming
and difficult to do with the accuracy and reliability.12 Further adding to the problem is
the difficulty in understanding multi-component gas-solid interactions that are needed for
solving the equations in the model. Predicting these interactions from limited
and composition) that occur within PSA system throughout the process. Currently the
best solution is developing simplified models for predicting a PSA process and then
improving the process through a pilot plant.12 Improving the knowledge of multi-
component adsorption will remain the focus of research for years to come because of the
challenges it provides. While air separation is a fairly established PSA process, utilizing
the technology for other applications is another challenge for researchers. Current work
is directed at improving PSA process for CO2 capture from flue gases, olefin-paraffin
This section introduces the theory and concepts behind gas adsorption on a surface
through a brief discussion of intermolecular forces. Using these concepts, the interaction
of oxygen and nitrogen molecules with zeolites is then explained with consideration for
how different exchangeable cations affect selectivity. Finally, isotherm models are
reviewed along with the column dynamics that occur within a PSA process.
a PSA process for air separation, interaction of oxygen and nitrogen molecules with a
zeolite is dependent on electrostatic, induction, and dispersion forces. These forces are
reviewed to the extent necessary to understand air separation. Additional resources are
3.1.1 Electrostatic Forces
intermolecular forces. Coulomb’s law illustrates the simplest type where two ions
where w is the magnitude of the point charges, h is the distance between the point
charges, and ε0 is the dielectric permittivity. Integration of equation 3.1 gives the
where gi and gj are ionic valences of the two point charges and e is the electron charge.
Potential energy between the ions is inversely related to the distance between the ions.
When the ions are not approximated as point charges, their charge is shielded by ionic
electron clouds, which causes potential energy to vary inversely with distance (between
Electrostatic forces are not solely between ions, interactions between molecules
with dipole and quadrupole moments are also included in these forces. Polar molecules
between any two locations in the molecule. Non-polar molecules have a symmetrical
geometry, which does not produce an effective charge distribution resulting in a dipole
moment. Molecules may also exhibit higher order charge distribution. For example, a
quadrupole signifies an effective charge difference at four points in the molecule and an
octupole signifies an effective charge difference at eight points in the molecule.17 For
oxygen generation via air separation, the difference between quadrupoles of N2 and O2 is
Intermolecular interactions also take the form of induction forces when electrons
essentially gains an instantaneous charge distribution from the electrical field of another
polar (or quadrupolar) molecule or ion in the immediate vicinity; hence the name
force with polar (or quadrupolar) molecules or ions. The ease with which electrons are
electron clouds of two molecules approaching each other. This type of interaction, called
a dispersion force, exists for all molecules in nature, even if the molecules are non-polar
since the effective charge distribution for a non-polar molecule is only zero when
averaged over time. At any given instant, the molecule (polar or nonpolar) has a
tandem resulting in a net attractive (negative) potential energy. The ionization potential
and polarizability of the involved molecules determine the level of interaction.18
Dispersion forces, together with dipole-dipole (and higher order charge distributions),
and induction forces are collectively called van der Waals forces.
A simple way to view the interaction of oxygen and nitrogen molecules with
zeolites is to treat the exchangeable cations of zeolites as point charges.19 With this
model, the important intermolecular forces are due to interaction of the oxygen or
nitrogen quadrupole moment with the point charge and the always present dispersion
energy. When the point charge and one of the molecules are arranged linearly (most
1/h3, while the interaction energy due to the induced dipole depends on 1/h4. Hence,
quadrupole interaction energy is effective further away from the point charge compared
to the induced dipole interaction energy. Table 3.1 shows a significant difference
between the quadrupole moment of a nitrogen and oxygen molecule, while their
have similar induction and dispersion forces with the point charge. Therefore, a zeolite
attracts nitrogen over oxygen largely because of the quadrupole moment disparity
between them. Beyond this simple demonstration, additional factors also affect zeolite
selectivity including the relative position of the cations in the zeolite, orientation of the
nitrogen and oxygen molecules relative to the exchangeable cation, and the zeolite
structure.19 Figure 3.1 illustrates the difference in potential energy between the two
Table 3.1 Quadrupole moment and polarizabilities of
h (angstroms)
Figure 3.1 Calculated potential energy curves of N2 (a) and O2 (b) in the linear
arrangement as a function of distance, h, between the point charge and midpoint of the
diatomic molecules19
3.1.4 Exchangeable Cations
for nitrogen. Papai et al.19 studied how different exchangeable cations affect zeolite
selectivity. Their conclusion was that substituting Li+ for Na+ increases the binding
energy for nitrogen molecules more than it does for oxygen molecules, which increases
selectivity for nitrogen. Figure 3.2 compares the potential energy curve of Li +N2 with
that of Na+N2. The potential energy difference is explained by the lack of core electrons
for Li+. The core electrons of Na+ provide a lower charge density than Li+, which also
has a smaller ionic radius. The higher charge density of Li + enhances interaction with
nitrogen molecules. A smaller ionic radius also enhances the attraction due to short range
interaction forces. The smaller cation increases potential well depth and decreases
separation between the ion and nitrogen molecule (i.e. collision diameter). Figure 3.2
compares the location of the minimum potential for Li+N2 to the minimum potential of
Use of Li+ ions in zeolites was studied as early as 1964 by Mckee.20 Chao further
explored the extent of Li+ cation exchange necessary for effective nitrogen adsorption.21
His invention showed a greater Li+ ion exchange, preferably around 90%, increased
zeolite capacity and selectivity for nitrogen. He further noted that a Si/Al ratio near 1.0
Ion exchange using Li+ does have some limitations. Highly Li+ exchanged
zeolites are expensive to produce since ion exchange with Li+ is less thermodynamically
favorable than with Na+ or Ca2+. However, the cost of producing highly exchanged Li-X
zeolites has recently been reduced and they are now considered the state of the art
material for oxygen generation via air separation for large and small scale processes.
Figure 3.2 Potential energy curves of Na+N2 (a) and Li+N2 (b).19 r(X-Y) is the distance
between the center of the positive ion and the closer end of the N2 molecule
3.2 Adsorption Equilibrium Modeling
Adsorption equilibrium models are highly important not only for PSA processes,
but other applications as well. Collection of equilibrium data is tedious and time
consuming; hence an accurate model avoids the need for excessive lab work. Numerous
models for both single and multi-component adsorption currently exist in literature.
Equilibrium modeling has been well studied and written about in numerous texts,
specifically ones by Crittenden & Thomas, Ruthven et al., Suzuki, and Yang.7-10 This
section provides a brief summary of equilibrium models relevant to this study starting
constant, and p is the partial pressure of adsorbate in the gas phase. An Arrhenius
relationship is used for the temperature dependence of the Henry’s law constant.
In equation 3.4, ΔQ is the heat of adsorption, R is the ideal gas constant, K0 is related to
zero, all adsorption systems must thermodynamically approach Henry’s law with a finite
The simplest and most commonly used adsorption model for microporous solids
that includes a saturation capacity with a finite number of sites (each site can only
accommodate one molecule) is the Langmuir isotherm. The Langmuir model assumes
monolayer surface coverage of the adsorbate on the adsorbent surface.22 It also assumes
the surface is energetically uniform and adsorbed molecules are isolated with no
interaction forces between them. The Langmuir model has wide use for describing
systems show at least relative consistency with the Langmuir model. Furthermore, it
starting point for design of PSA systems.8 Key assumptions of the Langmuir isotherm
are as follows:
Langmuir contended the rate of adsorbate gas molecules colliding with the
adsorbent surface is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas, and the probability of
asserted the desorption rate is directly proportional to the fraction of occupied sites.
Finally, he contended that at dynamic equilibrium, the rates of adsorption and desorption
are equal.7 For a single adsorbate system, the rate equation is represented as:
where pi is the adsorbate gas pressure, θ is the fractional surface coverage, and ka and kd
are rate constants for adsorption and desorption respectively. θ is the ratio n*/ns where ns
is the adsorption saturation capacity assuming only monolayer coverage. When ka and kd
are combined together (since they cannot be experimentally determined individually), the
where b is the ratio ka/kd (adsorption equilibrium constant). Equation 3.6 correctly
approximates the asymptotic behavior that appears as sites fill up during adsorption for
experimentally, and is directly related to the Henry’s constant ( =bns). Both b and
lower temperatures possess more curvature and appear higher than those at higher
3.2.3 Dual Site Langmuir Model
accounts for an additional adsorption site not present in the Langmuir model.23 With two
adsorption “sites”, the DSL model has greater mathematical flexibility and can represent
almost any pure component data. It represents zeolitic systems very well because the two
sites capture the essence of the two types of interactions with the surface. One site
represents the electrostatic interaction with exchangeable cations, while the other site
represents the much smaller difference in the attraction of nitrogen and oxygen molecules
to the zeolite structure due to dispersion forces. In essence, it is rationalized there is one
site representing the electrostatic and induced electrostatic interactions with the
exchangeable cations, and another site representing dispersion interactions with the
zeolite structure. The DSL model for a pure component gas is expressed as:
where and b are the saturation capacity and equilibrium constant respectively for the
exchangeable ion sites while and d are the same parameters due to the dispersion
higher affinity for adsorbate molecules than the neutral zeolite structure. If the saturation
capacity of each gas molecule is assumed equal for each site, the DSL multicomponent
The equilibrium constants assume the usual Arrhenius temperature dependencies:
where and are the two pre-exponential constants for gas i, and and are
the heat of adsorption of gas i on the two sites (or vertical interaction energy). Mathias et
al. have demonstrated the accuracy of the DSL model for nitrogen/oxygen mixtures and
zeolite 5A.23 LiLSX is similar enough to zeolite 5A to justify using DSL to describe
takes infinite time to achieve. Yet processes operate within a finite time frame.
a given time. This section reviews how adsorption kinetics affects column dynamics. An
abundance of literature exists that provides far greater detail on this subject, specifically
An axially dispersed plug flow model is used in PSA modeling as the material
The four terms in the model describe the following phenomena in order: 1) axial
dispersion 2) convective flow 3) gas phase accumulation 4) adsorption rate (i.e. solid
phase accumulation). The adsorption rate is often described using a linear driving force
where ni* is the equilibrium value of component i in the adsorbed phase at a given fluid
averaged over an adsorbent particle. The mass transfer coefficient (MTC), ki, of a
where kf, is the film transfer coefficient, rp and rc are the particle and crystal radius
constant related to the Henry constant, KH, by K= KHRTρp. The three terms on the right
side of the equation account for resistance to mass transfer in the film, macropore and
micropore respectively. Equation 3.13 is defined from a flux equivalency through the
three resistances in series and is exact for linear isotherms in the Henry’s law region.
While only strictly applicable to linear isotherms, it is a useful approximation for non-
The MTC for a zeolite adsorbent particle typically assumes macropore diffusional
resistance as the limiting resistance.2 Under this assumption, equation 3.14 is used to
operations, just like mass transfer resistances associated with the particle. At low gas
eddy turbulence. In PSA models, the combined effects of axial dispersion are
approximated with the axial dispersion coefficient, DL, often expressed as: 24
γ1 and γ2 are constants. The first term is the molecular diffusion contribution to
concentration gradient spreading and the second term is the eddy turbulence contribution.
