1 21stCL-Q1-W5 With Cover
1 21stCL-Q1-W5 With Cover
1 21stCL-Q1-W5 With Cover
Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D1
MODULE IN 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
First Quarter/ Week 5/ Day 1
OBJECTIVE: Discusses how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the
reader’s understanding (EN12Lit-Ie-28)
Making you understand texts based on their authors’ biography, society, and language
All literary texts were written by different authors with different background, culture, society,
language, etc. On the other hand, you, as a reader, also differ from the writer and other readers of
the literary text. This lesson will help you understand the different literary texts that you will
encounter not only in this course but also during your leisure reading. This will help you
understand texts based on their authors’ biography, society, and language and how these factors
connect to your own experience and reading.
Essential Question
How can knowledge of the various contexts of a literary work enhance our
understanding and appreciation of the text?
Literary Contexts - to understand and appreciate a literary selection, a reader must
understand the significant contexts in which it was written.
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D1
Here are some examples of literary works written by authors of different backgrounds. In
their sample writings, their personal stories and beliefs reflect the way they project the
characters in their narrative:
Recall the timeline of Philippine history. Reflect on some events that may have transpired
during those periods of time by creating a visual image that represents each of them.
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D1
What are some important events that took place in the following years? What would
a third-person observer be living in those times had written about his or her situation?
➢ 1882 – Rizal, a well-known hero of today, leaves for Spain to pursue his studies.
➢ 1898 – Americans introduced formal education in the Philippines.
➢ 1972 – Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial law in the Philippines.
➢ 1986 – People Power Revolution took place among the Filipino people.
➢ 2016 – Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte was elected the 16 th president of the Philippine
Perspective Approach
You may use several sociological, economic, and cultural perspectives when
reading using the sociocultural context. Marxism is one of the famous perspectives
used for this reading. Feminism, queer theory, historicism, postcolonialism, and
New Historicism are also perspectives or literary theories that you may use.
Linguistic Context
According to David Richter, “Practically everything we do that is specifically human is expressed
in language.” This is why literary texts can be read through the context of the language used to
write the text as well as the way language is used in the text. This literary reading adheres to
Roland Barthes’s famous maxim, “The author is dead.” Reading through a linguistic context
focuses on the language used in the literary work and how it is used to convey meaning.
Here are guide questions that may help you when you read literature through the linguistic
What were the What nouns are the most
prominent? Are these Are the sentences in the
striking words in the usual order of subject-
concrete or abstract
text? What words predicate? What are the
nouns? Does the author dependent clauses? What
were unfamiliar to use common words or are the independent
you? Which words lofty diction? Are the clauses? If you
attracted your words short or long? Is restructure a sentence or
a phrase, would it make a
attention? What words there any word that has
were dramatic? two or more meanings?
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D1
PRACTIVE EXERCISE 1: Let’s Check your understanding. If any case of confusion, you
can always go back and review the lesson. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the details that a reader should look for in reading an author’s biography?
2. Why is it important to know the character and the author’s life as well?
4. What is the relationship between the characters or the speakers in the text and their society?
5. If you were an author, how would you describe your main character?
Write the type of literary perspective suitable for each Philippine movie title.
__________________ 1. Jun Robles Lana’s Die Beautiful
__________________ 2. Artikulo Uno productions’ Heneral Luna
__________________ 3. Loy Arcenas’s Ang Larawan
__________________ 4. Marilou Diaz-Abaya’s Muro-Ami
__________________ 5. Rory Quintos’s Anak
Analyze the poem through its literary context by answering the following questions:
Below is a poem that Jose Rizal has written:
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D1
“7 Critical Reading Strategies.” Salisbury University. Accessed May 3, 2018. http://www.
Bethge, Wolfgang. 2007. “Josephine Bracken - Her Bonds of Love with Jose Rizal.” Josephine
Bracken - Her Bonds of Love with Jose Rizal.
Brizee, Allen, J. Case Tompkins, Libby Chernouski, and Elizabeth Boyle. “Literary Theory and
Schools of Criticism.” OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab.
https:// owl. english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/722/1/.