The constant γ1 is the inverse of the bed tortuosity factor and 0.7 is a well-accepted
estimation for columns of non-adsorbing particles.24 The γ2 constant is the inverse of the
limiting Péclet number (Pé∞), which is the value Pé (udp/DL) approaches at high gas
velocity. The common estimation of 0.5 comes from the observation that large particles
approach a maximum Pé number of two at high Reynolds numbers, common in large
PSA applications.26
and product exits at the other end. As the adsorbate moves from the fluid phase into the
adsorbed phase, a concentration wave forms in the column. The concentration wave, or
MTZ, travels through the column and eventually reaches the opposite end, illustrated in
Figure 3.3. As it exits the column, the adsorbate outlet concentration increases and
eventually reaches the inlet concentration. The shape of the exit (“breakthrough”) curve
(Figure 3.5), since the high adsorbate concentration front travels faster than the low
adsorbate concentration front because of a material balance in the MTZ. The limit of this
wave is a shock wave or a step discontinuity, which cannot occur in reality because
adsorption is not instantaneous. A sharp wave front produces a small MTZ and indicates
dispersive wavefront, the opposite of a compressive front.9 This occurs during the
desorption step of a PSA process and is illustrated in Figure 3.5. In realistic adsorption
processes, mass and heat transfer limitations will spread the MTZ. Mass transfer
adsorption is exothermic and finite heat transfer resistances exist in any packed column,
the adsorbent temperature will vary across the MTZ, which also causes additional
adsorbent. This test involves inducing a step change in the inlet concentration to a
packed column and monitoring the column exit concentration over time. Eventually the
MTZ “breaks through” and forms a breakthrough curve as it exits the column, illustrated
in Figure 3.6. In essence, a breakthrough curve is mirror image of the MTZ in the
column. The shaded region between point b and point c represent the unused portion of
the column. If mass and heat transfer resistances are small and the isotherm is favorable,
the breakthrough curve is steep and a sharp MTZ leads to a small length of unused
Figure 3.3 Mass transfer zone inside a column. c0 is the inlet concentration, ce is the exit
Figure 3.4 Shapes of isotherms in determining the sharpness of concentration
adsorbate concentration in the gas phase and z is distance from the column entrance8
Figure 3.6 Column breakthrough curve. c0 is the inlet concentration, ce is the exit
center reaches the end of the column, to is the end of the MTZ 7
This chapter demonstrates the key differences between PSA on a large and small scale. It
also provides background on the current state of the literature in this research area and
dispersion effects.26 However, the extent to which it affects the mass transfer rate in PSA
PSA process is important for process design. Furthermore, PSA simulation models rely
on assumptions about mass transfer rate limitations for an adsorption rate approximation.
4.1.1 Current Assumptions
Large diameter zeolite particles (> 2 mm) are well known to exhibit significant
resistance in columns packed with these particles, a mass transfer rate controlled by
particle such as axial dispersion and film transfer resistance are usually considered small
Current small scale PSA processes often operate with small particles (~ 0.3 mm to
0.7 mm in diameter) to permit rapid cycling. Smaller particles provide both a higher
surface area for diffusional flux into the particle and a shorter diffusional path inside the
increases the influence of other factors affecting the mass transfer rate, particularly
effects external to the particle. While this notion is generally accepted in literature, it
remains unclear at what particle size these external factors become significant. Zhong et
al.28 used a simulation study to determine the effect of LiLSX particle size on process
performance. They found axial dispersion effects begin to dominate the mass transfer
rate at a particle size < 1 mm for velocities often used in small scale PSA processes.
However, the study was never confirmed experimentally. Alpay et al.29 experimentally
studied the effect of 5A particle size on a single bed air separation process and found an
optimal particle size to maximize product purity. They also found axial dispersion effects
were more significant for small particles than predicted by common correlations. Rao
and Farooq30 came to a similar conclusion about axial dispersion effects for their single
column small scale PSA process using very small 5A zeolite particles (63-75 μm in
that as particle size decreases, the influence of axial dispersion increases significantly.26,31
Other resistances also require consideration when using small particles. While the
contribution of a film resistance is typically insignificant for large zeolite particles, this
assumption also requires confirmation for small particles. Furthermore, it was recently
suggested an additional skin resistance plays a prominent role in the mass transfer rate
with small LiLSX particles.32 Skin resistance is attributed to a crystal density increase at
the particle surface, which limits diffusion in the outer portion of the particle. A skin
may result from shaping methods used during particle manufacture. Further evaluation
of the mass transfer rate in columns of these particles is needed to confirm if this applies
Axial dispersion effects may be overlooked when using a smaller particle size
since particles in large scale adsorption processes rarely approach the size where they
particles28, 33-38 increases the need to determine the controlling mass transfer resistance in
these processes. It will also provide a better understanding of how to improve particle
reducing the macropore resistance contribution. For large particles, pore diffusion has
methodologies may not have the same effect on a process where macropore diffusional
4.1.2 MTC Estimation for Small Particles
The MTC for large particles is typically found using equation 3.14, first
While equation 3.14 indicates a significant adsorption rate increase is possible for small
particles, it fails to account for the effect of particle size on factors external to the
particle. Axial dispersion is naturally not in the adsorption rate equation (equation 3.12)
as its effect is explicitly included in the material balance in equation 3.11. However, its
effect on column dynamics is similar to diffusional limitations in the particle since it acts
to disperse the MTZ. For a linear isotherm, axial dispersion effects are approximately
combined with resistances associated with the particle as described in equation 4.1,
sometimes referred to as the linear addition approximation for a bimodal pore size
In equation 4.1, the first term on the right side of the equation accounts for the resistance
equivalent of axial dispersion effects and is linearly added to macropore, film, and
micropore resistance respectively. All four effects on MTZ stretching are clearly
indicated, which makes it useful to compare resistances and their dependency on gas
contributions for type-1 adsorption in zeolites,2, 27 which was confirmed by Wu et al.32 for
LiLSX particles; hence, it was considered insignificant for the analysis in this study.
When axial dispersion effects are described through an overall MTC in the adsorption
rate term in equation 3.12, a plug flow model replaces the axially dispersed plug flow
model in equation 3.11. The linear addition approximation is useful when the axial
dispersion term is significant in comparison to the other terms in equation 4.1. It has
been demonstrated to provide a suitable MTC estimate even for highly non-linear
systems.24, 43
For zeolites, the macropore resistance term in equation 4.1 is typically assumed to
dominate koverall. However, for small particles, it has been demonstrated the axial
dispersion and pore diffusion rate constants in equation 4.1 become comparable.28, 44
diameter LiLSX particles and found a much smaller koverall increase than expected based
on particle size reduction. While the increase in koverall was high enough to provide the
increase in productivity necessary for oxygen generation using small scale PSA, an
additional resistance is clearly present that is not accounted for using traditional
correlations. The macropore term only accounts for ~1.4% of the overall resistance at a
pressure of 2 atm and temperature of 303.1 K, while axial dispersion (24.8%) and film
resistance (11.4%) play much larger roles. The authors suggest the remainder of the
literature correlation that properly accounts for higher axial dispersion effects in columns
4.1.3 Axial Dispersion Coefficient Estimation
packed with small particles as estimates of the axial dispersion coefficient (DL) vary
depending on the correlation used. Some studies have continued to use a correlation
how the estimate of DL affects simulation accuracy, which further contributes to a lack of
As discussed in section 3.3.2, equation 3.15 is typically used to estimate the axial
dispersion coefficient, DL, with γ1 and γ2 assumed as 0.7 and 0.5 respectively.
While these estimates of γ1 and γ2 are suitable for columns of large particles, their
Richardson48 demonstrated the Pé∞ for small particles (< 2 mm) was much lower than 2
(Pé∞ = 1/ γ2), which requires γ2 to be much higher than 0.5. Suzuki and Smith31 further
confirmed this using small glass beads to determine the effect of particle size on
dispersion. They found a clear change in Pé∞ as particle diameter decreased for small
particles. Langer et al.26 also found a similar relationship, illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Although the reason Pé∞ is a function of particle size for small particles is not fully
understood,24 Moulijn and Van Swaaij49 reason the difference is due to channeling within
the column (rather than just near the wall). They postulate that small particles tend to
form agglomerates, which act as larger particles when the strong interaction forces
It has also been suggested the estimate of γ1 in equation 3.15 is much larger (~50
for a rectangular isotherm) for strongly adsorbing particles. The proposed higher value
accounts for direct transport through the particle due to an asymmetric concentration
profile surrounding the particle at low gas velocity.50 As a result, the amount of effective
axial dispersion increases in the laminar and transitional flow regimes. While this
diffusion is significant at low velocity,51 it has not been demonstrated to be applicable for
gas adsorption systems. The value of ~ 0.7 for γ1 currently remains the best estimate for
such systems.
Figure 4.1 Limiting Peclet number vs. particle diameter for flow through packed beds26
4.1.4 Impact of Higher Axial Dispersion Effects with Small Particles
The estimate of DL is much higher for small particles than large particles if the
estimate of γ2 is much larger than 0.5. Since the traditional method of matching simulated
dispersion in equation 4.1 while the particle size decrease reduces the contribution of
To better understand how significant the effects of axial dispersion might be, a
case study was used to compare different mass transfer rate assumptions using a 0.5 mm
particle. In case 1, film resistance was considered negligible and DL was approximated
using equation 3.15 with γ1 and γ2 assumed as 0.7 and 0.5 respectively. In case 2, DL was
estimated with the same equation, but now the effect of film resistance was added
In case 3, film resistance was considered negligible and γ2 was estimated using equation
where dp is in cm. Finally, case 4 used the same correlations as case 3 to determine DL,
but now film resistance was included according to equation 4.2. In all cases, Dp for
nitrogen was found from equation 4.4 using typical literature correlations for Dm and
A pore tortuosity (τp) of 3 was assumed since studies on larger LiLSX particles have
estimated it between 2 and 4.28, 39, 42 The dimensionless Henry’s law coefficient (K) was
313 K, P = 267 kPa, and a gas composition of 0.75/0.25 N2/O2 so the predictions are
comparable to future experiments in this study. Table 4.1 summarizes the constants and
switches from axial dispersion control to macropore diffusion control. This is illustrated
by the approach of koverall in Figure 4.2 to the horizontal “macropore only” line. As the
koverall approaches the horizontal line, the macropore term in equation 4.1 becomes
controlling. When koverall is far from the horizontal line, axial dispersion effects are
controlling. It is evident the inclusion of film resistance has a noticeable impact on koverall
if axial dispersion effects are low (Case 1 and 2). However, a higher axial dispersion
coefficient has a much greater effect on koverall, especially at lower Reynolds numbers
(Case 3 and 4) Small scale PSA processes often operate at low to moderate Reynolds
numbers where the difference between the predictions is the greatest. Additionally,
breakthrough experiments using small particles are often conducted at low Reynolds
numbers since the response time of gas analyzers make high velocity waves difficult to
accurately measure. Since such a difference in koverall exists depending on the correlation
used to estimate DL, it is critical to determine which one is more appropriate for use in
process simulators.
Table 4.1 Comparison of parameters used for estimates of koverall in Figure 4.2. Pressure
γ1 of DL γ2 of DL kf
Case 3 0.7 3 ∞
Figure 4.2 Comparison of predicted overall nitrogen MTC using constants and
correlations according to Table 4.1. Overall gas pressure = 267 kPa, gas composition
(N2/O2) = 75/25
Small scale PSA is an advancement of PSA technology for the purpose of process
size reduction. It is typically distinguished from traditional PSA by rapid cycling (< 30
seconds) of small adsorbent particles (< 1 mm). Larger scale PSA typically operates with
cycle times on the order of minutes and a particle size > 1.5mm. Cycle time reduction
requires an increase in gas velocity for a given amount of adsorbent. This raises several
issues such as sorbent fluidization, increase in column pressure drop, and higher gas
dispersion.12 In addition, a higher gas velocity reduces contact time with the solid,
necessitating smaller adsorbent particles (<1mm). For a finite adsorption rate, the result
is a stretched mass transfer zone (MTZ), which causes premature breakthrough and a
compared to the loss in column working capacity, process size reduction is possible with
higher cycling frequency.11 This is ideal for certain applications like a POC. Small scale
processes typically increase solid productivity with faster cycling. The tradeoff is a lower
recovery, which leads to higher overall power consumption for a desired product flow
rate.53 Furthermore, it reduces the solid working capacity, which limits the achievable
process productivity.44
Small scale PSA originally was called rapid PSA (RPSA) and involved a single
column process using very small particles and high gas velocities to create a large
column self-purging and a continuous product flow rate at one end of the column, while
swinging pressure on the other end. A small separation unit was possible by operating
with a high cyclic frequency to reduce the amount of solid adsorbent. Parameters such as
an optimal particle size and benefits of an additional delay step have been studied for the
POCs have recently renewed interest in small scale, fast cycling PSA, also often
labeled RPSA. However, these systems operate with 4-step Skarstrom cycles, more
similar to larger scale processes than the original RPSA definition given above. To
facilitate a portable process unit, column length is much shorter (~10-20 cm) compared to
the traditional RPSA concept (>100 cm). Even with short cycle times, pressure drop
across columns of this length is not high enough to permit RPSA operation as it was
originally designed. These systems operate with distinct steps of constant pressure or
Experimental small scale PSA studies for POC applications often focus on how
purge to feed ratio, product purity, and adsorbent type affect process performance.36, 56, 57
Other studies have numerically investigated the effect of rapid cycling on a specific PSA
step.45, 46 Limitations of small scale systems have received less attention. One method of
studying the limits of small scale PSA entails increasing cyclic frequency while keeping
other process parameters (i.e. pressure ratio, product purity) constant. A cyclic frequency
limit is represented by a minimum bed size factor (BSF) at a specific cycle time. Since
limit and defines a lower limit on operating speed; hence the minimum size of an oxygen
limit for their small scale processes. While the exact cause of a minimum remains
unclear, it has been suggested the combined effects of pressure drop, mass/heat transfer
cycling rate.58 A recent numerical study demonstrated how the cumulative effect of
mass, heat, and momentum resistances affected process performance using a 5A zeolite
to separate nitrogen and helium.47 The study demonstrates non-isothermal operation and
mass transfer resistances are the most significant contributions to a minimum BSF, while
pressure drop and finite heat transfer resistance represent much smaller contributions.
However, the authors mention these conclusions will not necessarily apply to other
systems since they depend on adsorption properties and process design. Another
largely involve single column concepts.30, 35, 38, 59 While some advantage is gained from a
single column setup with respect to equipment size, multiple column systems are much
which significantly increases product recovery; hence reducing the power requirement
and battery size for a given production rate. This study seeks to determine if a minimum
BSF also exists for a dual bed small scale PSA process.
Increasing process speed reduces the solid inventory necessary for a desired
product flow rate. While this decreases the BSF, the tradeoff is a loss in column working
capacity. With increasing cyclic frequency, working capacity loss eventually overcomes
the productivity gain of rapid cycling, causing the BSF to go through a minimum. While
A common concern when using small particles is column pressure drop will
reduce process performance. However, the extent of this performance decline is difficult
to quantify. While it has been recognized that the importance of pressure drop increases
under faster cycling conditions,60-63 it has yet to be determined if column pressure drop
impacts small scale PSA performance enough to justify considering it in process design.
Pressure drop can reduce product recovery through the premature breakthrough of a
stretched MTZ.60, 64 It may also reduce recovery through a higher purge step operating
pressure, resulting in a larger loss in purge gas during this step.45, 65 The reason for a
reduction in working capacity is more intuitive. Column pressure drop reduces the
adsorption step nitrogen loading at the product end of the column. During the
regeneration steps, the nitrogen unloading at the product end of the column is also
reduced. Additionally, the pressure drop during regeneration steps is a larger fraction of
absolute pressure; hence properties in the column vary more substantially from one end
The previously cited studies largely focus on pressure drop effects during a
specific step of a PSA cycle and not on the cumulative effect on process performance. A
better understanding on how column pressure drop affects overall process operation is
needed to better design small scale PSA processes. Several computational studies have
assessment of how various mass, heat, and momentum resistances affect product
helium.47 It demonstrated pressure drop had a small effect on recovery and productivity
at cycle times under 4 seconds. Yang et al.66 also used a simulated multi-bed PSA
process to show pressure drop has only a small influence on the performance of a PSA
process separating a H2/CO mixture. While these computational efforts indicate pressure
drop has a limited effect on process performance, experimental confirmation of this
notion is lacking.
decrease the adsorbent temperature relative to isothermal conditions. Heat transfer from
the gas phase to the column wall and from the column wall to the ambient environment
may be important for small columns, but their effect is reduced greatly as column
diameter increases. Hence, large scale columns typically operate adiabatically while
small scale columns may approach isothermal operation. However, unless working with
dilute concentrations and a low heat of adsorption, even small scale processes do not
approach isothermal operation.24 Heat transfer between the particle and flowing gas is
quite fast according to typical Nusselt number correlations and is generally considered
Mass transfer limitations that would affect a minimum BSF have already been
discussed in previous sections. The primary potential contributors are axial dispersion
effects and mass transfer resistance in the macropores of the adsorbent. Other potential
limitations include film and micropore diffusional resistance and the formation of a skin
4.3.4 BSF Model
where K is an equilibrium constant (i.e. Henry constant for a linear system), ΔP is column
pressure drop, WCideal is isothermal working capacity, L is column length, LMTZ is the
mass transfer zone (MTZ) length, and U is gas velocity. Although their application was
comparing structured and non-structured adsorbents, the relationship also helps explain
why a minimum BSF exists in small scale PSA as well. The expression relates working
capacity to productivity (or BSF) and U through a proportionality constant k’. ΔP and
LMTZ both increase as a function of gas velocity (U ∝ 1/cycle time) and reduce isothermal
working capacity. Pressure drop reduces working capacity because the adsorbent at one
end of the column no longer experiences the same swing in pressure as the other end. A
longer MTZ increases the unused column length, which also limits available working
Equation 4.5 exhibits a minimum BSF as gas velocity increases. The velocity and
absolute value of the minimum BSF depends on the extent to which pressure drop and
operation and local equilibrium, the MTZ length is not a function of velocity and pressure
drop determines the velocity and depth of the minimum BSF. When mass and heat
transfer limitations are significant, the MTZ length is a function of velocity and a
4.4 Study Aims and Experimental Plan Overview
It is evident from the literature discussed earlier that axial dispersion effects are
more significant for the particle size used in small scale PSA processes. However, there
are no current studies that demonstrate how much his affects the adsorption rate of small
LiLSX particles. Since the adsorption rate significantly affects process performance,
properly estimating it for process simulators is critical. The first aim of this study is to
fill this knowledge gap in literature. Understanding the impact of axial dispersion effects
on small scale PSA process design will also help fulfill the other aims in this study.
While small scale PSA processes operate in a similar fashion to larger scale
processes, several key differences exist including a much smaller particle size, shorter
column length, and a faster cycling rate. These differences increase the complexity of
understanding the limits of small scale PSA processes. While single column studies have
demonstrated a minimum BSF exists, it has never been demonstrated for a dual-column
process. Furthermore, a true understanding of why the minimum occurs is still lacking.
The second main aim of the study is to increase understanding in this area by measuring a
minimum BSF for a two-column process. The final aim of the study is then to determine
what causes a minimum BSF. Through a better understanding of small scale PSA
process limitations, it is hoped the design of these processes may be improved in the
4.4.2 Overview of Experimental Plan
To fulfill the aims of this study, three primary studies on two different
experimental systems were conducted. Axial dispersion effects are best evaluated using a
system. This study is hereafter referred to as the “breakthrough study”. Equation 4.5
experimental study was designed to better understand the effect it has on PSA
performance. A small scale PSA process was used to measure process performance at
different levels of pressure drop. This study is referred to hereafter as the “pressure drop
minimum BSF using the same two column, small scale PSA process as the pressure drop
This chapter introduces the type of zeolite, instruments, and devices utilized to conduct
the experiments for this dissertation. Data collection methods for breakthrough and PSA
experiments are also discussed in detail along with the conditions of the experiments.
Finally, the dynamic PSA model used in this dissertation to support and analyze data is
The zeolite in this dissertation was a LiLSX zeolite with a Si/Al ratio near 1.0, a
high Li+ exchange, and manufactured to increase the adsorption rate, specifically through
5.2 Isotherms
Equilibrium data was collected volumetrically by another graduate student in our lab
(Qian Qian Zhou) at three different temperatures for both pure oxygen and nitrogen. The
data along with the DSL fits are shown in Figure 5.1 and 5.2. The DSL parameters
Figure 5.2. Nitrogen isotherms for LiLSX zeolite.67
Table 5.1 Nitrogen and oxygen DSL parameters for LiLSX particles used in
Nitrogen Oxygen
5.3 Column Packing and Activation
Any adsorption system requires a careful column packing to ensure the amount of
zeolite in the column is accurately known. Future process design calculations are highly
dependent on these values since the amount of processed gas is dependent on adsorption
capacity. The packing procedure was similar for all columns in this dissertation.
Initially, a column was packed with a known amount of zeolite prior to activation.
Activation involves heating the adsorbent to eliminate contaminants such as water and
carbon dioxide that would reduce the selectivity and capacity. Column activation was
performed in a furnace under vacuum and low helium flow. The temperature was
increased 1 °C every minute until the temperature reached 120 °C. The furnace was then
held at this temperature for an hour before again increasing 1 °C every minute until the
temperature reached 345 °C, at which the temperature was held for at least seven hours.
The column in the furnace was then pressurized with helium to atmospheric pressure and
allowed to cool to room temperature. Lastly, the column was weighed to determine the
determined before installation into the PSA or breakthrough system. The weight of the
left over helium gas in the column was neglected in this calculation.
Measuring the MTZ length and kinetic parameters of the LiLSX adsorbent was
dissertation is shown in Figure 5.3. It is a simple apparatus with a column filled with
spherical particles of LiLSX. The column diameter was chosen to keep the column to
particle diameter ratio above the commonly accepted threshold of 20 to prevent wall
effects.68 Other relevant column specifications are listed in Table 5.2. Specifics related
lab (Mihir Patel), however the data analysis was primarily done by the author of this
dissertation. Pure nitrogen (99.999% purity) and oxygen (99.98% purity) was supplied
by Matheson Gas Products. The outlet gas stream of the column was monitored by a
Hiden Analytical process mass spectrometer with a response time ~ 300 ms, which
detected the molecular ions of O2 and N2. The column was initially saturated at room
temperature with pure oxygen at 267 kPa before introducing a ~75/25 mixture of nitrogen
and oxygen respectively at the same pressure. The pressure was chosen in the range of
the adsorption step of typical vacuum PSA processes. Experiments were run until the
outlet concentration reached the inlet concentration at a range of gas velocities within the
limits of the system. The effect of external void volume after the column was determined
to be negligible in the range of the experiments run. Further discussion on this topic is
available in Appendix B.
Figure 5.3 Breakthrough experimental setup. Note: adsorption column includes a
thermocouple at the exit of the column for monitoring exit gas temperature
diameter 1.09 cm
length 15 cm
εb 0.38
εp 0.35
Most breakthrough experiments in literature are performed by an adsorbable
component displacing helium. Two reasons are usually cited for this choice: 1) the
isotherm). Since we measured pure and binary equilibrium data for N2/O2 in a separate
volumetric instrument, there was no need to measure equilibrium data with this
apparatus; 2) From a kinetics stand point, which is the main reason for performing
breakthrough experiments, helium is so small and light that it offers little resistance to N2
From a purely scientific point of view, this is correct; however we are trying to generate
process model is going to use only one MTC for N2 (irrespective of what the other
component is), experiments to determine the MTC should be closer to reality, which
requires N2 to displace O2. A similar procedure was used in a previous study on extruded
experiments. This is simply because of the heat removed through the desorption of O2.
pattern forming in the column during the experiment. A constant pattern forms for any
favorable system, such as the one in this dissertation (N2-LiLSX). More detail on why
this occurs is provided in section 3.3.3. A constant pattern arises when the concentration
profile in the MTZ does not change as the MTZ travels through the column. It typically
develops a short length into the column, sometimes referred to as the “entrance length”.