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D2
MODULE IN 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
First Quarter/ Week 5/ Day 2
OBJECTIVE: Evaluates the importance of contexts in enhancing the text’s meaning and the
reader’s understanding (EN12Lit-Ie -28)
Literary Approaches t o evaluate the importance of contexts in enhancing the text’s meaning
and the reader’s understanding
The lesson today will help you enhance text’s meaning with the use of different
literary approaches! Enjoy!
Essential Question
What are the influences on how we read, interpret, and understand a text?
The Basic Idea
A critical analysis is an in-depth examination of some aspect of the literary work
You may examine any element of the text: character development, conflicts, narrative
point of view, etc.
Literary critical theories inform us of certain ways to approach big ideas in the novel.
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D2
Literary Approaches
1. Biographical Criticism
• views literature as the reflection of an author's life and times (or of the characters' life and times).
Application of the Approach
How the life of the characters does: Cinderella, stepmother, father and step sisters can be related to
the real life stories of the same situation?
2. New Historicism
all information essential to the interpretation of a work must be found within the work itself
focuses on analyzing irony, paradox, imagery, and metaphor
Application of the Approach
Look for symbolic, or some other, significance for the specific items and animals chosen (for the
coach and staff) and/or the numbers of each chosen.
Compare the speech patterns of Cinderella and the stepmother and stepsisters. Are there noticeable
differences in cadence? Do any use more (or less) figurative or poetic language than the others? Do
any speak noticeably more (or less) than the others?
Are there any internal ironies or inconsistencies that render the work disunified?
4. Marxist Criticism
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D2
5. Feminist/Gender Criticism
...the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforce or undermine the economic,
political, social, and psychological oppression of women
Role of women in the literary work; representations of women
Excerpt From: (Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who
Would Cure the World by Tracy Kidder)
And I can imagine Farmer saying he doesn’t care if no one else is willing to follow
their example. He’s still going to make these hikes, he’d insist, because if you say
that seven hours is too long to walk for two families of patients, you’re saying that
their lives matter less than some others’, and the idea that some lives matter less is the
root of all that’s wrong with the world.
1. The literary Approach that can be used in the above text is Biographical Approach, write
some points on why it is Biographical
2. How did the author reflect his/her own understanding to the Farmer in the text?
Excerpt From: (Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer) On July 2, McCandless finished reading
Tolstoy’s “Family Happiness”, having marked several passages that moved him:
“He was right in saying that the only certain happiness in life is to live for
others…”Then, on July 3, he shouldered his backpack and began the twenty- mile
hike to the improved road. Two days later, halfway there, he arrived in heavy rain
at the beaver ponds that blocked access to the west bank of the Teklanika River. In
April they’d been frozen over and hadn’t presented an obstacle. Now he must
have been alarmed to find a three-acre lake covering the trail.
3. The literary Approach can be used in the above text is Biographical Approach, write
some points on why it is Biographical
4. How did the author reflect his/her own understanding to the Farmer in the text?
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D2
A. Biographical Criticism
B. New Historicism
C. Formalism / New Criticism
D. Marxist Criticism
E. Feminist/Gender Criticism
. 1. Were the circumstances happened to the author before the writing of the text?
ANSWER: _________________________________________________________________
ANSWER: __________________________________________________________________
ANSWER: __________________________________________________________________
ANSWER: __________________________________________________________________
2. The Historical Perspective: When applying this perspective, you view a literary text
within its historical context.
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D2
Select an appropriate approach from the learned literary approaches that you can
use to analyze The Lion King. Be guided by the given questions for each
1. Biographical Criticism
2. New Historicism
4. Marxist Criticism
5. Feminist/Gender Criticism
Schools of Criticism.” OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab.
https:// owl. english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/722/1/.
https://www.academia.edu/378270381st_Century_Literature_from_the_Phlippines_and_the_wor ld_Unit1_Contextual_Reading_Approaches
https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/writing_in_literature/literary_theory_and_sc hools_of_criticism/feminist_criticism.html
https://www.sparknotes.com/short-stories/where-are- you-going-where-have- you-been/summary/
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D3
MODULE IN 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
First Quarter/ Week 5/ Day 3
OBJECTIVE: Introduce the Philippine Literature authors from regions 1 to 6 with their
biographical context (EN12Lit-Ie-29)
In the previews lesson, we have discussed the importance of the author’s biography to the
works he/she had done. It is necessary to know about the author and the political,
economical, and sociological context of his times in order to truly understand his works.