The column length was sufficiently long such that entrance length had a negligible
pressure and room temperature while varying the velocity. Since axial dispersion and the
film transfer coefficient both depend on velocity while intraparticle transport mechanisms
the particle. The overall MTC was estimated from experimental breakthrough
experiments by integrating equation 3.12 between the limits defined as the MTZ.32 This
where t0.9 and t0.05 is the experimental time the dimensionless outlet nitrogen
concentration, c/c0, reaches 0.9 and 0.05 respectively, c0 is the inlet nitrogen
adsorbent particle, and nN2* is the equilibrium value of the adsorbed phase concentration
of nitrogen. Defining the MTZ in this manner is common practice since it is often
difficult to detect where the MTZ exactly starts and stops, especially at higher gas
velocities. It additionally avoids the long tail caused by deviation from isothermal
operation due to temperature effects. Since the experiments were run at ambient
conditions, some temperature rise in the column is inevitable due to the heat of
adsorption. For a nitrogen-LiLSX system, the thermal wave travels behind the
concentration wave. This means that the heat effects primarily affect the tail end of the
MTZ. A thermocouple placed at the exit of the column indicated that the temperature
increased around 17 °C for the lower velocity runs, and 19 °C for the higher velocity
runs. While the response time of the thermocouple was not fast enough to capture the
true thermal wave, it does provide an estimate of the thermal gradient that exists across
the MTZ. Since the increase in temperature was relatively constant, the heat effects do
not change significantly for the range of gas velocities used in this study. To avoid
including heat effects in the MTZ, 0.9 of the inlet concentration was used to define the
end of the MTZ. This more reasonably approximates an isothermal MTZ defined
between 0.05 and 0.95, which is the more common MTZ definition. The reasoning
behind this is further described in the appendix. This does not affect the calculation in
in the next paragraph. However, this change is important when the data is transformed to
MTZ data to facilitate use of the van Deemter model (described in section 5.4.5) since
that model does not account for heat effects in describing the amount of MTZ spreading.
A dynamic PSA model described in a later section (5.6) was adapted for
accounts for equilibrium and the adsorption rate using the dual-site Langmuir and linear
driving force (LDF) model respectively. The only change made to the model for this
study was to use plug flow and account for DL through the linear addition approximation
rather than axially dispersed plug flow. The primary reason for using the model was to
improve the estimation of the integral in equation 5.1. While the nitrogen component of
n* and n may be found from an equilibrium model and experimental data, the number of
points in the MTZ becomes limited as gas velocity increases. The simulated curve
increases the amount of points in the MTZ to improve the accuracy of the integration.
Furthermore, since the experiments were run near adiabatic conditions, thermal effects
are better described through use of the model rather than attempting to measure them
representation of the curve is presented in Figure 5.4. Since the model is non-isothermal,
it is able to reasonably represent the experimental curve and account for the shift in
equilibrium due to the temperature increase. The predicted rise in temperature in the
outlet stream ranges from 20 °C at the lower gas velocity experiments to 23 °C at the
higher gas velocity experiments. Both n and n* were calculated from the exit molar flow
rate, pressure, and temperature of the model. The variable n was found from a
variable n* was determined from gas properties at the simulated column exit conditions
at time t.
Figure 5.4 Comparison of experiment and simulation breakthrough curve at 267 kPa,
room temperature and a inlet N2/O2 gas mixture of 0.75/0.25. The average superficial
MTC, it is not a good model to estimate relevant mass transfer parameters such as τp and
DL using regression analysis. The van Deemter model provides a convenient method for
distinguishing between axial dispersion effects and mass transfer resistances due to the
particle. Although developed for linear chromatography, the van Deemter expression is
The van Deemter model72 says the height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) for a
where A = 2γ2rp (eddy diffusivity term of the axial dispersion coefficient), B = 2γ1Dm
(molecular diffusivity term of the axial dispersion coefficient) and C ≈ 2εb/[(1- εb)(Kki)]
accounts for particle mass transfer resistance. Other variations of the model exist that
include factors such as film resistance through a velocity dependency of the A term.73, 74
Differentiating between the effects of eddy turbulence and film diffusion is notoriously
difficult since they both act to disperse the concentration wave in a similar manner.74
Since significant film diffusion effects were not expected, it was beyond the scope of this
HETP was estimated from the height of a transfer unit (HTU) assuming HETP
transfer units. However, for an adsorption column, HTU is found from the expression
HTU = MTZ/NTU where the calculation is performed across the defined limits of the
MTZ and NTU is the integral of equation 5.1. While this approach is only strictly
provided it is not a strongly non-linear system. The MTZ length was found using the
length of unused bed (LUB) approach.71 This approach is applicable for systems with a
favorable isotherm that develop a constant profile within the column. With this method,
where uw is the wave (constant profile) velocity. The wave velocity is determined using
equation 5.4:
where L is the column length and tc is the time the stoichiometric center exits the column.
MTZtime and tc were found based on the same 0.05 and 0.9 fraction of the inlet
The apparatus used to conduct PSA experiments is a complex system with many
valves so the user can produce and control a cyclic process. The system is made of 1/8
inch stainless steel tubing and fittings that connect various types of valves and flow
system is capable of measuring pressure, temperature, flow rate, and gas composition.
computer screen.
5.5.1 PSA Flow Diagrams
The system is divided into three sections relative to the columns. Figure 5.5
shows a schematic of the exit manifold section of the system, Figure 5.6 shows a
schematic of the feed section, and Figure 5.7 shows a schematic of the product section.
Table 5.3 provides a key for the symbols found in the figures. The feed side of the
columns is where feed gas enters and waste gas exits. The product end is where product
gas exits the column and purge gas enters the column. The exit manifold lies in between
the feed end and the product end. It contains a manifold of valves that control how gas
Figure 5.6 PSA system feed side schematic
Table 5.3 PSA schematic symbol description
Acronym Symbol Meaning
Pneumatic valve
Adsorption column
Flow controller/transducer
Hand valve
Vacuum pump
5.5.2 PSA Instrumentation, Process Control, and Data Collection
There are three types of valves used in the system: hand valves, pneumatic valves,
and switch valves. The hand and switch valves direct flow into the system manually.
The pneumatic valves are switched on/off by solenoid coils that are either controlled
events that open and close valves at specific intervals to create a cyclic PSA process. It is
located on a controller switch board that contains sixteen manual switches. The switch
position determines the controller switch board mode. The up position delegates control
to the controller, the down position switches the valve on, and the middle position turns
Two different pressure transducers placed at two separate points in the process
collect pressure data. The first is an Omega Dyne transducer (PTRANSD on Figure 5.7),
which has a very small dead volume (i.e. flush membrane transducer) and is used
primarily to determine the column pressure. The other pressure transducer is a MKS
Baratron Type 722A absolute pressure transducer that is connected to a switch valve (not
pictured in the figures). The switch valve has seven ports and is connected to six
different points in the process (P1-P6 on Figures 5.6 and 5.7) with one port left open to
measure the atmospheric pressure. This provides flexibility to check pressure at different
points in the apparatus. However, this pressure transducer has a significant amount of
dead volume and is normally only used on the product end of the process as to not
impose extra dead volume to the columns. Pressure is controlled by back pressure
controllers (BPC) placed at various points in the process. BPC1 was used to control the
adsorption pressure and BPC4 was used to control the desorption pressure.
Flow rate in the system was measured by three MKS flow meters located at three
separate points in the process. One is on the feed line (FC1 on Figure 5.6), another on the
purge line (FC2 on Figure 5.7), and a third on the exit manifold (FC4 on Figure 5.5).
5.7) used to measure mass flow rate, pressure, and temperature for the equalization flow
exclusively. Due to slow response time, all flow controllers were left open and used only
as flow meters. Inlet flow was controlled through a needle valve after FC1. A needle
valve (NEEDLVAL on Figure 5.7) was placed before FC2 to control purge flow into the
Oxygen Analyzer (O2ANALYZ on Figure 5.5) located on the product end of the process
within the exit manifold. There are also ports (MS1, MS2, MS3, MS6) at both ends of
each column for capturing a small amount of gas to analyze in a mass spectrometer.
These ports were only used if the mass spectrometer was required for fine tuning of a
Data collection from pressure transducers, flow controllers, and the oxygen
analyzer was done with a National Instruments 7025E data acquisition system. The data
was then displayed on a computer using Lab Windows software. The software was also
used to record the data into a comma-separated-value file for further analysis.
5.5.3 System Design
Gas into the system can be supplied to either the feed side or product side of the
system through a switch valve (SV2-5 or SV2-3 on Figure 5.6). Four types of gases are
connected to a separate switch valve (not shown on figures) which controls the type of
feed gas supplied to the system. The gas options are nitrogen, oxygen, helium, and dry
air, which were all stored in compressed gas cylinders. A vacuum pump (Thomas WOB-
L piston pump, model # 817CA22) was connected to the product end to allow for vacuum
pressure in the columns during the purge/blowdown step. It was connected to a switch
valve (SV1) that takes the pump offline if it was not used in the process. An industrial
back pressure controller (BPC4) with pressure control above and below atmospheric
pressure is located upstream of the pump and is responsible for controlling the
purge/blowdown pressure. A product tank is connected on the product end of the system
if product collection is needed for cycles involving product pressurization. Two hand
valves (HV1 and HV2) control whether flow enters or bypasses the tank during the
process. The pneumatic valves (PV1-16) that control the flow in and out of the
adsorption columns are housed together in four valve blocks on both sides of each
On the feed side of the system (Figure 5.6) during a PSA process, feed gas enters
during the feed/production step through SV2-5. It then flows through the line labeled
Feed 1 and Feed 2 to PV8 and PV16 which lead to the adsorption columns. During the
blowdown and purge steps, flow travels from the columns through PV6 and PV14 into
the lines labeled Blow1 and Blow2, which lead to the vacuum pump and exit D. PV7 and
PV15 were not used for this study and hence the lines leading to them were not displayed
in order to simplify the diagram (they are only used if a rinse step is included in the PSA
cycle). Pressure on the feed side of the process is measured primarily at P6, which
provided the pressure during the blowdown and purge steps. P1 and P2 are not advised
to be used for an extended period of time because of the dead volume induced on the
The product side of the system (Figure 5.7) is more complex. During normal
operation, product flowed through a combination of PV1 and PV9 if the product tank was
bypassed during process operation. PV3 and PV11 allow for purge flow into the
columns. As previously mentioned, the needle valve located before FC2 controlled the
flow to PV3 and PV11, while FC2 was only used to measure the flow rate to the
columns. PV4 and PV12 were only used for processes with a pressure equalization step.
BPC3 is located on this line connecting these valves, but remained closed during the
entirety of the experiments. Pressure on the product side was measured in two places,
The middle manifold section of the system is represented in Figure 5.5 and is
where gas was analyzed prior to exiting the system. The manifold inlets correspond with
the exit locations located in Figure 5.6 and 5.7. Gas entered the manifold either through
exit A (product flow) from the product side or exit D (waste flow) from the feed side.
Gas can enter through exit B and C, but for this study, only exit A and exit D were used.
The manifold consists of four hand valves that direct the flow out of the system either
through FC4 and the oxygen analyzer, or directly to the vent. The function of this
manifold was for the calculation of a material balance for the process. It provided
measurement of the flow rate and oxygen concentration out of the system before the
gases were vented to the atmosphere. The manifold had the flexibility to either allow one
of the streams to be analyzed separately while the other was directed straight to the
performance. A general balance for any system with no chemical reaction is represented
To calculate material balances, the flow rate and composition of the entrance and exit
streams were measured. The instantaneous molar flow rate, F, at different points in the
process is useful for plotting a flow rate versus time chart. This visual representation of
the data is useful for real time analysis and for determining CSS. However, for a process
that involves constantly changing flow rates, a steady flow in and out of the process
rarely occurs. When there is an absence of steady flow, material balances are conducted
using a time averaged molar flow rate, , which for each flow meter was calculated as:
where t is the time interval over which the average is taken. Using a multiple of cycle
time for the time interval provides a better flow average. Material balance calculations
are based on the amount of gas into and out of the process on a per cycle basis. The
amount of gas used for each step in the cycle was calculated by multiplying the average
where ΔNstep is the amount of gas used/produced during a specific step in the cycle and tct
is the cycle time. Calculating the amount of gas per step in a cycle is a convenient way to
For a material balance on a PSA process, the input is the amount of gas in the feed
stream, while the exit streams consist of the product stream and exit streams of the purge
and blowdown step. For this study, the streams from the exit of the purge and blowdown
steps are measured with the same flow meter, so this stream is collectively referred to as
the waste stream. Thus the overall material balance for the cycle is calculated as:
Where is the material balance error, NF is the amount of feed gas used, NP is the
amount of product gas produced, and NW is the amount of waste gas generated, all on a
per cycle basis. The individual component balances can then be solved by equations 5.9
and 5.10:
where , and are the mole fractions of either nitrogen or oxygen in the feed,
product, and waste streams respectively. At CSS, values of must be zero; however for
experimental work this almost never occurs due to uncertainty in measurement and data
balances were closed within 5% for the data included in this study.
When designing a cycle for a PSA process, several parameters are set based on
the product purity desired and allowable power consumption for the process. They
include purge to feed ratio, pressure ratio, and feed stream velocity (cycle time).
Product purity is the amount of oxygen in the product stream divided by the sum
where N is number of moles and j is the number of components in the product. For a
PSA process, it is useful to express oxygen purity as a concentration averaged over both
flow and time because the concentration exiting the process varies with both. This
involves dividing a time average of the oxygen flow rate by a time average of the total
The purge/feed ratio controls product purity and the amount of product the
It should be noted that in this study, the “Feed Step” is the combination of the feed
pressurization and production steps. A higher P/F ratio means a greater amount of
product gas is used in column regeneration, which further pushes back the MTZ towards
the feed end of the columns. The minimum P/F ratio is the ratio that gives the desired
product purity, but a further decrease in the ratio causes undesired product purity. In
order to ensure the desired product purity is maintained, it is not advisable to operate at
the minimum P/F ratio, but rather at a ratio slightly higher than the minimum.
Pressure ratio is set based on the power allowances for the process. It is defined
For a PSA process, the blowdown/purge step occurs at atmospheric pressure and a pump
is required to pressurize the columns to the desired adsorption pressure during the
feed/production steps. For a VSA and combined PVSA processes, the blowdown/purge
step occurs at vacuum pressure and the adsorption pressure is either atmospheric pressure
for VSA cycles, or some pressure above atmospheric for PVSA cycles. Regardless of
cycle type, increasing pressure ratio leads to higher recovery at the cost of additional
increases; hence pressure ratio is normally chosen near the point where the gain in
The last design parameter is cycle time, which was controlled by the individual
step times set by the PLC. These step times may be changed, however, it was required
that the combined time of the purge and blowdown steps equal the combined time of the
parameters. Recovery is the amount of desired component fed into the system that is
air separation, it can be calculated based on the product stream or the waste stream. If it
is based on the product stream, it is calculated from equation 5.15 using the amount of
For a cycle at CSS, recovery is inversely related to purity. An increase in product purity
decreases recovery since a higher purity requires more purge gas, which leaves less gas
additional step like pressure equalization that increases the regeneration efficiency.
BSF is related to column length, feed flow rate, and cycle time. It corresponds to the
system size and hence the process capital costs. Adsorption rate also plays a significant
role in the BSF as a faster adsorption rate allows for smaller columns, shorter cycle times,
represents the amount of adsorbate that adsorbs/desorbs per cycle. This capacity is found
from the difference in the amount of gas at the end of the feed and purge step, which
corresponds to the “cleanest” and “dirtiest” conditions of the solid adsorbent. Figure 5.8
visually demonstrates what working capacity represents on an isotherm plot. At the end
of the feed step, the column temperature has risen (since adsorption is exothermic), which
changes the isotherm that determines adsorption equilibrium. Conversely, at the end of
the purge step, temperature in the column has decreased (since desorption is
endothermic), which again changes the isotherm that determines adsorption equilibrium.
While this is a useful metric, it is very difficult to measure zeolite temperature in the
generated to estimate the working capacity. One of the advantages of process simulators
is that they are able to calculate working capacity directly since they can create an
Figure 5.8. Comparison of isothermal working capacity and dynamic working capacity
in a PSA process
The first PSA experimental study was conducted to better understand how
pressure drop across the column affects process performance. For this study, column
pressure drop was manipulated by changing both the total flow rate and column diameter.
Column length was chosen in the range of typical small scale processes designed for air
separation. Short, wide columns with a small, but measurable pressure drop under rapid
cycling conditions were designed for the first set of experiments in this study. Longer
columns with the same volume, but half the cross sectional area were designed for the
next set of experiments. The length was adjusted to maintain the same amount of zeolite
as the first column set. With an equivalent amount of adsorbing solid, a comparison was
possible between cycles operating with similar cycle times and flow rates, but at different
velocities, hence changing the amount of column pressure drop. Further column details
are provided in Table 5.4. The cycle type was a traditional feed pressurization cycle with
an additional product end equalization step. The cycle steps included: 1) feed
equalization. For Tables 5.5 and 5.6, the time of steps 1 and 2 are combined and called
PSA experiments were designed to study the effect of cycle time and column
pressure drop on process performance. To accomplish this, all other process parameters
(e.g. pressure ratio, purge/feed ratio) were held constant as cycle time was decreased.
Experimental conditions for each cycle are detailed in Tables 5.5 and 5.6. It should be
noted the synthetic air used in the experiments does not contain argon, water, or carbon
dioxide, making pure oxygen product possible. In comparison, the maximum attainable
oxygen purity of an ambient air fed system is around 96% since LiLSX zeolites cannot
separate oxygen and argon. With synthetic air, an average oxygen purity of 96% was
purity of 92-93% with ambient air, commonly used for personal oxygen concentrators..
The P/F ratio was selected based on these purity requirements. Equalization times were
chosen by pressure measurements on the two columns. Overall and individual material
balances for a cycle were closed within 5%. All data was taken after CSS. CSS was
assumed when the column pressure at the end of each step, inlet/exit flowrates, and
oxygen purity varied less than 1% for 15-20 cycles. The pressure ratios were selected in
the range of a typical small scale air separation process. The cited pressure ratios
correspond to feed end measurements. The pressure ratio on the product end of the
column is lower when pressure drop is significant. The superficial production step
velocities cited in Table 5.5 and 5.6 are at the production step pressure. Cycle times were
decreased until the apparatus could no longer maintain the desired pressure ratio at the
feed end of the process (combination of flow, valve CV, and pressure limitations).
Short Long
columns columns
Table 5.5 Cycle specifications for short column cycles in pressure drop study
Table 5.6 Cycle specifications for long column cycles in pressure drop study
Feed Total cycle
step superficial Blowdown (s) Purge (s) Eq. (s)
Press./Production (s) time (s)
velocity (cm/s)
The next experimental PSA study was conducted to determine if a minimum BSF
occurs in the system. The main difference between these experiments and the pressure
drop study is that the process was simplified to a 4-step cycle in order to avoid the
advantage is gained through an equalization step, it adds additional uncertainty into the
analysis since it is difficult to measure. Considering the goal of this study was measuring
equalization step was not necessary. The cycle steps include: 1) feed pressurization 2)
Cyclic steady state (CSS) was achieved over a range of cycle times permitted by
our system. Process parameters such as product purity, purge/feed ratio, and pressure
ratio were kept constant at each cycle time. The experimental procedure was exactly the
same as the pressure drop study and the same product purity requirement was used. The
column dimensions used in this study were very similar to the pressure drop study (Table
Short Long
columns columns
Table 5.8 Cycle specifications for long column cycles with pressure ratio 3.5 in
Production step
Feed Total cycle
superficial Blowdown (s) Purge (s)
Press./Production (s) time (s)
velocity (cm/s)
Table 5.9 Cycle specifications for long column cycles with pressure ratio 3 in minimum
BSF study
Production step
Feed Total cycle
superficial Blowdown (s) Purge (s)
Press./Production (s) time (s)
velocity (cm/s)
Table 5.10 Cycle specifications for long column cycles with pressure ratio 2.5 in
minimum BSF study
Production step
Feed Total cycle
superficial Blowdown (s) Purge (s)
Press./Production (s) time (s)
velocity (cm/s)
Table 5.11 Cycle specifications for short column cycles with pressure ratio 3.5 in
minimum BSF study
Production step
Feed Total cycle
superficial Blowdown (s) Purge (s)
Press./Production (s) time (s)
velocity (cm/s)
Table 5.12 Cycle specifications for short column cycles with pressure ratio 3 in
minimum BSF study
Production step
Feed Total cycle
superficial Blowdown (s) Purge (s)
Press./Production (s) time (s)
velocity (cm/s)
The primary aim of this work was experimental in nature. However, in order to
better illustrate the effects of pressure drop and more accurately measure the MTZ, an in-
house simulator developed by Dr. Sridhar Ungarala was used to provide further
information not available from experimental data, particularly column profiles. Only a
brief description of the more relevant aspects of the model is presented here, the complete
dispersed plug flow with ideal gas behavior and negligible radial concentration and
5.6.1 Mass Balance
The column component mass balances are represented by the axially dispersed
The adsorption rate was described with a linear driving force (LDF) model
The LDF model simplifies the mass transfer rate to permit faster computation time, which
explains its popularity in literature. The LDF approximation should provide reasonable
accuracy for the system used. Higher accuracy models exist, but their complexity
Mathias et al.23 have demonstrated the accuracy of the DSL model for both pure
component gases and nitrogen/oxygen mixtures using zeolite 5A. A LiLSX zeolite is
similar enough to zeolite 5A to justify using the DSL model to predict mixture
equilibrium in the PSA model. For simulation studies, the parameters were used
The DSL parameters used in the model may be found in Table 5.1.
Column pressure drop was modeled using the Ergun equation (equation 5.17). It
adsorbing columns.76
The model also considers three energy balances for the gas, solid particle, and column
wall with natural convection to room temperature air. All parameters were estimated
This chapter first presents the MTCs found from breakthrough experiments and
demonstrates that axial dispersion is much more important for small particles compared
to large particles. It next experimentally demonstrates how pressure drop affects small
scale PSA performance with support from a brief simulation study. Finally, a minimum
an experimental study was performed to measure the overall MTC as a function of gas
according to the procedure outlined in section 5.4.2. The data is evaluated with the linear
addition approximation (equation 4.1) to provide a suitable method to combine the effects
of axial dispersion and particle mass transfer resistance, as computationally done for
Figure 4.2. The measured breakthrough curves were also converted to MTZ length data
to determine the relevant mass transfer parameters for the particles used in this study.
Finally the extracted kinetic data was used to better understand what the rate limiting
In Chapter 4 a case study was used to demonstrate how the overall MTC
(equation 4.1) was affected by the estimation of axial dispersion effects. Case 1 and
Case 2 estimate koverall using assumptions applied to large particles to determine DL, while
Case 3 and Case 4 used assumptions more applicable to small particles. Figure 6.1
directly overlays the results of the breakthrough study on the results of the case study in
Figure 4.2 to determine the case that best describes the data. It is immediately clear the
experimental MTC is not constant, but increases with Reynolds number as expected
based on the predictions. It is also clear that either the case 3 or case 4 prediction most
closely matches experimental data. These cases reflect higher axial dispersion effects
from a similar study with the same particle size are also represented in Figure 6.1.32 In
that study, the focus was to determine the effect of temperature and pressure on the MTC,
which limits the amount of data that can be compared to this study. The higher reported
MTC is a linear addition model prediction using similar correlations as the case 2
prediction and the lower value is an experimentally measured MTC. The predicted
values and experimental data are different between the two studies primarily because of
the small variation in pressure (267 kPa for this study vs. 200 kPa for Wu et al.), inlet gas
composition, and isotherm parameters used. However, both studies are consistent in that
the case 2 prediction is ~ 3.6 times greater than the experimental data at a Reynolds
number ~ 1.6.
Figure 6.1. Experimental data vs. correlation predictions of the nitrogen overall MTC
on average velocity across MTZ. Overall pressure is 267 kPa for this study and 200 kPa
for the literature study. Both studies have a particle size ~ 0.5 mm. Uncertainty for
experimental data ~ ± 5%
The results of this study support the notion that axial dispersion effects
contribute significantly to the overall MTC of small particles. More importantly, the
magnitude higher than the value of 0.5 used for larger particles. The value of 0.5 results
in a large overestimation of the MTC (case 1 and case 2), which will predict a sharper
MTZ than what is measured experimentally (example provided in Appendix B). The
results also indicate that despite its limitations, the linear addition approximation provides
a reasonable estimation for how the MTC varies with gas velocity when proper literature
correlations for pore diffusion, film transfer, and axial dispersion are used.