Moreover, it takes us back to the moment of his/her time through the works that had been
done or rather contributed to the Philippines that made a significant change in Philippine
Literature and its people.
✓ Through studying the author, readers may be able to connect the characters and
their morals to the author’s life, and analyze the patterns of behavior shown
between and among the characters, the author, and the reader himself.
Learn and discover the Renowned Philippine Literature authors from regions
1 to 6 with their biographical context
Pedro Bukaneg (1591- 1626)
• Bukaneg taught the monks of Bantay to speak and write in the native languages of the region
of Simtay (ancient name of Ilocos), which facilitated the task of the evangelization of the
peoples of the area. Fruit of this effort was the first grammar of a vernacular Philippine Treaty:
the art of the language Ilocana, whose author was the father of Francisco López, one of the
preceptors of Pedro Bukaneg.
• BIAG NI LAM-ANG (Life of Lam-ang) is a pre-Hispanic epic poem of the Ilocano people
of the Philippines. The story was handed down orally for generations before it was written
down around 1640 assumedly by a blind Ilokano bard named Pedro Bucane
Recall one of your favorite stories. Find out the life story of its author
and answer the following questions:
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Module Code : Pasay –21stCL-Q1-W5- D3
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Module Code: Pasay –21stCL-Q1- W5-D4
Essential Question
What is linguistic context? and How it will help readers understand the meaning of the
The Basic Idea
• According to David Richter, “Practically everything we do that is specifically human is
expressed in language.”
• Linguistic context refers to the context within the discourse, that is, the relationship
between the words, phrases, sentences and even paragraphs
• Based on the context, people make predictions about the meanings of utterances,"
Learn and discover the linguistic context through the literary works
from regions 1-7
REGION 7 The Chambers of the Sea
by Edith L. Tiempo
To read and have full access of the story:
Linguistic context of The Chambers of the Sea
• The Chambers of the Sea, one of Tiempo's short stories, deals with the issues of
human identity, society, family, rejection, acceptance, stereotypes, and queerness.
• These topics are the obstacles in the life and times of Tio Teban, the main
protagonist of the piece.
• Her language has been marked as "descriptive but unburdened by scrupulous
References for further enhancement:
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Continuing Love
11 By: Ricardo M. de Ungria
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Module Code: Pasay –21stCL-Q1- W5-D4
In the past, there was only one newlyweds. They love to visit parents in Zamboanga. One day, they informed
the girl's parents that they were going to Zamboanga. When they allowed it, they borrowed the girl's father's
vintage and sail. He put down this sail and it was fine. After they had prepared the vinegar, they filled it
with food and sailed away one Friday. Early in the morning they started sailing. As they sailed the wind
pushed their steam into the ocean of Sulu until they reached the Basilan Coast. After a week they also
reached Zamboanga, and they went to the man's parents' house.
One day, a year later, she said good-bye to her mother-in-law. It was also Friday when they left for Jolo.
The sea is quiet and no waves can be seen. They waited for the wind to blow. Then the north wind began to
blow. By midnight, the wind had changed and the atmosphere was cloudy, there was a storm. They are no
longer safe because they are in the middle of the ocean. They cannot control their vinegar
in the strength of the slope. As the boat was being tossed by the waves, they were just praying to God. “Oh
my God, bless us. And if we were to die, our bodies would have become two mountains, ”the man said.
After praying to God and their prophet Mohammed, the two embraced. A moment later a strong wave hit
them and they were thrown into the sea. They were never seen again. After the storm two mountains
appeared in the middle of the ocean. It is the source of two highlands located between Zamboanga and Jolo.
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Module Code: Pasay –21stCL-Q1- W5-D4
You may use the link below to direct you to the song.
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Module Code: Pasay –21stCL-Q1- W5-D4
Listen and evaluate the song “Bulag, Pipi at Bingi” By Freddie Aguilar, this song
has gained so much attention for its meaning and emotional appeal.
Evaluate how the words or the language used to give meaning to the song and its
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