The van Deemter model (equation 5.2) was next used to determine relevant
mass transfer parameters useful for process simulations, namely τp and the γ2 coefficient
to estimate DL. The MTZ length for each experimental run was converted to HETP as
described in section 5.4.5 and plotted against the average superficial velocity across the
MTZ as demonstrated in Figure 6.2. A least squared fit of the data was completed using
the van Deemter model to determine values for the A, B and C constants in the model.
From the constants, the γ1 and γ2 coefficients of equation 3.15 and τp of equation 4.4 were
found assuming a particle size of 0.5 mm. Table 6.1 lists the calculated values along with
the standard error associated with each value and a comparison to reported literature
values or correlations.
Despite the limitations of this approach, the rate parameters are reasonable
when compared to available literature data or correlations. The value for γ1 used to
estimate DL is higher than the usual value of 0.7. More data at lower gas velocities is
necessary to confirm this value as demonstrated by the large standard error. However,
the γ1 estimation was not of great concern in this study, as it only has a small effect on the
MTC estimation and is primarily important at very low gas velocities not applicable to
PSA systems. More importantly, the results confirm γ2 is an order of magnitude higher
than the often used 0.5 value. The experimental value of 3.2 is similar to what was
predicted by the literature correlation in equation 4.3 for the particle size used in this
study. Finally, the estimate of τp for nitrogen is consistent with most X-type zeolites and
studies of larger LiLSX particles cited in section 4.1.4. Since these particles have been
manufactured to be rate enhanced for small scale processes, it is not surprising the value
is on the lower end of what has been previously reported in literature for larger particles.
Figure 6.3 uses the parameters for γ2 and τp found from the van Deemter
analysis to reconstruct the predictions from the earlier case study. The literature value of
0.7 was used to estimate γ1 since the data collected did not reach a low enough velocity to
achieve a reliable estimate using the van Deemter analysis. It is evident from the figure
that the experimental data is still best described by either the case 3 or case 4 prediction.
Furthermore, these predictions are now closer to the experimental values than those in the
Figure 6.2. HETP vs. superficial velocity from experimental breakthrough experiments.
Superficial velocity is based on average velocity across MTZ. Superficial velocity = uεb
Table 6.1. Comparison of van Deemter constants determined from experimental data and
This study Literature
γ2 3.2 ± 0.6 3
Figure 6.3 Experimental overall MTC plotted against overall nitrogen MTC predictions
with τp = 1.9, γ2 = 3.2 and γ1 = 0.7. Reynolds number is based on average Reynolds
Table 6.2 lists the individual contributions in equation 4.1 using the
experimental parameters from Table 6.1 for γ2 and τp. The table also compares the same
contributions for a larger (2 mm) particle using the same τp and equation 4.3 to determine
γ2. The table is designed to demonstrate how the rate limiting contribution changes for
the particle size used in small scale PSA at a Reynolds number applicable to process
work. The limiting contribution for the larger particle is clearly the macropore
contribution as it represents 67.7% of the total resistance. For the smaller particle, the
contributions from dispersion and macropore diffusion are about the same, which
demonstrates that both are important to model a PSA process accurately. For
breakthrough experiments, where even lower Reynolds numbers are used, the dispersion
Figure 6.4 further demonstrates the significance of axial dispersion effects for
small particles when determining the overall MTC experimentally. In the figure, MTC
predictions for the two different particle sizes are compared. It is clear the MTC
predictions for the large particle do not vary significantly, which indicates the DL
estimate does not greatly impact the overall MTC estimation. Furthermore, macropore
diffusion is the limiting resistance except at very low Reynolds numbers where the MTC
varies significantly because of axial dispersion effects. This is not the case for small
particles as the MTC is a much stronger function of Reynolds number. The switch from
axial dispersion control to macropore diffusion control is much more gradual compared
to larger particles.
effects increases the importance of properly accounting for it in process models with
small particles. Simulation accuracy may be significantly affected by using the wrong
correlation to approximate DL. A mass transfer rate controlled by axial dispersion effects
resistance. These methods will have a more limited impact on process performance since
Table 6.2 Comparison of equation 4.1 contributions for a nitrogen overall MTC at a
Reynolds number of 20 and two different particle sizes. Constants used: τp =1.9, γ1 =0.7
and γ2 = 3.2 (small particle) γ2 = 0.75 (large particle). Mass transfer resistance is
proportional to 1/ki
Figure 6.4. Comparison of koverall predictions for a) 0.5 mm particle (left) and b) 2 mm
particle (right). τp = 1.9 and γ1 = 0.7 for all predictions for both particle sizes. γ2 = 0.5 for
both case 1 and 2 predictions for both particle sizes. For case 3 and 4, γ2 = 3.2 for 0.5
6.1.4 Skin Resistance
Skin resistance has also been cited as a possible reason for a lower than
particle formation, which inevitably results in a skin on the particles. The SEM images in
Figure 6.5 provide a visual example of a skin formed through extrusion in our lab using a
material similar to LiLSX and a common binder. However, the current state of the art for
Particles are rather formed by the addition of water to a mixture of zeolite and binder in a
rotating drum.42, 77 While this does not completely eliminate the existence of a skin, it
significantly reduces skin formation since there are no high stress flow of the extrusion
mixture. SEM images of a spherical particle used in this study are included in Figure 6.6.
No noticeable difference in density is visible at the particle surface where a skin would
form. It has been suggested a skin resistance accounts for up to 65% of the total
resistance for LiLSX particles.32 If skin resistance was this significant, it would be
visible in an SEM image like in Figure 6.5. While an SEM image cannot eliminate the
significant is that it would primarily affect the estimation of τp and would not be a
function of gas velocity. However, the results of this study clearly show the MTC varies
significantly with velocity and the estimation of τp, hence Dp, is reasonable.
Figure 6.5 SEM images of an extruded particle edge
Figure 6.6 SEM images of LiLSX particle used in this study. Particle was cut in half
prior to imaging
6.2. Role of Pressure Drop in Small Scale PSA
Pressure drop is a potential process limitation for small scale PSA that is not well
understood. Hence, the purpose of first set of PSA experiments is to demonstrate how
pressure drop affects small scale PSA performance. Pressure drop across the column was
manipulated by changing column dimensions such that the cross sectional area between
the columns sets varied by a factor of two while the amount of adsorbent remained
constant, as outlined in section 5.5.7. This permitted a comparison between the process
performance of two different sets of columns with a column pressure drop per unit
column length that varied by a factor of two (or total pressure drop across the column that
varied by a factor of four). The results were then compared to simulated cycles to further
Pressure drop measurements for the experimental portion of this study were
restricted to the constant high pressure production step due to experimental limitations.
As expected, the cycles of the longer columns exhibited about twice the pressure drop per
centimeter of column length as the cycles of the shorter columns at the same pressure
ratio. Column pressure drop during the production step was generally consistent with
Ergun equation predictions within 10%. The highest recorded pressure drop during the
production step only approached 1 kPa/cm during the fastest cycle of the longer columns
(pressure at column exit was 10% less than the inlet). For small scale air separation
applications, the column length used in this study is similar to what is used in industry for
a POC.
The expectation based on previously cited studies was column pressure drop
would negatively affect the recovery and BSF of the longer column cycles more than
those of the shorter columns. Figure 6.7 demonstrates this was not the case for oxygen
two comparisons are made. One is between cycles of the short and long columns at an
equivalent pressure ratio. The other is between cycles with different pressure ratios using
the longer set of columns. Despite differences in pressure drop between the long and
short columns, the slope of the recovery decline is comparable. If pressure drop was
affecting product recovery, the decline of the recovery for the longer columns would be
faster. Furthermore, the lower pressure ratio cycles for the longer columns exhibit a
similar recovery decline as the higher pressure ratio cycles. Pressure drop effects
increase with a higher pressure ratio. The results indicate for a pressure ratio increase
from 2.5 to 4.5, the effects are minimal. Figure 6.8 compares the BSF of the long and
short columns at the same pressure ratio as a function of production step velocity. The
figure illustrates that cycles operating with a similar cycle time have almost the same
BSF. If column pressure drop was affecting the recovery and working capacity of the
process, then the BSF of cycles operating with a similar cycle time was expected to differ
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of these results is that they suggest for a given
pressure ratio and similar cycle time, operating with a long, thin column design provides
the same BSF with a higher oxygen recovery than a short, wide column design. This was
not an expected result if pressure drop was playing a large role in process performance
since the long, thin column design has a much greater amount of pressure drop. Clearly,
this suggests alternative factors play larger roles in determining process performance
Figure 6.7 Comparison of oxygen recovery decline with increasing production step
superficial velocity. Data shown involves columns with different dimensions and cycles
with different pressure ratios (lines are drawn to guide the eye). Dashed lines connect
Figure 6.8 Comparison of BSF with increasing production step superficial velocity for
columns of different dimensions (Lines are drawn to guide the eye). Dashed lines
The dynamic response model was briefly reviewed in section 5.6 and is fully
described in the appendix. CSS was determined when the oxygen purity, recovery, and
BSF were within 0.5% for at least 15 cycles. Simulated and experimental values for two
cases (Cycles #3 and #10 of the pressure drop study) are summarized in Table 6.3. The
against column length at the end of the high pressure production step. The figure
demonstrates the concentration profiles are nearly identical even though the longer
columns have twice the pressure drop per unit column length as the shorter columns.
This indicates column pressure drop is not affecting the high pressure concentration
profile. Figure 6.10 compares the concentration profiles between the two cycles at the
end of the purge step. The profiles are once again nearly the same despite the higher
pressure drop of the longer columns. As with the production step, column pressure drop
Table 6.3 Comparison of experimental and simulation results at similar cycle times and
Figure 6.9 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the production
step for the short columns (cycle #3) and long columns (cycle #10)
Figure 6.10 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the purge step
for the short columns (cycle #3) and long columns (cycle #10)
The nitrogen solid loading profiles (Figure 6.11) at the high pressure production
step and low pressure purge step indicate only slight differences between the two cycles.
The variation in loading at the end of the production step is primarily related to heat
transfer due to the difference in column diameter. For the low pressure purge step, the
difference in nitrogen loading at the feed end (z = 0) of the column is also adequately
explained by thermal effects. However, the difference in nitrogen loading at the product
end of the column is best explained by pressure drop effects since the loading of the
longer columns is greater than the shorter columns in this section. The difference due to
pressure drop is not significant and its impact is reduced because it affects the side of the
column undergoing the least amount of nitrogen loading/unloading. The solid nitrogen
working capacity was determined from the difference in solid nitrogen loading at the end
of the production and purge steps. In Figure 6.11, this amounts to the difference of the
area under the curves between the production and purge steps. Both columns had an
average working capacity around 0.495 mol/kg. If thermal effects were not as
considerable, the working capacity of the longer column would be less than the shorter
columns due to pressure drop. However, this difference would be relatively small since
Since the P/F ratio was maintained between the two cycles, the amount of gas
used during the purge step was nearly the same. As previously mentioned, the loading
profile after the purge step does indicate pressure drop reduces the amount of nitrogen
desorbed on the product end of the longer columns. A greater amount of gas would be
needed to achieve a similar desorption duty as the shorter columns. However, even
though the pressure drop per unit length increased by a factor of two (total pressure drop
increased by a factor of 4), the difference in the amount desorbed from the solid was only
about 2% of the solid nitrogen working capacity. For columns with less pressure drop,
Figure 6.11 Comparison of solid nitrogen loading at the end of the production and purge
steps for the short columns (cycle #3) and long columns (cycle #10)
The purpose of the next comparison was to determine the effect of increasing
column pressure drop due to a higher cyclic frequency. For this comparison, the
performance of cycles #3 (slower cycle time) and #4 (faster cycle time) are compared to
experimental results in Table 6.4. The increase in pressure drop per unit column length is
comparable to the previous cycle comparison, except in this case, the rise in pressure
drop is due to an increase in cycle speed rather than a change in column diameter.
Table 6.4. Comparison of experimental and simulation results at different cycle times
Figures 6.12 and 6.13 once again illustrate how the gas phase composition varies
over the column length at the end of the production and purge steps. After the production
step, there is a noticeable difference in the profiles as the faster cycle exhibits a greater
amount of MTZ spreading. This is at least partially responsible for the reduction in
recovery with increasing cycle speed. After the purge step, Figure 6.13 illustrates the
concentration profiles have nearly the same shape. Although there is a noticeable vertical
shift between the profiles, there is no apparent impact on the solid loading profile after
the purge step as indicated by Figure 6.14. As with the previous comparison, the P/F
ratio was held constant for the two cycles, thus the amount of purge gas used was again
The columns achieving nearly identical loading profiles after the purge step seems
to contrast the previous simulation comparison. However, Figure 6.14 also shows less
nitrogen was adsorbed at the end of the production step for the faster cycle, which means
less desorption is required to achieve the same loading profile after the purge step. Thus,
even though the purge step of the faster cycle is less efficient due to column pressure
drop, the loading profiles after the purge step remain similar. The reduction in nitrogen
loading during the production step is likely the result of a combination of mass and heat
transfer resistances. At the feed end of the column where most of the
to heat transfer. At the product end of the column, the difference in loading is the result
Figure 6.12 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the production
step for the slow cycle (cycle #3) and fast cycle (cycle #4)
Figure 6.13 Comparison of gas phase nitrogen composition at the end of the purge step
for the slow cycle (cycle #3) and fast cycle (cycle #4)
Figure 6.14 Comparison of solid nitrogen loading at the end of the production and
purge steps for the slow cycle (cycle #3) and fast cycle (cycle #4)
simulation comparison and Figure 6.15. The previous simulation comparison indicated
column pressure drop had a negligible impact on working capacity. Since a similar
increase in column pressure drop per length of column exists in this comparison, the
effect of pressure drop on working capacity is considered insignificant. Mass and heat
transfer resistances are the remaining primary contributors to the working capacity
reduction. Figure 6.15 shows the solid temperature profile along the length of the
column. At the feed end, the temperature difference reasonably accounts for a majority
of the difference in nitrogen loading between the two cycles. In the middle of the
column, the temperature profiles converge while the difference in nitrogen loading
between the cycles diverges. This indicates mass and heat transfer resistances both
contribute to the difference in loading in this region. At the product end of the column,
the solid temperature of the faster cycle is nearly the same as the slower cycle. Clearly,
the difference in loading at this end of the column is primarily due to mass transfer
The simulation results therefore suggest the largest variation in the concentration
and loading profiles as cycle speed increases occurs during the production step. This
leads to the conclusion that for this study, mass and heat transfer resistances during the
production step are critical to the recovery and BSF of the process. It also confirms the
experimental results, which suggested column pressure drop was not a significant source
Figure 6.15. Comparison of solid temperature profiles at the end of the production and
purge steps
6.3. Adsorbent Utilization Limit in Small Scale PSA
limitation of small scale PSA that is not well understood, especially for a two column
process. While some single column studies have indicated it exists,30,35,38,59 it has never
minimum also occurs for a dual-column process, and more importantly what causes it.
The purpose of the last set of experiments was to measure a minimum BSF for a small
scale dual-column PSA process so that the cause of it may be better understood. The
experimental system and column size is the same as the pressure drop study, as outlined
in Chapter 5. The primary difference between the two studies is the removal of the
Figure 6.16 illustrates that oxygen recovery for both sets of columns declines with
faster cycling, which is consistent with the results from the pressure drop study. At each
pressure ratio, the decline is linear with cycle time until ~ 3.8 seconds, where the slope of
the decline increases. Figure 6.17 shows a minimum BSF around the same cycle time for
each pressure ratio, which demonstrates that the cycle time of a minimum BSF is not a
strong function of pressure ratio in our experimental range. Previous experimental results
for single column processes are mixed on whether pressure ratio affects the cycle time a
minimum BSF develops. One study showed pressure ratio affects the cycle time of a
minimum BSF (although no trend was found),78 while another shows it does not.38 The
minimum BSF developing at the same cycle time for both column sets confirms the
pressure drop study that showed pressure drop had an insignificant impact on process
Figure 6.16 Oxygen recovery results for long, thin columns (left) and short, wide
columns (right)
Figure 6.17 BSF results for long, thin columns (left) and short, wide columns (right)
Experimental results were next used in equation 4.5 to evaluate its usefulness in
understanding the existence of a minimum BSF. To use equation 4.5, the empirical
constant, k’, was found using the following assumptions: 1) Gas velocity was estimated
from the conditions of the high pressure production step for each experiment 2) WCideal
was estimated from isotherm data at 20 °C, 195 kPa, and a nitrogen/oxygen composition
of 79/2152 3) Pressure drop was estimated using the Ergun equation76 using the velocity
of the high pressure productions step 4) K was determined through the expression
K=WCideal/(PH-PL) where PH and PL are the high and low pressure during the PSA
process respectively 5) LMTZ was estimated using the van Deemter model (equation 5.2);
hence, for practical PSA operation, the MTZ length is a linear function of gas velocity
with the slope determined by mass transfer resistance in the particle. For columns with
large particles, the eddy diffusion contribution (“A” term) is often relatively insignificant
compared to the particle resistance contribution (“C” term) and is sometimes ignored.
However, this term is significant for the particle size used in small scale PSA as
by macropore diffusion since it represents the greatest mass transfer limitation for large
spreading,51, 73, 74
they all have the same basic form and the van Deemter model was
assuming HETP ≈ HTU75 and LMTZ = NTU*HTU. The parameters in Table 6.1 were
used in the van Deemter model to determine HTU using the average velocity across the
MTZ; NTU was estimated ~ 4.5 from the results of the breakthrough experiments.
k’ was found for each experiment using the above assumptions and plotted against
with velocity for both column sets. According to the regression analysis listed in Tables
6.5 and 6.6, the slope does not vary appreciably with pressure ratio; however, the y-
correlation of the data for each pressure ratio. k’ varying with velocity is not surprising
since LMTZ is found by estimating NTU from breakthrough experiments, which operate
with a completely regenerated column. Air separation via PSA operates with partial
regeneration, which decreases the driving force during adsorption relative to a fully
regenerated column and increases NTU. To account for this difference, k’ evidently must
vary with velocity. It is not clear if other factors also play a role in the variation of k’
with velocity.
Figure 6.18 k’ plotted against superficial velocity of high pressure feed step for long,
thin columns (left) and short, wide columns (right). Adsorption pressure = 195 kPa,
Table 6.5 Slope (m) and intercept (b) of k’ vs. superficial velocity in Figure 6.18 for
long columns. Std. error and R2 are from linear regression analysis
Table 6.6 Slope (m) and intercept (b) of k’ vs. superficial velocity in Figure 6.18 for
short columns. Std. error and R2 are from linear regression analysis
Figure 6.19 plots BSF against the production step velocity of every experiment.
At each pressure ratio, the plotted line represents the BSF from equation 4.5 using the
relationship between k’ and velocity from Tables 6.5 and 6.6. It is clear from Figure 6.19
that the minimum BSF shifts to a higher velocity as pressure ratio increases. This trend is
Figure 6.19 BSF plotted against superficial velocity of high pressure feed step for long
columns. Ads. Pressure = 195 kPa, desorption pressure adjusted to achieve pressure
ratios listed. Solid line represents equation 4.5 predictions using experimentally
determined k’
6.3.2 What Causes a Minimum BSF?
useful for future small scale PSA design. The primary potential contributors according to
equation 4.5 are pressure drop and MTZ spreading. Pressure drop was determined to
only have a very negligible impact on process performance through the study in section
6.2. Figure 6.20 further confirms this using equation 4.5. The dashed line plots equation
4.5 with pressure drop = 0 and the solid line plots equation 4.5 with pressure drop
predicted by the Ergun equation. There is no difference between the dashed line and
solid line until a gas velocity ~ 30 cm/s where a small deviation appears. However, the
minimum BSF is nearly identical in both cases, which indicates the pressure drop term in
Since the pressure drop contribution is so small, equation 4.5 indicates that the
MTZ length increasing with velocity is responsible for a minimum BSF. While mass and
heat transfer limitations increase the MTZ length, not all of them are a function of
conditions, which stretches the MTZ. However, as cycle time decreases under rapid
cycling conditions, the time for heat transfer is reduced and the column approaches
adiabatic operation. When this occurs, the adsorbent temperature swing becomes nearly
constant. Hence, as gas velocity increases at the adiabatic limit, further MTZ spreading
due to heat effects is expected to be minimal. For very short cycle times (such as those in
this study), it is reasonable to assume the adiabatic limit is reached (or is very close to
being reached) and heat effects do not additionally spread the MTZ with increasing
Figure 6.20 BSF plotted against superficial velocity of high pressure feed step for long
columns. Ads. Pressure = 195 kPa, desorption pressure adjusted to achieve pressure ratio
listed. Solid line represents equation 4.5 predictions using experimentally determined k’.
The van Deemter model (section 5.4.5) indicates the two dominant mass transfer
limitations that spread the MTZ in the range of our experiments are eddy diffusion axial
dispersion effects (“A” term) and mass transfer resistance in the particle (“C” term).
Axial dispersion effects due to eddy diffusion have previously been demonstrated to be
significant for the particle size used in small scale processes.26, 28, 31 However, according
to the van Deemter model, the axial dispersion contribution to MTZ spreading is constant
as cycle time decreases, similar to the contribution of heat effects under adiabatic
conditions. This is not the case for the “C” term in the van Deemter model, dominated by
with velocity. Earlier, it was demonstrated a transition from axial dispersion control to
macropore diffusion control exists for small LiLSX particles as gas velocity increases.
This transition occurs because the contribution to MTZ spreading from eddy diffusion
axial dispersion effects are not a function of gas velocity while the contribution from
range of fast PSA experiments), the axial dispersion contribution to the MTZ becomes
less important relative to the macropore diffusion contribution. Since the macropore
The conclusions of this dissertation are only for small scale processes with short
columns (10-30 cm in length) and particles similar in size to this study (0.5 mm).
Columns of much longer length or use of much smaller particles might invalidate these
conclusions as this may significantly increase the effect of pressure drop at similar cycle
largely not considered significant for columns packed with small LiLSX particles. The
results of this study suggest this is no longer a good assumption as the overall mass
transfer rate in the column is significantly impacted by axial dispersion effects. The
implication of this observation for LiLSX particles is twofold in nature. First, the success
of typical methods to improve pore diffusion characteristics will be greatly limited since
macropore diffusion is no longer the only rate limiting mechanism. The other is the
analysis is critical for accurate model predictions and mass transfer rate parameter
The results of this study further suggest measuring axial dispersion effects using
for the increase in axial dispersion for small particles also provide a reasonable
estimation. Not using one of these methods to describe axial dispersion effects either
While considering the effect of column pressure drop on a specific step of a PSA
the overall process performance. By studying the cumulative effect of column pressure
drop on process performance, it was determined its impact is minimal as cycling speed
increases. The results instead suggest mass and heat transfer resistances have a much
greater influence and limit operation performance before any significant impact of
column pressure drop. Several contributing factors are thought to be responsible for this
observation. The primary factor is the overall column pressure drop is small due to the
short column length often used in small scale PSA processes designed for a POC. The
other is that the end of the column most affected by column pressure drop (product end)
is the least loaded/unloaded with nitrogen, which somewhat mitigates the effect of
pressure drop on the column working capacity. This study includes and goes slightly
beyond the flow regime where Darcy’s law is valid. Thus, these conclusions are only
appropriate for this flow regime using similar size particles (dp ~ 0.5 mm). This regime is
often where small scale PSA processes using these particles operate. It should be noted
that cycles using much smaller particles, such as those described by Galbraith et al 79 (dp ~
0.15 mm), may have high enough pressure drop to invalidate these conclusions.
Column pressure drop is sometimes cited as a concern when using small particles
and small scale PSA. However, the experimental results suggest that within our
experimental range, a long, thin column design achieved a similar BSF with a higher
oxygen recovery than a short, wide column design. Since the long, thin column design
operated with roughly double the pressure drop per unit column length, pressure drop
clearly had little effect on process performance. Therefore, pressure drop concerns do
not seem justified for small scale air separation processes that operate in a flow regime
and with a column length and particle size similar to this study. While it should not be
ignored, especially for modeling purposes, its effect on process performance is negligible
compared to other more likely explanations, such as mass and heat transfer resistances.
This study experimentally demonstrates a minimum BSF exists for a two column,
small scale PSA process. The cycle time a minimum BSF occurred was not found to be a
strong function of pressure ratio. The experimental data was further used to demonstrate
the usefulness of an available literature BSF model.44 It was found that the data was well
correlated using the model. Regression of the data was used to determine an empirical
responsible for the existence of a minimum BSF in this dissertation as it was the only
mass/heat transfer limitation spreading the MTZ as a function of velocity in the range of
our experiments. While heat and axial dispersion effects are important, its contribution to
MTZ spreading is not a function of gas velocity in the experimental range of this work;
hence they cannot cause a minimum BSF to occur. These conclusions are likely to apply
This dissertation experimentally demonstrates for the first time the significance of
axial dispersion effects for small LiLSX particles, especially for breakthrough
experiments. This is important because these particles are popular for POCs. The current
consensus in literature is that macropore resistance dominates the mass transfer rate,
however, this study clearly demonstrates this is no longer a sufficient assumption for
Limitations of small scale PSA processes was the other focus of this dissertation.
While small scale PSA processes have much in common with larger PSA processes,
several key distinctions (e.g. rapid cycling and much smaller particles) make
understanding process limitations difficult. One potential limitation, pressure drop, was
explored further because its effects on overall process performance for small scale
systems has never been experimentally demonstrated. It was found not to have a
significant effect on process performance, which provides a wider design range for the
column dimensions. This is important to POC design because packaging all the
components into a portable process is tricky, and greater flexibility in column dimensions
is always desirable.
adsorbent utilization (minimum BSF) is important because it represents the limit on the
size and speed of a POC. There is no consensus currently on why a minimum BSF
occurs. A minimum BSF was experimentally found for a two-column small scale PSA
process for the first time in this study. The reason a minimum BSF occurred in this work
The primary recommendation for future work is to vary particle size for each of
the studies in this dissertation. Currently in literature for small LiLSX particles, a
nitrogen MTC has been measured as a function of temperature, pressure, and velocity
(this study). Understanding how the MTC varies as a function of particle size is the last
particle size may also increase pressure drop enough such that it impacts the minimum
BSF. Furthermore, running a small scale process with a different particle size would help
confirm that macropore diffusional resistance causes the minimum BSF. Other possible
future work includes measuring a minimum BSF with larger diameter columns (more
representative of industrial small scale systems) and demonstrating how the estimation of
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The model is derived under the assumptions of ideal gas behavior, negligible radial
concentration and temperature gradients, and axially dispersed plug flow. MATLAB
R2014a was used to solve the system of equations presented in this section. The Crank-
Nicholson finite differencing method was used to solve the equation through a time and
space discretization of the column. Pressure equalization steps are modeled using the
same time and space discretization method used for other pressure changing steps in the
A.2. Mass balance
The column material balance is represented by the axial dispersed plug flow model:
diameter, and γ1 and γ2 are constants typically assumed to be 0.7 and 0.5 respectively.2
The adsorption rate was described with a linear driving force (LDF) model described as:2
LDF coefficients were found from performing breakthrough experiments on the same
Adsorption equilibrium was formulated by the dual-site Langmuir (DSL) model.3 The
pure component amount adsorbed, ni*, was represented by equation A4 where the
For simulation studies, the parameters in Table A1 were used according to equation A7
Table A1. Nitrogen and oxygen DSL parameters for LiLSX particles used in
Nitrogen Oxygen
A.4. Energy balance
The energy balance is broken down into three separate differential equations. The first
is described by equation A8 and represents the energy balance of the gas phase.
The gas solid heat transfer coefficient (hs) is found from equation A11.
The last energy balance equation is for the column wall and is described as:
The gas-wall heat transfer coefficient (hw) is found from equation A13.
The external heat transfer coefficient (hext) was found by using natural convection from
The mass balance boundary condition for steps with an inlet gas flow is described
in equation A15:
where z = 0 is the end of the column where gas is entering and the velocity is set by
For steps with an outlet gas flow, the boundary condition described by equation A17:
where z=L is the end of the column where the gas is exiting. For constant pressure steps,
the total gas concentration at the inlet of the column is fixed. For varying pressure steps,
The energy balance boundary condition for steps with an inlet gas flow is described in
equation A18:
where z = 0 is the end of the column where gas is entering For steps with an outlet gas
Value used in
dp (cm) 0.05
ρb (g/cm3) 0.58
ρw (g/cm3) 7.74
εb 0.35
εp 0.65
kw (W/m-K) 16
ks (W/m-K) 1.3
Table B1. Results of breakthrough experiments. Inlet conditions: pressure = 267 kPa,
ambient temperature, N2/O2 gas composition 75/25. Note: superficial velocity and
Reynolds number based on average value across MTZ
Superficial MTC
Trial # Reynolds number MTZ length (cm)
velocity (cm/s) (1/s)
1 1.1 0.9 0.48 1.06
2 1.4 1.2 0.64 1.02
3 1.7 1.4 0.80 0.96
4 1.9 1.6 1.03 1.01
5 2.2 1.9 1.10 1.03
6 2.2 1.9 1.25 0.97
7 2.5 2.1 1.24 0.93
8 2.8 2.3 1.33 0.92
9 3.3 2.8 1.61 1.00
10 4.4 3.7 2.27 1.07
11 5.5 4.7 3.29 0.98
12 6.6 5.6 3.29 1.10
13 7.7 6.5 4.28 1.10
14 8.9 7.5 3.79 1.27
15 10.0 8.4 4.45 1.26
B.2. Examples of breakthrough profiles
trial 14
0.2 trial 11
trial 9
0 20 40 60
Time (s)
Figure B1. Breakthrough profiles representative of the velocity range covered in the
study. Experiments are at inlet conditions described in Table S1. Average Reynolds
number across MTZ: trial 14 = 7.5, trial 11 = 4.7, and trial 9 = 2.8
Figure B2 illustrates the heat effects present in our system. At the exact same
conditions as the matched experimental curve, the model was run under isothermal and
adiabatic conditions. It is clear that the matched experiment is very near adiabatic
conditions. This figure also illustrates how the 0.9 cutoff was determined for defining the
MTZ zone. For an isothermal MTZ, 0.95 is the more common cutoff. However, since
the adiabatic response is stretched compared to the isothermal one, the location is
matched. In other words, a 0.9 cut-off for the adiabatic case provides a reasonable
estimate for a 0.95 cut-off on the isothermal curve. Since heat effects are relatively
constant in the range of experiments, the difference between the experimental and
isothermal curve should also be relatively constant, which justifies using the 0.9
approximation for all the experiments. This approximation is not valid in the gas velocity
range below our experimental velocities where heat transfer with the environment is more
0.2 Adiabatic
Matched experiment
0.8 0.9 1
Figure B2. Example of how heat transfer affects experimental results. Matched
experiment is run #11. Dashed lines represent 0.95 and 0.9 cutoffs
The amount adsorbed (nN2) in Equation 5.1 of the main text is found based on the
assumption of a constant pattern forming in the column. The constant pattern velocity
ρbni+ɛbCi, Equation 3.11 of the main text can be written as Equation B2 assuming plug
Assuming the concentration and amount adsorbed (Ci,f, and ni,f) ahead of the MTZ equal
zero, Equation B3 can be integrated to get the following relationship inside the MTZ:
uw was found experimentally from Equation 5.4 in main text and the term uCi can be
measured experimentally at the exit (which was numerically found using the simulated
exit breakthrough profile that was matched to the experimental curve). The ni* in
Equation 5.1 is the equilibrium value corresponding to exit gas conditions at that instant.
1/(n*-n) (kg/mol)
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
n (mol/kg)
Figure B3. Plot of nitrogen integrand for trial 8 between limits of MTZ (C/C0 =.05 and
C/C0 = 0.9)
breakthrough column analysis.6,7 However, this primarily affects low gas velocity
al.,7 it is necessary to correct for the external void volume effects under these conditions.
However, they also demonstrate that this correction loses significance for a concentrated
feed at high gas velocities, which are the conditions used in this study. Furthermore, the
residence time in the void volume for our experimental system was estimated to be over a
magnitude lower than the residence time of the MTZ in the column. For example, at the
conditions of run #13, it is estimated the residence time in the void volume is ~ 1s, while
Despite the previous evidence that suggests the void volume effect is negligible, a
brief study on the effect of void volume in our system was first performed for the
experimental system. Correcting for external void volume effects usually involves using
a zero void bypass column to estimate the effect of the external void volume on the
response to breakthrough. This response is then subtracted from the breakthrough curve
when the adsorbent material is used. A different and simpler procedure was used just to
show that external volume effects in our system were negligible. In our experimental
setup, we have the ability to move the mass spectrometer closer to the exit of the column,
effectively eliminating half of the external void volume. This prevents us from using the
exit flow meter, however, it does allow us to compare the composition response under the
Two different gas velocities are highlighted to illustrate how the void volume
effects change with velocity. The lower velocity example (Figure B4) shows the void
volume has a very slight effect on the breakthrough response, but that this difference is
not detectable at the higher velocity example in Figure B5. As previously mentioned,
void volume effects should affect lower gas velocity experiments more, so this was not a
surprising result. Considering all of the experiments in this study was run at gas
velocities near the velocity in Figure B4 or much higher, it is reasonable to assume that
Full void volume
0.1 Reduced void volume
0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2
Figure B4. Breakthrough response for two different void volumes. Conditions:
superficial velocity: 1.5 cm/s, N2/He = 70/30, pressure: 240 kPa, room temperature
Full void volume
0.1 Reduced void volume
0.95 1.05 1.15
Figure B5. Breakthrough response for two different void volumes. Conditions:
superficial velocity: 7.4 cm/s, N2/He = 85/15, pressure: 155 kPa, room temperature
B.6. Effect of using wrong MTC on breakthrough profile
visually illustrated in Figure B6. Using the Case 1 prediction from Section 4.1 of the
main text results in a significantly steeper breakthrough curve compared to the more
accurate Case 4 prediction. The Case 1 prediction results in a nearly two-fold reduction
in MTZ time compared to the Case 4 prediction when the 0.05 and 0.9 limits used to
define the MTZ are used. Assuming the wave velocities are approximately equivalent,
this results in a MTZ length prediction that is nearly twice as small as demonstrated
0.2 Experiment
Case 1 Prediction
Case 4 Prediction
45 46 47 48 49 50
Time (s)
Figure C1 provides both simulation and experimental pressure profiles for Cycle #10 at
the product end of the process. It demonstrates the simulator captures the pressure
change reasonably well when plotted against experimental data. There is some
discrepancy between the model and experiment during the high pressure production step.
limitation. Nevertheless, it seems to have little effect on the ability of the model to
reasonably approximate the oxygen recovery and BSF as evidenced by the comparison of
Figure C1. Experimental and simulated pressure profile for Cycle #10.
Cycle 3 45.5 81
Cycle 4 41.0 51
Pressure ratio 4.5, P/F ratio 0.4, product purity:
96% oxygen, production step pressure ~195 kPa
Table C3. Long columns experimental results.
Cycle 10 50.3 80
Cycle 11 45.4 55
Cycle 12 43.9 52
Cycles 9-12: Pressure ratio 4.5, P/F ratio 0.4, product
purity: 96% oxygen , production step pressure ~195 kPa
Table D2. Long columns experimental results, pressure ratio 3
% Oxygen BSF (lbs.
cycle time
Recovery solid/TPD O2)
Cycle 10 6.2 15.3 195
Table D4. Short columns experimental results, pressure ratio 3.5
ni* = equilibrium amount adsorbed of component i
P = pressure
Pr = Prandtl number
Re = Reynolds number
T = temperature
t = time
Tg = gas temperature
Ts = solid temperature
Tw = wall temperature
z = axial coordinate
Greek Letters
εb = bed/column porosity
εp = particle porosity
μg = gas viscosity
ρg = gas density
ρw = wall density
i,j = component
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